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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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people's artist of the ussr yuri solomin passed away; he died at the eighty-ninth year of his life. working trip, what proposals did the entrepreneurs make?
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theater died in moscow, surrounded by loved ones, he was 88 years old. the people's artist of the ussr spent the last months in the hospital, he suffered strokes and double pneumonia. just 2 days ago he was discharged home. the farewell is scheduled for january 15, but will take place in the maly theater, to which solomin dedicated most of his life. widely known, popular love after the release of the film, solomin received the adjutant status of his excellency. in total , the actor starred in more than fifty films, many of which became classics of russian cinema. pavel andreevich, yes, you are a spy, your appearance is too aristocratic for an intelligence officer, they said at the cultural council. yuri solomin auditioned for this role six times, and six times he was not approved, but director evgeny tashkov insisted and set the conditions whether solomen would play captain koltsov or no one would play. what remains is my conscience and the honor of a soldier, which i cannot give up. after the release
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of the film, the adjutant of his excellency yuri solomin began to be recognized on the streets, for this role he received a state award and the title of honored artist, but it was as if he had been vaccinated against star fever. his main quality, his main color, is intelligence and, so to speak, a discrepancy with the time in which he found himself. for yuri mifudovich - so to speak, it’s written on his face, to the people, so to speak, he’s from another century. modest a guy from chita, he dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood, loved books, loved to read poetry out loud, when after school he and his father came to enter the theater institute, which was 8 days on the road, they were robbed without waiting for the final results, an applicant from the province got courage asked: would you take it or not, the famous actress vera pashennaya, against the rules, promised to take it right away, saw the talent, and yuri solomin’s future wife, olga, enrolled in the same course in her native shchepkinsko.
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one of the oldest theaters in russia is small and under his leadership seemed to be above newfangled trends. because of this, solomin was often accused of excessive conservatism, but there were always enough fans, it seems, precisely... for this they were valued, for the fact that preserving traditions was more important to him than experiments. the development of theater does not consist in surprising everyone with some kind of unusualness, but now, as it were, in the tongues of the tongues, so to speak, it has become that, but not to take off everyone’s clothes, you know, you can’t even surprise with this anymore, but to surprise we need the old one, which is good. hundreds of roles, almost all from russian classics. here, for example, is famous’s
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performance by sergei zhenovach. yuri methodievich himself joked that over the years he became more and more like this character of his. a conservative, a representative of the past century, and the audience admired him, only an intelligent actor can turn even a tyrant into a reasonable person. all moscow ones have some kind of special imprint. yuri solomin also managed to work as the minister of culture, but even at that time he came to the theater almost every evening. to play, he said, he was used to working a lot since school, when in winter, before the start of classes , together with classmates and teachers, it was necessary to clear the snow in order to go into school and light the stove so that the classroom would be at least a little warmer than outside. this office in which we are now sitting has remained with me all these years. that i worked here not far across the square at the ministry of culture, i worked there from morning until 6:00, at 6:00 i arrived. here he played in plays, well
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, he directed something, but i was younger then, he played in almost sixty films, and the carts were entering mukam and arsenyev in oscar-winning ders uzala and... today is the second day of vladimir putin’s working trip to the far east, the president flew to khabarovsk at the pacific state university and met with far eastern entrepreneurs. we discussed the situation in the russian economy under sanctions pressure, the development of the fishing industry, housing renovation and the development of resort areas. what else
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did they talk about with the president and where else did putin visit? in the report by roman sobol. a meeting with local businessmen was held in the building of the khabarovsk pacific state the center's development programs are ready for 15 more cities in the region. 10 years ago , a development program for the far east was adopted; they did it on time. in the nineties, the beginning of the 2000s, this vast region almost became an almost uninhabited land, enterprises collapsed
