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tv   Bim-2  NTV  January 8, 2024 7:25pm-8:21pm MSK

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no need, don’t forget us there, yeah, i ’ll be there for you, here’s your new workplace, that’s where it is, kid, thank you, thank you.
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my friends are all going abroad, but i’ll probably stay, laugh, get drunk, if there’s nothing to know, i’ll get married. they write to me how are you here and i’m
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fine super good super super super year i ’m fine i’m fine super super super good i’m fine super super super super i’m fine supergu. i don’t understand something, but this is aivazovsky or malevich, vashaga, come on, give the painting back, please, only after a close
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acquaintances, but i don’t want to get to know you, give it to the painting, return it, but kiss me, no, no, come on, come on, come on, guys, give the girls back the picture, and if we don’t return it, then there will be health problems, i don’t i understand, in this town everyone is such a greyhound, but he’s not a greyhound, look, he’s just stupid, he hasn’t yet understood who he’s messing with, take the dog away, i’ll take it away,
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yes, klimov. yes, i understand, we'll be there now. fine. bim. sorry, we have to go. i was pleased to meet real knights. landscape of kisterforte, watercolor by martinson, raneysky from trilyubov, type, valuable paintings. kind of priceless. lyokha, where are you? lyosha? there you are? good afternoon , as i understand it, something happened, yes, someone turned off the alarm, then the security guard and stole 11 paintings, three left, let me explain, a prestigious exhibition of marine painters was supposed to open in this hall today, and prominent collectors from st. petersburg and moscow were attracted not only by modern works, but also by masterpieces. century
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and of course very valuable, some of the paintings date back to the 19th century, in particular the collector trilyubov brought paintings. italian marine painter rakofort, excuse me, but collector kulberg brought a landscape - kistifanti, this is the pearl of our exhibition, fortunately it was not touched, but can i have a list of the owners of these, of course, it turns out that these three paintings belong to the same person, yes, these canvases. what did you find there, what and what was there? come on, this is a piece
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of some kind of picture frame, well, i understand that, well, at least some trace! the bright taste of instant coffee jardin gold and jardin deep dark the pleasure of feeling a consumer loan from rosselkhozbank with love for its people rosselkhozbank is more than you think denis nikiforov, who were you waiting for and his bim is starting new investigations for his head! beam new episodes from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv. disco superstar january 13 at 21:30 on ntv. pental extragel against pain in muscles and
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future. calcium d3 nekomet forte. thanks to vitamin d3, calcium in the preparation is better absorbed at different stages of life and strengthens the health of bones, hair, nails and teeth. calcium is important. everyone at different stages life cheeseburger or chicken burger for only 45 rubles at a delicious point you get irritated for any reason or give in to anxiety, it’s good to eat its double action helps fight nervous conditions. nova passit - double action against irritability and anxiety. order medicine with discounts at where did you work before? ruvd pike perch. first to these local police officers, then to the detectives. yes. how many years of operational work? well, for six months, geogiy, you’ll go in my
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car, but no, let’s go, let’s go , i understand, i accepted, where have i seen one like that before, huh? and who are you? good afternoon, captain klimov, criminal investigation department, and how can i help you? do we need to talk to mr. kullberg? it's me! so, are you aware of today's robbery? yes, of course, an hour ago they called me about the theft of paintings from an upcoming exhibition, well...
