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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  January 12, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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she forced her schoolboy son to walk the whole city with the dog at -19 in just socks instead of winter boots. the boy cried as expected and asked to go home, but neither his tears nor the amazed looks of passers-by melted the woman’s heart. so what childish act deserves such a cold attitude towards one’s own child, daria masalova will tell you. the photograph taken by concerned people gave rise to many guesses. a boy who looks about 10 years old, wearing only socks , you... a pug, next to him, as if nothing had happened, stands his mother, wearing shoes. nothing but baby feet hesitantly walking on the crunchy snow, almost minus 20, did not arouse suspicion. outerwear appropriate for the weather, tracksuit, jacket, hat, warm mittens, why and for what, passers-by were amazed, but were embarrassed to meddle, as they say, in someone else’s business. now investigators and the juvenile affairs department have become involved, and it is there that the mother is now giving an explanation of what it was. in this situation, signs of a gross violation are seen. the rights of a minor child
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whose health has been endangered. the investigative committee for the sverlovsk region organized a procedural audit. it will also be determined whether the child has been subjected to any unlawful influence previously. according to eyewitnesses, the dubious hardening walk did not last long, but that’s when you’re wearing boots. the mother led her son, shivering from the cold, about 20 meters around the house and into the apartment. out of curiosity, someone overheard their conversation, from which it became clear: the day before , the schoolboy had taken a long walk with his dog and pet. fell ill, tracing the cause-and-effect relationship between these two events, the parent decided to give her son a cold, well, apparently, so that he could experience for himself what it was like for a dog to have his paws frozen. today the neighbors noticed how a boy was limping on his way back from school, i said, what are you doing at church? he says my mother took me out into the street in socks, i said, why? but because i say to take the dog for a long walk, so that i...
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how cold the dog was, i tell him, walk faster, i walk slowly, and he says, but my leg hurts, but we got here , a the parents, apparently, honked the car horn, and he went into the car, they went somewhere, to show their son to the doctors, the parents, apparently, considered it unnecessary, pediatricians insist on doing this , it is simply necessary, even in the absence of visible symptoms, to walk in the snow alone wearing socks, even for a short time, can lead to serious complications. and this can also lead to the development of pneumonia in a child, which is also quite difficult and can be accompanied by the most unpleasant consequences. lawyers, as they say, talk from their bell tower about that the mother may face both administrative and more serious punishment for such inhumane upbringing. the criminal code has a very specific definition of this: child abuse. every mother, i still hope, yes, loves her child.
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maybe this is how a mother wants to raise her son by punishing him for some offense, but dear parents, remember that such methods do not work, they only cause injury to your child, even to the point of physical injury, the investigative committee has joined the investigation ombudsman for children's rights, specialists have already visited the school where the boy is studying, no one has the goal of mindlessly punishing parents, we have once again begun interaction with the educational institution. the child is at school today, the child feels completely examined by a doctor, a conversation took place with a psychologist, and this is the direction in which we will continue to work. it is important to understand the woman’s motive: in adolescence, children are able to test their parents’ patience to the limit, the incident with the dog may have become the last straw in a series of disobedience and conflicts. in any case, it is important to slowly figure it out and help make sure that there
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is a thaw in the cold relationship between kryukov’s mother and son, radu gurdish and alexander tutarinov. daria mosalova, alena ntv. a resident of the rostov region fully felt the fall to the bottom. on the eve of her birthday, she almost died. a woman driving along her usual route suddenly realized that she was falling through the ground. it’s scary to imagine what she experienced in the seconds of the fall, even worse, she felt after, when she was around.
