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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 12, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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middle eastern aggravation, the united states and britain attacked houthi targets in yemen, they announced mobilization and threatened retribution, and what was the reaction. restless sleep biden jr., the son of the us president appeared in court in a new case of tax evasion of almost one and a half million dollars. well, as well as the consequences of nazi volley fire in peaceful neighborhoods of donetsk, employees of the prosecutor's office celebrate their professional holiday. and the bolshoi theater’s special view on the development of an inclusive culture in society. this is the program today in the studio. pleasures,
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hello, this night the usa and great britain escalated the middle east conflict and carried out a powerful blow to the houthi positions in yemen in the north-west of the country, which controls the ansar allah movement, dozens of explosions were heard. the western allies used tomahawk cruise missiles and guided bombs. the houthis have already been informed that there are casualties, how many are still unknown, war has not been declared on anyone in the white house, the stated goal of the pentagon. weaken the military capabilities of the houthis, who violate the safety of shipping in the red sea. the americans demand an end to attacks on merchant ships. the houthis themselves demand an end to support for israel's military operation in gaza. at the same time, attacking yemen, washington stated that it did not want to escalate tensions in the middle east. the region is surprised. iran's foreign ministry called the actions of the united states and allies a violation of all norms of international law. and the houthis have already promised that the us. in
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the end they will lose. alexey kvashenkin has collected all the latest information by this hour. air strikes on sixty targets in yemen us and british forces struck after the personal orders of american president joe biden and british prime minister rishi sunak. interesting fact: the head of the pentagon personally gave orders to the american military, despite the fact that he was in the hospital. the american media especially emphasize this fact. the mystery surrounding his... hospitalization in early january hit the image of the biden administration hard. according to a white house spokesman, the night operation was a response to the actions of the yemeni houthis, the ansar allah movement in red sea. the houthis launched attacks on mostly civilian ships following the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict. the economic consequences of the fact that the red sea has become a particularly dangerous place since december last year are recorded in a statement released by the white house. 12% of all transported by sea is not. 8% of
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liquefied gas grains went through the red sea. for the last month, ships have been forced to take detours, all the way around the cape of good hope, wasting time and money. the seriousness of the call to stop threatening shipping was unequivocally reinforced this night. this attack may have other consequences. only last year, it seemed, the end of the long-term bloody conflict between the yemeni rebels and saudi arabia, that's the kingdom, was in sight. opens its skies for airstrikes against the houthis, there is less and less hope that another boiling point in the arab world will cool down. meanwhile, in the us, biden's decision raised legal questions. congresswoman cori bush said the president had no right to initiate an air attack without the approval of congress itself. in her opinion, this contradicts the first article of the us constitution. however, it cannot be said that the entire congress is against the president’s decision. house speaker mike johnson said that... action by british american
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forces was long overdue. in any case, the order has already been completed. it is very likely that this air operation will continue. in any case, this is stated in a statement from a white house representative, quoted by cnn. it may very well be that this is not our last word. when will we have something say and do, you will hear about it. the military's actions were supported by canada, belgium, germany, denmark, italy, the netherlands, as well as japan, south korea, singapore, bahrain, australia and new zealand. but iran called the air operation arbitrary and a violation of the sovereignty of yemen. strikes on yemen will be discussed today at the un. russia has requested an emergency meeting of the security council, which will take place immediately after the meeting on the situation in the gas sector. the meeting will be held in the format of an open briefing. main speaker - un secretary general, antonio guterres. alexey kvashenkin, alexander gusev, tv company. the public reaction to the actions of the united states and britain was not long in coming. after the first strikes on
