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tv   Starie kadri  NTV  January 12, 2024 6:55am-8:01am MSK

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i remembered, it was me, it was i who killed kupriyanov, kupriyanov was a charming man, but a year after joining the coven, he began to use his power and began to hunt us.
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the moon is on the same line, this happens once every 15 years, but you ruined the ritual, now it’s all over, thank you, your house is empty, i ’m asking for the last time where the valleys are, i’m here, alexander, how did i end up there, but it turns out, here a secret passage, here, from there there, what are you talking about, and further to the trees. oops, i would send all my wives here, kupriyanov died inside this tree, and you were all here then, weren’t you, didn’t watch me kill nikita, you, no, it wasn’t you, it was me, it wasn’t you, it was me who killed kupriyanov, okay , thank you, they took it, there it is, there , let's, hello, listening, let's go, let's go, hello, generally stunned,
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conquer, i was in church, sinned, repented, i talked to the priest, he said that keeping the ashes of the deceased in the house is not our tradition, what is it? in india and, well , those who profess the hindu faith, well , right, right, called me an egoist, but this is so, in fact, look at the covenant, where are you going? well, i’ll see how things are there, now you will finally bury her, yes, she will rest in a columbar, well, this, this is right, mikhaloch, then you, you ’re not an indian with us, and you don’t even look like one, well done, well, why are you discussing a witch, of course, so we think, let’s take the blame ourselves, well, that’s reasonable. i think, yes, you are right, i
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think so too, yeah, christmas trees, so, what should i write in the report? well, it’s not someone close, i realized hello, see you tomorrow, good morning, bye.
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he won’t, he’s going to a funeral, a funeral is a fun event, you’ll laugh out loud, borka, have you already prepared for this fun event? elya wants a two-person plot with a beautiful view, and i want to be a diamond. excellent choice, borka, someone wants to be a carcass, someone wants a stuffed animal, and you want to see the sky in diamonds, a diamond is a new service, after burning carbon is released from that ashes, then it is placed in a press under pressure and then in result.
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"my beloved father, viktor khodakov quietly died in our home in spain at the age of 77, he was one of those who raised. this country in the nineties, but instead of gratitude, he was expelled from his homeland by envious people and corrupt cops, trash from the investigators, now my father is returning to his native land to be buried, we deeply mourn, i, my sisters, our machik, today we are here for dad, he was a man of a golden soul. khadok wants to talk to you, not shout,
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be a man. well, something came up, we decided to remind ourselves on the day of the funeral, you people in general, no, i came by invitation, what are you talking about, what kind, someone gave me this last night, we didn’t print this, why do i need trash at a funeral? okay, that's enough, stop the car, i'll get out,
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i like going to funerals, so understand , i'll see you again, next time you'll go to your old, stinking mensch. gosha, i need your help. michal, what happened, how are you here , and i’ll live, well, thank god, but what happened , i’ll tell you on the way, well, sit down, you feel fine, everything is fine, fine, but
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alexandra, it’s better not to know yet, what i ran into a butcher, who should i face? i heard a butcher, aka denis khodakov , 2000, a tough drug dealer, cruel, cunning, they took him twice, all to no avail, oops, neither searches nor interrogations led to anything, he intimidated witnesses to death, well, he laundered the money earned from drug trafficking through the purchase of real estate, in 2007 he left for spain and migrated, well, i don’t know how it is now, but before i liked to tell stories with an axe. and they say he used it often, is there anything on it? yes, oops, great, well, the pain of losing his father didn’t stop him from wanting to raise money again, but
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he wants to sell off all his real estate here as quickly as possible, he is tearing up his family’s house and doing it very quickly, next week he wants to leave for spain, he is a chronic bandit of patents. and is still at large, by the way, as soon as he moved to spain, khodakov was suspected of murder. anatoly dimidov, my informant, did not find direct evidence against khadakov at that time, he slipped away again. i was probably the last person to see tolik dimidov alive. in 2007, my informant, anatoly demidov, told me that he could be killed, that he owed a large amount of money some bandit, an authority figure and... in exchange for his safety , he is ready to hand over this authority figure to me, but he didn’t give me his name, he demanded ironclad guarantees, well, no matter how much i worked with him, he always leaked some kind of crap to me, deceived me , i refused him, alexandra, i
