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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  January 6, 2024 7:05am-8:01am MSK

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it was urgent, oh, listen , let’s just quickly, otherwise i’m late for work, my husband disappeared, like he disappeared, i saw him yesterday morning, well, just like that, yesterday he was there, today he disappeared, interesting, come on, come on in, tell me , he went to moscow on a business trip and just disappeared somewhere between his house and the station, well, he had to contact the police, yes, but they said until three days had passed, we wouldn’t look for him, in general they said he’d walk around on his own he will come, but i have him... he’s not like that, he’s not on a walk, yes,
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yes, i know, he disappeared between the house and the station, yes, he was supposed to go to moscow on a business trip, he was going to the station, he said , don’t see me off, i don’t like it, he left about 10 minutes later, i see, and left his passport at home in the hallway on the nightstand, but without a passport he couldn’t they’ll let you in, yes, they won’t let you in without a passport , so you just had to call, i called, but the phone was already turned off, i called a taxi, went to the station, i thought i arrived before him in the carriage, he wasn’t there, he never showed up again, no, the train left without him, i ran to the police, but they know what they told me, and the phone is still turned off, turned off, yes, i’m off to work to see my boss.
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refuses, says he has no idea how he ended up there, well, naturally, yes, by the way , there are no traces of blood on his hands or clothes, and in general, when the goytsy showed him in the trunk, he almost fainted , i mean, well, i mean, i almost lost consciousness, but the fact that there are no traces of blood on the driver doesn’t mean anything, after all, he could have changed his clothes, lesh, but with what? a pistol with a silencer is also in the trunk, death occurred, well, about eight hours ago, hours ago, it turns out around one in the morning, right, well, something like that, killed in the trunk , no, killed in another place, and then they put him in the trunk, well, i suggest we go talk to the owner of the car, yeah, well, as i understand it, what more should i add to you nothing, okay, let's move on, hello, well, i'm ready to write a purely heartfelt confession, i'm already tired of repeating, i don't know anything about this. i put the car in for repairs
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, picked it up today, was driving to work, it’s like this, yeah, it’s clear, it’s all funny of course, but what were i doing around one in the morning, i was at the airport, i met my wife, she flew in from moscow, well, really, the plane was delayed for 4 hours , i had to hang out there for so long, and i was there on all the security cameras , you’ll probably ask in the cafe, they probably remembered me there, so freeze, well, then i’ll check at the airport, bullshit, of course, but we need to check, come on. yes, hello, nikit, oh, our young talent , he himself is only 2 years older than me, after all, he’s older, yes, come on, just a little, listen, can you dial the phone number, please, yeah, what’s this about, well, this is not relevant, this is personal, but i understood everything, i understood everything. you
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i introduced you to a guy and now you want to know everything about him, yes, he’s married, not married, how many children he has, you didn’t understand everything correctly, this is my neighbor’s husband, he disappeared yesterday morning, but i understand, okay, sorry, okay, i’ll do it , come on, have a seat, thank you, okay , yeah, don’t peek, so, well, look, yesterday at 9:00 am the number was turned off and still hasn’t turned on, it was turned off on pea street, between houses 17 and 19. that is, it turns out that he turned off the phone as soon as i left the house, uh-huh, strange, listen, and you can put it under control so that we can immediately find out how as soon as it turns on, of course, anything for you , as soon as it becomes active, you will know about it, the second one is right after me, thank you, nikitochka, ella, excuse me, please, this is of course none of my business, but be careful with married neighbors, i told you, it’s not what you thought, i just warned you, okay. uh-huh, no, never saw him. well
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, then how do you explain the fact that a corpse was found in a car that was located on the territory of your car service center at night? hm. i have no idea, however, you will have to explain it somehow, after all, you here is the director, you are responsible for everything , i didn’t kill him, i’m sure that my people too, or do you have evidence to the contrary, not yet, but i would really like to hope for your cooperation, yes please, i’m not against it, but what do i i can help you, i was at home, so no one works in the service at night, last night i... was the last one to leave, much earlier in the night, so, and after you left, could someone else come back here? there are cameras on the territory, if someone returns, the security is aware, but here in the service you have cameras are there? no, why? i don’t pay security
