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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  January 5, 2024 5:10am-6:06am MSK

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look tomorrow, the courier was busted, where is my money, i’m curious, a person builds his own life, whoever he wants to be, that’s what he will be.
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how did you know about money as an entrepreneur? in any case, he will ditch you. what will i show him? why on earth would i try such a scheme with you? difficult life experience tells me that we have a day before the next murder, maybe less.
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why are you silent, tell me what happened there? yes, yesterday i wanted to go to sveta, well, well, i went in and saw that she was kissing vitalik, with this sucker, well, yes. yes, i warned you about sveta, remember, light, light, yes, yes, i know, she and i kissed here for the first time, and so why did you bring me here, you’re nostalgic, yes , something like that, well, now let’s remember your love, i'll be right back, kolyan, let's go, what's wrong?
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let's blame it, i say, let's call the cops , let's blame everything on us, they'll hang it on us, but they'll definitely hang it on us, call, i said, call yourself , present it, travel cards, ready to accept payment, what do you have? i have an id, show me, i apparently left his house, it’s okay, pay for the fare and you’ll go next, please, okay, take the change ticket, thank you.
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hello, tovarich mayor, yes, i ’ll be late for now, i have personal circumstances. no, no, it's okay, i'll be there in an hour. in general, the girl left kolyana, so we came to drink beer, so to speak , to commemorate past love, great, hello, great, what do you have there, konstantin kolesnik, 20 years old, third-year student, what did he study for, it, what information technology, yeah, well, a programmer, so what did they kill with? roy, one blow
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to the head, strong, some prints, well what are the prints on the fittings, traces , anything interesting, no, no, nothing , time of death, yesterday from 8 to 9:00 pm, tell me more, well, i’m telling you, i went to relieve myself, well, i saw the body, what they did yesterday from 8 to 9:00 pm, they were at the police, wow, how did you end up there, a stupid story, a drunken fight in a bar, yes, they were the first to start, and what department? fifteenth, we sat there all evening, from 8 to 1 am, okay, okay, i’ll check now, and by the way, do i know these places? i lived here in the hostel here when i i was still a student, we ran through this vacant lot to the metro, it’s great, listen, since you know these places so well, maybe you’ll wander around the places, it would be a glory, ask for witnesses, and at the same time we’ll drink some coffee, yes, yes, something hot, okay,
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that’s it, thank you, no, thank you, so, in general, your alebi has been confirmed, while you can be free, van, i wrote down your passport details and telephone numbers, yeah, that’s right, that means you don’t have to leave the city, you have to be in touch. maybe we’ll call again, freely, freely, guys, damn it,
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well, let’s take you and me for a ride to the dorm, it’s not far from here, hello, nikita, what kind of relationship did you have with kolesnik? well, we’re neighbors , we crossed paths a couple of times, and we drank beer, yeah, you studied together, yes, at the same faculty, only he’s getting a senior year, of course, but how can you even characterize him, well, as a completely serious person. that is, the head of his group, and maybe also the chairman of the student council of our dormitory, yeah, the chairman, but that didn’t stop him from drinking beer with you, and what’s wrong with that, what’s wrong with that, he’s the same person as you, and i, but that is, all of himself is so correct, but
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with human needs, that’s the way it is, and he had conflicts as enemies, well, how to say conflicts, it’s better to call it a real mess, but in more detail, here we have... they sell dope, and the wheeler he took it all at once and covered it, yeah, who exactly did he kill? we had this student, vitka afanasiev, the last night, he took it when he bought it, then your cops, oh, excuse me, the police, it’s okay, they gave him a criminal record, but he’s in jail now, well, no, i saw him here recently, i asked , are you in prison, and he, you know, weakly answers me: he says, he was in prison, and now he was released on bail until the trial, so , you say, he angrily answered, yes, yes, okay, thank you, so , you know the wheelwright , who didn’t know him, everyone knew him, the guy was noticeable, noisy
