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tv   Balabol-3  NTV  January 6, 2024 4:20pm-7:01pm MSK

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in the meantime, it’s again colder than expected by 15 degrees, against the backdrop of these severe colds there is unseasonably warm rainy weather in the south, southern cyclones are holding their defense, the border between heat and cold is still close to the unknown don and volga, but this is only for one more day, on monday the cold air will penetrate here too, in rostov-on-don it will get colder by 10 degrees, on wednesday night it could be -20, like the next night in arkhangelsk, and in the daytime it will be -1 and it ’s warmer than in the center. in general, the warming that everyone is waiting for in the center will come it is from the north, when the cyclone dives from there, that less cold air will be drawn in, if tomorrow in vologda -24, then the day after tomorrow -13, this is very encouraging for the capitals, tomorrow in st. petersburg -17 during the day, -24 at night, in the moscow region at night again up to 28, in the afternoon in moscow it is 18:20, very similar to monday, and on tuesday it can warm up to -5, well, with snow and wind, that’s the price. yes, i, too, anh, used to think
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that my father built a business with honest money, and you’re a kid, whose will you be? igor semakhin's son, a good couple. wait, what if you shoot me? let's, shoot, loser, you, still a bandit son , can’t really tie
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him up, little one, come on, come on, come on, come on, it ’s good that you turned up for me, well, i found a new place of work, igor dmitrievich, tonight they shot two of our guys, and they're in the hospital now. and where did they get in? i sent them for dmitry. what's wrong with dimka? he wasn’t at the address, it was varobyov’s old dacha, the owner of this one. i have your boy, he costs 10 lemons, until the bank closes. card number,
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this is mihiy, i know, gather your brothers. in general, at the airport they rang the bell, our simakha bought tickets yesterday for his son, you know where, to madrid, and where is his wife, and his wife has been basking in the sun there for a long time, and you were right, lip, it’s not for nothing that simakha puts his own people away so that he doesn’t get a response choked, he squeezed two, there was no one else, but it wasn’t he who took it, and then it wasn’t him who called either, the washer, well, who took it, who called, we’ll figure it out.
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it’s okay, we’ll scrape everyone out, but she brought something difficult, well, micah, as i promised, ideas have appeared, but what? about whom, o pomeranians, anya? mikhailovich, i told you, i’m not in business, buddies, what kind of tent is this? what do you need here , turn down the sound, picked up some trump cards, simakha, you’re not a greyhound , you’ll be laying it out there, and no one has given you a word yet, and what are you doing there, hang your lip on the lads, oleg, rezo, come on , uh, come on, men, calm down, what’s the problem, take a breath, don’t interfere. really, stand on
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the sidelines, or better yet, take a walk to your trash bin, i said you closed it until i lost my heart, now we’ll calmly lay out the...
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what are you doing, major, don’t do this, i ’ll send you both to sick leave now, if you don’t calm down your goblins, the guns have been removed, well, now, quickly, everyone to the table, forward. now let's go look for your children, which children? congratulations, micah, you
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have a daughter, did you fall from the tree, what kind of daughter? pretty girl, don’t worry, we’ll go to the department now and take your materials for a dna test. you’ll see for yourself, that’s it, they’re coming for us now, lip, order coffee for everyone, and i’ll have a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, big premiere, only on kinopoisk, trigger, film, where is his mother, mother sunshine, lie, do you want me to tell you more? trigger, the film is already in the subscription, kinopoisk, premieres today, tomorrow, always, take a leap forward , suddenly igor calls, we are discussing a reunion, you fit in, and i was very happy, in
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a way we seem to be returning to our youth, cameramen, stuntmen, after all danger, that's basically it. we rewrote all the songs, redid all the arrangements, there was grass near the house, he immediately said that we would perform it only on one condition, that we would make it our own, well, then he came to say, so of course you can laugh here, get rid of yourself, but tomorrow we have a recording, earthlings, the return of the legend, full version, january 8 at 23:50 on ntv. bim new episodes from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen at an affordable price . iscafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. ascafen - when you have a headache. start the year with profitable
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creates simple and convenient tools to solve your problems. tinkov business and the job is done. bim new episodes from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv. does a woman intuitively feel if you have what she needs? one is enough glance. real masculine energy drives you crazy, attracts and attracts like a magnet.
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tankatali premium is a natural remedy for men that gives bright and unforgettable sensations. maximum sexual energy, maximum confidence, maximum endurance. the strength of a man. in the ability to subtly feel subtle signals, give confidence and awaken passion in order to experience the whole palette of sensations together. stansaali premium, you decide how events will develop, with age under the influence of stress, poor nutrition, even in the present men have a moment of self-doubt. tankatali premium contains natural ingredients that support male energy, and the main secret is the legendary malaysian root tankat, which has been used for centuries for male attractiveness. this natural
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aphrodisiac increases physical endurance and fills with masculine energy. the pleasure can last as long as you want it, and even more. when the goal is desired and so close, nothing should stop you. tanka. a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. get tancali premium is free right now. find out how by phone. 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. favorite stars and time-tested hits. i love you attitude. you don’t wake me, you don’t wake me, my red light, you write to me, like a spring
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ray on a white wall, music is playing on the ship, i love you girls, i love you boys, let’s fall, let’s ask in the right place, and i i’ve come to you for a long time, fear makes some people weak, others, on the contrary, strong, and
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what kind of person you will be, i’ll get you, your liver, i’ll cut you out, do what you think is necessary, it’s all up to you god, a simple priest, simple people don’t behave like that, huh? but in general it’s correct, goodness must be with fists, goodness simply must be, abbot, today at 0:20 on ntv, well, how long will you keep us, if your dad doesn’t transfer money to me by the evening, i’ll overwhelm both of you, i’m tired of empty waiting, what are you going to do with this money, i want.
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listen, if i transfer money to you from both accounts, my father’s and mikhei’s, you’ll let us go, it’s like via the internet, i’ll log into the bank, break all the codes, that’s all, anh, give me a computer, you’re a hacker, what? or something like that. only this will take time, well, you have time, only a little until the evening, well, well, should i tap on the keys with my feet, well... okay, tell him off, hacker, but honestly he was pretending, he himself is as much a thief as your dad, an apple from an apple tree, so
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what? let's start with you, valery denisovich. according to the results of the dna test, anna pamerantseva is your daughter, micah. well, what kind of daughter are you chasing, mihaloch? and there was less need to crawl on other people’s pillows. now explain zoya to yours, and to you the rest cut off the bells and bells. yes, well everyone knows that you are. i've tied my household in knots for a long time, so shut your mouth, you big -headed one, why are you making waves, you're a horse, stop being a dog, sit down, now the general question is, where are your children, of course, he has my demon, yes, but i'm wondering where this girl, well, daughter, that
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zoyka didn’t come out, you decided to grab her, but who found out? it worked, but you filter the market, you're a nit, you shut up, toad, shut up, both of you, sat down, after all, two idiots got together, well, it's clear to a cretin that someone else wants to understand both of you, well listen to an intelligent man, but i know the reason for your fierce hatred for each other, i know, vaska, come on, come on, come in, liliya alexandrovna, sit down, hello, igor, hello, well...