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so i can do this myself. ok , so you claim that salsky’s car was with you all night, yes, it was ready in the evening, but it was left overnight. salsky arrived in the morning, but it should have been on the video cameras at the entrance and the statement, took the car, the keys were in the car the whole time. okay, we'd take a look at the cctv footage that's available. reports, please, regarding the recording, this is for security. i see. thanks. yes. goodbye. hello, igor, hi, well, in general, i’m from alebisalsky airport, confirmed. yes, don’t tell me, poor fellow, imagine picking up a car from a car service, driving to work, then the goyists stop him, and he has a corpse in the trunk, no luck. good afternoon, police,
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that’s right, i’m not guilty of anything, wait , let’s get it in order, what are you talking about, well, i know, at the service today. a person was killed at night, but it wasn’t me, was anyone else on the premises besides you? no, i didn’t see anyone, but i honestly did the rounds three times and besides, we have dogs on the territory here they are still walking at night, they would bark so much here if someone from outside appeared, well, this is a good thing for a dog, of course, but , to be honest, we trust cameras a little more, they are your workers, yes, of course, you can look right now i have this booth here, and we will definitely confiscate the records for last night, but please, look, please, do you know this citizen? no, what a beauty, there is no one on camera, the security guard did not leave his workplace at the time of the murder.
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i don’t know, it seems to me that the guard could hardly to be a killer, but to be honest, i don’t really believe in it either, but there are still no other versions, well, wait, it’s not evening yet, oh you... that’s exactly what i need, yeah, i established it, who was the corpse from the trunk during life, the fingers worked, so that means he has already been convicted, yes, our client, sergei petrishchev, born in 1965, 10 years ago he was sentenced to 9 years for rape, a year ago he embroidered, i hate such things, lyosha , you better, i ’ll get you some coffee now, it’s giving me heartburn, so i’m just eating these pancakes right now ate, pancakes, pancakes. that means pancakes, so pancakes then, according to petrishchev? a week ago he committed another rape, but it was not possible to detain him, the bastard, the bastards, escaped, that is, i understand correctly, until the moment of the murder petrishchev was on the run, by the way, the last victim of this freak, repeat again, almost went crazy , tried
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to commit suicide, is now in a clinic for the mentally ill, well , you have to think, of course, listen, excuse me, but can i express my opinion, comrade major, speak up? this is some kind of, this was not a murder , this is charity, i need to say thank you to him for this, this is really just shooting a mad jackal, comrade senior lieutenant, i completely and completely agree with you, thank you, me too, lesh, thank you , conclusion, i'm off, but you and i will still have to look for the killer of this mad jackal, and unfortunately, there is one idea that amazes with its obsessive revenge, father, brother, fiancé, options, yeah, i get it, i get it, comrade major, i enter, i go on the attack, i walk in a steep dive, i would like to pancakes, but you have to work, why are you so
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busy, something happened, it’s good that you asked yourself, otherwise i can have two breads. i wanted to consult, i’m embarrassed, why be shy, we have an excellent team, it’s a field question, contact me, no, yes, but this is personal, well , then it’s up to you to decide, hello, though. i quarreled, but i don’t have any loved ones, but then what if my neighbor’s husband had to , if he had already started, tell me, go on a business trip to moscow with his beloved, yesterday morning, but he left the house, went to the station, and before he never made it to the station, and his phone turned off 5 minutes after he left the entrance, the neighbor is worried, doesn’t know what to do, but do nothing, wait for him to walk around and come, they also told us in the area, so what kind of men are you, you judge everyone. myself, my neighbor, by the way, has a normal husband, who doesn’t play around, how do you know
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how from where, the neighbor herself told me, eh, what are you doing, you were born yesterday, well, just like the world, a man’s trick, a switched off phone, a business trip, well i beg you, thank you, i i thought you’d help, but what then is the money , what does your neighbor want you to look for, yes, well, then we’ll look, we’re an opera after all, pasha, thank you very much, by the way, i’ve already put his phone under control, this is right, but first we’ll eat it all, i wanted this myself, only then we’ll start searching, yeah, the name of the raped woman is nina makarova, she recently turned 19 years old, well, in general, i talked to my mother, she seriously asks, as you understand, don't touch the girl now, she'll talk to us i’m just not able to, well, i think it’s not that important. for a moment, do you think? i think so, because i already found out the basic information, at least about the family. brother, father?
