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tv   Bim-2  NTV  January 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:31pm MSK

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thank you, come on, how are you, okay? so, well, what are you and i going to have for dinner, pizza, pizza or pizza, you know what, i’m tired of pizza, let’s better cook a steak with you , it was a cool blow, thank you, we did something, well, a little bit, but what exactly ikidoushu, we all learned a little something and somehow , makar, nadya, martial arts coach, it’s very nice, come to our training, i promise not to hurt, and it looks like he won’t give the owner offense, well, yes, new foundline, this is lancer, lancer, what a cool guy! ok,
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i have to go, see you in the ring , i might let you down, otherwise someone might be unlucky enough to pester you, god forbid, no, thank you, i ’m not far from here, i want to take a walk, think about training, i’ve already thought about it, help, someone on help, but don’t be, so did everyone quickly run away, what do they need? let's get out of here, otherwise we'll knock on you, try it, get out, i said, let's get out of here, get out of here, i 'll remember you, that's awesome, you broke my arm, you're like, thank you, okay. my elbow just
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hurts, marcel, how are you? listen, what didn’t they want from you? i honestly didn’t understand it myself, i i was walking marcel for myself, and they ran up and immediately started beating me, one actually wanted to pull the leash out of his hands, well, take marcel, but i didn’t let him cool, you scattered them, come to me for training, i’ll teach you that way. my friends are all going abroad, but i’ll probably stay, laugh, get drunk, if there’s nothing to know, get married, friends write to me how are you here, but i’m fine, super good, super, super, super good, i’m fine, super, super, super.
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that’s it, we’re coming back, the door is open, i was afraid to go in, what if they were there, i immediately called the police, then we listened, silence, i i came in, everything in the house is turned upside down, mommy , don’t cry, and what was missing, everything is in place, and the box, there’s a box in the corridor, there’s a necklace , earrings, a bracelet, a brooch, here’s a baby elephant,
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gold, no, i bought an imitation on sale, more nothing is missing, mom, can i tell my uncle, tell me, our dog is missing, tom, he works as a poodle, he’s not anywhere, how come i didn’t notice right away, tom, tom, tom, tom, tomik, go play, where are you hiding? , i'm talking about tom, and i'm making jewelry, okay , please don't touch anything here, i 'll try to call a criminologist here, he he will take fingerprints, we will catch the thieves,
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well, tom, don’t worry, your volume will come back , you promise, here’s bim, they promise, they have their own dog mail, he will send him a letter to tom. tom will come running home, you see , yeah, where's the makarta, but i can't anymore, he's already got all my sausages, he took it away again, well , you know who, he'll swallow it, you understand, where's the makar, lech, where's the makar, where makar, the beaver called him about this theft.
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i understand, come on, i swam, i’m answering you, floating, this is a royal service, look at the engraving, i won’t give it for 100, i agree for 200, well, you have a conscience, well, as you know, oh, kolya, healthy, kiddy pistol, what the...
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don’t twitch, you’ll tighten it harder, but i know why you’re tying me up, boss, now your friend will tell you, sema, just don’t into the car , sama, carefully, that you swam away, that you’re a shrimp from the black sea, that’s what, and how did you
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end up here, poppy, but lyokha said that you were unauthorized here, he decided to insure you, and where are your rights to the scooter? what are you barking about? caramon tycoons, by the way , i got him specifically for the shoulder strap. well, take your treasure carefully. let's go carefully, come on! well, okay, you say that you didn’t take this apartment, but why did you run away? makar, well, he didn’t take it, well, he has such a good handwriting, not everyone will die like that, but everything is businesslike there. the words are not from a boy, but from a master , which means you are saying that you didn’t rob the apartment with a 12 tire, a 12 tire, no, you didn’t take a tire, but which one did you take, but you guys, but you didn’t take any, but i’m an honest man,
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comrade boss , the billing results arrived in time, at the time of the theft citizen glust was at sovetskaya 5, oh, as they say, and the alibi jumped, right?
