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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 9, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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why the word mobilization became the word of the year in ukraine and how millions of ukrainian men react to it, queues at the borders with western countries and the political prospects of the zelensky regime. to eliminate the consequences of an accident at housing and communal services facilities in the moscow and kherson regions. vladimir putin gave instructions to the ministry of emergency situations and the rosseti company. for new technological breakthroughs in the russian nuclear industry, fresh personnel are needed on how they are trained at the country's leading universities for the production of krusatom ilya lyadger. write medical history. this is how
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unprovided services appear in medical records, what the threat is for doctors and patients, svetlana gordeeva looked into it. federal highways are blocked by agricultural machinery, carts of smoke are smoking in the central squares of cities, what is happening in germany, are you tired of helping ukraine or are these private battles for the harvest? - nikita korzun found out. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today in the studio of igor politaev. the russian army retains strategic initiative throughout line of combat contact in the zone of special military operation. sergei shaigu announced this today. according to the minister of defense, the grouping of troops is methodical.
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reduce the combat potential of the armed forces of ukraine. over the past year, enemy losses exceeded 215,000 people and 28,000 weapons. kiev’s attempts to make up for this damage will not change the situation as a whole. looking at the depletion of human resources, ukrainian formations and the lack of results on the battlefield, the united states of america is calmly trying to realize its ambitions for world leadership, at the expense of life of ukrainians. gentlemen.
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they are trying to catch men on the streets, in transport, cafes, gyms, a new one should tighten punishment for draft dodgers and expand the number of conscripts... illegal mobilization, however, in addition to the government document, four alternative versions are registered in the verkhovna rada. aleksey prokin looked into what is happening in ukraine now and how the situation is assessed in the west. video recordings of ukrainian european integration increasingly look like this: illegal border crossing in winter, swimming across the river to to find himself in romania, a ukrainian who fled from mobilization, gives advice to his compatriots: i’m all wet.
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the entire western press is now writing without hesitation that the zelensky regime is tightening the screws in a way that is not at all democratic; only the conclusions differ: some predict a totalitarian-type dictatorship for the ukrainian state, others predict a new maidan. it is obvious that the mobilization has greatly undermined the motivation of both civilians and military personnel and will not lead to anything good for ukraine in the short or long term. caused the problem the bill that was announced by the cabinet of ministers, which contains a number of very contradictory provisions, it must be said that this bill has now actually been withdrawn, serious changes will be made to it, after which it will return to the verkhovna rada of ukraine , but of course there was a resonance. on the borders with western countries, while the queues of ukrainians express their attitude towards the regime’s decision to put hundreds of thousands of men untrained to fight under arms as follows: as always, 33
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a glass of coffee and maybe coffee, everyone lives as best they can. the market responded to lawlessness not only by the fall of the hryvnia exchange rate, but by the appearance of old people’s masks on sale, so that one could go out on the street without looking at the ubiquitous military commissars. after western allies made it clear that new arms supplies were hanging by a thread, more and more ukrainians began to realize that the zelensky regime had no one to count on on the battlefield other than infantry. we have always emphasized the need for... ukraine to remain an independent state, that is, it must be a country that must stand on its own feet, and we will continue to support ukraine, this is us policy. as much as necessary? yes, as long as necessary, but this does not mean that we will provide it with the same military support and
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funding as in 2022 and 2023. we do not think that this will be necessary. the shortage of weapons is growing, and zelensky is blackmailing in attempts to obtain weapons. after all , both washington and berlin, the main donors of ukraine, are nervous, i would like more pills out of greed, and more like that, but let’s just say that zelensky gives out the text that they want to hear from him, and they want to hear from him demands to increase the production of weapons, in principle , those who are the real directors of this conflict in ukraine are interested in this. however, for now, the majority of ukrainians, as local telegram channels write, are trying. to be objective still continue to demonstrate infantile optimism as if under a spell, while the west is already openly pushing ukraine towards negotiations, realizing that without this it will not be possible to untie our hands in the middle east in asia, where the taiwan issue is still acute: we understand perfectly well that any negotiations with
