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tv   Sekret na million  NTV  January 8, 2024 1:05am-2:06am MSK

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falcons, who are alive, who are killed, but their high glory belongs to you, your beauty has not aged, neither years nor misfortune , you have always been proud of breweries, domaryas, i don’t know greater happiness than to live with one destiny, my land is sad with you , and celebrate with you.
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i don’t know greater happiness than to live by one destiny, to be sad with you, my land. and celebrate with you!
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this is a secret million and i, lera kudryavtseva. unequal marriages between artists always cause heated debate, they say, if there is a difference in age, social status or financial situation, then the marriage is doomed. non grishaev and her husband alexander nesterov have an age difference of 12 years, but looking at them, you can never tell which of them is younger and who is older. so, attention, question. nona: your
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husband, alexander nesterov, claims that you are a man of schedule. you are terrified of not being able to do something in time or being late somewhere. and so you schedule your schedule for the next day hour by hour. before going to bed, you prepare clothes for tomorrow and think through the menu in advance. does your beloved husband fit into your busy schedule? reveal the secret that today he ate... breakfast, today he ate cheesecakes for breakfast, you made it for him, no, housekeeper, and you cook something at home in general, well, i very rarely, very rarely, but only some of my own, there is no time, just some of my signature dishes, sasha is also a person, a schedule, sasha doesn’t have a schedule, he just has a slightly different job, he can do business while lying in bed, he’s just a happy person on the phone.
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can you do that? no, in the morning, we meet there, i don’t know, at the table, have breakfast together or run away, mostly at different times we we have breakfast, mostly i’m already running away when sasha gets up, that is, the schedules are different, it’s true that you have different kitchens, yes, we live - with sasha’s parents, and why should the housewives clash in the same kitchen? this is wrong, that’s why i have my own kitchen, and sasha’s mother has her own, on different floors even, so the refrigerators are different, yes, she cooks for you , an assistant helps, sasha’s parents, the same assistant, and the same assistant, she cooks for everyone , and sasha’s mother cooks, that is, you are an assistant, for example, you order cheesecakes for breakfast, and parents order pancakes, well, no, mostly if there are cheesecakes, then everyone eats cheesecakes.
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everything, just in different kitchens, but you can’t all have breakfast in one kitchen if there are only cheesecakes, we just have a lot of animals, now ... six, and i don’t really like eating dog and cat hair, so i have breakfast separately in mine in the kitchen without a belly in the house you are responsible, for what is your mother-in-law? i ’m not responsible for anything in the house, because i earn money, let’s meet your husband, alexander nesterov, today we have guests, yes, hello, sasha, hello, glad to see you, have a seat, maybe you haven’t seen you now. you have been married for 16 years, is it so easy to live with nona? i think it’s easy, it’s not easy, and we can be proud of the fact that, firstly, we ’ve been together for so many years, in general, in recent years
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we haven’t been fighting almost seriously, i think this is an indicator that, in general, it’s rather easy for us , which is not easy, listen, is this merit yours or nonin’s? none is established, and it is distributed, priorities are distributed by none, and if, as is usually the case, well, well, if it’s not on time the child ate, uh-huh, at the wrong time, the bag brought from the performance was lifted upstairs into the room, then what, the shrines are not
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distributed among the rooms after the performance, this could be a serious scolding, but i try to treat it with humor, who scolds whom? this one is easy for me too. maybe yes, an au pair, and even my parents could get into trouble if everyone gets in trouble, but of course, well, we ’re used to it and we try to perceive it as just a feature of such a restless , but harsh person - that’s so, that’s so, well, as for flowers, then no, i always distribute the flowers myself, because the housekeeper sleeps a long time ago at this time, and until one in the morning i arrange all my flowers in vases myself. tell me, isn't it so? all the flowers are in vases , well, let it be like this, you see, i agree to everything, yes, but you say you’re not henpecked, well, i would like to look like that today, well , i understand how you came to the conclusion that you have two kitchens in your house , the house simply had two kitchens,
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initially, of course, we didn’t build them, helpers, but this is one for the whole house, unfortunately, they change, we have three workers we got pregnant in a row, when we started working for us, we already started laughing. that we have some kind of special atmosphere in the house, an aura, yes, and regardless of age, that is, there were even workers already at that age when, well , it would seem possible to finish this matter, but be careful sasha, you can someone to offend, but he is very demanding, in fact, for but now it’s difficult, that is, not all workers can withstand the demands of none, but you’re so tough and tough, so that now i’m tough, in principle, i’m a leader, you know? at first i ask a lot, when for the tenth time the request is not fulfilled, i can already say harshly, yes, but i always ask for vases when i come late at night after a performance, yeah, and sometimes there are a lot of flowers, so that they were already standing with water
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, so that the vases were already standing with water, well , is it really so difficult, what will happen if, for example, someone breaks your collectible angel, well... what will happen, well, there will be a lot of screaming, even when my mother knocked over a vase, housekeepers generally don’t break it, it's mostly my mother-in-law who break it, i just cry, i just cry, because yes, because the vases that she breaks are mostly vases that i brought from somewhere in mexico, or i'm just really offended, because i understand, that this is already well, but you can somehow tell mom, mom, don’t touch the vases, nonina, well, she didn’t do it on purpose.