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my best friend, huh igor took her in shortly before the wedding, married her later, and i’m a fool , i consoled valerik, valerik was consoled and forgot about me, and since then he’s been at loggerheads with igor, right on his behalf... thank you, where is my daughter? well, i hope your friends will help us in our search for her? if anything happens to my daughter, i will kill you. zoya and this anya, some washer grabbed it. who it? don't know.
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alexander mikhailovich. father kondratiev took over car washes. maybe this is somehow connected? oh, there was such a business. i also put it on the headstock, well , his boy knocked mikheevskaya car, well, remember that you, because it was me, and how do you know, but he approached me for help, i didn’t fit in, well, it’s my own fault, but that ’s who the bastard was , the washer died, but his son appeared, well, everything turns out that dad glued the flippers together, now the son has come to pay for dad, who has my daughter?
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maybe they’ve both been locked up, i ask you, find my daughter, calmly, we’re doing this, vaska, don’t let anyone out, and stop your cockfighting here for me, let’s go out , the main thing is that i called you roosters, okay, so look at the situation. it is possible that vadim kondratyev kidnapped mikhia’s daughter, and it is also possible that he also has a son, syamakha. two syamakha fighters were shot at kondratyev’s dacha. apparently, kondratiev is a stranger in our city and he has nowhere to go. with two hostages from the dacha, he couldn’t go far, that’s it, that means he needs to look in his neighbor district, in what radius to look, well, i think, within a radius of two or three kilometers, but you know
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how many dachas there are, i know, that’s it, run to the barbarian, get everyone on their feet, what’s going to happen soon, right? if you stand , it won’t work faster, okay, don’t get excited, work , he shouldn’t get a penny, that’s just what will happen to us when he finds out that he has nothing, nothing, let’s break through, i just sent the coordinates, will anyone read it, uh, what are you whispering there? why don’t we have anything to whisper about? so come on, leave me from him, come on, come on, and you slap the keys, wait, i didn’t break off your fingers, if you break them off,
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you’ll be left without money, but don’t be smart, come on, work! that's it, the money was withdrawn from our dads' accounts and transferred to the orphanage account. what made you say there? the process of transferring money has begun, you just need to wait a couple of hours and the money will arrive on your card. why is it taking so long? aren't you kidding me? no, there is a complex system of checks, it’s simple. okay, hands, come on. so, what if the program stops. come on, come on. stop, i'll untie you too, come on, come on,
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come on, ah, cook, you fools, now we can, if they don’t find us before the evening, he will definitely kill us. they will find, they will definitely find, mikhailovich, what are you doing , i’ll let your bosses go when there’s no need for them, that’s it, it’s not mine here, so this is mikhailovich , one incident came up, well, mikhail, everything was written off from the grandmother’s account, to zero, so, what else, well... the account also reset to zero, no news about the children , it sucks, yes, pencil is listening, yes
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, yes, yes, thanks for the call, yes, so what should i do, mikhailovich, what will you do, i i don’t know, i need turpentine now smear yourself, i just got a call from some blogger, he pulled information from the internet about the detention of the children semakhe and mikha, they are asking for help, there are coordinates, we’re going, i’m on my way, and why are you showing up here? consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for its people. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think. the main quality
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that both parents gave me was a love of music.
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works out as planned, and even... it’s better that all plans come true, and the first loan payment can be postponed. apply for a loan in the tenki app with a decision in one minute. deferment of the first payment up to 90 days. tinkov. yandex tv station pro. culet screen with anti-glare coating, voice control with alice, unlimited content - all the capabilities of the station. alice, continue the film. i turn it on. forget about the remote control with the new yandex tv station pro. this meeting with. everyone was looking forward to it, meet the new truffleburger in kfc and rostiks restaurants, a special combination of haute cuisine and your favorite chicken, which is impossible to refuse. the main novelty of the season is the truffle menu in rostix and kfc restaurants. you know me, and this is picador ketchup, as bright, sharp-tongued and indispensable in the kitchen as i am, picador, unexpectedly piquant ketchup, azon,
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one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, great blow, i’ll post it now, damn it, wrong file, how to cancel? oh no, already no way, artyom, it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, cool video, it took off faster than i thought, because with 5g it’s even faster with it, on tour with a runny nose, no, we’ll treat it, buy it at the pharmacy, siolor suppresses bacteria and fights inflammation, sealor nasport is better
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to treat, we’ll take it. turn, rotate, twist only after looking at it 100 times, it’s better to confirm the payment once, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check, that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, the unification of germany is up to us, and not the germans who lost the war,
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they lived so well, why is this... your gorbachev’s construction will ruin our country, but stop reading these lights, there’s chaos in berlin right now , we need someone with unique experience, my legend, your beloved, photographer tas, comrade of the kgb, photo, running construction, ingrid kleya, we need access to buy the archive in the staz, the markus wolf archive, we know that you know where he is, we should be the first, are we going to make a movie?
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3 hours have already passed, well, there must be a signal about the receipt of money, what a signal, show me on the computer that the money has been transferred, this is impossible, the program has not finished its work, what are you telling me, the bank transfers money in a second, but here it’s different , what else, okay, now we’ll figure it out, let your dad check his account. no need to call him, he can block everything , he won’t block anything, i said, you have to wait, oh you little bitch, you’re pushing, you’re being stupid,
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wake up, listen, calm down, i’ll do what i promised, really, i’ll calm you both down now, forever, i’ll start with you, you little runt, run , oh, you’re coded, wait here, you know who’s getting your hands on, i’ll beat you up, you know, get up, you like to beat kids, right? and try these, what are you saying? what about him? uh, are you alive? yes, he’s breathing,
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it seems, just drag him yourself, i didn’t hire him. they will still snatch this money back from the orphanage’s account. lord, i was so scared, why haven’t i changed my mind, mom, calm down, it’s still good , nothing would have happened to me, really, dima, yes, thank him, tell him, thanks to him quick wits, we managed to save them, thank you, young man, i would
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have gone crazy, thank you, but you, mikheyushka, don’t want to meet your daughter. mom, is that you, well, anya, yes, hello, hello, you don’t think so, i don’t need anything from you, i just wanted to meet you.
