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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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the first batch of signatures from new regions in support of vladimir putin arrived today at his election headquarters. emergency landing, the american airline plane returned to the airport. due to the emergency door falling off in the air. move a historic building without loss to free up the site for development. ilya fedosov talked with the builders who were able to do this. hello, at ntv news in the studio egor klyvanov. to the central election headquarters of presidential candidates vladimir putin the first batches of subscription sheets were delivered. his support comes from new regions of russia. as a self-nominated candidate, the current head of state needs to recruit. at least 300
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thousand signatures from all over the country. signatures from twenty subjects have already been delivered to headquarters. another twenty-five today. these include crimea, dagestan, kuban, volgograd, svetlovsk, tyumen, chelyabinsk regions, khantemansi and yamalonets autonomous okrugs. some of the volunteers came in national clothes. documents will need to be submitted to the electoral commission center before completion. january. we need to organize a check of these subscription lists. here you go guys. signature sheets have already been checked at regional headquarters in moscow , repeated verification and, as volunteers working at the headquarters said, not a single document has yet been canceled . it was a bad saturday morning in the north of israel. today almost hundreds of settlements on the border were involved. with lebanon, residents were warned about
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another attack by hezbollah militants. however, in most settlements the alarm turned out to be false; just one area. and this is israel’s response, the destruction of the group of militants who launched the missiles. explosion sirens are heard almost daily in cities in northern israel. this is kiryat shmana, just a few kilometers from the border with lebanon. more than 20 thousand people used to live in this city, but now the streets are empty. people have become.
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a diagnosis in which the bladder is split, the anterior abdominal wall is open, it did not close during intrauterine development, the bladder sticks out from this hole, we were told that the child is better refuse, the child will smell like urine , this is total urinary incontinence, such words when you are 22 years old... do not frighten you, they often make you faint-hearted, but the couple did not give up, they took their son all over the country , earned money and collected money for expensive treatment. maxim survived several difficult operations, has been living an ordinary life for 10 years, and diana realized that she has
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the strength to help another child with the same problem, but without parents who are ready to do anything for him. she went through the school of foster parents and waited with bated breath, his own mother immediately abandoned him and sent him for an operation in moscow, where his count’s father was a dash, the boy was urgently taken on by some of the best pediatric surgeons in the country. every year, up to four babies with this pathology are operated on in pilatovskaya. the intervention is very complex and after it , long-term rehabilitation is needed, which falls on the shoulders of those closest to you. the sooner the new parents took the child home, the more effective the recovery would be, and of course, the better tyoma’s life would be. but to obtain custody of a child from another region - the process is complex and long. doctors and social services from moscow and magadan helped the whole world.
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a month later, a nurse from the magadan malyutka house, who came to the capital with tyoma, handed him over to his new, or rather real, parents. meeting with parents, it’s all just some kind of fairy tale. i gave away the ending as if it were my own, of course, but i know that they will take care of him, everything will be fine for him, a bright future. ksenia ignatova, mikhail rostovtsev, maxim darychkin, tatyana leksina and maria rykova. broadcasting company tv. today orthodox and some christian churches that celebrate the summer of blessedness according to the julian calendar celebrate christmas eve, the canon of christmas. this is the last, strictest day of fasting, which began back in november. late in the evening, the temples will begin to perform night ceremonies. the service in the cathedral of christ the savior will traditionally be led by patriarch kirill. the day before , the trinity of andrei rublev was delivered there. the icon was brought from the grobar restoration center, where it was under scientific supervision in a special climate-controlled room.
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historical real estate in st. petersburg has become movable. for the first time in the history of the city , both the roof and the entire ancient house were visible. a unique operation was carried out. to make room for new construction, the building was far from in ideal condition, there were cracks, defects, and soft soil added to the difficulties, but everything went as planned, our correspondent ilya fedosov observed the work of the rapid jacks. on december 15 at 3 p.m., the historical building of the imperial orphanage at the address black river embankment moved alone and slowly rolled to a new place, 42 m closer to big oil. it is generally difficult to move a house; in st. petersburg it is more difficult than anywhere else; citizens are wary of any attempts to free up space for development in the center of st. petersburg. therefore, when they started talking about construction on the black river, the public became concerned about the fate of the historical building of the imperial orphanage. it
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was located in the depths of the site where development was planned. however, the developer himself came to the conclusion that the only logical solution was to move the historical the building is closer to. we will watch with interest, it will be a new, unexpected experience. the interest of the architectural community can be understood; such technical operations have never been carried out in st. petersburg; the world, as well as the moscow experience of expanding tverskaya, was not suitable in this case. our soils are not moscow. much softer, more pliable, more plastic soils, then each such operation is unique, there are no two of them repeated. as a result, it was decided to develop our own way of moving the two-story historical building weighing 3,200 tons. move the building from above onto a pre-built underground
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parking slab, on sliding teflon elements or on roller trolleys. in the end, we decided to use rollers. technically, this is about the same as rolling on pencils. on the table, a tray with a fragile tall cake, we needed a tray and it was necessary to strengthen the cake, that is, the building itself, since it was not historical , we carefully dismantled everything that was inside, cleaned it, inspected all the cracks. all defects and proceeded, some of the defects we treated, plus a complex operation to transplant him onto a concrete slab. the building was held together with metal ties, and a reinforced concrete slab, the same tray, was poured under it. the technology for moving around the house is simple, but only at first glance. first , this concrete slab was placed under the house, which created the necessary rigidity and was supposed to withstand all the loads. then , with the help of powerful jacks, they lifted this slab and brought carts with rollers under it, and then on these carts they simply rolled the house 42 m.
