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tv   Bim-2  NTV  January 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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why talk to the cooks of his restaurant, well, yes, listen, in your expert farm there is an anagin tablet, sorry, but no, let's go look, oh, good luck, mom, i swear, this little dragon, dear boris serkeevich, rest his soul, we've been frying it specially for months now, that's all for him.
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i always like it, i left good tea, but i can’t wrap my head around what happened yesterday, i feel incredibly sorry for him, peace, god, for his soul, well, that ’s all understandable, but what kind of personal relationship did you have with citizen khlynov, good relationship, mutually respectful, one might even say friendly, i personally prepared a menu for his birthday, and he thanked me generously, well, stop revas, he ... deceived you, mijo, who deceived me, dear boris sergeevich? it’s better to tell me yourself, we’ll find out anyway, but he promised to give me a percentage of the restaurant’s income, he managed to do it a long time ago, he promised last year he kept it up , yeah, he promised you a percentage too, but what khlynov promised me, he did everything, so he wanted to replace revaz, so revaz got mad at him, if you say it, i’m telling a lie. and i was the one who got angry
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a little angry, two weeks ago in this very place i told revaz that they were looking for a replacement for him, what did you answer me then? and i was in the heat of the moment, it was in the heat of the moment, he said, i’ll kill this shaitan, but not like that at all, oh, well , everything is very clear to me, makar sergeevich, for me too,
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was the first in a circle, but yes, well, that’s it , his house is gone, he got away, well, if he got away, then he’s definitely guilty, but how will we find out whether he got away or not, and i’m home. open up, we
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know you’re here, or how right it is that you’re there, yeah, in short, let’s open up, well now i definitely won’t open it, open it, if you don’t open it, we’ll call a capture group, an ironclad argument, i forgot, i have a gift from a camel, georgy ivanovich, it’s impossible right away.
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well, that's it, he's gone, now look for him along the coast, just wait, hello, lesh, listen, we're suspicious. anton privolzhsky escaped on a motorcycle license plate number 7034 anna anna, well, according to the eighty-second region, yes , i’m waiting, come on, come on, come on, come on, oh, yes, i understand, lesh, i’m waiting, well, oh, yeah, that’s it, i understand, come on, lights out, what's up, georgi? ivanovich, it’s on black rocks, fir-trees, well , you can’t think of a worse place, there are all these bikers, shmeikers, these clubs of their own, some cafes, norkota, of course, yes, you can’t just drive up there with a temple, but
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if you drive up, they still won’t hand over theirs, yes, but if you try with the entire police force, what are you going to do, sort out the chases... let’s go, stop, the signal of his smartphone is within range , well, don’t worry, now we’ll catch up, well, 40 meters, i got it, good. my device is still stuck, it’s a good bike, you’re interested, well, yes, i want to buy myself something like that, he you’re fifteen or fourteen years old, well , i want something, not after 15, climb
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or not, but let me try, and whose will you be, my makar is worth the last one. well, yes, i’m out to the turn and back, come on, to hell with you, go back there, thanks, bro, good, what a tuber, yes makar, he asked for a ride, and if he rolls away, no, there’s his bike, it’s standing here , what, well, he’s that, well... red- haired dud, oh, you bastard, and it looks like you’re a pedestrian now, let’s go!
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timka, well done, you are a loser, you know what kind of things are punished if every time they threatened to pay me 5 rubles, i would probably be a millionaire, we’ll find out now. isa anton, i’ll kill these two alone, well, your feet got caught in margarine, and anton privolsky, you’re detained, you know what
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people usually say, sitting in your place, that it’s not me, i’m not guilty, it’s someone else , notes? you can’t say that, why? because you were running away from the police, therefore, you killed khlyny, i didn’t kill him, i poisoned him, well , actually kill and poison, these are almost synonyms, well , in the sense of poisoned, i didn’t want to kill, so let’s first, for that you are his yes, he won’t come into the kitchen, he’ll definitely touch tanya, she’s my... she works as a pastry chef, bakes cakes, but he’ll either hug her or grab her in different places, well, she’s my girlfriend, what should i do? well, just to kill, there’s obviously nothing else to do, really , only the dragon’s thorns are poisonous, i removed them, but didn’t finish cooking the fish, i wanted him
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to sit on the depressant for a week, think about his behavior, well, who knew that he had a weak heart , murder by negligence, if you don’t know, dragon mesa... although harmful, but never fatal, i’m not going to to argue with you about this, we have a fact of poisoning, you are our first suspect, so a camera is waiting for you. that is, he says that he just wanted to put him in a hospital bed, yes, but what can you say so as not to sit, there is too little information, lesh, what do you have? well, look, poisoning from the meat of the black sea dragon is possible, but only in combination with other factors, while only two deaths have been recorded in recent years: our case, the third, in both cases the deceased took medication, which are combined with toxins in limited quantities.
