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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 4, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. russian soldiers who were released from ukrainian captivity. delivered to moscow the day before, on the way home they will be able to celebrate christmas with their families. some of the soldiers who needed help were handed over to doctors. in total, 248 military personnel returned to their homeland, 173 of them were exchanged for the same number of ukrainians, and another 75 russians were exchanged for five members of azov, banned in russia, whom ukraine took from turkey last summer, in violation of all agreements. the current exchange was made possible thanks to persistent work. russian competent
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authorities. nikita korabenkov met the board with our liberated soldiers. a real new year's miracle for dozens of russian families, after a long break, for the first time in 5 months there was an exchange of prisoners of war with the ukrainian side. immediately 248 russian servicemen returned home. there are no words, just how glad we are that it all worked out, that it was during the holidays. i send greetings to all my loved ones and relatives from orinburg. everyone who tried, everyone who worked, the ministry of defense separately gratitude, well, i can’t wait to get home with my family, see my children, relatives , loved ones, hello everyone, but it’s unlikely that everyone will be able to spend the january weekend with their family, the soldiers will have to undergo treatment and rehabilitation in the medical centers of the ministry of defense for months, especially years of captivity did not make any of them healthier, how much time did you spend, here i am, almost 2 years, 15 months, when to go home? at the same time
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, the fighters note that the attitude towards prisoners in the territories controlled by kiev is not always humane in the russian ministry of defense at every the exchange emphasizes that the fighters were in mortal danger, and now they are home. we thank our ministry of defense for simply returning us home to our wives, to our children, simply returning us to russia, thank you very much, we thank the entire country. all the residents who were worried about us , who were worried, thanks to all of them, thanks to the state, the government, everything is fine at home, most importantly, the ministry of defense emphasized that the negotiations this time were difficult and took place through the mediation of the united arab emirates, compliance kiev was influenced, among other things, by public pressure from within, against the backdrop of an unsuccessful counteroffensive, the relatives of captured ukrainian armed forces soldiers demanded to return all these months.
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in the distance they open heavy fire, it is clear that the yellow ones no longer have such a large supply of ammunition, they do not have much strength at the moment to fight us, so they began to surrender, and we crushed them with our onslaught, the attempt of the militants to equip them ended in failure position on the right bank of the dnieper, it was destroyed by a high explosive fragmentation... with shells
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crew of the d-30 howitzer. the weapon is especially effective for hitting single targets. on the svatovo flint line, su-34 fighter pilots bombed the ukrainian armed forces control center. the characteristics of the ammunition make it possible to deliver precise strikes without entering the range of ukrainian air defense. the enemy's strongholds were eliminated by scouts from the southern group. in one of the directions they operate successfully with the support of attack aircraft. american abrams tanks, which the united states transferred to kiev in the fall, never reached the front line, forbes writes about this. according to him, from the moment arrival in the country, the abrams are nowhere to be seen, it is unclear to which ukrainian formation they were transferred, and what is being done with them. instead, journalists see german leopards, american bradley infantry fighting vehicles, which the russian military is actively destroying. as defense minister sergei shaigu previously stated, exactly. due to heavy
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losses, the ukrainian regime is in no hurry to use american tanks. in total, kiev received 31 abrams, and the states accelerated deliveries instead of the end of the year, the first vehicles arrived... today is the day in iran national mourning for the victims of the terrorist attack in the city of kirman. a series of explosions occurred at a cemetery where a ceremony was being held in memory of general sulaymaniyah, commander of the special forces of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. he was killed in 1920 during a us operation. the bombs were placed along the road along which the funeral procession was walking, and they were activated remotely. thousands of people came to the general’s grave, among them many women and children. therefore, as local media note, the attack was aimed specifically at civilians. according to the latest data,
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almost 100 people became victims of the tragedy and more than 200 were injured. among the dead are members of the red crescent society who arrived to help the wounded. what is behind the terrorist attack is still unknown; according to an official representative of the state department, the united states has nothing to do with it. washington also stressed that there is no reason to talk about israeli involvement. the authorities of the jewish state have already declared their innocence to their allies, the wall street journal writes about this. israel noted that it usually only attacks individuals or infrastructure. however, the purpose of the terrorist attack, according to journalists, is precisely the growth...
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from the falklands there are deposits of oil and gas. experts estimate that more than 300 million barrels of minerals are stored there. the new president of argentina intends to sell hydrocarbons to the americans. according to the plan, at the expense of profits, he will be able to bring the country's economy out of a protracted crisis, as well as increase
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confidence among residents who are dissatisfied with his reforms. ntv viewers need help from kirill sokolov.