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, only fishermen and crab catchers remained afloat, and even those did not always play fair, but young people en masse were looking for a better life, some in the central russia, who at all. abroad, putin today recalled how the federal program began, then not everyone shared his belief in success, i remember how the mood was so sour, because we talked and said, now we’ll do this, we’ll do that, we’ll develop shipbuilding there, this, that, but everything had such inertia, it was so hard at first take steps , and people waited, it seemed like... nothing was happening, but now dima said, after all, movement, movement has now become noticeable in the far east, and this is very pleasing, as a territory of rapid development, the far east is moving slightly ahead of all of russia, despite the fact that the country as a whole is demonstrating
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a good pace. we are the first economy in europe in terms of purchasing power parity, we are the fifth economy in the world, and yet the gap between us and japan is so small. that if we simply maintain this pace, or even in principle, as they say, we move forward evenly, we will overtake japan in no time, yes, this is an amazing result, it seems that we are being strangled from all sides, pressed, and we have become volume by volume to buy, by volume of the economy as a whole, the first in europe, we overtook germany and occupied. fifth place in the world. china, usa, india, japan, russia. the development of the region implies a construction boom. many companies have appeared here that produce building materials, and such that they can be exported, but distortions in customs legislation are hampered by the still weak
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road network. if you allow me one example, one of our materials is mineral thermal insulation, which is better in quality than chinese materials. at a lower cost, but unfortunately, everything is consumed by expensive logistics to deliver from khabarovsk to china, to us you need to make a detour to the border crossings of the primorsky territory or to blagoveshchensk, this is an additional 700 km. fishermen also spoke about the strangeness of taxation: neighbors bring to us frozen fish, fed with compound feed and steroids, using special tariffs for customs clearance and transportation of theirs. bringing 1 ton of fish to europe from the far east costs $50, bringing the same fish to the center of the european
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part of russia costs $150-180, but these are again budgetary expenses associated with subsidizing transportation, this is absolutely right. but if we want the fish on the shelves not to bite, that’s why we keep the import duty low so as not to waste it.
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during the conversation with the president, it turned out that the person who asked the question of an interesting fate used to build gas pipelines, and took up the fishing business upon retirement at the age of 66. because of the ordinary company, we have become one of the leaders in the industry, it’s nice to feel it. therefore, the main thing is not age, but the main thing is how you feel and what goals you set, gazprom prepares personnel, how powerful they are, and to myself, thank you, me too about you, entrepreneurs from the island of kunashir - this is the kuril ridge, they invited the president to visit, if the weather does not interfere, a tourist destination there is rapidly developing, but there are difficulties, the airport closes every now and then, the weather is not suitable for flying.
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what needs to be done, refurbish the runway, and after talking with entrepreneurs, vladimir putin went to the khabarovsk animation studio mechtolyot, they not only shoot cartoons, but drew a large 3d projection of their vision of what khabarovsk should become in in the near future, the gromadio studio has plans. you probably also have a team with whom nothing is scary, so we take on any problems with them, in general, any issues, we are not afraid of anything. this is our creator nikita, we are currently producing an animated
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feature film by nevelskaya. the hero of the film is captain nevelskoy, who explored the amur river in the 19th century and essentially discovered the far east for the country. emperor nicholas i said about him, where the russian flag has been raised once, it should not be lowered, it is said in 1850, but how modern it sounds. roman sobol, kirill yanchenko, maxim kotnov, ntv television company. khabarovsk. and today vladimir putin met with the governor of the khabarovsk territory mikhail dekterev. he told the president about the socio-economic development of the region. one of the key issues in this direction is the development of the housing market. we are breaking records in housing, this is of course due to stimulated demand, the far eastern mortgages are in full force. well, rental housing is also called rental housing, right?