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you said that you didn’t give nona angels, what did you give? i still tried to give something jewelry to nona, and so it continues, these are all his gifts, a ring that shines.
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i understood, of course, that something would happen, so i was turning 30 years old, and then the presenter announced, they just showed a video on the screen that a boat was traveling on water, well, traveling on water, yeah, it turned out that nona bought it for me, yes, what can you quarrel about, we we can quarrel over some nonsense, but this is usually some kind of everyday moments, because of this, well, well, i ’ll tell you, for example, on trips with nona. so - it’s completely impossible, because it continues to exist according to schedule, this
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irritates me wildly, because i want to rest, we must have breakfast at a certain time, if at that moment, if i got up a little later, then it’s no longer suitable, because the sun is not the same, you can’t go to the beach anymore , it’s time to go to lunch, and i haven’t had breakfast yet, it’s starting that i’m never hungry, i have to eat with her for company and grow my belly, because i just don’t have time to tell you about us, we exist in different ones, you know, but you can’t, well, she stood up alone. i went to the beach for breakfast, so in the end i waved my hand and said, how long have you been sleeping? you want, but i went, i need to catch the non-harmful sun, so i got up at 80, had breakfast and went to sunbathe, that’s it, he calls me the terminator, to some extent, how did you meet nona, at first she saw me as a bear , there she remembers, she came backstage, hello, hello , i brought little nastya, i took off the bear’s head and said, hello, i’m sasha, the spark jumped after some time, we went on vacation together, i’m just nona, exhausted by another big one series and i say,
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stop working, let's go on vacation , listen, non, it's normal for you to go on vacation with a friend, or even then the spark jumped out, there were still options not to go with friends, but since i really wanted to relax, so i went with a friend, went with a friend , and came back as a couple, yes, and you live in... different rooms, no, no, well , we had a room, like i had an apartment, there was an apartment, there was an apartment, different rooms, yes, of our family friend, we were friends , but they weren’t close enough to spend the night in the same space, i remember i didn’t sleep, well, maybe i was afraid of just snoring and screwing up right away, and then we lived in different rooms, for a while, but then somehow, well, i don’t know how it was with him, i have it. the horse slipped through, well, some word for word, some conversation, they probably kissed, well
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, somehow, well, like friends kissed, no, well, well, well, friends can kiss too, by the way, i don’t know, i just hello from the cheek, bye, here i am explaining this as a compliment to myself, that i walked around in such fancy clothes, it was such a fashion, remember, everyone wore wide , shapeless pants, and i dressed like this, i had some kind of loose shirts , and nona probably thought that i was somehow... built wrong, when she saw me on beach, i was maybe to some extent, it’s true, yes, non, yes, of course, it influenced, influenced, influenced, yes, i was very... pleasantly surprised, straight cubes, well , maybe there weren’t really any cubes there, but it was complicated i was fine, when you returned, did you already understand that it would be a serious relationship or thought, well, a holiday romance, no, for some reason, right there in thailand, i remember this moment very clearly, i’m sitting on
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the bed, and sasha is standing, i just have this thought, as if... someone is telling me: this is your future husband, your father child , i was already scared by it myself, well, i’ve been like this all my life, there are some such events, and i know in advance what will happen, then i just went with the flow, didn’t resist, and you still dated for a long time after we returned from thailand, and we soon found out that nona was expecting a child and what we had. it happened in thailand, well, apparently , it was possible to roughly calculate that it was most likely so, and we were very happy about it, i ’m a decent person, i didn’t have any, so to speak, thoughts, of course, we decided that we would get married, i i asked nona what you had for breakfast today, i want to ask
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you, cheesecakes with strawberry raisin and water with lemon. everyone, everyone, everyone, in the new year winline is giving out goodies to everyone. go to winline and find out what gift you will get. let's leave it in the old year, i 'll drink valerian now. i'm going to get moldy there too let's celebrate this holiday. all the problems. if payment is delayed by 5 minutes, the bank has the right to sell your mail. oh, your kidney. a bump, not mine, yours, illness, that you've gone crazy, that's why i came to you, quarrels, i'll hit you now with my right hand, and not with my right hand, let's laugh from the bottom of our hearts, i came up with this, funny, yes, funny, die maybe, how mcdonald's left russia, we buried one in a ronald mcdonald costume, everyone really liked the point, and then laughter
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will become the main symbol of the new year, you played santa claus, why did you crawl out on us? amazing, you’re a genius, but a real gentleman, and i also really like to cook rare steaks, you were incomparable, like his partner, bim, with such a partner you won’t be lost, well, yes, bim, thank the lady for the compliment, bim, new series, who