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your job? where does the computer genius get his money? gave it to those who need it most? well, i didn’t give it all away, thank god, your brilliant brains weren’t enough to clean out all the accounts? ok, we'll deal with you later, it's okay, you'll steal some more, let's get out of here! no, wait, that's not all, of course, i am sincerely glad that everything was resolved so successfully, but there is one unresolved issue, which is the theft of funds from a bank account. bills in especially large amounts: articles 158-159, parts three: up to 6 years imprisonment, i don’t understand, major, you are now asking me to report my own son, well, how they
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committed a crime, i am obliged to inform you, i jumped, genius , write. funds from the account were transferred with my consent, great, valera, what is valera, well, your move, dad? well, yes, i mean, translation with my consent. well, consider the matter closed. nicholson announce. due to the lack of corpus delicti, the initiation of a case was refused. thanks to everybody, you're free. go. pa, what? thank you.
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oh dunce, so what else, can anya come to our house today, anya, well, let her come. and he’ll take his mother with him, and this newly baked dad, mikhei, you’ll go, whatever you think, weakly, i think, yes, but let’s go , let’s go, thank you very much , come on, mikhalych, phew,
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that’s it, guys, now the trailer will come. so, styopa, there’s a hole in the glass, there’s dust over there. wow, uh, man, who are you? should i show you my passport? i don’t have it anyway, i have a library card from the central library , there’s also a photograph there, oh, what a little car, well, come on, don’t touch the car, and what, you have a lot of them, you should get out of here, and i’m not alone here, samurai, see the guests off,
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i told you to get out, it’s unclear what, maybe it can help, the younger group, how are you coping, we’ll cope. well, are you going to look at your library card? damn, you’ll put on your own shoes, huh? well,
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fierce young people, you have gotten yourself into the very muck that awaits you. general washing, and how long they will rinse you, they will tell you in court, but what are you planning to present to us? they bring you premium class cars, you change the numbers , repaint them if necessary, then load them into a trailer and send them to the customer, we just repair the cars, and whose cars they are, it’s none of our business, well, that’s understandable, maybe they were stolen? well, you’re bothering the racers, we have something to show, but you think there’s nothing, participation in an organized crime group, well, that still needs to be proven, well done, pig, burn, nickelson, explain, young man, here’s to prove nothing, or you will go to trial as witnesses, or as members of an organized criminal group, you feel the difference, my dad told me that snitching is bad, well, you’re my smart girl, nicholson, what are you doing? you say that this generation is lost, but well, he’s listening
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to the folder, and styopa, beautiful, one thing is insulting, now you’re raising the deadline, but all you need is nothing, testify against david, and go for a walk, vasya, and then david will be released to us in the gut , he still needs to reach your liver, listen, we are simple car mechanics, who stole what from whom, it’s none of our business, what you are presented to david, it’s also not for us to understand, we have nothing before you. nothing but resistance to police officers. nicholson, what sentence do we currently have for this? article 318 up to 5 years, up to 5 years, a nightmare? days yes no well, of course we can forget about the deadline if we come to an agreement yes well why no ideas appeared noa didn’t appear noa didn’t appear okay think about the time you
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still have tomorrow we will continue the convoy lead all accounts with your money to zero, the money is cashed out, it’s now no one will get it, it’s amazing what’s going on with the witnesses, everything’s in okay, no one will testify in court, i’m sure even the most desperate convinced people have weak points that can be pressed on, the hero is only on tv, okay, when will you get me out of here? question, i think a few days, the case is practically collapsed, you will be released for lack of evidence of a crime , okay, the court is outside, they were covered with a workshop , but a cook's, who knew, it seems that no one, at least from your opera, unfortunately,
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is getting smarter, all the cars confiscated, it’s a pity, the deal was fat, that’s it, the guys from the workshop were detained, bad, very bad, the guys are silent, they will be released in 72 hours , they are not even guaranteed a sentence for resisting , you can beat him up with a fine, for 70. 2 hours you can talk to anyone, you know how the cops can treat you, it’s a pity for the guys, give me this one, what are you thinking , no, there is no choice, do this, you guys are reliable, they would
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tell me everything, there’s no point in taking risks, i’m getting a life sentence, everything should be cleaned up in a day, go, fight! you're late, korlov. if you are not in a hurry, it is impossible to be late, what do you want? three people were brought to you today, in the davyd case, well, they delivered it, so what? you have frostbitten cells there, but where
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they are not, it would be nice to put these newcomers in them, i would be happy with a sad outcome, for everyone? for everyone, read the press, there is very interesting material here, goodbye. well, receive the guest, boss, dinner, come on, so that it’s quiet today, that you’re freezing, come in. hang
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out with us, drive away, make a fuss at the guest, well, who are you, samurai, samurai, i heard that you go under david, well, i am like that, seriously, man, i met him, help yourself, something not this way? yes, you drink, it’s from the soul, from the heart , you disdain, samurai, aren’t you too cool, and take your hand away, and aren’t you afraid that this
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sharpening will now end up in your eye, and piss him off, bro! here it is, come on, come on, quickly, quickly, faster, faster, come on, damn it, kolya, save these two, oh you bitch, come on.
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then the overlay came out with your clients, with a lot of noise, in short, you need to wait at least until tomorrow, understand? that's it, i'll call you back, come on! hello, why are you so upset? did anything happen? i got into a fight with brumel, now parents are being bullied. seriously? yesterday's detainee was clapping, who? a samurai was stabbed to death in a cell, they found out
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who stabbed him, what do you think , they left prints on the sharpening, you know what they will tell you in the cell, chief, he stabbed himself, ah, nicholson, it seems to me that this is a spring cleaning, i mean, well how, he clears out potential witnesses, then they need to be transferred to a separate cell, but i already gave orders, well... it turns out that piga and styopa still remain potential victims. girl, don't bother where you already are unpleasant. okay, now they’ll bring the khmari davidovs, let’s whisper. yes, start it. here they are. well, come in, qataris. remove the bracelet. that's it, thanks guys, free. citizen boss, we
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can’t show anything new on the merits, nickelson, look at what he’s like, he’s got the bull’s horns, my friend, but i don’t need to show anything, if you want, i ’ll show you myself, sit down, what, what? guys, there's a big problem. your samurai sidekick was taken to mork today. yes. and the funny thing is, he himself is not going to die. was going to. do you know who sentenced him? who? your benefactor, david. what for? yes , because while you were free and carrying out his task, everything went on as usual. and now here you have become dangerous witnesses. i see, but what do you want from us? well , before you get kicked out like hell, i offer you
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an alternative, either you make a plea deal and testify against david, then we create conditions for your survival, or you remain silent, then i let the situation go, forget about your existence and i wish you great luck. i explained clearly, completely. but what to say, maybe it won’t come through, it’s up to you , we’ll be slammed in the zone anyway, well , it’s good to get to the zone, we agree, it’s the right decision, we ’ll take the hero firmly. sport, we need victory like we need air in the sky in the sky in the sky beauty.
5:12 pm
eternal in our grass and my generation , come on, russia, come on, come on, how real men play, a coward plays hockey, pop stars and legends of national sports, today with us are the great athletes of our country, a celebration of live singing in the name and glory, heroes of sports, of a great country, we firmly believe in sports heroes. january 8 at 22:15 on ntv. biam new episodes from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv. i have all the best that life can give, but i am not happy. you don't have your own apartment. there is no food in the refrigerator. so why are you so happy? i'm hiring you as my personal coach.