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a state that is not subject, which cannot be fully responsible for its actions and its actions, well , negotiations are a profanation, in this regard the configuration... russia-ukraine negotiations, it is meaningless, that is, it is not substantive, here negotiations should be conducted at a completely different level, at the level of russia, the united states of america, russia, north atlantic alliance. ukrainian foreign minister kuleba admitted that zelensky and his office do not have any plan b. tell me, when do you plan to take the initiative into your own hands? hello! please repeat the last sentence. and although conspiracy theorists say that an information campaign to discredit ukraine may be an element of a big game to mislead russia, this version does not stand up to criticism. ukraine, as
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cnn journalists have repeatedly reported, is mired in corruption, noting quote that other forms of us assistance would potentially be in jeopardy if ukraine did not do more to combat it. almost... mobilization has become the word of the year in ukraine. the researchers noted that at the last moment the mobilization overtook the counter-offensive, which, as we know, failed. new reasons for conscripting ukrainians into the army will certainly be found, and the high-profile bill will still be adopted, and ukraine’s western allies are
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now focused on projects to build ammunition production plants in the country. however, the russian armed forces continue to methodically disable military infrastructure with precision weapons. "alexey prokin, anastasia konarovskaya , anastasia medvedeva, ntv television company . today the ministry of defense showed footage of the assault on a forest belt in the south donetsk direction of the special operation. according to intelligence data, ukrainian formations equipped a strong point in this area. the attack on the enemy positions was carried out by an infantry assault group of the group's motorized rifle unit troops vostok. the advance of the fighters was covered by large-caliber machine gun, artillery was ready to suppress possible firing points of the ukrainian armed forces. in especially dangerous areas, the assault group was accompanied by a crew of an fpv drone, which transmitted information about identified targets to the command post in real time and adjusted the fire. as a result of coordinated actions, the task was completed quickly without losses. an order was received to carry out the combat
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mission to navigate the enemy’s stronghold , trenches, dugouts. we entered the forest belt, passed secretly, approached... to the strong point, carried out assault, captured, cleared a strong point, trenches, the enemy was destroyed, there were no losses, as if all the areas were alive and healthy. marines from the black sea fleet destroyed the temporary deployment point of ukrainian troops on the right bank of the dnieper. the positions in the ukrainian armed forces were revealed by drone operators, and soon the exact coordinates of the target were transferred to the artillerymen. d-30 howitzers opened fire on the enemy. the crews completed their task in just a few minutes in order to remain unnoticed by the enemy. in the artyomovsk direction , special operations, hunting for strong points, guns and the equipment of the armed forces of ukraine is led by kostroma paratroopers. daily artillery. the airborne battery fires dozens of shells at targets; another formidable weapon of the winged guard is guided missiles
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of carnet anti-tank systems. coront warrior alexy ivliev observed the combat work. this underground bunker has been decorated with a christmas tree with simple toys since the new year. but now no one remembers the holiday. hard work is in full swing here around the clock. this is the fire control point of the kostroma paratroopers division. they went deep underneath. 30, west 30, we work constantly every minute,
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as soon as we see the enemy, we open fire. according to the paratroopers, despite the rain, snow and flooding of the dugouts where the shells are stored, everyone is in a fighting mood. we must work along distant lines, with artillery, but in this situation, in most cases , of course, we now support our infantry, that is, these are the enemy’s defensive positions, manpower, firepower, a strong point. we open them so that it is easier for our infantry to get through and take certain strongholds, and if earlier 15-20 shells were fired towards the enemy, now at least 70-80 per day. fire, fire! the kostroma paratroopers won another victory over hordes of mice, which in countless flocks occupied their dugouts, but then cats came to the aid of the fighters, these are busya. one of the five cats in the positions of the kostroma paratroopers,
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they cope with their task of eating mice remarkably well, look how fat we are, the paratroopers from the anti-tank unit, which is working against the enemy from artyomovsk, this is the karnet anti-tank complex, it’s worse now on the front line, for ukrainian nationalists there is nothing, this beast is the best thing i had in the last one. together, this division began to receive thermal imagers, a specially created and twice modernized texture. the result of the designers' developments, our guys now work around the clock, day and night, and destroy targets at a huge distance, up to 10 km. ukrainian nationalists, having lost a colossal amount of armored vehicles, are now hiding their tanks, opening fire only with closed firing positions, but now even there they are reached with the help of...