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will we suspect now? from january 10, the leather ones went completely crazy at 20:00 on ntv. singer and tv presenter yuliana karaulova chose sound engineer andrei cherny as her husband, but she did not spend her wedding night with him, with dmitry in the province. topic: night from the province, this is my night. yes of course i understand why you spent your first wedding night not with your husband and with the province, because i was flying out on tour in the evening, to novosibirs, if i’m not mistaken, and it just so happened that i didn’t go with you to novosibirs, so he doesn’t fly with me on tour, listen , well, in general, we didn’t have a wedding as such, we just got married, so i flew out
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on tour in the evening, and it so happened that dmitry guberniev was sitting next to me, and he was like, how are you, i say, oh well i got married today, he was all about... champagne, so i joked later that i spent time with him, the wedding night itself, why wasn’t there a wedding, julian? you know, we somehow planned it at first, planned it, even managed to send an invitation to someone, but then somehow i don’t know, we were both quite integrated, in general, into my career, into its development, it was a lot of tours, a lot of things, i initially didn’t want to have a celebration in moscow. i wanted us to take everyone somewhere, so when we started organizing this, we realized that this was, of course , wild hemorrhoids, i was very worried about how it would all be, we were going to georgia threshold? and expensive and hemorrhoids, because for some reason i had an obsession, i really wanted a wedding in kasbeg, and then i imagined how we would take buses, i don’t know, can you imagine there to yana rudkovskaya from
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brilisi, there to the mountains, to georgia there, well, in general , there are many, many guests, including quite famous such guests, so somehow i thought that it would be so stressful now that i still needed to somehow. it won’t be a joy to plunge into this organization, yes, i just realized that i’m not ready now, then there is a white dress, a white photo, all this wasn’t there, there wasn’t a white dress, although there wasn’t, let’s arrange a small wedding for you now, thank you, yuliana, yes, thank you, you are calling me, yes, thank you, so, oh, well, that’s it, minus 100 years, now, sit like this , thank you, sit like this, of course, i imagined myself many times, but initially i didn’t want a wedding with photo, i just wanted it to be very fun and atmospheric so that it would be
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modern, without a delegation from kazakhstan with a toast there for 45 minutes, you know, and thousands without seagulls and seagull dolls without a thousand people, half of whom you don’t know, i didn’t want it right away, why did you hide your marriage for 5 years. because it seemed to me that this was personal, those who followed me on social networks knew that i had a young man, and i periodically posted something, but i can’t say that you know, it was such a relationship, on which i was promoting there somehow or something else, i was very afraid that it would look exactly like this, you know, when people get settled, everything is bartar magazines write, and then they’re like, a couple of years later, in our lives, don’t bother us, this is our personal business, well, that is, i initially understood that, well, anything can happen in life and then i’m not ready to share
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any details at all , if suddenly , god forbid, something happens there, well, wisely, and , by the way, in the footage from griboyedov’s zaks , the wedding of yuliana karaulova on june 22, 2017 , she became the legal wife of sound producer andrei cherny, i announce: with husband and wife, the newlyweds clamped down on the wedding from russian celebrities, at a festive banquet in a restaurant there were only 15 guests at the patriarch's ponds, and we have to count, one to five, two, three, the newlyweds preferred a honey cake to a three-story wedding cake; immediately after dessert, yuliana karaulova flew away. on tour , let's do it, come on, yuliana's surprises didn't end there, but what would a wedding be without wedding competitions, as you understand, now i'm going to turn
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your eyes on you, and you'll have to recognize your own groom by a kiss, excuse me, i'm with other people's men no one asks you to kiss here, they will kiss you, let's carefully take it off, oh... come up with, of course, also, but what to do, don't peek, well, there would be somewhere, get up, i 'll take you now, everyone will take turns kissing your hand, and you'll have to find your husband, naturally , let me let you down, let’s take number one, it’s so interesting, it seems to me, no, let’s move on, i feel like a priest now, it’s funny, it’s similar
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to mine, it’s similar, let’s move on, come on, some modest one, well, move on , it seems to me, no, oh, well, i don’t know, even, well, come on, here ’s the second one, yes, in my opinion, it was, i said, similar to mine, second, yes, for a long time , come on, let him kiss you again, let's check, come on, oh , i'm letting go, my son, i'm letting go, yes, yours, but it seems to me, yes, it seems to me, mine, come on, oh, yes, how could you find out, julian, well, listen, by the smell, right? no, well, of course , we’ve been together for so many years, but guys, thank you all very much, thank you, andrey, yes, how many years have you