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a leap forward.
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two were transferred to a separate cell, they damn, please, now this is impossible, these are under a special protection regime. do what you want, but don’t let styopa and piga appear in the courtroom. okay, okay, i 'll work through the issue. look, borenka, don’t screw yourself up. by the way, they probably have parents. you want to say goodbye to them, pull yourself together, come on, when you finish cleaning up with the guys, for all three of them you will give close relatives more decent sums, like
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compensation, after all, it’s not their fault that they got caught in the distribution, okay, i’ll compensate, yes nice, something else i... don’t screw it up, otherwise i’ll have to merge with this city, and here it’s so satisfying, it will be a pity,
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it will be a great pity, they called varara semyonovna, sit down, what’s going on there? well , everything is in full swing, our main defendant is languishing, the evidence base is complete, the case can be transferred to the court, but what about the witnesses, they are already bursting with how they want to give evidence, god, thank god, i thought this case would never end, so what? varora semyonovna, maybe we can celebrate, but vaska runs away, he’s frisky, no, celebrate without me, i have 2 weeks of legal days off, who will be the enema for the personnel? you are crap look for another forest orderly, you little bastard, i have already signed an order for a temporary replacement, so come on, train, forest orderly, okay, i
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’ll arrange it for them now, run away! rolled up, stand up when you talk to an officer, in a water bottle , alexander mikhailovich, no, here you have to put your whole head under the tap, i can hold your hands, talkers, i amnesty the young lady in honor of the upcoming builders' day, i announce to you talkers three outfits in a queue, the guards have disbanded, you've gone wild, and in front of you is your god.
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boss, i can do it, there is no place for interns, the question is the same, who will go to court, nikolai nikolaevich still has three orders not closed, you can no longer count on my sandwiches, it’s not enough. penal company, this direction strikes you, what’s there, nothing, and an onion, a bag, okay, i’ll go, some seagull.
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good morning, hello, hello, nikolai nikolaevich, how long has it started, well
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, there’s still a couple of minutes left, that is, i’ll have time to drink some coffee , but of course you’ll have time, oh , sipley, to come to me, and what are you doing here, i miss the verdict, what are you weaving , what to say? nothing more, don't make noise, after all in a civil case, debtors or something, the debt was hung up, right , now i’ll go and take care of it, then you’ll sort it out, let’s go have some coffee, but not just any coffee, captain, i’m running out of time, let’s go, i said, i’ll treat you.
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“stand, turn around, the boss didn’t take it off too early, just right, free, i mean, should we take it for you?”
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no, put the handcuffs back, we’re not going anywhere, sturila, or something, shut up, you’re such a bastard, what are you doing, why did you take the gun, you moron, what’s wrong, now your prints are on the gun, now you shot at a cop, that's it, now the cops will definitely overwhelm us, so let's go upstairs. come here, here, like that, there, standing still, and it’s garbage, come here, don’t twitch
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, i have nothing to do with it, i’m not with him, get out of here, please, i have nothing to do with it, hands, arms, trunks to the ground, trunks to the ground, kick here, whoever has a stick , get it, styopa, close the door, so everyone in the corner, in the corner, i said, bespectacled guy, in the corner, are you getting lost, why are you getting lost, move, why are you moving, blue one in the corner, you? that you got up, let's go to the corner, calmly, put the hammer down and go, everything you have is normal, good, that means so, now everyone is quiet, otherwise we can’t vouch for ourselves. david, well done, boys, well, the government is changing,
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it’s nice to the eye, it would always be like this, and you, alexander mikhailovich, have already submitted the report, by the way, huh? and now will you give reports? yeah, guess who? major balabin is listening to you attentively, i understand, i’ll be right there, that there, alexander mikhailovich, hostages were taken in court, call gribanov. well, we froze, get ready, let's go
5:29 pm
, come on, come on, what am i, come on, come on, quickly, cleanly, let's all go out, the exit is always behind me. okay, you will be with me, move, consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with
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love for its people, rosselkhozbank is more than you think, favorite stars and time-tested hits. i love your mood , don’t wake me up, don’t wake me up, my red light, you write to me, with a spring ray on a white wall, like a ship, music is playing, i love you girls, i love you, autumn-autumn, come on !
5:31 pm
bim today at 19:30 on ntv. i have all the best that life can give, but i am not happy. you don’t have your own apartment, there’s no food in the refrigerator, so why are you like this? joyful, i’m hiring you as my personal trainer, successful, you’re ready for explosive brain pumping, i’m already on my way to you, look now only at kiion, if you have hemorrhoids, three active components of hepotrombing at once relieve pain, two burning sensations, three itching, capable of action immediately after the use of hepotrombin g treatment of hemorrhoids at a time. i wish i could have lunch now for 200 rubles only at kfccs i always know what to read next, more than half a million books and podcasts in subscriptions, read and listen for free for the first month, i i read this, my back gets tired on my feet all
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the emperor's secret. calls within russia are free and anonymous. thanks to the emperor's secret, a man becomes more passionate and resilient in love. advantage this complex is that it allows you to get unforgettable erotic sensations at the first time. you will again feel forgotten tender feelings and passionate desires, supported by male power. a natural remedy, the emperor’s secret, is a happy opportunity to forget about failures and again feel the enjoyment of long-term intimacy with your loved one. if you want to know more, call 800 100 r 30 27 8 800 100 exactly 30. and find out details about the emperor’s secret. the call is free and anonymous. i wish you happiness and
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good luck in love. bim. today at 19:30 on ntv. contractor, you should know this. when you enroll in military service, you receive a number of benefits and guarantees. but there is also something that has no price. be shoulder to shoulder with your comrades, defend your family and homeland, fight for a just cause, gain new knowledge and skills, become stronger, join your friends! serve under contract! collect their mobile phones, come here, and run,
5:36 pm
what’s next, you’re already crowded, you can’t get through, but i don’t know. “i’m not a negotiator, i need a psychologist here, what should i talk about with them, okay, i’ll try,
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guys, what do you want, it’s not a big deal yet it didn’t happen, you’re already published, yes, then what? then there will be an opportunity to calmly discuss what happened and improve the situation, you don’t want to spend half your life behind bars, you’re the smart one, right? but tell me, smart guy, why did they just want to kill them, who? who? and you don’t know, right? why are you making me crazy now? your cops are here on the stairs, why did you shut up? should i believe you after this?
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we talked, nothing, then we'll try again, guys, check the floor, it's clear, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, there are no civilians, everything is clear, everything clear, commander, accepted, check the stairs. the top is clear, the middle is clear, everything is clean , the commander, the building is cordoned off, accepted
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, i am a lawyer, i can come under protection, let him come, go, how did these two cretins appear here, you promised me something completely different, i don’t know.