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the most beautiful, well done! complications began after surgery to remove a tumor in the brain. the operation itself was successful, the boy’s life is not in danger, but it was almost impossible to carry out surgical intervention without consequences. all the tears were cried, says the boy’s mother, but the family was preparing for such a heavy blow and the stand withstood it. it somehow arose very quickly, he began to get sick. he had a headache, he started to feel sick, well, it literally lasted for about a month and a half, then we went to see a doctor, and there right away they sent us a mouth immediately and discovered a tumor; they already left us in the hospital. kirill lost many skills, but did not lose faith in himself and in
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adults who will definitely help him get back on his feet. this is the main goal of endless and expensive rehabilitation courses. doctors, in turn, believe in the plasticity of the nervous system. now, thanks to a comprehensive rehabilitation program, these shackles have finally begun
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to loosen, and my left hand has begun to return to life. an important recovery principle is the so-called paret principle, or we call it the principle of repeated repetition. the more time and more often a person exercises and performs a large number of motor repetitions, the better the nervous system reacts to these stimuli and starts recovery processes. an anti-record temperature was recorded in st. petersburg. january 3 in the city
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became the coldest in the history of weather observations. the thermometer dropped to -22. today it will be even colder, in the leningrad region it is expected to reach -36. due to abnormal weather in several in areas of the region , more than 250 houses were left without heating, electricity and water. the investigative committee began an investigation. it was -30 that night. in the moscow region, according to weather forecasters, during the day in the capital region it will be a little warmer to -25, but tomorrow the frost will intensify again. a storm warning was announced in khakassia due to strong winds gusting up to 25 m/s, some settlements were covered in snow, and houses and cars were covered in snow. but for winter sports lovers, frost is not a hindrance. many people enjoy going to the skating rink, diversity. baikal in winter, the deepest
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lake on the planet, turns into the world's largest skating rink, on natural ice, surrounded by beauty, even professional figure skaters train here, however, it is best to skate on the baikhal during daylight hours, at night there is practically no artificial or natural lighting no, maybe it’s... in murmansk, although the night here is now polar, if you’re lucky, you can go ice skating to highlight one of the most beautiful celestial phenomena, the northern lights. this skating rink in the city is called a star skating rink, but not because of distant luminaries. in the past , famous personalities took to the ice here, yuri gagarin, edita piekha and even fidel castro. today the tradition continues at the skating rink with olympic champion larisa kruglova. i am a representative of the summer sport of athletics here. there were championship competitions and the championship of the murmansk region, where i
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won several times, we always support our sports facilities and say that ours is the best, because it is located beyond the arctic circle, there is probably no skating rink anywhere else, further only we have the arctic, where is the arctic, and where is the antarctic, what the continents and oceans look like , and in general what our land is like, in nizhny novgorod there is the most... educational skating rink, visitors skate around a seven-meter globe, someone takes the opportunity and studies geography, someone sees a much deeper meaning in this object. we need to study something together and do something, live together together, yes, he’s already been here for 2 years, the cat is already in his second year, we come here, ride, there are a lot of people here, and small adults, when on weekends grandchildren come here... they ride here too. the next point on the map is novosibirs. its residents are confident that their city
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skating rink is the absolute winner, albeit in a very unusual category. it seems to me that now in russia you won’t be surprised by the longest or widest skating rink. and, it seems to me, this is the happiest skating rink. why? because there is a christmas tree inside, there is a coffee shop nearby, a ski track, in fact it is a skating rink, and it says that novosibirs has stunning views, so it would not be easy for me to come here. go ice skating and admire the city, receive pleasure and happiness from childhood, i run here every evening, now i’m skating, and this is real happiness, a memory of childhood. moscow is the undisputed leader in the number of skating rinks within the city, there are long ones, there are small ones, in the center on the outskirts for free skating and for training. well, where would we be without the good old sports ground, where from an early age you can learn literally everything, from just standing on skates to a game that needs no introduction. pavel rybalchenko, lasha chiterashvili, susana
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pruchikov, ntv television company. and that ’s it for now, stay on ntv. this year, tink of mobile shares moments of happiness, love, joy, goodness with everyone, we also want to share about the mobile communication plateau with our clients. order a teinkov mobile sim card and get 25 gb and 1,200 minutes at half the price. tinkov. ozone-zon-zon. ozone-zon-zon. we are a new year, we are a new year, we are celebrating everything with ozone. and the marathon brings us the spirit of gifts. azon-zon-zon, azon-zon-zon, and a holiday in every home. celebrate the new year
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holidays with azon. i love precision, that's why i choose a tonometer. end and number one in russia. it's winter, it's time to get quality sleep, with a discount of up to 70%. winter discounts on beds, sofas, mattresses, pillows and stylish bedding are available. millions of russians choose the warmth and comfort of irichau windows. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need help. you take out credit cards and transfer debts to the back. divide it into 24 months, you can conveniently repay it, making purchases or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with ease. the russian lotto holidays continue, in january we are giving away houses, cars, and also prizes for million and a jackpot of 800 million, just some kind of holiday. buy tickets in branded
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stores on the website, stolato. does it seem like something has changed? no, just the way we like it! kfc, now rostix, and the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken meat that you love so much? yes, exactly, everything we like. yes. i always know what to read next.
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pay for purchases with any credit card from bera. an apartment in moscow can be yours. the credit card is the best in the country. disco superstar january 13 at 21:30 on ntv. hello, about the weather for tomorrow. in the far east, forecasters are focusing on a cyclone from china. he will bring it. bad rains first in primorye and in the khabarovsk territory, and then sakhalin will fall, but it will not particularly affect the temperature, vladivostok -1, yuzhno-salinsky -3, here in the continental regions, in transbaikalia and the amur region. the frosts are getting stronger, in blagoveshchensk -17, abnormally cold is still in yakutia, with verkhoyansk aimikon leading the way, where it is almost -50. in siberia ...


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