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tv   Bim-2  NTV  January 5, 2024 7:30pm-8:31pm MSK

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it was necessary to drag me to this abandoned place, these drivers, it is called ruins. and so this is an excursion , to some extent, i wanted to make sure that you would be alone, the ruins, so that i would be alone, from that same party, everything else is also somewhere here, yeah, somewhere here, within a kilometer radius , it can’t be, i’d like to see it with my own eyes, i’m not an idiot, as soon as i show you, you won’t need me right away. a million
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in cash towards my future share, a great plan, thank you, for an idiot, your oguvi has been in the cups for several days already maniacs, all your movements are here on my smartphone, so i don’t need you anymore, it was the easiest million in my life, and thanks for the bottle. wait, my friends are all going abroad, but i’ll probably stay, laugh, get drunk, if there’s nothing to know, i’ll get married, my friends write to me.
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so where did you take me to the bathhouse in an evening dress and billiards with heels? to the zoo
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, this is from bim, okay, i give up, then, to the theater, i didn’t know what kind of theatergoer, well, actually it’s not me, it’s my neighbors, i just helped them solve one issue, well, they thanked me with two tickets to the premiere, oh, so these are the neighbors, okay, should we leave him here? is that inhumane? of course it’s inhumane , because he’s a dog, he’ll be offended, well, excuse me, really, if there was a box, i’d take you with me, well, really, we’d get through somehow, look like this, do you see the porter? well, okay, don’t
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be offended, that’s it, come on, he was offended, no, he wasn’t offended, but he was offended, no, don’t be so quick, but what is it, i’m not sure, i haven’t gone to heels since graduation. “i don’t understand your hints, you understand everything perfectly, let’s stop this useless discussion, what are you accusing me of in the end, for starters, murder, take the dog away, excuse me, “she’s
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going to eat me now, now, excuse me, just a second, a second , you can’t beat the animals on stage, take her away, otherwise he now with you." let me come in? of course not, stand on the threshold? i see you both are looking for those impudent people. and, you know, i heard that girls allow
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impudence much more than an ordinary man. yes, but just don’t disrupt the performances bim rushed at you because he believed you, you are a great actress, and he is your ideal viewer, what kind of an actress am i ? “wait for me near the service entrance, well, where are you walking, my legs are falling off, we actually asked
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forgiveness from the actress for the disastrous performance, of course, take me home, of course, let’s go, let’s go.” i can’t walk at all, okay,
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can you imagine, the drain doesn’t work anymore, i won’t let you go without coffee, i don’t drink coffee, you you know. and i have tea , it’s delicious, it didn’t lure me in, but i have a sugar bone for you , no, you hear me, lakhmaty, you’re a traitor, oh, the ninth floor is too much , these ancient ruins make a special impression at night. soft moonlight gives the contours a romantic blur, a feeling of touching the secrets of the past. just imagine how many different events
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these stones have witnessed: national holidays, uprisings, riots, meetings, executions, sometimes cruel and inhumane, they always attracted huge crowds. people, oh, cool, they even put in a dummy to make it look natural, so what did you achieve? no, well, of course you got your sugar bone, so i was left without dessert, which is a shame, okay, let's go home.
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bim, bem, don’t go there, so, did you get to your actress? what are you talking about, he didn’t even have a thought , uh-huh, tell me, it’s you, let ’s tell him, but, judging by the temperature, the death occurred about 7 hours ago, there are no documents on him, a wallet, a phone, nothing, just an empty bag, identity could not be established, bakaka, m, lo and behold, katka, kaka namazyukan, i wonder, kid, for whom it was all so
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smeared, and not for the corpse, okay, okay, look, he saw it, nameless, without a ring, there were pieces there, well, both are missing, bye bye, robbery, stopudova , he was hit on the head with a bottle, what? there weren’t enough fragments for the bottle, well, but the blow was just right, here you are, experts, criminologists, calmly, mozhuk will explain everything to you now, it means the killer came with the bottle, that means here, the bottle, of course the fragments all scattered , in order to cover his tracks, he took it upon himself to collect, so this one didn’t notice, well... if, as syoma says, it was a blow, then
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there should definitely be prints here, yes, but apparently there was wine in the bottle, and i assume that upon impact it washed away all the prints, i’ll get to the laboratory, i’ll tell you exactly what it smells like in childhood, well... i have a new perfume, no, what kind of perfume, makar, only the baked potato stinks, the homeless guy is nearby, and they’re having a meal there today, great, oops , the familiar muzzle of the face is that he ate our shawarma, the dog is good morning, what do you need, but just pass by. well so you haven’t passed it yet, move on, okay, let’s remember how much you love,
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let’s look, my partner thinks that it was you, that i killed that guy. bim, take him, quietly, quietly, quietly, help. does that mean you are alexey germanovich chiglinsky, a samelier? yes, i