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can talk to you in plain sight, at 12 it will suit you, yes we agreed, thank you, already in plain sight, nation, continue, ivan mikhailovich. yes, so, demidov disappeared, and about a week later the man’s body surfaced in a cellophane bag. head and hand and arms cut off to complicate the identification, but nevertheless the identity was established and it turned out to be demidov, a consequence of nothing except that besides the fact that he was associated with the crime boss khodokov, nicknamed the butcher, he was the main suspect in the murder, but there was practically no evidence there was no information on him, he went to his father in spain immediately after... dimidov’s disappearance, the cause of death could not be established,
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dimidov had no relatives, no relatives, no friends. ivan mikhailovich, why did you decide to raise this matter now? khadakov is not in moscow for long, he’s a bandit, he ’s cunning, and we won’t have another opportunity to pin him down. i agree with roevsky. here, at the moment, is everything that is available according to khadakov. i want to discuss your management of the department, you are doing a great job , thank you, what if you hold a seminar on managing the department of investigators for special cases, oh no no, this is a bad idea, you have excellent results, they admire you, well, really, well, what not hide your talent, but i have no talent, lord, just principles, without shoulder. don’t be afraid to get involved in shit and take responsibility, well, you have to learn this too, thanks for the praise, but no, well, you
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deserve it, i know that you spend most of your lunches at the computer, with an apple and sandwiches, and therefore i suggest you have a normal lunch, yes, it’s moments like these that help you have fun. anton shashkov was recently released from work, he was imprisoned for drug trafficking, before that he still had a whole heap of adventures, well, in the 2000s he worked for khadakov, and how he lost his fingers, if you believe him, he bit his nails, it’s strange that in the case khadakov is not there, who was in charge of the case, vyacheslav karabeinikov, well, he is already retired , for six years already, something due to his health, but before that he worked in a lethal department, gosh, and you are probably his...
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i hope you have better luck, just lucky,
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catch my word? lenya, i said, watch your breathing, you have to keep your ears open, but of course, of course, it’s not a matter of luck, at that time we were catching a serial rapist, so the case of the murder of the small six was not a priority, vyacheslav sergeevich, do you recognize these people? thanks for being direct, i heard you work with barkhatov, yes, tell him hello, i’ll tell him
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, thank you, can i have a photo, yes, please, goodbye, goodbye, lenya, put your head down. mash, who's doing this? khadakov? he killed denidov. then i had to listen to anatoly. he wouldn't have died.
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look, this is the khadakov mansion, these two...
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departments of karabeinikov, in the last years before his retirement, the department of their own security was very interested in him, they suspected bribes, perhaps i’ll talk to him one more time, but i no longer remember all the details, it was in the patrol report, there was a real chance put khodakov in prison, if you had taken this matter more seriously, i’m guilty, i’m so ashamed , you moved me, i already told you, we had no time for him, right? of course, mistakes were made, it’s not about mistakes, no, lenin , being careless is of course bad, very, yes, very bad, but this is not a crime, and in what year did you start taking bribes to close cases, i need all the information on demidova, if i understand that you are hiding something, i will ensure that all the cases that you have entered are checked,
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in order to initiate a criminal case against you, i was going if you knew where, i'm clean. and in any case no dirtier than barkhatov. barkhatov, leave him alone. i myself know everything that is necessary about him. listen to what i tell you, my dear, touch me and i will go to the bottom. i will definitely take izhora with me. i 'll drown him. what kind of people are they without security? ah, hello, slav, see you off.
