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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 12, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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oil gas prices have jumped up, global trade is under threat from biden, the democrats themselves accuse it of violating the constitution, and these are just the first consequences of airstrikes on yemen. will the red sea live up to its name, nikita korzun wondered. taiwan question. who will become the president of the island and will the situation slide towards war, how could this affect russia? vladimir kobyakov sorted it out. one of the fastest all-terrain vehicles in the world , a front-line unmanned platform and a promising attack drone. ilya lyadvina our folk developments for guys, working in the nwo zone. the basic industry has achieved almost all its development goals. about the new look of russian railways and the company's major infrastructure projects . the head of russian
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railways, oleg belozerov, told about the journey taken, alexey prokin. carmen stifla with comments, the big one staged a performance for people with visual impairments for the first time. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, in the studio of igor politaev. this night the capitals of yemen and the four provinces of the country were subjected to a massive attack by cruise missiles and bombs. the bombing involved american submarines, their carrier-based aircraft, and british combat aircraft. joe biden, who ordered the operation, said its goal was to protect freedom of navigation in the red sea from houthi attacks. but
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regardless of the stated goals, us actions mean an escalation of the middle east conflict. the attacks by yemeni rebels on ships related to israel were a response to the massacre in the gaza strip. and today the houthis despite the losses suffered, they declare their readiness to strike directly on israeli territory. nikita korzum, about the night bombing of yemen and the reaction of the international community.
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red sea, heading to the ports of occupied palestine. the raid was commanded by the head of the pentagon, austin, who is actually now in the hospital, where he is struggling with the consequences of prostate cancer. again, according to official data, there are other assumptions about the reasons for the hospitalization of the military leader who often visits ukraine, but they are directly related to the events in yemen. connected
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, president biden, who is trying to appear perfectly healthy, also did not appear in front of television cameras and talk about the strike on yemen personally, after which he limited himself to a statement in which he indicated that the houthis threatened us personnel, which means this is legitimate self-defense. without hesitation, biden promises to take further measures to protect his people, who, as it turns out, have fallen into indescribable horror. in new york in washington at the white one. rallies began at home immediately after it became known about attacks on yemen: some demand a stop to hostilities on other continents, others fear a large-scale economic crisis that threatens to escalate in the middle east. even congress and the republicans were offended by biden, which is interesting for the democrats. many believe the president violated the constitution by authorizing strikes on yemen without legislative approval. president biden should have addressed congress, as required by the constitution. they think so in both.
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parties, in addition, we must promote ceasefire in gas, we must be sure that the united states will not enter into a war that will raise oil prices, there is no doubt about the latter, not a day has passed since the stock exchange. gas prices, for example, increased by 2%, and oil by four. yes, all world trade, having barely woken up from covid, is again threatening to fall into a coma. the babel-mandep strait, located near yemen, is the gateway to the red sea, beyond suezia, europe, this is the main artery of the entire world economy. due to the fact that the united states is opening there, essentially a new front. container ships from china are now forced to bypass africa, which will affect time and prices. there is, of course, also a northern sea route, but the west is scared to even think about it. tesla, for example, is already closing a plant in germany. for several weeks due to delays in the supply of components from asia as a result of problems in the red sea. russia condemned the strikes on yemen. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov stressed that from the point of view of international law they are illegitimate. moscow requested an urgent meeting of the un council.