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just have a double surname, my mother was polish, and my father was french. rich family tree. you know that samilye is not a surname, it is a profession. what are you saying, it turns out i’ve become uninhibited. yes, i’m afraid that it didn’t crack, i’m afraid that it seriously rattled, for a long time, well, on one hand i don’t have enough fingers, okay, i convinced you, i was returning from the city last night, i saw two men fighting, and here one hit the other in the back of the head, the other one fell, hit him with a bottle, well , probably, yes,
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save, i’m holding you back, well as you wanted, well, i’ll let you go right away, or something , i’ll check, then i’ll let you go, come on, get up, let’s go. chiglinsky alexey germanovich, he was born in samara, came to our city 6 years ago, worked as a technologist at a winery, now he is a freelancer, collaborates, collaborated with several restaurants, and more he is a historian of winemaking and wine drinking, what,
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well, what is this, there is such a profession , well, that’s what it says on his page. he’s probably something like a fashion historian , something like that, in general he’s a very cool dude, he was, he traveled around europe, gave lectures, participated in presentations and tastings, he had a cool life, yes, guys, i’m not in the same profession i’m busy in life, he also wrote a book up to his neck in wine.
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i’ll send it now, i’ll go, i’ll tell kosmatova, so let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, where are you throwing yourself at your feet, my miracle, no, so what, i then i’ll go out and comb through these restaurants, and then i’ll go to the laboratory, i’m killed, oh my, how did this happen? and so i came to ask you about this, what do you think of me? well, who fought with him on tuesday? what about this? well, the security says they fought tooth and nail. yes, lyokha and i are friends, commander. why did they fight? i’m standing on the dance floor, playing, and he leaves with my chick, who
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he brought for himself, but i jumped straight from the stage onto him. by the way, this is why he could have gotten into trouble, why. all the guilt and the world will breathe easy, i agree, but i’m still interested, aunty postolet, where were you from 8 to 10 pm, well, he could identify a maximum of four components in wine, and as for memory, he
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couldn’t even pass the standard test exam, and received a samelier license for ... banal, that is, alexander, you too would be fine with everything, come and know my opinion, i want, svilino deletant, where were you last night, at the control panel until 4 am, there is a hell of a lot of witnesses, such an alibi it'll do, a bunch of stubborn teenagers, it'll do for us an alibi, but some kind of crap, not an alibi, and the girl will come up as a witness? this is the reason you got into a fight, now i’ll give her number, my partner still has some questions for you , lyoshka had one room, we ’ve been getting drunk lately, and he starts talking about some millions, but not like that there are cars or cars, and specific millions with
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such big zeros, but didn’t say where these zeros should come from? who the hell knows, maybe he did, but i don’t remember, we got drunk at the same time, are you saying they killed alex with a bottle of wine? yes, then that's it, yesterday, when he appeared at the club, he was literally shaking, he said that he had found some rare wine, from the year 1900, ordered for... yes, the romanov family won’t let me go, tell me, and that it’s only because look at these bottles did you
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come from the club? well, firstly, i was going to return, and secondly, i never left, and thirdly, alex, the guy, is extraordinary. persistent, just like your dog, i think that he could well have unearthed some unexpected artifact, well, yes, well, let’s say, as i understand it, that they don’t bring wine to the imperial court one bottle at a time, yes, usually in boxes, dozens of boxes, but what does this give us? we need to search cheglinsky's apartment. yes, alex was often away, the neighbors have backup keys. great, great. bim, let's go. number one, the right choice. in case of
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kindles the mucus, makes coughing easier. everything that will happen today on this stage will be with great love only for you, i can’t run, but my heart knows, take it, takes it to heaven to collect, where is my
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phone, we are changing... the big premiere is only for film searches trigger film, and where is his mother, mother sunshine, lie, do you want me to tell you more, trigger, the film is already in the subscription, film search, premieres today, tomorrow, always. look, i'm making you coffee, thank you, and you can get something tasty for that, thank you, where are my glasses? hello, who are you? mistress of the house? no, i friend, friend of the owner, mm, are you already preparing
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makar sergich something tasty? oh, katerina, hello, here they are, they said hello, i brought a warrant, great, and who exactly is this, besides the fact that a friend of a friend and your personal cook, i suspect of murder, actually, how interesting, meet, this is katerina, our forensic expert, this is lilia , she’s exaggerating, which means... i’m exaggerating, gab, bim, you found something there, i’m coming, excuse me, my manager, these women, well, will you help me, let’s look, look what's here? come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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come on, come on, sit, it looks like she may or may not be back, only alone, so suspicions have been removed from me, well, in general, yes, well, it will finally be known after a thorough study in the laboratory and tests. this bottle has significant historical significance, may i join in researching these analyzes as a historian? well, i think, but i think this is premature, because after all, the bottle is important evidence in a criminal case. well, whatever you want, whatever you want, but if you need me, you can call at any time, you have my phone number, makar, right? and by the way, if the charges against me
