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tv   Starie kadri  NTV  January 10, 2024 6:05am-7:00am MSK

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that’s right, there’s basically skin and bones here, no clues for identification , but we don’t know a damn thing at all, what do we know, there’s too much about her, firstly, she’s a woman, her age is from 18 to 25 years old, she has white hair, white , white as snow, she ate something, meat, she has blood type o, we did a dna test on the remains and found it.
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we don’t reveal it, and this makes it great, it will do it if we manage to reveal it, but first we find out who this snow white is, why she was killed, why the killer dismembered her body, to complicate knowledge, to simplify transportation, disposal or concealment, yes , he was completely out of his mind, he was a psychopath, georgy, you will take care of the investigator who was in charge of this case, timofey pavlyachkov, it seems he is retired, you are responsible for communication with the professor and criminology, ivan mikhailovich is already working .
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mikhail meshkov, hello, investigator tokorev, can you prove this? hello, hello, on june 21 , 1998, you were in this forest, you were 10 years old, yes 9 3/4, it’s like the platform number for the train from hogwarts, since then you haven’t come here anymore came back, came back several times.
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to restore the aura of a person who left this world, you were probably very scared then, very much, i understand, let's go here, i still suffer from those consequences, ptsd, fri, that post-traumatic stress disorder, ulcers, eczema, now here the neuralgia has begun, here it is, urban effeminacy. as soon as you get into the forest, it immediately begins, neuralgia, ulcers, eczema, for example, i feel great, just so you know, it’s great, let’s go there, let’s go, this is an unusual forest. it's like
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you start to feel something or hear that, for example, i don’t know, i just feel some kind of strangeness, sorry guys, i don’t want anything further, i can’t , i’m sorry you can’t, well, go there, gosh , stop being a fool, let's go, i'm serious , i'm sorry, i won't go any further, i understand you, that you understand, that you understand, it 's not me... with exams, this is hylophobia, why is hylophobia, the fear of getting lost in the forest , i’ve had this since childhood, why, what happened to you, fight, don’t even lick you, but okay, wait, we’ll be back soon, yes, i, i’d better wait, go, go, go, i’ll wait, then everything looked a little different, more fallen trees, here, this is the place where
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the pieces were, no, yes, the remains, here. over there and another piece here, it’s strange, so i say, you hear, well, i think that’s enough. there was a pagan temple in this forest, did you know
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about it? no, the first settlements appeared 8.0 years ago, some historians believe: we will contact you if questions arise again. okay, bye, bye, bye. another one with greetings to lovers of historical facts, do you think he did it, got drunk, he lost his mind there, he was only 10 years old, 9 and 3/4, you know, at this age, by the way, boys can be very angry, this is from personal experience gained in a dense forest, very funny, yes, tokreva, hello , gosh, so what happened in your forest, leave me alone, we’ve just finished. let's go, this is the professor, there is progress on the case, great, oh, good afternoon, good afternoon, meet me, this is my assistant, victoria iliskova, vika, hello, vika, georgy barkhatov, can i just zhora, what did you
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want to show us, let's start over , yes i i looked at old records and came to the conclusion that the partially digested food was not really meat, but rather some kind of meat.
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animals are foxes, no, these are not foxes, how do you know, well, because foxes belong to the family of these same canines, they gnaw along the bone, and not across, but here the tracks show that they clearly bit across, the tracks are very clear, and note , that the one who bit had a much more powerful jaw, well , more, right from the textbook, yes, yes, ah, this is the share...
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the team, oh, yes, some experts, i’m now studying bone marrow dna snow white, what are you saying, you know, it’s so fascinating, and how fascinating it is to me, mikhalych, you believe in the other world, huh? well, here we go, what do you think, can a subtle imprint of the crime itself remain at the crime scene, what? well , can traces and murders be imprinted on
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the spectral sus of a person, remain in the place where the person lies dead, or is it a tax? right , so that’s what it means, when i thought that i was seeing something and hearing something, yes, this was my self-hypnosis, a transference of my mental construct, which was formed as a result of an illusory projection, thank you, mihalich, good luck.