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the federal air transport agency has banned the use of air yemen space for domestic civil courts. on smolenskaya square the operation was called irresponsible. a large-scale military escalation in the red sea region could cancel out those. iran, which supports the houthis both as one of its striking fists in the region and as brothers in faith, all belonging to the islamic branch of the shiites, harshly assessed the actions of panato’s partners and the turkish president. is doing the same in palestine, and britain, together with the united states, has taken a step in this process. they are currently seeking to turn the red sea into bloody. it is curious that the former us military officer in yemen, that is, a very informed expert on the country and its population, also calls the actions of the american leadership a serious mistake. the reason is that the houthis have
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many years of defense experience protecting their weapons of the same drones. the mountains in northern yemen provide extremely reliable shelter. and we just can't have enough. resources to lure them out of there, taking into account the fact that our forces are still in iraq and syria and the united states is still helping ukraine, the west is throwing firewood the press, the general theme of the publication smelled of escalation, in addition, the pentagon called the raid on yemen a complex attack, this term has already been heard before afghanistan, iraq and syria, and does not bode well. nikita korzun, maxim zaichenko, natalya markevich, alexey seregin and alexander malykh, ntv. another source of tension. taiwan could be on the world map, with presidential elections to be held tomorrow. beijing, which considers the island its breakaway province and has made it clear that the taiwanese will essentially make a choice between war and peace. and the united states has repeatedly stated that in the event of a conflict it will provide military assistance to taiwan.
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we’ll ask our columnist vladimir kobekov about the upcoming change in taiwan’s leadership; he ’s joining us live. vladimir, what consequences could the victory of one or another candidate in tomorrow’s elections have? well, what consequences can there be not only for that region, but for the whole world, including russia, how can this affect us? let's take things one by one: everyone is on guard now are looking closely at the voting that will take place in taiwan on saturday, what kind of pre-election situation is on the island? among the candidates for the post of head of the administration, this position is often called the president of taiwan, three candidates are vying for it, the first is called a peacemaker in the world press, although of course this is conditional. a peacemaker from the main opposition party commandant howe, a former policeman, was the mayor of one of the cities and the main slogans were containment of china, dialogue with beijing in the future de-escalation and détente, of another taiwanese opponents call the candidate an american friend of the united states, sometimes even a war candidate of the sending
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democratic progressive party, the president is the current vice president of taiwan, leitz, he relies on the full support of the united states and is a supporter of the independence of the island, there is a third candidate - a doctor, well, indeed, in the past doctor, he has a conditional political position, not ours, not yours, he is the leader of a new party of the people of taiwan, according to polls , 21% of voters are ready to vote for him for a candidate who in the distant future wants dialogue with beijing, for the so-called peacemaker 28%, and the candidate from the ruling party with the support of washington remains in first place in the polls, in beijing he is generally considered an unacceptable figure, past statements about taiwan's independence gave beijing permission to...
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about dialogue with beijing. china will undoubtedly be reunified, the people of china on both sides of the taiwan strait should be bound by a common sense of purpose and bring glory to the rejuvenation of the chinese nation. we advise china to stop using ineffective means and stop harming relations on both sides strait. there is only one china in the world, and taiwan is an integral part of china. china is interfering in taiwan's elections
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using multiple platforms. beijing is using artificial intelligence to wage cognitive warfare against taiwan. the united states should not interfere in any form in taiwan's elections. all attempts to achieve independence for taiwan with us support are doomed to failure. well, if we go back to the beginning of this collection, we noticed that the candidate from the ruling party, based on the united states , pronounces words. island dependence and arms buildup, and the opposition candidate focuses on strengthening defense , and then a dialogue with beijing is possible, this is the barely noticeable difference between a supposed american and a peacekeeper, but a few hours before the opening of sites in taiwan, the chinese ministry of defense published a statement, quote: army china always maintains a high degree of combat readiness and will take all measures to destroy plans to achieve the independence of taiwan, so the degree of rhetoric in the re... elections is quite elevated, but on the other hand how could it be different before the elections? well , yes, volodya, and what are the likely scenarios for
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the post-election period, what to expect? how might this affect russia? well, yes, look at us here, if the ruling party wins, a scenario of further escalation of tension around taiwan is likely. here bloomberg publishes a large analytical material, what if after the elections everything slides into the hot phase of the conflict between the united states and china, over taiwan, the heads of the article siiden and the price of the war for taiwan at 10 trillion dollars. bloomberg thought how much large countries will lose if a conflict breaks out, they also took into account interruptions in chips, problems with shipping, and the introduction of new sanctions against each other. so, bloomberg explains that he brought in economists and looked at different scenarios. easy option: china is still forced to begin a naval blockade of the island. this will reduce taiwan's gdp by 12%. china could lose 9% of its revenue. gdp, global gross product could fall by 5%, comparable to global losses
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during the covid pandemic. and the second, hard scenario: the hot phase of the conflict begins for the island between china and the involved united states. in fact, the united states is using military methods to organize a naval blockade of china. what to expect then? according to bloomberg, the economy of south korea will suffer the most - 23%. china will lose 16%, japan will lose a little less from the conflict - the european union minus 10% of gdp, the united states will lose about 7%, which, by the way, is the least of its western allies. russia, according to the calculations of american economists, in the event of a war for taiwan, will lose from 7 to 8% of its economy. and so we asked the presenters russian experts on the pacific region, and what should russia expect in the event of a conflict? do they agree with american assessments of possible russian losses? there was no drop of 7% even in...