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if you change your mind about going to the site, then why shouldn’t i show your pictures at the department? for clarity of mind, sometimes it’s good to change the environment, and then you will have a normal lunch here, menu, coffee, please, and with me something is wrong, i have raevsky here in the medina , stuffed with beved, now you are here, everything is fine , alexandra yuryevna, you are just the only one with us, and we men are obliged to take care of you, yes, in
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2006, in this house khodakov buys 12. it belonged to khadakov, that’s what he came there, and the wallpaper was peeled off or to hide the leaks, for example, an ax with blood on it or khodakov’s fingerprints on those who were axing? consider the decree on obusk in our pocket, well then i’ll have borscht, delicious aroma, perfection and harmony of taste, classic
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greenfield loose leaf tea collections, greenfield tea finding harmony, alexey glyzin is 70, wow! pose , the favorite of women dreams of celebrating an anniversary, i would love to do this, i would love to be with you in bed with a rodent, guys, what diet helps the singer keep in shape, sometimes i eat once a day , sometimes twice, you need to have breakfast, how much once in his years he presses his chest, sometimes i take off my jacket there, the audience should see that i’m not an aquarium, you know the kind of aquarium with whom he goes to the bathhouse, there are brooms , all that’s left is to grab a beer, no, no beer at all no matter what. the topic is us too, did the artist manage to make capital from his favorite hits? to be honest, i don’t buy anything for myself, earrings, a ring, that’s all lyosha, and is he ready
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to meet a relative who is old enough to be his son? well, at least once did you do any dna testing? no, no problem, what needs to be done? alexey glyzin and his million-dollar secret. it’s a sin for me to complain about my life. tomorrow at 19:25 on the artist’s birthday on ntv. disco superstar tomorrow at 21:30 on ntv. when it hurts somewhere here. neobutin. it acts selectively on pain, spasm and stool disturbance. neobutin. when it hurts somewhere here. it's easy to imagine your ideal home. so, just imagine. and the house click will do the rest. from a dream to a home, alone.
7:18 am
loans that everyone knows, in lenta there is freshness in every purchase, we bake bread and buns for you every day, try lenta fresh baguette, rustic sourdough for 65 rubles from the bakery. the village is green, i love accuracy, so i choose and, and number one tonometer in russia, it seems that something has changed,
7:19 am
but no, everything is as we like, kfc, now rostix, and the legendary taste is everything. whole chicken meat, which you love so much, yes, exactly, everything is the same as we love, yeah, langidaza helps to break down fibrous tissue, langitaza against prostatitis, well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a holwa, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the holwa, divide do you conveniently repay for 24 months, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts? easy with halva thousands of holiday discounts in the magnet sausages molokushi 1399 smoke - it's expensive tabacette to make it easier to quit smoking
7:20 am
tabachette - start a new life without cigarettes disco superstar tomorrow at 21:30 on ntv confidence and strength that’s how she wants to see you brutal reliable stylish like a men’s set. hermes accessories from leamax, voluminous cross and chain of armor weaving, massive cross of hermes, jewelry steel, noble shine and spectacular , three-dimensional design, three crosses in one, powerful cross fits perfectly with chain of armor weaving, real gold color, durable lock, reliable links , hermes decoration is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful male image. jewelry set. hermes, a worthy gift for a real man. the price of the set is rub 2,499. but call us right now and you can buy it for only rub 1,999. but
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that's not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax. shopping with a plus. homicide department with the start of the first corpse. captain klimov. criminal investigation. they don’t yet know here that running is useless. lie.
7:22 am
yeah, what is this? underfloor heating wiring, i hope it’s not in vain, it’s already waiting for me a difficult conversation with raevsky, oh well, when will you see such equipment again, and wait, here she is, begging, yes, yes, what is this? i can’t tell, it’s under a concrete screed, yeah, so, well, let’s go, stop hammering!
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it doesn’t look like an axe, wow, uh-huh, borka, i have the most interesting information, both of our defendants turned out to be big fans of hanging out in the cemetery. here you are, you have no idea what we dug up, forensic experts confirmed that this is demidov’s head, and what kind of flower is this? these are the stems and petals of a red carnation, someone gave him a carnation, and two, then hacked him to death and dismembered him, and the cause of death was brain damage, due to a strong blow with an ax or something like that, but we can get closer to khadakov, we have outdoor surveillance, so even
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closer. work undercover, gain confidence and talk? maybe you're interested in my opinion? yes, yes, please, we know that khodakov was kicked out by the realtor who was selling his palace, the palace is still for sale, the asking price is 200 million rubles. we also know that khodakov is in a hurry to fly to spain, which means we need a rich buyer with a bunch of murky cash, which he... will be happy to get rid of, well, he’s the same scoundrel as khodakov, well, such a person needs a madam, a gorgeous lady, well, everything is as it should be, alexandrev, well, let’s, i mean, you , you will like it, but you were born to shine, the consent of a gorgeous woman should be noted, borka, if there are
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crumbs left in the car after you, they will kill you. horns are not sand yet, well , go ahead, the tenth floor is nonsense, you had to go to me, but did you mikhalovich buy chicken or fish? meat, i wanted to buy him another sense of humor, this there’s not enough money, yes, yes, you bastards, quietly, quietly! remember tolik demidov. these are not art school burglars. the target was you, vanya. did it look like something happened? yes. wreath in tver, pierced. why didn't they tell you before? i thought you would remove
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me from the case because... in this investigation, my personal problem, my memories, this is unacceptable for the investigator, well, you no longer work for the police, i don’t think i should apply the same rules to you, as for active officers. thank you, about the idea, undercover penetration, they gave it to me yesterday good, fantastic, we really appreciate your support, just let’s not do it on our own, i don’t understand, khadakov is a valuable trophy, many departments will want to be involved in his capture. but it was our idea, yes, i tried to protect the right of your department to engage in this investigation, i even achieved some concessions, but the undercover work will be carried out by a person with special training, and if i am
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against it, alexander, well, let’s not be dramatic, other departments are joining your investigation, this is already a success and recognition, this is humiliation, not success and recognition, do you even understand that this is... authority to my team, the discussion is over, the special agent will be here soon, wait, that’s what keeps me afloat, a cocktail of medications , you’re no good when don’t drink them, oops, good morning, good morning, major, tatyana muranova, very nice. georgy barkhatov, can i gosh? colonel share, well, i see you have already met, tatyana, lieutenant colonel alexandra tokareva. hello, tanya, she works undercover, yes, and what are you like?
