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tv   Legenda Ferrari  NTV  January 10, 2024 3:40am-4:41am MSK

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“i beg you, have a drink with me, please, please, stay with me today, why leave the bottle, please, here?”
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i didn’t have enough spirit, damn, you’re drinking with me, i might surprise you, baby, never underestimate your opponent, magnesi’s wife, i’ve never heard of it.
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destroyed all the submarines in the balaclava area , and all of them, all of them were in good condition, but how vile they do at depth, they blow up so as not to find and not to raise, those bastards, and how the hand rises, in general, you need to do this so that the entire fleet is not destroyed, carpets. at your place are people ready? we have everything ready, semyon petrovich, are you ready? we wait. yeah, we would all like your confidence. i said let's wait. here are the correct coordinates. and how can we check this? sapronov, take care of the encryption. kovrov, yes. you take her home, you’ll be there until
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the end of the operation, don’t take your eyes off her, bekov, you’re not in charge of the seizure at the bailiff now, shoot to kill, now we’ll understand who’s brother is who’s comrade. crap!
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let's go,
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good evening, hello! where are they? listen, maybe your poeticism has already gone overboard, but here we are talking we’re freezing, you shut your mouth , watch the perimeter, who did you say this to, and your face is well-groomed,
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if you say anything about it again, i’ll kill you, but be quiet, you devils. it’s them, so they’re all ready , we’ll shoot at my command, let them go out to the pier first, let’s see how many there are, we have to wait for armler, maybe he’s already nearby. what are we doing? is it already a quarter to 12? he's never late. so something happened.
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nobody canceled the operation. the money has been paid. everything must be done in the best possible way. yes. let's. unloading dynamite while no one is there maybe it will appear again? terekhin was killed, cover him!
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“we were set up, our own people have already been slammed, i’m leaving , i’m not going to pay that kind of money, die , if only you had one cartridge left, oh, here you go. chiliman, there are cartridges, there are, come on, damn it, come on, there aren’t enough cartridges, there won’t
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be enough for a long time , got it, go around, there are three of them left . we're right, they've run out of cartridges, dial them, there are lists, what are you planning, try to get through his arms, madmen, ready, ready, forward,
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yasha, popov, popov, popov! popov , alive, see me, quiet, don’t, don’t get up, i'll get you out, i'll get you out, calmly, i 'll get you out, now.
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come here, i can’t bother with idiots for long
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, i’m starting to go wild, if you don’t want to talk, don’t talk, i’ll put it up against the wall, i’ll find out everything from others , you don’t care, why are you silent, and if i tell you everything, let me go, what else, how many you did they put ours? i’ll live, i’ll leave you, you can redeem me, i’ve agreed! already bruskin, lachin is still punishing himself, what do you think, and why are you making up fairy tales for us, someone else, konevsky, so, also, i, still, do you hear, clown, they picked you up in a traveling circus, and the priests to frame who gave the orders, who led
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the group, well, say, come on, ermler, maximilian ermler, eh... this journalist from the newspaper crimea, supposedly, it’s definitely him, in my opinion, i finished him off, the body was not found, maybe in carried away by the sea, or maybe he’s still alive, if he survived , it wasn’t for long, i heard everything, let’s report quickly, there is, i’ll still find him, this petsak. i have already heard all this, if wrangel dies tomorrow, then the issue of the crimean government can be considered finally resolved,
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there is no replacement for him, everything will fall apart, and we already have his treasury and we... “darling, we’ll hold out until our people arrive, i ’m only forced to obey, you’re an officer , i know, there’s no need to remind me of this , you know, each of us has to , i’ll do everything that’s required of me, believe me, nugaev didn't give permission for me to visit the yacht, so i need a second option. believe me, i'll do it. so, now about maximilian ermler. damn, he turned him in, the documents are already at headquarters. he's getting in the way of everything. this is an order. this is short-sighted. we need him alive
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this is the only opportunity... to be with the top of british intelligence for such connections of the future, do you understand this perfectly well? i understand, i tried to convince them, but he got too close to us, give me a day, i won’t ask for anything else, this is a personal request, give it! you have 24 hours, or rather he has, the wounds are nonsense, you were shell-shocked by the explosion, or are you
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pretending, for the angel who pulled me out with you, you are not very kind. “i don’t really believe in their existence, why did you do this, to say how much i hate you, you’re lying, you’re crazy about me, go to hell.” "this is no longer jokes, we both played so hard, they can envy themselves while you work for them, bravo, well, i made a mistake,
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so did you." self-confidence let me down, my dear, no doubt, what could i do, i was just a man, if it weren’t me , it would have ended very badly for you, and i don’t need anyone but you, well, as far as i remember, you prefer... i knew that this would make you miss, oh you !handsome, but i couldn’t let you intercept the correct coordinates, you couldn’t
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know that i understand german, i i suggested that even without understanding, you will remember my words, and then translate them, how much i hate you, if only you knew? you have very little time to leave this city, and even less time to leave this apartment, and i won’t go alone, we won’t be so lucky again, max, neither you nor me, i don’t wait for luck.