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get busy, and georgy ivanovich and i will take care of the inner circle and start with the wife with whom he was in the restaurant, in the restaurant he was not with his wife, with his mistress, well, especially since she should be the first to be under suspicion, oh you, starving along the volga . you accuse me of murdering bori, are you crazy? but why? you
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were sitting next to him, could you have slipped him something? well, yes, now you can blame anything on me, honestly, that looks like a murderer, excuse me, this is our job, yes, bim, you see, that’s why you think married men have mistresses, and you don’t? well, i don’t know, maybe the arrogance of men contributes to the fact that women, just don’t drive a snowstorm, married men will take mistresses because their own wives don’t love them, well, you know, and i would argue with you about this, and not just doesn’t love them, they don’t respect them, they are always ready to humiliate, insult and don’t try to understand, i loved borya, there was no one closer to me, okay? and i was always there when he felt bad, he often felt
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bad, often, he is a strong man, such people always have many ill-wishers, you can name someone, of course, the main enemy is his wife. okay, but if we take a less emotional approach to this same issue, i don’t know, his business partners, not long ago i got into a fight right outside the restaurant with whom i have no idea, well, let’s find out, delicious aroma, perfection and harmony of taste, a classic collection of loose leaf tea greenfield. greenfield tea, finding harmony.
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unlimited content - all the capabilities of the station. alice, continue the film. i turn it on. be aware of the remote control with the new yandex tv station pro. five percent diclinak acos gel in a package with a man. the gold standard for pain relief is a maximum concentration of 5%. trust of millions. i wish i could have lunch now for 200 rubles. only at kfc rosttik. maybe a sandwich? new year's appetite. only dad will shorten it. new year's appetite. the spa will help, alexey glyzin, million-dollar secret on saturday at 19:25 on ntv, hello,
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great, why are you so happy? oh, i'm up all night again today. i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it it turns out that i’ve already started to forget, as it happens, maybe i should also buy what’s there, as they say, prostatricun, i remember , remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think so, i know, you are dark, of course, now i know my wife, how and what is there, how to accept something? everything is simple there, when you order , they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes , dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i ’m off, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what’s here? think, call, be sure to order, remember,
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it’s better to try once than think 100 times, come on. meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold. prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call to order for free. line of the manufacturer and receive a special offer: men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men , hurry up, women, hurry up, try prostatricum gold. disco superstar. january 13 at 21:30 on ntv. in winter, you especially want warmth and bright emotions. we have
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cars, houses, apartments, studios and cash prizes in the drawing. there are more of them. than snowflakes in winter, even if it’s cold outside, it’s warm in the soul, because they win against us, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv, and boris sergeevich was not alone, with a woman, but then some guy came up to him , they quarreled, and i don’t know which guy, i saw him for the first time, well, you can describe him, well, of average height, in a suit, what hair color, eye color, special features, cropped hair , he didn’t look at his eyes, there were special signs, but he told khlynov that the clock was already ticking, well, it was like the end of him, and then he started a fight, well, they had a good time with each other once, so what, khlynov, he went into the restaurant, and what are you are you looking for this fighter, of course i am, i ’m not asking just like that, well, right away they said he crawled out of the bushes, seemed to have left , and then appeared from somewhere again
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and climbed on us, but we called the squad, and that, well, they took him to the cops, thank you. please, uh-huh, what an interrogation, i thought you would let me go already, last night citizen khlynov, borya, was killed, borya was killed, uh-huh, you know, that’s where he belongs, he was a rare brute, and half an hour before that you personally approached him and said that his watch was already ticking. well, he said, and that you don’t clink me, this means that you already knew that he was poisoned, in the sense, you want to say that i am him poisoned, so i’ll make your job easier, it wasn’t me, weeks ago. citizen khlynov fraudulently took away from you the akatsi restaurant that belongs to you. this is true? yes, it happened.
