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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:25pm MSK

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two shells in quick succession, fire, shot! the airborne forces are moving forward, kostroma paratroopers are working in the artyomovsk direction of the special operation.
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lecture meeting. according to him, ukraine's losses for the year amounted to more than 215,000 people and 28,00 pieces of equipment. at the same time , the kiev regime continues to drive its soldiers to slaughter, which only leads to prolongation of the conflict, shaigun said. earlier, the ministry of defense reported on the successes of russian units in the southern donetsk direction. motorized riflemen stormed another nationalist stronghold. the operation was carried out by the unit grouping of troops east. after careful reconnaissance preparation, they advanced to the enemy fortifications on the streets of the strip, after which. the fire covering group opened fire with machine guns. under the cover of large-caliber machine guns, the assault group burst into the enemy trenches and quickly cleared them. the actions of the fighters were coordinated using a drone, as the defense department clarified, thanks to the clear coordination and the highest professionalism of the russian military personnel , the attack took place without losses. and near artyomovsky the positions of the nationalists are destroyed by the kostroma airborne division. artillery and... tank
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systems with the latest sights provide the paratroopers with fire superiority over the enemy. alexey ivliev will talk about how military personnel work. this underground bunker has been decorated with a christmas tree with simple toys since the new year, but now no one remembers the holiday. hard work is in full swing here around the clock. kama, target a20, two projectiles in quick succession, fire, shot! our birds are constantly hovering over the positions of ukrainian nationalists. and looking at how the fire is being adjusted in real time, it seems that you are watching a chess game, only it’s not the pieces that are removed from the board, but the nationalists who have dug in in the stronghold. west 30, west 30 , every minute, we work constantly, as soon as we see the enemy, we open fire, and if earlier 15-20 shells were fired towards the enemy, now at least 70-80 per day. gun shot!
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the kostroma paratroopers won another victory over the hordes of mice that occupied their dugouts in countless flocks, but then cats came to the aid of the fighters. this is busya - one of the five cats in the positions of the kostroma paratroopers, they cope with their task, eating mice, excellently, look how fat we are, the paratroopers from the anti-tank unit, which is working against the enemy, are in a great mood... this is the carnet anti-tank complex, worse than it now there is nothing on the front line for ukrainian nationalists, this beast is the best i had. in recent months , this unit has begun to receive thermal imagers, specially created and twice a modernized sub-turret, the result of developments by designers, our guys now work around the clock, day and night , destroying targets at a huge distance of up to 10 km. they are afraid to go further than the frequent ravine,
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because we immediately burn them right on the spot, mainly moving on light equipment, transporting bass, well , we destroy it all at once, that’s how the kostroma paratroopers work, destroy the enemy from a large distance and only then their support forces storm our infantry units. alexey ivliev, valery kozhiny, ekaterina kovalchuk, dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company, artyomovskoe direction, donetsk. people's republic. today, at a meeting at the electoral committee , state duma deputy from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov was registered as a candidate for the post of president of russia. the decision was made unanimously, after which the head of the central committee handed khritonov a candidate certificate, congratulating him. on january 3, the election commission accepted khritonov’s documents. they were presented by his authorized deputy georgy kamnev. nominees from parliamentary parties do not need to collect voter signatures; they can submit documents for registration until the end of january. no later than
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february 10. the election headquarters of the presidential candidate, the current head of state vladimir putin, received signatures from another 19 regions of our country. today the documents were presented to the republics of karelia, koma, altai, tyva, and khakassia. in addition, signatures were brought from the arkhangelsk, vologda, kaliningrad, murmansk, novgorod , pskov, irkutsk, kemerovo , novosibirsk, omsk and tomsk regions, as well as from the altai, krasnoyarsk territories and nenets autonomous okrug. the headquarters noted that he was previously a volunteer. they left signatures from 58 regions; student volunteers help answer all questions from citizens at the call center of the election headquarters. we are members of the popular front youth team from different regions of our country, most of us already have experience working with appeals, and we also know the specifics of our
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regions. for us, this is a unique experience to work across the entire country and be useful to it. most calls are made regarding the collection of signatures. in support of our candidate, there are also a lot of calls with words of support. the collection of signatures in support of vladimir putin’s self-movement began on december 23. on january 4, co-chairman of putin’s campaign headquarters vladimir mashkov presented the first certificate to the authorized representatives of presidential candidates. and on january 6 , a massive legal verification of documents began. as co-chair maryanu lysenko announced the day before , more than 1,300,000 signatures have already been collected. they need to be submitted to the central election commission until the end. january russian presidential elections will be held from 15 to 17 martha. german farmers began large-scale protests throughout germany. the demonstration will last all week. numerous columns of tractors and trucks have already appeared on the roads. they block highways and
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in some places dump manure onto the roadway. protesters are outraged by government plans to abolish agricultural subsidies and raise taxes. but chancellor olaf scholz is not currently dealing with german issues, but with brussels issues. budget and calls on eu countries to increase spending to support ukraine. on babaev's hit about farmers' anger about how official berlin reacts to it. the german farmers are clearly in a serious mood, they have pitched tents, grilled sausages, sipped foamy ones and everything is under the sign, the traffic lights should be turned off. this is not about a signal lamp, but about the work of the government. the traffic light in germany is the ruling coalition of the social democrats, the greens and the free democratic party.