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urgently from the very top. petrov, i, mikhailov, gather your people’s weapons, we’ll return immediately, urgent task, get ready in 10 minutes, semyonov, okay, let’s gather here. you remain in charge, also a commander, put aside the questions, i leave you five of
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yours, all five, yes five, but leave the machine gun aside, no, how to guard the convoy with six, and if anything happens, i myself will carry out the order, and the order to leave three. i’ll choose another, but no , i’m staying, an order is an order, that’s all , i know, come on, come on, come on, hurry up, thank you, get ready in 10 minutes, come on, come on, let’s go.
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we’ll fall behind, and then we’ll come back for our little gold, yes, we seem to have gotten away, but no one is chasing us. they didn’t even notice that we had run away. that's it, we continue on foot. well what, are you getting ready to meet your comrades in
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arms? went. it’s somehow quiet, but look, huh? wow.
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semyonov, everyone is dead, let’s check quickly. and where is the gold?
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and to me the stars in the sky, to me the stars in the sky, your eyes, your eyes on the windy deck. it’s windy on deck, it’s cold, it’s cold , with this wind, with this wind, my life, my life, split in two, split in two , the mast sways like a straw , the mast sways like a straw, the doors of the lips are tightly locked, the doors
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of the lips are tightly locked, this is... an hour in your white house, in this an hour in your white house, think about me, on the shore, why did you call? help me, i can’t write anything without you, it turns out to be some kind of nonsense, and tomorrow morning i need acutely social, political poems, i should be refused, but my work will suffer, you
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’re a professional, you’re covered in the finest lace. you're jumping on st. petersburg lions, that's good , that's good, you're doing better, no, no, no, don't write that, that's not all, you know, i can't read it to them, it needs to be simpler, tougher, more honest, without lyrics, no lyrics at all, it’s not that, all this, but it’s wrong, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, how
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like wings behind your back, and now , inspired by victory, like a black angel, you rush into battle, and this is good, this is very good, you learn. boy, it’s okay, priest, when you’re not mad, let’s go for a walk, let me have your hand, mademoiselle, it’s a pity that i can’t.
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continue to accompany you today, yes, okay, now, wait. “el, boy, good afternoon, how glad i am to see you, mikhail, come here quickly, please meet me, this is elfiray, my friend, a famous poetess, it’s very nice, incredibly flattered to meet you, varya told me a lot about you, and i envy you , whoever hears your essay today, please, i’m afraid this won’t happen today, gaev did not give his permission for me to visit the yacht, so varenka, i beg you, please pass this one..." listen, i’ll personally ask pyotr nikolaevich now, don’t mind , varenka, this is not necessary, varya, mikhail, please stop her, i
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’m really embarrassed, this is not necessary, it will be difficult, check the security detail on the coastline, that’s right, follow me, good afternoon, you won’t believe it, i got it right this morning suspicion that i will see you here today, i ’m just passing through, hand over the papers and leave, uh-huh, don’t you want to have lunch, i have a very hearty breakfast, so i’m not hungry, but aren’t you going with everyone else, and do you see me as you?