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do you know, maybe some new one has appeared in our city, or maybe an old one has opened up, a point for selling stolen goods, no, i don’t know. well, if we agree, well, let’s say, for a couple of years , i pricked, well, okay, i have a shop near my house, they sell alka, cholera, well, just don’t shoot me, guys, that’s it, write it down, alka cholera, well, where is your makar, and he said he’ll come right up, he’s stopped by
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, he’ll refuel, but he’ll refuel, i know how he refuels there, it’s not him refueling, it’s him the bimka is in charge, your, well, bull, you know how it eats, like three heffalumps, what other heffalumps, semyon, what normal, shaggy, varsists with such a trunk, maybe i’ll go and like, well... i mean, i’ll destroy it? oh, and then you’ll probably catch up, and well, i’m off to a good start.
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good afternoon, do you feel sick, is this the hostess? you forgot how 10 years ago you took me for theft, but give me back quickly, what are you doing,
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you, you, take it, by the way, this is lawlessness, sexual extortion, of course, give it back , berisk, come on, come on, what do you have here? is happening, nothing is happening here , by the way, this is resistance in an active form, yeah, well, yes, you hear, with your cry, mrs. petrenko, captain klimov, the criminal investigation department, and i also have one, yes, if you allow me, i ’ll return it, we are looking for stolen items that are sold through your store. what kind of stolen things, i see, little alochka, you are still
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the same runaway strikoza, but keep in mind that we will now ask comrade major, yeah, and he will look, yeah, bim, look! what are ours? eat, sweets are bad for you, look for them!
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well done! comrade commander, maybe you can take it whatever you want and we'll go our separate ways? and i already see what i want. this is where the gods sent you from, what greek, roman, egyptian, egyptian and what are their names? this egyptian god, speak, allah, speak , there is an article hanging above you, his name is dive, dive, makar, so i know him, well, i know where he lives, one leg is there, the other is also there, take lyokha , you will find out where he got the royal , report,
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everything is free. i found all this in the park when i was walking from the doctor. listen, mink, that's what you think, and the kid's gun, in my entire career, how many times have i i heard such stupid, mediocre remarks, i swear, yes, i understood you, thank you. comrade is not lying, he was at the doctor, well, yes, as i said , he pulled out a tooth, look, go with your teeth, you know where, show me the place where the tsath dug up, but i remember, yes, i remember, i can show you, oh, makar has arrived, we’ll just go together, come on
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, what exactly, you know, to the department, otherwise the beaver has lost us 100 ponds away, and makan and i will somehow figure it out ourselves, you hear the beard , the kid after, and what it was you who drove so funny, sockeye, prodi, that’s your last name simple gentlemen, normal samoilov, i ’m crafty in my youth , they put me in the window, and i open it from the inside, apartments, warehouses, offices, i taught the walk-in a lesson. but i don’t want any more, everything was lying under this bush, boom, bang, ah, well done, well done, well done, what is this, and this is the collar
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of a bolomka that works as a poodle, so they took it from the apartment? that is, you want to say that they didn’t need royal jewelry, this is a lapdog, this is a makar, but i don’t get it, i found them a lapdog, so i don’t get it, i found the bright taste of instant cofferdine gold, the right choice for poisoning, hangover, allergies, so that the tummy does not hurt, there is no hangover, take enterras gel, gel against poisoning, and we are on time, yes in the new year, i have gathered you here today, gentlemen, to inform you of the unpleasant
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news , auditor denis nikiforov is coming to see us, who are you? we were waiting for him too, bim, what rank , they are starting new investigations, jump , got it, grab your head, i wonder how he figured it out, by the smell of my pistol, bim, new series, thank you, payari, for honoring us with yours presence, from january 10 at 20:00 on enter. disco superstar january 13 at 21:30 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. the beginning of the year is the time to make new plans, a loan in the shadows will help you not to put them off until you rush towards your
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goals at full speed. for everything to work out as planned, and even better, let all plans come true, and the first loan payment can be postponed, apply for a loan in the tinkov application with a decision in one minute, deferment of the first payment up to 90 days. tinkov, it seems, or has something changed? no, everything is as we like it, kfc, now rostix, but the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken meat. which you love so much, yes, exactly, everything is the same as we love, yeah, the petrovs went to st. petersburg, and the sidorovs went skiing in sochi, and why are we sitting, quickly getting ready, quickly
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booking, within a day we find accommodation with a quick booking option and ready, 24 hours, let's find a place to stay, in the new year tekno makes us closer, tekno open a star for my daughter in brother, tekno for son... learn to win from dad, so on mom, notice the same thing, tekno for dad, for mom’s masterpieces, tekno smartphones, let’s be closer, my new invention for cleanliness of the toilet, with breath there is an easier way, bref colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. brother number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh, a couple of scandinavian burger scandinavian chicken burger at a bargain price, only at a delicious point. to collect
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the germans who lost the war, and we lived so well, why is this perestroika, your gorbachev will ruin our country, but stop reading these lights, in berlin they will now be in disarray , we need someone with unique experience, my legend, your favorite, photographer tas, dava!
