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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  January 4, 2024 5:15am-6:11am MSK

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thank you, no problem, i can’t sit, i’m kaganov , there’s no such thing here, the medical assistant is his office, it was his, now the owner of the industry is here, the industry, and how long ago, since this week, and where can i now look for aganov, well who knows. okay, stay happy, good luck.
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well, i don’t know, guys, am i comfortable in my position? i agree, alexey nikolaevich, i agree. a name in the credits is, well, this is
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dubious glory, dubious glory is when a name is in an obituary, when a police general, consultant in a rating detective series, this is power, but i still don’t know how my bosses will react to this, but the bosses, let’s send them some delegation, deputation, some gray-haired hero, or two or three. kids, you know, show off your figure, after such a top caliber, not a single boss can resist , they feel good, and you are in complete chocolate, alexey nikolaevich, agree, on the floor, kolya, on the floor , crawl here, crawl faster, faster, faster, like this , come here.
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business, quickly everyone, quickly everyone here to the studio, murder, hell, yes, nastyuna, hello, hello sunny krasnodar from rainy st. petersburg , why do you want to come, seriously , what a hotel, i’ll shelter you, well, of course, alone,
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well, of course i’m not a gift, but it’s not my fault that the guy went shy, wait, my second line is ringing , yes, igor, comrade major, well, you have a conscience, i actually have a day off, why, an attempt by mirozlyakin, i’ll be there in 20 minutes, well, when we finally persuaded.
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the target of the criminals was general merslyakin. i wish you good health, comrade general. hello. i, as the head of the css, take this investigation under my control. yes. comrade you do not consider the version that the killer was hunting director yaropolsky or producer burkalov at all, i am comrade colonel, i am absolutely sure that the target of the crime was our immediate superior, police general, alexey nikolaevich merzlyakin, in this regard, i need to immediately interview him, also get acquainted with all his affairs over the past few months, well, as your immediate superior. let me tell you what i propose, comrade colonel, to consider all versions, you consider my version, and the colonel and his people will consider other versions, and let’s not interfere with each other, okay, uh, then i
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will assign lieutenant colonel kostin to help them and coordinate actions from the css, well then, to the css group, we need it from us to second someone, according to your version. second the lieutenant to dmitriev, well, i, the orders of the authorities are not discussed, lieutenant, clearly, that’s right, that ’s right, comrade general, they’re not discussed, judging by the trajectory, the killer fired from that abandoned industrial building over there, from the attic. igor, beriritu, go there and inspect everything properly. eat. i'm with them then. eh, what do you say? fine. margo, listen, take this pepper from the css yourself. yes. so as not to get in the way, turn on the charm. well, colleagues, what is the situation emerging for us? at the moment the sniper shot, merzlyakin was almost next to the window, which means that it was he who was the target,
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and not the aeropol man, much less burkalov, the aeropol man, one might say, simply caught a stray bullet. do you believe that the killer, choosing a shooting position, deliberately i foresaw that the general would sit exactly like this. what would be the most convenient way to kill him? can you imagine a sniper rifle? have you looked into the scope at least once? i asked, comrade major, to fly on turns with a senior rank. igor, well, what if the target was really merzlyakin, but it’s impossible to say for sure yet, but it seems to me that our colleague wants the same thing as us, right? naturally. by the way, my name is margarita, or you can just say margot. sergey, or just sergey. igoryusha, but for you igor viktorovich, guys, stand, i think i found the cartridge case, well, in any case, now we know exactly where lyoshka was with the killer, well, we have something to report
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to georgivich, and at the same time we call ivanovich and alekseevich here. this is about our donut, an investigator with an expert. it's clear. uh-huh, well, i understand you, igor, now the expert is being bullied, that’s it, well, the guys found a sniper leshka, everything is as science predicted, but after all, 20 years in the profession, it’s not a bug that’s limping for you, that’s for sure , well then lesha and i will go, let’s go... thank you, please, thank you, yeah, thank you, hey guys, here, well, let's go,