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well, why are you depressed, where is the mother of your wallets? i found a place. i made an agreement with the captain on the ship, urgently pack your things , take everything you need, we’ll spend the night in another place , we can’t stay here, neither can i, just like that, we’ll be lost, we don’t have much money
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to emigrate, dear, there will be money, not worry, smeared, we will live in such a way that the gods will envy us, and we will spit on them from the balcony. did anyone call? ermler, and i said you didn't come. right.
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“i understand, i will, you are very kind , i’m scared, now i don’t need to be afraid, now i need to act, you will have a different life, the main thing is that it’s not eternal, i’m afraid of the sea and in general, what am i going to do? i’ll collect everything these things, how will we live there, what will i do there, do you want to stay here, then i’ll remove that one, that one, i want vodka, i want to eat how
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here, for the soup there, come on, melt, set the table, please, thank you, freely, freely, good afternoon, how glad i am to see you, very glad, i hope that you will be with us today, a difficult day, i want that among we had as many friends as possible, i am very pleased to be useful to you, mrs. ferrari, i am grateful to you for your help with the appeal, for me this is an important day, difficult words, thank you for helping to formulate them. i am grateful to you for your trust. oh, for whom are these curtsies to me?
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there must be etiquette. i understand. i'm done now i'll study it. thank you. thank you again. and i hope that... everything will be fine. correcting the svirda on the krale,
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why is it taking so long, come on, come on, come on, let’s stay close. for insurance, of course , we will go on parallel courses, spira, ladies and gentlemen, i will not hide , everyone knows that we do not have a joyful reason for
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today’s meeting, but i am glad to see you, all the people dear to my heart, we have gathered here today, to greet our dear friend, his royal majesty's consul, michael ellington, we are leaving crimea. for me, the most important thing has always been people, not wars and ranks. a bad peace is always better than a good quarrel, we must leave to save as many people as possible, our fathers, brothers, husbands, and god will help us. this is not a defeat. we will return victorious, and our allies will help us, i suggested
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to mr. consul to make a detour of our squadron, and we will happily do this, a sign of respect, in places! they’re leaving, well , let’s go quietly, shakro, let’s take a parallel course to the small ridge, thank you, i love trains, amazing, this is not typical for men, it’s so sentimental, these are our dreams, secret desires, clothed in words, what? i completely agree with you, everything that is not in real life
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and what we would like, yes, yes, it is very possible, maximilian, please come, this is such a funny thing, let’s go, with great pleasure, gentlemen, let me introduce you to a very talented journalist, maximilian eremler, crimea newspaper. this is a huge honor for me, i’m glad to meet you, maximilian, what are you writing about, what, well, what they pay more for, i appreciate your frankness, she. it’s an honor to help you, thank you, i think the heel is fine, i hope you didn’t
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hurt yourself, unfortunately, there are rocking on ships, you need to be careful, do me a favor, max, write. until recently , our ships had no reserves of coal and oil, so not a single ship could go to sea, but now, thanks to the efforts of mr. ellington, our fleet is ready to sail to constantinople. we will not give the bolsheviks a single ship of the black sea squadron. we will not give them to be torn to pieces, not our soldiers, not residents of sevastopol. is there anything else i can help you with? she probably just sprained her ankle. it happens, forgive me, for god's sake. you know, i 'd like to go away, if you don't mind. thank you for the gift of your time. thank you. regret. britain could do
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much more for the government of southern russia. we must remember, the whole world sympathizes with you, and i am doing everything in my power. what the hell are you doing here, they’ll kill you, you don’t have time, and you know it, god,
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what bastards we’ve turned into, what are we doing, max, what are you doing here? i shouldn't was here to be, gaev didn’t give you permission, no matter what you did, stop right now, you don’t owe any of them anything. baby, they are using you, i know what you are doing here, i didn’t let you, you fool, you won’t come in, the living thing is from this yacht.