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are dropped, alex just recently had some kind of conflict with one director in the theater. drama theater? yes, but i don’t know the details, it was nice to meet you. and with you too. oh, mutually. and where are you going? you 're a friend of a friend, i'm going to the theater, like shakers, no, interrogate the director, you can't be so vindictive, oh, even the coffee ran away, boom, come here, next to me, let's go, what are you doing with him, he
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apprehended the murderer chiglinsko an hour ago? i’m already praising it, but did the detainee resist strongly or something, or maybe he wanted to escape? or not, what did he drink? at work? semyon bogdanovich said that he had no other way to talk to the killer. so, where was he detained? sleeping in the monkey barn? so, now take it, take it away from here to the rest room, lock it there so that not a single living soul can see it. and samilia, as soon as she sleeps it off, even by the scruff of the neck, bring her to me. yeah, bim, you, you remember how to behave in the theater
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so that i don’t blush for you, excuse me, but how to find the main director? ah, here is your unscrupulous owner. "you know what i think about him, yes, that's exactly what i wanted to say, i i’m very glad that i met you, i wanted to show off in front of you all day, i stayed in front of the theater for a whole 15 minutes, alone, it’s impossible to forgive, yes, understand, this is a friend, a friend who was with me, he felt bad, i had to take him him home when i returned, friend, this is the blonde with whom you were sitting in the stalls? yes, this is our colleague, and she is also a colleague, the director is rehearsing the scene, yeah, boom, bang, you’re alone, and where is your master?
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you are an amazing dog. typical lady with a dog, ladies are sweet, ladies are sweet, well with with well, let's start with stanislavsky , with the truth, and then we'll see, okay, yes, yes, i was familiar with cheblinsky, you know, purely formally, the fact is that one of the trustees of our theater, a writer... german grigorievich likes to arrange business meetings in our buffet, that’s where we met with him , that’s all they talked about there, i don’t know, i didn’t listen, that is, the artistic
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directors of the theater didn’t invite you to the table, that’s exactly what i said, no, however, one day they invited me to try a rare wine, what wine - cabernet , falcon, real, oakley bottle, really expensive, 10 thousand dollars a bottle, and what year, it matters, everything matters, ninety-two, 1900, that tells you something, let's go back to tell me, could you have personal scores with schiglinsky?
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which i am in this world, immortal, where you were yesterday from 8 to 9 pm, at home, in bed with your wife, someone should also confirm this, i killed chiglinsky, peace be upon him, of course, but why the hell should i bother oh this insignificance, it itself...
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title for wine, so i can be free, what can you say about this cork? i can open it, can you? where did you get it from? from there. physical evidence, well, my dear? did you come to apologize or for
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the dog? by the way, she was brought up much better than you. do you know how many men stood in front of me in this very place, some on wheelchairs, begging to let me kiss the laces of my shoes. no, you sang, i wish i could throw you out of here, but why are you learning such tricks on purpose? no, he's just very smart when things happen. ambiguous situation, he prefers to leave. do you think an ambiguous situation has arisen? no, but i think
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it will come when i invite you for coffee this evening, and you think i’ll accept the offer, i’m sure you’ll refuse, that ’s it, but then you’ll regret it, no one told you young man that you can’t talk like that with women, with beautiful ones. they always say, so how do you react to this? i prefer to see how it all ends, yes, well, how it usually ends is never possible predict. well, mr. samilia, what
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will please you, i don’t know how to explain all this, it’s just amazing, with a high degree of probability the bottle contained the lost wine of chatol harouche, which is very expensive, yes words. because, judging by the cork, this is a bottling from 1907, this is exactly the wine nicholas ii ordered for his court, and how much can it cost? nowadays they can fetch more than 100 thousand dollars for a bottle, father, or even more than 200, the fact is that the ship that was carrying the order sank in the late nineties its fragments, but there were only a few bottles, and about 20 boxes disappeared without a trace, apparently not without a trace. i’m sure there was some kind of mistake, at an auction in moscow one
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bottle of chatolage from 907 was sold for 275 thousand dollars, how many millions, almost 20, excuse me, well, what successes, and the successes are very interesting, we found this bottle in chiglinsky's apartment. you are just mocking me, this cannot be, in our department everything is possible, yes, comrade colonel, very much, so you are here on business, out of happiness, a pragmatist, i am investigating the murder of alexei cheglinsky, i recognized this one, of course. he came here often, what kind of business did he have with your
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boss? i don’t know what was going on with chiglinsky with the main director, but his wife and he were very cheerful, this is theater, sometimes love creeps out from the stage into the real world, the husband is jealous, jealous, and then one night there was such a fight. they beat each other up with props, you know, he even promised to kill chaglitsky, well, do you think he could actually kill him, you know what question students are asked very often.