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for the war, although not a civil one, the german authorities have provided 8 billion euros in aid to ukraine in the budget for 24 years, twice as much as originally planned. today we have gathered to oppose tax increases, yes, unfair taxes, but we also want to call for a change in direction in agricultural policy. we cannot continue the way things have been going for the last 5-6-7 years, even before the formation of the traffic light coalition. we need politicians who recognize the importance of farmers and that our profession has a right to exist. and it seems that this call was heard. bundestag deputy sarah wagenknecht said that he was the same politician.
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her chances grow with each new day of protest, the voices of those who think it’s time to change the coalition traffic light are heard more and more often and louder, perhaps another traffic controller will do a better job. nahid babaev, alexander gusev and maxim zaeychenko, ntv. the second largest russian bank, vtb, following sberbank, will limit the issuance of preferential mortgages. next on the air, business news with us denis talalaev, denis, why did vtbm make such a decision? he refers to the fact that the authorities have tightened the issuance of preferential mortgages. vtb announced that, following sberbank
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, it is tightening the conditions for issuing preferential mortgages, with on january 12, vtb clients will be able to receive it only if they choose housing from developers who are partners of the bank. if in moscow vtb has more than twenty partner developers, then in the moscow region there are only two. for those clients who have chosen housing not from partner developers, vtb will offer to take out a mortgage at market rates, and they, as arbakany notes. start at approximately 16.5%, the rate on preferential mortgages is a maximum of eight. the decision to change the conditions for issuing loans with state support from vtb was explained by the fact that the authorities have tightened the requirements for such loans. at the end of december, the government cut the subsidies that banks receive for issuing mortgages at preferential rates rather than market rates. this difference is compensated by the state, and this difference has recently become larger, because the central bank raised the key rate from 7.5 only in the second half of last year. up to 16%. naturally, the state's expenses on compensation to banks for preferential mortgages have
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increased. previously, sber made the same decision, from january 11 , it will also issue preferential mortgages only if you buy housing from developers accredited by the bank. and only those developers who agree to pay a commission for each preferential loan will be able to receive this accreditation. boeing shares fell 8% the day before. us aviation authorities banned it. there are similar aircraft in the fleet in europe, for example, turkish airlines, it has already announced that it will stop using the 737 max9 until everything is cleared up, but the european regulator has formally banned these aircraft no, that, as the department explained, aircraft of a different configuration are used in europe.
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the moscow exchange, by the way, is already experiencing minor fluctuations for the fifth working day this year. the ruble is now becoming more expensive, the dollar costs 90 rubles. 30 kopecks the euro dropped below 99. the south korean parliament approved a bill that would put an end to the centuries-old national tradition of eating dogs. the bill proposed by the ruling party was adopted almost unanimously. it must be signed by the president of the country, unsc-yol, there is almost no doubt about it. it was with him, among animal lovers who own six dogs and eight cats, support for the ban has especially increased. now restaurants and farms that specifically raise dogs for food will be given a 3-year transition period, after which violators will face fines of two tens of thousands of dollars or imprisonment. according to various estimates, there are now from a thousand to 3,500 such farms and about the same number of restaurants in south korea. eating dog meat was once considered a way to increase
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vitality in the humid korean summer, but today, the vast majority of koreans have naturally abandoned such food; according to surveys, only 8% of koreans eat dog meat. well, here’s my own example: in the summer of this year i myself was, last year already, i myself was in south korea and on regular walks through the most popular street food area in seoul, myeongdong, dog dishes. i’ve never met it, although i’ve tried a lot of things there, either i’m talking about economics, a little about food, that’s all, or i didn’t know that i hadn’t met it, thank you, denis tovalayev with an economic review. russian physics and technology universities expanding the training program for nuclear industry specialists. nuclear scientists themselves help universities train qualified personnel, including in very scarce specialties. such close cooperation, they say in rosatam, allows companies not only to spot promising employees at the stage of their training, but also to train specialists who will not need time, as they say, to build up after graduation. ilya lyadvin about how
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training is going. more than 250 new ones. this large production will need employees nuclear units already in the spring, the capacity of the plant near moscow with a hundred-year history will once again be increased. this is one of the main production sites; rhythm-200 nuclear reactors are now being manufactured here for floating power units and icebreakers. a few weeks ago, the second installation of the chukotka vessel left here. at the same time, on other lines, a variety of thermal units are assembled for large nuclear power plants, including foreign ones. among them, the npp under construction in...