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and i couldn’t get out, the phone fell, i could barely find it there , i started to turn off the car and started calling the children, the residents of the nearest houses were the first to come running to the rescue, but because of the crack that came from... the place of the failure, they didn’t dare to come closer, they could only make it worse , so we decided to wait for the rescuers. irina’s son nikolai arrived in time for their arrival and says that if the car had been in a different body, the evacuation would have been much more complicated. it’s good that the trunk was accessible, it turns out that the guys lowered everything, the seat, and dragged her through, they lifted it here because the car was in an upright position and they took it out through the trunk. they then pulled me out of the same trunk. no one has yet made an accurate assessment of the damage to the car itself, although at first glance it is clear that serious repairs are ahead, first of all, the family is worried about irina viktorovna’s health, because of the shock, initially she did not feel any pain, but now the places of bruises are making themselves known know, local motorists are now also performing,
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the road is popular, anyone could have been a woman, there was nothing, it’s smooth road, flat road, there was a well, like a sewer well, well... then the men say, it formed a well, well , the rings formed there and collapsed, why this happened, the utility workers are trying to determine , they say there were no prerequisites for the accident traces of erosion, no leaks in nearby pipes, it’s hard to say yet, no sewerage blockages, no leaks have been found, the water utility will now carry out excavation work using equipment to, well... get to the cause of the failure, because the soil is where- then he left it’s just that local residents told the utility workers which direction to dig; according to them, a month ago in the same place they saw an unmarked tank, the driver of the tank was pouring something from it into the well,
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what he drained, who did it on what basis, experts are also still finding out . ivan gomin, daniela baklanova and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. a six-year-old child finds himself in the middle of a conflict between his mother and grandmother, and this story of whose love is stronger and whose care is better is now in the public domain. dirty laundry from the hut the grandmother decided to take her grandson away, accusing her daughter-in-law of poor upbringing, namely cruelty, but the boy’s mother did not remain silent , recorded a video message in her defense, and provided footage from her home archive. now the problem within one family will be solved by outsiders. daria visaya tried to figure out who? tells the truth, it is unlikely that such a picture, when children are having fun and fooling around on camera, will make anyone doubt that they are happy in the family , everything is fine, because they returned home again after 3.5 years, when their mother finally left colonies. pasha, let's switch, come on,
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the fact that this family idyll is real and not ostentatious, the investigators and employees of the guardianship authorities still have to make sure. after the grandmother of six-year-old pasha published a video message with... she assured with tears in her eyes that the baby was beaten at home for any reason, even because of candy. he asked his mother, and his mother hit him on the chin with her foot, causing the child’s gums to bleed. and his teeth began to loosen, and the child asked his grandmother for help. he doesn't want to live with his mother, he's afraid to go there. love khvastunova, the boy's paternal grandmother . pasha and his middle sister lived with her while their mother was serving her sentence. the pensioner is sure that the child would not lie to her, she believes that the years spent in prison have not passed without a trace for anastasia, and are now affecting her relationship with the children. in order to protect pasha, lyubov pavlovna is ready to raise him herself. but anastasia is not
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going to give her son to anyone, although she does not hide the fact that she really raised her hand against him, slapped him on the lips for foul language, which he mastered it perfectly during her imprisonment. why does she need a child now, well... i can’t understand it, yes, the grandmother became attached, but i also think that she understood that she was taking temporary custody of, well, the children, that is, this, well maybe she got so attached, but people are adults , we must understand each other, after the pensioner’s appeal, it instantly spread across all social networks, says anastasia, people began to condemn her, hinting at a not very clean biography, which she admits, from no one they don’t hide it from their children, including three of them, she honestly admitted to everyone that she had committed... they are corrected, people want to move on with their lives, so i want to achieve something so that people understand that after such places you can live , of course, says anastasia, her decision to move after her mother-in-law’s threats to take away her youngest son
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is also due to the fact that the boy’s father often appears next to her grandmother; he, too , was recently released from prison, but did not take the path of correction, she is sure, supposedly drinks and leads a wild lifestyle, not the best example. judging by the audio messages , he doesn’t really need his son, but still he demands to give him back, i’m constantly booing, i just heard from my mother, so much stuff that you’re going to move, that... you’re going to pack up the children, she’s crying, you know , what kind of mother am i going to tear my head off, i ask you to leave pasha, but pasha himself, who is now experiencing close attention from all sides, seems to still not fully understand why people close to him say bad things about each other, why should he now i have to constantly answer strange questions about, for example , does he love his mother and is he afraid of his grandmother, i ’m afraid of her, pasha, i’m not afraid of her either, you’re afraid, no, who’s telling the truth here, it’s very difficult to understand if he’s turning the facts around, a lot of work remains to be done now conduct by psychologists, according to some information, employees of the guardianship authorities
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, having organized a commission , have already come to the mother’s home to check the conditions of the children’s detention and have not found any violations; the rest will be sorted out by law enforcement officers. daria visa radu gurdish and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. this is also not everything, see below. the effect of surprise in the american bully elevator is sudden. clinging to a child's face, terrible shots, their consequences, look after the advertisement, blinders, well, welcome to our hospitable land, a gift to you that looks like our gribanov, the great gribanga is coming, and who is this foreign tourist, in short, super.
