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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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two projectiles in quick succession, fire, shot, advancing forward in the artyomovsk direction of the special operation, kostroma paratroopers are working. farmers are angry, german farmers are blocking roads, what the protesters want to achieve and how the authorities are reacting to this. another large bank is changing the conditions for issuing preferential mortgages. details in business news. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. the russian armed forces are methodically reducing the combat potential of the armed forces of ukraine. defense minister sergei shaigu announced this today for the first time this year.
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conference call, he said that enemy losses over the past year exceeded 215,000 people and 28 thousand pieces of equipment. at the same time , russian troops retain the strategic initiative along the entire line of combat contact, despite the depletion of resources from the nationalists and the lack of results on the battlefield, the west continues to support the kiev regime. the united states of america is cold-bloodedly trying to realize its ambitions for world leadership at the expense of the lives of ukrainians. gentlemen. western curators, the kiev regime continues to drive its own people to slaughter the soldier is looking for any opportunity to replenish the ranks of the ukrainian army. of course, this will not change the situation on the line of combat contact; it will only prolong the military conflict. we will continue to consistently achieve the goals of the special military operation. sergei shaigut also announced an increase in supplies of the most popular weapons to the troops . we are talking primarily about
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drones, from ultra-small to heavy strike, in addition, communication systems and air defense forces will be improved, another key area, maintaining the highest level combat readiness of nuclear forces. about an hour ago , our air defense forces shot down six ukrainian drones in the kursk and oryol regions. in the northern military district zone, russian units are increasing pressure on ukrainian armed forces units. they are being hit with complex attacks using artillery, missiles, and aviation. accumulations of manpower and equipment were destroyed in 126. artyomovsk, the position of the nationalists is crushed by the kostroma airborne division. czech-made artillery and six drones in the territories of the lpr and dpr. well, for anti-tank systems with the latest sights provide paratroopers with enemy fire superiority. alexey will talk about how military personnel work. this
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underground bunker has been decorated with a christmas tree with simple toys since the new year, but now no one remembers the holiday; intense work is in full swing here around the clock. this is the fire control point for a division of kostroma paratroopers, they went deep underground and all the information flows here. the guys don’t let ukrainian nationalists live in peace. kama, target a20, two projectiles in quick succession, fire. shoot! our birds are constantly hovering over the positions of the ukrainian nationalists, and looking at how the fire is being adjusted in real time, it seems that you are watching a chess game, only it is not the pieces that are removed from the board, but the nationalists who have dug into the defensive positions, west 30, west 30, we constantly work every minute, as soon as we see the enemy, we open fire, according to the paratroopers, despite the rain,
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at least 70-80 per day. gun shot! the kostroma paratroopers won another victory over the hordes of mice, which were in countless flocks their dugouts were occupied. but then cats came to the aid of the fighters. this busya is one of the five cats in the positions of the kostroma paratroopers. they do an excellent job of eating mice. look how fat we are. great mood. from paratroopers from
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an anti-tank unit that is working against the enemy from artyomovsk. this is the carnet anti-tank complex; nothing is worse than it on the front line for ukrainian nationalists now. no, this beast is the best i had. in recent months , this unit has begun to receive thermal imagers, a specially created and twice modernized sub-turret, the result of the designers’ developments, our guys now work around the clock, day and night, destroying targets at a huge distance, up to 10 km. ukrainian nationalists, having lost a colossal amount of armored vehicles, are now hiding their tanks, revealing them.
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ekaterina kovalchuk, dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company, artyomovskoe direction, donetsk people's republic. in ukraine there is a new look at the scandal surrounding orthodox shrines. this time the schismatics captured temple of the canonical church in vinnytsia region. unknown persons entered the territory early in the morning. the fence was torn down using a bulldozer. there were dozens of parishioners in the building at the service at that moment; they were literally pushed out into the cold. the rector suffered the most; father evgeniy was severely beaten and also kicked out of the church. it's cold for you. they dragged us out of the temple by our hands and feet. out in the cold. what about being badly beaten? yes, we are already cold. now they are, there are children now.