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yes, bor, consciousness sometimes gives out this, yes, where have you been? el, he was with me , he told me, he went for groceries, well, that means... sorry, not very hungry, fight, hold on, yes, elenka, honey, so, our snow white, the killer decides to get rid of the body, he begins to cut his head, arms, legs, but the hips in our case are not separated, good night, uh-huh,
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legs, legs, legs, ilya, ivorya, don’t be distracted, masha, tell me, but it happens that after death of a person, his soul returns to earth, to a specific place, but how to see it, so i don’t know, solve the problem, colonels, this is our best detective, captain klimov, hello to the detectives. denis nikifarov is not only the best detective, there was a dog, it’s amazing, you’re a genius,
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but a real gentleman, and i also really like to cook rare steaks, you were a mongrel, like his partner bim, you won’t be lost with such a partner, well, yes , the beam will thank the lady for the compliment, the beam will be new. january at 21:30 on ntv. discomfort and nausea, poisoning and twisting, everything is seething and diarrhea, you need filtrumsti, rather, filtrumsti. arbend in a convenient form of tablets, helps eliminate the symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea, at an average price of 115 rubles for 10 tablets,
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year and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here, serve under a contract, that’s how it is such a terrible death for a young person, sometimes it’s good, but at home, in your bed, surrounded by family and friends, and gosha and borya haven’t come yet? they’ve already left, checking out some clinic. sash, don’t you think that bori is a bit of that? good morning, i bring you good news. yeah, georgy is missing, barkhatov? yes. what is it? victoria,
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lets gina out. remember i told you that victoria was awaiting the results of some tests. here they are. moscow university has developed a program that can determine the region of origin of ancestors using human dna person. the program compared the data of the white-tailed moth with existing samples, identified a matching chain, and determined the region. these are the red dots. according to analyses, this type of dna is found here. in finland? yes. this explains why she is not on our list of missing persons. no. doesn’t explain, but we can figure out where her ancestors came from. yes, most often, and this type of dna is found in this area, almost to murmansk. victoria is from these places. my phd is about mineral deposition in bones. i'll explain it to you. chemical elements from the water we drink
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are absorbed by our skeletal system. and if you conduct isotope analysis, you can determine from which region the water was taken. well, and accordingly, where did this person live who drank this water? that's exactly what we did with snow white. when we compare the test results with this, we can easily determine where she lived. yes, we have already made progress with tests regarding the gastrointestinal tract. now it’s clear why you asked about velvet? yes, i wanted to congratulate him because that he was right, it really is a variety with salts, italian, i don’t know, but you know, he’s so attractive. georgy, i mean, he is so passionate, so enthusiastic, he always listens with such interest to everything i say, this, this is rare, he reminds me. my father, yes , a wonderful girl, you said that this is a special hospital, yes, so it is
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, kosha, this is a skin and venereal dispensary, we are surrounded by people sick with all sorts of nasty things, and you don’t kiss anyone, everything will be in order, easy to say, hello, good morning, my name is georgy barkhatov, are you by appointment? i’m not, i’m not either, the doctor won’t be able to see you without an appointment, no, we’re not being treated, you know what’s the matter, the prosecutor’s office is receiving complaints from your patients, they claim that someone has gained remote access to their medical records , and we need to check the security of your computer network, wait a minute please, all cases of illness. speaks from personal experience, just kidding, you fool, now we ’ll try to get a list of sick people
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women somewhere there two to three months before the death of snow white, why only two to three, because, because if you caught the siphon, you won’t wait for it to be noticeable to everyone, right, yes, and this is a month two or three until the symptoms begin already, georgy, go with a huge one. and oh, what a delight, oh , excuse me, that’s not what i wanted to say, tell me, if one of the patients invites you on a date, why
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not, seriously, i’m not afraid, after all , given the specifics, no one has known me for a long time didn't call a date, what do you say you say it's hard to believe, oh! i'm sorry, i'm so awkward, oh, it's okay , help me put it together, oh, what is it, they took a sip, yes, unfortunately, not to the bottle, well, that's all , you need to install, that is, well, protection for unauthorized access, but i think this is for you no need, okay, so what else are you going to come in, i don’t, you know, when i leave the house in the morning and how will the day end? knows him, but everything is possible, thank you very much, thank you , please, yes, goodbye, yes, gosh, why,
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did you like it, well, that would be it, of course, well you know, it’s somehow scary in such a place , but gynecophobia, why fear of women, and you tried to do something about it, but i’m not afraid of women, but i’m not talking about that, i’m talking about your fear of the forest. hylophobia, oh, oh, oh, no, why, i’d rather be afraid of the forest than be afraid of women, why then live at all, yes, that’s all.
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where are you going? i have something to do, they are waiting for me, i need to go early today.
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good morning, good morning, listen, excuse me for the day before yesterday, okay, i even think that if you had shot him, the court would have acquitted you, fighting at home, but no, he has already left, he said that he needed somewhere in the morning, and that you were waiting for him somewhere, old age, i completely forgot, we agreed to... meet, well, bye, i'll go catch up with a friend, happily, bye.
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sergei igorevich, good morning, good , let's make it clear, all that you have established so far
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is that she... and that she loves sausage, pork salami, in fact, we need more time, it’s very commendable that that you want to investigate this matter, but it seems to me that this is all a wasted effort, i bet it’s not, that’s why we want to continue investigation, the bastard who killed her was sure that he would get away with all this, if we solve this unsolved case, then everyone will see that... sk is ready to go to the last to find the killer, despite the difficulties and time spent time, sometimes you can be convincing, well, okay, continue, for now, thank you, sergey igorevich, yes, 3.0 is coming, i agree.