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been together, we’ve been together... we started dating together when i was 30, i’m 39 now , 40 will be this year, respectively 10 years, but before that we were friends for a very long time, i worked in studios, worked in studios as a sound engineer, arranger, and yuliana , after the factory, you were 17 years old, yuliana came to the studio to record her solo track, even then you somehow just became friends, you had your eye on her then, so i’ll be honest, i said one phrase then, she was, i say, you’ll be 18. i’ll marry you, so why didn’t i marry you a year later? well, i had a girlfriend then, yes i had a girlfriend, i had a relationship, yuliana also had a relationship at that moment when you realized that you were more not friends, but something more, but in the beginning, i think, at the beginning i broke up with the young man, i called andrey, said that i feel so bad, i say, listen, i want to spend time with someone, take a walk there , to distract yourself, that is, he wanted to calm you down,
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we were just walking. they walked around, nothing, then he broke up with his girlfriend after 3 months, he called me the same thing, he said something is so bad, where are you, what, well, then he came to visit somehow, no, then - everything is very simple, i was uh, we were walking with my friend arbat, yuliana lived on arbat, i’m doing something , i’m calling, where are you, she says, i’m at home, i say, can i come to your place, maybe we’ll eat something there, she says, come on, i’m going up , she says, i have dumplings, will you, hostess, hostess, yes , i say, in the morning i wake up and i understand that i really look at a person differently, i don’t know, well, that’s what i call it, but naturally this is not after the dumplings, but listen, how long has passed since the breakup, tell me, i don’t remember, here’s your chick, i don’t know. well, not
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i know, it seems to me, well, yes, two or three months , but you were worried, there was a separation, well , yes, of course, like everyone else, or or yes no, no , i was worried about the previous restoration, well, of course i was going through some period of insight -it was, was, was, was, but not right away , well, that is, what am i leading to, to be honest, i don’t really believe that you can be friends for 12 years, you know, i didn’t believe it either, then suddenly fall in love, get married and... this is all this stuff that’s coming at me, i didn’t perceive it at all, i looked at him like that, because you know, it’s not like it’s going to sound like that now not very tactful, not that i didn’t perceive him as a man, by no means , no, but we were just friends, i never even thought about it, maybe i’ll write a book on how to get out of the friend zone, he didn’t perceive it at all , i looked at him like that, is everything normal with you, i thought
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it was him somehow. how he approached me, by the way, well, he just started flirting, started flirting, he started, and you, well, like, and i tell him that the old man is a fool, i’m only 6 years older, what are you, that the old guy is a fool, but i have everything, i was wedged, i had a bar, i’m still very stubborn in everything, if i have something in mind for myself, i achieve it, i continued to court, well, he didn’t court, but i don’t remember something, i don’t know, i gave flowers, wrote poetry, i invited you, i remember the studio, and i wrote some songs for you there, yes, he tried something, he said, let’s make a song, but something was so funny to me, i couldn’t sing at all, and nothing like that - it didn’t work out, then she came and said, and you’re definitely a producer, so you chose the path through your friends, you know, started, yes, and i’m all like that the girlfriends took turns starting to drip on their ears, oh , so good, like look closely, the apotheosis, the apagia was when i came, it means, to one of my girlfriend’s birthday, and there you just know, such a chicken coop, everyone was like, oh, well what a... good
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boy, what's going on, and then, did you have your own opinion, no, well, of course, i knew that he was a very good person, and he knew my previous young people there, i knew some- then his girls, it was all extremely awkward, somehow strange, the first time when you had the first time, i had the feeling that you are with a friend, with a brother , i don’t know that you’ve known him for 100 years, well, no, no , it wasn’t, i remember that it was before some kind of tour, he stayed overnight with me, you saw me off, it was so romantic , yes, yes, yes, he jumped with me , which means he took me to the station, and that means i got on the aeroexpress there, he was like, i’m with you to the airport, he rode with me to the airport, in general we kissed, hugged, everything was great, oh, now, well, i fell in love,
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yes, well, i fell in love after the first time, well, maybe not right after the first, well, somehow you you know, i can’t say at all that i’m an amorous person, for me it’s still exactly what you call falling in love there. the opinion is very similar to everything, in principle there is no need to agree, because in principle we see in one, well, at least i think so, you know, there is a funny picture where two people are sitting, and they look at a beautiful sunset, one says how ugly,