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the police were immediately called to the scene, however, as follows from footage filmed by eyewitnesses law enforcement officers did nothing to stop the lawlessness. german farmers have launched large-scale actions. protests throughout germany, the demonstration will last the whole week, numerous columns of tractors and trucks have already appeared on the roads, they are blocking highways, and in some places they are dumping manure on the roadway. protesters are outraged by the government's plans to cancel agricultural subsidies and raise taxes, but chancellor olaf scholze is now dealing with the brussels budget, not germany, and calls on eu countries to increase spending on support for ukraine. to babaev's hit about farmers' anger and how official berlin reacts to it. the german farmers are clearly in a serious mood, they have pitched tents, are grilling sausages, drinking foamy beer, everything is under a sign, the traffic light must be turned off, we are not talking about a signal light, but about the work of the government. the traffic light in germany is the ruling coalition of the social democrats, the greens
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and the free democratic party. now you can see the brandenburg gate opening like this: on the famous german... order proposes to increase taxes for an industry that mainly uses solar energy and does not affect climate change, which is agriculture, and this is how they want to reduce the cost of subsidies as part of resolving climate change, and this is completely dishonest, of course, it hit us hard
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from an economic point of view, and this is the last straw for us, for some the last straw, for some not the last euro cent, with this decision the government of olaf scholz wants to save almost 900 billion euros and partially plug the hole in the budget. farmers' strike threatens result in a nationwide protest. the machinists' union also announced a strike. railway companies are calling on german authorities to speed up negotiations on wages and working conditions. doechbahn asks passengers to postpone their trips. restaurateurs are also unhappy. raising vat to 19% undermines their economic model. i think it's right what 's happening now. the people are waking up, this can no longer continue, i am here because we are talking about the future of our children, i have grandchildren and children, and i worry about them future. tonnes of manure poured out on city streets, as if to hint to scholz, there is no smell of agreement here, the results of polls
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cited by the newspaper spiegel show that farmers are now supported by 70% of german residents, olaf scholz’s coalition can only dream of such figures. for the war, although not a civil one, the german authorities have provided 8 billion euros in aid to ukraine in the budget for 24 years, twice as much as originally planned. we're here today to oppose tax increases, yeah against unfair taxes, but we also want to call for a change in direction in agricultural policy.
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working with requests, and we also know the specifics of our regions. for us, this is a unique experience to work across the entire country and be useful to it. most of the calls are about collecting signatures in support of our candidate, and there are also a lot of calls with words of support. the collection of signatures in support of vladimir putin’s self-movement began on december 23. january 4 , co-chairman of putin's election headquarters vladimir mashkov presented the first one. certification to authorized representatives of the presidential candidate, and on january 6, a massive legal
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verification of documents began, as co-chair maryanu lysenko announced the day before, more than 1,300,000 signatures have already been collected, they must be submitted to the central electoral commission by the end of january, the russian presidential elections will be held from march 15 to 17. the second largest russian bank, vtb, following sber, is limiting the issuance of preferential mortgages. next on the air is business news, denis talalaev is with us, denis, why did vtb make such a decision? well he says that the authorities are consistently tightening the issuance of preferential mortgages. vtb announced that, following sber, it is tightening the conditions for issuing preferential mortgages. from january 12, vtb clients will be able to receive it only if they choose housing from developers who are partners of the bank. if in moscow ovtb there are more than twenty partner developers, then in the moscow region there are only two. for those clients who have chosen housing not from vtb partner developers, the bank. will offer to take out a mortgage at market rates, and they, as rbc notes, start at approximately 16.5%. rate on
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preferential mortgage maximum eight. the decision to change the conditions for issuing loans with state support from vtb was explained by the fact that the authorities had tightened the requirements for such loans. at the end of december, the government cut the subsidies that banks receive for issuing mortgages at preferential rates rather than market rates. this difference is compensated by the state. and this difference has become increasingly larger lately, because the central bank is in favor of the second half. last year raised the key rate from 7.5 to 16%. and naturally, government expenses for compensation to banks for preferential mortgages is also becoming more and more. previously , sberbank made the same decision. from january 11 , it will also issue preferential mortgages only if you buy housing from a developer of an accredited bank. finland will not reopen checkpoints on the border with russia after january 14. this was stated by the country's minister of internal affairs, maryanin. finland began introducing restrictions on entry from russia in early november. she explained this by the fact that, with the help
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of russia, a stream of refugees poured into the country. thirty november finland closed all border crossings on the border with russia, december 14. they tried to open the border slightly, two of the eight checkpoints started working again, but the finnish authorities did not like the result, and not even a day had passed before everything was closed again. according to the head of the finnish ministry of internal affairs, there have been no changes in the situation with migrants since then, and there is a possibility that russia will continue to engage in similar activities. earlier , presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, commenting on the closure of finnish checkpoints, noted that finland’s russophobic position causes deep regret. moscow exchange. by the way, it’s already the fifth working day this year with mixed dynamics, as analysts say, the ruble is greeting russians who are returning from the new year holidays noticeably stronger, the dollar is already worth less than 90 for the first time since december 29, the euro is now cheaper than 98 rubles. the south korean parliament has approved a bill that will put an end to the centuries-old national tradition of eating dogs.