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you're from here, you're talking noise, there'll be noise for you, shit, what do you need, well , what will you do if you don't give up, so they forgot to ask you, and you ask, it's free, maybe i'll recommend some gel, you'll advise how to play the box, you're in the wrong hurry, you pig you think i don’t know that you ordered us, you know? who told you this, not the cops by any chance, maybe you’re already listening to them? but tell me, dude, all this fat that you have accumulated was given to you by the cops, they pecked at my palm for so many years, but only belched from satiety, i probably forgot already, yes, or maybe you made a secret friendship with them , oh, the guys in the zone will be happy about this,
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there’s such news, you know, it’s hard to hide, eh... yes, okay, i never doubted you, wait here, great, great, what’s up, three guys , eight hostages, armed, four guns, whatever they want, they haven’t made any demands yet, they are making contact, no. is there a list of hostages? yes, there is, here you go! judge, secretary, prosecutor, and who is this unknown person? was he dragged out of the corridor along with gribanov? it's clear? listen,
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balabin, give the order, my boys are here for a minute. i have no doubt that you will break in in a minute, i doubt that there will be no casualties.
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so, yes, i came forward as a witness, you think that you are talking bro, sorry, bro, i misled you, i have some business for you here, you are a cell you can unlock it, right? why open it, sit where you are, are you talking to me now or hoarsely, piga, you yourself said that we are in prison, david can get us out, well, yes, he will win and slap you, you guys are like a bone in his throat, why? i’ll slap them, the guys have guns, well, what the hell, are we going to dry our snot or what, shit, we still need to do something, look, they’re about to start an assault, why are we sitting here like that? okay, let him open it, tell him there’s nothing, in case he’ll deceive you, i have master keys on my pocket, yes, master keys, hey, how are you?
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there you are, sipley, come here, come on, come on, well , move, come on, now , no, wait, leave this, i need him, well, old man, it didn’t work out, it ’s a long time for you to spud like this, lock it,
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lock it, okay , let’s get to the place, listen, the pigs are here, which means that now we are raising a fuss with hostages and ransom, and when all the fuss with the departure begins, no one will be careful with the tape. well, how will we check this, you know less, you sleep better, the time will come, i will tell you about everything, now you need to contact the cops, well, old man, which one is yours? gribanov, nicholson, where are you? this is not your cop,
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trash. and who is it? shut your mouth and listen. isn't that you, david? shut your mouth, i said. that's it, close it, speak up. in general, listen carefully. we need three million bucks in exchange, a bus and a plane prepared for departure. everything about everything is clear, 2 hours, well , the bus is not a problem, we’ll also solve the plane somehow, but not quickly, this is the amount in small bills, this will take time, don’t rinse my brains, trash, in 2 hours, if not airplane bus money, we'll start taking down hostages, that's it clear, i understand, i understand, i understand, and don’t think about going on an attack, otherwise it will be wet here. well , have you given birth? yeah, we’re 2 hours away, what are we going to do, let us out or work here, no? what are you suggesting? i propose to release it,
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it’s decided. so, now about the current moment. girl, our main task now is to sow conflict between david and his guys, so go after their parents, even under escort, but bring them here. accepted. forward. for what? all. we're waiting, guys, why did he come to our office? 3 rubles, if you don’t bring it, it will happen every day, but i’m tired of being a dude, i want to go with the boys, you brought him, you get up with him, you’re screwed, boy, now with us, should i pay a fee?
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steal business. and even at the end of the reporting period, you can be a father and not an entrepreneur. you create your own business, and tinkov business creates simple and convenient tools to solve your problems. tenkov's business, and the job is done. hi all. margat looks me in the eye, makar. is it your job to investigate?
5:53 pm
go. confiscate, report, come on, bim , dear, look, and return, it’s clear where it is, hands up, weapon on the floor, shoot to kill, well done, sit in sorage, cuckoo, bim, you, you used to be alone without a dog , this is my superpower, there are now two of us, today at 19:30 on ntv. lord, what is wrong with us now? it will happen, don’t be afraid, they’ll free us, yeah, what are they waiting for? be patient, what are we whispering here, team? was silent, or haven’t reached an agreement yet, well, come here, my whisperers, well, well, come here, i say, the prosecutor and
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the judge, the most trouble, well, didn’t expect that? this is how everything can unfold, yes, probably not, let me start judging you, we still have enough time here, there’s nothing to do yet, but what do you say, why are you staring at me like that, bitch fuck, you wouldn’t pro... copied, otherwise you know, prosecutors are not held in high esteem here, and you are a sheep, you chose the wrong profession, you would sit at home,
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cook in the kitchen, and drag a peasant into bed, this is it, oh, you. .. what a hottie, but this attractiveness of yours won’t help, after work i’ll take the freak, take your paws, don’t touch him, hey, you toad , stop croaking, why are you getting into a fight, not anderallis, well , what can you do, hero,
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we’ll settle for you, you’re fine, okay, look, guys, you’ll lose your hostages, there’ll be no one to hide behind, we’ll figure it out without you, women though if you could let them go , why do you need them, and then it will be easier to negotiate, yes, yes, let’s let everyone go now, not a minute will pass before... everyone will be knocked down, what do you think, this guy will save you, but he will be the first to sell and resell you, creatures, who are you listening to, seryozha, shut up, well done, more
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just a little bit, and you'll become a man, dude, so, is it scary? and it will be even worse what you are doing, you need contact with the guys, they will still be useful to you, do you hear, you will freeze me out, i will figure it out myself, guys, relax, we can try again, while we have four good men, the main thing is that he turned out to be next to us again, i ’ll try then... the lawyer doesn’t count, he won’t go against david, and don’t count me out, i still want to live, what are you looking at, your eyes are lowered to
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the floor, since they’re pointing, that’s who, and you are man, captain, it’s not that it’s from a frozen bitch , it’s a pity, i didn’t have time to completely knock him out, well, yes, but you wouldn’t agree with the guy... until they’re soft, styopa, styopushka, son, styopushka, this is your mother, answer, don’t even think about answering, stepushka, here he is another one. chance, come on, captain, come on, answer, banter, well , your mother’s people, you believe it, shut your mouth, what to do now, i don’t... i don’t know, but they
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brought your mother here with a special force to put pressure on the bridge for you, remove the woman, otherwise shmalyos through the door, shut up, bastard, mom, styopa, mom, why did you come, why, stepushka, i don’t need it, mom, talk later, mom, when then, son, how? styopushka, son , you let go, let go of everyone you hold there, son, don’t destroy anyone, how will you live later, styopushka, let go, come out yourself, mom, styopushka, wait, son, listen, because if you don’t do the right thing , good, they will kill you, stepushka, think about me, how am i there? then i’ll be, alubasha, you
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wanted to sign in the fall, you’ll make her a widow, you haven’t been a wife, mom, steposhka, after all, after all, if you go out on your own, in an amicable way, they won’t give you much, they’ll figure out who’s wrong and who ’s right, i have hope that i’ll see you, my little banter, she loves you. he wants to go away from you, and maybe i can understand the grandchildren, so that’s it, take her away, let the guy cook, your son heard you, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, you will still have the opportunity to talk, let him make a decision, let’s go.