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in makhachkala, a ceremonial meeting was held for officer arsen osedov. the twenty-six-year-old commander of an assault unit in his native republic was nicknamed the dagestani ramba for his incredible courage and resilience. in the special operation zone, arsen received over a hundred wounds, and his bulletproof vests withstood five bullets and many shrapnel hits. in dagestan, the fighter will undergo a rehabilitation course after another injury, and then he is going to return again. cameras, but i think it’s time for us all to open up, to show everyone
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that we are fighting, so that every friend, neighbor can see and also take an example, i will soon return to duty, wait for me, you know that i will return again and continue to serve, for bravery and courage arsen asedov was awarded several orders and medals, and today he received another award, the head of dagestan.
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recreation for all of russia, we are currently supporting a large-scale project that the government is preparing for the construction of honest structures, i personally walked with my own feet every water outlet in sochi along the entire coast, i walked a lot of kilometers, and we are waiting for a major reconstruction, and we are supporting the construction of clean facilities on the same coast of gelnzhik, this will also be a large-scale project that will free up an entire bay, and we think that in the next 4 years we will get... absolutely dugu kotino. and the head of rosprirodnadzor reported that 17 polar bears have been rescued in russia in recent years. four were placed in zoos because they could no longer adapt to the wild. vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov and the rossiti company to take all possible measures to provide heat and electricity to residents of the moscow region and
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kherson region. there were major utility accidents there during the holidays. as the kremlin reported to the president. i discussed the situation by phone with regional heads andrei vorobyov and vladimir saldo. on january 4 , residents of podolsk near moscow were left without heating when a private boiler house failed. in the klimovsk microdistrict , 170 houses were switched off, and in those days there were abnormally cold temperatures of -30. work is currently underway heat supply restoration is carried out around the clock; each house is assigned a team that monitors the heating start-up. in the near future, as they assure.
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one more backup so that we can raise the temperature when needed when starting up the apartments. according to vorobyov, they plan to transfer the boiler house to municipal ownership, after which its modernization will begin. today, the investigative committee of the moscow region opened a case regarding the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. the situation with accidents on heating and electrical networks was discussed at a meeting at the ministry of emergency situations.
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the work was carried out, including on holiday weekends, the restoration of power supply to consumers in the rostov region, zaporozhye, kherson regions will be completed within 24 hours. as the ministry of energy reported, while restoration work is underway, some facilities were able to be powered from alternative energy sources. russian technical universities, which are the backbone of the rusatom corporation, are intensively expanding training programs in high-tech specialties. today in the labor market, graduates are in demand who are able to solve practical problems already at the start of their careers, in order to grow such personnel, companies open special departments at universities, invite promising students to internships, the most talented in their senior years are hired, which is taught in basic laboratories of rusatom throughout the country, ilya lyadvin found out. more than 250 new
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employees will be needed for this large nuclear production facility. power units and icebreakers. a few weeks ago , the second installation of the chukotka vessel left here. at the same time, on other lines, a variety of thermal units are assembled for large nuclear power plants, including foreign ones. among them , the nuclear power plant under construction in the republic of bangladesh, where chief engineer pavel kireev worked, for his family, the fact that my family provides a certain part of the cycle, the life cycle of the equipment. more than 20% of the company’s staff are young specialists; they will be counted on in
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the upcoming recruitment. work with such personnel begins from studenthood. every year about 60 people from universities come to us for practice, half of whom are approximately employed after the internship. in order to train students directly for themselves, enterprises of this caliber are opened in large ones. universities have their own departments, this plant has it at the national university of mythi. rusatom specialists participate in the development of programs. every year we undergo major accreditation, that is, experts from the industry check that graduate students at our university are actually taught the competencies that the industry needs. many, like ekaterina tsitronova, become full-fledged rosatom employees are already in their senior years. the girl was accepted into the thermophysics department of the nikiet design institute. happened many times this year already. work options, modeled systems for low- power stations and for stations for the brest reactor. university students have the opportunity to work with
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the nuclear installation itself in virtual reality. this simulator, down to the button , replicates the reactor control panel created by mithi scientists in the sixties. now it works in test mode for students, but starting next year the virtual system will be tightly will be included in the curriculum of physical engineers. here you can already calibrate the rods and... bring the installation to rated power, emergency mode is available. the nizhny novgorod polytechnic institute went further and simulated three reactors with different combinations of uranium, graphite and water. the culture of handling is improving, especially in terms of radiation safety. when in real life they have to work in similar conditions, they will have competencies that are slightly higher than those of other students. the university also has basic laboratories.