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the more we adapt to sanctions, the easier it will be for us to get through this future economic cataclysm if it happens, but of course, it makes sense to meaningfully prepare for it. if we imagine that a conflict does occur between taiwan and china, then this will lead to a general decrease in the gross domestic product of china itself. it's clear, that it is very likely that he will be.
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extreme sanctions, cut off from western markets, from the western financial system. secondly, already now its firstly, its economy is already under the main trading partner is china, and trade with china will continue due to the presence of a large land border, well, if we go back. to the external atmosphere surrounding the elections in taiwan. on the one hand, this week the americans and the chinese held several meetings and had contacts at the military and diplomatic level. it's like this a positive signal, but on the other hand , the philippine press wrote that the us military transferred large reserves of fuel from the pearl harbor base to a storage facility in the philippines, where the us has four military bases, and this the philippines interpreted
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as possible preparation for a future conflict, so that's it both sides are apparently ready for different things. development of events. well, we'll keep an eye on it. yes, vladimir, thank you. vladimir kabikov, about the upcoming elections of the head of the taiwan administration and about the possible global consequences of the conflict around islands. today, the ministry of defense reported the results of a series of strikes that the russian military carried out on military infrastructure facilities in ukraine. during the period from january 6 to january 12, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 23 group strikes with high-precision long-range air and sea weapons. including hypersonic aviation missile systems dagger, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles for enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine engaged in production, modernization and repair of aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, armored vehicles, launchers, missile systems and artillery systems. also affected were the locations of
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units of the ukrainian armed forces and the formation of nationalist foreign mercenaries. the target of the strikes has been achieved. all designated targets are hit. according to the ministry of defense, losses in the ssu in a week exceeded 4,700 people. the tasks of covering russian ground forces, as well as key industrial and administrative facilities in donbass are carried out by buk m1 anti-aircraft missile systems. so alone according to the calculations of the group of troops, vostok intercepted 15 rockets during combat duty in the southern donetsk direction. buk is capable of entering several targets at once. his main one.
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winter weather has become a natural protector these days for russian units in the artmovsk direction of the special operation. in conditions of snowfall and strong winds, ukrainian attack drones pose virtually no danger. at the same time, our artillery continues to systematically hit enemy positions, supporting assault attacks squads. voinko-rntv report. alexey ivliev.