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yemen, the white house held a rally in washington, despite the fact that night had already fallen. activists chanted slogans demanding to stop the conflict in the middle east. the posters said, let them. the united states is involved in the middle east aggravation, but is also expanding it beyond the borders of the region. moreover, in 2020, after the assassination of the iranian general suleimaniya, biden spoke about trump, who was then leading the country, saying that he does not have the authority to involve the united states in a war without the approval of congress, that is, without the informed consent of the american people. but now biden himself has approved the strike. according to yemen. well, of course, the situation in yemen today is in all news releases, on the front pages of newspapers , and coincidentally, in the states themselves, these reports have overshadowed the details of the high-profile trial of president biden’s son. the first hearing in the tax evasion case took place in los angeles. the prosecutor's office believes that
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instead of sending almost $1.5 million to the ministry of finance, hunter spent almost $1.5 million on colorful parties, expensive cars, drugs and escorts. our own us corp, alexey veselovsky, more details. hunter biden, the son of the us president, is accused of failing to pay about one and a half million dollars in taxes, and, as the prosecutor notes, from 2016 to the end of 2020, the younger biden used a whole scheme to evade tax payments, transferring money from his own company avaska to his personal accounts. instead of paying taxes the defendant spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle, on drugs, escorts, girlfriends, luxury. hotels, rental housing, cars, clothes and other personal items. hunter really went out on a grand scale, about 700 thousand dollars were spent on women of easy virtue, another 2000 on sites and films for adults, 15 million were withdrawn from personal atms. over the course of more than four years
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, hunter lost about $5 million in this way; he had no money for taxes. however, the son of the us president did not admit his guilt, and now he faces a trial, it will begin. in los angeles on june 20, hunter could face up to 17 years in prison if convicted on all counts. the judge presiding over the case has previously sentenced people in similar circumstances for tax evasion of roughly the same amount to two more years in prison. some of the charges carry no jail time, just fines, but three of the charges against him are felonies. and the current administration, which has repeatedly talked about tightening things up.
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sanctions has not lived in kyiv for a long time, and the former prosecutor general viktor shokin, according to him , cannot leave, he is not being released, since he has dirt on the bidens, which the current ukrainian authorities are using as leverage to put pressure on washington. shokin is now a hostage on ukrainian territory. as far as i know, he is not allowed out of ukraine, he is under the total control of the ukrainian security service, and is a subject of trade between biden and blinken.
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history of our country, it can be done for a lot for afghanistan, a terrible shameful moment in attract, for example, because he took money from other countries, because his son or his company burisma is in ukraine. they didn’t bring any charges, at least for this. trump, who maintains his innocence of all the charges brought against him, more than 90 of them in four cases, is confident that he is being persecuted solely for political reasons. my problems with the law, every single one, civil, criminal, are all caused by joe biden, the crook, joe biden, they are doing this to interfere with the election. if this is true. what the democrats are not doing well; for 10 weeks in a row, in all polls, trump has been ahead of
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biden in the race for the presidency. and by the way, trump was asked how you will find time for the election campaign when you have constant court hearings and constantly need to be somewhere. and he answered: we will continue to carry out the campaign in the courts as long as it works out well. alexey vasilovsky, aviaabramov, usa. developers began to refuse to work with banks because of this. that they began to introduce commissions for developers business news marina piminova. marin, suggest some solution? so far , experts say the situation is a dead end. new conditions in the mortgage market resulted in a conflict between banks and developers. the latter have begun to reconsider their work with banks, which introduce commissions on preferential mortgages for developers, the camersat newspaper writes about this. thus, the industry publication tsanzhurnal reported that the developer peak, one of the largest in the country, refused. work with sberbank under preferential programs; i couldn’t find an offer from sberbank on the pika website. the bank itself says that
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the vast majority of developers continue to cooperate. the company's cds developers reported that they had suspended work with five banks demanding commissions on preferential loans. the federal antimonopoly service has already stated that it has received complaints from some developers about the actions of banks that have begun issuing preferential mortgages only to their developer partners. this is what sberbank has been doing since january 11, and since january 12, similar changes have been made to... vtb and alfabanks. commissions are introduced for accredited developers in the amount of 7-8% of the amount of each preferential mortgage loan issued. the situation arose after the authorities in december reduced subsidies for banks on preferential mortgages. world oil prices rose by one and a half dollars. night strikes by the united states and great britain on the houthi-controlled areas of yemen only mean that the situation in the region continues to escalate. at the end of last year, the yemeni houthis, who support the hamas group, began to ... get into the red sea on all ships that, in their opinion, are connected with israel, and through the red sea accounts for 12% of all seaborne