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volosatov, roman vikmanes and alena antonova, ntv. the central election commission today registered nikolai kharitonov as a presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation. the decision was made unanimously, ella pomfilova announced at the meeting. i want to congratulate nikolai mikhailovich on this very important stage of the election campaign by presenting him with a certificate of already registered candidate. kharitonov became the third
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registered candidate in the presidential elections; before this, the central election commission registered the leader of the ldpr leonid slutsky and the vice speaker of the state duma, a member of the new people party vladislav davankova. and today the call center and public reception of the election headquarters of presidential candidates and the current head of state opened their doors.
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raising children, helping parents, caring for the younger generation have always been and remain priorities for the government. the development of a strategic document regarding demographic family policy for the period up to 2030 is also envisaged. at the federal level, it is planned to consolidate a unified legal status and basic social guarantees for families with many children, as well as on behalf of the president extend the action day.
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even more citizens will be able to organize their own businesses, and people will be provided with high-quality domestic food products. in germany, the removal of fuel subsidies for agricultural machinery led to a nationwide farmers' strike. they blocked highways, causing a transport collapse in the country and serious problems with the delivery of goods. the german press publishes complaints from people who...
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resembles a quiet museum town, the police went on the offensive, trying to disperse crowds of protesters, towards farmers who blocked the life of germany , right-wing groups began to join in, shouting louder and louder that for others there is money in bulk, and for their own only taxes, growth, the loneliness of a withered lettuce leaf emphasizes the emptiness of the surrounding baskets in the vegetable department of one of the german supermarkets, other shelves are also bored, representing the remains of grocery range, and this picture is not unique, the berlin publication claims that more than two hundred retailers will be left without supplies, as warehouses and logistics centers are blocked by heavy farm equipment. about that chaos, like a crisis, a window of opportunity in germany is also remembered. while everyone was distracted by farmers, unknown persons damaged a gas pipeline under construction for a liquefied gas terminal in the north of the country by drilling eight holes in it, spiegel clarifies. this is what munich looks like today. more tractors, rallies,
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slogans, all the symptoms of fatigue. contentment with the political course of the country, only the architecture of berlin differs, here tractors and farmers concentrated at the brandenburg gate. just the day before , the official establishment ceremony took place in the capital new party sarah wagenknecht's union for reason and justice. the former member of the bundestag also realized that the iron is already hot, her party does not have a detailed program, but the votes are growing before our eyes, she was even nicknamed the political kim kardashian. more than 20% of the population. the people see that the government has no other plan than to take money from the pockets of its citizens that is already gone, the people see a chancellor who seems to have absolutely nothing to say, even when he makes long speeches, the people see an opposition that
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by and large... actually supports the government's policies, and after all this there is nothing to be surprised by popular anger and protests. and what, as scholz asks in such cases? the federal chancellor is busy supporting ukraine. at a meeting with the prime minister of luxembourg, the german leader called for increased spending on military aid. moreover , he did this when his own country was already paralyzed by the most massive protest in recent history, caused by demands for tax cuts and government support. agriculture. but there is not enough money for everyone, there are not enough subsidies.
