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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-16  NTV  January 8, 2024 7:05am-8:01am MSK

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tomorrow, see you tomorrow, bon appetit everyone, thank you, what are you doing? niki , what are you doing, a colorful menu for our catering, culinary delights of our dining room, naka, taking pictures, come on, take a photo of my cutlet with buckwheat salad and let us eat in peace, what nonsense, guys, you don’t understand anything, yes, yes, yes , that's it, this is a new direction, food photography, he takes pictures of lobsters in restaurants, but i have everything we have, nikita, who cares about looking at all sorts of vinaigrettes and pies, what the hell are you doing, our canteen with the hashtag food bogov receives 260 likes consistently , that he spoke in a foreign language, guys , don’t you know, the entire accounting department is already sitting in a photogrammer, our department has its own police department hashtag as always, come on igor, don’t say that you don’t know this, i follow your wife, why, yes, yes, yes, she posts photos.
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with you now, what is she posting there , well, just a second, look, oh, how cute you are, milk, well, delete it quickly, but how can i delete it for you, it’s she who needs to be deleted, good photo, look at what a publication, they came to my memory, i’ll pick up a smartphone from her, i’ll have a push-button one, good, good, look how i saw this photo, so what else do we have here, you eat, and i’ll be here, what did you post there, i you all over. i’m looking for business, and you’re having tea here, well, let’s quickly finish eating on the way out, what happened there is a corpse in our apartment building, here’s the address, yeah, thank you, bon appetit, so to speak, borenka wished, cranial-cerebral, apparently, got it from a blow... under an elder,
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she died immediately, about 7 hours ago, maybe she accidentally fell, slipped, no , well, it’s quite possible, look, the cup spilled , well, she could have slipped on the water, well, by accident, not by accident, but you have to make a detour, let andryukh go to the neighbors, we just called her early in the morning, she asked what to cook for dinner, i was gone for 2 days, she wanted me to cook my favorite kiev cutlets... and i said, don’t waste time, yeah, where did you go, to novgorod, to your aunt, she got sick, asked to bring medicine, food, all the neighbors in their dachas, everyone here my own, so i went to help.
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i don’t know, you’re saying that you just didn’t keep the tickets from the bus, excuse me, i wrapped the gum in it, but it’s okay, nadezhda mikhailovna , you’ve known your neighbors, the lesovskys, for a long time, well, i ’ve known the maxim since childhood, he’s with lived here with my mother , then she died with... i was left alone, and then
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i met natasha, got married, they are such good, responsive guys, they will always ask if they need anything, how to help, they are very good guys, and natasha, businesslike she was like that, her business was good, maybe she saw a taxi with pink checkers, especially for women, that’s what she came up with, and she earned good money, but her husband was killed, what can you tell about maxim, lesovsky, well, he too. there was a business, he sold spare parts , well, whatever, but the business earned less, natasha, of course, but it didn’t bother her, they lived well, they just didn’t have a baby, although now why would the baby be left alone, oh, oh , well, we ran into the fields. the shah
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must have missed it, good afternoon, captain rydanov, criminal investigation department. alexey mikhailovich, very nice, alexey mikhailovich, you live in this entrance , you know what happened to your neighbors, and the women destroyed the whole house, i feel sorry for natasha, she was a good girl, she didn’t show off, although there were denjatos, others, you know, get rich and turn their noses up, so we are also a decent person, he often helped around the yard, then
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... he went out, saw natalya and some guy approaching an unfamiliar car, as if not from our house, apparently they had quarreled, he was so indignant, the door and so slammed, and she still says something, says, says, you know, you can’t hear from there, and i’m not a fan of listening to other people’s conversations, of course you didn’t remember the car number, offend, young man, i was once... a master of sports in this case for a reason, you know, i forgot to take my pills, but i remember the numbers, i remember the numbers well, oh, alexey nikolaevich, good afternoon, why didn’t you warn me, i’ll come to you in a minute, there’s
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something to puzzle your archers, so here, sit down, so, alexey nikolaevich, you don’t seem to pink lover. and by staff update daily content to popularize the interdistrict homicide investigation service among the population. are we supposed to win the love of the population, i don’t understand. you count further, under each photograph illustrating the everyday life of the department. put a hashtag hashtag between law enforcement services an unspoken competition is announced for the number of subscribers, likes and comments, this is some kind of nonsense, i don’t understand anything about this photogrammer, let us calmly