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the second one, yes, i don’t like it either, you know, so, the main thing is to find a person with whom you look in approximately the same direction in life, in in the end, you can always come to an agreement, were there any issues on which you could at least share an opinion? at least once, well, there were, of course, but i remember that when we bought an apartment, we started shopping in anticipation of the renovation, looking at something, renovation is a favorite story, yes, i know that many people get divorced on this topic when they start doing renovations, and we started walking around something like that, and andrey said, oh, a beautiful chandelier, i said, that’s why i’ll do the renovations, you’re arguing about everyday issues, scattered socks, toothpaste on the mirror, i don’t know there. i’ll tell you right away, it really irritates me, and the toothpaste to brush my teeth is the whole bathroom, that is, the mirror is in
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toothpaste, and there’s toothpaste all over the sink, don’t thank me really, he means he hangs things up when i tell him, hang things up on the hangers, don’t throw them, he knows how, he just like that... he puts the hanger in, pushes it into the wardrobe, and it annoys me, i go, i come in, and things are left behind me, that’s normal, i’m leaving a trail for me it was easy to find, if suddenly i got lost, what else unites you besides the bedroom, songs and son, we we go snowboarding together, i started snowboarding for my sake, so i wanted to ask, that is, andrey, for your sake, and before that, yuliana had already been skiing for about 15 years... i’ve just been skating for a very long time, i and you don’t have the skills, no, i’m close to dusks didn’t fit, and how uh, cool , that is, she taught you or the instructor used her, i was taught by her ex-boyfriend, how is everything with you, this is now very fun, yes, wonderful,
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this is my friend, and you were friends, or something , i’m just friends with exes, i understand, she introduced me, she introduced me to, and what if your husband will be friends with your exes, like you, but i’m friends, well, i don’t mind? actress olesya zheleznyak manages to act in films, act in the theater, and gave birth to four children without interruption from production. and all thanks to her husband, spartak sumchenko, who for the sake of his wife gave up his acting profession and became a desperate housewife. does spartacus enjoy being a desperate housewife? you know, i'll tell you, it's not, well, how to say, you know, it's such humility, because it's impossible, how to say, like, you know, that's when there, i work a lot, yes. i come home when they tell me, well, tomorrow is your day off, so you can rest, the day has begun, you know, they took one away, they brought the second, the second , this one there, that one here, lunch, cook, let's go, music school, saxophone, more grandfather,
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then this, then, as it were, in the evening, usually by 9:00, you just have to say, well, you’re falling, that is, to say in full that i’m happy these days, you know , well, it’s aroused, of course, well, yes, well, that’s how it is and my husband too, he’s like ska! forced, he tells me all the time, well, often, at least, which means it’s all because of you, it’s you who took everything from me, that means my profession and everything else, that means i sacrificed myself so that you could listen somewhere, but how did it happen, he really sacrificed sacrifice yourself, no, you know, this is not something that we somehow decided, well, it wasn’t like let ’s be like this, somehow it happened by itself, but he doesn’t tolerate it easily, this is this not an easy test for... but i am very grateful to him and i think that this is even to some extent obedience for him punishment punishment like his friends call him, for example, to go hunting there and he says, no
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guys, i need to cook soup, my children make soup, i don’t cook soup, but when they call him to hunt, he always asks: tell me, what do we have ? there on saturday? i say on saturday, on saturday i have two performances with two birds, he says to me: well, right? well then i won’t go hunting, that is, this is how it happens in this sense, he really is an extraordinary person, today your husband spartak sumchenko is visiting us. spartak, hello, hello, hello, have a seat, please, hello, spartak, you again , you again, spartak, yes, how did it happen that you took on all this everyday life, let’s put it this way, but i didn’t take anything on myself, it just fell on me, and i stood next to , i just accepted it, that's all. there is no special choice or heroism in this
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, it’s normal, i had work, i worked, i don’t have work, i occupy the house, and lesya does something around the house, of course, always, she always does something, because what i do, requires redoing, i start the day by starting to wash, wash everything, wash floors, you know, when i come from somewhere from a tour, if i’m very tired, even i have this, you know, i’m like this, well, i somehow want to lose it. myself on tour, i start washing, washing everything, and even if it’s not enough for me, i start washing the windows, like this, yes, that is, i go to any lengths, by the way, i need to wash the window, and what is my husband doing at this time, you you know, but he is nearby, in fact, he is such a leader of spartak, he actually organizes all the time, he organizes children for some kind of events, that’s how us so, in fact, this is very important, you understand, he is the head, and we are all hands, that’s how i tell you.