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comrade general, let's talk, now we can, goodbye. let's go, well, georgievich, now we can work normally, without, so to speak , outside help, that's for sure, now no one will interfere with us, well, let's tell about your director, he probably, as a creative person, had a lot of enemies , not that word. in general, there are no prints on the cartridge case, it goes without saying, where would they come from, the work was a professional, students, they don’t shoot at generals, generals or producers, one thing is clear, this is an order, the first since i’m faced
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with the fact that they tried to kill such a figure as the head of the police department, what are you hinting at, that this figure is not responsible for anyone, well, you didn’t mean anything like that, comrade major, but what did he i meant , it seemed to me that he was being slightly ironic, he was talking about police statistics, yes, in fact, the chief in the main internal affairs directorate is either sent to an honorable retirement or sent to another job, yeah, they are also sometimes imprisoned by osb officers, only if there is ironclad evidence. lyosh, well done, you just dispelled our doubts, but i can say with absolute certainty that burkalov’s bullet was not intended. “what kind of director is without conflicts, a dog’s profession
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, then you are dissatisfied with everything, then everyone is unhappy with you, the deceased had a conflict with you , what are you hinting at, we are not hinting at anything , just answer the question posed, not with me, after all, i paid him money, for the implementation of creative plans and all that, don’t believe me, it’s in vain that everyone here at the studio will tell you that yarpolsky had no serious conflicts with me, believe me, there will be many here lovers, to spoil anyone , including me, so you check, okay, with whom did he have a tense relationship, it’s easier to say with whom he didn’t have a tense relationship, especially with artists, which ones?
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do you seriously think that why not , georgievich, this victor, by the way, has three courses at the ryazan airborne
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school under his belt, how do you know everything, andryukh, i watched an interview with him, yes, yes, he keeps in shape, he hasn’t given up sports , he performs all the stunts himself on set, it turns out that he also had a motive, an opportunity to take revenge the director needs to develop, please, gentlemen detectives. how long have you been working here as a make-up artist, based on your work book, or in fact , for what purpose are you interested? we are interested in how long have you known the murdered person? oh, yaropolsky was still filming his debut, when i came here, i knew him well, he seemed like a good guy, but cable, so let ’s not deal with it. sergey, don’t you walk
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me to the coffee machine, i didn’t get much sleep after being on duty, i would like a cup of coffee, but major krymov, i think it’s great here can cope without us, so please, there are such labyrinths of the studio here, i’m afraid of getting lost , that’s true, but let’s go, well, thank you, i... of course, as far as i know, yaropolsky was married, yes, with a second marriage, he broke up with his first about 10 years ago. well, how did his wife react to all sorts of love affairs of her husband? or didn't you know? how did i not know, how else did i know? after all, sveta often visits the studio, she is our screenwriter, so all his jokes. with ugly actresses passed before her eyes, we had such scandals, horror, but
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nevertheless, she still somehow tolerated her husband’s infidelity, did not get divorced, she tolerated it, which means she loved, margarita, so, let me look after you and make you real movie coffee, well, perhaps as a colleague of a colleague, why, as a colleague of a colleague , rather like a man to a charming woman, thank you. so it is possible? yes, of course, to be honest, sergey, all my life i’ve dreamed of trying cinema coffee, here’s a unique opportunity to meet you. for introducing us, the phone number of this megastar, please write to us, we’ll do an interview, cherkana, i don’t feel sorry for anything for you
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, here you go, thank you, these are the pies with kittens, not the main artist, not the director, who will direct my movie, we sympathize, but he doesn’t answer, i’m calling nikita, so nikita, what are you doing there , but i can’t hear, i’m talking to you, comrade colonel, what else can i do, i ’m listening to you, what’s needed, we have a murder suspect, actor oleg viktorov doesn’t answer calls, you can install his phone number for her on the towers, of course, you just dictate the number, margarta, are you sure? fifth glass, absolutely, yes, i didn’t think you were