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investigate the murder, you don’t understand, no, you have young people in your department guys, here's ella advanced, so i expect results from you. as usual, natasha, a smart girl, has always been an example for us, such acumen in business, brave, we have the first women's taxi service in the city. it was necessary to think of this, organize it all, raise it, find the money. well, you have a lot of clients. we have no end. the call center operates around the clock and drivers work in two or three shifts. everyone who doesn’t want to catch tajiks at night, everyone comes with us, but mostly all are regular customers. clearly, maybe there were some problems in business,
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natalia may have had some enemies, some of her clients were accidentally offended. somehow you can’t tell right away. well, maybe you remember something? we have exactly everything inside the company. calmly, although natalya had a friend , katerina, i don’t really know much about their friendship, but the two of them opened a business, at least in the initial agreement, they were both included and i saw it, but then they separated, natalya also quarreled she started running the business herself, katerina went to work in the traffic police, and how she rose to the rank of some boss, so give us sticks and wheels interject, it’s very difficult for our girls now, for any violation they are fined by a tow truck, we tried to come to an agreement, but she doesn’t care, what’s the last name of this ekaterina? ekaterina, shchepakina
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, i think, ekaterina vladimirovna shchepakina , deputy head of the department, curious, igor, great, listen, a request to you, while ritka and i are running in the fields, visit the traffic police, ask a couple of questions to the deputy head of the department, shchepakina ekaterina vladimirovna. what exactly are you interested in? please be more specific as soon as possible. oh, that is, like this, you want official tones? well, in that case , i’m interested in what kind of relationship you had with the deceased natalya lisovskaya? not really dead? did she cross someone’s path?
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this is what we are trying to find out, how did you know her, how long have you known her, what did you do together, by the way, in her company you were described as an obvious ill-wisher, about five years ago we were still friends, we decided to start a business together, we came up with everything together, they were going to take out a loan, but then she got money for... and declared that she wanted to be alone with the mistress of the sea. and you we decided to continue our life path in the traffic police, well, so to speak, in a related profession. oh, that's it, sorry, i understand, the question has been removed. i recommend ending our fascinating interrogation, comrade major. you know, at the ubishet company they say that you don’t let its drivers work, you put spokes in their wheels. yes, but do you believe everything that people say? yes , somehow i try as much as possible, you
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know that i control this area on duty, i don’t like impudent people, and her girls are constantly rude to my employees, so the conversation is short for a parking fine, or we issue a notice, your curiosity is satisfied, yes, quite, then you know that the department is waiting for me. i don’t know how you are in the lethal department, but it’s not customary for us to make colleagues wait, i don’t dare to detain you any longer, all the best, ekaterina vladimirovna, and i haven’t cared about natalia for a long time, i’m happy with my position, and she’s not my rival , however, was never, goodbye, all the best. the examination showed that the death
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of natalia lisovskaya was not the result of an accident; traces of physical impact were found on her body, as a result of which natalya lisovskaya fell, hit her head on the tabletop, or she was pushed, in general, but what about the murdered husband, the husband, in general, is unremarkable, was born, studied, lives in st. petersburg, with one business or another , but nothing unusual, the apartment is registered with him, the car too, at the time when he went to see his sick aunt in novgorod, he left the car at a car service station. and what kind of car was that the neighbor saw at the lesovskys’ entrance? nikit, did you manage to find out anything from the numbers? yes, yes, yes, yes, the car belongs to oleg nazarov, he owner of a taxi company called 8 million. there is a competitor and a motive. nazarov, a businessman from the dashing nineties. repeatedly appeared in our databases for participation in the affairs of criminal groups, what else, what else? and
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there was an interview with natalya, she received an award from the woman of the year for her female taxi, she said that nazarov offered if to the company, yeah, she naturally refused, of course, that means rudanov, potapenko, go to this nazarov’s office, yes, but first task for everyone, please do not joke, do not laugh, our department needs to create this one - niki, go ahead, okay, yes, okay, our department was ordered to create a page on the social network in photogram, i started it, we already have 240 subscribers, that’s why we’ll be recruiting fans, what kind of fans, criminal fights between fans, what nonsense that’s nonsense, so, the task from the management is to gain the maximum number of subscribers and likes and thereby bypass other departments.