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so what, you just resigned yourself to it? well, no, of course i didn’t accept it. so i approached him outside the restaurant, so that he, so that he, what? yes, so that he can fuck his conscience, kozlin. no, of course, i went a little too far there and said something. unnecessary and maybe even was ready to kill him at that moment, but i didn’t do it, that’s all you can say, your justification, in general it’s some kind of poisoning it’s a woman’s issue, men don’t act like that, by the way, you check his wife, now after his death she will become the mistress of everything that he acquired through hard work, yes, yes, yes, i ’m telling you seriously. let's check, i know that in the event of the death of a husband, the wife is the first suspect, oddly enough, this is almost the only thing that
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helps dull the feeling of losing a loved one, did you know that your husband has a mistress, what is your name, my name is makar, you can patronymic, makar? "i didn't kill my husband, yes, in our family life there was no order, but there was no love in it, or rather there was, but it surfaced, it happens. do you have an alibi for the time of his death? i didn’t finish my thought; there was mutual respect in our relationship with boris. yes, we each had our own personal lives, but we also had respect for the personal life of the other." that is, he did not hide from you that he had a mistress, our respect was expressed differently, he tried to pretend that he had there was no one, i
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pretended that i didn’t know anything about his mistresses, and he, i’m sure, pretended that knows nothing about my meetings with other men, you didn’t answer my question, where were you last night, at home and... all the best, congratulations, your intuition did not let you down, my assumptions were confirmed, partially, the real cause of death was
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others , but much more dangerous toxins that accumulated in the body of the deceased for a long time accumulated over a long period of time, at least 10-15 days, that is, the fish meat that he ate had nothing to do with it, not quite like that, the dragon meat only served as... a catalyst , push to fatal liver reaction to poisoning. then the question is, how could this toxin accumulate in the body of the deceased? i don’t have an answer to this question yet. i will conduct additional tests, perhaps there will be a result. how interesting? do you love cacti? yes, i do, these are my charges. i thought so, yes, hi, bimchik, well, how is your head
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, or better yet, do you want to get some treatment, uh-huh, hi, yes, i wish, but how are your studies, oh, about me, now such gossip is circulating there after that, how did you give me a lift, well, black pr is also good, thank you. comforted you, well, we shall we have dinner somewhere today? yes, for some reason we’ve been at work all day, he’s probably tired, that’s it, okay, no, so no, then i won’t distract you, yeah, let’s go, well, okay, okay, i’m sure, okay, huh? we thought, we have nothing to eat at home, don’t you want to have dinner somewhere on the embankment, and you invite? well, here we are, i don’t know, i’ll think about it.
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well, okay, i thought, i agree, well, that’s it, you see, that’s it, she agrees, yes, hello, hello, your new charge, mm, how big, yes, please. thank you, it’s very nice, and how is our business going? not even i know how to tell you, in fact, everything is according to the classics, the answer to a complex question immediately gives rise to new questions. do you need more time? no, the fact is that the poison entered the body of the deceased in an unconventional way, not through the esophagus. injection? these are traditional
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methods, expand your consciousness. physical contact , through the skin, one could say so, if not for one big, very big, uh-huh , which one, i’ll tell you about it if you have dinner with me, even so, yes, good. hello, hello, are you still at home? um, yes, can you talk? - no, i just talked to expert, he carried out an extensive analysis and khlyny’s entire body, including the skin, was literally saturated with this poisonous solution,
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what is this, some kind of wrapping or smearing? you can say this way, the expert said that he was literally dug up in a pool with this underdeveloped substance, a pool, and where should he look for this in the pool, and in my opinion i should ask you this question, okay, i ’ll think about where we can find a pool? what do we have for tomorrow, sandwiches and tea. great, i accidentally overheard your conversation, we have several medical centers in our city, where people with money are offered, well, not very necessary procedures, well, i don’t see any connection yet, and but these procedures include...