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consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for its people. rosselkhozbank: more than you think. big premiere only on kinopoisk. trigger, movie. where's his mom? mommy sunshine. do you want me to did you tell me more? trigger, film, already subscribed. kinopoisk, premieres today, tomorrow, always. well? i'm ready, i'm always ready, what's the prize for the winner? dinner in a good restaurant, i agree
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, i win in any case , i dropped you first, you dropped, but you didn’t win, let’s ask which trader where you can find him, there, bim, bim, come here, come. come on, come on, whoever he climbs first wins. mimotchka, come to me as soon as possible, well, that’s who, the first one, you licked me, traitor, why, you said
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that you? happy with any outcome, well, yes, but i i don’t like it when your partner is not on your side , that is, your partner, so i had to, yes lyokha, lyosh, i have it now, okay, good, hand over the cases to the investigators, and to the prosecutor’s office, send the report, yes, come on, what are you, a cop ? mens old-timer, i think, where did you get such , such professional grips, listen , don’t be afraid to give in, no, i didn’t give in, he confirmed the referee, since the referee confirmed, then you’ve got dinner, you should come to our department, i represent , how men get it from you,
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well, this happens. when was the last time? listen, yesterday, as you knew, i really had to fight, with whom? yeah, i don’t know, some thugs tried to take the boy’s dog, did they try to take the dog? yes, what are you so interested in? no, nothing, i hope it’s a coincidence. listen, i have an idea, and there’s even cake. well, it's a tempting offer, let's go, let's go.
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circumstances, what circumstances? the fact is that the things stolen from kuzmina’s apartment were found in a city park, that is, they stole and threw everything away, a strange orc came, so that means this case needs to be investigated, but secondly, yeah, now i order all my strength to be devoted to another theft, they just told me: that
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in the middle of the chaos in the center of the city , a dog was pulled out of the hands of the deputy mayor’s wife , a dog, what a dog, such a simple dog, and what would you like to have they already stole the deputy mayor, that one too, but no, no, i didn’t want anything like that, i just said so, just like that, a policeman. he can’t say, he has to think, that’s just what he said, in short, crime has run rampant, decent bitches won’t let you walk in peace, they said from above that they’ll tear off the head of the one who won’t find the deputy mayor’s wife’s dog, and this, by the way, is about your department, so report the investigation tomorrow, yeah, wotelch,
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please follow up. “yes, i’ll see that lately, lech, a lot of missing dogs have turned up, lech, and you ate the dog, the main thing is don’t joke, yes, makar, i understand, the beaver asked, we said that you were working, it’s accepted and. .." another dog was kidnapped, but which dog, from whom, i don’t understand, from whom, from some friend of makar, he just went there, he told me to move out too, and i think i ate shawarma at the station yesterday, mom , anya, i ask you, please calm down, calm down, oh, here are the police, now
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you’ll tell me everything, what happened? i was walking my pekingese, very rarely about the breeds, i want to tell you, he is my champion of the region, have you seen the attackers? for a very short time , they were passing by, but i thought they were ordinary passers-by, and then i felt a blow in the back, i lost consciousness with an electric shock, well, of course, there was a stun gun, well then, i woke up, alorika, no, this is my dog, i thought that he ran away, but he’s not like that, he wouldn’t have left me, most likely they took it, then i nada called, can you describe the attackers? one was so dense, dark-skinned, black-haired, the second, wait, among those with whom i fought the day before yesterday, there was also one such dark-haired, dark-skinned one, yes, the second had an earring like that in the form of a bolt, i noticed it right away,
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yes, that’s right, i i saw it too, there was a bolt, oh, lech, lech, tell me, you said that you dislocated one’s arm, yes, he was in orange... yeah, that means he had to go to the traumatology department. lyokh, now you’re going to the traumatology department, you need to go through all the traumatology departments, just carefully. you from police? we, here is a log of everyone who contacted us over the last month, are you looking for someone specific? yes, ilya valerievich, we...