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there was never a brother, her father died a long time ago, but she has a fiancé, a certain vasily kuznetsov, so there is no more information about him yet. margot, but i think one telephone conversation, as you understand, is not enough , of course, in general, take zolotovo, yeah, get through this vasily kuznetsov, go to him, yes, i’m listening, yes, we’ll be there now. "nightingale calls for a meeting, then go, you bastard, you understand that we’ll waste time, but you won’t lose anything, the main thing in our work is that oh, so please, don’t say that the meeting , alas, blaze, are you sick, my dear , you're scaring me, look, you're mutating into an evil and scary boss, yes, soon i'll grow fangs and a tail, i'll be covered with fur and with an angry bark i'll run after wood grouse , help, let's go, let's go, thank you, do you want it?" " no " , thank you, it seems to me, talk to your neighbor again, what’s her name, svetlana, svetlana,
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uh-huh, maybe some information will appear , that is, you think i might have missed something, but no, i don’t think so, it’s just that time has passed, you have questions, not me, but you, not you and not from me, but from us, we are a team, for sure, bon appetit, thank you, that means i was sobbing at the investigative committee in the zaitsev case, but we finished there, i know, yes, yes, potap and dmitriev asked to take time off for an hour, but i just didn’t know that you, dear comrade colonel, would schedule a meeting, i would n’t let them go like that, but it’s okay, they they still aren’t working on the corpse in the trunk, now let’s move on to this very troupe, the fact that he was identified, that he was a rapist and that he was wanted, i know, i want to hear your versions of the car in the trunk of which a corpse was found, belongs to citizen salsky, who this morning took it out of the car service center and took the car into the car. in the service station he killed this same petrischik, drove him out of town, but they stopped him,
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georgievich, this version does not fit, petrischik was killed at night, at that time his car was in the service station, and if he killed one of he put the car service employees in the trunk of a car that was being repaired by them, why, what’s the point, calmly, they would take the car, drive away and bury it somewhere in the forest, and why put the body in the trunk at all, it’s clear that they will find it and the first thing they will do is come to them, well, in general, we will... work out all possible connections between salsky and the car service employees, as well as with the murdered petricheev, but something tells me that we will achieve little in this direction. well, okay , let’s say you have your own versions? georgivich, of course there is, when we have there was no version, are you offending me? well, our version is that you still have to go from the motive, but there is a motive. the girl who was raped a week ago had a boyfriend, vasily kuznetsov. we assume that kuznetsov found petrishchi and killed him. okay, but then i have a lot of questions, and we have even more questions, where, for example, did he get it and how did he
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find petrishchevo, how did he even end up on the territory of a closed car service center at night, why did he put the body in the trunk of salsky’s car, and so on. are there any answers to these questions? there are no answers, but as they say, if we catch it, we’ll ask. so, how did your husband get to the station, by his car or by taxi? no , our car is being repaired, but he didn’t call a taxi, he said that he would catch it on the road, it’s strange why a taxi is more reliable, so i told him the same thing, but he’s stubborn, yeah, it turns out he caught the car somewhere something near the house. let's go check something out. what do you want to check? he is ok? is he alive? light, everything is fine with your husband, he is alive and well. i'm sure he'll return home soon. then what do you want to check? well, same with ours work of wisdom. go home, don't worry, we'll call you as soon as we know something. ok, thank you. all the best. i feel sorry for her. it's a pity, it's a pity. i'm
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sorry too. so what to do? let's find it. let's go to. every white wizard, the lord of winter, created a new year's miracle, a grand premiere, eizilaki, everyone here, today, anywhere! classical ballet figure skating stars in evgeni plushenko's ice show. it's clear that! so as not to be extinguished, give, give clearly, so as not to extinguish, clearly, so as not for the snow maiden in the new year, today at 10:20 on ntv. bim today at 19:30 on ntv. do you have porridge? take
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7:23 am