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stop, get up, get up, come on, let's move away from the door, sit down, that's it, well, that's it, we're ready, stepushka, yes, look at the bubbles you blew, in vain you! oh well, come on, dear , we’re all on edge here, you know, buddy, we need to get out of here, understand, and don’t snot in bubbles, they’ve already broken one of them, you and i, dear, well, we can’t break, we can’t, yes, i understand, so one dropped out, but without a weapon, as you think, they will shoot, it also looks like he’s no longer a fighter, but that’s it.
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and piga, sergei, well, maybe we can talk, we don’t conduct bazaars with the cops, it’s not supposed to, and i ’m not even holding a bazaar with you, i ’m talking to a person, who gave you permission to move anyway? seryozha, you have parents? there is, you want to see them, or
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you don’t care about everyone, like this scumbag , the cop is crazy, look, just a little more and he’ll take the gun away from you, seryozha, if the meat grinder starts, he won’t leave you alive, so you can go to the box too play, when the assault begins, you won’t have time for me, you’ll start shooting at the doors , and whoever has a weapon is the first candidate for elimination, you need it, think about it, ah... dament, kursk nightingale, simple. think about it, seryozha, who needs your death? to me? no. maybe for yourself? also unlikely. but to david she definitely needs it. so he sentenced you anyway, it’s a matter of time. either you take a bullet during the assault, or if you manage to get out, it doesn’t matter to you. david will kill. slam the birdhouse and fall. think about yourself, seryozha, in the cemetery, it is of course calm, but
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for me it’s better not to rush such calm. well, you pig, hug your uncle, he will take you to the cell, you yourself were talking about how they wanted to rip your guts out, remember, well, work back and so that i don’t hear anymore, well, the assault is far away, i only have to press the hook, uh, you’re here to pray throw it, not a shooting gallery, and you move away so that it doesn’t splash, you shouldn’t do it, guy, guy, he’ll figure it out, and you let’s pile it up, yes, but the best, brother, well done, well done, pigger,
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healthy, forever, he’s so simple they won’t... they’ll let you stand, in the end they’ll burn you, listen to me carefully, there’s one little matter, you have the opportunity to improve, what will i do , you’re sour, don’t, you, styopa, forgive me, but mother, i went too far, i’m sorry . “i would literally rip my throat out for my mother, but you also understand, we can’t become limp now, we can’t get limp, there ’s a lot of work ahead, and our mothers, with such in affairs they hit at the weakest and without meaning to they hand us over to these wolves, pull yourself together, styopa,
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we need you, we can’t cope with the pig without you.” stel, worry, you worry, worry, just not for long, you understand, you are needed, give it here, well, on an equal footing, serozha?
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excuse me, what should i do, sit down, you, you, can, you. well, the entrance bus, we’re basically at
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a low start, i’m glad to come here, keep the third channel, thank you, how are you going to act? you can wait until they go out into the corridor, you can block them on the stairs, you can at the exit from the building, the snipers are all in their positions, and the last option is to storm the bus, okay, so according to the situation, we wait for the money and invite you to leave, okay, well, i found out, but nothing, wounded krylov, he’s still under anesthesia after the operation , second, i went to the pre-trial detention center , they said that he had not returned yet, look here, lada, yes, help the weak, styopka, if you don’t want to leave with david, stay here, just give up, maybe you’ll be lucky, and you, well, i don’t trust the cops, if the cops don’t
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slap me, then he’ll definitely kill me, maybe he’ll kill me, or maybe not, get out of here, divide the loot , and then somehow i’ll get rid of david, he’s got a gun now, try to get rid of him, i’m the one who lost my mind, sorry, okay , let’s move on, i have here... two guns, no , i don’t want to go back, i’m alive, i’m alive , well done, dear, we need you, well, cop, i didn’t get through again, yes, it’s not evening yet, well, well, you probably often skipped classes at your cop gymnasium, yes, in my old age my mind has become weaker. when you live to see retirement, if you live to see it, of course, then you’ll just have to sit on the tv box and crow, move away, don’t
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draw attention to me, and well, yes, well, styopa, smile, soon the money will be brought in, we will have a long headlight with nothing, i say, well, let's see, we'll see, we'll definitely see. wow, everything will be a bundle, my eagles, that’s it, we missed the opportunity, i beg you, just now don’t get into trouble, and why the hell, i didn’t fulfill it. well, now it’s the color,
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the exit is already ready for you, uh-huh, they’ve prepared the amanovets equipment for you, when we all go out onto the stairs together, a house bomb will be thrown into the flight. as soon as it rises smoke, immediately go upstairs , they will be waiting for you there, that the cops will stand and wait until i
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change clothes, but they won’t, but when they go to seize you, you and my people will mix with the assault group, you will calmly go out, pale again, you want to stay here, contact the cops, what? do things, quietly, yes , i’m listening, no, i’m listening to you, well, everything is as you demanded, the bus has arrived, the plane is refueling, it’s already flapping its wings, the money should be coming in any minute, what a fine fellow you are, garbage, he said, no i’ll have time, you’ve got it all... it’s working out, that’s the main thing ask correctly, yes , yeah, the main thing is politely, there are some other wishes, yes
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, of course, say, basically like this, at the secretary, the computer is on the table, i want a picture to appear there showing the corridor in which you all are, and the stairs they took us down, there are no cameras on the stairs, right? put it until you leave, david, did you study diligently at school or did you pick your neighbors’ ears? what are you driving there, are you? quiet, quiet, david, even i am a convinced c student and i know that i can display the image on the computer right away the program is needed. david, did you hear me? and jackal, do something, since you are so smart, there is still time left. delay immediately a corpse, that's it, goodbye, so, bullets here for me from the
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one who fiddles with computers, yes, i'm listening, pass the phone to the secretary, they will now explain to her what and how, okay, now , here, yes, hold on, here, sheep , hora, shake, turn on the equipment and do everything they say on your mobile phone, when the picture from the surveillance cameras appears, let me know, understand? so,
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when are we leaving? soon, in general, we first need to make sure that the cops don’t show up in our area on the road, that’s it, consider that we are in chocolate, if only we could get out of here in one piece, if you get out of here, i’ll take you out, don’t rush , they will bring you the money, they will clear the corridor, we take our bags and leave, the first to go will be the cops, the prosecutor, then you, after you... singing with a husky one, then i have a lawyer behind me. why aren't you first? but because i decided so. styopa. okay, both of you, listen here. in general, about the way out of here, i bank. i know how to get you out of here and how to get away from the cops in the end. and that means i decide what, who, where. and are you both listening to me or not? maybe you
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banking then, huh? you probably have some kind of grandiose plan, but tell us it, okay, okay, that’s it, we’ve agreed, okay, hey, the image has appeared, that ’s another matter.