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the bill proposed by the ruling party was adopted almost unanimously, and now the president must sign it. unsok-yule countries are that he will do this there is almost no doubt. it was under him that animal lovers, the owner of six dogs and eight cats, saw support for this ban especially increase. now restaurants and farms that specifically raise dogs for food will be given a 3-year transition period, after which violators will face fines of two tens of thousands of dollars or even imprisonment . according to various estimates, there are now from 1 to 3,500 such farms and about the same number of restaurants in south korea. eating dog meat was once considered a way to increase vitality in the humid korean summer, but today the vast majority of koreans naturally refused such food; according to a survey by gelop, only 8% of koreans eat dog meat. well , here’s my own example, last summer i myself was in south korea and on
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regular walks around the most popular street food district of myeongdong, bluetooth dogs, i personally... came across more than once. ilya, i have everything. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. vladimir putin today held a working meeting with the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana radionova. the head of the department told the president about how work is progressing on the implementation of the national environmental project and the federal projects “clean country and clean air”. vladimir putin paid special attention to the situation in the caspi and baltic. svetlana radionova said that rosprirodnadzor records a zero level of discharge of harmful substances in all.
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red book animals, including polar bears. ntv viewers in the capital. next up is the release of the program today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions central part of the country. russian physics and technology universities are expanding their training program for nuclear industry specialists. to train qualified personnel, including in very scarce specialties. nuclear scientists themselves help universities. such a close collaboration. from vrosatom allows companies not only to identify promising employees at the stage of their training, but also to prepare specialists who will not need time to develop after graduation . ilya lyadvin about how training is going. more than 250 new employees will be needed this large-scale production of nuclear units will be increased once again in the spring, the capacity of the plant near moscow with a hundred-year history.
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this is one of the main production sites; rhythm-200 nuclear reactors are currently being manufactured here. floating power units and icebreakers. a few weeks ago , the second installation of the chukotka vessel left here. at the same time, on other lines, a variety of thermal units are assembled for large nuclear power plants, including foreign ones. among them is the aesd under construction in the republic of bangladesh with it worked as chief engineer pavel kireev, supervised the assembly of high-tech elements. he has been in the industry for 2 years, graduated from the bauman state technical university, and followed in the footsteps of his grandfather, a developer of equipment for nuclear power plants. what? i even feel some kind of pride in my family, the fact that my family provides a certain part of the cycle, the life cycle of the equipment, more than 20% of the company’s staff are young specialists, they... annually attract about 60 people from universities, half of whom are approximately
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gets a job after internship to to train students immediately for themselves, enterprises of this caliber open their own departments in large universities, at this plant, it is at the mife national university, rusatom specialists participate in the development of programs, we have a large accreditation every year, that is, specialists. industries check that graduate students at our university are actually taught the competencies that the industry needs. many, like ekaterina tsitronova, become full-fledged employees of rusatom already in their senior years; the girl was accepted into the thermophysics department nikiet design institute. there have already been many different options for work this year, modeling systems for low -power stations and for the station, for the brest reactor. university students have opportunities to work. with the most nuclear virtual reality setup. this simulator, down to the button , replicates the reactor control panel created by mithi scientists in the sixties. now it works in test mode for students, but
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starting next year the virtual system will be firmly included in the curriculum of physics engineers. here you can already calibrate the rods and bring the installation to rated power. emergency mode available. the nizhny novgorod polytechnic institute went further and simulated three reactors with different combinations of uranium. graphite and water. the culture of treatment is increasing, especially in terms of traditional security. when in real life they have to work in similar conditions, they will have competencies that are slightly higher than those of other students. there are university and basic laboratories of employers from rosatom, this is a research site of the afrikantov design bureau. learning at the base department at these enterprises, they have a zero adaptation period. they already know the objects on which the enterprise is working in this case, these are either the main circulation pumps, reactors, the result
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of such personnel work is that more than 95% of nizhny novgorod polytechnic graduates are in demand in the country’s nuclear industry. ilya lyadvin, pavel bolosatov, roman vekmanis and alena antonova, ntv. this is what we will talk about further in our issue. here are the boys. here are the girls, and these are their parents. far eastern ornithologists learned to reliably identify the humbalt half-guineas living in the primursky afionarium. all the details are in the report by sergei antsigin. a circus was organized, alexander tankikh will talk about how in kazan adults are taught circus art for free and prepared for performances. this is moscow, this is moscow.