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that's not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax. shopping with a plus. disco superstar. january 13 at 21:30 on ntv. hurray, we're on time. yes, in the new year, i gathered you here today, gentlemen, to tell you some unpleasant news, the auditor, denis nikiforov, is coming to us, and who were you waiting for and his bim, in what rank, they are starting new investigations, jump, i understand, the title, i wonder how he figured it out, by the smell of my pistol. bim, new episodes, thank you, boyars, for honoring us with your presence, from january 10 at
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20:00 on ntv. poor girl, you said you were from uboynoye? so what does rape have to do with it? the fact is that her rapist was killed tonight. that's what he needs. forgive me, lord, nothing, we understand you, you know, i think such people should not live at all , i wonder if your son has the same opinion, of course, this happened to ninochka, but you know in general how he loves her, what do you mean? you suspect my son, you just said it yourself, that he would really like to take revenge on the offenders. “to desire is one thing, but to commit murder is another, he will be imprisoned, love sometimes pushes people to unpredictable
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actions, even good people, yet you can’t tell us where vasily, i don’t know, he went, where, on business , i’m sorry, there’s a photograph in your hallway, it’s vasily, yes, but i won’t tell you anything else.” do you suspect my son of murder? oh, go away, that’s what your opinion of us is, and what other opinion should i have, after such questions, by the way, your words can help vasily, go away, let's go, excuse me, let's do something next time.
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calls are coming, but there is silence, no wonder, either he has been on the run for a long time, or his mother got ahead of us, but we have the phone, we’ll ring it ourselves, well, igoryukh, maybe a glass, or you can, of course, but i’m better coffee, after all , at work, well, as you know, in short, what i think, okay, you asked me to blurt out if there was someone to identify the bagpipe, yes, no one handed it in?
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so, how are you doing? listen, i went to three stores. what do you mean why? i think that my mistress, pash, here you're on your side again, how many times have you been told that my neighbors are a normal family, he would never change in his life, you know, well, he didn't change, that means he didn't change , you're too cynical, but i'm not cynical, i'm an internal organ worker, i see to be honest, besides, it’s not working hours, i’m quite romantic, yes, or maybe you saw in the video who was driving there, it’s not very visible, but it seemed to me that the figure was the same again, that you asked again , i replied,
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let's go to the department and take a closer look. nikita will ring the numbers, let's go, where are you walking, but i didn’t find you right away, i brought you, yes, yes, yes, here. everything is there, hold it, it’s great, guys, this is where they sell guns, hands up the hill, the police, stand, no one is running anywhere, the gun is here, come on, he gave me a gun, you’re wearing a cop bastard, who is this, vasya, what is he like? , he’s a fool with us, yes vasya , what will happen to me, we’ll sort it out in the department
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, go ahead, go ahead, well, kuznetsov, we’ll talk about what, about murder, and yes, i ’ll tell you everything, well, that’s right , a sincere confession can always ease the punishment, i understand, i wanted to kill this bastard, i bought a gun, such people have no right to live, if he is even human. so, well, i wanted to, of course, but how did i do it? and by the way, what's the story with the car service? in terms of? i wanted to kill him, but you took me. if it weren't for you, he would already be dead. apparently it’s not my destiny to avenge nina. so, wait, are you saying that you didn’t kill petrishcheev?
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no, what is he dead? yes, he was killed tonight . there is justice in this world. what nonsense? so you just wanted to buy a barrel? how would you find petrishchev? i wanted kill him, but i had no plan. so, kuznetsov, let's get to the point, what were you doing at one o'clock in the morning today? i would be in the dormitory with my classmates. can anyone confirm this? anything, guys, vacter , yes, ask anyone on the floor, clearly, you understand what kind of idiocy you have created, in order to imprison people like petrishchev, there are police, and if you had killed him, you would have been in prison for 15 years, you would he ruined nina’s life and his mother’s at the same time, nina doesn’t have a life anyway, nothing will help her, stop it, fix your nerves, get out of the hospital, and in 5 years you will raise
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don’t even remember your children.