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the main rule of a rocket artillery gunner after work is to leave the firing point even faster than he came here, the standards are very strict, a few tens of seconds, all the people are trained, all the people, accordingly, i would say even twice as fast, he already fulfills all these standards over time, and
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of course very quickly, we leave the firing position, very, very quickly, at the fire control point at this time receives objective control footage, in which only in general terms it is clear that targets were hit over a huge area, and the hail that fired a full package of rockets has long since left this combat position. alexey ivliev, valery kozhni, ekaterina kovalchuk, dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company, southern group of russian troops, outskirts of artyomovsk, donetsk people's republic. the tactical missile corporation has increased production of the most popular precision-guided ammunition fivefold. the management of the moscow region enterprise reported this to the minister of defense. sergey shaigui today i inspected the factory workshops and the technological process of assembling products. the head of
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the military department was shown the latest models launched into mass production in 2023, as well as promising developments. at a meeting with representatives of the military-industrial complex, shaigu noted that the main combat work in the zone is carried out not by area, but by specific targets, which it is used to destroy. high-precision weapons, we control correction planning modules for equipping free-falling bombs with caliber 250-500 and 1500 kg have successfully proven themselves during a special military operation. the created system of unified high-precision noise-resistant ammunition is undergoing the final stage of testing. in addition, the corporation solved the problem of increasing the accuracy of the impact of ammunition and organized it. serial production of controlled modules, planning correction of controlled modular glide bombs, control units for rockets. the minister also set
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the task of modernizing the lines of conventional ammunition, transferring them to the category of high-precision. defense industry enterprises have such experience; they need to develop this direction,” said sergei shaigu. russian engineers create and modernize equipment to effectively perform tasks in the northwestern military zone. cuba has come up with a reusable attack drone that can operate in a signal suppression zone, is elusive to the enemy and can be easily launched by hand. the next kazan prototype of the tracked unmanned platform "brother" will soon go to the gray zone; it will be used for transporting ammunition and evacuating the wounded, and improved suvs from fryazin near moscow are highly valued and awaited by special forces soldiers. ilya lyadvin will continue. one of the fastest cars of the year in the world, the two-seater allaba and his big brother wolfhound have been helping our guys in the special operation zone since last year; eight cars have already received baptism of fire. off-road they
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can survive up to 150 km/h. high speed here is combined with good maneuverability, which greatly complicates the adjustment of enemy artillery fire. even an fpv drone will not always be able to reach such a flying target, and not in a beautiful way. theories are so deadly.
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we are ready to expand production and for this we have all possible resources, and this nimble installation from kazan is only yet to be tested in the northern military district zone; the tracked drone brother was created to work at the very forefront. in a scenario where our attack aircraft are entrenched in an enemy stronghold and are under heavy fire , delivering them additional ammunition is another task, the little brother, in theory, can solve it, even over rough terrain he can pull up to 200.50 kg. this the carrying capacity is also suitable for evacuating the wounded; the extremely low silhouette will make the process unnoticeable. this is a plus, especially in
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the gray zone under fire, where the operative is from.
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strike birds, one of his main ones , kuban occupies another niche of reusable advantages - launching from hands without special devices. this is possible due to the placement of the engine in the front and a weight of up to 8 kg with a warhead with relatively large dimensions. alexander ivanov can safely be called a kulibin, without experience in military developments, but with knowledge of aircraft modeling. he managed to create a bird that can fly up to 40 km, and in stealth mode. the antenna is directed, it radiates only backwards, the enemy cannot detect it from the front, well, of course it can, but it will be difficult. basically, rap systems are aimed at gps, but here the russian glonas system is used, thus it is protected. to date, this design has undergone more than a hundred test flights, including in signal suppression zones. improve
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the design. work and through volunteers they will sent to our guys on the front line. such folk inventors, of course, are not able to compete with the giants of the defense industry, but they are capable of strengthening it in a targeted manner with their developments. ilya lyadvin, pavel kachur, ilya polichuk, anton zubov and maxim berezin, ntv. united russia volunteers help belgorod residents injured in the shelling. on december 30, as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces, more than a thousand
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apartments and social institutions were damaged. over a hundred private houses, a medical college, a department store. 25 victims of the shelling people, 131 were injured. today , secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak arrived in the city. together with the head of the region , vyacheslav golotkov, he inspected the progress of restoration work. today we drove around the city and looked at the pace of repair work. today in belgrade there is a thermal circuit for everyone. uh, the living buildings are closed, the work is practically in its final stage, it was eaten, pillows, food, medicine, everything that we then distributed, uh, it just went off the rails, i did it united russia by order of the secretary general, well, again, it cannot be any other way, just like shebekin is established by all regions, by the entire country, the same thing, the whole
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country is with us, it’s exactly the same as with the whole country. restoration work in belgorod will be carried out as soon as possible , said governor glodkov. in turn , united russia activists have set up a help center for victims in the city, where you can turn for any support, from warm clothes and food to solving household problems. questions. russian railways plan to significantly increase the level of comfort for passengers. today it was announced the launch of new cars with extended two-meter shelves. russian railways also plans to introduce the so-called.