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, and what does noisy mean, he pretended that we would do something great, hello, can you give me the key, please, excuse me, now, now, now, 320, yes i remember, i remember. "lyusenka, here you go, thank you, don't forget the trash behind you" endure, good , yes, just like that, so after all, what does noisy mean, so, that is, he pretended, in fact, in fact, the wheelwright did not serve in the army, everyone who did not serve cannot be normal people "they're just pretending." they themselves are only thinking about how to get rid of it, hmm, from what, from the army, and what else, huh, and you're an officer? i'm a senior warrant officer of the motorized rifle troops, retired, of course, well then it's clear, well now actually closer to the topic, i’m reporting to you, yesterday we had an incident in
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the hostel, a gangster-looking citizen appeared, he shouted, he wanted to break through, he was stopped by me and... let through, and why did he look like a bandit, because he didn’t serve in the army , he looked like a bandit, because he had a muzzle like that of a trespasser, and i didn’t finish the report, so this siv shouted , that he... urgently needs a wheelwright , yeah, so, this is more interesting, what else did he say, but he didn’t tell me anything else, but i called the wheelwright down here, they went out onto the porch, i watched through the window, and so the trampler began to jump on the wheeler, grabbing him by the chest, but i came out and intervened, the fine officer got into his jeep and drove away, the number was mine. recorded, well, this is just a gift for
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the investigation, well, okay, thank you, say that maybe you heard what they were talking about, i didn’t hear, but they swore very much, the penalty officer demanded something from the wheeler, he refused everything , so good, he left here , what next, well, the chariot driver went to college, i... didn’t see him again, you need to find this guy in a jeep, then put him in a punishment cell, yeah, and throw him in properly, here we are so, let's do it, well, thank you very much, you perfect witness, i'm a warrant officer, yes, all the best, well, all the best, hello?
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uh-huh, listen, comrade colonel , well, go, stop, everything is as if everything is fine, of course, well , go, i can’t believe it, kostya, such a wonderful guy, the future was shining, he had some conflicts at the university, but of course not, headman . correct , well-mannered, it’s such young people that we can say that the country is still holding together, well
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, maybe you’ve noticed some lately , can you imagine, just like that, oh, igor vladimirovich, excuse me, but we’re off to a consultation, girls, please wait 10 minutes , i'll call you, and i'm sorry you asked, i'm sorry, i, i asked, maybe you've noticed something unusual lately, for example, calls or strange visitors, before.. .. for you, nothing like that, every day university, then immediately work, but what, where did he work? so here we worked part-time as a system administrator, looked after the equipment, a very smart guy, he was never late, you know, in all the time, well , he asked for leave from work a couple of times, a year ago, i remember when my mother was sick, yeah, by the way, yesterday, yesterday, yes, they called him, he came up to me, apologized, said that he had business, but of course, i let him go, but what business didn’t he say? you know, i didn’t ask him
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, in the end, all sorts of situations happen, maybe something personal, yes, yes, i understand, let’s do it this way, i’ll leave you my business card, yeah, if you suddenly remember any details, call , good, good, great, and hello, well, well, you asked to break through afanasyev and the wheelman, yes, that was the case, so i ’m reporting, i didn’t find anything interesting for the wheelman, an excellent student, an activist. never was involved, but i have a presentiment, but, of course, there is one thing: the call that disrupted kolesnik from work on the day of his death was made from whose mobile phone? afanasyeva. so, this is really interesting. nikito, thank you, it’s quite a version, but you need to check it first. so, okay, it’s already 12, let’s go to the meeting. come on, come on. check this on your part. we have a murder. possible crime. this is a killer, we’ll have to bring you all down, help, you’re under arrest,
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it doesn’t matter, we’ll open the door, get out of the car, you’re an amazing dog, bim, today at 19:30 on ntv. one day a white wizard, the lord of winter, created a new year's miracle. grand premiere. hey livelies, everyone here! today is a great day! classical ballet figure skating stars in evgeni plushenko's ice show. gari-gari is clear, so as not to repent! gari-gari is clear, so as not to repent! gari-gari