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hello, hello, can i hear elena vladimirovna? they're talking to you from the tax office, inspector kudasov. well , okay, thank you, i’ll call you back later, well, on a business trip , she’ll be there in 2 days, so she has a cell, but it’s turned off, turned off, and you can put the cell phone under control, yes, but what will it do for me, what you will, there, ela will kiss you, uh, oh, three times, one, no, two, okay, two, okay, two, well then, it’s good to bargain, el, that’s it, let’s go. someday later, i remember, the box is ticked, yes, so, i have very little time , let's briefly get to the point, can i start first, come on, lesh, i have two news, i completed an examination of the front door lock at a car service center and found out
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whether the lock was opened and closed either with keys or with a duplicate, uh-huh, the second one, the gun from which the murder was committed had previously glowed, and twice, oh , interesting, the first time it was a raid... naz, there the raider shot at the ceiling, so we have both the bullet and the cartridge case, there were no victims there , the second, the second is much more serious, a week ago a businessman was murdered and collector of ancient icons gubin , the same trunk worked, wow, but where was it in the region, which means the regional ones were involved, ordering, no, i think it was robbery, because they took out 8 million rubles and 30 million worth of boards, you have i mean icons, icons. he was also a collector of ancient icons. so that's it. for the first episode, contact the officers from the robbery department. and for the second, talk to regional killers. maybe they have some evidence, witnesses, or something else. that's it, work. eat. yes, by murder
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gubin i'm doing. here. we have a trunk from your slaughter, so to speak, has surfaced , it’s interesting, but we’re just as interested, so please, tell us about the gubin case, but what are you telling us, wood grouse, there is no witness, no clues either, only shoe prints , two criminals, but you yourself understand that this is so-so evidence, why zolotov, writes that at the gas station they identified petrishcheev as the robber, so, that means, let him take the shoe prints there too, write. well, who knows, maybe gubin’s murder isn’t such a big deal, well if it matches , then you’re welcome, we’ll put it down, i understand you, so,
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let’s get started, why are you so happy, well, just, just...
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he got a gun from somewhere, then he committed an armed robbery at a gas station, and in general, at one time he was put on the wanted list for rape, after which he was hiding in his friend’s garages, but the garage is located right next to that same car service station, wait, where did this conclusion come from? the fact is that the owners of garages and security guards unanimously claim that the territory is full of janitors, of course they don’t they bark, but as soon as a stranger appears , they immediately... begin to bark, therefore, the one who committed the murder was one of their own for them, well , it’s a little far-fetched, but then, well, then we assume that petrishchev persuaded his friend to carry out a raid on
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antique dealer, what they did, and then returned to the garages with the loot, well, then petrishchevo’s friend began to think that sooner or later, they would still go after petrishchevo and catch him, and not for the murder of an antique dealer, but for a crime... which he committed earlier for rape and when he is caught, naturally, they will also split into murder, and so, accordingly, he decided to kill petrichev so that the police would never find him, he killed, apparently... at that moment when petrichev was sleeping, took his own pistol from him and shot him with it, yes, moreover, the murder was not the result of some sudden quarrel or impromptu, he carefully planned it, why? yes, because he made the keys in advance, a duplicate of the keys from the car service center. so, how did he do it? georgivich, there is a passageway, locals constantly come to the mechanics car owners, well, yes, just hang out there , chat, the car service is like that, local, homely, one might say, his own, and he decided to throw the body in... the car at the car service in order to confuse us with everything, right?