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exactly, i need his address, katya, look, egor sochkov is on the card , i’ll take candy, and you’re sick, healthy, then no, lyokha said that apartment number twelve, well , that means here, nearby. who's there? we are from the shopping center. what's the matter, have we paid for everything? oh, we wanted to know how many people actually live in the apartment. how, how much me and my son. your son,
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mom, who came? homeowners associations have arrived. oh damn. sachkov. it's okay, mom. police. sachkov, wait. sachkov, stop. don't be stupid. close the door, what do you want, close the door, we just want to talk, so she twisted my hand, well , it’s normal when you attack a person, some skillfully defend themselves, what did you get paid for stealing dogs, why, the city is full of stray dogs, take any. i don’t want to, you don’t understand, we were working for a specific breed, phil showed me a photo, and we were scouring the city, and what kind of photo, different breeds, here you have a purebred, what about a dog, they also ordered this one, you didn’t even look at him look,
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so let’s tell you more about the customer, who he is, address, phone number, but i don’t know, all orders went through phil, he hired me crookedly. how much did you receive? tens per dog, such a generous customer, i wonder why he needs so many purebred dogs? but i don’t know, maybe he loves dogs, there are a lot of crazy people now, let’s be more careful with your words, we love dogs here too, oh, i’m sorry, okay, fine, you worked in the kuzmin’s house, but i don’t call them by their last names.. .whose
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t-shirt is it, filla, filla, great, well , pack it up? let's go, hello, here we go excellent, sincere confession always softens that understanding, children, guilt, sachkov, guilt, duty officer, take me away, let's go, lie down. well, what's wrong with that? now i’ll take a look, yeah
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, there’s a signal, but only a very weak one, come on, let’s find it, yes, and send me his photo, yes, so, take you home, no, i’ll go with you, that’s my business now , you need brinitoy, you need it, okay, lyokh, be here, if the signal gets clearer, i called. that's it, let's go, let's go, what's the weather like, well, phil is around here somewhere. in general, you'll see
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him, uh-huh, don’t do anything, call me, he can be dangerous, are you serious, yes , sorry, i forgot, sansei, os, dog, os, well, you see, hold him back, but it’s a mistake, don’t hurt him, there’s no tram , okay, without, you see, bim, what are they? desperate ladies , yes, yes, my dear, by the way, i also have something for you, come on, come on, sniff, hold, sniff, sniff, come on, look, look,
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what a cool community, they ordered something like this breed , remember, yeah, we’ll take it, of course.