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oil supplies. the russian stock market, thanks to oil, starts friday with slight growth, but it is held back by the fact that the ruble, after three days of growth in a row, is becoming more expensive this morning. dollar 88.19, euro below 97 for the first time since mid- december. over the past year, tourists have provided the economy of st. petersburg with almost 48 cities in finland. they plan to close branches of the school where russian language and culture have been taught for 20 years. officials
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cite a reduction in the number of children and savings as the reasons. this is not the first time there has been closure. educational institutions with russian language in sooma in october last year, the liquidation of the finnish-russian language class was discussed in the city of turku. in november, the borders were completely closed , despite the protests of thousands of their own citizens who lost their business or the opportunity to visit relatives in neighboring russian regions for... treatment experience, including delirium tremens, when i arrived here in lapinranto, and
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lapinranto is 20 km away from the border, and i went to st. petersburg almost every weekend, yes, yes, that’s the only way i i was happy, i think that now i will live next to russia, it all ended very quickly, the finnish government closed the border crossings in november in december, on new year's eve they opened the border a tiny... i looked at the passers-by with visible distrust and a day later fearfully slammed it again. the second attempt to end self-isolation was scheduled for january 14 and failed. russian. people who live in finland are protesting, but in general they are not surprised. for those in the know, the course of finnish politics is clear. they justify their russophobia the winter war, but in fact, from the seventeenth to the thirty-ninth year they had absolutely nazi literature, and russophobic politics in the first place. the border was
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closed by the finns under the pretext of an influx of refugees. meanwhile, the local press reports that more than 120... asylum seekers who crossed the border with russia in the fall have disappeared somewhere. the immigration service suspects they have gone to other eu countries. asylum seekers according to the publication were 1,323 people, that is, 10% of the finnish problem with refugees resolved itself. a similar thing happened in 2015, when more than 32 thousand people came to finland from sweden, not from russia, and then many left, unable to cope with the gloominess of the climate and... the border with sweden, the finns, was not closed then, because this is different, and this is another border. now the climate and prices are even more gloomy than in 2015. against the backdrop of abnormally cold weather down to -44 , electricity prices are rising abnormally. the government and electricity operator fingrid asked citizens to reduce energy consumption. don't get too excited with batteries. finland in november
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proposed that the entire european union ban the import of lng from russia. stopped. finland , deprived of natural resources except for forests, bought relatively cheap oil and gas from the soviet union. it was during this period that it made a breakthrough in development, overtaking most highly developed european countries. and from an agrarian-industrial country it became a highly developed industrial country. at the moment, finland has decided that it has already received everything it needed for development from russia and it’s time to tear the fabric of relations. born in vyborg and living in helsinki, sofia kazakov leads the regional branch of a political party that strives for normal relations with russia, but even purely pragmatic considerations of the benefits of cooperation with a big neighbor
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are eradicated in the bud. mine came probably six years ago.
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helsinki. next, a short advertisement, after which we will show the consequences of a new massive attack by militants on donetsk. congratulations to those who stand guard over the rights of the laws, and the bolshoi theater opens a new perspective on art for people with poor vision. start now is the time to make new plans, tenkov’s loan will help you not put them off until later. apply for a loan in the tenki app with a decision in one minute. deferment of the first payment up to 90 days. tinkov. polyoxidoni against influenza and viral infections, be the first to accept the calls immediately. polyoxidoni, it is for adults and children during
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the cold season, now there is no more pain. everyone was looking forward to this meeting. meet the new truffleburger at kfc and rostiks restaurants, a special combination of haute cuisine and your favorite chicken that you can’t refuse. the main novelty of the season is the truffle menu in rostix and kfc restaurants. to collect a bouquet, the florist does not need to know about the invoices from the supplier, and the courier does not need to carry a terminal with him. with processes in place , you have time to think about how to grow your business. and even at the end of the reporting period, you can be a father and not an entrepreneur. you create your own business, and then the business creates simple and convenient tools for solving.