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this is the final distance. technical house made a knight move, first moved 5 m to the right, then 45 m forward. rails were not used for transportation. of all the options worked out by engineers, the most ancient one, tested by the egyptians during the construction of the pyramids, moving the object on rollers, turned out to be optimal. as a workforce. powerful pulling jacks were used, these jacks, which you see, today they are tensioning the thin-fold handles, yes, which are pulling the building today, so the building is moving approximately now at a speed of 4 m/h. unique operation completed successfully, the calculations turned out to be correct, and there were no deviations from the plan. the st. petersburg soil behaved well, sudden frosts helped it in this , the house rose to its intended place, and the builders of st. petersburg had a new technology that will help in the future... the fate is not
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of ancient buildings, but of elderly cows, a shelter opened for them, the ladybug exists with donations sent from all over the world and with the support of volunteers who care about the fate of animals. vlada kopyllovskaya about why the former dog handler became a charitable farmer. frosts hit and the hay in the paddock froze, it is necessary to chop, neither axes nor sudden movements frighten the local inhabitants, there is freedom here, they want to walk, they want to go bask in the barn , complete scatacracy, victor’s whole life revolves around the herd, one thing replaces another, this finished, the third one went, and that’s it and you’ll be tired all day, these cows don’t need to be paid for their care with either milk or meat, in the ladybug shelter the inhabitants die a natural death, an unkillable herd, seven bulls, seven cows, since childhood victor... animals and did not want to eat them, at a conscious age he became a vegetarian, married a like-minded woman,
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lived in the city, the family bought milk from a private farm, where one day a farmer slaughtered a cow, to victor’s protests he replied: he would i tried to keep cattle , that’s how it started, i bought myself a cow, then i found out that it’s better for cows to live together so that they can communicate, i bought two, then two more, so i had four cows that simply lived with the people to whom i paid money for , bought them food. and i say, take as much milk as you can, well , at least do what, i say, just don’t kill them , he didn’t intend to be a farmer, but he quit his job as a dog handler in the city, acquired an abandoned company, moved there with his family and organized a shelter where he could provide the horned animals with a decent old age. at first it was difficult, and there was no comfort in urban farming skills. i don’t know how to milk, i learned it there with one hand , at first i milk, then i switched to two hands and became a professional.
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vegetarians, sometimes the owner doesn’t always own this idea becomes so attached to the animals that the hand does not rise to give him up for slaughter, the shelter is more than 6 years old, the family feeds on their garden, the cows in the boarding house are already... ntv. ural. let me remind you that you can also follow the news on the website in the mobile
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application. today. and i have everything for this minute. thank you for being with us and see you later. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of my work, i lead a sedentary lifestyle. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. hello! tsam i, myself, dad, zone, looktys.
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happy new year, the children will open a portal to the past, they will finally find some adventure, who are you? not children's problems, my grandmother will definitely kill me. dwega, or what? danya, you opened a portal, alexander galovin, kaygets, olga prokofieva, you messed up, not a children's movie, watch navink, new year's discounts in the magnet. molokusha 11990. if you have hemorrhoids, three active
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components of gepotrombing relieve the pain once, for two burning sensations, for three pains. capable. action immediately after using gepotrombin g treatment of hemorrhoids on 1 2 3 bim today at 19:30 on ntv. it’s just space when you feel the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms. enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon. cosmically delicious. cherkizova pay less toilet paper papiya 2690 delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the app pyaterochka pyaterochka helps me out, i think my grandfather is hiding something the bustle of the key fireworks
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the new year's light lights up. a magic staff, grandpa, and we have something tasty at home, we can conjure something, he can cast a spell, snowman courier, proven, my grandfather, santa claus! on new year's eve , everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts , for those around them. happy new year, wizards. simply delicious rostagroexport sour cream. just try it. there are all kinds of dragons. strong, cute, bully and all are good, but still
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ours are most dear to us. beline values ​​her clients and gives 100 gb per year to the dragon. warming in the middle zone is already emerging very clearly on january 9-10, although a new surge of cold weather is also already scheduled for the old new year, but after our desperate current training it will be easier to survive, now while we are swinging towards the weakening of the frost, i’m not at all sure, we still remain inside a very cold air mass, but from the ninth the air will already be just cold,
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for now it’s again colder than expected by 15 degrees, against the backdrop of these harsh cold weather unseasonably warm rainy weather in the south? southern cyclones are holding their defense, the border between heat and cold is still near the lower don and volga, but this is only for one more day, on monday the cold air will penetrate here in rostov-on-don it will get colder by 10 degrees, on wednesday night it could be -20, like the next night in arkhangelsk, and during the day it will be -1 and it’s warmer than in the center. in general, the warming that everyone in the center is waiting for will come precisely from the north, when a cyclone dives from there and draws in less cold air. if tomorrow in vologda it’s minus. 24 then the day after tomorrow -13, this is very encouraging for the capitals, tomorrow in st. petersburg -17 during the day -24 at night, in the moscow region at night again until 28, during the day in moscow 18:2 very similar on monday, and on tuesday maybe warm up to -5, but with snow and wind, that’s the price.


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