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thank you, lyosha, bye, what a surprise, this is like a week of pregnancy, oh well, the conclusion, it turns out, it turns out that the husband didn’t know anything? yes, listen, let's go to this nazarov, we have too many questions for him. go. look, ritka. wait, don’t tell me that
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this is the same machine that the chess player told you about at the lisovskys’ house. she, she. let nikitos ring, yes, i’ll send it to him with the hashtag, if you want to go on vacation, ring in a minute, vacation, very relevant, i haven’t been fishing for 2 years, and i haven’t been to my parents’ home for 2 years, good afternoon, good afternoon , criminal investigation, girl, we really need to talk to your boss, but he’s not there, yes, but where he could be, but i don’t know. we have the opinion that secretaries should know about the movements of their superiors, well , unfortunately, i can’t help you, girl, what’s your name? yulia, yulenka, you know that there is a problem of false testimony, i don’t know , so yulia, where is the boss, but he’s at a meeting, he probably won’t be back today, oleg evgenievich,
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what time is he flying out today, i don’t know
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where he is, i’m very interested in who he came to visit, call nikitos, let him ring the address, hello, airit, listen, you tell me you're going to rewrite the whole report again, because of you i covered it with food, that you 've finally become insolent, well, seriously, well, of course i'm cool, but i'm not a wizard, i don't have a fortune ball, okay, come on, now, house five, frame. yes, so, wait, i take my words back, i am a wizard, a magician and a sorcerer, because at the address you named, we have something coming through. yes, the deputy head of the district traffic police department, ekaterina shchepakina, is registered there. unexpectedly, thank you, come on, what do you imagine is here?
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lives unknown to us ekaterina shchepakina. oh , very curious, let's go and pay a visit. yes, i’ve just made a cutlet out of you myself, you bastard, just let me get out of here , i’ll set all the dogs on you, but i won’t be afraid, i won’t strangle you, not your service dogs, and you won’t even say a word, you bastard, you dare to threaten me with mine in my own home, i asked you why you did it, i completely lost the fear of breaking me!
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okay, we’ll talk to you later, ekaterina, and you ekaterina vladimirovna, get ready too, come visit us, yes, of course, now i’ll just get dressed, how can we find this bad man, what do you say, well, you know. save your weapon, makar sergeyvich, why is it taking him so long? again 25, today at 19:25 on ntv. disco superstar january 13 at 21:30 on ntv. what are men silent about? about
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well, ekaterina vladimirovna, fate has brought us together again, yes, coffee, tea, jelly, and coffee, but you really have everything, no, for some reason i just thought that you would choose coffee, with sugar or without sugar, yeah, very good, it just has sugar, rum, whiskey, vodka, cognac, sorry, i don’t understand, calm down, i only have cognac. but no, thank you, thank you, i will abstain, since i don’t use it at work, it’s not allowed , well, in any case, i try not to do it, yeah, igor viktorovich, of course i’ve heard about the brilliant successes of your department, but such answers make me think, it ’s five in the evening drops after a long day of work have never bothered anyone, i understand you very well, but i’ll tell you a secret, my wife doesn’t like it when i drink, this is an ironclad
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argument, i accept it, wife? this is sacred. so, okay, ekaterina vladimirovna, let’s get back to business. and we have it it's quite confusing with you, it turns out. so ask. your incident with citizen nazarov, it gives us some thoughts. i would really like to hear your comments on this matter. eh, listen , do you really think that i am involved in natalia’s murder? no, well, we’re not counting anything yet, it’s just a strange situation, to put it mildly, right? yes. “and you, nazarov and natalya lisovskaya had an open conflict, that’s right, well, yes, from which we conclude that you and nazarov could have been in collusion, could have agreed on murder natalia, and he was clearly interested in her death, it was to his advantage, listen, major, do you really think that i would get my hands dirty about all this for the sake of an old quarrel, no, of course, then it