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such a great coffee drinker? “i too, be careful , don’t lose it, major, i’ll kill you, and you won’t learn a lot of interesting things from the life of the movie brothers, in general, you need to go to yaropolsky’s apartment and talk to his wife, comrade major, you just need to somehow prepare woman to the news that she has become a widow, please imagine, lieutenant colonel, there is a high probability that the wife of our murdered man herself organized her transformation into a widow, like this, like this, then margarita, finish your coffee and let’s all go together to serve." in the car, i'm waiting for you downstairs, thank you, uh-huh, major, do you want coffee, no, drink , this is an order, i obey, comrade, senior lieutenant, uh-huh, delicious, seriously, yeah, you'll finish it in the car. yes lesh, hi
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, georgievich, yes, i checked the cartridge case that we seized at our shooter’s lyoshka place, against our cartridge case, and what? is there a coincidence? well, several contract killings were previously committed from this rifle. i wonder which ones? 5 years ago , the crime boss leshy was killed. so, 3 years ago, a major businessman roslikov. well, yes, i heard about these murders, but the shooter was never found. exactly. you have a good memory, thank you, be there! by the way, speaking of cinema, it’s not safe to work in cinema these days, it’s not safe. and i was just going to act and become a star. by whom, by whom, by what star? didn't i tell you? i had a story here the other day: i was walking down the street, such a respectable, gray-haired woman approached me, i usually approach women, then the woman
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said to me: “man, you have such an interesting appearance, colorful and...” the texture is so wonderful, you just want to act in a movie necessary, and i tell her, well, yes, i sometimes act in films where you star, in crime chronicles, or what? well, we have reports about the everyday life of the police , we were filming there, well, we were there, so, she invites me to an audition, to try out, i come, they put make-up on me, they dress me beautifully, they put on a mustache, a beard, they put on pince-nez, i was already thinking, i’ll be playing chekhov, but in the end he’s a drunken intellectual, and not really mine. sergey, next time you look at the road more often, otherwise we ’ll get to the hospital faster with you, i understand, retochka, okay, i have to go
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should we call our superiors and report the results, but what could be the results if we hit the wrong target? we work only for results. margarita , margarita, thank you, well, andryukh, did you dream of such a life as a movie star, but no, georgich, to each, as they say, his own, we don’t have our superhero , what are we going to do, wait, wait, wait, hello, hello, hello , who are you talking to? and we to the actor viktorov? for what? communicate. there are three dozen people who want to talk to oleshko every day. well, hardly anyone like us? police, criminal search, but you won’t succeed, comrade, colonel, police colonel, he left somewhere yesterday evening, and he returned
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from filming, the cloud was thicker, and about an hour later he left again, he was very determined, by chance he didn’t say where he went, he didn’t say, oleg is an adult, and i’m not a nanny for him, unlike his flowers, so i regularly water them in his apartment, i have the keys to the apartment, so maybe you can open it for us, i’ll open it if you have a search warrant, a warrant, what's the difference, wait a minute, van, hi, we’re here with radanov at viktorov’s apartment, it’s possible to enter the apartment without breaking the door, you can organize a search warrant, i just found out from the news that he was killed, i just can’t believe it, that is, you’re just until... yes, that’s right, when she will appear, you don’t know, i don’t know, she’s been gone since yesterday, even so, because you should have called first, and not run
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back and forth. she left late yesterday evening, but before her owner returned. you know what, i'm afraid that she set it all up, that set up the murder of her husband? yes, because yesterday, when she was getting ready, a man called her. where did they get the idea that it was a man? because when he called, i was standing nearby and i heard a man’s voice from the receiver, then she went into the room with the phone, she talked so loudly and so emotionally that it could be heard throughout the whole house. what were they talking about? svetlana alexandrovna demanded that this man punish her husband, she wanted him to receive in full for all the insults that he caused her, and the latter the phrase was: it’s good that you are ready to do this, then she got dressed, and she opened the door.