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when not undercover? now she's not undercover, now she's doing what she does. major muranova will not be with us for long. we just had a very interesting conversation with boris. oh, i 'm afraid you have the wrong impression. things may turn out for us, well, nothing, it will turn out when you get to know us better, i already found out, i studied your personal affairs and decided who will work with me undercover, with you, this is the decision of the management, tanya, then i know exactly which one you need a partner, you need a true professional in his field, intelligent, creative, handsome, with a good legend, capable of protecting you in any situation, i absolutely agree with you, don’t count on me, i don’t like...
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it’s better for me to hear from you than from him, does he have dirt on you? no, if yes, we’d better sit down for a story, remember which one...
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and hissed a few words to her. did you know about this? of course, we worked together. and she gave him two green pieces in gratitude. did you take a share? go ahead, i won’t sign it, lyosha, vodka for
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the lady, wine, no, no, no, vodka, vodka, sorry, i’m instinctive, elya, it’s just special classified materials, they are not for civilians , el, soon i will go on a mission, i will be gone for some time, there will be no contact with me, i can’t tell you more, oh well, there is a chance that i will not return, i i'll make you more sandwiches. “i will be working in
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the field, undercover, i will have to completely transform myself into another person, and my partner will be a young woman, this is very nice, i want to assure you, you don’t have to worry about my fidelity.”
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welcome, denis kodakov, very much nice, boris, and this is tatyana, my personal assistant, very nice, please listen , i said that you are selling the house yourself, yes, yes, these are sheep, stupid people, uh, excuse me, tanya, they won’t be able to sell a doghouse, k inspection, yes, thank you, thank you, interesting, very interesting, well, i think you won’t find a better offer, i live in spain myself, i came to sell my last assets and go do it quickly, yes, of course, if we agree on the price, oh, well, i don’t know, to live here, but he says
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he wears it for a long time, in general, if we take this house, then we’ll definitely check everything here, it goes without saying, weevil, we can move on , where it went, and what’s silent, that she doesn’t stop him, this will be our family nest, but in general we live abroad, yeah, your own business, well, yes, europe, asia, pakistan, not a very transparent country. for business, well, as you know, the fattest fish
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are found somewhere, in the muddiest water, well, you already understand me, denis, yes, i understand, i live like this myself , i took the bait, come on, borya, hook him, don’t rush, he hasn’t got the bait yet swallowed it, but want to drink it, oh, by the way, grief, grief, tanya, doctors, doctors forbid it. doctors forbid it, yes, i won’t do it this time, thank you, so what’s the price? 200 million, 200 million, yes, well, a wonderful house, a luxurious plot, huh? how much more will we need to invest in repairs? well, i ’ll have to earn money, you’ll earn money, but how can i explain why i have 200 million unaccounted for the tax authorities, and you see, it’s become difficult to hide money here, you know, i won’t give you
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200 million, i’ll give you 50, but what the hell hit you in the head, or what? yes? i'll give you 50 officially, and 150 in cash, you have so much cash, we have much more of it, sadly, it’s just, well, it’s like a suitcase without a handle, and it’s inconvenient to carry , it’s a shame to throw it away, but otherwise i’ll at least put it in, well, maybe partially put it in the walls, it seems to me that they overextended themselves, you might break loose, well, i need to think, exactly, well then i suggest tomorrow, right here, yes, yes, well, what the hell, i’m glad to see you too, gosha, maybe
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you’ll offer to come in? well, what do you want, i came to help out of old friendship, shove it, you know where, you have something on khodakov, you tell me what exactly and what are your plans, i’ll warn khodakov and we’ll retire with you, wealthy people with bulging pockets, nothing complicated, great, come on, come on, you ’ve become old, gosha, tell everything you know about