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well, it turns out that this is so, in any case, this is our main version, well, okay, i agree, a full-fledged version, but i don’t understand why you are talking about revealing it, i don’t see petrishchi’s killer, where is he? like where, it will be soon, it’s just a matter of little things, we’ll catch it, we have a trace, the antique dealer’s killer, and one of these traces exactly matches one of the shoe prints, left at a car service center. yes, but we will, of course, check all garage owners who have visited the car service premises over the past week. didn’t you think that the villain who killed petrishchevo could have already thrown away these shoes 100 times, and now another one is walking around. but here, georgievich, there is one very interesting detail, i would even say the main one. the fact is that the killer’s shoe prints are size thirty-eight, so he can change these shoes as much as he wants, he still can’t hide from us, it’s not his... this is definitely a man, but the expertise is in this
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case , it’s definitely a man’s shoe, clear, then go, find it, bring it here, and stab it all the way, it’s clear, georgivich, everything is already on the way, and what ’s wrong with your head, the woodpecker pecked, i’m like the last sucker , the booms are shaking, your boy is standing with me... lemons, well, the ram is kicking, his work, get off the boys, well stand, just pull them into the holes, i’ll dig them out, why would you destroy them, but a balabol, a seasoned animal, and a predator , today at 12:15 on ntv. bim - new episodes from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv. this is a corporate event, this is it. entermin entermin is a new
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to find dmitry yakubov? pash, have you seen yakubov? oh, so that's what he is? dmitry yakubov? yes, allow me to detain you for a minute, senior lieutenant potapenko, inter-wound homicide department , i have no problems with the laws, why did the police come to me, the fact is that today a certain citizen petrishchev was killed on the territory of a car service center, well, we are asking everyone who could have seen and known, you know this one, i don’t know this one, maybe you have a photograph or there is a photograph, it’s just that your garage is very close to the murder scene. well, this doesn’t mean anything, i understand, look, please, i don’t know this, by the way, your sneaker is dirty, he’s always like that, goodbye, i ’m keeping you, yes, let’s say we find someone
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who fits the description, what’s next, but first we need to find him, yes, that’s understandable, i ’m just thinking ahead. well done, what are you thinking ahead? guys, what? it looks like i found him, a certain citizen yakubov, the owner of one of the garages, what is a thirty-eight foot size? well, i don’t know, my eye is certainly not a diamond, but it’s very similar, plus i behaved aggressively. okay, now let's get to what i'm talking about, i suggest putting him under surveillance and waiting for him to come to us. chest with money. well, in principle, he might not have had time to spend this money, especially since all our evidence is indirect, so we have nothing to pin him down yet. yes, but...
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what are you doing there? yes, i'm fixing a router here, is the wi-fi not working? listen, you need to hit one person, what exactly? yes, right to the fullest. yakubov dmitry alexandrovich, what year was he born, come on. where to begin? well, start with the phone. ok, let's see now. pyasek, yaku, some kind of recluse. why? he only has a few calls a week, and not even to people, not people, car dealerships, god, so what? this morning he called several car dealerships, and talked to two for more than 40 minutes, and what kind of car dealerships, now a second, avatar car and nexus, margot, hello,
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listen, please go to the nexus car dealership, yakubovsky. i talked to them for about 40 minutes, yes, yes, yes, yes, absolutely right , zolotov is nearby, very good, tell him to go to the car dealership, car avatar, yakubov called there too, that’s it, come on, i’m waiting, bye, well, there's a clue, there's a clue, s you are completely set up for this yakubov , the faster the better, that’s it, come on nikitosh, why not, first the router, yes, for god’s sake, everyone needs the internet, yes, i recognize this man, he was with us this afternoon, this... did he really buy a car from you? well, this is not done right away. he wanted it in the maximum configuration. yes. he wanted it with extra electronics and wood trim. he came. i spent a long time choosing, and later i called and left a request for a car. this means that he chose a car with the best configuration. yes i
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i was also a little surprised, this yakubov looked, so to speak, well, well, unpresentable. very interesting. i'm glad i could help you. you have helped and will help, in fact even more, if you tell me when yakubov should come to pick up the car. tomorrow morning. yeah, then he should bring the money. yes. by the way, we offered to take him a loan, but he refused. he said that he was ready to pay for the car in cash, that's how, yeah, very interesting, thank you very much, please let him burn, it seems to me that he got caught, well, there is news, what's up, so , well, sannikova's phone turned on, and where, so, but first you promised me two kisses, i'm ready, uh, so i'll kiss you, no, no, no, that's it, guys, that's enough, that's enough, but i remember , another one will kiss you, so pay attention, the device is located at the amur country recreation center,
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one call was made from it and it turned off again, where they called the delivery of mexican food, well, let's go, thank you, you are a miracle, i remember about the second kiss, yes, yes. well, let's go get him? and this is not her car, hers. listen, and you did you take the pistols with you? al, good, but you yourself understand that this is not a kidnapping. where is he himself? listen, that's what he's worth. wide.