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please yourself more often, cashback with bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan to buy something you have long dreamed of, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in the branch and receive special, favorable conditions. koteka superstar tomorrow at 21:30 on ntv. petelenka - pure products without harmful additives. 14th . every month 20% discount on cosmetics and household chemicals. simply delicious rostagroexport cheese. just try it. every morning i start by taking aquadrim. with him i feel a surge of strength and joy from every day. aquadetrim is absorbed better than other forms of vitamin d. repeat aquadetrim tomorrow. this winter, repeat the benefits, three drops of aquadetrim for the price of two. cherkizova presents a fresh solution. let's cut bake directly in the package until a delicious juicy
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crust from meat from our own farms. cherkizova in sportsmaster, prices are half, but world sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. weather sensitivity, dizziness, sleep disturbance, weakness, increased anxiety. all these may be signs of vsd. eltacin is an assistant in the fight against vsd. indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children. dna today at 16:45 on ntv. you are watching ntv. we continue the release. today the professional holiday is celebrated by those who stand guard protection of the rights of compliance with laws. prosecutor's office employees. vladimir putin noted in his congratulations that the department’s employees have been confirming theirs for more than 300 years. special purpose in serving the fatherland, now in the context of anti-russian sanctions, the president emphasized, it is especially important to strengthen supervision over the implementation of national projects and
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social programs. the work of prosecutors is always noticeable, behind every decision, presentation or protest, warning or verification material, rights are restored and, what is extremely important, people's faith in the triumph of law and justice. and... this year, our citizens expect equally active offensive work from you; as before, among the priority tasks is identifying the elimination of violations of the social labor rights of citizens. monitoring the strict observance of legal rights, payments and benefits for participants in a special military operation and their families. and, of course, i will note such a key area as ensuring the country’s interests in the field of defense. security assistance in achieving the goals of a special military operation. meanwhile the ukrainian armed forces do not stop striking peaceful areas of donbass, this morning militants shelled gorlovka, three power engineers were wounded,
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but last night donetsk was subjected to the most massive attack in recent times. ukrainian nationalists fired at least 20 shells from multiple launch rocket systems . according to the latest data, six people were injured. bergey, brother. one of the residential buildings was damaged, and then a gas pipeline caught fire. when the fire was extinguished, it turned out that the flame had completely destroyed one of the apartments, leaving the owners homeless head, one of the buses was severely damaged, it was literally riddled with shrapnel, the driver was wounded, hits were recorded in residential buildings, according to local residents, several apartments were destroyed, miraculously no one died, here is another tragedy , hail arrived, the center of donetsk, you see, what destruction it caused to the residents,
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they have already come to the aid of those affected by the shelling. volunteers in apartments that were not severely damaged used film to replace the glass that had been broken by the blast wave. while ukrainian militants are firing from hail peaceful neighborhoods with sleeping residents, the russian armed forces do not succumb to provocations, they hit military installations of the vso. in the kopinsky direction, the artillery of the west group of troops identified and destroyed camouflaged enemy positions. even the dark time of day did not stop them from doing this. in the donetsk direction, rocket artillery crews helped assault groups in attacking enemy fortifications. the weather affected the fighting; alexey ibliev saw how hail fell on the neo-nazis along with a snowstorm. the weather on the front line is taking its toll adjustments to combat plans. heavy rains and impassable mud were suddenly
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replaced by frost, blizzards, and huge snowdrifts. almost zero visibility, in any case, if you get 5 meters away from the combat vehicles on the road, you immediately lose sight of them. but now you can see for yourself what the weather is like here, a terrible snowstorm is blowing, which is why the north sea soldiers from the 200th guards separate brigade will work according to the planned goal; the ukrainian nationalists will not fare well. the disadvantages are clear that... it’s cold, it’s like, well, we’ll tolerate it, we have to, we have to, but there are advantages, with such a squally wind , lack of visibility, even at a distance of several meters, the enemy is unlikely to be able to lift heavy kamikaze drones into the air , which means that for the first time in a long time there is no danger coming from the skies, and they are confronting ukrainian nationalists on this section of the contact line guys from the northern russian regions, who don’t care about snowstorms, frosts, or anything, but
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it’s much warmer here than here. it’s much colder here, so the weather, the weather conditions here are normal, yes, the snow gets in the way, as it happens work, well, everything is basically fine. at this time, a few kilometers from here, our assault units are attacking enemy fortifications. in order to interfere and transfer reinforcements there, a pre-emptive strike is necessary on the enemy’s platoon strong point, that is, on the planned target. three sighting rounds then followed up with 37 more rockets, that is. the complete package, now our military personnel have no problems with ammunition, they are already in a combat position, despite the fact that the blizzard reliably covers the combat vehicle from air strikes, the crew as quickly as possible, in a matter of minutes it is aimed at the target, demon, demon, i am the center 34-40, 340 aim the bean, the main rule is that the artilleryman of rocket guns after work leaves the firing point even faster than
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he came here.