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well, you have nothing, i have nothing either, so okay. i’ll call lyokhe now, maybe he’s
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found, hello, lyosha, did you find something, can you give more precise coordinates by number, okay, yes, where is it, how many houses are there, okay, let's think, come on, abim, where? did not see? no, i don’t know, i haven’t seen it. bim, bim, bim, i got caught, but probably again. i found it, yes, you guys are all the same, okay , let's go look, bim, bim
8:12 pm
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snowflakes in winter, even if it’s cold outside, it’s warm in the soul, because they win against us, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. dim, come to me! guys, listen, have you by chance seen a big, shaggy, white dog with black spots here? no, we didn’t see it, clearly, okay , thank you, beam, yes, igor dmitrievich, good afternoon, yes, this, yes, everything is fine, yes, i received the payment, the remaining 3000, as agreed, after the operation, yes, well, we found it exactly lanseer. don't worry, the breed matches the breed, everything is correct, come on, let's live, you're not
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you are worried, i will help your little leopard , it will be better than before, yes, but in terms of payment , when he says, yes, be healthy, well, how are you, well, live up, guys, there must be something else, and i don’t know . did you look at sales? i looked, nothing about selling, only buying. so, okay, lyokha,
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search, and not only in our area, search throughout the city. we went to dog shelters, give me an address. well, here is the biggest shelter, give goodness. that's it, come on, we're leaving. that’s it, mom, nuts, but i still don’t understand, do they eat them or not? no, we definitely have dogs like that no , tell me, what do you think about the kidnapping of dogs ? our beam, yes, we have two more shelters in the city, i also have contacts, call now, please call if you don’t have any difficulties. hello inga, i’m not distracting, i need your help, you can come to my work, come on, i’ll meet you, hello, serge, fireworks,
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there’s one thing, they didn’t bring you a dog, black and white lancer, you know, this is very rare, but i understand, come on, for now, no, serge doesn’t have it, now. number: inga, you need to look on the dark net for an advertisement for the sale of purebred dogs in our city, no problem, everything will be fine now, but for now i’ll look for where this piuk could be, and who is this, and steals purebred dogs, what a creature, uh-huh , our bima may have been stolen, what a creature, hello , natusik, hello, natusik, listen, i’m looking for a black and white lanseer, maybe
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they brought me yesterday or today, no, i understand, yes, thank you, i got it, what should we do, oh, lyokha, yes, lyokha, hello! “i spotted him, thank you very much , thank you, he just entered house number 12 on lesnaya street, lyokha found phil, we need to take him, do you think we’ll beat him, now i ’ll find out, well, in any case, there’s a lot for the film articles
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, let's go. when we can interrogate him, i think not soon, and then if he survives, okay, let's go, we still need to comb through phil's contacts and already find this customer, let's go
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. klimov, what's the deal with the loss of dogs? we're looking, comrade colonel, we are practically looking there is a trace of the customers, there are detainees in the case, yes, two, but only one of them...
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check the contacts, look for everything related to dogs, veterinary clinics, well, all sorts of things, everything, inga , you heard, please help,
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this is how it is , look, here are the deleted messages , you will receive money for the last object on wednesday, on wednesday one of our dogs just disappeared, from whom the message is, a certain valery glotov, now i’ll try him, valery glotov, we are on trial for illegal operations with... human organs , i see, transplantation, horror, i thought it was like this only happens in the movies, now our valery heads a large cosmetology studio, wait, are they transplanting dogs’ organs into women, but what, no, of course, it’s written here, organs are rarely transplanted from animals, only as experiments, but cosmetic surgeries are performed on orders
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from wealthy clients, for years now, yeah, this is a clinic that serves animals, there is... with bim, i’ll sort them into organs myself, i ’ll help you, yes, this, this, and this, quickly prepare for transportation, yes , i’m listening to you, that’s it okay
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, let's continue, finish, yes, yes, it will be calmer , oh, this one is already ready, okay , where are you going, you can't come here, closed, police, i don't care, but stand, stand, i said, valery glotov, you are under arrest , that
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there is a warrant, here is my warrant, where is bim, i don’t understand what’s going on, it’s clearer. where is my black and white lancer, probably on the way to heaven , only you are most likely late, you will now go after him and bring him back from there, you understand where bim is, count to three times, everything, everything, everything, i’ll tell you everything.
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got out of the car, get out, slowly, hands behind head, turned to the body, open, open the body, on your knees. facing the door, everyone is alive, well, well done, done it, well done! well, we promised that we would return your tom, he returned, yes, here’s another, thank you, we are for
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tom, especially, i heard, we especially thank you for tom.


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