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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 9, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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two fugitive shells, like russian paratroopers in the artyomovsk direction are depriving the enemy of support. who is the dagestan rambo, what? sowed how ordinary germans face the wrath of farmers and how official berlin reacts to it, as well as how long it took to eliminate the consequences of a mass accident on the neva highway, preferential mortgages with restrictions, which bank followed the path of sberbank, and how russian biologists revealed the gender secret of humbalt penguins . this is the program today in dmitry zabistoy's studio, hello. to news from special military operation zones, russian units. the infantrymen of the assault took
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another stronghold of the nationalists; the attack was carried out by motorized rifle units of the vostok group of troops. after careful reconnaissance preparation, they advanced to the enemy fortifications near the forest belt. under the cover of large-caliber machine guns, our fighters burst into the enemy trenches and quickly cleared them out. their actions of the assault group were coordinated using a drone, as specified in the defense department, thanks to the clear coordination of the highest due to the professionalism of the russian fighters , the attack took place without losses, and near artyomovsk the position of the nationalists was destroyed by the kostroma paratroopers, although for the winged infantry, as the airborne forces unit is usually called, to work effectively, they had to literally bury themselves underground, from the front line, reporting by alexey ivliev, this underground bunker is still with...
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gun, shot! the kostroma paratroopers won another victory over the hordes of mice that had occupied their dugouts in countless flocks, but then cats came to the aid of the soldiers. this busya is one of five cats on positions of the kostroma paratroopers. they cope with their task of eating mice remarkably well. look how fat we are! the paratroopers from the anti-tank unit, which...
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is working against the enemy from artyomovsk, are in a great mood, this is the carnet anti-tank complex, there is nothing worse than it on the front line for ukrainian nationalists now, this beast is the best i had. in recent months , this unit began to receive thermal imagers, a specially created and twice modernized sub-turret, the result developments of designers, our guys now work around the clock, day and night, and destroy targets at a huge distance of up to 10 km. ukrainian nationalists, having lost a colossal amount of armored vehicles, are now hiding their tanks, opening fire only from indirect firing positions, but now even there they are reached with the help of long-range anti-tank guns, they are afraid to go further than a frequent ravine, because we immediately burn them right on the spot, in mainly movement on light equipment, supply of supplies, well, we destroy all this at once, that’s how the kostroma paratroopers work, destroy. from a long distance and only then
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his support forces storm our infantry units. alexey ivliev, valery kozhiny, ekaterina kovalchuk, dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company. artyomovsk direction, donetsk people's republic. among the russian infantrymen who specialize in taking enemy positions , real legends have already appeared. one of these fighters, twenty-six-year-old arsen osedov , was solemnly greeted in makhachkala the day before. journalists call him the dagestan rambo, for his incredible courage and perseverance. officer participated in many assaults and received more than 100 wounds during the battles. his bulletproof vest withstood five bullet hits and dozens of shrapnel hits. but nothing prevented me from clearly completing the assigned tasks. the fighter does not intend to stay in his native republic for long. i’ll be back in action soon, wait for me, you know i’ll be back again and continue my service. osedov’s heroism and courage
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were awarded with four state awards, the highest order of the ministry of defense, and now also the order of merit for dagestan. german farmers' strike. berlin food problems. already today , familiar goods may not appear on the shelves of 200 capital supermarkets. roads in the german capital are blocked by striking peasant unions, and the scale of the protest is only growing. this is a desperate attempt to force officials to remember the problems of their own farmers, but chancellor olaf scholz is now dealing with the brussels budget, not germany, and calls on eu countries to increase spending to support ukraine. nakhit babaev. about farmers' anger and how official berlin reacts to it, the mood of the german farmers are clearly serious, they pitched tents , grilled sausages, drank foamy ones and everything is under a sign, the traffic light should be turned off, we are not talking about the signal light, but about the work
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of the government, the traffic light in germany is called the ruling coalition of social democrats, greens and free democratic parties. the brandenburg gate is now visible. speed limit, and past the victory column, one of the symbols of the unification of the lands . germany appeared on the famous german autobahns, farmers are moving victoriously in a column. mass protests that have already engulfed throughout the country, continuing for the second day. farmers from munich to hamburg are protesting against the end of tax breaks on diesel subsidies. an industry that mainly uses solar energy and does not affect climate change, which is agriculture, and this is how they want to reduce subsidies as part of resolving
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climate change, and this is completely dishonest, of course, it hit us hard from an economic point of view, and this is the last straw for us, for some it’s the last straw, for others it’s not the last european price. with this decision olaf scholz's government wants to save almost 900 billion euros and partially plug the hole in the budget. the farmers' strike threatens to erupt into a nationwide protest. the machinists' union also announced a strike. railway companies are calling on german authorities to speed up negotiations on wages and working conditions. doechban is asking passengers to postpone their trips. restaurateurs are also unhappy. raising vat to 19% undermines them.
