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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  January 11, 2024 4:35am-5:11am MSK

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lord, have mercy, get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, listen to my command, the boat is on the water, urgent report to the shore, all the gold has been stolen. i sat with ellington all morning, no use, just empty promises, why did he invite me, but we were late everywhere, arrange the car, no need, money. he feeds like
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a machine gun, i’ll get by, there are more important things to do, don’t let me down, don’t let me down, gambler.
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god! listen, i don’t know how you’re going to do this, i’m ready to pay money, a lot of money, everything has to be fast, clear, scam division of property child, main child, oleg, why are you shouting? he’s sleeping
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, excuse me, i’ll call you back later, uh-huh, what’s the matter, nothing, well, you’re just kind of nervous, who called you, what’s the difference, i’m working, you understand, you don’t have to distract me, what are you looking at? ask, a hidden camera agency, is engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities. the head of the agency , retired lieutenant colonel mikhail ilyich troshin, served in the operational search department of the fsb. he was transferred to the reserve after being wounded. sirova olga yurievna is an operational officer of the ask, the daughter of major serov, troshin’s deceased partner. pavel, a technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases solved by trochen during his service. savitsky egor pavlovich, senior police lieutenant, freelancer. ask agency,
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hidden camera agency, hello, hello, come in, thank you, hello, hello, it’s like a secret laboratory here. sit down, well, this is actually what we are doing, so tell us, what is your secret? my secret is my husband, or rather our relationship with him, your husband is much older than you, yes, by 15 years, i once worked as a secretary for him, and then i got married, i thought i had a happy marriage, and what happened? 2 months ago, just after the birth of my daughter, oleg suddenly lost interest in me. what do you mean by cooled down? well, our intimate relationship has stopped, oleg sleeps separately, most importantly, he does not let me near my daughter. how does this not let you in? what motivates you? yes, he’s kind of nice, he says that i’m too young, inexperienced, and that something
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will harm the upbringing of our baby. he even i hired a nanny who spends all her time with our girl. well, what do you want from us? you see, yesterday i accidentally... i listened to oleg’s telephone conversation and there i very clearly heard the word divorce, maybe he was talking about us, i’m honestly horrified just by the thought of it, at what time did you hear the conversation? at three o'clock in the afternoon. pavel, please, we need information about our new client. polina sergeeva, yes, i would like to know who her husband called yesterday around 3 o’clock in the afternoon. now i'll take a minute, wow, where is he from? so from oleg sergeev’s number in this time there was one call, 1509, he called yuri vladimirovich zuev, this is a lawyer, and for how long they talked, a little more than 3 minutes, thank you,
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lawyer zuev, we have already crossed paths with him , remember, i remember, so meticulous and dear, by the way, with ... zuev's socialization is family disputes, so it is quite possible that your husband really wants to divorce you, why, after all, i love him, listen, it seems to me that there is still some kind of mistake here, i need know for sure, you can check everything and tell me, we’ll try as soon as we have the information, we we’ll let you know right away, yes please, i’ll be waiting, all the best, all the best, where do we start? first, let's go to this sergeev's work, i feel sorry for the girl, she's so pretty, let's not have emotions, how many times
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should we talk to them, work is work, that we'll be there soon?