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once processes are in place, you have time to think about how to grow your business. you are creating it here now, tenkov’s business is creating tools to solve your problems. tenkov business. and the job is done, millions of russians choose the warmth and comfort of rehau windows, with with a credit sbercard everything will be as you want, everything will be as you want , the world will be yours, the night will be no shorter, they only grabbed us, y... here everything will be as you want, everything will be, pay for purchases with any credit card
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at kfcs. this year the ting of mobile shares with every moment of happiness, love, joy, kindness, payment for mobile communications, we also want to share with our clients, order a mobile sim card and get 25 gb and 1200 minutes at half the price. january 13 at 21:30 on ntv. simply delicious forty rostagroexport. just try it. each of us had our own star. we gave it to our children. star. getting sick is not our tradition. thick walls, high floor, signal interference. in order to have good mobile communications in your home, you must first have
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a cat. with wi-fi technology. russia has begun to more often encounter violations in the compulsory health insurance system, patients complain about mass registrations, this is when the assistance provided to people
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is fictitious, and the data ... of medical care ordered from government services. i was surprised to discover that i had my teeth treated in my clinic, and they injected me with anesthesia three times, made fillings, polished this tooth, but... in fact, i have been treating my teeth for more than 20 years in a completely different place, this is not clinic number 15 it was not possible to ask questions to the head doctor of the clinic, the patient was simply not accepted, then she spoke about what happened on social networks , dozens of people with similar stories came in the comments, many of them underwent medical examination on paper, one omsk resident had seven teeth treated in his clinic, where he had never been at all in his life, my a friend found out,
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she visited three times in 10 days. a urologist and another amichka, she managed to see several specialists while she was on vacation, generally outside the region. yulia zubbareva also decided to check her card and ordered a certificate from government services i was surprised to learn that i was treated in the small town of nozyvaevsk, which i had never been to. my next entry is on july 11, on that day i was at work, but if you believe this certificate, my teeth were in nazyvaevsk that day. the so -called registrations are a common phenomenon, a simple search on social networks shows that most often patients’ records include an alleged medical examination or vaccination; therapists even explain to some that they have a plan that is not always possible to carry out, so you have to enter services. sometimes this is done in a hurry and leads to funny things, for example, men may discover that they visited a gynecologist or momologist, there is no plan, there is no money.
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directs according to the number of attached persons. a certain amount of funds , and in general, funding does not depend on the number of services , when such options are identified, which, as they say in the press, are called postscripts, this is a kind of reporting by a medical organization that they have completed the required number of services, sometimes postscripts turn into serious problems for patients, for example, russians pay for medical examination once a year, if the card... already has a check mark, even if it is effective, the person may be refused. 2 years ago, elena bernikova was ill with covid, the doctors never came to the call, sick leave was closed without examination. a month later, when the patient lost consciousness on the street, doctors deigned to send her for an x-ray. when elena began to leaf through her map, she was speechless. i just opened this one uninterestingly. it turns out that they came to me every day during covid, they examined me there, they
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treated me, medications, they prescribed everything. and at the end it says the concomitant disease of 16 courses of chemotherapy, of course, how shocked i was, that’s an understatement. elena’s son-in-law began to find out where the cancer diagnosis came from on the card. requests. did the ministry of health, wrote back in one fell swoop , wrote that we were sorry, a technical error had been made, we did not consider further developments of events, because it was just the covid period, doctors were available special attitude, so we did not promote this matter. what adds a special piquancy to this story is that six months later it repeated itself, well, naturally, that record was no longer there, everything was thrown out, but in a new way it turned out to be there, i even... appeared when i took these pictures, when these i took tests, but i didn’t want to contact them anymore, in short, they actively treated me again without me. lawyers are sure that if the prescribed therapy contains some expensive drugs, then you should contact the insurance company,
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what does the doctor enter, first, that the patient came, second, that he collected an anamnesis, third, he made a diagnosis and also prescribed treatment, if this treatment takes place in a medical institution... in a hospital, yes or in an outpatient center, and the patient is provided with medications, then he also filled out the medications that were allegedly provided to the patient. all this could indeed be a technical error, but most often, experts say, the reason is attributed to the imperfection of the medical system. it is the medical examination of the population that is exactly what the leaders of the state demand, they demand it from the regional leaders, the leaders. regions accordingly demands from the heads of health authorities, health authorities, accordingly demands from medical institutions to which the population is attached, and then there is reporting in the opposite direction.