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knock, the voices of those who think it’s time to change the coalition traffic light are heard more and more often and louder, perhaps a different traffic controller
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will do better. nahid babaev, alexander gusev and maxim zaichenko, ntv. the president instructed the situation by telephone to provide heat and electricity to residents of the moscow region and kherson region, where major utility accidents occurred. vladimir putin discussed with regional heads andrei vorobyov and vladimir saldo. separately, the head of state spoke with the head. rosseti should also take all necessary measures with alexander kurenkov. in the middle of last week , the boiler house in podmoskovny-podolsk failed. these days stood abnormal frosts. the region was at an orange alert level. more than 170 houses were left without heating in the klimonsk microdistrict. some are still cold. they promise to provide full heat today. the communal infrastructure could not withstand the vagaries of the weather in the kherson region. the day before , seven districts were left without heat and electricity. the crews worked in intensive mode for several hours, now a message is coming that the power supply has been restored,
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and weather forecasters are warning that warming has finally arrived in the capital region will be short, severe frosts will set in again in the coming days, not only the central part of the country, but also the regions of the ural and volga federal districts will be in the center of the cold, the temperature will be 8-14° below normal. cooling is also expected in the south of the european part of russia, the rostov region. kuban and crimea. traffic on the moscow-st. petersburg highway, where a massive accident occurred the day before, has been restored. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , demanded a report on the criminal case, which was opened under the article of performing work or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. the day before, during a heavy snowfall in the novgorod region , 66 heavy-duty passenger cars were involved in an accident. due to bad weather conditions, cars did not have time to brake before the accumulation.
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warming points were opened for drivers stuck on the road, and a temporary accommodation center was opened in the city of zverevo. in rostov itself , authorities have temporarily restricted entry for trucks to avoid traffic jams and allow municipal vehicles to quickly clear roadways. according to forecast forecasters in the coming days in the region are expecting a sharp cold snap, a snowstorm and... strong winds. the second largest russian bank, vtb, following sberbank, has limited
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the issuance of preferential mortgages. business news marina piminova. marina, why did vtb make such a decision? they refer to the government, which has already tightened the rules for the banks themselves. vtb will change the conditions for issuing preferential mortgages. from january 12, bank clients will be able to receive it only if they choose housing from those developers who are partners of the bank. rbc writes about this. in moscow, for example, the bank has about twenty of them, in the moscow region there are only two. according to the bank's website, rates on family preferential mortgages are now 6.8%. rates for market programs start at 16.5% per annum. vtb explained the decision to change the conditions by tightening government requirements for preferential mortgages. previously , a similar decision was made by sberbank. starting from january 11, it will also issue preferential loans only if you buy housing from developers accredited by sberbank, but will you receive it? this accreditation will only be granted to those developers who agree to pay a commission for each preferential loan. american stock exchanges
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grew noticeably the day before thanks to shares of technology companies that are trying to win back the decline of the last few weeks. boeing shares fell 8% yesterday. us aviation authorities have banned the operation of boeing 737 max9 aircraft after part of the body of one of these aircraft fell off in the air. airlines began to report that something was found unsecured. the moscow exchange begins its fifth working day this year minor fluctuations, the ruble is rising in price in the morning, the dollar is 9105, the euro is 99.71. half of all iphones sold in russia have already been activated abroad, the izvestia newspaper writes about this. the fact that the device may have already been activated abroad is warned by buyers directly on their websites, for example, the mvideo network, dns and the online store of the mts operator. the news scheme is described as follows: before arriving in russia for parallel imports, smartphones are taken out of the packaging and registered in
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the cellular networks of other countries, where there are no sanctions. leading analyst of the mobile research group eldar murtazin says: if a year ago in such a... work in the nuclear industry, despite unprecedented sanction pressure, the industry is actively developing, new technologies are being mastered, and what is called the energy of the young is needed, to educate worthy personnel, including including in very scarce specialties, universities are helped by nuclear scientists themselves, elya lyadvin saw how this happens. more than 250 new employees will be