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pavlik, be prepared, i may need information on any of the residents of this house, as i knew, i’m already downloading the list of residents, fields, what do you have there? he went into apartment 113. place the camera in front of the door. yeah, i got it. pavlik, the object entered apartment number 113, find out who is the owner? i'm already finding out. owner loskutov boris ivanovich, born forty-six. and who is he, this loskutov? judging by his age, he is a pensioner, but he apparently does not live here. the apartment appeared in advertisements for daily rent by a real estate agency. installed the camera, checked the signal, yes, there is a picture, come back, we’ve been sitting for 2 hours, we could
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have lunch, eating a lot is harmful, this is for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, and for those who run all day, you need to constantly eat, okay, now... let's finish here right away offend, oh look, here he is oleg. and she's a beauty. mistress, for sure, we’re calling my wife , we’re calling, but for a different reason , it’s too early to tell her about the mistress, we haven’t established the nature of their relationship, polina, good afternoon, tell me, can we install cameras in your husband’s office, as i understand it? , he spends a lot of time there, yes, he locks himself there every evening, works with documents, when can we come, and even now? oleg is at work, and the nanny is walking with katya. okay, we'll be there in half an hour. chief, oleg only
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that he called some maria. i made an appointment with her at loskutov’s apartment tomorrow at 12. i think it’s the woman he came to. great. try to find out who she is. ok. oleg's alleged mistress, maria fedorovna terentyeva. a famous psychotherapist is not married, i wonder why you needed an entire apartment, they couldn’t find a better place, i don’t know, in my opinion everything is obvious, okay, let’s not guess, i hope we’ll see everything soon, maria is in the apartment, oleg isn’t there yet, so a second, what happened? maria just received a message from oleg, he canceled meeting, difficulties at work
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, what is it, what is happening, we won’t find out anything , it turns out, so, boss, attention, the laptop started working in loskovy’s apartment, i’m connecting, now i’ll give you a picture from the camera, well, at least something, pavlik, for me i need to know what she writes, i display a picture. everything is on the monitor, olya, read , maria is corresponding with some valya, valya, where are you? maria, she was waiting to meet a client, valya, whom you are receiving at a private apartment, maria, yes, he’s already so nervous, i don’t understand why she calls him a client, what kind of relationship is this, judging... therefore they are not lovers. boss, look, maria writes about oleg, like he’s a difficult client, doesn’t
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know how to divorce his wife with minimal psychological losses for her, and maria doesn’t know how to put oleg himself in order. it really turns out that they are not lovers and that she is working with him as a psychotherapist. well, why then should oleg be cheated? question. half an hour has already passed since oleg arrived, he doesn’t come into the room, maybe he’s having lunch, when you’re in a hurry all the time, calm down, so let’s enlarge the picture.
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absolutely right, the marriage should be dissolved in the shortest possible time, uh-huh, no, well , we’ll discuss the details in person, great, i’m waiting for the call, until then, so there’s still a breakdown, so i haven’t received it. she told me that she ’s kind of strange, she’s silent all the time, you can’t get a word out, but why should i chat, her job
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is to look after the child, why are you sitting here , and i still have a long time to pretend to be a nanny, nadya, i ’m solving the problem , stop fooling me, when you divorce your cuckoo, i told you, i’m doing this, i’m tired of you waiting, you know, oleg, i’m tired, yes, i’m tired i don’t care, this is my last warning, then blame yourself, i’ll go to arthur, tell him everything, and you know what he’ll do, remember what happened with klinov? do you remember with his family, but he only suspected him of ratting everything, the whole family along with the children in the house burned down, you want that too, but you know very well that i didn’t take this money, it was you who did it, oh so, and i’ll tell you , that it was you who gave
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me all the passwords for all the accounts, because only you had access, only you alone. listen, if you want, i’ll pay you, if you want, i’ll pay as much as you want, tell me, just say that you decided to pay me off with money, but you understand that you offended me, you don’t give a damn about my soul, yes , i sewed varigs in the zone for all 5 years, i thought you were waiting for me, but you were cozying up with this maromoyka , it’s your fault with me, i didn’t force you to weaken,
