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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:21pm MSK

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lyokha, here urgently, i need your help , stay put, police, well done, i can’t tell you the same thing, i wonder how he figured it out, by the smell of my pistol, hello, don’t worry, could you get us to the city urgently take me? tovach, control yourself, where do you see the checkers here? i 'm not a taxi, by the way, i'm the driver of a very famous sports team. we 'll pay you well. and here's some money for your phone. where to lead? to the pier, to the yacht club. yeah, let me help grandma. calm down, calm down. don't worry, it's fine. the main thing is to get us there as quickly as possible. yeah.
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the logs floated to the waterfall, let's go up, citizen , you said goodbye to me early, oh, hello , you won't drop me there, i don't understand, woman, where, where are you going to the local police department, that's right, comrade captain, that's right do you want mine to sit, what about the jacket, what do you have there, is it really mascara? calm down, here it is, the common fund, wow , here it is, my dear, just one more word, i ’ll send you in this outfit back to the zone, yeah, i think the cellmates will appreciate it, official let's see, intelligence service. “a private
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military company, a mission in africa, a mission to your neighbor, what prompted you to return to your homeland with such an inconspicuous biography, and they offered normal money, who wouldn’t want it?” tell me, i’ll tell you the name of the customer myself, vitya koset, so you don’t have to ask anymore, i’m a professional and i never answer such questions, in vain, but i could knock off the parole, you’re a fool, i’d rather serve a couple of extra years than be sent to prison right away they’ll kill you in the zone, yes, sorry, i forgot, so we’ll formalize
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a refusal to testify, formalize it, yeah, you, by the way, you’ll still be working here for a long time, today until six, but i don’t know until he fires me, so what? how can i get back and go? on the way back, you don’t mind, you’re leaving, yes, the service is calling, it’s a pity i didn’t have time to show you our wonderful city of feodosia. but i
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personally met your friend; you can’t go wrong with such a partner. it’s okay, i’ll come on vacation sometime, yeah, come on, go, bye, bye, bim.
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don't miss it tomorrow, tell us what caused the citizen's death. owner to this house, we will look for information throughout this gang, this is not your war, you are mistaken , i don’t like it when they organize a senseless vendetta in my city, i understand, new episodes, tomorrow at 20:00, you are arrested, here on ntv. this program today is news
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of the last hours, which is highly anticipated in the most distant russian region in chukotka, it concerns the small inhabitants of this harsh region. now newborns who have complications during the birth of the light are not. will need to be sent for treatment to moscow while the issue of the possibility of building our own perinatal center is being decided center in chukotka, babies will be received in a new maternity hospital with the functionality of a perinatal center, which, on the instructions of the president , should be built in magadan this year. well, the measure is temporary, but necessary. vladimir putin spent the entire outgoing day in chukotka, visiting there for the first time during his tenure as president, but an obstetrician and gynecologist told him about the problem. to provide high-quality, specialized, including highly specialized medical care, to women during pregnancy, childbirth in the postpartum period, also for newborns, is it possible to attach chukotka to the nearest perimetal center
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of cities such as vladivostok or khabarovsk, or to create inter-subject medicine on a larger scale in the far eastern federal district.
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this is the off-season of extreme sports for everyone , even those who do not want it, so - in this part i would like to ask - is it even possible to improve the comfort of movement of the population - in the off-season these transportations are much more expensive than summer and winter, that is, it can be reduced somehow - the possibility of subsidizing these - moving - well, that’s the question.
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helicopters and maybe more professional pillows and gliders, well, not the small private ones we now have, well, helicopters, you see, they’ve just arrived, helicopters don’t fly, you can’t see anything three meters away from milk, we always experience this, yes what to do, tovic, but as an option, consider the possibility of engineering construction through. estuary, how long is this distance? and about 5 km, in a narrow, yes, in the narrowest segment, that’s approximately - in the place where we were traveling with you, how many, how many billions
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will it be, a lot, because here you need to first get a technical solution, it can be very different, you need to think about it. well, let's think, you see, options have already begun, the russian military repelled seven ukrainian attacks in the last 24 hours, the total enemy losses exceeded 800 people. this data was reported today by our ministry of defense. as a result of strikes on ukrainian armed forces facilities, two drone assembly shops and an ammunition depot were hit. one of the hottest special operation sites in donetsk. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of forces, through competent actions in
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cooperation with operational-tactical army aviation and artillery, defeated the manpower and equipment of the twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, forty- second and ninety-third mechanized fifth assault brigades in the areas of krasnoye, bogdanovka, andreevka, kleshcheevka and kurdyumovka. enemy losses amounted to up to 280 military personnel, two tanks, and two infantry fighting vehicles. bradley, three fighting cossack armored vehicles, 15 vehicles. in total, according to the defense department , attacks were carried out on ukrainian army targets in 121 districts. this evening , children were brought to voronezh from the belgorod region, where there is now unrest due to constant shelling. almost 100 primary school students will spend 3 whole weeks in a country health camp, where all conditions for a comfortable stay have been created for the children. there is now a tense situation in the belgorod region, and due to the operational situation until january 19 in a number of
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in border areas, winter holidays for children have been extended, but for children of primary school, as well as those children whose parents have nowhere to leave them now, we take them to neighboring regions so that they can spend time here; a certain after-service program has also been provided for them, cultural educational. a large educational program is provided for young guests; in the coming days, children will go on an excursion around voronezh. residents of north and south america are now closely monitoring the situation in ecuador. a real war against organized crime has been going on there for more than 24 hours now. police soldiers exchange fire with bandits right on the streets. drug cartels are attacking government agencies, hospitals, being released from...