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i answer, well, it’s not anywhere, it’ll cost you at the office, i’m telling you, bro, at the market, i looked, i looked, listen, maybe i can look at his address, that’s a good idea, let’s go. hello, we are looking for you, come on in, we need to ask you a few questions, let’s go, let’s go. base,
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you see us, we’re coming in, yes, we see you, come in, bring us in, well, here’s the lv, it’s wonderful, ouch! dear god, if only once such a salary would be given out, well, guys, we’re the only ones here, we divide it among everyone and run away, okay, relax, fighters, i joked that we’re ready, let’s go ahead.
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i see, i see, a good cop, efficient, so, david, can you go out? eldorado is at your door, not so fast, garbage, i don’t have a picture of the stairs, stairs, they showed it on your computer, listen, make me
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show the stairs, well, a picture appeared, yes, now remove all yours from the corridor and stairs, so, take the guys out of the corridor from stairs. guys, we’re retreating, i got you, we’re leaving, we were in the air, look how much money is outside the door, and are the eagles ready?
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look, balabina, the movement has started, why are you letting out air, grab your wallets , let’s go quickly, well... how can you carry all this, you should have been friends with your head and not be greedy, but if you
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can do a lot, leave one trap. let me hold it, you’ll hold it when they tell you to get out, yes, i understand, i understand, but there’s no place to get out of here , well, i’d like to let you hang out the pack, yes, otherwise i’ll be heartbroken, yes , you, you don’t have a first aid kit here, for fuck’s sake, guys, i've never seen so many grandmas. i feel like a zenit player. by magic. watch it
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with the whole family on kinopoisk. i will fulfill your every wish. yes, i should spit it out. well, any three wishes. and you are cocky. at the behest of the pike , it’s already subscribed. kinopoisk. premieres today, tomorrow, always. consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for its people. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think. colonels. this is our best detective, captain klimov. hello detectives. denis nikifarov is not only the best detective. amazing. you're a genius! a real gentleman , and i also really like to cook rare steaks, you were invincible, like his partner bim, with such a partner you won’t be lost, well, yes, bim
6:24 pm
will thank the lady for the compliment, bim - new episodes, who will we suspect now, from 10 january, leather! they completely freaked out at 20:00 on ntv. disco superstar january 13 at 21:30 on ntv. vascular disorders, blood clots, valicosis. poor blood vessels may be the cause of these health problems. the drug angionrm helps improve microcirculation, reducing the risk of blood clots, relieving inflammation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. angionm. hold the vessels. normal , well, credit card debts are hanging up, interest is draining, you need help, take out credit cards, transfer the debts to... divide the debt into 24
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months, conveniently pay off, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with help, you’re up to something or have you already done it? no, honest pioneer mother, wow, what a beautiful beard, who are you like, bah, maybe it’s like you, the new season of the series manyunya is already in okko’s subscription. hello.
6:26 pm
happy new year, january we are giving away houses, cars, million prizes and a jackpot. 800 million. get your tickets soon. there are all kinds of dragons. tough ones, small ones, bullies. and everyone is good, but still, ours are most precious to us. beline values ​​her clients and gives away 100 gb per year of the dragon. belaine is on your side. if you have hemorrhoids, three active components of hepotrombi immediately relieve pain. for two stings, for three bites, capable of action immediately after application. thrombin b treatment of hemorrhoids
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on 1 2 3. it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something. bustle. fireworks, turn on the new year's light. lights the lights. magic staff. grandfather, do we have anything tasty at home? let's conjure something, he knows how to conjure. snowman courier. it has been proven that my grandfather is father frost. on new year's eve , everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts , for those around them. happy new year, wizards,
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each of us holds something dear to us, honor, memory, present and future, dear, sincerely, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we do not throw words to the wind. and don’t abandon our own, join your own, okay, the prisoners attacked you and took it away from you weapons, and then one of them shot in the wing, right? and why were they without handcuffs, that they took them off themselves, and you didn’t notice it. some kind of nonsense, don’t
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be silent, please, the longer you are silent, the more questions we have, yes , our conversation is not going well, let’s get up, let’s go to the department, we’ll negotiate there, okay, let me pass. well, that’s it, i jumped, what a day today and the door, everything is covered, the guard idiot got caught by the cops, if now they press him to fuck him, he’ll start renting out the whole garden bed, come on already no... helpers against muamun won’t win the war,
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we’ll just lay down in vain and leave. well, is everything ready to leave? let's get ready, let's start leaving, come on, let's all take our bags, the cops are first, let's go , come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, let's take each bag, let's go, let's go, hurry up, come on, come on, you too, like that, like that , it’s beautiful, like , come on, come on, guys, so, these are handsome guys, let’s go to the engines, come on, but it’s all over, it’s all over, my people left here, so i knew that you would frame the bastard, well, i’ll think of something, not yet, not yet
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now, you've piled everything up under my life sentence and signed, bitch, what are you doing, david, what happened, did they both close the doors? well, redfins, we thought it was all over, yes, there was hope, here it is, no, it’s just beginning, on your knees, on your knees, i said, yes, what are you up to, shut your mouth, i said, you were about to leave, so go away, the money has been delivered to you, the road is clear, what else do you need, yes, here, here, bitch fuck, that’s exactly what i need, here. i was walking, come here, i said, quickly, you still owe me a favor, it’s clear, a debt, well, that’s it, it’s simple advance,
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you're coughing up blood, i understand, i understand, i say, i understand, i hate you, i hate all of you, you need to be crushed like cockroaches, all of them in batches, so that... well, hurry up, come on, don't be silent, yes, i 'll choose then , well, a hedgehog came out of the fog , took a knife out of his pocket
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, i’ll cut, i’ll beat, it’s still for you to drive, you’re a guard, you’re to drive, well, what’s scary, no, but if i were you... i’d be afraid, you’d completely lose your temper , that they slammed their mouths there - syvki, we ’ll slam you here ourselves, that we don’t need corpses, there will be a lot of them now, but come on, give it away the barrel, but the fact that i’ll soak it, yes, well, let’s try it, huh? that it’s scary to shoot a person, but i don’t, so try to find out, what are you going to do, what are you doing, are you shooting?