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well, okay, shall we go together? yes, i only have classes today from 12:30, so i'm free. okay, let's eat sandwiches and go. so, well, the second clinic is past, what do we have next? oh, the next clinic is dr. gavrilov. so, what is this famous for? well, he's a very strange, very
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fashionable dude. he practices acupuncture with mexican cacti, wow, i’m already scared, and according to his research, different cacti they treat various diseases, i have one colleague who collects cacti, she’s also a doctor, a physician, and you’re a medical student, tell me that, all doctors have such a love for cacti, i don’t know, i don’t care, oh well , which means it is not contagious.
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yes, ours, what procedures do you perform on him? we have a lot of patients, and i don’t remember everyone’s health plans, but does he take any baths? the bath is a cave method, we offer scented pools, uh-huh, uh-huh, he is prescribed bathing in pine needles from the yakut taiga, bathing in pine needles from the yakut taiga, what can you say about hydrosecond acid? well, this is a very dangerous toxin, it is not used in medicine, so i want to tell you: for the last 10 days, so i am covering your lovely establishment,
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i am detaining you, and we will conduct an examination of all the compounds that you use here, wait , your khlynov hasn’t been to our medical center for... a month, so we are clean, we are always happy to see you in our medical center, well, it’s better if you come to us, it’s a cruel joke, listen, i noticed that you have you look very tired, you’re doing well, well, it’s none of your business, none of mine? but i’m ready to offer you a very lethal remedy for your condition, and thank you, i won’t take anything , insert anything, i won’t dive anywhere, but you don’t need anything, you just need to put on a suit,
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a special detox suit, just a suit, but some nonsense , this is my personal know-how, let ’s try it, try it, especially for you it’s completely... free, you see, it’s still free, let’s go, free - you know that, but cheese in a mousetrap is free, this suit is impregnated with a certain solution , which, with the active movement of the person who is wearing it, enters the skin through the pores and normalizes the processes occurring in the body, in particular, relieves chronic fatigue syndrome, the only negative is that the solution disappears very quickly, you need to wash it once every two days, tell me, can you kill a person with such a suit? what a horror, this could come to mind, a person with only a sick person, i don’t know who, just answer the question, yes or no, well, purely
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theoretically, if you choose a certain one solution to increase the duration of action, but not in our clinic for sure, well, it’s not in vain that i brought you here, thank you very much, it’s not in vain, why are you leaving, yes, i need to check something for work, i don’t need you anymore needed, that's it, i didn't say that, yeah, i didn't say that. and that girl who calls you every morning, you and her, this is a colleague, she’s calling at work, she’s beautiful, yes, well, i really have to go, i’m sorry, everything is very serious there, but i see, okay, babe, bye,
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hello, good afternoon, come see me arrest, not yet, we need to inspect your house, do you want to find something specific, yes, and you, of course, brought a warrant with you, then i won’t let you in, if i go for the warrant now, i’ll most likely have to detain you, i’m ready to accept my fate, in front of you, little dog, i can’t resist. pass, what do you want to find? and allow me to inspect your husband’s clothes, which
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ones, all of them, then you’ll be here for a long time, there are several closets in the house for his clothes, he laid them out and scattered them all over the house, i was never able to teach my husband to be in order, let’s work, work, search! did your dog find something? yes. you found something, well done, well done, well done, so what did you find, costumes? that 's it, that's it, that's it, i'm not touching, i'm not touching, come on, come here , and even better, together with forensic experts,
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yeah, and also a warrant, come on, i'm waiting, and what does this all mean for you, nothing good, a preliminary conclusion is that the suit is impregnated with the same substance, but an official conclusion can be given, of course, only after a laboratory study, yeah. well, yes, where did you get this suit? where from the store? we chose it together with my husband, it’s been a long time since you purchased? yes, two weeks ago, i have receipts, labels, i always keep such things. the suit was kept in your house all the time
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, of course, except for the time when bori put it on, in which case i am forced to detain you on suspicion of murdering your husband, which means you continue to insist that you had nothing to do with it, because it’s true, well , yesterday you said that you don’t have an alibi, maybe... since then you remembered something, i didn’t remember anything, just like i didn’t have an alibi, i don’t, but that doesn’t mean anything, because i didn’t kill my husband, just imagine a court in which you say all this, yes, and now imagine a prosecutor who presents the evidence we have collected, what do you think the court will decide, go to hell , mr. investigator, okay. well, as you wish, in this case, i officially propose that you
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write a sincere confession, despite the fact that i keep repeating, the interrogation is over, and what next, well, then we will continue to collect evidence of your guilt with your permission. hello!