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so your wife's testimony is you, mr. director, just a gift for the prosecutor, there’s just one thing i don’t understand, you killed him with a very, very expensive bottle of wine, where did it come from, i didn’t kill him, but how can i explain this to you, well, there is one option, you
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can tell me what it’s about actually talked and... well, chiglinsky once said that he had found information about the loss of a shipment of wine at the beginning of the last century. so, this, as i understand it, is wine from the imperial collection. yes, for nikolai, it seems, the second, well, yes, of course, the second. he offered fesenko invest in this search, promising that when they find it, the profit will be significant. well, at first he laughed, said that he had not gone crazy yet, but... chiglinsky did not intervene, every time they met, he offered more and more new arguments, yeah, and fisenko gave in, i don’t know, but when i appeared they they immediately changed the topic of conversation, but why didn’t they tell me everything right away, well, the fact is that today
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an official came to me, he said that if the police come, it’s better for the chiglinskys to talk about these conversations. no glass, no fingerprints on the bottle, except for chiglinsky, there is no one, the director shown is not enough, smiles are needed here, well, yes, now, if we arrest fesenko, he will simply put a row of lawyers in front of us, they will laugh in our faces, we can’t force it either, as soon as fisenko finds out that he has been detained director, he’ll understand everything, he’ll hide, yeah, what
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suggestions, well... not a bad idea, bim, but i’m the only one here who doesn’t understand what kind of idea it was, when fisenko hit chiglinsky on the head, the bottle broke, and wine should have spilled on his clothes , well, old wine, yeah, but this it’s like fingerprints, if he hasn’t washed it yet, that’s it, mom, get ready, let’s go, bang. ed and i understood, you’re a colonel, and i, the kid , immediately thought so, very well done, oh, that the kokuns are in their coats, the police are opening the door,
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which means he’s a lieutenant. how is this all, and this is all a thought, it means that he is the one who will guard these cars, here is the alarm unit, check it as much as you want, and... think about it, follow him, i understand, and
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this is gemanuil redonich, and where is your tool , so in the car, i’ll bring it, i’ll bring it, security, and you have a flashlight, yes, i’ll take a look now, a? otashi, come on, let's act, don't be foolish.
8:18 pm
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your beloved, moisei kazimirovich, thank you, what is this, signaling, i’ll be right back, zagidonich, you see, why are you, what are you,
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scared of bumblebee again, huh? you need to close the window, everything is fine, everything is fine, i think.
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well, now you can take it, syoma, die , that’s all, and where is my jacket, in the closet, the one i was wearing the day before yesterday, beige, exactly, well, it disappeared, how it disappeared, well, you won’t believe it.
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are you leaving somewhere? yes, for a while. where's my car? near the back gate? go , you know where, go, detain this couple for a while, got it, stand, this is private territory, okay, we have a warrant over there available. show me, please, please, my little one will leave through the back gate, oh, you hooligan, i’ll have to go get
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a copy, everything is around the house, stop, i’ll shoot. hands, kueh, don’t twitch, syoma, syoma, syoma, but alive! everything is not clear, it seems he missed, kid on the gun, citizen, fesyanka, you are
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under arrest, box number 19, five bottles. well, thank you very much , we won’t appreciate your contribution to the fate of this wine, yeah, thank you, kid
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, you know, you don’t want to splash into your pocket, well, give me one, well, jadua, one word, salamye, you really upset, really. then we ’ll see, maybe there’s still something left there, maybe there’s something left here, lech, there’s nothing here, they took everything, we ’re that you, we have another bottle hidden in the department, yeah, i mean, that’s a good thing,


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