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is clear to the snow maiden! but happy new year! tomorrow at 10:20 on ntv. well, where are they? in nikita's technical sheet, oleg georgievich. yes. allow me, georgievich. come in, come in. so, igor, what is going on with ella? what about is happening to ella? didn't understand. i'm asking you about this. she looks strange today. yes. well, i don’t know, maybe i didn’t get enough sleep, maybe i had a fight with my guy, maybe i got pregnant, or i had a fight with my guy because i got pregnant, or maybe we’ll take another version, that’s it, i’m sorry, in general, sort it out with her, but delicately , you know, if there are problems in personal affairs, this can affect the work process, can i talk to her, no need, let rita women
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lift each other up better, but not always, that’s it, that’s enough, the psychologist is ours, so let’s get dressed? that some kind of pretzel came to the wheeler's hostel in a gangster-looking jeep, but
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the guard didn't let him in, who this pretzel was, what he needed from the wheeler, we don't know yet, but we definitely have a number... elochik, my friend, you don’t feel well, no, no, why didn’t you come to the meeting, it happened, it happened, look into my eyes, look,
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come on, come on, look at me, someone offended you, tell me. i'll tear off his ears for you, listen, rit, we need to talk seriously, well, come on, i’m listening to you, just not here , come on, let’s go outside, elga, i won’t walk around for extra pay , i’ll ask you directly, are you pregnant, if that were the case , everything is much worse, much worse, reed, i lost my id , i was just joking , maybe it was stolen, no, it would be better if you were pregnant, that’s for sure, okay, tell me everything as it happened, everything in order,
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remember that she advised me to attach my id to a chain in the inner pocket of my bag, here. .. i did everything like that, the long chain was just enough to present who needs it, don’t take the id out of the bag, so where did it go then? i have no idea, i just replayed the whole day yesterday in my head, yesterday at 7:00 pm it was still there, then i met a guy, sat in a cafe, he walked me home, and this morning the id was already on the bus wasn't there, who is this guy? i don’t know, we met by chance, yesterday we saw each other for the second time, first name, last name and phone number, name is sasha, or i just introduced myself to sasha, the phone is turned off. that's it, that's it nothing else is missing, no, everything is in place, i actually handed over the pistol to the duty room yesterday, that’s good, but the card is a substitute. no, they didn't take it. not bad already. okay, let's go to this cafe where you sat yesterday. for what? well, why? there we’ll start to figure out where it went. lyokha, come on, come on, almost, almost.
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hold it, hold it! guys, what are you doing? what, we just wanted to buy coke, they say you ’re selling? fuck you, listen, don’t talk to the police like that. did you kill the charioteer that he died? yours. mother you are playing unnaturally, besides the facts speak against you, but what facts, what, you called kolesnik yesterday , called and wanted to talk to him, oh, how nice, about what, you wanted to tell him about your difficult fate, ask him to take the testimony, no, i’m not an idiot, i borrowed a decent amount he doesn’t seem to take a bribe to pay him off, well , it was worth a try, the amount was good, and everyone loves money, even the most decent ones, that is, your creditors will be able to confirm everything, of course, so what did you do yesterday from 8 to 9 pm, i was in a restaurant called dominoes, just me... i was waiting to offer him money, he didn’t come, i thought that he demonstratively decided to trick me, but you say that he was killed, if we check the video surveillance footage, then you will be there, of course
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, put this clown to rest, i’ll go to the cafe, i’ll check the video recordings, but there’s no need to put me in any place, firstly, you’ll fill out a written testimony , and secondly, i just don’t believe you, you could hire someone for that money to shoot, sit in front of the camera in a cafe and flash , like i have an alibi, but such a scheme would not have come to my head, i captured it, but personally, everything is clear to me, this girl got into your bag, well, sasha couldn’t help but see it, look, he’s not sitting in the forest, i don’t want to upset you, but i have to, they’re along...