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the number of self-employed in the khabarovsk territory according to its according to them, the increase has tripled over the year; they are entitled to a preferential tax rate of four to 6%. the head of the region also noted measures to support large families. over 2 years , these measures increased by almost 19%. the ministry of agriculture reported when to expect a reduction in egg prices. previously , there was information that this would not happen. next up is the case. and what do they say at the ministry? well, that manufacturers’ prices
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have already fallen, by about even 4%, and that this will soon be noticeable in stores? ministry of agriculture had to again enter into a discussion about when will eggs become cheaper in russia? this happened after in an interview with the parliamentary newspaper, the general director of the rosptitsa-union, galina bobuleva, said that the egg would not become cheaper, and named the current prices at 110-125 rubles. quote: absolutely normal. fair and adequate, she explained: for producers , the price of eggs under a long-term contract is approximately 95-105 rubles. everything else is the costs of retail chains and the inevitable trade margin. a supplies of eggs from abroad, according to galina babuleva, will not lead to a reduction in prices, because purchase prices for eggs from turkey and azerbaijan is no lower than for domestic products. but later , deputy minister of agriculture maxim titov said that prices for eggs from producers over the past 2 weeks have already decreased, in the first category by 2.5%, in the second category by 4.2%, in the near
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future the ministry of agriculture, according to maxim titov, expects that prices will begin to decrease in stores. according to rosstat, eggs were imitated by about 60% last year. today , vladimir putin, in a conversation with entrepreneurs from the far east, again explained the imitation of eggs in russia by the fact that that demand increased, the authorities did not increase imports in time. the deputy chairman of the board of the rosprodsoyuz association, dmitry lionov, previously explained the rise in egg prices also by the fact that production costs are rising, logistics, packaging, vaccine spare parts are becoming more expensive due to exchange rates, and there is also a shortage of workers. the stock market is again sandwiched between rising oil prices and the rising ruble, which has a bad effect on exporter shares. the dollar is already less than 89, for the first time since december 29, exporters resumed selling foreign currency after the holidays, but the demand for it from importers has, as expected, decreased. in addition, the central bank is now selling currency according to the fiscal rule. avtovas
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is not going to raise prices for its cars in the near future, as top managers said today. changes for the worse, then the frets according to the plan will rise in price no more than the inflation rate, well now it’s about 7.5% per year, avtovas also reported that last year it significantly increased its market share to a record figure for the last 20 years of 35 %, but maxim sokolov is worried about chinese expansion. this competition is actually felt even more strongly if we we evaluate the market not in monetary terms, and here already about 80, even more percent of the market is occupied by various chinese brands, today there are probably about 80 of them
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represented. maxim sokolov thanked the government for increasing the recycling fee, but noted. that now the discounts on chinese cars are greater than the sales tax, so the head of avtovaz suggested thinking about new measures to protect against chinese cars. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. chairman of the ldpr as part of a working trip to the ostrakhan region, he held a meeting with employees of the lotos shipyard. he called the industry as a whole strategic for russia. slutsky noted that this is a guarantee of the country's security.
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that gas from an english well will be cheaper.