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as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids. there are more than 100 items, so a product from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk appeared: prolong the youth of your brain 8.800 100 exactly 19th century. 85. 8.800 100 exactly 1985, the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year, a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy;
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it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan ; brain aging can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again. extend the youth of your brain. 8 800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product brainterapy. alexey glyzin, secret million. tomorrow at 19:25 on ntv. secret heir. stars very personal secrets of their favorite artists, how zolotukhin secretly lived in two families at once, no , it’s deeply disgusting, well, it’s just all at once, well, we’ll give birth, who got the spanish inheritance, shikakshenova’s beloved millionaire, but morally, maybe, maybe be, but this word is not suitable, about which i was silent sirov’s illegitimate daughter, there are people who
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behave unworthily, the title of an artist, the title of a man, a father, a person, why gaft? i saw my brazilian son for the first time only thanks to ntv. god sent you to me. beloved. the illegitimate children of celebrities, in a new multi-part investigation based on real events. tomorrow at 12:00 on ntv. live on ntv, another emergency incident. we are continuing production. a terrible find. this morning a resident in the east of moscow was examined, the body of a woman was found in a construction bag, the signs are obvious violent death, criminologists immediately announced this. by this moment it is known that the deceased came from another city to visit her eldest daughter for the holidays. today the girl and other relatives will face a very difficult identification procedure. tamara siminova is now at the scene
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of the event, she has found out some circumstances and already knows what versions investigators can consider. details in her report. the place where the woman's body was found has been cordoned off; police officers and criminologists are working. the identity of the deceased has already been identified to establish that this is forty-one-year-old veronika kudikova, she came from vyazma to visit her eldest daughter for the holidays, disappeared the day before, they could not reach her. in the morning , residents found her body with signs of violent death near the entrance. they began to put forward their own versions of what happened; someone was clearly trying to get rid of the body in a hurry. it into a construction bag, so investigators, when going through apartments , first of all paid attention to repair work, although according to the residents of the building, none of them is currently carrying out construction, half of the entrance is generally newcomers, who clearly have no time for renovations in their rented accommodation, the body was found somewhere under the windows of the first entrance over there, i walk the dogs, well , i often walk with the dog both here and there, i haven’t seen it, but from
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the fact that there is a building fence there, there is an assumption that
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she has been communicating with recently. so far, the woman’s relatives are going to the identification parade, hoping that the detectives were mistaken. tamara simonova, erika avagyan, igor korchagin, ntv television company. moscow. experienced the effect of surprise passengers in an elevator in krasnodar, when an american bully suddenly grabbed a child in the face. the dog was on a leash and muzzled with the owner, opposite the boy with his dad, who didn’t... from the elevator the boy went to the hospital. everything that happened in this confined space was recorded on the surveillance camera. the surveillance camera footage shows
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a very questionable decision by the dog breeder; he lets four adult children into the elevator, and then decides not to wait for another cabin; he enters with his pet; immediately the dog named stitch starts barking at the kids, and then breaks out from the hands of the owner, who is entangled in the tack, and rushes at the four-year-old boy. cru, wait, where did the muzzle go , i almost don’t understand, i jumped off of him, that he had it, it was clearly not secured, the children were scared, the neighboring schoolchildren jumped out of the cab in shock at the first stop, the frightened father of the injured child closed it trying to understand the extent of the damage, the dog grabbed the boy’s face, then there were tears of pain and soon, he had bites on top, from below you can see that a bruise is already forming and - tears, respectively, stress, i say that it happened, the husband says, a dog bit him in the elevator, the owner of ticher first tried to find out how the child was feeling and even offered help, seemed to agree to pay for the treatment, but then after talking with a lawyer, he suddenly said, it’s their own fault,
