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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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a new conflict in the middle east, western forces attacked dozens of targets in yemen. we hit ourselves where it hurt, what is the current situation in the finnish economy after the closure of the borders with russia? let's go in, well done! a well-deserved dog pension, a resident of krasnoyarsk took a decommissioned service dog from a moscow shelter. about the main thing, by this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello. this night the air force, the us and the uk carried out strikes in yemen, they said. it is impossible that washington
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and london emphasize that this operation is necessary to protect ships passing through red sea. in recent weeks, the houthis have begun attacking carriers associated with israel. against the backdrop of today’s strikes , anthony blinken’s words that the united states and the middle east, quote, are ready to work for peace in the region sound almost like a provocation. the houthis were informed of the death. promised that the united states would lose in this clash, and merchant ships would still be attacked as before. iran condemned the attack on yemen, the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, called the strikes another disregard for international right. alexey kvashenkin followed the developments. the us and british air forces carried out strikes on sixty targets in yemen after personal orders from american president joe biden and the british. peace of rishi sunak. interesting
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fact: the head of the pentagon personally gave orders to the american military, despite the fact that he was in the hospital. the american media especially emphasize this fact. the mystery surrounding his hospitalization in early january has hit the biden administration's image hard. according to a white house spokesman, the night the operation was a response to the actions of the yemeni houthis and the ansar allah movement in the red sea. the houthis launched attacks on mostly civilian ships after the palestinian-israeli conflict escalated. the economic consequences of the fact that the red sea has become a particularly dangerous place since december last year are recorded in a statement published by the white house: 12% of all oil transported by sea and 8% of liquefied gas grains each went through the red sea. for the last month, ships have been forced to take a detour, all the way around the cape of good hope, losing time and money, the seriousness of the call to stop threatening shipping was clearly reinforced that night. this
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attack may have other consequences, only last year it seemed that the end of the long-term bloody conflict between the yemeni rebels and saudi arabia was in sight, and now the kingdom is opening its skies for airstrikes against the houthis in hopes that another boiling point in the arab world will cool down , less and less. meanwhile, in the us, biden's decision raised legal questions. congresswoman cori bush said president had no right to initiate an air attack without approval. in her opinion, this contradicts the first article of the us constitution. however, it cannot be said that the entire congress is against the president’s decision. house speaker mike johnson said action by british american forces was long overdue. in any case, the order has already been carried out and it is very likely that this air operation will be continued. in any case, this is stated in a statement from a white house representative, quoted by cnn. it may very well be that this is not our last word. when
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we will have something to say and something to do, you will hear about it. the military’s actions were supported by canada, belgium, germany, denmark, italy, the netherlands, as well as japan, south korea, singapore, bahrain, australia and new zealand; iran called the air operation arbitrary and a violation of yemen’s sovereignty. strikes on yemen will be discussed today at the un. russia has requested an emergency meeting of the security council, which will take place immediately after the meeting on the situation in the gas sector. the meeting will be held in the format of an open briefing.
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he is not interested in the usa. this morning the ukrainian armed forces struck at the throat. two people were killed and six more were injured. well, the night before , donetsk was subjected to the most massive attack in recent times. ukrainian nationalists fired at least 20 shells from multiple launch rocket systems into the city. according to the latest data, six people were injured. lie down, brother. let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go! one of the residential buildings was broken, a gas pipeline caught fire, when the fire was extinguished, it turned out that the flame had completely destroyed one of the apartments, leaving the owners without a roof over your head. one of the buses was severely damaged; it was literally
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riddled with shrapnel, and the driver was wounded. residential buildings were hit; according to local residents, several apartments were destroyed, but miraculously no one was killed. russian troops of the south group are responding to the shelling of the nationalists. counter-battery combat. during the day, our units destroyed two howitzers of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction; in the krasno-limansk direction , the center group carried out air and artillery strikes on enemy positions, destroying two command point, an ammunition depot and a counter-battery counter station. developers began to refuse to work with banks because they began to impose commissions on them. they broadcast business news, denis talolaev is with us. denis, can any solution be proposed? well, so far experts say that the situation is... and can lead to a sharp drop in sales of new buildings. it looks like a big conflict is starting between russian banks and developers over preferential mortgages. as the newspaper kommersant writes, developers began to reconsider the terms of work with banks. by