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rosebank, the largest oil field in the north sea, will be developed by a norwegian company. the extracted oil will belong to it, and not to the british government, and will be exported. britain will buy it back at the market price. even in that if we increase production in the northern... the british parliament is discussing the sunok government's bill, which will allow each year to approve new applications for the development of oil and gas fields in the north sea, that is, to increase production, that is, to break its own promise made to the whole world in time of the climate summit in glasgow, but a complete abandonment of fossil fuels, that is , selling its own natural resources, to norway, because britain itself will not depend on russia on dependence on refining oil, it will giving the spoils to foreigners, this is now
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the kingdom of raw materials and dampness. we will be treated like a developing country, our fossil fuels will be extracted as raw materials and then resold to us as a finished product. this is called exploitation, that's what it is, a foreign company developing fields. rosebank will be seen as the savior of the british economy. the minister of energy resigned as a sign of disagreement with the bill. laborists called the project a waste of time and said that from english receipts for heat from this decisions will not disappear even 1:0. the british authorities have a split consciousness. on the one hand , along the emerald road, they promise to move towards a clean, carbon-free future, on the other hand, they are increasing gas and oil production in the north sea. they explain it this way: the warmth coming from russia has been declared by the current government to be some kind of incorrect warmth, and the right one has to be looked for somewhere on
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the side, even to the detriment of one’s own moral principles. britain has announced it will reduce its carbon emissions to zero by 2050. in 2035, the sale of new diesel and gasoline cars, but 25 years later both gas and oil will be in demand on the island in aviation. and this is what we will talk about further in our issue. the chance for life of the posable volga in the special operation zone allows the forcibly mobilized ukrainians to surrender and
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survive. the mother of the population is not only a vegetable garden, diapers and seven shelves, but quite a stable and growing business. in kuban, women on maternity leave are helped to open their own businesses. more details from the krasnodar region. report by sergei pikulin. beginning of the year time to make new plans, tenki's loan will help you not put them off until later, apply for a loan in the tenki's app with a decision in one minute, deferment of the first payment for up to 90 days, tinkov, my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead. active lifestyle sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple helix, artneo helps support healthy joints. artneo - just
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of product authenticity. activates the immune system with just one tablet a day. i'll be there quickly treat a cold. disco superstar january 13 at 21:30 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. now on to the news from the swam zone. the troops repelled four attacks by vysu in the kupinsky direction and in the krasno-limansky direction; artillery and aviation strikes disrupted the rotation of the nationalists. in the zaporozhye direction, novossiysk paratroopers captured a strong point in the verbov area. accumulations of manpower and equipment were destroyed in 126 regions, in addition, 119 enemy artillery units were killed, and air defense forces shot down 29 drones. in the south donetsk direction soldiers from a tank unit from buryatia are operating. the crew works day and night, preventing the enemy from preparing for an attack.
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holidays, camouflage , in seconds of combat snow-covered branches are not an echo of those who passed by, the car is started and driven out of cover, the tank crew of the thirty-sixth army of the vostok group receives the command to go on a combat mission, on a t-72 we are driving towards the front line, daylight, in clear weather, it is not safe to fight, but this is a modern modification in demand.
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side and full throttle, in clear weather, any delay can cost the crew their lives, fortunately the t-72 allows you to escape almost instantly, the car is good, the car is a beast, you can work on it, all these fighters, fellow countrymen from buryatia with a fighting spirit, brought cultural life to the front, a platoon commander with the call sign kazanets over a cup of the national drink tea with milk tells us its story; he went straight to the northern military district.
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we have such a rest, well, rest - this is our tv, in principle, over the past year we have been watching tv with the feed of western curators, the kiev regime continues to persecute recruiting his soldiers, he is looking for any opportunity to replenish the ranks of the ukrainian army, but still you can’t sit here in front of the tv for a long time, they are on duty, each of the buryad tankers knows what to do in any development of events, the experience gained is telling. pavel rybalchenko, stanislav skripnik, ntv television company from the donetsk people's republic. today the verkhovna rada will consider for the first time the scandalous bill on mobilization in ukraine. the document caused heated debate long before it was adopted. experts they believe that it contradicts not only the constitution of ukraine, but also violates human rights. well, in the meantime