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master of sports, and this is svetlana aleksandrovna , she is not just a master of sports, but a two-time city champion, our omission , i will never believe that oleg could kill someone, not in the movies, of course, in life, he is so decent, gentle, intelligent, vulnerable, very sincere, you know, anything can happen in life, even with decent, sincere, intelligent people, but we promise you,
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yeah, lyosha, give me the glove, hold it, thank you guys, i think it’s warm. van,
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come here! nikolaevna, citizen attesting witness, come in, pay attention, wow, georgivich, that’s it, take a seat, thank you very much, thank you, what have you got, look, that’s right, that’s right. nikit , urgently find out where viktorov’s mobile phone may be, urgently, you were right, with such mistakes you can safely resign, but what are you saying, you will rise to the rank of general, this is not about that now, we need to find out who called svetlana on home phone on the eve of the murder of eeropolsky, hello, nikita, igor, now wait a second.
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so, nikita, tell me, did viktorov and yaropolsky’s wife often communicate on the phone? yes, yes, they communicated before that, but not to say that they communicated often, but sometimes it happened, well, everyone heard about victor’s communication with yaropolsky’s wife, what are your thoughts? in principle, the working version is that they could join forces to take revenge on eropolsky. with svetlana, it’s clear that he cheated, that...
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what a coincidence? what do you have? our movie star yesterday booked a hotel room at 112 naberezhnaya fontanka. what an amazing coincidence! igor, you heard, check out this hotel, we ’ll get there now too, although we’re on the other side of the city, but we’ll try to make it in time, all lights out, let’s go, don’t forget to return the neighbor’s keys!
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yes, on the second floor they are in room 212, the room was booked in the name of the artist viktorovo, he is alone there, with some blonde, they have been in the room for a long time, since yesterday evening, and have not gone anywhere, i don’t know, i’m following him i didn’t follow, very good, is there a cctv camera in the hotel?
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thanks, let's go, bouncers. a, let me take you with me. that is , you don’t feel sorry for a female employee, right? i have nothing against senior lieutenant potapenko fulfilling her official duty. marco. yes. good afternoon, police, lie down, don’t twitch, what other police, what do you need? we need you both to get dressed now and come with us to the department, you are detained on suspicion of murder, what are you talking about, what other murder, who, the murder of your husband, yaroslav yaropolsky, what nonsense, they killed slava, when, where this morning, we didn’t kill anyone, this is what we are like now
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let's check it once. get dressed, pants, you can ask, but it’s up to you. good afternoon, police, was he really killed? yes , a sniper rifle, and you have shooting skills, yes, you have skills , but we have a motive, so that we know, well , jealousy, betrayal of your spouse, and in general iropolsky threatened to kick you out of the profession, betrayal, what do you think i’m doing here, cross-stitching? betrayal is not a reason for murder, i’m from a profession, the guts of a tank, but money, money, i beg you, i have enough money myself, you know, if i wanted punish him, i would have done it somehow differently, so that life would not
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seem like honey to him, and how, but since i am the author of the script for his last few films, and my influence, believe me, would be enough for me in order to kick him out of the profession, but what about your husband’s threat to block the career of citizen viktorov? i advised her to contact the police, i don’t know what she decided, but she has nowhere to go since she came, she’s from yakutsk, or maybe she finished off my goat, she has, as you put it, shooting skills, this
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girls, uh-huh, where from, her daddy taught her, he’s her hunter, well, what do we have here, well, it turns out, this director’s murderer could very well be. housekeeper, it’s like her maria, well, it could very well, she had a very weighty motive, and ritochka, you’re absolutely right and the motive is possible, because her father is a hunter, which means she’s a hunter herself, but what’s the matter ? these two didn’t kill, personally i’m almost sure, the recording was from a security camera, we watched it ourselves, at the time of yaeropolsky’s murder they were in the room that these two could order someone is generally hard to believe, for this purpose the motive is crayons, if you kill yourself. worker, where she could then get a sniper rifle, and it was exposed in contract killings, or she also worked these murders, okay, we’ll detain, we’ll find out, wait for these lovebirds, take a comrade from the css, go to this svetlana and take back masha, let’s go, i ,