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according to the publication tsanzhurnal, peak, one of the largest developers in russia, refused to work with a preferential mortgage from sber. the kommersant newspaper notes on pika’s website that a mortgage offer from sberbank could no longer be found. cds developers reported that they had suspended work with five banks. the thing is that russian banks increasingly began to issue preferential mortgages only to their partner developers. since yesterday , sberbank has been doing this, and since today, vtb and alfabank. and to become such a partner, as they said previously, in sberbank, the developer will be required to pay a commission to the bank for each preferential mortgage loan. and banks introduced commissions for developers because in december last year the authorities reduced subsidies for banks on preferential mortgages. the state compensates banks for the difference between preferential rates and market rates, and market rates are constantly growing, due to the fact that the key rate has doubled in just the last six months. market experts interviewed by the newspaper say that buyers may ultimately be the victims if if no solutions are found here in the near future,
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sales of new buildings may collapse. world oil prices rose by 2 dollars and the night strikes by the united states and great britain on the territories of yemen, which are controlled by the houthis, only mean that the situation in the region? continues to heat up. at the end of last year, the yemeni houthis, who support the hamas group, began to attack all ships in the red sea that they believe are associated with israel, and 12% of all seaborne oil supplies go through the red sea. russian market shares, thanks to oil, are in the black on friday, but growth is held back by the fact that the ruble, after three days of rising in price in a row, continues to do so today. and now the dollar today during trading fell below 88%. for the first time since november 23. the ministry of finance reported the day before that oil and gas revenues of the russian budget in december were 200 billion rubles less than forecast. this means that the central bank will sell more yuan by the end of january than expected, than analysts expected, and this will strengthen the ruble even more. and according to economist dmitry
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polevoy, the dollar is now moving to the level of 85-87. the supreme court appeals panel refused to exclude the confectionery shop. from the list of narcotic drugs, the press service of the court reported this. earlier , alexander startsev filed a lawsuit with the supreme court, who , according to him, was sent to a pre-trial detention center because law enforcement officers saw the trade in confectionery poppy seeds as drug trafficking. in the fall, the court rejected the claim; as startsev’s lawyer noted then, the law is written in such a way that it allows law enforcement officers to abuse their powers. lawyer viktor gladyshev, as quoted by the russian agency for legal and judicial information, explained that any poppy seed contains traces of apiates, but an extremely meager amount. as a result, the man, quote: he simply ran a stall in the market, and he was accused of distributing hard drugs. back in the nineteenth year, the commissioner for human rights, tatyana moskalkova, came up with a proposal to exclude edible poppy from the list of
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narcotic drugs, pointing out that the people who sell it are not particularly dangerous. ilya is all about economics. thank you, denis tovalayev with an economic review. the authorities of three cities in finland are planning to close branches of the school, where they have been teaching russian language and culture for 20 years. officials cite a decrease in the number of children and savings as the reasons. this decision was another manifestation. russian sentiments in helsinki, last year russian language classes were also closed in the country, well, in november they closed the borders completely, despite the protests of thousands of their own citizens who lost their business or the opportunity to visit relatives in neighboring russian regions, on the eve of the restrictions were extended for another month elizaveta gerson about the finnish border disorder. finland is not relevant for russian tourists even with the pandemic; turkey happily took over the function of a transit country and profitably took over for itself. there is only one category of citizens left.
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tatyana tsarenko came to finland 2 years ago for an internship to get acquainted with their experience in treatment, including delirium tremens. when i came here to lapinranto, yes, lapinranto is located 20 km from the border, and i went, well, almost to every weekend in st. petersburg, yes, yes. i was just so happy, i think that now i will live next to russia, everything ended very quickly. the finnish government closed border crossings in november in december, on new year's eve it opened the border a tiny crack, looked at passersby with visible distrust, and a day later timidly slammed it shut again. the second attempt to end self-isolation was scheduled for january 14 and failed. russian people who live in finland are protesting, but in general they are not surprised.
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disappeared somewhere. immigration service suspects that they left for other eu countries. according to the publication, there were 1,323 asylum seekers, that is, 10% of the finnish refugee problem has resolved itself. a similar thing happened in 2015, when more than 32 thousand people came to finland from sweden, not from russia, and then many left unable to cope with the gloominess of the climate and the aborigines. the border with sweden-finnish is then closed. it wasn’t, because this is different, and this is a different border. now the climate and prices are even
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more gloomy than in 2015, against the backdrop of abnormal cold temperatures down to -44, prices for electricity. the government, together with the electric power operator fingrid, asked citizens to reduce energy consumption and not get excited with batteries. in november, finland proposed to the entire european union to ban the import of lng from russia and, starting next year, it plans to stop importing. kifin's russian oil supply has also practically stopped. finland, deprived of natural resources with the exception of forests, bought relatively cheap oil and gas from the soviet union, and it was during this period that it made a breakthrough in development, overtaking most highly developed european countries. and from an agrarian-industrial country it became a highly developed industrial country. but apparently, at the moment, finland has decided that that’s all it needs. was for development, it has already received from russia and it’s time to tear the fabric
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of relations. born in vyborg and living in helsinki. sofia kazakov runs the regional branch of a political party that strives for normal relations with russia. but even purely pragmatic considerations of the benefits of cooperation with a big neighbor are eradicated in the bud. mine probably took another six years to arrive. back, comes to me and says: “mom, listen, to me.”