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and i rented the house for 3 days, but nevertheless, please open, what do you think, i will guard the stolen paintings there, i'm afraid , i will disappoint you, calmly, then we will do it ourselves, makar sergeevich, i will do everything, thank you, comrade major, yeah, georgy ivanovich, well, zhora, that’s not
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our methods, yes, i just discovered, just like that, as one of my hockey player friends says, the water is hot, god, where did they come from, you ’re asking us, it’s a setup, calm, calm, hold the door! and breathe evenly, let's drive by, you refuse, i simply have nothing to explain, i didn't steal them, maybe you don't know how they appeared in your garage either, of course, listen, this is some kind of hoax, not invented by me, this , this is some kind of ridiculous sum in which i am not
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of my own free will, well, yes, well, i hope that you you’ll wake up soon and tell us the whole truth, but for now to the cell, oh, makar sergeevich, can i see him off, best duty officer, sorry, duty officer, hello, i’ve already been waiting for you, have the results arrived? your results came , but that’s not why i was waiting for you, tell me how do you like the new guy, he’s handsome, married, brunet, tell me he’s brunette, brynette, he’s not my type, you know, i’m more into girls, klar: proshkin , georgy ivanovich, aka gosha, aka
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goga, aka zhora, aka yura, worked in sudak, on operational work for six months, already managed to mess up, ruined the suspect’s property, and you found something in the gallery, my dear, there are no fingerprints, the work was done by professionals, however, i found several marks on the floor, two different sizes, more than one. coincides with the size of kullberg’s feet, well, everyone is in place together, i’ll go and make the guy happy and put in a good word for me? in front of a new guy, you find out whether he is married or not, married, well, it’s not interesting, hello to everyone from katim, hello, who is katya? katya, katya, this is our
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forensic expert, the fatal blonde and between. no fingerprints, only two traces from shoes, but they don’t match kullberg’s size, but kullberg says that all this was planted on him, so what does it mean, that kullberg couldn’t hire some guys who would hang these paintings for him and bring them to his house? well, maybe this might be the case, maybe
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, but maybe it won’t be, well, it might not be, but what’s confusing? lech, if kullberg had organized this robbery, this theft, then why didn’t he steal his paintings, well , one after the other, you think he was framed, it’s possible, we only found 10 paintings, there are 11 paintings on the missing list, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, obim, what’s he doing? takes pictures of yourself? what for? to send your images to all sorts of balloons? come on, do you think they have such a website? so, as always, a gorgeous picture of a service dog playing on
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the computer, and the cookies’ feathers are cracking. how about helping yourself? what are you doing here? don’t guess where the money from the sale of the apartment is, olezhek, i
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’m killing you, leave this conversation, you were sitting in the zone when i was looking after our mother, which means the apartment was mine. family problems, my younger brother comes to me guests shook hands, you duck , don’t call me brother anymore, great, that means there can’t be any financial disagreements between us , i understand, oh you creature, listen, woodpecker, well, get out of here and quickly, i wo n’t cheat with you, i will now i’ll call the police, get out of here,
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immediately, let me in, i’ll get you to the monkeys. creativity, seryozha, what was that? yes, don’t pay attention, it’s just an ordinary family squabble, by the way, you promised to bring in the remaining money, keep it, and seryozha, one ironclad condition, keep your mouth shut, no one should know what you did, offend? i understand everything, and i’m as dumb as a fish, by the way, we ’re planning a party today, how about signing up for the creative intelligentsia, huh? well, you can have a drink, just a little. great, let's go, i 'll introduce you to our bohemians. i am
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filled with a feeling of gratitude and love for our wonderful internal affairs officers, who solved this complex crime in the shortest possible time and returned the stolen masterpieces to us. i responsibly declare that all our... bodies have always stood and will stand guard over the culture of art. thank you huge, they say, the same detective who found the stolen paintings arrested the thieves. captain klimov, happy to introduce myself, collector milovidov. mr. captain, i am your debtor, among the stolen paintings were my canvases. well, i'm glad to give it back to you. your property, excuse me, you are dreaming, hello, what are you
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doing here? and i’ve been here for a long time, we’re returning the paintings, you’re from the police, you guessed it , now it’s clear why you dealt with those hooligans so easily, thank you again, why don’t you, thank you for allowed to help. such a beautiful girl, my name is makar, it’s very nice, yulia, yulia chastyakova, tell me, which of the employees found these pictures? me, what? you see, my landscape was among the missing, but all the paintings were returned, but mine was not. yes, yul, excuse me, yes, there were 14 paintings in total, three were in the museum and 11 uvars, but we never found one painting. it's a pity, it means i was unlucky. oh, don’t be upset, tell me about this picture. i was in charge of the operation, it was
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not easy. the operation was called, blue square. astounding, isn't it? it turned out to be very successful, and many art critics predicted awards and prizes for me at exhibitions. how much is your painting worth? when an artist. unknown, the painting is not worth a lot of money, i was offered no more than 20 thousand rubles for mine, but i decided that i would not sell it yet, but put it at an exhibition, i would attract the attention of collectors, don’t be upset, we will definitely find your painting, bim promises, thank you for your sympathy, but i think that if they didn’t find her right away, they will never find her again, well, so pessimistic, we... invite you to the nearest cozy cafe in order to dispel your melancholy sadness, sorry, but i need to be alone, goodbye, happily,
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colleagues, i suggest you raise your glasses to our theatrical art, which is alive , despite all these internets, tv channels, well , hurray, truth, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, you know, yesterday i watched your wife in the role of marcela, i just fulfilled such a cool order for a copy of one picture that you , gentlemen, i apologize for interfering, but i would like
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drink for all of you, i am amazed by your talent, spirituality, for you, friends, thank you, for the gorgeous toast, your wife is still a beauty, listen, i don’t dare mention my wife, you brute, i’m a brute. and you’re a beggar, and you’ll never earn as much as i earn , really, i’ll tell everyone how to make money, don’t, it’s time for us all to leave, i want to go with the forest, scum, fuck you, your wife is sleeping with everything theater, who said, wait, what is it?