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by the way, they’re calling from the cinema, why, yes, lenochka, i’m listening, to play a security guard in your episode tomorrow. now i'll look at my busy schedule, wait, hang on a second, georgivich , can i act in a movie tomorrow, what a movie, let's go to the department, lenochka, sorry, i won't be able to tomorrow, goodbye, goodbye, but call, call, i'm always ready, come on, let's go, i ruined it ruined my film career. well, her things are gone, she ran away , she’s a fool, although maybe she’s not such a fool after all, well, where could she have gone, well, how do i know, girl, she doesn’t report to me, i need to call nikitos, let her
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go through the databases , someone will probably want to steer, yes, the main thing is for us to be in time with this, now, igor, a second, a second, nikita, for a long time, yes, olegich. why , by the way, i also have a side aisle at the computer, well, come on, come on, come on, a second, there is, so, our masha took a ticket to yakutsk, the plane departs in an hour and a half, igor, it’s time to go to yakutsk, yes, georgivich, we’ll try to intercept, well, you you know, by the time we get to the airport, and if there’s traffic, yes, buddy, help us out, yeah. listen, well, as long as you can, you looked at my ticket first, although this is not your task, they will check everything on my controller and so, now you’re rummaging through my things, as if i
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’m some kind of terrorist, i’m going to miss the plane, well, girl, this is such a job, you understand that flight safety is above all for us, hello, maria! you are detained, i didn’t do anything, hands, i definitely, i definitely didn’t do anything, we’ll sort this out at the department, major, hold on, let’s go, let’s go! lyokh, thank you for your service, you helped me out, i’m owed, but it’s okay, it’s enough for a bottle of armenian , no question, thank you, sergey, thank you from me and from our entire team, yes please, drink, calm down, please. i didn’t kill him
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, i swear, i didn’t kill him, although he deserved it, where did you get a sniper rifle, and one that was exposed in contract killings, what kind of rifle, what are you saying , it wasn’t me, it’s probably max, god, maxim, i’m sorry me, i don't want to sit. in prison, who is this maxim? maxim is my boyfriend, and that is, not a boyfriend, but so, we were courting me, i told him everything, about what happened with ieropolsky, he said that he would deal with him so that the next it was unusual, but i didn’t think it was like that. tell me, did you file a statement with the naveropol police? no, why? because your police will never do anything with him. because yaroslav semenovich has connections, you know, he
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has a police general as a consultant on the film, he will resolve all issues with him, any, you know, our general will not resolve such issues with any aeropolis, he has a stricter demand from his friends than from everyone else, well, how was i supposed to know, i don’t know, so please write the coordinates of this maxima, mash, how could you even stay in the house where they did this to you, because there is no other job, and the eropol people paid very well, and only when you came this morning and asked questions, i was scared, so that means you’ll stay so far with us. see her off okay, so margot
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, listen, andryukha and i are now going to see this max, and you can rest, and i don’t seem to be tired, but you have a day off today, i have a day off, i have a day off, oh well, i remembered , yes, i remembered, so rest, get some fresh air, eat, but really, why do you need here... hang out, well, besides, we can go somewhere together, have dinner, i ’ll treat you, and really, sergey, let’s go somewhere, who’s there, a black jeep wrangler in the yard, it’s yours, mine , what is it, but you can’t get through there soon, you need to rearrange it, well, there’s no market, i’ll rearrange it now. calmly,
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without nonsense, maxim savelyev, we were not mistaken, we were not mistaken, citizen savelyev, maybe you will voluntarily give us what we are looking for, and what you are looking for is turning off the fool, but i didn’t turn it on, there is a dacha garage. i haven’t earned it yet, so get up and go with us to the department, you're just wasting your time , come on, let's sit down, understood, please come in. well,