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fuck you, damn it, you're whining like a dog , i feel sorry for you, i don't care about you, stop, come on, stop, i'll take you out of here, through the basement, there's a way out of it in... parking, there you'll get lost among the people, stop , what are you driving, what a basement, listen to me, in this jewelry store, what day is it today, monday, they have a day off today, i’m going to the shopping center, and next to her i just wanted to, i wanted to visit it, through
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the basement, this one, the parking lot, you say, take a look , if anything, i bet you, underground parking, well , now you have a chance to carry the bags. why are you trembling, go everywhere, i’m tired in the end, so come on, take your bags, you too, that ’s it, let’s go, i’ll go, you’ve already helped, well , we’re starting the assault, no, wait, they’re leaving, wow, hoarse where is it from here? come on,
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come on, well, siply, move, leave me alone, i 'll kill you. hello, where are you? we've already left the building, that's it, we're not kamika. listen, my friend, what's wrong with you? two lifes? don't scare me. well, here’s the thing, i won’t cover for you, otherwise he’ll get you anyway, even if he registers in the zone. do you understand? what do you want from me? you still have the opportunity to get david out. somewhere else, not here. and all you need is agility and intelligence. good that? need to be done, listen to me carefully, i thought david would be smarter, he would be surrounded by hostages on
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all sides, well, apparently not everyone came from monkeys, some from rams, rejoice, we will work without dust, attention, assault group, the object comes out with two hostages, come on, come on, come on, don’t drive the horses, faded, nothing, i’ll get you, lawyer’s face, come on, come on, well, move.
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well, hurry up, well, i’m working, has anyone left the building, no, everything is clear, commander, well, where are they, i don’t know, somewhere at the exit, probably, why don’t we see them, listen, balabin, no i was installing the camera, we entered a dead zone, a dead zone in the morgue, that’s it. launch the fighters, attention, group, we are working, we are working, group, we are working, please, come on, come on, come on, well, live, take care of your head.
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you're late, they've already left, the doctors are here urgently, they're crazy. well, hurry up, first , underground parking near yebederka, i understood everything, thank you, i heard everything, we’re moving towards the shopping center, throw on your armor, thank you , you’re a long way off, but no, it’s about three meters away, the cuvir corridor, here. huh, hoarse,
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do you even know where you are leading us, these are my basements, my guys, on the way out. wait here, just be quiet, oh, i didn’t think it was so hard for money. drag it, it's going to take a long time to get around here, but no, there's a hatch, i see, soon, soon, come on, well, now,
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yeah, well, come on, come on, chick-pickey , trance, why are you standing there, come on, live, well, quickly, kick that you're frozen, don't even think about it, let's go
6:42 pm
open the door, quickly, come on! quickly , don’t block the light, talk less already , that’s it, this is the last lock, this door will lead out to our parking lot, guys, tie it up, quietly, ladies, quietly, we are ours, ours, we’ve come for you, lower the gun, our minibus is here , grab your loot and go out, now let's go, let's go,
6:43 pm
let's go. yes, there are a lot of cops here, customers are being taken out, i understand, sit still and don’t move, what’s there, the cops are already here, don’t worry, david , we’ll get you out of here as a buyer, my guys will go with... fight, i’m in control from behind, take the bags quickly, come on, come on, come on, hurry up, what to do with these, hoarse, nothing extra,
6:44 pm
it just happened. just do everything quietly, get the bastard, hold it, yeah, it twitches, shoot, got it. consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for its people. rosselkhozbank: more than you think. premiere at kinopoisk, how zahara’s friends got married. let's cancel the wedding. i'm collecting. girls love flowers, sausages love hot sausages. this is the most amazing bouquet of my life. how zakhara's friends cheated. already subscribed. kinobelt.
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premiere today, tomorrow, always. favorite stars and proven hits. time, i love you mood, you don’t wake me up, you can’t help me, my light, you write to me with a spring ray on a white day, music plays on a warm day, i love you, daughters, i love you in the fall. well, let’s ask the leaf how delightful evenings are in russia, tit! tits of the eighties and nineties. today at 22:40 on ntv. bim new series from january 10 at 20:00 on
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6:50 pm
kukui bim you, you used to be alone without a dog, this is my superpower, now there are two of us, today at 19:30 on ntv. what is it, bitch!
6:51 pm
mukhsora, guys, police, detain these three. let's all leave,
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police hands reported to rud zara, quickly, second taka.
6:53 pm
it’s okay, this is nonsense, right, the wounded man is in the parking lot right now, the doctors will take you to the hospital, they’ll feed you delicious pills, you’ll get your own pills, oh my god, how here, king, what are you doing, don’t you fucking dare , i’m an ambulance, faster, quiet, hold on, now. just lie there, you have a wound in the chest, guys, i saw you somewhere, who are you , ambulance, lie down, lie down, help, i know you from somewhere, it’s serious, you’ve lost a lot of blood, you’re just delirious, 3 -what, try to move less.
6:54 pm
why are we standing, going, man, maybe you’re with us, they tell you, maybe you’re with us, then you’re somehow inadequate, no, this is my normal state, but let’s go, we forgot our suitcase, god bless you. we're releasing the ambulance, peek-a-boo, i'm here sorting out yours first aid kit, but judging by it, you now have two main goals in life, calm down and don’t shit yourself, who are you, i... netar of nature, can’t
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you guess why i’m here? well, i’ll help you, evil has changed jobs, i’m here to make a vacancy out of you, what are you talking about, go to the same idiots like you, well, that’s rude, for such an opinion you need to have twice as much teeth, but oh well, i just talked to your accomplice, with whom you wanted to kill two prisoners, well , you remember pig and styopa, so what? you know, krylov, when you died, you don’t know about it, it’s only hard for others, the same thing when you’re stupid, you want to go like a locomotive, who gave you the order, or you tell me everything, or i’ll give you a full spin, and before answering , make sure that your tongue is connected to your brain, well, no, no, i won’t wish you luck
6:56 pm
. wait, i agree, write. pomnitsy. oh, something is too fast for you, age, don’t even think that you allow yourself, well, devil’s advocate, they handed you over with fucking,
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now you have an exciting journey to the taiga, let’s go, monsieur, hands take it away, it still hurts, what does it hurt? well, hero, this is for you, catch it, oh, sorry , nik nikoch, is this your first wound? thank god, first, well, congratulations to you nichols. “tip on your tongue, what kind of news is there? yes, everything seems to be as it should, david sank tightly, now there’s no way out, this is an insult, a laxative, yes, another new character
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has been formed, the wings of the opera, the pre-trial detention center, oh, what did you say so interesting , sold us lawyer davidov, and he’s also a man.” what do you think you should do with stepa and piga, actually, if i there wouldn’t have been more blood, but why did they make a deal with them, so there’s no reason to strangle them, well, davison get well, get well, gribanovich, tell me what kind of dog you ran after david, he didn’t give me the phone.
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7:00 pm
signature sheets have been delivered from another 25 subjects of the federation, including from crimea and new regions, and the procedure for verifying the signatures of their count has begun at putin’s election headquarters. biden and trump started the new year with sparring, verbal alexey veselovsky about what the current and former us president. without loss to free up the site for development. ilya fedosov talked with the builders who were able to do this. miracles are not in dreams, but in him. a newborn conscientious objector with a rare pathology arrived from...


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