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the criminal investigation is in place, yakubov was caught, rice, look at our harvest, money, icons, icons, quickly facing the wall. hands behind your back, hands behind your back, quickly! ella, any money, just tell me how much , just don’t say anything to sveta, it’s just terrible, well, you yourself understand, she won’t forgive me, well, you yourself understand that this is all, this is a scam, and she’ll do the right thing, young man man, tell me, at least you understand me, tell elochka that there is no need to tell the world anything. please, that means this , citizen shirokov, pack your things, go home to your wife, come up with some kind of story, well
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, in the sense of explaining to your wife why you didn’t have it for so long, why the phone was silent, yes, but honor it if the signal comes again about your disappearance, we will definitely find you, handcuffs , we will come to your wife, we will tell you where you were, wait, this is the rear, wait, okay, let me finish, you understood everything well, yes , i understand, then do it, i understand. thank you i, that's it, so, yakubov, you've gone through the stage, fuck you, you're ready to talk to the point, you're ready, but there's no point in denying it, there 's really no point, we found icons, your footprints matched.
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with him in the same cell, it seemed like he seemed a bit shady at first, then they became friends, just met just a week ago, and what did he want? asked me to hide you, wait, how did he find you? you know, the 21st century, social networks, whatever you want, it’s not difficult to find, well , let’s say, continue. but then he hid it in his garage, wait, none of the locals, not even security guard, they didn’t recognize petrishchevo, they didn’t recognize him, because i led him secretly,
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through a hole in the fence, you bend over there... and you pass, no one knew about it, yes, there’s a hole in the fence, how corny, yes, and we- then they broke your head, which means you hid the petrifier , then, well, then he asked for help, said that he needed to do the documents, asked for money , well, he offered to carry out a raid and divide the money in half, you mean the attack on gubin, yes, on a collector on... it's not, well, honestly, i know you might think, but i swear i didn't shoot cuba, especially for makruho , i didn’t sign up, well, that’s understandable, i’m serious, you can conduct an investigative experiment, do whatever you want, but listen, yakubov, for such a non-lover of mokrug, as you say, you killed your comrade too easily , these are generally different things, this is different,
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if you are doing something, then you need to do it cleanly, we first agreed that we would share everything equally, and he began to say that my share should be larger there and well, of course, you immediately decided that it ’s much easier to kill a friend and take all the money for yourself, yes yes more reliable, because they are looking for petrishchi , and if they find him, they will split him because of rape for robbery, yes, i thought so, we already understood that, so what kind of scheme with the car service, well, at the car service they know me well, we are there with the guys si... we sometimes have a drink and making a duplicate key was not a problem at all, and then i decided to confuse you, i deliberately walked in front of the cameras in the evening, yeah, and then we returned through the door in the fence and killed petrishchiy, and wrapped the body in a bag and just threw me into the first car he came across and went through a hole in the fence, the dogs
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they know, that's why they didn't bark. everything had to go perfectly. yes, pash. unfortunately, you were right. why, unfortunately? did you really want me to be kidnapped? no, i mean it in a different sense, they just seemed like such an exemplary married couple, but in reality it seemed completely different. well, my dear, anything can happen. why did you decide not to give it to your wife? because they would get divorced, and we , as police officers, are simply obliged to preserve family unions. is this our job? relax or just kidding. their affairs will sort themselves out. how can you even trust men now? i know one person you can trust. oleg georgievich, then two, krymov. okay, three, let's just leave it at that. i want to raise this hot glass of tea for faith, for faith in love. be careful, it's hot.
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhstereva. our military in the northern military district zone took up new positions near artyomovsk. ivanovo paratroopers used diversionary maneuvers to storm behind. on the dpr border from the zaporozhye region, assault groups are working there provide hail calculations, destroying fortifications, tanks and armored vehicles. in the kupinsky direction, camouflaged ones were discovered and struck.


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