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that dear mother, a boar,
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and several boars escaped, taking with them parts of snow white’s body, that is , you think that the killer specifically wanted to feed a sacrifice to wild boars, or did they dig her body out of a small hole, a grave? by the way, the meat in the salami that was in the stomach of snow white may well turn out to be boar meat. yes, we are exactly what we eat, right, well done, i remember, right, please
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. the list of women who suffered from syphilis 3 months before june ninety-eight, so where did you get this, it’s better not to ask, it’s so long. so let's not waste time, okay, let 's do this: you, gosh, please sort out this list, and boris and i will go to the professor and vika , we will learn about salts, and you, ivan mikhailovich, please find out where these wild boars were bred, before the hurricane of ninety-eight, yes, the wild boar is ready to assure that they make delicious salts, wonderful, i ’ll check this, vikusya, please show them your toy, so we got the results. analysis of snow white, and this program, it analyzes the composition of mineral isotopes , determines the regions of their origin, we enter the data of snow white, we get the south of the murmansk region, we can do more
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more precisely, we get the area from fedoseevka to kandalaksha, so precisely, with large cities it is more difficult, they often drink imported water, and small ones drink local. yes, especially 30 years ago, our girl belongs to the karelian family, uh-huh, bright blonde, yes, she may well be a distant relative of the ancient finns. the first blood group is the baltic finnish subgroup, oh, sorry, yes, then kryva, yes, where? well, this farm belongs to antonina dinarova, a businesswoman, owner of pig farms, poultry farms, and a chain of meat stores in moscow.
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and the moscow region, well, she is also engaged in breeding wild boars, adukina is 5 km from here, well, mrs. denarova is ready to receive us.
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the beautiful pig farm is a tough nut to crack. oh, the wild boars escaped from her farm, which is within a radius of 30 km; no one does such disgusting things. what do you have? we checked the list of all women who were treated for syphilis in 1998. they compared them with the girls who were born. in the kandalaksha area from 7 to eightieth, six names matched, now we are looking for them at their last place of residence, six in total, well, listen, it was still caroling, and dimitrov rush hour, yes, thank you for calling back, how old was she , attention, thank you very much, you helped a lot, thank you, this is fedor and nadezhda gortseva from kandalaksha. the last time they saw their daughter vera was in the spring of ninety-seven, she was
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24 years old, she had blond hair, and they were coming here. fyodor and nadezhda gortsev, hello, please have a seat, thank you. where is mihalovich? listen, this pig farm
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changes husbands like gloves, she has four husbands and four divorces. gosha, you’re falling behind, do you want to become her number five? i don’t like salami, thank you, no, but in vain, she seems to have money , that’s an option, do you really think that i can marry for money, only if there ’s a lot of it, who cares? i say, don’t be strict, mikhailovich, what are we doing here, but a moment of patience, i ask, the sakura brought from japan has taken root well, and i have already begun to make plans for its further breeding, unfortunately, the strongest hurricane of the year ninety-eight
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destroyed a fragile tree, put an end to my plans, pay attention, there is sakura. there is no sakura, we believe that the girl was killed, and her body was chopped up, fed to your wild boars, part of her remains were discovered near the village of durykina, 5 km from here, and now we believe that she died here, pollen was found on the remains , which could not have been where these remains were found. a bunch of sakura, a rare tree for these places, do you remember your sakura that was destroyed by a hurricane? are you saying that i'm involved in this, it's stupid? well even stupider hide the truth from us? i'm not hiding anything,
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now you will talk to mine. snow white is vera gortseva, and undoubtedly it is her. the last time we spoke with vera was in
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april '97 on the phone, then we lost contact with her, did you try to find her? no. yes, her troubles started in adolescence, nothing serious, but she had the best school, but she didn’t want to study, she kept running away from lessons, in the end she was kicked out of school, and from another one too, then we decided to give it to a special school for difficult teenagers , we hoped that they would help me somehow, but she started taking drugs, they tried to treat her, they injected her twice, she kept returning to heroin, as if she didn’t want to fight, in the end we we realized that we couldn’t help her in any way, and
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decided, decided that we would no longer communicate with her, sorry, “we thought that if we give her complete freedom, we’ll make her for ourselves, i realized too late that this was the reason for all her problems, and where was vera when you last called each other in moscow, she i met some of my school friends, it was in the spring of '97, yes.