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for those who, for various reasons, have vision problems , a special screening of the opera pocket took place there for the first time, to see the invisible, special guests are helped by people of a rare profession, tiflo-commentators. during the performance, through an earphone they literally convey the atmosphere and describe everything that is happening on stage. within charity project, similar sessions are held in many russian theaters. visitors shared their emotions after the performance in the big theater with svetlana gordeeva. the times when spectacle was the privilege of those who have sight are becoming a thing of the past; now , blind and visually impaired people can also visit the big theater and the best operas. i’m already such an avid theatergoer, i’ve been to performances with audio commentary more than once, and i even attended evgenia negin’s opera at the helikon opera, so it was always a dream to visit a big
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theater explain theoretically. elena’s mother can tell what’s happening on stage, but the constant loud whispers from the neighbors will interfere with elena’s ability to perceive the music. now this small earphone allows you to plunge into the abyss of passions. the soldier is surrounded by a crowd of women, not allowing them to get to the soniga. vera fevralskikh is the eyes of all those who cannot see the performance itself, she is a professional television commentator, there are only a few of them in russia, her task is to tell the listener what the scenery looks like, what is happening on stage, how the actors are dressed and what they are doing they are essentially putting the opera on paper, but in a very brief presentation in a dramatic performance there are pauses, and the music that sounds is, as a rule, background, it just holds you back. attention of the viewer , that is, it is not meaningful, often this music, the teflocommentator has the opportunity to comment more quietly in pauses, fitting into these between the characters’ remarks, in opera there is no such opportunity, and
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the text must be shortened as much as possible, and the performance for the blind begins after the first call, they are told about what the theater looks like, the hall stage, i always try to describe the hall and the theater in all my comments, well, a big theater is... it takes forever to write down, so i write some main points, well, this will most likely be in anthrax, and before the start in a performance, it is important to convey information about what the scenery looks like, what the actors and actresses look like , talk about the cast, and of course, you need to convey the essence of the aria, because a blind listener does not see the captions of the translation into russian, the women surround the tsuniga, speak interruption, but the elite said and repeated so that everyone could hear that she would get any donkey she liked for a carmencito, mocking, as usual, saying: why do you need a donkey, a broom is enough for you , without comment you are as if thrown out of process, you don’t understand a lot of things, a lot of things become uninteresting to you, and you seem to be in some kind of failure when
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there is dubbing, and comments on certain scenes, descriptions, characters’ costumes, of course this... the process immediately turns you on. hear what others see the arts, science and sports charity helps. over the past 5 years, about 100 russian theaters, including the big one, have received grant support. for this money, the theater can pay for the work of a television commentator, pay for the conduct, and attract an administrator who will work with the target audience. one of the main muses of the project was singer diana gurtskaya, for whom theater has always been an important part of life. for many years.
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clean your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with visol. avisol is a modern natural remedy, promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. clean your liver with folk remedies,
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try replacing them with ovisol. only in it the milky oats are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. avisol ivalar is number one for liver sensation. good morning, i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for tomorrow. european territory will be dominated by cloudy weather without precipitation, that ’s what’s surprising, it’s warmest in the north, kostroma, yaroslavl, tver regions around -15 during the day, in the chernozem region up to -17, but at night frosts will intensify throughout the middle zone, in some places down to -25. classic russian winter with frosts and sunshine in the middle and lower volga regions, where it is still closer to -20 and even lower, in izhevsk -23, -19 in chebakhsary and kazan. frosts will come to the south, including the coast. black sea, in crimea during the day about -2, steamy wind will add discomfort, in some places it will intensify up to 20 m/s. here, as well as on the western coast of the azov sea , even snow is possible. in the north-west there will be light snow in the pskov and novgorod regions, during the day it will be about.


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