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citizen soveliev, the food is not harsh, it's delicious, the food is under your dining room, yes, our aunt cooks like at home. margarita , i was thinking, maybe we, if you’re not busy today, can go somewhere together, no, i understand, you’re tired today, well, maybe tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, maybe to the cinema,
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so what’s necessary? come on, maybe i can help and solve this issue through our people? we still have to help honest, charming employees. no, well, sergei, well, it’s really not worth it, i really have time to rest, but honestly? listen, sergei, let us... how much can citizen sovelyev, but an adult, well, they took him red-handed, and how red-handed, how red-handed, who did we find a sniper rifle from, who, and what,
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maybe it was left over from the previous tenant, or from the owner, i ’ve been renting this apartment for a couple of months, i’m going to rummage under the beds, why are you so stubborn like... igor, wait, why are you wasting your nervous system, nerve cells are not restored. now the expert will work with the fingerprints from the rifle, take swabs from his hands to check for the presence of powder gases, and the citizen himself will start singing like a sweetheart, yes. uh-huh, so what about the prints, yes, the prints have been thoroughly erased, but this doesn’t mean anything, traces of acetone were found on your hands, sovelev, and this means that you have a car, i
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’ve been fiddling with the car since the morning, then i wiped off the oil with acetone, so let’s let you go, citizens, bosses, why are you happy, we’re still behind you will we delay the storage of weapons? yeah , in any case, if you detain me, then let me go with an apology, i’ll write a complaint against you, to the main internal affairs directorate, to the prosecutor’s office to the commissioner for human rights, of course you will write, of course, only while they are considering these complaints, you will sit in our cell, yes, and the friends of leshevo and roslyakova, who were killed with this rifle , completely by chance find out which cell you are sitting in, and what rifle they found in your apartment, that you will also write a statement to the prosecutor’s office against them? or complain to the ombudsman, or you’ll be telling them that the rifle was left behind by the previous residents, yes, andryukh, only you know, there’s one problem, in the cell in which we’ll put him, he won’t make it to trial, it’s unlikely, a week at most, but what? a week, a couple of days, no more, so, so, so, stop, and if i write a sincere
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confession, will you guarantee me safety? are you referring to the fsb detention center? we guarantee, we guarantee, tell me, i killed the director of this because of masha, oleshev and roslyakov? well, well, well, sovelyev, began to speak, don’t stop. yes, these two - also my job. let me write the paper. yes. bori, everything is fine with you, oleg georgievich, here’s a slander from the sobs, andrey , remember, a week and a half ago he
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detained a suspect in a drunken murder, he was covered in bruises, you know, this one... detained his bruises even before rodanov got it, don’t worry, we’ll sort out this slander, we’ll sort it out, so you’ll sort it out, but they wrote a copy to the css, and there you know how they’ll sort it out, i know, in the csb you say, uncle bor, yes, oleg georgievich, here it is thing, well, it seems like in the usb, garters appeared on management level, what are you, yes, just a lieutenant colonel. so, maybe i’ll try to help in this matter, andryukha, so that they can properly deal with this scandal, he says, well, what can i do to help, well, allow me. to go on a date with a comrade lieutenant colonel, lord, what are we talking about, of course, you can go right now, you have a day off tomorrow, i pulled you back from your day off today,
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thank you, oleg georgievich, i’ll go, i’ll call, thank you, here, maybe, irita finally arrange his personal life, yes, well, yes, of course, there are also people there, they are the same as you and me, you are like that and not like that, will you have coffee, no, thank you, we’ll sort out the slander , what a wonderful city you and i live in, ritochka, it’s true, it’s true, seryozha , really, are you somehow preoccupied or something, or that being tired at work is taking its toll, yes, i don’t even know how to say it, honestly, i’m very worried. for his colleague, captain rydanov, and what’s wrong with him, he’s made a very unfair slander to your osb, so
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unfair, i’m sure, i’m sure, ritochka, let me settle this issue, and you won’t say anything you worry everything will be fine, seriously, yes, honestly, yes. get behind the wheel, i can’t, i drank, i haven’t drunk for 3 years, i got drunk, you freak, people, well , only 50 g, it’s a friend’s birthday, you asshole, we’ll sort it out at home , bian, i always drive you everywhere.