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bothered me." agree, it’s unpleasant when close friends set you up, yes, but since then i’ve learned not to make close friends and rely only on myself. in addition, the brilliance and impeccability of the work of your department, now i have great doubts about what you mean, and the fact that nazarov protected natalya’s business, they are not at all were competitors, and not just provided protection, but allowed it to happen." well, you remember, i once told you that natalya and i were going to open a business taxi, i even came up with a name, but one fine day natalya told me that she has an investor, but this is such a soft hint that i should move, and then i found out that this is nazarov, yes, now he is a successful businessman, then he was just a bandit, although, as you noticed, his manners probably haven’t
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changed much, what do we have? i wanted from you, but he didn’t tell me, he burst in, yelling, screaming, waved his fists, threatened, although we haven’t had any conflicts with natalya for a long time, on what basis did nazarov give natalya lisovskaya money to promote her business, igor viktorovich, you’re asking me about this, i personally have no idea, but i suspect between us that.
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.. and this is a very significant motive for committing a crime, but most importantly, we have some facts and extensive testimony, you tried to leave the city after the murder was committed, this time, shortly before the time of the murder, a witness i saw you killed near the house, that’s two, and most importantly, your fingerprints were found in lisovskaya’s apartment, as you comment on this, i’m not going to comment on anything. okay, then just no comments. tell us, please, what kind of incident happened between you today , the deputy chief will literally strangle her with my own hands when i get out. well, you know, we don’t advise you to do anything stupid, but we highly recommend that you cooperate with the investigation. i won’t tell you anything, i’m not going to cooperate, call lawyer clear. okay, well then, sit
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with us for now, get nostalgic, so to speak, and in the meantime we will contact your lawyer. who is it that is shedding from our workplace and why is nikitos so cheerful, are we really heading home already and not going home to the premiere of the new film mad cops three op, you even have a ticket, why do you need to go somewhere if the premiere of mad cops can take place right here now? so take off your jacket, sit down, we'll work, so wait, stop, stop, my working day is already over, nuggets are waiting for me, the film premiere will still be on at least three weeks, your working day is not standardized, it’s even written in the charter
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, and don’t force your comrades to become rabid cops, work, well, okay, what do you need, we need you to get us through the taxi company for financial matters. and it is also necessary to check possible contacts between natalia lisovskaya and citizen nazarov. yes. fine. let's start from the end. the main thing is to the beginning. lesovskaya. name. natalia. natalia. patronymic efimovna. efimon. yes. lisovskaya. so. yes. well, actually, i don’t see anything like that. connections with nazarov i i don’t observe, oops, there is another point, lisovskaya transferred a tidy sum of money to the same account every month. i wonder what this account is, where she transferred the money? the account belongs to a certain lydia budko,
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born in the fiftieth year, living in belarus. great, nikitos, now let’s quickly find out who budko is and who she is related to, you know how to ruin an evening, don’t you guys? we know how, but for now we are in the dining room with some cheese made from cheesecakes. yes pancakes and condensed milk, and i and you, if you try, you will still have time for the last session, igor, what did you do with one seagull today, you should go without sugar, little girl, if you had prepared a delicious dinner for your loved one, and he was such an infection, he came home from work well-fed, what would you have done, and i would have shot him , well, my natasha in this sense is no different from you, that is, i wouldn’t live a day with you, so what? what are you doing, you’re eating for ten people, well, well, as i understand it, for pajamas with goslings, you ’re not angry with her anymore, well, somehow, it means
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you’re bitter, i just got a call from the traffic police, what are you we completely lost our fear, pressed the deputy traffic police chief, well, who pressed her, we had a very nice talk with her, almost in earnest. even the woman was pleasant in all respects , she told a lot of interesting things, for example, that the mysterious roof of natalia lisovskaya was none other than nazarov, and even sponsored her, even so, so, he bought tickets to marinka, granny wants to take her marinka, so , okay, that’s it, by the way, i have time for the cinema, so you tell me first, and we’ll think about whether to let you go to the last showing or not, okay, ok, about your natalia.