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, more and more cases of so-called forced mobilization are becoming known. there are plenty of men of military age on the streets, in shops, gyms and public transport. those who have been driven into the ranks of militants are increasingly choosing to surrender. to do this, on the line of contact. the russian military even allocated a special radio wave. omar magomedov about the last chance for survival. filming from a primary vision device on on a country road, by agreement with our fighters, military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces appear. in the hands of one of them is a piece of light fabric. the man periodically waves, signaling a desire to surrender. boxes of ammunition were brought to the soldier as a gesture of goodwill. to save lives, it is enough for the forcibly mobilized residents of ukraine to return home. get in touch via an open radio frequency with the call sign volga, this is the most common portable radio station that is used by both our fighters and the enemy, just enter parameter required frequency 149.200 call
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sign volga, which will mean that the ukrainian military is ready to lay down arms and surrender. russian units have on-duty signalmen who monitor such requests. do you want to live power? cases have become almost daily, occurring along the entire front line. for fighters in the ssu, this is perhaps the only way to leave the combat zone unharmed. footage filmed by our drone operator shows ukrainian soldiers refusing to surrender and choosing to flee into a toll trench, but instead of help and support, the fighters of the barrage detachment opened heavy fire on them. the commander of the control battery with the call sign kama serves in the donetsk direction. electronic warfare officer, one of the initiators of the introduction of special cleanliness on the front line with the call sign volga. just since the beginning of the year , dozens of ukrainian military personnel have already taken advantage of this opportunity. basically these are people who
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have gone out of their way. these are the mobilized, these are the people who want to live. such a picture can see on all the streets of ukrainian cities and towns. people with automatic weapons knock men to the ground, wring their hands and put handcuffs on them. moreover, raids are increasingly taking place in crowded places in front of families and children; the priority age of a candidate for stormtroopers or drivers of an american bradley armored personnel carrier is from 30 to 50 years. what are you doing? leave him alone! the male population escapes from mobilization in all possible ways: they bribe military commissars, hide in abandoned villages or hide at home. are in great demand silicone masks made in china , allowing...
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on popular social networks, despite the blocking and the complaint of the kiev authorities, videos like these are gaining views, in which he calls on forcibly mobilized ukrainians to lay down their arms and save their lives for the sake of their loved ones, we gave up, we did not collect ours. .. well, we didn’t want anything, so they treated us very well indeed. dmitry gordeev has been in captivity since october 4 last year. laying down your arms is a voluntary decision. a resident of the odessa region is married with two children, they say the summons was served right at the market; in case of failure to appear, the machine gunners threatened with prison. military affairs was taught by american instructors in germany, and after three weeks of training he served in the ranks of the 82nd airborne assault brigade. in just a month. i understood the situation, now i understand, these people are just like like firewood in the stove , i regret them that i joined the army, well
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, they don’t throw it in so that the stove burns, the stove burns, it’s the firewood that burns, they take new ones again and throw firewood, private gordeev was seriously wounded during captivity, the command of the armed forces of ukraine, having learned about the capture of the dugout , opened fire on their fighters... artillery fire, the evacuation took 2 hours, the ukrainian was operated on in the hospital and the fragments were pulled out. dmitry dreams of returning home, however, the kiev regime is in no hurry to release its citizens from captivity. their number has already exceeded 10,000. the answer from representatives of the armed forces of ukraine is the same. the person's identity could not be confirmed. omar magomedov, rabadam bagomedov, ntv television company donetsk people's republic. at the russia exhibition in moscow the day was solemnly opened belgorod region. the region presented a large-scale exhibition dedicated to the numerous achievements of the region. despite the difficult times, the belgorod region is developing confidently, largely thanks to the military.
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mikhail chepanenko saw the spirit of the inhabitants who for centuries defended the western borders of the country, what and who the belgorod land is proud of today: the land of steppes, white mountains, tulips, as well as the small homeland of russian robots, everyone who comes to the belgorod region pavilion at vdnkh sees these are the cubic screens that the giant robot moves hand, the homeland begins with it, this is the slogan of the belgorod region at the exhibition, the boy alyosha, seeing off our military to the front in a tankman’s helmet, felsh... katya ivanova, air defense fighter grigory vershinin, volunteer natalya ulyantseva, first svo - the most popular belgorod residents, and these people are known all over the world, gymnast svetlana khorkina, fighter fedor emelianenko, actor mikhail porechenkov, the belgorod land is proud of them, which is now going through difficult times, words of support are never superfluous. all we can do is we do, we are athletes in our own way, military men in our own, ordinary citizens. they also try not to lose heart, here we
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are, we are together, the inscription belgorod can be seen in other pavilions of the exhibition, belgorod our hearts are with you, every subject of the russian federation supports the region that is periodically shelled, today the pavilion of the belgorod region is buried in tulips, a sign of memory about the deaths of ukrainian nationalists after the new year's terrorist attack, but in general flowers are part of the region's economy, an annual event in the city...