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cargo passenger transport is carefully inspected, armed groups of security forces are going down into the ground. to say that ecuador is paralyzed is an understatement; even medical institutions have warned that they will now provide exclusively emergency care. schools and universities are closed, no work institutions, uncertainty and chaos reign throughout the country. the police and penitentiary staff suffered the most ; from there came footage that
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could not be shown live: the executions of prison guards. it all started with riots in the dungeons when the leader of the local los cheneras gang, adolfa massias , nicknamed fita, escaped from prison. the washington post , citing ecuadorian intelligence sources , claims that the unprecedented wave of violence in the country is a message from the drug cartels to the government, which plans to transfer gang leaders to maximum security prisons from. there is no way out of there, and what drug cartel can afford to lose the market now? ecuador has become a critical transit point for cocaine. therefore, competition is intense to the limit. inside there is a prisoner outside, writes the british the guardian, which clearly demonstrates the power of organized criminal groups. if so, then this is a direct response to president daniel naboa, who, upon taking office in november 2023, announced plans to reduce the level of violence, limit drug trafficking. a few days ago , naboa made plans for march.
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economic corporation inside ecuador. they have connections with the oil corporation petro ecuador and other areas. influence, that is, it is, so to speak, a state within a state. according to the official representative of mita, there are no russians among the victims in quito. at the same time, maria zakharova calls on russian citizens to take into account the instability of the situation. when planning trips to ecuador, compatriots staying there should avoid visiting public places. ecuador - one one of russia's leading trading partners in latin america. our export items are fertilizers, petroleum products, chemical products , from there we get roses , crustaceans and, of course, bananas. the exotic berry, if we strictly adhere to
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botanical terminology, is supplied in full, the rosprodsoyuz assured today that there is unrest. three regions of russia presented their achievements at once: kostoromskaya region with its signature cheeses and jewelry, ivanovo region - of course, this is not only textiles, but also high technology, tula arms capital of russia, homeland of gingerbread and samovars. about the wealth of the regions - nakhit babaev. the day of the tula region at the russian exhibition was opened by the governor of the region and, it seems, described in one phrase why everyone should visit tula. if you want to get to know russia and maybe even understand it, start. also, the famous tuliks came to the holiday, and this is exactly a holiday. culture is developing amazingly in this
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city, you know, you heard today how many museums are opening. second association of gingerbread chairs and exhibition the opportunity to buy gingerbread, eat gingerbread, decorate gingerbread, you can make a mold and bake
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your own gingerbread. many families used to have their own mold for gingerbread, and i made it. from linden, sometimes from birch, very rarely from willow. you apply a drawing, then with careful movements you make these indentations, in fact, everything is ready, one such form could last for decades and was sometimes passed down from generation to generation. another tula sweet broke a record today. the largest poster was prepared at the exhibition, 3x3 m. there is even a certificate. in what is the secret of belevskaya postila? the main secret of belevskaya postila is the love of the craftsmen who make it, these are the apples from which apple marshmallow is made, these must be belyovsky apples of sour varieties, this is our wonderful belyovsky air, and of course this is a unique recipe from 1888, but tula - it ’s not just about having tea, let’s click,
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they brought an anti-aircraft simulator to the exhibition... to do it, that’s all, how difficult it is, to the target, i pretty much succeeded, it ’s basically a half-stay system, tula stand you can study the traditions of the region, and draw up a tourist route and learn about... the economy of the region: an industrial region where very serious industrial facilities are concentrated, giants, chemical, metallurgical, military-industrial complexes, the work of which depends on the production that they produce , the work of many industries depends, this includes construction, healthcare, medicine, and
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much, much more. today at the russia exhibition there was also a day for the ivanovo and kostroma regions at... ivanov’s stand showed products from local farmers and talked about how artificial intelligence helps weavers. their neighbors from kostroma also offered agricultural products, presented the achievements of cheese makers, and showed unique works of local jewelers. the region now pays special attention to tourism. everyone knows about the residence of father frost, who can say where the snow maiden is from? that's right, from kostrama. but the main pride of the region is attracting investment. over the past 10 years, our region has been supported by the president. made a serious we are moving forward: we are developing infrastructure, building new social facilities, implementing investment projects, and each region has only one day of its own, but there are no stands anywhere.


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