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a seemingly harmless registration can change a person’s fate, for example, if he is going to work where people with chronic diseases are not hired. therefore lawyers they advise you to periodically check your medical records through government services for each discovered one. depart, it is interesting for visitors to the seaside theanarium to observe the behavior of the birds for a long time, they are always in active form and even after a hearty lunch they cannot say goodbye. the average height of a penguin is 40 cm, the average weight is 4 kg.
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all penguins are so similar to each other that even professional ornithologists initially found it difficult to answer the main question: who are the boys and who are the girls in this flock. food preferences are also completely different the same, both adore the fresh root, and the parent. scientific work, however, when chicks began to appear en masse, the researchers again found themselves at a dead end, whether it is a son or a daughter, you cannot tell from a newborn penguin, the answer to the long-awaited question was eventually found thanks to an ordinary cotton swab, with its help one of the cubs carefully took
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a sample of the cheek epithelium and sent a smear to the academy of sciences, the primorsky oceanarium, a branch of the national center for marine biology, colleagues taught ornithologists all the intricacies molecular genetic research and now... conditionally yes from the cheek, here of course the polymerase reaction comes to our aid , it only requires 10 cells, one strip for male penguins, two stripes for females, this is how the result of dna testing is deciphered, and in order not to confuse who exactly the biomaterial was taken from, ornithologists use a special facial recognition system, each... for an individual pattern of black feathers on their belly, now that they have managed to solve the gender puzzle, it is easier for staff to distribute birds in groups, some of them live in the exhibition enclosure, others are kept in the scientific adaptation building. boys
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share territory more often, so such conflict situations arise more often, so it’s good when, for example, boys live somewhere separately, or when the population is, well, 50% boys and 50 girls. the atmosphere in the enclosure sometimes resembles stands with football fans, the fact is that the penguins make such sounds as if each of them has at least one vovuzel in their beak, in this bird market, pets of the akianarium... wonderful they navigate, penguins are monogamous by nature, and it is easy for this female to recognize her chosen one not at all by his gait, it is the same for everyone, but solely by his voice. in the animal registration system, the mark of male or female gender is the same basic information as height, weight and age. all of this data is especially important when zoos or aquariums participate in pet exchange programs. humbalt penguins, found on the coasts of peru and chile, are considered an endangered species in the wild. and in order to preserve the birds listed in the red book, the backwaters of the whole world,
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are working on breeding a reserve population in captivity. sergey antsirin, maxim mintsev, ntv television company. vladivostok. an unusual circus troupe is preparing for its debut in kazan. until recently, clowns, trapeze trainers, and aerialists attended the circus only as spectators. and their profession is completely unrelated to performances in the arena. so who and why united them into a creative team, alexander tankikh knows. will you dance something for us? for us, these artists were recruited through an advertisement. the kazan circus has launched a casting for those who want to study for free circus art. there are only two conditions: a profession not related to creativity and age - 18 plus. two hundred applications were received, and 20 of the brightest participants were selected. i am the mother of two twins, they are only a year old, and i have been in aviation since i was 18, a lawyer, a law teacher, i am a marketer, and i am a long-service pensioner. i have 20 years of experience in the ministry of internal affairs, therefore. classes
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every day for several hours, mandatory for all participants: push-ups, stretching, pull-ups, for amateurs such loads are already a deadly number. we are the first lesson they decided to simply do such a killer general physical training, hoping that the next morning they would not be able to even get up and think that they did not need it. when i came the next day, i saw them in the dance class and asked, are you all there? live experts divided all the participants by genre: in the dance class there is a clowning lesson, the music is bad, so let’s stop for a minute, let’s move on, the next one, don’t forget to stop , they teach the basics of parrot dog training, once again my fish, just once, come on, you’re great , juggling in the rehearsal arena and aerial gymnastics under the strict supervision of mentors.