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the windshield wipers found him in the morning, and what time, i think, around midnight, there was something in his pockets, yes, i found something, look, uh, a pass to the drama theater sergei ivanovich feofanov, production designer. by the way, the theater is not far from here, a 10-minute walk, yeah, that’s great , exactly, major, hello, that’s it, i’m here, i ’m in place, and we are also here, we’ve been in place for a long time, and why are you late, georgy ivanovich, makar sergeevich, i had a business there, that’s it, but we also have a business here, and we even have a body, and if there is a body, then there is a business, i’m giving you the first warning, excuse me, but you’re the same new guy, it’s very nice, katya. and you are the one
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the very katya, well, that katya, katya, well , who, i understand, i understand, i understand, i understand, and i’m, as it were, makar sergeevich, i’m here quickly, something’s wrong and i’m investigating everything, so that’s it. listen, i’m next to you just asking what you told him about me, where is the theater there? makar sergeevich, makar sergeevich, can i hear you, stay here, hear, yes , how they killed, what are you talking about, they were drunk yesterday, we don’t know what, but they didn’t even
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have the strength to anyone kill. stop, stop, stop, excuse me, who are they? well those who were here yesterday was drinking. and so - who was it? our feofanov started a drinking session in his pocket behind the scenes, there was also our theater director, sasha krupnov, yeah, the administrator and another man. well, they got quite a lot, krupnov suddenly became jealous of feofanov’s wife and rushed at him. with a knife, and where when? yes , right here in the lobby, and then they all ran out into the street, uh-huh, really, after about five minutes they came in, but tell me, did they all come back? no, not everyone, krupnyy, soap men, administrator, now they sleep, where they sleep, well, where, where, where they drank and slept there. oh, your feet got caught in
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the margarine, oops, citizen, citizen, here , calmly, well, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, don’t be fierce, don’t be fierce, we still have to interrogate him, come on, get up, let’s go.
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it’s a common thing, i cut myself off from the bottle, and now i don’t remember anything, i don’t know anything, so what ? not our methods, quietly, quietly, i didn’t kill , well, tell me, i didn’t kill, i was so drunk that i couldn’t even kill myself, but i immediately caught him and came back here, here’s avanovitch, let’s go look at the cctv cameras, okay , ah... bim, guard it, just be more careful, otherwise they’ll teach you something stupid, well i haven’t gotten used to it yet, well, look, everyone comes out at 8:12, then they come in, uh-huh, krupnov and soapniks. and what time is it there? so,
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at 5:12, well, yes, in 3 minutes they would not have time to run to the park and return back.
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i didn’t share it with my brother, well, he made such a fuss here, he even threatened to kill, yeah, but you have a recording, yes, of course, now, no, no, georgy ivanovich, where it comes to money, you have to look there, but they here, here, where the bug party is, oh my goodness. well, it’s easier to express, as i understand it, it means this artist sold the apartment to his mother, did not share it with his brother, and the logs floated to the waterfall, he slammed it, well, yes, well , purely as a version, hello, lyokha, listen, lyokha,
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i need the address of feofanov’s younger brother. which oleg, quickly go home before i pin you, what the hell are the police , you won’t even have time to call there, stand there, police, why are you so fast, well, as you wanted, we are introducing new technologies, artificial intelligence, just you conceived something unkind, and we were already right there, yelling and reading, what intelligence, such intelligence, concrete, so sushi, crackers, ale... the sentence for murder will be added to the sentence for attacking his wife, it’s clear what kind of murder, such a murder, of my brother, i didn’t even have time to touch him yesterday, are you loading me with garbage, yes, i remember, i remember, these are not
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our methods, but what is he? you know, they're always trying to escape everyone. that’s it, that’s it, i give up, but in my time no one has succeeded, he had a lot of money, he sold his mother’s apartment, he didn’t even share it with me, he made money on some copies of paintings so much that his pockets they were chattering, he didn’t give me a penny, even though he’s a freak, but still he’s my brother, but we know that you did it, i wasn’t even close to that area at night, huh? where were you , you quarreled with your brother during the day, you didn’t spend the night at home, and sergei was found dead in the morning, so it was you who stabbed your older brother, i wasn’t there, i spent the night in marukha, oh well, but
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the evidence, there is the evidence, here they are all here, i took a picture of her in bed, wow! what a beauty, i mean what a disgrace, the address is not far from here, strelkaya 7, her name is marina, just don’t tell your wife that , you’re offending her, let’s go, unfasten it, you’re so good , beautiful, but how i dreamed as a child that i would have such a four-legged friend, and what happened next? nothing, his mistress confirmed that she spent that night with him at the recreation center, it’s not fun, it turns out that the investigation has reached a dead end, it seems