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needed for this large nuclear power plant units already have spring capacity. the plant with a hundred-year history will once again be enlarged. this is one of the main production sites. nowadays , ritm-200 nuclear reactors are manufactured here for floating power units and icebreakers. a few weeks ago , the second installation of the chukotka vessel left here. at the same time, on other lines, a variety of thermal units are assembled for large nuclear power plants, including foreign ones. among them is the asr under construction in the republic of bangladesh, where chief engineer pavel kireev worked and supervised the assembly of high-tech ones. elements in the field, he has already graduated from the bauman moscow state technical university for 2 years, following in the footsteps of his grandfather, a developer of equipment for nuclear power plants. i even feel a certain sense of pride for my family, that my family provides a certain part of the life cycle of the life cycle of the equipment. more than 20% of the company’s staff are young specialists; they will be counted on in the upcoming recruitment
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. work with such personnel begins from studenthood. about a dozen people come to our practice every year. people from universities, half of whom are approximately gets a job after internship in order to train students right away, enterprises of this caliber open their own departments in large universities, at this plant she is at the national university of mythi. rusatom specialists participate in the development of programs; every year we undergo extensive accreditation, that is, industry experts check that our university graduates are actually taught the competencies that the industry needs. tsitronova becomes a full-fledged employee of rosatom already in her senior years, the girl was accepted into the department thermophysics of the nikiet design institute. there have already been many different options for work this year, modeling systems for low-power stations and for the station, for the brest reactor. university students have the opportunity to work with the nuclear installation itself, in virtual reality. this
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simulator, down to the button, replicates the reactor control panel created by mithi scientists in the sixties. now for students. it works in test mode, but starting next year the virtual system will be firmly included in the curriculum of physics engineers, here you can already calibrate the rods and bring the installation to rated power, emergency mode is available. the nizhny novgorod polytechnic institute went further and simulated three reactors with different combinations of uranium, graphite and water. the culture of handling is increasing, especially in terms of radiation safety, when in real life.
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nizhny novgorod polytechnic institute is in demand in the country's nuclear industry. ilya lyadvin, pavel volosatov, roman vekmanes and alena antonova, ntv. next, a short advertisement, after which we will tell you what to do if you have been assigned provision of services under the health insurance system, as well as boys to the left, girls to the right. russian biologists have revealed the secret of humboldt penguins. polyoxytoni against flu. a complex action drug
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for the prevention and treatment of influenza and arvi at any stage of the disease polyoxidonium treatment and prevention of viral infections. well , credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need halva, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to... so you divide them into 24 months, you conveniently pay off, shopping or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with halva. well girls, how is your menopause? excellent, excellent, come on, minnse, beta-alanine tryptophan to support thermoregulation of mood sleep. minse - life without pause. it's winter, it's time to get quality sleep with up to 70% discount. winter discounts on beds and sofas. mattresses, pillows and stylish bedding from oskona. the peculiarity of dorak is in fermentation technology. therefore, my choice is dosherak. and my chan ramen and my recipes. what a broth.
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the secret of taste is in the broth. every morning i start by taking aquadetrim. with him i feel a surge of strength and joy from every day. aquadetrim is absorbed better than other forms of vitamin d. aquadetrim. we'll repeat it tomorrow. this winter , repeat to your advantage. avadetrim drops three for the price of two. apartment in moscow. count five, only five purchases from 1.00 rubles on any sberbank credit card until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free sberbank credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country, a cheeseburger or a chicken burger in total for 45 rubles at a tasty point, you’ll be out jogging today, of course, you’ll have time finish the project, sure. after work we go to the dacha, take it by train, vitofer helps to maintain normal iron levels so that we have strength, energy and mood for everything, vitofer is easily digestible, fortified with vitamins and
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folic acid, vetofer everything will come true, so what’s on our minds now , one benefit and eldorado discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months, 0 rubles down payment 0% overpayments, choose video and eldorado, legendary credit. alfabank card is free forever, has become even more profitable, receive a supercook every month, simply delicious rostagroexport sour cream, just try it! sportmaster, prices are half, but world sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia, recommended for children. with credit.