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that’s because i’m still getting enough sleep, i’m already taking the second mother to 9:30 at 9:30, spartak is walking the dog in the morning and taking our son to school, how did you meet? in avgika we were in different groups with different teachers, but the subject was stage movement, in my opinion, there was some kind of company united together, when everyone changed clothes, they stood and waited in the corridor in the boom, there on the second floor, yes where the actors are doing these things, and they were already dressed and waiting for the class to start, so it turned out that it’s unlikely that it would be like that near the wall ... olesya, olesya, firstly, was
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about a head or one and a half taller, yeah, so, and, as i understood, just it was always difficult for her to find by the length of her legs, by size, which means that there are some kind of personal belongings there, some... such that this is the fifth element, in short, i saw her legs , apparently they were still from dancing, so these leggings remained so, they were bright or different, it seemed to me, and disappeared, well, i tried to grab it all with my underdeveloped optics, all of them, i’m just now starting to fit it in little by little, i remember just when spartak was there, i noticed him, he was wearing a red bandana... he had a ponytail, to be honest, i didn’t really like it, so, well i didn’t really
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like him at first sight, it’s not that i so directly know, i somehow don’t like him very much, but when we were sailing on a raft from wall to wall on an imaginary one, he somehow took over everyone, you know, suddenly i’m like - i paid attention to him, so, well, somehow i think, what a guy , captain, we have good luck, so you know, so well, somehow like this, like that. about some girl there or some woman there, well, you know, he’ll say
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something, yeah, that’s it, whatever you say, well, there’s a good one there, no, he’ll say, you know, well , she did it there are seats there in the theater, i say , who is who, rushed, and he says there, well , some one there, we studied together, yes , we studied together, we studied, i say, i’m together, you know, everything, for me, you know, happens, because you , that means there is something like that, and i keep thinking that if he “that’s why i rarely have work there he’ll go to work there, you know, he’ll go to film, i keep thinking that there are some beautiful artists there , you know, there’s no faith in being an artist, there’s no
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faith in being an artist, that’s it, you know, i think they’ll play with him, how can i say, so this is the main reason that spartak is at home, ales , that’s what i think.” what is the reason, like this, it means, after all, it’s all your fault, it’s all my fault, that’s magic, magic, how big is the hole in your budget? there are no holes in the budget, but we don’t have a budget, you live on credit, and on a mortgage, you know, there is one beauty, one absolute beauty in a mortgage, nothing brings people together, husband and wife, yes, like a mortgage, i always say this when... they ask whether we are quarreling or not, the apartment is big, guys, yes, 170 m2, oh, so, we are behind the garden ring, when they tell me, and you have an apartment near the kremlin, and at first i said something like that, no, are you trying to justify yourself, and then i said, then i began to say, yes, my apartment is near the kremlin , with me, he says, but the truth is with you,
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someone has a three-story building there, i say, no, i say, with me five floors, well, for some reason people somehow , you know, like to exaggerate everything very much, yes, we live, you know how to say, we live very spontaneously and don’t plan a budget, don’t distribute money, so we live on our own in fact, i’ll tell you how it won’t sound, maybe someone there will look and say, oh, there are people there, they seem to be disingenuous or something else, but i’ll tell you the way i feel it, with god’s help , well , how can you not plan a budget with four children, well, we don’t plan a budget, you won’t believe it, but we really do, we get a mortgage they took it, can i tell you now, we have now taken out a mortgage. we wanted to move from an apartment there, how long will it take you to pay this mortgage? 10 years, so yes, well, it’s quite hard for you for how many years, well, six years, eight more, eight years yes, you know, but i’ll just tell you that when we took it, they approved it for us, and we’re like- then, you know