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well, well, alebiya afanasyev was confirmed, he really was in the cafe , clearly, your colleague is proving to me that georgivich is right, there really is only one version, as you think, in theory it may be, but in practice there are too many inconsistencies, well , let’s say this bandit came to the hostel from afanasyev, why does he need to shine in his scandals ? moreover, afanasyev himself knew perfectly well where the wheelwright studies and works, he could have waylaid him anywhere, it makes sense, i didn’t voice this at the meeting, but this version doesn’t stick in my head, it doesn’t stick, look, afanasyev, it would be nice if he killed the state of effect of this guy himself, yes , but if you hire someone purposefully, is he going to dig a hole for himself, usually defendants quickly delve into the intricacies of the judicial system, well, in any case, this bandit needs to be caught, once we catch him, we’ll ask who hired him, why did he need it? and in general his mother, well well, we’re sitting, then we rushed off, we have the car number, it’s a small matter, hello, i’m coming to you, oh,
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mary, come in, sit down, i’m on business , great, i’m coming to you personally, i didn’t want to contact you through your duty desk, but what happened, a complaint to me about your opera? and to whom? lieutenant dmitrieva works for you? i recently got a job and it works fine. you apparently don’t know everything about her yet. storm, don’t delay, tell me what she did, and i’ll figure it out. this morning, she and another operative, he introduced himself, came to my office for pushkinskaya, your guys showed the papers with a seal, confiscated the equipment and left, wait, it was definitely dmitrieva, that’s right, i saw the id myself. it’s strange, we didn’t send her anywhere. i understand that you didn’t send her anywhere, this is her personal scam. if you have a certificate, why not earn money? and what did she say? so that my company transfers 100,000
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rubles. about this. then they will supposedly give away the equipment. there are four laptops there, i wouldn't give a damn about them. there is accounting, communications, contracts. this is extortion, alei georgievich. so, let's figure it out. ella. come to i need it urgently, yes, well, yes, there is such a car, a jeep, so it’s registered to igor gusev, yeah, well, let’s get him through, so, igor gusev, has a conviction for extortion, served time, yeah, so, according to the criminal records, he’s listed as an active member of the zinenskie organized crime group, well, well, that means we have to go and take him, so, wait, here’s the laptop of your murdered wheeler, i hacked it, so you’re here , yeah, it’s time to go to prison nikita, is there anything like that in of this life, what couldn't you break? so, well, in short, your wheeler is an avid online poker player, and what’s that?
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do they give us? well, what does this give? decide for yourself, but i can say one thing, lately he has won more than 25 thousand dollars, it’s fine, so maybe i should start too, try it, so, the money is in his bank account, so, well, this is no longer for us, money, let the investigator the committee is involved, by the way, i also have dudes i know who also play online poker, they have one peculiarity, what a peculiarity, they also play in real life, that is, you want to say that the murder is somehow connected with the games, and why no? nikitos is great, the prize is getting closer, great, guys, let's go to the owner of the jeep, let's get him first, come on, come on, yes, oleg georgievich, allow me , come in, alochka, take a seat, hello, hello, rita, you're free, oleg, georgievich , apparently i’m in the know, i can help, well, since you’re in the know,
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okay, stay. so, well, bor, do you recognize it? whom? in front of you is lieutenant dmitrieva. no, dmitrieva is completely different. i'm not blind. this younger one is much more beautiful. and that one, a little crocodile. rit, since you’re on topic, can you explain something? it's me, quietly. sorry, ala georgievich, as i understand it, the id worked. yes, so far in one place on... the fact is that yesterday my identity was stolen, i, i already understood this, but you see, yes, that it was not mine that came to you, but those who stole the identity of an operative officer , well , here’s what to do now, let’s do it this way, for now you go about your business, and i personally promise to sort it out for you, you know me, okay, i ’ll call. i asked you this morning, why
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didn’t you report right away, oleg georgievich, well , she was scared, scared, but we already know who and just went to nikita to break through, you understand what will happen to you for this , no uncle will help here, okay, we need to catch them before they come to someone else, i entrust this to you, if you need people, let me know immediately to me, everything is free, decide to do it, yes. the morning begins with riddles, that not a day, then new questions, why hit me over the head, but new threats, if every time they threatened me, they paid me 5 rubles, i would probably be a millionaire, new tasks, and new cases, we have already had three episodes of theft and scam since this morning.