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that the circus is very serious, if they really had a circus in the sense in which it exists, everything would probably be much better, in the world there are fewer clowns than astronauts, you can imagine, yes, there are very few clowns, which of this will happen, the organizers themselves have no idea yet, but according to the plan, every aspiring artist must prepare a solo act, there is still six months of classes and rehearsals ahead, in the final there will be a galo performance, all participants will enter the circus arena and show the audience everything, what we learned, tankikh, igor akimov, vladimir khazov, ekaterina kostyukevich, ntv.
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kazan. anna akhmatova museum in st. petersburg invites visitors to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the sinister and mysterious. an exhibition opened there under the intriguing title homeostasis. it presents works by st. petersburg artists alexey semeychev and andrey kuzmin. the plots center on happy widows, sacred fire, belief in emptiness and hopelessness. lana konokotina tried to see the pictures flickering in the darkness. image. slowly glides through the hall, the sound becomes an inarticulate moo, as if in slow motion, the anna akhmatova museum has turned into the headquarters of conceptual contemporary art, a long-running curatorial project was launched in the renovated sarai gallery several months ago, the heroes of the last exhibition of the year are st. petersburg artists alexey semichov and andrey kuzmin, who for a long time worked as a duo, sarai gallery curator peter bely turned it into some kind of ominous space, similar to a dark, dark room. that is, a children's horror story, in the center of which, instead of a coffin, there is a black banquette, on which
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it is recommended to sit down and look for a long time at the paintings flickering in the twilight. the proposed context plays an important role. ironic works created three decades ago in new realities were filled with new meanings, even darker. heavy thunderclouds hung over the world, and diggers and gold seekers finally turned into gravediggers. we have the opportunity to look at these works again. and this. the work was called the gold rush, it seemed to us that these were people looking for gold, but now we understand that the meaning is gone. creepy the heroes are timeless characters, inhabitants of a conventional pocket universe. arduet, with a charming and slightly devilish smile , ridicules all sorts of clichés ; it is at least stupid to take anything seriously these days: from the 15th century masterpiece , semyachev and kuzmin easily remove the madonna, in the place of the blessed virgin without false modesty, placing myself. borrowing some from the old masters, from the art
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of the thirties, let’s say, avant-garde, beginning of the century, tens, thirties. it’s all this that kind of fueled us. signs the symbols in this case are just a postmodern game; for those few who are able to understand, the mysterious building for worship hints at exclusivity and closedness. the sacrament is usually available only to a select few; the akhmatova museum, however, will try to expand the circle of initiates as much as possible. the public program is designed for a very different audience, and roughly speaking, those who came into the garden for a walk before...
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cleanse the liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol, only in it the milky ripeness of oats is enhanced by herbs and turmeric, oat valar - number one for cleansing the liver. so, weather changes in the european territory of russia. now the eastern regions are the coldest.
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a powerful negative temperature anomaly persists in povoluga. the cold, by local standards , is invading the south, but the western regions are riding the warm wave. and all this will be supported and reshaped. nimble cyclones, they are now moving together, one after another, from north to south, the speeds are solid, so that on their way the weather changes will sometimes be lightning fast, and jumps in atmospheric pressure, dizzying in every sense, in the center, from wednesday to thursday there is simply a collapse, another cyclone will be looming with a new portion of warm air, but tomorrow in tver tula voronezh during the day the temperature will drop to the level of northern light frosts, while in the north-west of the warm weather, in kirov, kazan -22, as in sektyvkar, and the south is dominated by cold... air, but with the departure of the cyclone the sun will fade, during the day it will be mostly 0.5 only in sochi +1, in st. petersburg tomorrow 0, -2, with light snow, in moscow with snow during the day -6-8, on thursday the snow will be heavier and the wind will increase, so even warmer air will come, thank you, this was the weather forecast from irina polyakova, that’s all for now, go
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to, see you. parents from the republic of tatarstan suspect that one of their twin daughters is not their own; the daughters are very different from each other. valentina and alexander asanova contacted us today for a dna test. hello. hello. alexander, valentina, how old are your daughters? to our daughters arina irina. it will be 30 years, they were born on august 19 ninety-three, and almost 30 years old, you doubt that one of the daughters is yours, yes, we doubt, but which one is irina, well, she is one of twins, she was the second born, so she is a little bit in weight, well...


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