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, i thought that if they approved it, we found an option, then it means that god is helping us, i thought, and somehow we accomplished all this, then it turned out that this is... not so, not exactly as it seemed, moreover, i’ll tell you, if it were now, i wouldn’t take out a mortgage and i would tell my children not to take out a mortgage, because it ’s such a terrible thing, after all, you’re like a hostage, you ’re a rap-lamp, you know, really you, that’s when the pandemic started, that is, in general , this is when we were without work for six months, from march to august, it’s probably not even six months, by the way, there was money, what they paid, you know, it just happened like a miracle, because that i had just collected some amount and wanted it. pay, well, you know, pay off early, but so it turned out that work had just stopped and this money, which was for the advance payment, was just enough to pay off, and it was quite a difficult time, this is your only debt, yes, now yes , we
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take the tough ones, the sports heroes, we need victory like air. to the sky, to the sky , to the sky, the flag of russia, this is spring in our blood and my generation, come on, russia, come on, come on, like real men play, cowardly plays hockey, pop stars and legends of domestic sports, today with us great athletes of... the country, a celebration of live singing in honor of the sports heroes of a great country, we firmly believe in sports heroes, tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. no one believed that valeria joseph prigogine’s marriage was serious for the long haul. he's just an aspiring
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producer, and she's a star. however, in june of twenty-four, the couple will celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary on... they have six children, you have settled your children, let’s say, in every sense of the word, you have given them a start in life, blessed them for marriage, you can say that this is the mission done and you can relax and rest, you can, i’m sure, well, not, not everyone, no, no, wait a second, what do you mean not everyone, not everyone, lisa is still with us, lisa is already working, no, no, no, well, we’re not talking about now marital status, we are talking about that partly, partly about this too, let’s say how many gestalts you have not yet closed, as they say now, well, anya is not married, dima is not married and liza is not married, we still have three children not yet.
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he heads a record company, does the same thing as us, only he does it in another country, he received his first salary gave it to us, not because we wanted it so much, we didn’t even think about it and didn’t tell it happened, so he received his first salary, called me, i’ll be honest, he was at a distance, he wasn’t here with me.
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i’m proud that i became his own father, because the first person he told that he was getting married was me, on my anniversary, excuse me for talking about your biological one, but that’s just from myself and mine biological yes, well, excuse me, yes, well, it’s just like yes, they say that people who are not relatives cannot become family and friends, they can become, you just have to want it, ler, why did your daughter was anya, and became a wife, and already... you don’t ask me why i was, became scarlet, became valery? you’re no longer here, already about your daughter, oh, you know
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, really, well, first of all, probably a bad example, contagious, she was anna, but she became a wife, no one expected such a punch in the gut, just some 5 years ago , valeria’s daughter was such a delicate flower, on the air of the program it was a million-dollar secret, anna shulgina admitted that she followed in the footsteps of her star mother, and her producer... you won’t believe it, it’s so unpredictable, and joseph prygozhin, and now valeria’s daughter, a woman for you, short hair, confident movements, she sends all suitors to hell, a loved one, who said that i have a loved one, i don’t see a wedding ring, i’m from those women who didn’t dream of a wedding, probably about children, and especially about changing their last name, anya changed her image, life itself led to this, she tells me why they called me that way, but i don’t feel right with it name is in harmony, because well, she really is she she’s very impulsive, she’s very
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daring, in general she’s so bold in appearance and inside, she’s so good, but shena is that i don’t know what can i say, i’m good about all my children, can i at least talk about someone i’ll tell you about my children myself, please, at least about one, come on, she’s telling me, i say i just dreamed it, i just dreamed it and i don’t know what it means?