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that if only we knew what copies they’re all talking about, what are you talking about and feofanov’s brother and all his colleagues were talking about some big money that he allegedly earned by drawing some kind of copies. i'll be honest, i'm into art. it’s not a boom-boom or a noise at all, well, it’s true, but it ’s not here anymore, but look, georgy ivanovich, you communicate well with dogs, so with dogs, yes, why don’t you go to the place? speech, please interview all the local dog walkers , maybe someone has seen what i’ve seen, yes, it’s logical that dogs are not only walked during the day, but also at night, yes, i just wanted to ask, do you walk at night, no, no, you don’t walk, but don’t walk either, and nothing that... we haven’t seen here, no, it’s a pity, topic,
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wow, god help you, father, my timog yesterday came through the door, look for his candles , looked for him in the bushes all night, and he’s here , it turns out, don’t be afraid, now we ’ll take it off, cat, come here, come, go, go, go, oh, hold your bandit, listen, what if you... were looking for him all night, but you didn’t see anything suspicious? for what purpose are you interested? quietly, quietly, do n’t be afraid, that’s what, well, if that’s the case, then i saw, we’ll go to the department, or you’ll tell us everything here, amazing, with every stroke it’s getting better and better, oh, it’s you again, how did you find me? well, one might say, professional deduction, where can you find it? the most beautiful artist of this city, especially since you didn’t finish painting
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this landscape yesterday, thanks for the compliment, but something tells me that you’re here for a reason, you guessed it, i need your help, i just can’t solve one puzzle, but with what exactly i can help you, but i don’t even know myself, but i think that you understand painting better than me, so, well, here’s his... workshop, these are sketches for theatrical scenery, yeah, i’ve already seen this, and this sketches from the landscape of lafontie, which is presented at the exhibition, yes, the same painting that they did not manage to steal, apparently feofanov tried to make a copy of this painting, why? artists sometimes make copies of famous paintings just like that, for
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personal development or for educational purposes, i also wrote a copy from this painting for my thesis, but it was for the copy of this painting that feofanov received a lot of money, but for whom did he do it, why, yes lesh, uh-huh, well , listen, georgy. well done, everyone is four, he is five, i’ll be right there, come on, and yule, excuse me, i need to go to the department, if there’s anything else remember or, well, call me if anything happens, okay, let's go, let's go, but how is life in general, the boss is like, yes, a beast, in general, yes, yes, he is loading lead, i wish you health, i wish you health. well, lyokha said that you
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didn’t waste your time in vain. well, it turned out that a witness, a grandfather, lives right opposite the park, his kitten ran away from his house at night, so he went to look for it, and the kitten was stupid, got scared, climbed a tree, sat there, trembling all over, fur on end, eyes like beads, here are beads, yes, georgy ivanovich, what did the witnesses see? the witness saw how one man caught up with the second, punched him in the ribs, then fell, then rummaged through his pockets and left, well, the grandfather naturally got scared and went home, and what the villain looked like, that’s interesting, tall, in a gray shirt and very similar according to the description of the fourth one, who was drinking with theatergoers, yeah, and whose name is viktor glotov, and so am i... alexey is already punching him, by the way, alexey is a very smart
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guy, well, really, well, georgy ivanovich, it was sincere about the kitten , yes, and i also wanted to ask, there is such a character, two charges for the theft of antiques, icons, paintings, etc. yes, a professional, yes, now i would like to understand why he killed feofanov, it’s a pity that you are leaving our exhibition so early, alas, time. waiting, i still need to take my paintings to the exhibition in nalchik and pyatigorsk. i feel guilty before you for this terrible theft story. ella gennadievna, it’s not your fault, it’s all kullberg. i always knew he was a scammer. it’s so terrible, i still can’t believe that kullberg is capable of such vileness. hello,
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ella gennadievna. hello, yulechka. what a pretty girl. who is she? it is her? chastyakova, our young talent, unfortunately, she was unlucky; she prepared a stunning seascape for the exhibition, but it has not yet been found after the theft. so, does that mean she is the author of that painting? yes, poor juls, he would have made a splash at foreign exhibitions, but i beg your pardon, so are you the same chastyakova? and lovidov, a collector, it’s very nice, julia, i heard that you have amazing talent, and like any collector, i hope to cooperate with you, alas, but it’s unlikely that we will be able to collaborate with you, i’m terribly unlucky, i recently painted a decent landscape, but it
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was stolen and still hasn’t been found, yes, ginnadina told me about this sad incident, what interested you in this picture? authenticity , i heard right, you want to say that culbert brought only a copy to the exhibition, perhaps i know this landscape very well, as a student, i wrote a copy from it, look, here on the originals the waves had a shadow from a cloud , she is not on this canvas, but this kulberg, this scoundrel, not only wanted to rob us. everyone, so he also hung a second-rate copy at the exhibition, and you yulenka, well done, you have a keen eye, and excuse me, i need to call, of course, hello, makar, yes, yulia, are you sure of this, and where are you
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now you are, and the cafe is at the entrance to the boulevard, go there, i’ll be right there. what happened again? new turn. lyokha, please let me know everything about the french artist lafantier and his painting “ seascape” from 1892. this is one of those paintings that remained in the museum after the theft. exactly. what's wrong with her? but now we will find out. dude, dima, i understand, don’t bother
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me! well, did you get there? hello!