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an apology on his part towards the child it wasn’t, but if the nose and ears were there, oh, well, don’t , it’s so scary, upon closer examination of the camera footage you can see that the dog is an american bully breed, this is not a fighting dog, although it looks scary, on it before the attack there was something like a wise-cracker. dog breeders call this device halti; it scratches the body before jumping on the boy. experts explain that this is training equipment and is not designed to hold teeth. the owner violated the rules for walking the pet. in public places, dogs must be kept on a short leash and wearing a muzzle. the dogs were wearing a halti, which is a training tool that simply prevents the dog from pulling, but does not prevent the possibility. according to neighbors, claims against the owner had been in the house before because of the dog’s behavior, they say that stitch attacked other pets in the yard, two months ago he already bit a person, she rushed at me when
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she bit me on the leg twice, that is, two, two bites, in general i was there, the dog's owner's name is daniel halaya, after what happened he now appears at home infrequently, his pet barks outside the door, halaya himself explains on the phone that it is necessary to better educate not his dog, but the children. bit him in the face area. the extent of the damage is currently being determined harm to health of a minor, after which a procedural decision will be made. today,
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vsk became interested in this story. on behalf of the head of the department, alexander bastrykin, a criminal case was initiated. in the near future, the owner of the dog should be called by law enforcement agencies to testify; apparently, he is not yet going to admit guilt, although it would seem that everything is obvious. even if the children somehow provoked the animal. it is the person's responsibility to control the pet. pavel kuznetsov and mikhail blasenko, ntv. krasnodar. no matter what no matter what, pensioner klavdiya borobikova will teach moscow masters how to repair household appliances. the woman just wanted to fix the refrigerator, and the worker took up a knife. the conflict began after the owner suspected the masters of fraud, but even after this incident the men did not stop and continued to remind themselves. djanka vaando found out. for the last 18 years of her life, klavdiya borovikova, a disabled person of the first group, has lived moving from hospital to hospital, from one operating table to another. she has a serious illness, with
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which she fights as best she can. over the past few years, she has undergone six operations on her intestines and lives on a strict diet, the slightest deviation from which brings her closer to a sad end. i have an ostomy, i need fruits and vegetables so that there is plenty of them, otherwise they stop me, you know, everything, it becomes stuck. that i ended up in the hospital with an emergency obstruction. stable operation of the refrigerator is a vital necessity for her. when he started to act up, the pensioner called the specialists from an ad on the internet, two came at once and began to work disassemble the unit. the woman immediately sensed something was wrong; the workers did not indicate the cost of the repair; when the refrigerator was dismantled, they said a new part was needed, and a replacement would cost 17,000; when they learned that the pensioner did not have that kind of money, they became furious. the young people are talking in their own way, they approached strong, strong, strong, and what’s more, one approaches from this side, and
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the other from this side. below he’s just holding a knife, i was scared as a threat, i think what i ’ve done, push me, now, no one will hear, nevertheless, pensioner, after consulting with her son, she refused the repair, but fearing the knife, she was forced to give 10,000, the craftsmen left without having done, the woman assures, either repairs or replacement of parts, remorse that i wouldn’t give the money back then, and he just like that stuck it in, so it remained standing when they didn’t... they walked like that , stuck in it, right here, at the edge of the table. apparently, the relatives turned out to be so emotional, as klavdiya borovikova recalls. both have the same surname allayan. these people are young and strong, one of them is a professional fighter, as it appears on his social networks. when the son of a pensioner tried to contact the craftsmen and find out why they took the money and what kind of work style they were, a third person, clearly older in age and even more furious, took over the negotiations. do you hear the terrapin?