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happy new year, information about a gang of killers is confirmed. we're in any region , you're not scared, sergeyevich, it's very scary , kostya, it's scary that we might not succeed, give testimony, tell the truth, raise the specialists, sergey sergeevich, that there are no other bandits left in the city, before them either the turn will come, boss, from monday at 22:15 on ntv. disco superstar january 13 at 21:30 on... tv. loratricin is able
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to alleviate even severe pain and helps treat a sore throat. lorathricin works against pain in throat, treats infection. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners, a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. hello.
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ghoul, werewolf and other fairy tales! get lost, party! magical area! the whole season is already available on oko subscription. the beginning of the year is the time to make new plans; tenkov’s loan will help you not put them off until later. apply for a loan in the tenki app with a decision in one minute. deferment of the first payment up to 90 days. tinkov. i am ready to support you in the most stressful situations, because i am number one for excess stress and lack of magnesium. i am magne b6 and available on the yandex market. apartment in moscow. rubles on any sberbank credit card until january 31, an apartment in moscow can become yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free sberbank credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country , welcome to smikhopolis, i see
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you have everything here boiling water, a city where everyone is always happy, took a woman fishing. valera, i it seems like my heels are stuck in the ground , pull my feet out, the most important thing in life is to show off the right way, laughteropolis, we have a symphony orchestra, wonderful, harpist, wonderful, organ, super, i decided that klava kopka will sing, well, a very funny premiere , today at 23:20 on ntv.
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the woman is blinded by jealousy, she is in a state of passion, well, oh, easy reminder, hello, ekaterina, well, i finished examining the poisoned suit and in the inside pocket of the jacket i found something interesting, that this
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is a copy of the check, no, this is the second check , with another the date of purchase of this suit, this one... gave us a khlynovsky one, and i found this one in the suit, come on, give it here, yes, indeed, the khlynovsky check was issued 2 days earlier, but i don’t know how to explain this yet, so, lyosh, we need to look at all the recordings from the video camera in this store over these days. attention to the screen, the series, buying a suit, the first episode of khlynov and his wife. our checkered suit, my wife puts a receipt and a label in her bag, the end of the first episode, but where is
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the second? the second episode is the highlight of the program, due to numerous requests from viewers, purchase the suit returns, the same suit, one for one, look further, here is the second check, well , here is the second suit, which was saturated with toxins, look yes... larisa, his mistress, friends, i congratulate you, now all that remains is to find out , did this mistress have the opportunity to soak a taxi suit? larisa volkova, a chemist by training , worked for 3 years at nii in the chemical agricultural industry. yes, she had the opportunity to synthesize anything there . ekaterina, possibility is not proof. find a second suit, yes i i agree, let's look, hello, what
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do i have to do, this is a search warrant for your apartment, it's clear what you'll be looking for, what suit? bought from khlynov 2 weeks ago. bim, look. where did you get the idea that this suit is here? where should he be? well, i can only guess, probably cleaning the house where he lived. and we know that there were two suits. why did you buy a second one? well, you are unlikely to understand this. regular women's blush. here you are right. we really don't understand why. okay, borya really loved that suit, but it was a gift from his wife, when he put it on , my mood spoiled, he quickly
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realized this and offered to buy another, exactly the same suit, and where is the suit that his wife bought him, it hung here for a while, and then i threw it away a few days ago, so you don't have to look for anything, so what? i found it, no , the search is probably over, i’ll ask you to leave, all the best, goodbye, goodbye , let’s go, no, makar sergeevich, well, not this, i’m just not ready, georgy ivanovich, so what, she said that threw out the suit we have to check, yes, well, no , well, hello, hello, guys, the container was replaced the day before yesterday, so here...