8:11 pm
happy new year, a big premiere only on kinopoisk, trigger, film, where is his mother, mother sunshine, lie, do you want me to tell you more, trigger, the film is already in the subscription, kinopoisk, premieres today, tomorrow always, let's leave it in the old year, i ’ll drink valerian now, will it make me feel moldy too? this is how we will answer all the problems: if payment is delayed by 5 minutes, the bank has the right to sell your mail, your kidney, but not mine yours. diseases that have gone crazy? so, that’s why i came to you, out of a quarrel, i’ll hit you with my right hand, not with my right hand, let’s laugh
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from the bottom of our hearts, i came up with this, it’s funny, yes, it’s funny, you can die, like mcdonald’s left russia, we’re the only ones in a suit ronald mcdonald was directly buried, everyone really liked the point, and let laughter become the main symbol of the new year, you played the devil santa claus, why did you crawl onto the stage, is this a new interpretation? old reading, new year. funnypolis, a very funny premiere. tomorrow 23:20 on ntv. bim new episodes from january 10 at 20:00 on ntv. what are credit card debts and interest on ? need a holwa. you take out credit cards. you transfer debts. you divide halva into 24 months , you can conveniently repay it, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts,
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loans and kindly quickly we take out loans up to 5 million at sovcombank loans that everyone knows one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, a great blow now there
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are special, favorable conditions, yulia, sit here, you are with me. good afternoon, it didn’t hurt, mr. captain, i’m glad to see you,
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you wanted to ask something, yes, i wanted to ask you, where did you put the lofontier original, captain, you ordered your guard zinchuk, together with a certain glotov, to organize a robbery of the exhibition. only then everything went wrong, feofanov was running around every corner, shouting about your deal with
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him, and yulia chistyakova actually said that there was... a copy of the painting hanging in the gallery. glotov removed feokhanov, and you ordered him to remove yulia chastyakova, but he died. how did you die? and like this. why is the little friend with whom he once hung out upset that is upset? stand! kneel down, hands behind your head! hands! why did you steal a painting by yulia chastyakova,
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it’s worth nothing until it’s worth... this girl has a great future, someday she will become great, makarevich, everything is fine, everything is fine, georgy ivanovich, pack these two, there are , guys, take it, come in, well done, well done, well, if everything is fine, then i’ll go to the department with the guys, georgy. yes, i’m glad you’re with us, thank you, well, here you go, you found her, well, we promised
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that it’ll be there for a long time, don’t move. “it’s important for me to capture the mood of the portrait, but i’m not moving, it’s okay, i haven’t moved for 2 hours, i’m already all stiff, be patient, be patient, what are you doing, and you to me, and you to alena dilon, sit down, yes i don’t want to go to the place, it’s boring there, come to me!” what's your share? i raised this cafe with my own hands, while you were there doing your own thing. nonsense, so i don’t owe you any share, and you haven’t forgotten anything, who started all this, who negotiated with the chenushki, you just rented the land, i bought it with my own money, so this is my cafe, i’m not
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going to sharing it with you, oh, but... hey, hey, what are you doing, calm down , nothing bad happened, stop immediately, otherwise i’ll call the police, and if you call, i’ll personally unwind it for you, write a will, as soon as possible, we we'll tear your cafe to pieces, oh, that's it, that's it, that's it, thank you, thank you. well, just press it tight, or else it’ll go boom ahead of time, don’t worry, everything will be clear , there won’t be anything left over this garbage cafe, you just have to try not to hurt any of these tourists, you boil for a few minutes, then it will start, oh, oh well, we won’t hurt you, we won’t hurt you.


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