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tv   Legenda Ferrari  NTV  January 12, 2024 12:45am-1:51am MSK

12:45 am
what kind of lake does mentai live in? are you deaf or what? i say caught the mentai. our district cop seryozha. dear, what should you do to make the fish bite faster? needs feeding. take a box of cake from my backpack there. oh, there's nothing here. oh, i thought it was muesli. took the women fishing , oh, i remember, i swam in the lake with galush, uh-huh , i caught a bream, oh, that’s definitely a lie, the honest truth, well, yes, my grandfather found out that i swam with galish , i caught such a bream from him, like this bruise, today you can catch it too, y you have every chance. yes, that’s what he allows himself
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, but he pretends to be some kind of tough fisherman, he hasn’t caught a single fish, oh, galina semyonovna, look at yourself, but if you catch anything here, i’ll right here on the shore i’ll dance a gypsy dance for you with an exit, and come on, give me a fishing rod, come on, this is a rod, you yourself, a rod.
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being happy is a very difficult task, but you know, we have no other alternatives, we will make it in color, the negatives will turn into positives, if you don’t know, smile and go away, everyone is welcome, come, we are glad to see you always, we will sing and dance , we can't be bothered with jokes, we hope to see
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you, no, well, i can't, listen, listen, yash, well , show us, well, show us, brother schizophrenic, well, how do you do it, you can't imagine it out of spite, but when you walk, you shake your head, come on , just show me quickly, laugh, laugh, i ’ll make sick people out of you in an instant, but what about some of you who are bedridden? special complications, yash,
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yash, well, don’t be offended, well, really, well, honestly, well, in that situation, the only thing that came to mind was, well, yes, yes, it was necessary to improvise, soprons, that’s all. everything, everything, to the point, that's it, to the point, that's all, the ship will bear the load, yes it will, it's a strong boat, with the weather, it's going to get colder, there will probably be fog, fog is good, it's good for us, that's for sure, that's okay, roughly understandable , i don’t understand what to do with the captain, your people work according to him, they work, but why do we need him at all? you can do without it , you can’t do without it, good plan, good , then give me something about it, i can’t blindly like this, i don’t feel it, i don’t know what to do, but how will something happen, some information, i'll tell you right away, hey,
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leave the saprons aside, yeah, well, sorry, really, but you’re doing a good job. thank you. oh, good evening, you are wonderful , i hope my friend found you the best room in this hotel, everything is fine, really, we couldn’t have done it without you, thank you, please, how
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are things with my brother, i assigned him to the clinic, no what's at home, but that's all you can get here, that's a generous heart. you are ready for all these long, expensive trips for the sake of your brother, this is family, this is the most sacred thing we have, right? i don’t know anything about you, are you married, who are you? parents? i'm not married, yeah, my brother and i are left all alone, but it's a very long story, let's eat, i'm incredibly hungry, good evening, what do you have from... italian finns, you're in the right place, i won't disappoint you, boroon, this is just heaven, there are amarons, ah, barbareska, just something, welcome, very cool, please, what about
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our dishes, we have classic italian cuisine, dear friend, we will have perch swich, pinay with salmon, emerald olive womb. and we’ll drink from agradin, like this, so that you will, of all the restaurants in the world, he chose exactly this, forgive me for what you said, i need to go away for a minute while you order, really, pay attention, it’s excellent how long it all takes to prepare, not more than half an hour. everyone, everyone, everyone, on new year
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's eve, vinline is giving out goodies to everyone, go to vinline to find out what gift you will get, at the age of 6 she ended up in an orphanage, and then with foster parents, but all her life she dreamed of finding a family. and this man lost his younger sister for 22 years and has been dreaming of seeing her again, it could have been different that’s it, we might not have ended up in an orphanage and we wouldn’t have had to look for each other, his mother often remembers her abandoned daughter and asks her son to find her to ask her forgiveness, it’s my fault. so another family took it, nastenka, girl, forgive me, will these people manage to find those for whom they have been waiting for so many years, his father has a mustache, but i don’t remember that he had a mustache, no , for some reason i remember a mustache, how many children do you have, all three of them, all three of them are yours, no, i doubt
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them, i’m opening the dna envelope, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. bim - new episodes, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. it is profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan! translate! thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component , it prevents the reproduction of influenza viruses and their penetration. spray ginferon light - the power of green light with mint aroma. cheeseburger or chickenburger for only 45 rubles. at a delicious point. let's take it.