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those who go to the special operation zone successfully apply the experience gained, teach adults and schoolchildren. the children who studied with us are from 14 to 18 years old, everyone was delighted, they were, and still post it on their social networks, a photo, yes, from school and they were mobilized too. they responded very well, that is, they had already taken part in hostilities and said that everything was useful. today, the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodkov, signed several agreements with new partners of the region. the exhibition at vdnkh is not only an exposition, but a platform for negotiations, but in general, says the governor. after the pre-new year shelling of belgorod, the heads of most large enterprises called him, even those that do not cooperate with the regions, offering help. more than a thousand apartments were damaged, four houses require restoration, more. 600 cars need to be repaired,
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all of this cannot be covered by the budget alone, we cannot make all the costs or provide them with budget money, why, because it is necessary to comply with the budget code, prepare project estimates for documentation, carry out examination, this is the time to carry out competitive procedures, and people today need help from companies that immediately come to us, and there are a lot of them. this is a married couple from belgorod, on the day of the region at the russia exhibition, they received a gift from the governor, a certificate of their own home and did not think of leaving their native region, despite the danger, because the homeland begins with it. mikhail chebanenko, pavel volosatov, ivan nikonov, ntv television company. moscow. this year, the “mom in the village” project for women who decided to start our own business. the program includes training, as well as legal and other assistance. at twenty-three. podanapa,
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they and 200 other families live here, collecting everything that blooms within a radius of 2-3 km, from spring to late autumn. we are, of course, talking about bees, maria’s husband has had his own apiary since 1999, and has regular customers from all over russia. maria always wanted to participate in the family business, but all her free time was spent on...
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tatyana has four children who loves to sew, she used to make bath sets, special pillows and rolls filled with hay for friends and neighbors, now he makes money from this. it turned out that it is not necessary to stand at the village market with goods on sunday. we were told a lot about marketplaces, a modern topic right now. in trend, yes, this also turns out to be so many things that the girls and i, including i, did not know that this was possible, that is, now there are so many tools that can be launched, they are working, to participate in the program it is not necessary to have a clear business - a plan with calculated risks, costs and planned profits, sufficient a good idea,
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mentors will help with the rest, you just need to be a mother on maternity leave or a mother of a minor child, a natural mother, welcome. a mother-guardian, that is, in a very broad sense, a mother of children, could be an individual, an individual entrepreneur, or a self-employed person. there are also those in the project who are already running their own business, but do not know where to move next. mom in the village is a pilot project and was implemented only in the krasnodar region. the results were summed up in the twenty- third year. the project received recognition at at the federal level, already from the twenty-fourth year, a mother in the village can be realized and. other constituent entities of the russian federation. sergei pikulin, sergei polyansky, vitaly minin and ekaterina belousova, ntv. krasnodar region. and now about the weather. this morning in the capital region it was near zero, but now the temperature is rapidly dropping, and new frosts are coming. evgeniy neronskaya contacts us at the weather studio for details. will it be very cold in the coming days? in central russia
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it will be 10 degrees, or even 12 degrees colder, than it should be in mid-january. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. avisol evolar. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with oats. only it contains oats of milky ripeness, enhanced with herbs and turmeric. ovisol evalar is number one for cleansing the liver. following the blizzard, the cold weather rushed into us so quickly that there was even a thunderstorm in the moscow region. and tomorrow the cyclone will already be in the urals, almost all european territory. will stay.
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ru, see you, 42 years ago a five-month-old girl was found in a trash can, now she wants to reveal the secret of her birth and find her birth family. in our studio!


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