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khadakol, well , it was he who unfastened you for the collapse of the demid affair. yes, yes, he paid , so what else, that’s all, i don’t know anything else, nekani purgo, according to the detective bazaar, he’s a six, i know him, khadok said that he personally cut off his fingers for the puncture with demidov, he i almost set him up, i had to spend a lot of money to hush everything up, he's afraid of the khadak until he has diarrhea, and he hates him even more, his hand. you'll break it , okay, get out of here, you've changed , gosh, you've changed a lot, get out, i said, vlad stashevsky, i won't wait for you anymore,
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igor nadzhiev, alisa mon, almas, this is an invaluable class. and other stars from the show superstar, superstar disco, tomorrow at 21:30 on ntv, alexey
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it’s a job, you’ll find not just a job, but your place, information about a gang of killers is confirmed, we don’t care, you don’t scary, sergeevich, very scary, kostya, scary that we might have nothing succeed, testify, tell the truth, raise. spetsov, sergei sergeevich, are there no other bandits left in the city? their turn will come too. chief, from monday at 22:15 on ntv. don't turn around, our tail is behind us. are you sure? don't worry, i took an extreme driving course, we can have a blast. “no, under no circumstances, let’s catch him, calm, calm, listen
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, well, she’s about to screw up the whole case for us, we need to get her in from there, damn it, she turned off the phone, i’m at the address, not at home, that's all for now civilly , let's get in touch! hands on the steering wheel and don't twitch, you were watching us for someone, what are you driving away in your mind, no, for a long time, so don't leak me, well , who sent you, don't be silent, otherwise i 'll make two more extra holes in your head. i count to three: one, two, what a bastard he's doing, i
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knew it was an idiotic idea, hodo, in may of ninety-eight, i confiscated poplar fluff from the punks in gorky park to set fire to i never throw anything away, i couldn’t get through to you for 12 hours, what the hell did you do yesterday?
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listen, tatyana, you’re our expert. for undercover work, you should have controlled him, alexandra, check with us, i ’m talking, excuse me, please, well, get him out of the shower in the end, okay, i agree, there are some limits to everything, so let him call back i urgently need it to finish, thank you, we have a breakthrough, it turns out that in this story the main ghoul is not the khadaks, but the shashkovs, why? all of a sudden? he is playing some kind of his own game, and it is he who is pitting mikhalych and khodakov against each other. for what? remember, shashkovo was stopped near the house where dimidov’s head was found. a khodakov’s car lit up and he came under suspicion. in retaliation, khodakov cut off shashkov’s fingers; shashkov hated him fiercely. and he still can’t forgive him. well, yes. who's at the roof? wait, now, boris. where does
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the information come from? i will not say. another friendly brothel. it doesn’t matter, i apologize for yesterday, but you understand, caution has never hurt in our time, yes, yes, we understand perfectly well, perfectly, but it’s much more important that we play on the same team, this is a toast, yes, yes, please, borya, okay, now to the point. i have an appointment for tomorrow departure, the money is in place, magical, yes, boris , tanya, yes, while the lawyers are still drawing up the paperwork, but this is an advance, and for the house, it seems to me, this could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship, come on, start, it’s your turn, it’s mine
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i have a question for you, yes, we also made inquiries about you and... there are rumors that your nickname is the butcher, she made such a threat, you know, it turns her on, stop it, stop it, it’s a nickname, really, you’re not anyone, well why not, this is just a normal thing, then men have to solve problems, i’m like that myself, denis, well, you just a cat, yow, there were different things in life, i had to do a lot of things. i don’t understand now, you, come on, tell me, you see, she needs fantasies for the night, you know, so be it, but i think it’s better for you not to know me from this side, she puts too much pressure on him, tanyusha, leave the man in peace, but you’re a fool because you had to send me there, i can’t, i have a proposal for you, yes, yes, i see that you are
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people with money, ready to take risks. want to earn more? very interesting, how much? millions? you can take the whole lot, you can part. it is illegal? did you win this money in the lottery? of course it's illegal. listen, i'll just have to call. no, my friend, you need to decide now, until i show the product, no calls. here. it’s interesting, yes, but not according to the script, we have to get them out of there. well, we are risk-taking people, we are in business. on your car, on mine? on my. don't forget to vacuum the carpet,