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great, hello, there is something interesting for us, there is something, four shots, one bullet hit the target, died instantly, we saw something suspicious, they shot, most likely from a makarov, they didn’t drop the barrel, where’s great, of course, well, i hope you’ll dig up something else, but i don’t wizard, it’s a pity where they stopped, great, hello, this is the husband, yeah, you’re a murdered husband, yeah. "they were returning from visiting, he says that he should have been driving, i asked her myself, you know, i myself, it was i who killed her,
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well that’s great, the crime was solved, okay, jokes aside, i drank, we’re from the guests were returning, so the people got behind the wheel, and i was nearby, and they were shooting at the driver, i thought it was at me, but they hit the people, in general, he claims that the hitman is a woman, don’t be afraid of men dressed as women, no, it's grandma, me i saw it myself, you really looked at it, i can’t forget it, i’ll remember it until i die, this is very good, so you can help me put together a photo series, who could have shot it , maybe a deceived lover, you’re crazy, what a lover, i’m a murderer in the face i saw, this is a killer , this is a contract killing, they shot at me , but we already understood this, why are you interested in everything, do you have any thoughts, who could have ordered you, of course you do, and not just thoughts, i know for sure who, who is he? you see, i’m an official, it depends on my signature whether they’ll be allowed whether anyone should build something or not, there is such
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a stoop, well, in criminal circles, his name is stoop, so he wants to build a shopping center, but i don’t give him permission, why? yes, because the city needs this piece of land for a social construction project, so sutulov first threatened me verbally, then in a letter. what am i smoking, a good conversation starter, murderous
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police department. i killed someone, he’s in stiriny , let’s get out of here, now, wait, do you hear, did you see someone coming out of that archway, out of that yard, didn’t see the yard, just we’re losing, really, but in general, maybe someone interesting was walking around here, you caught your eye, there was a woman, no, a man, no, someone, something in between, a man, in women’s clothing, are you kidding me or what? no, when recently, i threw out my clothes, where did they go , well, pash, i think we should go check, let’s go, no, no, it’s not there, where did it go, the drunk took it, that’s both of them! at first i
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thought about throwing them away, and then i thought, who knows, you decided correctly not to throw them away, so what? last chance for you if you don’t call a piece of land until 8:00 in the morning, you’ll die, it’s scary, i pulled this out of a box yesterday, some kind of nonsense, the letters are pasted on, cut out, they don’t have a printer, but it’s really somehow frivolous, it looks like some stupid movie, not serious, is that what you ’re telling me? i’ll submit it for examination , i see, judging by the situation , you didn’t have any financial problems, yes, everything was fine with us, i’m an official, my wife is a businessman, and what kind of business was your wife involved in? it’s just trade, like everyone else, she has three stores. , fur clothes, well, lately your
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wife has had business problems, what does this have to do with it, they wanted to... kill me, we’ll sort it out, but you understand, we need all the information for this, i don’t understand why you need this, well if necessary, yes, she had a conflict, she recently fired one security guard from the store, but he did not want to work normally, when lyuda began to reprimand him, he began to yell that he was a veteran of two wars and would not allow some shopkeeper to humiliate him , well , you know how it is with combat veterans . well? so what? well, luda kicked me out him with a bang. he yelled that he would take revenge on her, she would remember him for a long time. and if he returned from the war, then maybe he brought weapons? well, you see, but your wife had no conflicts to talk about. well, maybe you remember something else interesting? more? yes, this is nonsense? well, do you really think that for such
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a small reason he got a lot of money? hired a killer, well, we only believe in one thing, anything is possible, but we will check, check whoever you want, i know for sure that they shot at me, and the people were killed by mistake, the killer did not know that she will sit in the driver’s seat, yes, listen, he’s hungry, yes, it would be possible, but i don’t know what there is here, you can look for it, uh, aren’t you half an hour away? well, i'm half a dozen, but what is it? did you take clothes from drug addicts? what, which one did you take? i honestly bought them. and who are you? police, let's take this evidence and run. yes, what are you talking about? so quiet. here you go.


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