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let's go find out, bim, new episodes in the new year, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, it smells like some kind of mess, from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv, i will not betray my heart, i know everything, i will give it so that she lives, my , russia. take care of me, take care of my river, protect me, people all over the world will hear declarations of love and children's laughter, i never dreamed of you, i came up with everything myself, you saw when i pressed my eyes, you hurt, you were not sorry, children, who
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see with their hearts and sing with their souls. international charity festival white cane. today at 10:20 on ntv. come on, bogdan, it’s clear that he’s not at home. i think that if gusev has already fulfilled the order, received money from this afanasyev and dumped him somewhere, this is not at all good. no, it’s unlikely. yes, nikita, that’s it, i understand, thank you, what is it? gusevo’s car passed according to the reports, the thirty-second kilometer of the coastal highway , there’s still a farm nearby, so we’re waiting , we have to go, see who he’s hiding from, listen, reed, i’m so ashamed, i feel like a real idiot, that’s how it was possible , well, okay, if it got lost, or
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it was scrolled on the typewriter. but my id is in the hands of a fraudster, and he, using my name, commits a crime. this thought somehow makes me feel completely uneasy. understand. this is of course a serious matter. it’s worth worrying, but definitely not so much, you think, this hasn’t happened to us, it also happened when i was transferred here to the department from krasnodar, i remember one captain’s service record was stolen, can you imagine, yes, it happened, he has more experience than both of us combined, dear and once the charlatan tourist farm let me down for money, so a murderer almost strangled me in my own office, how come, you ’re alive, aren’t you? anything can happen, the main thing is to draw conclusions and try not to make mistakes, i think there,
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it looks like we are not the first, well, that means we’ll be second, get out of here, stick, stop, stop, stop, okay, you’re not... follow me, look - come on, experienced, then i’m a coward, you’re a fool, well, listen. well, let's go, that's enough, that's enough, that's enough, calm down,
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tell me, igor, what kind of person are you, and what kind of stupid moron do you have to be to play? with community money, i will return it, yes, of course, you will return it, what do you think, we will overwhelm you, no, you will sell the apartment. i understand, everyone stand, police, stand, police, why stand? we are already standing, communicating with our comrade, we wounded him, we are helping him, yes, igor , it was not they who wounded, the gray-haired man came to save me, what are you talking about, fool, why are you justifying them, i don’t know what you mean, do you think you’re the smartest, or i won’t heat up the goose, but it’s better to shut up and don’t interfere, please. that he didn’t come for you yet, don’t look at him, you’re on look at me, you killed him, no, i’m not a killer, but why did you need him? i lost the common fund in poker, to him, in more detail, i came to
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katran to play poker, took a whiskey, sat down, i saw some green one came, well , i think it’s okay, now i’ll beat a student, but he turned out to be a pro, in the end he lost everything and the common fund, why did you come back, ask for the money back , yes, the common fund had to be returned, i wanted him to install a meter for me, in a couple of months i would give it to him, but he said that i was a fool myself, well, it’s hard to argue with that, so you’ll go with us, that we’ll all go, or what? but if your friend claims that it was not you who beat him, and we did not find a weapon on you, then he will go alone, get up.
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what we need, do you have an address? there is, but he’s unlikely to help you, registration at the hostel, so you need to go there urgently, oh, no, no, no, no, no, wait, there’s absolutely no point in going there, yes, she’s apparently already on the wanted list, well there you go retul, well, it immediately becomes uninteresting, it’s just an experience, so if she ’s wanted, it means she won’t show up on the spot, yeah, okay, places of attraction, some kind of connections there is, a second, so, there is only one connection, and this is a nickname, some kind of paris, what, paris. come on, yeah, elk, give me a photo, so this is pure blond, in short, i know this pretzel, elk, your offender is paris,
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but now he just changed his appearance and the photo is not of very good quality, in the world his name is igor ivanovich tumakov, he has never been convicted, but to be honest, the camera has been crying for him for a long time, so we need to go to him. how did i not immediately recognize this, what kind of opera am i now? you'll be great, but let's just go with it we’ll figure it out, bring it to mind, my eyes are afraid, my hands do it right, then i don’t get upset. in fact, anything can happen, and you’re still a girl, naive and fragile, you really want to believe in miracles in good men, and you’re doing the right thing , there are many more good men, i confirm, you’re right rit, thank you for supporting me, let’s sit down, so , well, why gusev, wrote a testimony, says that he didn’t just send kolesnikovo, he said that he spent all the money, for which he bought some kind of newfangled laptop, gadgets. some kind of watch iphone, in general, i googled the cost of all