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it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honestly convenient, how vote if you're sick, grandma is busy in the morning, she's looking for something on her phone, here's the number of the election commission, i'll vote at home, adult citizens of the country are given every opportunity, even those who are motionless are offered a solution, call the elections home, take a portable box , the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, formalizes voting for them in advance with the departure, which means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient.
1:00 am
lord, i can't see you.
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"thank you, we could meet a little later and take a walk along the embankment, thank you, it’s a pity that you’re not well; dinner didn’t go well, i want to know more about you, my intentions are very serious, i’m the son of a catholic priest. “i’m very pleased, believe me, and it would feel much easier for me if we took a walk with you now, let’s not put it off, a wonderful thought, thank you for the evening, everything was just great, come on!”
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well, what are you looking at there? do you find anything suspicious? quite the opposite, until i get there, it’s very suspicious. do you spend so much time on these yachts? but what about
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my practice? “i also want to learn something from you, i am a very capable student , you will like it, you will be satisfied, however, it seems to me that you already know how to do everything. no , i’m sorry, gentlemen, what do you say, the apartment is just wonderful, yes , yes, yes, we agree, but how about starting with a week, as you wish, but money, thank you.
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thank you, they are looking for him everywhere, but can anyone be found in this terrible city? the doctor says, that he has an aggravation, he... is now aggressive and uncontrollable. virgin mary, this is some kind of curse. el, dear, calm down, tell me what’s wrong, i don’t understand anything. it's all because of this filthy yacht. what yacht? lucul. once upon a time it should
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have belonged to our family. my father. sold everything he had in order to buy it back from don maranzan, from whom, don maranzan himself, he is a beast, he thought that we would spend the happiest days of our lives there, the yacht remained with them, i contacted to the police, but that made it even worse. they beat my brother, we almost lost him, my mother couldn’t stand the blow, died. from a heart attack, but you have some kind of inheritance left, no, we
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have nothing left, we came here with our last money, virgin mary, what a nightmare! brother saw lukul naredi, but he, he can’t control his emotions, it’s all because of me, i shouldn’t have taken him to the sea, lord, i don’t know what to do, virgin mary, i don’t know what to do do. alas, i can’t help you in any way, because i myself need money due to special
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circumstances. “i need money for the captain, but what about your plan, why did i pretend to be crazy, or you must have portrayed it very badly, so i would have asked, it didn’t work, sometimes, uh-huh, he refused you, it can’t be, you’re getting old, it’s time.” look for new methods of recruitment, shut up, yash, in batum they found something about him,
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he’s an avid gambler, he lost a lot of money in 3 days while he was standing there, well, that explains a lot, and what else, here’s another, well -ka, 200, 300, oh, god, hmm, there is still, still, well, well , still, mm, alphonse, a swindler, ah, wanted to take advantage of me, everything is logical, i’m not getting old that much, i’m, and, judging by this, well, some how much should i inherit? well, because i see order here, but somewhere there is no, no, no, such expenses need
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to be coordinated with the center, this is probably more than we have, i just can’t give you this money, i can’t, then contact they won’t have it any other way, come on, come on, get in touch, it’s hard for you, yes, grin. this is half , i’ll give the rest later, i demand a lot, but i give a lot, i’m sure you won’t be left out in the cold, thank madonna i don’t understand why you need this, god, i ’ll find out about this, but i think you’ll hit a big jackpot. well, glory to those who came up with troubled times and gambling debts, especially in such astronomical proportions. yes yes yes. the son
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of a catholic priest with serious intentions. i hope your schizophrenic brother feels much better. i’ll tell you about his health when i give away the other half. but still. m, i can’t help but ask, do you not like all women or just me, yeah, don’t worry about your attractiveness, the game is more important to me , it’s my passion, it’s my whole life , everything else is just a way to prolong it, the end game, it’s all over, respect, your honor, give the hero a dig.
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it’s definitely this journalist, ermler , he was watching her, he ruined everything for us, don’t boil like a samovar, we need to warn el, she’s in charge of the operation, but we need to kill him as soon as possible,
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that’s it, follow the order, i myself i'll contact el, est-ce que tu m'as rendu ce que tu. el, what are you doing here, yash, yash, please don't do it now, you better leave, this.