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van. your wife is in it. ku-ku, who are you? investigative committee, idiot. investigative committee, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, i know everything about you and khadakov, it’s you who are playing off khodakov and dolin, you invited him to the funeral, you want to take revenge on the butcher for your severed fingers, but i didn’t care about my heels and dolin killed my brother, brother! so why are these brothers? we served together, he covered me and carried me out of the fire, i understood, yes, not by blood, but the brothers, ohodog, killed him,
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forced me to dismember the quiet body, hide the pieces, what it was like, what do you think, your valley betrayed him, and the walker knocked him down. it's time to pay, don't get excited, don't get excited, don’t get excited, listen, we can unite against the hadak and take him down, he got away with it because you did n’t give a damn about him, but your death will set someone up very strongly. where are we going? i want to surprise you, otherwise your friend thinks i’m a cat? you'll see what a cat i am. i know
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where they are going. i recently buried my father here , my condolences, but we, we will dig him up, god, i mean, diamonds worth 20 million euros, unaccounted for mining in yora namipi, our spanish partners found here in russia. clients, so i brought these diamonds to my father’s grave. it seems that he decided not to leave diamonds in the family, a man with a golden soul, rather already a diamond one. it was his idea.
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talented. right before his death, he told me: “son, i want to lie in my native land, do it for me.” and he says: “let’s have some fun one last time.” we are deeply touched, denis, but you see, exhumation is a rather troublesome undertaking. i ’m not quite at a young age anymore, oh well, fight, i can do almost everything myself, the shovels are nearby, the tractor is also not far away, and you tell me you’ll only help when we get out of here, lord, i can’t do this anymore, uh, ivan mikhailovich, look what gosha sent me, little steps in my house. oh, you little bastard, he thinks that he is playing his game against khadakov, against khadakov, and you know that this is so, well, we can start,
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this freak was watching me, says the investigator, last name is barkhatov, barkhatov, which one are you? not velvet, velvet, how i hate you, i need to intervene, wait, i ’ll call the guys, i don’t have time, god, you still have my phone, take my creature when you calm me down, wait, wait, wait, i know this goat, i know him, yes, listen, i beg you, leave him to me.
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how are you here, and you ask your six, he ’s been pressing me for a whole week on your behalf, sending wreaths, cutting tires, breaking into my apartment, shut up, graze! “if you don’t believe me, look, this was filmed tonight in my apartment, and to piss you off, he invited me to your father’s funeral, he’s your real enemy, hodoh, he’s driving a wagon, then i’ll give you the thumbs up, hodoh, and now it's time head, walkers, drop the weapon, i won't say it twice, chop it up, creatures, don't move, that everything is fine, great job
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with the crap not a great job, in what sense literally, it's a miracle that none of them were killed, well they knew what they were agreeing to, it was you who set them up, alexandraevna, i had to be there, it seems we have already discussed this, it is required for this task.
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bor, well, darling, it's all over, the good guys won, did you start using aftershave lotion, this is adikalon, kiss on your feet, oh, wash it off, otherwise the whole bedroom it will smell, well, what were you doing there, or is it a secret, no longer, i solved an old murder, extracted smuggled diamonds worth 20 million euros from... the grave of an old mafia, all this thanks to a bandit, an ex-military man, who was forced to kill his friend , having dismembered him, a common thing, instead of playing the fool, it would be better to let me sleep.
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american-british strike. the western coalition attacked targets in yemen. the kussites threaten retribution. missiles vs. civilians, donetsk came under massive fire from the nazis, from unusual drones to robots, all-terrain vehicles, know-how, home engineers for fighters on the contact line, and also , employees of the prosecutor's office are responsible for their professional holiday to guard the law. this is the program today, in the studio dmitry zavoisty, hello! this night, the united states and great britain launched a powerful attack on houthi positions in yemen from the north of the country.


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