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but i needed money, i needed money, and you know why, so that you marry me and... you have a child for 5 years , whore, calm down , i beg you, calm down, i won’t calm down, either you or you will bury your wife, or i will tell arthur and he will bury you, her daughter, well, damn, the nineties are a long time ago, you know, well, okay , let him not kill her, even if he doesn’t kill her, but he can throw acid in the face, or either, or they’ll hit him with a pen, but i don’t care what he does, and you know what will happen to my daughter, you understand, okay, okay, i understand everything , i understand, everything, you’ll do everything, everything, i’ll do everything, that’s good, that’s great, just think about it so that there won’t be any problems later, okay, i while i'm going for a walk with katyushka, i'll be stunned. does she
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want him to kill polina? it seems that, apparently, oleg is connected with this nanny some kind of dark past, and the further you go, the darker it is, why did you buy pies with cheese, cottage cheese and cherries for so long, and what is it like? and i have one with cheese, this one, how do you know that it is with cheese? i’m never wrong , but well, the pie is made with cherries, well, i say, with cherries, boss, it’s so dishonest, i don’t understand what you mean, the piroshki are really tasty, oh
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arthur’s dossier has arrived. she brought an operation to the prison hospital, now she can’t have children, well, of course, she left prison, and her ex-lover sergei is in complete chocolate, so the aunt went mad, found she began to blackmail him, not oleg is really afraid of them, and nadezhda and arthur are crazy, polina can’t even imagine that her daughter
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is being nursed by an insane criminal. yes, polina , i’m listening to you, hello, hello, hello, mikhail ilyevich, oleg just told me that tomorrow my daughter and i must urgently go to a rest home, where exactly, he didn’t name, i don’t know what to do, i understand , wherever you go, be sure to keep your phone with you at all times, we will track you by signal, yes, okay, i understand you, where now your husband, well, he’s gone somewhere, of course. don't worry, polina, everything will be fine. end of connection. pavlik, i need to know where oleg is now. i have his cell phone tracked. he’s on the street, and, by the way, not far from you, there’s a street camera, i connect, but there’s no sound, well, give me
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at least something, it’s ready, i’m transferring the signal to you, it seems he’s waiting for someone, we’re going there. what's there? oleg met with some suspicious guy and agreed on what? here they are. olya, come to them, try to organize sound for me. chief, what are you saying? are you racing? anything useful for her? what did you say? do you want to run too? god forbid, in general , i’m in the house, boss, i won’t come closer, light up, be silent, it’s hard to hear
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, they’re talking, who’s grabbing, here you go, yes, there’s a photo, no one will find it for sure, we’ll do everything as it should be, not the first day of work, i brought the money, everything is in the bank , good, the rest is... finished, great, happy, they are leaving, well, did you even hear anything what they said? i managed to make out everything, but oleg gave him the money and a photo of polina, how would you order did he really decide to kill, boss, i don’t like all this, it’s time to go to the police. we have time at least until tomorrow, in the morning we’ll see where oleg will take his family, then we’ll act according to the situation, pavlik, you didn’t find out what kind of guy he was meeting with
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oleg, i managed to connect to his sim card, but it’s registered on some pensioner, so the guy is clearly encrypted, put him on a wiretap, track all his movements, don’t let go of the vowel, that’s it, end of communication, you probably need to warn polina. "no, let's not scare her, just call and say that tomorrow from 7:00 am we will be on duty near her house, we will see where oleg is taken, it’s already 9 o’clock, and no one has left anywhere, polina is not in touch, and oleg is not in the office, yes, something it’s not the same here, peacock, try it. download the recording from the sergeevs’ entrance for the last 12 hours, what to look for, you need to understand whether the sergeevs left the house or
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not, boss, look. pash, i need to hear this. i don't worry under control. hello, so, oleg, where are your wife and daughter? where are you in the end? why is her phone on your desk? i dont understand what is happening here. i'm doing what i promised. you wanted to get rid of polina, i arranged it. i do not trust you. you're fooling me, you're fooling me, this is not a telephone conversation , i'll pick you up later and take you to the place, you'll see for yourself, that's it, i can't talk anymore, bye, he killed polina, and we
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missed everything, i'm with from the very beginning she said that she needed to tell her everything, and now it’s too late, the hysteria is over, breathe out, i ’m much more worried when oleg and polina left the house as children, attention, i downloaded camera recording at the entrance, so... did you find anything? sergey left the house at 6:00 in the morning, i give you a picture. so much time had already passed, he could have done whatever he wanted to polina and the child, and he probably suspected something since he forced her to leave the phone at home. well, don’t read it, let me think. the number has not been determined. yes, i'm listening. polina, where are you? so, okay, don’t go anywhere, we ’re leaving now, where is she, is she okay?