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we may be on the verge of civil war. polls show that more than 70% of germans support the farmers' strike. tomorrow they will be joined by ban workers, which will clearly intensify the collapse. railways will also be added to the blocked highways . night, strings of lights. sometimes the holiday comes like this. with columns of tractors and howling sirens. non-functional traffic lights hint at the fate of germany's ruling party alliance, the so-called traffic light map.
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the government was considered the most popular minister, he was 34 years old, and he became the youngest prime minister in the history of france. ottal does not hide his unconventional sexual orientation; he is in a relationship with the head of emmanuel macron's renaissance party, stephane sejourna. this is the program today and further in our issue. write a medical history of how services not provided appear in medical records. i looked into how this threatens doctors and patients. svetlana gordeeva. there was a circus. about how adults in kazan they teach circus art for free and prepare for performances, alexander tankekh will tell you. a bank for every day, what is it like?
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release. russians who decided to look into their electronic medical records began to discover studies and services there that, in fact, no one provided them, for example, about a fictitious medical examination or about a non-existent diagnosis, the so-called registration in the compulsory medical insurance system. some are allowed to report on their work without doing anything, while others are turned around. what's happened elena berdnikova found out about medical confidentiality in a figurative sense after covid, the doctors never came to the call, the sick leave was closed without examination. a month later, the patient received a card, and interesting details were revealed. i opened it just because it was interesting. it turns out that they came to see me every day during covid, they examined me there, they treated me, they gave me medicine.
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my next entry is on july 11, on that day i was at work, but if you believe this certificate, my teeth were in nazyvaevsk that day. the so-called postscripts - this is a common phenomenon; a simple search on social networks shows that most often patients’ records include an alleged medical examination or vaccination. therapists even explain to some that they have a plan that they can’t always implement, so they have to include services. sometimes this is done in a hurry and leads to funny things,
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for example, men may discover that they visited a gynecologist or momologist, there is no plan, there is no money. based on the number of attached persons , a certain amount of funds is sent, and funding does not depend on the number of services as a whole, when such options are identified, which, as they say, in the press are called postscripts, this is a kind of medical reporting. i was in a completely different place, this is not clinic number 15.
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it was not possible to ask questions to the head doctor of the clinic, the patient was simply not admitted, then she spoke about what happened on social networks , dozens of people with similar stories came in the comments, many of them underwent medical examination on paper, amich alone had seven teeth treated at his clinic, where he had never been at all in his life, my friend found out, in 10 days she visited the urologist three times, another amishka, she managed to pass. several narrow specialists while she was on vacation outside the region. lawyers are sure that if the prescribed therapy contains some expensive drugs, then you should contact the insurance company. doctor, what is he bringing in? first, that the patient came, second, that he collected anamnesis, third, he made a diagnosis and also prescribed treatment, if this treatment occurs in medical institution, in a hospital, or in an outpatient center, and to the patient.
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announced a change in the conditions for issuing preferential mortgages, it is reported that it can only be obtained for housing that is being built by developers accredited by the bank, we will find out the details right now, denis talolaev joins us , sbir recently made a similar decision to everyone, when vtb starts issuing preferential mortgages for new rules? there is not much time left, because the new rules will come into effect this week. vtb bank, following sberbank, is tightening conditions for issuing preferential mortgages. from january 12 , vtb clients will be able to receive it only if