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for promotion, but my husband, i think , simply didn’t know about it, in general, there are a lot of motives and a lot of versions, i don’t understand, we have a club here, what , where, when, take this nazarov, squeeze it, pull everything out of him , there is plenty of evidence, it can be closed only on this alone,
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which means, igor, when you finish, you will report, there is, and i’m waiting, well, what can i do, well then i’ll have dinner, we’ll take it firmly. heroes of sports, we need victory like air, to the sky, to the sky, to the sky, the flock of russia, this is eternal in our blood and mine generation russia is played by real men, a coward plays hockey, pop stars and legends of domestic sports, today the great athletes of our country are with us, a celebration of live singing in the name and glory of the sports heroes of the great country. we firmly believe in
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are completely stupid at 20:00 on ntv. mr. nazarov, maybe you should stop playing silently, you met lisovskaya in your criminal circles, she offered you a profitable business scheme, you agreed to invest money there, then she simply decided to cheat you, you killed her for this, that’s right, i ’m saying, no, boss, wrong, wrong, i loved nadal, you yourself killed for her.
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i’m ashamed before god, but i would n’t get away from her, i owe it to life, it’s something, but in the bad years it was still the case, then the boys and i gave one gent, for a long time... in general, they smacked me, so much , the boys ran away, and i had to fight, i had to fight, i was on the street, driving a car, but i had to go to a doctor i knew, he was waiting for me,
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a car stopped, there she was, so beautiful, so lively, but this... when at first sight i fell in love with her, she immediately understood everything, didn’t ask unnecessary questions, took me, she waited, then dropped her off at home, but then i immediately decided for myself that i would never leave this girl, no matter what the cost, at first they were just friends for a long time, and then natasha gave up, she knew that i wouldn’t just leave her i'll leave you alone. and her husband knew about it, but how much do i know, i only know that she didn’t leave him not out of great love, and , to be honest, there wasn’t any love there for a long time, they couldn’t have children, money was a problem there wasn’t, he helped her a lot, she once
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came from belarus, the irony of fate. "she i owed him, i owed her , what did you talk about at your last meeting, but she said that she was ready to leave him, but to celebrate, i wanted to take her away right that day, and she said that she still had to talk to him , that it couldn’t just leave maxim , she wanted to part with him amicably, so the..." the car had a quarrel, it was necessary not to turn on the character, but to put her in the car, and take her away, and after that, where did we go, that’s all you suspect, boss, in the office, i had a meeting with partners,
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i saw a lot of people, you check two accounts, and you know that natalya lisovskaya was pregnant, that couldn’t be true. lord, so why did she immediately decide to leave him, but didn’t specifically tell me anything, she knew right away, she knew that i would take her away by force, no matter what it cost me, lord, lord, it was my child, my child , this is her husband... he's a freak , he wasn't childbearing, oh my god, so, well, gentlemen, let's quickly get to...