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these toys, well, that’s why it comes out to about two million, listen, well, this could just be an ordinary excuse, like the old man is sorry, he spent all the money, and the goose says that he himself personally has all these tchotchkes i saw it, so i left there, and that changes things, but what about his alibi? he says that he was at the farm, his friends had been keeping him there since yesterday evening, which means he finally turned off his song about the fact that they just came to see him and called him, of course he’s sitting there, writing all the layouts, well, i pressed him against him, he said that if you share all your friends... he doesn’t give up, then no one will hang him for the cause, for the fact that he lost the dorm. well done, the conscientious guy turned out to be right, this is tala, listen, we have a meeting with the allovite soon, what are we going to do? all our versions fell apart. this means we need to look for a new version. there we will discuss everything, in which direction to move. well, let's go. rhys, listen, why does he have such a strange nickname, paris, for? was born in paris, in
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the family of a russian diplomat, paris drove from here, lived there until he was 11, so speaks french so well, and then the family returned to russia, the parents died, and this pretzel got involved with crime, their group worked on foreigners, paris pretended to be a frenchman and scammed people out of such good money, clearly, how did this happen? and i’ll come up with something, well, it’s clear, that means
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, look, his entrance is around the corner, yeah , you remember the apartment, i remember, yeah, it turns out , you don’t have any other versions, unfortunately, not yet, bad, bad, tell me me, friends, what are these... phones and laptops that cost 2 million, well, apparently i’m from life lagged behind, but no, there really is such a technology, very expensive, although few people use it, well, you know the blueberry phone, but in human terms it’s possible, well, how can i explain it to you , well, look, there are wealthy people who drive mercedes and audi, and there are wealthy people who drive ferrari, so in st. petersburg it doesn’t matter what you’re driving, mercy or ferrari, but ferrari costs 10 times more, it’s the same with gadgets, now everything is clear, by the way, these things there weren’t any with the body, we didn’t find them in the general area either, they
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someone took it, maybe even a criminal , but in principle all these expensive things are easy to track in the buying, yes, only who will take it all to the buying, it seems like billionaires don’t take their mistresses there to stock up, but i have a very good one idea , tell me, i read gusev’s testimony, he describes a watch there that he saw at a wheelwright, i googled it, it’s a smart watch of the latest model, but this... you know, yes, this is a watch, a computer that you have on your hand, you you can connect to the internet, you can connect to a laptop, phone, you receive mail on this watch , you can call, send text messages, well, do everything, that is, a sophisticated smartphone in the form of a watch on your hand, god, what kind of backward people we are, a nightmare, so the joke is that i can track this watch , since i track a mobile phone, yeah , do this, i wish, senior lieutenant potapinka, interdistrict homicide department,
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lieutenant, please send a car to sevastyanikhin 3, i’m waiting to see who it is, look through the peephole , do you recognize? evaala, paris, seifini, let's see more, yeah, elok, these, they are the ones, take them away. come on, what's the matter, i'm an employee of the homicide department, yeah, and i'm the president of australia, take me away, well, here they are, your crusts, take them! ritka, thank you very much, you helped me out so much, i told you everything will be fine, you probably already know what’s happening
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tonight, what? an attempt was made to rob the city art museum. take a look, maybe you’ll recognize someone, well, yes, something somehow turned out badly, i know this guy very well, he’s rare, if you grab hold of him, he won’t let go, oh, i’ll catch up, where is balabina, on a mission, balabol, well, we were naughty, today at 12:15 on ntv, i know, love can break your heart. what will happen today on this stage will be with great love only for you, run, but the heart knows, take, take this sky, collect, everyone changes the phone, we change
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the mainland, this is definitely not love, who and i look into your eyes, yes, this morning they brought me such a thing, it’s not like it’s not every time, but generally for the first time, a very expensive thing, yes, dear, and you generally know what happens for buying stolen goods, i don’t have a buying shop here , but a repair shop, i of course understand perfectly well that people can sometimes bring me stolen things.
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stole? by the way, it was not seized from me, from my dmitrieva, but there is information that it was an acquaintance of mine. so, al, sorry, i wanted to try it myself. so, listen to me here , paris carefully. your accomplice nifantova, that’s her last name, testified, in her testimony she tells in detail how you proposed a plan to her, you are tracking down a police officer, uh-huh.