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they choose housing from developers who are partners of the bank. for those clients who chose housing not from vtb partner developers. will offer to take out a mortgage at market rates, and they start at about 16.5%, the rate on a preferential mortgage is a maximum of eight. vtb does not specify what criteria a developer will have to meet in order to become a partner, but at the end of last year sber also announced that from january 11 it will issue preferential mortgages only those who buy housing from developers of accredited sberbanks, and in order to receive accreditation, developers will have to pay a commission for preferential loans. and issuing loans with state support, vtb explained that the authorities had tightened the requirements for such loans. at the end of december, the government reduced the subsidies that banks receive for issuing mortgages at preferential rates rather than market rates. this difference is compensated by the state, and the difference has recently become larger, because the central bank for the second half of the past
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year, to combat inflation, he raised the key rate from 7.5 to 16%. finland most likely will not... resume the operation of checkpoints on the border with russia from january 14, prime minister peteri orpa made it clear today. according to him, there have been no changes in the situation with migrants. finland began introducing restrictions on entry from russia in early november. she explained this by the fact that, with the help of russia , a flow of illegal migrants from africa and the middle east poured into the country. on november 30, finland closed all border crossings on the border with russia. on december 14, the border was reopened and started working again. two out of eight checkpoints, but the finnish authorities did not like the result, less than a day later they closed everything again, as they said then until at least january 14. finnish authorities claimed that russia was taking revenge on finland for joining nato; presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, commenting on the closure of finnish checkpoints, said that finland’s russophobic position was
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deeply regrettable. the former hyonda plant in st. petersburg came out of operation downtime. in which he was for almost 2 years, the press service of the enterprise reported this today; according to its statements, cars are still not assembled at the plant, but are engaged in personnel training and equipment maintenance. the st. petersburg hyundai plant stopped work in march 22, according to the official version, due to a shortage of components. in december last year, it became known that hyonda would sell the plant to art finance, which belongs to the former general director of the avilon dealer, andrei pavlovich. as the korean publication chosun ilbo wrote, the transaction amount approximately 10,000 rubles. and the head of the ministry of industry and trade denis mantrov clarified that the deal provides for the possibility of a buyback. since may last year, art finance also owns the former russian assets of volkswagen, including the plant in kaluga.
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it is still unknown what arfinance is going to produce at the former volkswagen plant at the former hyonde plant. the ruble greets russians who return from the new year holidays noticeably stronger. today is less than 90 for the first time since december 29, and the euro at the end of trading is 98.28. analysts say that the market could exporters who are obliged to sell their foreign exchange earnings will return. the russian stock market today was under pressure from the rising ruble. the world bank has improved its forecast for the russian economy this year and expects it to grow not by 1.2%, but by 1.3%. for the american economy, the forecast was also improved from 0.8 to one. the south korean parliament has approved a bill that will put an end to the nation's centuries-old tradition of eating dogs. the bill proposed by the ruling party was passed almost unanimously, and now the president must sign it unsk-yol, there is almost no doubt that he will do this, because it was under him,
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animal lovers, the owner of six dogs and eight cats, that support for this ban especially increased. now to restaurants and farms that specifically. myeongdong street food dishes. i have never met a dog, although i have tried a lot of delicious things and i agree, yes, i agree, if you take dog meat out of the equation, then
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south korean cuisine is quite tasty and interesting. denis, thank you. denis talolive presented the economic overview of the day. clowns, trainers, aerialists. in kazan: a social project has started where circus performers will be trained. everyone will learn the basics for free within a few months.
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let's go further, next, stop , don't forget, yes, yes, yes, yes, they teach the basics of dog training parrots, once again, my
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fish, one time, come on, you're great, in the rehearsal arena juggling aerial gymnastics, under the strict supervision of mentors . at first they approached us very strictly, but they saw that we were already such uncles and aunties who came here with shining eyes, so that they would not go out , of course, they are a little... in which there is, everything would be much, probably better, there are fewer clowns in the world than they really had a circus in that understanding, an astronaut.