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it's unlikely that lisovsky didn't know about his wife's connection with nazarov, it's unlikely, i also have a hard time believing it , that maxim hasn’t understood anything for so many years, it’s good, but what about the witnesses? maybe, with their testimony, well, these bus tickets, again, well, he bought them with his passport, i think there is an explanation for all this, go to the bus station, talk to the driver who drove that flight, that’s it, work, please look, have you seen this man, of course, i remember him. a nervous type, yeah, unpleasant, i would even say, he sat right behind me in the cabin, tried to get up, tugged all the time,
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constantly asked when the next stop was, and we only have one on a four-hour route, well drink coffee, stretch your legs, and refuel with gasoline, but i think the man had an urge to go to the toilet, yes, and he just took him to the stop and disappeared, we waited for this idiot for about 15 minutes , and then i gave up and went, thank you, no for what. wow, very interesting. olenka, could you put all this on a flash drive? for such an impressive man, nothing is a pity. oh, you really embarrassed me. don't be embarrassed, i'll do everything now. igor, what needed to be proven, lesovsky set up an alibi for himself, got off the bus and took a pre
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-ordered taxi, we, of course, talk about this didn’t say anything, so there is every reason to suspect him of murdering his wife, you need to take him and specifically turn him around, well, that’s it, let’s get in touch, it’s ready, and we also need your phone number, but why, perhaps. you, i’ll think , oh, maybe we’ll even have to meet, who will we need as a valuable witness, and maxim, hello, we almost missed you, imagine, i wanted to leave for a couple of days, i can’t be here, we understand , we understand, hands, well, where should we stand, stand calmly, don’t twitch, lisovsky calmed down, andryukha, let’s do it a fresh photo to our account, the viewer
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demands new material, i don’t want it, it’s necessary, ah, lisovsky, we smile, i didn’t intend to kill natasha, although i knew about her affair with nazarov, but i didn’t think that she would decide. ask me when she fled from belarus to russia, i was the only one who helped her get back on her feet, drew up new documents, greeted her with old friends , promised to keep her secret a secret, and well, you thought that she was now your everything it should, we loved each other, we even wanted children, when it turned out that we had children it can’t be, natasha said that means it has to be so. “it means the connection between us is something more , that besides children there is something else to do in life, and i was a fool to believe, i believed like
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then, that she opened a business herself, that she found an investor, then i only tied up the loose ends, like attracts like , criminal to criminal, so she sang with this nazarov.” so what happened with the fracture? i'm tired of being made a fool of. i once told her that if she doesn’t stop leading me by the nose, i’ll hand her over to the cops. she didn't believe me, she said that i’m not afraid that she will turn to nazarov, he will help her with her search, with her problems. and then i immediately had to go to novgorod, where my aunt fell into labor. well, i see, how did you organize an alibi for yourself? before leaving, i... installed a special program on my wife’s computer that tracked all her actions, all correspondence, already on the bus i
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received a notification that she had agreed to meet with nazar. well, then i went crazy and wanted to come back earlier to catch them together to finally decide everything, the bus was plodding along like out of spite, slowly, i ordered a taxi to the nearest stop and changed seats to make it faster, so what, why did you catch them? no, natasha was home alone, and she was surprised that i returned so early. and began to cry, asking me to leave her alone, then she admitted that she was expecting a child from nazarov, but then i couldn’t stand it, we started arguing, she broke a vase, then i didn’t calculate my strength and she fell and,
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well, then you yourself you know everything. oh, guys, you saw, almost 200 people were added to us overnight, this was still not enough for us, ritka, in my opinion, we went a little too far, but i feel like it’s a complete borscht, wow, retul, you’re a star, the detention has already collected 300 likes, tongue, hit, well, my friends, this is no longer in any way. the general just called, he gave such compliments for your art, you should have photographed the blind man’s buff, in general, delete this photogrammer to hell so that there are no traces of our department on the internet, but like oleg georgievich, well, we just started to get promoted, but the likes just started flying, that's enough, let's experiment, eh, beauty! ritka,
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well, what are we going to do on such a beautiful autumn evening? let's go with you zaks. zaks, well, no, she’s kind of lazy, she’s getting married today. oh, you’re lieutenant potapinka from uboynoye, right? wow, i recognized you right away. you're awesome. what is this, fan, i'm following you, photogram. well, let's retire, let's go bloggers, and now everyone said together, police, police!
8:00 am
hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboisty. a childhood dream of visiting the kremlin christmas tree performed for eighty children from the dpr and lpr, all of them are children of emergency situations ministry employees who are doing their job... after the performance they received sweet gifts from the hands of santa claus. the young guests visited the cathedral square, where the country’s main christmas tree stands, and of course, they made a wish next to the new year’s beauty. the children had an eventful trip; a sightseeing tour was organized for them.


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