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begins from the student days, to our about 60 people from universities come to practice every year, approximately half of whom find jobs after practice in order to train students directly for themselves, enterprises of this caliber open their departments in large universities, this plant has one at the national university of mythi. rusatom specialists participate in the development of programs; every year we undergo major accreditation, that is, industry experts check what students actually graduate. at our university they teach in those competencies that industries need. university students have the opportunity to work with the nuclear installation itself, in virtual reality. the nizhny novgorod polytechnic university simulated three reactors with different combinations of uranium, graphite and water. the culture of treatment is increasing, especially in terms of traditional security. when in real life they
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have to work in similar conditions, they will have competencies that are somewhat higher. lera, what will happen today? ilya, today about a murder in noginsk near moscow. investigators are now reviewing surveillance footage from parking lot of a shopping center, unknown assailants attacked
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the driver of a foreign car and opened fire almost point-blank. the injured man, however, was able to get to the hospital on his own, but still died from his injuries; the doctors were powerless. we were able to talk with the relatives of the deceased and find out what preceded the conflict in the parking lot; see the ilya issue for details. yes, lera, thank you, this is not only in the emergency program, after a short pause. that's all we have for now, go to, see you. this year , ting of mobile shares with everyone moments of happiness, love, joy, kindness, payment for mobile communications, we also want to share with our clients. order a teinkov
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loans, easy to apply for, we are at sovcombank, we take out loans, and we got them quickly, we are at sovcombank, we take out loans, we are at sovcombank, up to 5 million, loans that they know. this year , tinkov mobile shares moments of joy with everyone about paying for mobile communications. order a tenkov mobile sim card and get 25 gb and 1,200 minutes at half the price. tinkov. on ntv the program is extraordinary. incident in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live . hello. a man is wanted who shot up a car with a driver in the parking lot of a shopping center in noginsk.
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the victim himself got to the hospital, but the doctors could no longer help him. he died from his injuries. it is known that the attacker was not alone, and the crime was preceded by some kind of quarrel in the cafe. and our correspondents managed to talk with the relatives of the deceased. he will tell you all the latest information, including which versions the investigative committee employees are considering. what happened next to one of the naginsky cafes did not at first cause any alarm, the driver and pedestrian talked calmly, the dialogue quickly ended, the foreign car began to turn around, but after a few seconds, in the spirit of the nineties, five people ran up to the car at once, one of them opened fire, the rest rushed to brutally beat the driver. after inflicting dozens of blows, the attackers ran away, and the driver, despite his injuries, was able to drive away and get to the hospital. doctors fought for his life until the end, but after six gunshot wounds. and serious injuries, the man had no chance to survive. the victim himself went to a medical facility, arriving with firearms wounds. a short time later he died in hospital from his
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injuries. investigators and criminologists carried out examinations, seized a bullet, shell casings , items, and clothing of the deceased, and ordered a forensic medical examination. later it turned out that the deceased was forty-four-year-old karen airyan, a native of the vladimir region. according to eyewitnesses, there was a verbal conflict between his attackers, while karen, apparently, was sober. before this, his killers had been drinking for a long time in a nearby cafe, it is clear that somehow they could prevent the woman from brawling, those who were nearby could not. we heard this, but you didn’t go out, well, damn it, there are often fights over something, well, there’s no point in going out, it’s like people are fighting, why should i have girls do this, well, plus i have an even smaller girl, my colleague, this is how far i will go, now everyone who has become an eyewitness is building their own versions, some are sure that it was a typical gang fight, others believe that this is an ordinary domestic conflict, many even assume that the investigation has little chance. ..


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