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please, thank you, thank you for bringing us here. this is very important for us , thank you, where are they all small, that we need to put them there, marya ivanovna, our detachment wants to see the piglets, what are you doing here, get out, or i will order you to be taken out of here, today i was at the tax office on kutuzovskaya, congratulations , you know, births, deaths, marriages, divorces, i’ve already spent enough time on you... when will you leave me alone, mrs. denarova, can i antonina, this is a photograph of a young girl, vera gortseva, who was eaten by your wild boars. i wasn’t here, in june 1998 i was in romania, who was looking after all
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this business then, my husband, which one, first, second, third, or maybe fourth, first, my first husband, dmitry kharitonov, when you were with him divorced, i don’t remember, you will be the first woman in history who does not remember her divorce, you know, it was an unpleasant moment, which means your separation was not peaceful, completely unreasonable, specifically when have you filed for divorce? in july ninety- eight. tell me, before this, your husband rewarded you with something, well, some kind of unpleasant gift, where were you treated for this on our list in a dream? in romania i noticed the first symptoms. only my husband could be the source, well, when i returned, i said that i was getting a divorce and that he would not receive anything, answering
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your question, i was treated in a private clinic, you still had his photographs, and after the divorce you communicated with him, it was only through the court, while i started suing him, that i was surprised to learn that he was stealing money from my company, to start my own business, what ... the same thing, no, toys, cheap plastic toys, if not for the trial, i would never have found out that he was a heroin addict, he was still registered, i always had bad taste in men, i found it, thank you, here he is, what are you doing, why is the guy from her school
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play, the villain from the play, if he suddenly decides to run away, intercept him, ivan mikhailovich. good morning, senior investigator of the investigative committee alexandra tukareva, and this is ivan share, and he answers, oh, how are you, welcome to the magical world of toys, we are the best cheburashkas in the city, but the stern mikhalych doesn’t like cheburashkas, that’s true, but what are we talking about now? they say, but i know, judging by the dialect, you come from the north, yes, but you were not born
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there, alexander is here, but you studied there, yes, but what, here, he is mikhalovich, and where was it? korelia, murmansk region, tensed up, yes , now he’ll take a step back, oops, ours aren’t moving, look, look, he started to worry, don’t you remember where you studied? now he’ll either smooth his hair or lick his lips, two out of two, so now the deadly number in shackles, where you met vera gorsova, show him a photo, now a photo from school, so, oh, it’s you, and this is vera, now they remember, it’s you who got her hooked on heroin about your mistress, no, he denies this, and now mikhalych’s move, when it became threaten
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you that he will tell your wife about your affair, you killed her, cut her body into pieces , fed it to wild boars, yeah, now there’s a long pause, is he going to sing, what is he doing, i’ve never seen anything like this before, the performance is over, curtain, yes gentlemen, gentlemen, a moment of attention, a moment of attention, please, first of all, but i wanted i would like to thank you on my behalf and on behalf of my wife, now i can retire with peace of mind, the mystery of snow white has been solved, vera gortseva, as we now know, yes, you did it, but not without your help, thank you, yes, thank you, cheers! thank you, yes, thank you, come on, with water, with water, i’m afraid, friends, that i don’t
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know how to say goodbye very well, that’s why. women think, this is why you have already been married three times, let’s drink, gentlemen, comrades, to experience, the son of difficult mistakes, and a genius of paradoxes, friend, yes, exactly, i don’t understand, what time do we start, at nine, but how about another 7 minutes, i’m afraid you won’t be able to throw
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the kritun. it begins, a certificate of insanity , released on bail, this morning he was found in his cell, hanged, alas, an obvious suicide, in any case, he got his, and we returned vera gortseva to those who loved her, so what did you do wonderful, fantastic result, congratulations, thank you, i hope you haven’t forgotten about our little dispute, you have 300. you will receive them, thank you, did you place bets again? no, no, well, i mean, yes, it's not has something to do with hockey, no , no, no, no, no, no, it’s the same as betting on a horse at a race, when you yourself, well done,
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stallion, “dear, i left you food for all the days, i know how you love the instructions, there’s even a color indication, look, monday is blue, tuesday is green, wednesday is red, thursday is purple, wait, but you were going to come back at thursday, but if i’m late, i left purple too, why are you suddenly late, just in case because of traffic jams, look, it's monday, you see, it's monday, blue, wednesday, tuesday and thursday, fight"! everything will be fine, ellya, what, dear, i wish you a good time, thank you, dear, borya, don’t worry, everything will be very fine, by the way, i also left your favorite breakfast , today
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you will eat the dishes. mephistopheles, let's go for a walk, gosha, yes, you have tea with sugar, mihalich, you're like my second wife, you don't remember anything, that means you'll divorce me too, you'll have to, thank you, so, good morning, good morning , start with bad news, or which one? which one has worse, just raevsky informed us that our deadline is being moved to friday, grandpa, i'm sorry, grandpa is you, and the line is you, okay, grandpa, deadline is the deadline, it's being moved to friday, that means


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