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pay for purchases with any izbera credit card and an apartment in moscow can be yours. sberbank credit card is the best in the country. disco superstar january 13 at 21:30 on ntv. you are watching ntv. we continue the issue: russians who looked into their electronic. card they often began to discover that they were supposedly sick with something and they even received treatment, some underwent expensive tests and examinations, all without their knowledge.
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svetlana gordeeva found out how widespread this phenomenon is, registrations in the compulsory medical insurance system, and how they can threaten doctors and patients. a resident of omsk, natalya grav, learned a lot about herself when she looked at the certificate of medical care received for public services. i was surprised to find out. that i treated my teeth in my clinic, and they injected me with anesthesia three times, made fillings, polished this tooth, but in fact i am more than 20 i have been treating my teeth for years in a completely different place , this is not clinic number 15. it was not possible to ask questions to the head doctor of the clinic, the patient was simply not accepted, then she spoke about what happened on social networks, dozens of people with similar stories came in the comments, many of them went to paper. medical examination, one amich had seven teeth treated in his clinic, where he had never been at all in his life, it turned out that my friend visited the urologist three times in 10 days, another
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amich she... a simple search on social networks shows, more often in total, patients’ records indicate that they allegedly carried out medical examinations or vaccinations ; for some, therapists even explain that they have a plan that they cannot always implement, so they have to enter services; sometimes this is done in a hurry and leads to oddities, for example, men can discover that they visited a gynecologist or a momologist, there is no plan, there is no money, a certain
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amount of funds is allocated based on the number of attached persons and... the funding does not depend on the number of services in general, when such options are identified , which, as they say in the press, are called postscripts, this is a kind of reporting from a medical organization that they have completed the required number of services, sometimes postscripts turn into serious problems for patients, for example, medical examinations for russians are paid for once a year, if in the card there is already a tick, even if it is effective, the person may be refused. 2 years ago elena bernikova fell ill with covid, the doctors never came to the call. hospitals were closed without examination. a month later, when the patient she lost consciousness on the street, the doctors deigned to send her for an x-ray. when elena began to leaf through her map, she was speechless. i just opened a series of interesting ones. it turns out that they came to me every day during covid, they examined me there, they treated me, medicine, they prescribed everything. and at the end it says concomitant
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disease. 16 courses of chemotherapy, of course, i was in shock, to say nothing, where did the cancer diagnosis come from on the card, elena’s son-in-law began to find out. the ministry of health made requests, they responded in one fell swoop, and wrote that they were sorry, a technical error was made, we did not consider further developments of events, because it was just the covid period, there was a special attitude towards doctors, so we did not promote this matter. special piquancy.