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ntv. helsinki. well, now about the story of one rescue, which is gaining popularity on social networks. a resident of krasnoyarsk went to moscow to pick up a decommissioned animal from the shelter. service dog, why she decided to come this far for the sake of this dog, and how the four-legged fighter feels now, who after a long service turned out to be of no use to anyone. vlada kopolovskaya knows. ay, let's go in, well done! previously, zizer was praised for his good work, but now he simply doesn’t reason. although just recently everything turned out sad for the dog who served in the russian guard for 8 years.
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he was written off upon retirement, ended up in a shelter for homeless animals, where he ate stress and chewed his tail. he has calluses on his elbows, i think it's because he lay in the cage a lot. maria, the owner of the young belgian shepherd dog damira, did not plan to have other pets, but on the internet she kept seeing the same advertisement, an obse, which after the service no one needed. here is zizer, a representative of the belgian breed shepherd dog maria in krasnoyarsk zizer in moscow for 4.00 km. the girl consulted with her husband and decided to fly to meet him. we walked a little, that's all. there a volunteer drags him into a cage, and he turned around, he had such eyes, i was like, that’s it, i ’ll come back for you, i’ll come back for you, for sure. zizer was so weak that he might not survive the flight, he was taken by pet taxi, at first the dog only slept at home, maria was afraid for his life, but love, good food and games with damiroi did their job, he will live,
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the veterinarian confirmed. zizir, you can. dog's story found a great response on social networks, maria was given a phone number. stories when a canine handler's partner ends up in a shelter - this is a rarity, and it doesn't matter where he served, he was looking for explosives, like zizer, drugs or people, without them , well, we are nothing without them, if so, if you count it that way, because the canine handler without dogs are not a dog handler. oksana umantseva has been working as a dog handler for more than 20 years, specializing in searching for drugs and explosives; over the years of service she has had several partners; dogs are her job and care.
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such closeness with him, you might miss leave. every year the dogs take a test for professional suitability, after 8 years - a pension, but misha is so good that he worked a year beyond the norm, and now oksana will treat him like all his predecessors and take him home. let's go, okay, let's live on the couch for you. these little workers are still young, they are no more than 3 years old, but mentally they have already been sorted out to their homes by the staff of the olfactory laboratory, these dogs are called.
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how it can be stored for up to 10 years. first , the dog is offered to sniff a blood sample, then several more samples, in one of them smell extracted from hair elastic. you finally found me, young man. in retirement , service dogs do not lose their grip; those who have spent their entire lives looking for drugs and on a regular walk find stash dogs. it is difficult to get used to the fact that you no longer have to serve. at first, misha will be sad when oksana goes to work without her partner, but his watch is over. fish, well done, that's it , we're going home, don't talk as much as you can, lada kopylovskaya, viktor melnik, svetlana zakharova, evgeniy matvekter, ntv company, krasnoyarsk. quote from my colleague, valeria gavrilovskaya, host of the emergency program . lera, what will happen today? ilya today about a cold attitude towards a child. we were interested in the story from yekaterinburg. there , one woman is raising
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her son too cruelly. at minus 19, she sent him out for a walk with the dog without winter shoes. wearing only socks, chilling footage was taken by eyewitnesses, and passers-by, through the crying of the schoolboy, heard the reason for such a mother’s anger and her sophisticated act, what the boy was guilty of and how his mother will be punished, see in our issue ilya, yes lera, thank you, about this not only is there an emergency in the program after a short pause, that’s all for now, go to, see you. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them at the bank, we take out loans, but we get them quickly, we’re at sovcombank. we take out loans, we have up to 5 million in our own company, loans that everyone knows, my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i
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rubles at a delicious point gather everyone the main family hit gorynych, rusal, ghoul, werewolf and other fabulous, crazy party, magical area, the whole season, already in the oko subscription. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? you need a holva, take out credit cards, transfer debts to a holva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, easily with help. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live. hello.
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the whole city is discussing the methods of education of a resident of yekaterinburg. she forced her son, a schoolboy, to walk the dog at -19 in -19 wearing only socks instead of winter boots. the boy cried as expected and asked to go home, but neither his tears nor the amazed looks of passers-by melted the woman’s heart. so what kind of childish act deserves such a cold attitude towards one’s own? will tell the child daria masalova. the photograph taken by concerned people gave rise to many guesses. the boy looks about 10 years old, walking a pug in his socks. nearby, as if nothing had happened, stands the mother, wearing shoes. nothing but children's feet stepping uncertainly on the crunchy snow at almost -20 aroused suspicion. outerwear appropriate for the weather, tracksuit, jacket, hat, warm mittens, why and for what, passers-by were amazed, but were embarrassed to meddle, as they say, in someone else’s business. now investigators and the juvenile affairs department have become involved, and that’s where the mother is now giving an explanation of what it was. in this situation, signs of a gross violation are seen.


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