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because max is in the city, i’m in a hurry, wait, don’t, i understand everything, yash, i see.
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a unique country with a unique destiny, a unique culture with unique people, original and full of mysteries. with a broad soul
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and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze. discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. what kind of cretins are you? what kind of crits are you? how could it all be ruined? do you want to take a break here? or through one? i wanted to follow up. shut up. you gave us away. you were not acting on orders. we were unable
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to contact you quickly. leave us. cut me off, ermler hates me, he didn’t interfere with us in any way, why did you bother, why,
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why did you do this, i wanted to kill him, yes , i wanted to, now i want to, and i can’t help it, i… you, that he was killed on her, that he was killed on her, merci madam.
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what are you doing here, and you, how did you end up here, damn, how did you end up here, i ’m mora, huh? the evening would have been much better if you and i
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had been together, maximilian ermler, i couldn’t watch you like you and him, i couldn’t. "we cannot control our own feelings, but we must control our
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emotions. i will not report to you." but if this happens again, i will i'll shoot you.
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so urgently, without delay, to assist the trade mission, we are supposed to be told to convey that i will receive everyone, everyone understood , your excellency, i recommend that you return to the bow, no, it’s out of the question.
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bury at the expense of the treasury, no one will be left
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without help, i will pay from the treasury. volodya! transport my family on a bow, i obey, a great view, all the gavlin, in full view, like your stupid cops, well, i see you’re already feeling pretty good, it’s not in vain that they came up with medicine. i asked you not to leave, but for it to change,
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and we will never know this, and how quickly you and i would have hated each other, i didn’t think about it, we will never know this, there was no order to follow you, and you might not have killed, but you would have chosen that your friend killed me, what kind of cretins? everyone is an idiot, yes, this could have been avoided, i agree, my partner got carried away, little experience, senseless death, unacceptable, why the hell did you try to kill frangel on the yacht, what do you want, i need to stop you, and rob old wrangel, he’s already i've suffered enough from you, don't you think how... well ok, the gold has to go back to my country,
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and since the whole city is crawling with my thugs, and after what your fairy did today, i'm not sure i can guarantee her life, uh, what are you doing there? do you recognize what this is? if i have it, then where is julie? call and find out if she's ready for dinner? lord, you are the last person on earth whom i would like to see here now,
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that means so. the only way to save her life is to cooperate with me, she is the daughter of a lord, as i heard, i think he will not be delighted when he learns about her death on the first task under your leadership. well, the game was played well, and we sometimes provide assistance to our colleagues, but it is not free, name the price, but i think that we will be satisfied with the archives in rangel, which he keeps. kolya, i think this can be arranged , but let’s push it here, let’s try, judy, lord clayton’s daughter, you’re a genius, you slipped this duck to her at the right time, she took the bait, thank you,
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yes, yes, yes, and we’ll help the reds profit from some gold . which will give us great preferences in further negotiations, we will try to control them, yes, having lost our archives in rangel will never be able to blackmail us , sooner or later we will always have to deal with the foundations of russia in one form or another, and you never know what we wrote to rangel and what we promised him, as i understand it, the issue of his return to crimea has been resolved in london, but it’s too early for him to know about it, are you right? keep your nose to the wind, use your connections , i didn’t doubt you, for me it’s girlish, i ’ll try to get judy back at home safe and sound, well, of course, what are you talking about, judy may be a little girl, but she’s a good agent, by the way, on leisure time will be needed come up with something for her too, let’s make her
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an avant-garde artist, or a dancer, stop using something in the krepchevid style, this is here... good luck, ca n’t i afford a little vacation, don’t worry, i’m fine , and why not so much gold, and even abroad, but what can you think, they want to return it back, they organized a hunt, by the way, it was cleverly invented, and perhaps even more cleverly than we think. here, please, carefully, here is crystal, thank you, olga mikhailovna, yes, but i think it’s time to hang the pictures, otherwise the empty walls make me sad, i don’t want to bother anyone, varenka, they have no time for paintings these days,
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especially in the evening we all return back to lukul, olga mikhailovna, yes, they came to see you. “i apologize for not being invited, max, darling, how glad i am to see you, but come quickly, i apologize for this mess, we’re trying to make things comfortable, i heard out of the blue that we need help, so i can tell you the pictures, it was it would be very kind, oh, what a delight, but we began to forget what simple heartfelt generosity is, thank you, i say, your brother in everything admitted, you got offers , i congratulate you." thank you, yes, this is such a joy. on the occasion of this wonderful news, i wanted to give this small gift, these are tickets for everyone, to the cinema. for the whole family? yeah, i’ve been talking about it for so long i dreamed of this, but max, it’s very expensive and nonsense, it’s a wonderful
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film, i just want to please you, children, come here, sir, and we... and what are you capable of? today you know what you want to become with who to be, what is your path and what is it for? are you among those who understand you, among those who share your values, join your people, serve under
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a contract, the homicide department with the start of the first corpse, captain klimov, the criminal investigation department, they don’t know here yet that it ’s useless to run, lie down. you are detained, and the girl, a witness in the interrogation room, burn water, for me, thank you, bim, new season, i agree, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv.