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the second is that he collected an anamnesis, the third is that he made a diagnosis and he also prescribed treatment, if this treatment takes place in a medical institution, in a hospital, or in an outpatient center, and the patient is provided with medications, then he also wrote down those medications that were supposedly provided to the patient, all this could indeed be a technical error, but most often, experts say, the reason for the attributions is the imperfection of the medical system, namely... sponsorship of the population is exactly what state leaders demand, they demand it from regional leaders, leaders regions, respectively, requires from the heads of health authorities, the authorities, accordingly, require from medical institutions to which the population is attached, and then there is reporting in the opposite direction on the other hand, a seemingly harmless registration can change a person’s fate, for example,
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if he plans to... work in a place where people with chronic diseases are not hired, so lawyers advise periodically checking your medical records through government services for each discovered registration , contacting the compulsory medical insurance fund . svetlana gordeeva and nina brykova, ntv. a boy or a girl is no longer an intrigue for the biologists of the primorye aquarium. they learned to recognize half-humbolt penguins. females and males of this species are almost identical in appearance. why them distinguish and how... scientists find out the answer, sergei antsigin found out. visitors to the seaside theanarium do not leave the enclosure with humbalt penguins for a long time. it is interesting to watch the behavior of the birds; they are always active and even after a hearty lunch they are not averse to frolicking. the average height of a penguin is 40 cm, the average weight is 4 kg. all penguins are so similar to each other that even professional ornithologists initially found it difficult to answer the main question: who are
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the boys and who are the girls in this flock? food preferences are also exactly the same, both they adore a fresh root, and parental responsibilities - a pair of penguins completely divides them in half, chicks, females and males hatch in turns, hold them. gender identification, experts tried using old methods , measuring both the length of the wing and the length of the beak in different ways, the entire length from the nasal to the tip, but here too there are pitfalls, they are larger than females, but not always to reliably determine the gender belonging to humbalt penguins, the staff had to spy on them during the mating season, after all, this is also part of the scientific work, however, when chicks began to appear en masse, the researchers again found themselves at a dead end, or... the answer to the long-awaited question was eventually found thanks to an ordinary cotton swab; with its help , a sample of the cheek epitheli was carefully taken from one of the cubs and a smear was sent to the academy of sciences, primorsky oceanarium, branch of the national
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center for marine biology. colleagues trained ornithologists in all the intricacies of molecular genetic research and now testing is carried out in the oceanarium’s own laboratory. very pure dna, but there is very little of it, well, that is, how many cells are we collecting there... let's collect cells conditionally, but from the cheek here , of course, the polymerase color reaction comes to our aid, it only requires 10 cells, one stripe for male penguins, two stripes for females, this is how the result of dna testing is deciphered, and in order not to confuse who exactly the biomaterial was taken from, ornithologists use a special facial recognition system, each penguin has an individual pattern of black feathers on its belly, now that the gender puzzle has been solved, the staff... feel better distribute the birds into groups, some of them live in the exhibition enclosure, others are kept in the scientific adaptation building. boys share the territory more often, and therefore such conflict situations arise more often, so it’s good when, for example, boys
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live somewhere separately, or when the population is, well, 50% boys, 50 girls. the atmosphere in the enclosure sometimes resembles the stands with football fans. the fact is that penguins make sounds like... each of them has at least one vavuzela in their beak. in this bird market are the pets of the akianarium perfectly oriented. penguins are monogamous by nature. and it’s easy for this female to recognize her chosen one not by his gait. she is the same for everyone, but only in her voice. in the animal registration system, the mark of male or female gender is the same basic information as height, weight and age. all of this data is especially important when zoos or aquariums participate in pet exchange programs. humbalt penguins, which live on the coasts of peru and chile, are recognized as an endangered species in the wild, and in order to preserve the red book birds, zoologists around world, are working to breed a reserve population in captivity. sergey antsydin, maxim mintsev, ntv television company. vladivostok.
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that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. cleanse your liver with folk remedies. try replacing it. and now about the weather for tomorrow in this issue , the european territory of russia and here, after stagnation with frosts in the middle zone, which guaranteed an anticyclone in the freezer, the time has come for cyclones, very restless, nimble, swift, with their such speeds... in over the course of the year, the weather will change quite quickly, almost daily. so, that's what tomorrow, except that in the north the temperature will not change much, and if in the koma republic it is down to -20, then in murmansk kandalaksha it is -8 -12, tomorrow all the next few days. in the north-west there will still be a thaw, precipitation
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from time to time, one cyclone will pass through the center at night, and during the day a new one will appear at a low start, this is how the weather in kaluga will react to this, tomorrow with light snow and a little warmer than today, the main snow blow on thursday, and there are new cold snaps. yesterday. tomorrow there will be a spike in temperature by 8 to 10°, where would there be without snowfall? there will be little snow, because there is no new air yet, here is the south, the new air will already be completely new cold, precipitation will try to take a break, the next portion of snowfalls will reach the lower reaches of the foil and the don closer to tomorrow in the evening, in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be 0 -2 snow, in moscow the snow will rather border on night and day -6 -8, after tomorrow it will be even warmer.


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