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i didn’t use it, she wasn’t in my hands, you’re a scoundrel, and i’m smart, no, paris, you’re just cunning and sneaky, and smart is a little different, okay, ladies, come on, what needs to be signed, subscription, i don’t leave , i want to go home, but no, paris, you won’t be going home very soon now, i found something in the archives, here are eight episodes from the city, a certain couple. here are their sketches, they look like you, but this couple used ids in the name of lieutenant mardvina, you haven’t changed your ids, these are your old ones episodes, but he won’t change his face, in short, paris, you’ll both sit down for about eight years, that
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’s understandable, great, well, i did it, yeah, cool thing, the first time i’m doing something like this. it will be the first time, now we’ll write out a guarantee , we’ll stay where we are, hands back, fast, great athlete, yes, what kind of university do you have, such a criminal one, one sells drugs in the middle of the day, the other kills a classmate because of some kind of iphone and a gold watch, but what does a watch have to do with it, i didn’t even know he had one? saw, took, our colleagues now they are conducting a search in your hospital, they found your clothes there with blood on them, so let’s just tell you everything as it happened, okay, don’t waste our time. i saw in the movies that if, if the client’s killer rats out, then
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they give him a shorter sentence, it really works like that, are you a killer, it turns out i am, so, from this point, please, in more detail, i was hired to kill a wheelwright for 150 pieces, who hired my classmate, he’s a major, his dad. deputy, not in the duma, in our st. petersburg. so, why did he want the wheelwright to die? in general, we are on the chick is studying in the course, nadya krosovskaya. she is very beautiful, everyone wants her. gleb is our guy, a show-off, we need the best girl to go with him all the time. well, he’s a rare goat and nadyukha quickly abandoned him. how do you know about this? yes, our entire course was talking about this. sometimes they put on a circus like this in couples, which is simple.
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he’s a major, his dad sits in his duma, and i ’m a simple guy, my mother is sick, i work part-time as a security guard in a store, at night, i don’t manage to do anything with my studies, that is, you just like that, he easily and simply agreed to the murder, well, yes, who knew that i would get hot on such a fragile thing, where are we going, please allow me, just let’s do it quickly, i have a lot of work. oleg georgievich, i’m talking about dmitrieva, come in, you’ll forgive
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me, but you understand that if all this is formalized the way it really was, she will be trampled from the authorities, what are you suggesting, what am i offering, forgive me, i suggest that if you get a little dirty there, there are a lot of old cases there, and i’ve already thought about it, bul will come now. we took a gang, and dmitry was used as bait, why don’t you look at the operational team , so go and instruct it, excuse me,
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citizen loktev, i’m the inter-district homicide department, and what happened, you were detained on suspicion of organizing the murder of konstantin kolesnik, hands, cool prank, guys, cool, well , since you're so fashionable and so advanced, that means you'll google your p nadezhda, unfortunately, this is true, sorry for the inconvenience, let me in, come in, beauty, well, we've basically just sat here, we thought, there is one option, yes, but under one... condition, if you draw up the documents in such a way that not a single lawyer, not a single inspector will find fault with anything, we will do everything
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as it should be, but if so, then there is a chance, it means reed, help me or fill out the documents in crimea, that’s right, but the young colleague doesn’t want to say anything herself, do n’t be afraid, everyone here is friendly, thank you very much, and i give my word of honor, this won’t happen again, i’ll watch my own very carefully documents and identification. well, shall we believe it, girl? oleg georgievich, well of course we will! that's it, march to work, let me go, go already, go, thank you , but we haven't talked about the most important component yet? what haven't we discussed yet? about recovery in what kind of recovery? i think that lieutenant dmitrieva should go to the grocery store and bring large bags here.
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damn, here's a kaza, damn it, you'll have to go get it yourself.
6:03 am
vera, brosnikina, duty officer, hello, police, they killed our doctor, how they killed him, how, how, how! “oh, i didn’t get enough sleep, come on, don’t yawn while driving, calm down, i’ll take you, yes, who didn’t let you sleep at night, gritolechka, k unfortunately, not you, crime be fine, but it’s fortunate that it’s not me, i prefer faithful men, i also prefer faithful women, but unfortunately, i don’t believe in them, that’s why i’m still not a wife, that is, you ’re going get married when you get a general, that is, never, but i believe that
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you will get married, you will definitely get married, rather you will marry your wesbshnik." no, yes igor, i understood you, okay, now we will, we’re right next to each other , that's it, the house is cancelled, of course, but i invited my surizha to the restaurant if he likes me. sorry, we'll see, hello, reed, how did you finish, i can come and pick you up, it’s not difficult for me, yes,
6:05 am
seryozhenka, dear, i’m sorry, i’m for... van, write it down. death occurred as a result of penetrating traumatic brain injury, which led to the destruction of the skull bones and brain matter. murder weapon, hammer.


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