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when the conflict had already taken such a turn, the son of a pensioner contacted the police, and it is still unknown how many similar statements are lying in the district offices of the ministry of internal affairs of the capital, judging by reviews on the internet, this family is not the only one affected by the same craftsmen working under the same sign. my advice, never from words. do not contact this company at all for equipment repair services, the main motto of this company is to deceive the customer, do not contact here for anything, disgusting company, under no circumstances sign anything and do not allow them to touch your equipment, they will disassemble you and throw you away. after law enforcement officers took over the case, the workers rushed to return all the money to the victim, but she will not take the application from the ministry of internal affairs; she wants this story to finally become a lesson for the craftsmen.
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russian prosecutors justified the trust society, over the year the department has protected the rights of more than a million of our citizens, prosecutor general igor krasnov announced this today during a ceremonial meeting on the occasion of the day of the prosecutor’s office. the department today celebrates 302 years since its founding. the holiday was established on january 12 according to the old style, precisely in 1700. in the twenty-second year, peter the great signed a decree establishing the post of prosecutor general, and today the head of the department recalled that this is still one of the most important state institutions, and one one of the main directions, as always, remains human rights activity, first of all it concerns the support of military personnel located in the northern military district zone, this is the guaranteed receipt of monetary allowances, payments and benefits. at the same time, the lion's share of the work of prosecutors falls on the social
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sector as a whole. in general, the problems people encountered when receiving medical care, providing necessary medicines and special products were resolved, the rights of veterans and disabled people, and entire work collectives were protected. absolute majority russians react sharply to shortcomings in the work of the housing and communal services complex, therefore the validity of tariffs for housing and communal services and their quality of resettlement were constantly monitored. dilapidated emergency housing, implementation of capital repair programs for houses. the most distinguished employees of the prosecutor's office were awarded today with state and departmental awards, primarily those who serve at the risk of their lives in new russian territories. that's all for today, more news on our website in the telegram channel chpntv. let me remind you that feedback works there
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, and if. witnessed something unusual, if you saw that someone’s rights were being violated or you yourself encountered injustice, write to us, leave your contacts, and we will try to help you, i’m valeria gavrilovskaya, thank you for your attention, all the best and see you at ntv.
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i was swimming, calmly, so, quietly, what ’s going on here, but this one is hitting me, i was walking past, i didn’t touch anyone, why did you come to visit? and you behave like this, he tried to steal my backpack, what kind of backpack, this is my first time i see, so calmly, citizen, we’ll sort it out.
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where is he from in africa? alexander mikhailovich is not here, i won’t suit you. oh, what, kremlin communications again? just a minute, it's worse. yes, he has already arrived, you, alexander mikhailovich. lord, i didn’t do anything, i just walked in. yes, the device's balabino. what african? well, what am i, the secretary general, he solves international problems? yes, no, no, no, no, i ’ll be there now, it’s morning on the collective farm,
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really, but of course i can guess who it is, so if anything, i went to find out. knocked you down, you should have gotten your tolganat certificate by now, zhorenka, well, who offended you, but this bad man tried to steal my backpack, and there, by the way , is a gift for you, i reacted, clearly, in short, this is your
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colleague, officer police, so they quickly took off his handcuffs, zhur, i kind of told them in russian, in my opinion, what else do you need to write in large block letters on pieces of paper, take them off, stand, why are you all beating me? lie down, don’t move, how did i miss all this? so, are you filing for detention? so there are no witnesses, my god , i don’t need to call your major, let’s go, stop, and what should i say to a non-tourist comrade, please forgive me, welcome, like this, round march, uh, client, take it, zhora, sanya . well, welcome to our hospitable land. hello, russia. no, no, no, you are a guest. oh, what are you wearing there? the gift is yours. went. let's go to. hello here. who is this?
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he was hovering around the club, clearly sniffing out something. yeah. who are you? aphid? yes, this is a cop. yes, no, no! you don’t understand, i’m khmury’s brother, yeah, what prove it, answer the call, right?


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