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again, no way to be cold, the team ate, that’s right, free to eat! it's time to eat now. there is a signal, here it is, that's it, start!
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well, here, yes, yes, for a long time, you will have to sweat, i paid a thousand francs for this tool. i ordered it in brussels, we are in a hurry, there should always be time for
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an intellectual conversation, we are not pickpockets, the archive has been loaded, yes, it has been loaded, i won’t live to see retirement, i’ll soon lose my guts. got out, nope, i hope this will ensure your enthusiasm and the absence of memories of our adventures, you can rest assured, madam, this will be my retirement, an excellent end to a brilliant career, wonderful, i have long dreamed of retiring, but it didn’t work out, this is excellent .
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no, no, no, no, no, no, much more worse, don’t, you’re great, great, take care of yourself, i told you i didn’t mess up, thank you. thank you, thank you, there is no one else there.
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permission to maneuver has been received, excellent, raise the anchor, i obey,
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lord, have mercy, get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, listen to my command, the boat is on the water, urgent report to the shore, all the gold has been stolen, clearly, quickly! you see, these englishmen, i sat with ellington all morning, no use, just empty promises, why did he invite me, but they were late everywhere, arrange the car, no need, money they scatter like a machine gun, i’ll get by, there are
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more important things to do. don't let me down, don't let me down, gambler.
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god! the court, with my help, recognizes this as an accident, which often happens in busy ports, this will provide the shipowner with a large insurance payment. “insurance will also cover the killing of the keel for the bow, everything is peaceful and quiet, as you wanted, well, that means i’ll soon find out where you cheated me, what
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did you teach, a brilliant game played, judy is already free, you can check, i have no doubt “what is it?” starting claim world domination? no, i just need money, big expenses. that's all. you won't forgive me, right? you made the choice, you can only leave me once. “so we say goodbye, yes, this time it’s normal, no cheap tricks, no cheap tricks are very
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painful, goodbye, goodbye, your first girlfriend was blonde, probably, if you can’t ask about what you want, then it’s better to keep quiet.
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i must recognize the non-grass, people like us make history, we are like gods, we are not visible, but we exist, we have a mission in america, you can set sail today, judy will go with you, treat this as an order. another option: can you head a residency in germany? the germans, it will not be said in front of you, are clearly not going to fulfill the terms
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of the treaty of versailles, so you can choose: berlin or the new world.
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what is this? the end of an era? forgive me, i still can’t get over the loss of lukul. volodya! epochs are created not by ships, but by people. we will return home, volodya. we will definitely be back.
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two first class tickets to her, please one minute, mrs. and mr. barton, yes, unfortunately, there is only a cabin left for the newlyweds, well, great, it suits us, we are just returning from our honeymoon, my beloved deserves everything, of course, so, let’s go. to summarize: 8.148 kg 622 g of gold were exchanged by triada bank from italian citizen el ferrari for 7.600 thousand us dollars and a million british pounds sterling. yes that's right. great, we can consider the deal closed. you know, there is a small nuance. there was an exchange rate difference during conversion. i would like her calculate and add to the main
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balance, this will cover some expenses for me. you have good business acumen, mrs. ferrari. thank you. so, we transfer to berlin, new york, paris, rome, stockholm, vienna, and pounds to london. make sure and sign. i am incredibly grateful to you that you did not force me to go to the bank. don't worry, i'm happy to get out into nature. i’m glad for the fruitful cooperation, thank you, as soon as you receive the money, you go to berlin and choose a suitable place.


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