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she refused any support, she says: i will fight on my own, i don’t want to, i don’t want to, as it were, i want to test my
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your own strength first of all, and despite what i said. they left the apartment for us to live in, a close friend of your family, also a producer, viktor drobysh, came to our studio, he definitely knows everything about hairstyles, he definitely knows everything about hairstyles, vitya, hello, my dear, now we ’ll ask him, i’m glad see you, come in, hello, what do you find out about hairstyles, are you both producers, do you also decide and
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sort everything out at home, or do you still have a matriarchy at home? that is, do you want to ask the question henpecked or not? yes, well i is it possible for prigozhino to tell a joke about us, come on, two henpecked people meet, one says to the other: you know, i sent my wife, he says how? and he says: can you imagine, she comes and says, why haven’t you washed the dishes yet? and i told her: screw you, i haven’t ironed the laundry yet, this is about you, this is about me and yoi. but it seems to me that only morons who are humiliated at work and on the street come home and get off on their wives, and i ’ll give you a high five for that right now, and you ’re annoyed when joseph constantly has his hand glued to the phone, it annoys even me, yes, yes, seriously, of course , sometimes - when you really need to ask
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a question, discuss something, but it’s impossible in the clinic, i don’t know, at least... make an appointment just or call on the phone so that somehow you know something call on the phone so that you also have tanya forbids me like at home she forbids me then i’m going home i already understand i’m approaching the house i say i’m done i’m going to the house i’m sorry i can’t talk anymore i’m still in captivity and it seems to me that by doing so she ’s saving me from some additional irradiation does not do anything valeria , it’s easy to persuade you to go shopping oh and i... i didn’t know what it was, before the tank, where do you go, what kind of shopping, excuse me? by the way, everything is ours, as far as clothes are concerned, i have a lot of things that i bought, well, even before all these stories, yes, they are still with papers, in short, we have a passive wardrobe, we have a passive wardrobe, and i almost go to the same thing, because to be honest,
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some time passed and i didn’t care at all, well , the main thing is that i... why, why, why what, well, i’ve gained a little weight , that’s it, not everything, you choose your own wardrobe, or lera helps, well, she helps sometimes, i mean sometimes, and you know why sometimes, and you know why sometimes, that’s what you think, i’m with this to dress with this, i say, honestly it’s bad, no, why is it bad, well, that’s it, i say, it ’s bad, no, well, look, but if you look like this, i say, why are you asking me, well then go ahead, it’s as if they are from the same egg.
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i think that tanka and leroux, no matter how you dress them , even though they’re still visible there, what’s under this, that everything is fine there, well , they dress in these bags, these jackets like that, you know there’s this, it infuriates me more, why, well, because a woman’s beauty doesn’t need to be hidden behind these ballast, she walks around naked , not if he wants, he loves like this, yes, and you at home like this, no, no, i’m in a tracksuit, but there’s also a lively suit, not at all, in principle, he loves these.
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coders, because danger is, in general, rewrote all the songs, redid all the rankings, grass near the house, he immediately said that we had it... with rubalskaya turned out to be fatal, the maestro fell in love, and he took polina down the aisle in irina allegrova’s dress. why did your polina want to get married in the dress of the empress?
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tell me? oh, what's this for? well, firstly, polina has been a fan of ira allegrova, literally since she was 12 years old, as far as i know, she knows beautifully, she knows my songs that she wrote for allegro better than i did when we became. the question is already getting married, would you like to get married, and i say, well, let’s pick out a dress for you, i must say that i have daddy’s a girl from our ordinary family with money , we don’t seem to have much money there, and of course i wanted to give her a gift, buy her a beautiful dress after all for marriage, the first time a girl gets married, she tells me, you know, i have my whole dream in my life, i saw allegrova wearing a wedding dress, and the most important thing is that allegrova herself came up with the design for this dress. she says, even in my dream, i dream of getting married in a dress like this, let’s sew it , let’s not buy it, let’s sew a dress like this, from us there is this dress, let’s see
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what i’m talking about, polina, so why should we sew such a dress, i’m calling, irochka, you know this is the case, i’m getting married, where are my future spouses, i would like a dress just like this, she says why do i have this... a wardrobe of wedding dresses, the man comes , chooses whichever one he likes, polina says: no, i want exactly this dress, that’s what i’m dreaming about, to which ira oleg says: you know, i gave it to the museum to sasha vasiliev, and ira calls vasiliev, this is necessary, vasilyev announced to me a million rubles there - insurance cover for him if something happens to him, yeah, yeah, i signed the documents. that’s it, we took it, and when i polina realized that it was there, then they gave khimsiska back, put everything in order, and what’s more, we took this dress with us to venice, not to mention taking a photo of the wedding here, taking it with us as a wedding dress
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a month-long trip around europe, we walked around venice like this, you can’t imagine how much applause the people who drove on the gondola looked at us, it goes like this and applause, they shouted “bravo” to us, they gave us champagne, thanks to iri olegova, she simply made it happen. a dream of life, your young wife polina segal is visiting us today, polina, glad to meet you, hello, beauty, come in, sit down, polina, when you met, did you already know that victor chaika is a famous composer? well, basically, yes, i lived on this planet before, of course, i knew, yes, how you met, remember, and that was. yes, we were introduced by mutual friends who were also present there, our mutual acquaintances with victor, so i would like to say that after that we never parted, but this is not so, but how?


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