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pavlik, we have already arrived, you see polina, i give you a picture from a street camera, she is on a bench with a stroller, he has a gun, wait, yes, what are you doing? you'll be so scared, who is this , what's going on in general, but i myself don't understand anything, here are new documents for us katya, passports, here are bank cards, and in different names, and also vouchers to a country sanatorium, now katya and i let’s go there, i don’t understand, where is your husband? oleg said that if he doesn’t arrive in 2 weeks, we should urgently go abroad, and under other names, and that this man who gave me the documents, that he would arrange everything,
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mikhail, did you hear? listen, let him go to the sanatorium, we will keep the situation under control control, come back, i don’t understand how you guessed that oleg would go home, he hid his family, which means now is the time to go outside, well, where did you hide the body, in a loud place, let’s go. you will see for yourself that i did everything as promised, but where is my daughter? we 'll pick them up from friends later. okay, let's go, let's go, i want to
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make sure. what is he doing? looks like he's luring his ex-lover into some kind of trap. does he want to kill her? it’s unlikely to kill, but he’s clearly up to something. boss, i'm behind them, wait, what? okay, but i really ask you, be careful, boss, and
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it’s okay that she went alone, what options? maybe you can join? oleg, what's going on? i don’t understand where you brought me, you deceived me, where are your wife and daughter? so the technician will never find it, nadinka, the issue must be closed. atya, what a catch, i didn’t expect to hook you up. chief, arthur creme is here. i see. and what hope are you? i called, and if this monster kills oleg, don’t panic, i ’m looking for you everywhere, i want to talk to you, and after your detention you feel like you’re in the water of a canal, well , beauty, tell me where my money is, arthur, arthur, i, i’m here nothing to do with it he came up with everything, it was oleg who gave me all the passwords to your accounts, it was all him, oh well,
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why did you blame yourself? i loved this asshole, and he betrayed me, now he also wants to blame everything on me, but i would never go against you, you understand me, why are you looking at him, fuck him, whatever you say, from the beginning and to the end, because my husband got me with threats and blackmail, i even fell for it, thank god i came to my senses, and you ’re in the end, what should i do now, now? well , you want to kill, but i’m not in front of you he’s guilty, but he’s lying all the time, he wants to get away with it, arthur, you know very well that i didn’t take these from somewhere, you did it, and i ’ll say that it was you who gave me everything. all the passwords
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for all the accounts, because only you had access, only you alone, and arthur will believe me, and i can prove it. where did you get that? so who should i kill, baby? please don't, arthur! listen, who gave you the recording, wasn’t it you? your job, but the client’s husband will survive, i have one complaint against you: your woman abandoned me, and you instead of tearing my head off , i looked for lawyers, partners don’t act like that
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, thank you, you helped me a lot, in fact , your husband solved his problems himself, well, in any case, i would have been calmer with you, if it weren’t for you, well how you and your husband explained it, yes, oleg told me everything, all that remains now is to understand, forgive, oh, listen, i need to run, oleg won’t feed katyusha without me, thank you very much again, goodbye, goodbye, happily, goodbye goodbye, goodbye. eh, we need to note this matter, what’s next on our plan? work, work and more once again, you don’t have to continue, i realized
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how lack of initiative you are, but you are consistent and constant. my god, it looks simply amazing,
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relax, have fun, with whom, with you, or what, mom doesn’t tell, well, mom knows best, and what else mom doesn’t tell, mom doesn’t tell. hang out in the wind, yeah, eat at night and trust the editor-in-chief of the magazine that feeds you crabs, they always want something, this time mom was wrong, the editor-in-chief has something for you, a deal that will bring you stars on shoulder straps, will feed you thoroughly, thank you, yana diet, and if this is evidence of a terrible crime, contact the regular police, it’s old, it’s just for your department, oh, look who’s walking? my god, this is olga, what’s her name, my god, what about nael, somehow, don’t tell me , levandovskaya, yes, and this, by the way, is her restaurant, seriously, yeah, well, she looks just amazing, by the way, would you like me to introduce you, no,
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olga, seryozh, good to see you, hello, meet alexander. who is crooked, lieutenant colonel of justice, hello, amazing jacket trakushi, so i can congratulate you, thank you, it’s not a surprise, i have a lot of ill-wishers, i keep the freak shut , rest, theme, a bottle of champagne at the expense of the establishment on that table, what a surprise, it’s prophesied by the ministry, seriously, yeah, well, in in the early nineties it was only part of the culinary...


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