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meteorologists report, irina polyakova joins us, irina, well, it has become noticeably warmer today, what can we expect tomorrow? well, i'll start from afar. our general weather picture now looks like this: the eastern regions in the volga region have become the coldest, with a strong negative temperature anomaly, the cold, by local standards, is invading the south, but the west is riding a warm wave. all this will be supported and reshaped by nimble cyclones; they are now diving together, one after another, from north to south. the speeds are respectable, so there will be occasional weather changes along the way. from wednesday to thursday the pressure will simply collapse, a complete jump in atmospheric pressure
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is dizzying in every sense in the center, another cyclone with a new portion of warm air will hang, and tomorrow in tver tula during the day the temperature will drop to the level of northern mild frosts, while in the north-west there is a thaw, in kirov in kazan -22, as in the sektovkar and the south is at the mercy of cold air, but with the departure of the cyclone the sun will fade, although during the day it is still mostly 0, -5, only in sochi +1, and the weather in capital... after a pause, cleanse the liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol, only in it avisol’s milky ripeness is enhanced by herbs and turmeric. avisol and volar number one for cleansing the liver. cleanse your liver with folk remedies. try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing the liver. avisol ivalar. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be 0 -2 with light snow; in moscow with snow and -68 during the day. snow on thursday. stronger, the wind will increase, so even warmer air will come and the frost will subside, only the snow and strong wind will prevent you from feeling it, but still for the first time this year -2, but this does not
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mean that we are saved from frost. here they are, they're still disgusting. igor, well, it’s the middle of winter, what’s going on here? nothing surprising. thank you, irina, this was the weather forecast from irina polyakova. today vladimir putin made a phone call eight-year-old christina, who, thanks to the president, visited lake baikal. in december, putin removed the ball and postcard with a girl’s new year’s dream from the wish tree at the russian exhibition, which takes place at vdnkh. on holidays, kristina sin from yuzhno-sakhalinsk came to the lake with her parents. baikal, hello. i also met the mysterious introductory inhabitants, seals. the xing family’s travel program was very eventful; they also visited the sources of the angara in the baikal museum, where they took a virtual excursion to the bottom. vladimir putin, in turn, recalled his dive into the depths of lake baikal in the bathyskafi world. second-grader christina learned about the cleanest and deepest lake in the world while participating in the olympics. the girl is a good student and is interested
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in biology, medicine and sports aerobics. i want to wish you success in the new year, in sports, in your studies, i know everything is fine with your studies, i am very glad that everything you planned to see, everything you dreamed about, everything worked out, thank you, i want thank you so much for what you did my dream, i also want to wish you a happy new year and merry christmas, i want to wish you health, happiness and that all your dreams come true too, thank you very much, christina, and have a nice trip home, hugs to you, these are the main news for this hour, right now watch the detective series biam, igor politaev was with you, thank you for your attention, see you.
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through smm we can earn 500 k. well, there are a couple more tricks on how you can quickly increase your subscribers, tell us. not all at once, what do you want? hi, this is andrey, this is lyosha, alexey petrovich, this is your boyfriend, something like that, okay, atela, i’m leaving, i’ll see you later. i mean,
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something like that, don’t bother, this is andrey, a famous blogger, he’s helping me promote my site, and what did you promise him for that? i mean, what did you promise? you know? fuck you! please! did you guys come to an agreement, or what? good evening, do you know why? yes, because you are good, you don’t understand. eh, man, what are you doing, man
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, don’t you die? friends, everyone is going abroad, but i’ll probably stay, laugh, and get drunk. if he knows nothing, i'm getting married, my friends write to me, how are you here , and i'm fine, super gut, super super super year, i'm fine, super year, super, super, super year, i'm fine, super year, super, super, super year, i ok, super, super, super, super year, i'm ok, super gut.
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journalist, yeah, hematoma on the back of the head, on the neck, on the chest, before his death
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he was pretty beaten, lech, found out where he worked, yes, columnist for the newspaper dawn, worked on everything, but most often on green technologies, oh, even on these i have a tooth, but what about phone? the time of voronin’s death was established, well, somewhere between 10 and 11 o’clock, yeah, but what about the calls, one minute, okay.
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what's happened? never mind? take the injections, young man, your nervous system has given you up. in short, the last person this voronin called was an acquaintance of yours? not mine, ingi. and you decided to warn her. lyosh, you know, this is a malfeasance, our job is to find out the truth, and not to evaluate its consequences, i’m going to the editor, beam,
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with me, no, okay, rest, that’s it, come on, last call from the phone. voronin was made at 22:12, so this is just before death, and to whom? andrey glebov, who is this? the blogger, who lives on new year's house 3, quickly figured out the killer, but i'm not sure that glebov is the killer. lyosha, not even half an hour will pass before i return with a sincere confession. about! and you ’re right, with you we’ll get this recognition faster, yes, but he gave his all to his work, even when he was flogged.


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