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poetry, never get confused, drool and do it, otherwise your life will not be worth the broken penny that you are carrying, but you better take care of yourself, watch. the strongest report,
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a radiogram to sevastopol from comrade menzhinovsky, yes, uh-huh, yes, urgently from the center, it can’t be, why let’s go crazy, what, huh?
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el, my dear, where were you, we lost you, a little seasick, seasick, but honestly, i’m ready to drink some water and read to you, if the guests don’t mind, i must admit, i myself can’t stand long sea walks.
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oh, where are you? i brought our guests. read us something new. we ask you very much.
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certainly. shagro, can you get even closer? come on, as close as possible. she's collecting. the sea is a battle, the mast is a banner. howl, roar, growl, nordost, you won’t blow out
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the bright stars above us, in the dark sky. the storm is gnawing at our ship like a dog gnawing at a bone. the sea is preparing for us bed, lullaby, nordost, looking from above, god of sailors, through the storm. and the northeast in the sea will give us a path to heaven, a star bridge, thank you, amazing, what else, why yes? “i want to tell you personally again , i read what you corrected, it amazed me
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, you are a talented person, you feel the laws of time, out of a billion empty words you choose those that touch to the depths of the soul , precise, honest, i expected to hear this from you. el, forgive me, for god’s sake. pyotr nikolaevich, help determine the guest’s arrival. there's no way there without you. okay, we're waiting for you. i don't like this business. it's not the right time. well, what to do, visiting? i can’t run, let’s go, help me, i would stay with your permission,
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i don’t get a lot of seasickness, i like to look at the sea. but i’m very sorry that we didn’t finish , i would like to get to know you in order to correctly describe this time, i’ll literally just for a second, and we ’ll definitely finish, this is an important conversation, olga mikhailovna, and varenka,
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can instruct you that, in fact, with pleasure, let it lift your spirits, congratulations again, look at battleship. lights out, what does that mean, do you understand? this means that our operations are cancelled, damn it, so what are we doing, what are we doing, what are we doing? come on, let’s cut, come on, shakro, come on, yes, now we’ll figure it out.
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“sorry, i have to leave, sorry, we didn’t finish.” where are you going idiots? your honor has jammed the steering wheel! we've plowed! sit down in the restaurant! the steering wheel is jammed! well, he can’t help it! i'll shoot kakur! don't do this! no need! we are leaving! let's leave!
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lukul will not veer off course, i offer a tosa for the wonderful words that we all receive so often lacks.
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everything is fine, believe me, it’s normal , i just got seasick, sit, sit, no, everything is fine , really, believe me, thank you, don’t get up suddenly, sometimes i overheat, you probably need to lie down, i can offer our cabin, no, thank you, you are nothing, really, it’s not worth it. really, drink some water, my dear, thank you, drink it, thank you.
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thank you, i can continue. absolutely, mr. gaev, yes, i apologize.
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“here she is, i see, i see, here she is, come on, all my information is film, 10 thousand, why pounds, for the first time in my life i don’t want to.” you're very lucky, it's worth it.
4:39 am
will it be fulfilled? and you are ask - an agency of hidden cameras, engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities, the head of the agency, retired lieutenant colonel mikhail ilyich troshin, served in the operational search department of the fsb. dismissed to the reserve after being wounded olga yuryevna sirov, operational officer of the ask, daughter of major sirov, troshin’s deceased partner, pavel, technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases solved by troshin during his service, egor pavlovich savitsky, senior police lieutenant, freelance
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agency employee, ask, hidden camera agency, we... thank you for the work, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, mikhailovich, thank you for the ride, work, perhaps video chat, maybe a potential client, in a hurry, where should i go hurry up, good evening , this is a hidden camera agency, yes, hello, oh, i'm so late, i just saw that you are still online, everything is fine, what happened to you, just don't think that i'm crazy, but there's some kind of devilry going on in my house, i'm very scared, i don't i know that i...


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