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i walked through the house, checked everything, nothing was broken, nothing was broken, and what would i tell the police, i decided, that i’ll just change the lock, that suit, it was always hanging in the closet, yes, borya hardly wore it, he didn’t like it, excuse me, so what, he didn’t like it, what can you say?
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five-story building, let's go, let's go, i hope you told us the truth, guard, that's it, let's go, uh, uh, commander, wait, loaded a lot, yes just started, yeah, wait, listen, sergeevich, well, i’m not useful in this garbage jungle, for the life of me, well, we’re asking for help, let’s see, what’s here? here he says, come on, here, here, no, this is this one, be careful,
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why isn’t it already poisoned? there are prints, scared, oh, that's it, ours, checkered, that 's it, keep going, well done, larisa, your prints were found on the bag that you threw in the trash can, on the closet door on the suit hanger, on the door handles in khlynov's house, he's almost 2 years. promised to leave my wife, even though i was looking for an opportune moment, and then i accidentally i found out that he was in a relationship with another woman and that he was telling her the same thing, but i gave up everything for him, my career at the institute, i just had to punish him,
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as i understand you. bim. do you have any plans for the evening? well, give
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me, thank you, "hello, i need a nurse, no, not a doctor, i need nurse ksyusha, and she has already saved me twice. yes, she, oh, she knows, knows where to go, yes, makar he’s waiting for what he gave, edik, let’s still remain friends, nothing will work out with you,
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i’m sorry. i wish i had such a cute hut for my old age, wow, they’re waiting for us here, right?
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nevermind the bourgeoisie lives. who are you, stop, creature, stop!
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what's happened? some woman broke into the house, his wife? no, actually some kind of leftist, but to hell with it. let's go take all his computers and flash drives and get out of here. you don’t understand, she grabbed the same cosmetic bag with the flash drive that anokhin was talking about. are you crazy, mat will kill us. yes, i know, i was just on my way to get that damn cosmetic bag, i see she’s there, rummaging through those drawers. you made it remember? yes, nothing, just like that, a bright girl, with a birthmark above the depths. bim , you already had breakfast today, stop begging, and good morning , boy, good morning, makar, good morning , baked pies, fresh, you know, we
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already had breakfast, now excuse me, alochka, i have a call, yes, lyosha, yes , where, when did this happen, that's it, we're going, we're going, we're going, follow me, well , at least the path,
8:59 pm
both men and women, so maybe the owner's guests were smoking? no, well, guests are unlikely to cover up cctv cameras, but the camera was sealed up, well, yes, that means the guests were uninvited, well, most likely they became the cause of the death of the citizen of the owner of this house, or witnesses, well, as an option, something disappeared, and the abyss disappeared, but somehow strange, money, jewelry, everything is in place, but the computer is missing? a laptop , well, all sorts of different flash drives there, well, on purpose , well, and documents, there are notes, papers, we found a very interesting notebook, there are all sorts of names,
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nicknames, passwords, and so on, but we need to think about it all, come on, come on, georgiy ivanovich, brainstorm, decipher, come on, good luck, see you. with the searcher, hello, hello, beauty, tell me what caused the death of the citizen, the owner of this house, i don’t know for sure, there are a couple of abrasions on the body, but obviously not fatal. i believe that our deceased most likely died of fear, since the general signs speak more likely of a heart attack, however, i will not draw final conclusions until the autopsy. yeah, what time did this happen? around midnight, uh-huh, what's up with the tracks? there were at least four people there besides the owner, and considering that there was a bottle in the yard with traces of lipstick on the neck, most likely one
9:01 pm
woman and three men.


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