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already about the entire far east and the opportunities that the rapid development of transport corridors is already giving the region. all corridors, dear vladimir vladimirovich, give an increase, all the east plus 5%, in general, exports plus 7%. transportation with china stands out separately, have you noticed that there will be an increase in trade turnover with china of more than 200 billion. we see this in the volume of traffic. oleg belozerov came to the meeting with vladimir putin with an impressive folder of information materials, recalling that russian railways are 20 years old and that almost all the goals that were set for the state company have been fulfilled, the share of railway transport in freight turnover
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is 87%, and for the boundless russia the iron roads remain, as belozerov put it, a basic industry. what is load intensity? freight intensity is an indicator of transportation. high results, but today’s high places are the daily work of the team. today , railway workers evaluate the effectiveness of their work by comparing indicators from pre-covid times with
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2019, when russian railways set records, including for passenger transportation. oleg belozerov told the president that now those records have been broken and long-distance travel has increased by 12%. 122 million travel by rail. on passengers. in the meantime , mcd-3 and mcd-4 were launched in moscow, and domestic car manufacturers began producing modern trains, achieving technological independence. a russian train from the swallow series has been created, absolutely 100%, our 21 subjects will receive new rolling stock - produced here in russia. once certified, our new passenger train will be operational.
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yarskaya, east siberian, transbaikal and far eastern railways, more than 17 km of tracks, and the technologies that russian railways uses in the construction of modular platform stations, as the head of russian railways said, allow them to be built in just 4 days, traditionally small platform stations are a problem for us, and content, and the way they use materials, yes, yes, yes, with durability, with service, they made a new modular... station, entirely our production, and production in two regions, this is in st. petersburg in chechnya, assembled from environmentally friendly frame of pressed timber, increased fire resistance, everything is done inside, just
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closed, so modular, it can be assembled and installed quickly, we plan to install 15 such stations, virtual coupling technologies also provide a significant increase, this is when there are five at once trains... move at a distance of 4 km from each other at a constant speed, if you add them together, you get a train 5 km long, the tight coupling of railway workers with port infrastructure has already made it possible for almost 80% of domestic export cargo to be delivered to buyers via sea routes. alexey prokin and dmitry makarov, ntv television company. today , vladimir putin congratulated employees of the prosecutor’s office on their professional holiday. ensuring compliance with payments and benefits for svo participants and their families is one of the work priorities. he also demanded to ensure the legality of the upcoming presidential elections and determined the range of tasks that the supervisory agency will have to perform this year. the work
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of prosecutors is always noticeable. behind every decision, presentation or protest, warning or verification material, rights are restored and, what is extremely important, the faith of people. igor krasnov cited the following figures: russian prosecutors restored the violated rights of more than a million citizens over the course of a year. according to krasnov, we are talking about violations in social payments, provision of medicines, and the rights of veterans were protected. disabled people and entire work collectives. this is the program today.
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after a short advertisement, we will find out what weather surprises to expect over the weekend and also. next in our issue. the winners of the seventeenth competition of the presidential grants fund have become known. 1,500 russian non-profit organizations will receive more than 4 billion rubles. carmen stifla comments. for the first time, the bolshoi staged a performance for people with visual impairments. the beginning of the year is time to make new plans, credit tenkov will help you not to put them off until later, apply for a loan in the tenkov application with a decision in one minute, deferment of the first payment for up to 90 days, zinc, here. on fire tastier burger kingger took the family captive, quickly
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become yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, apply for a free sberbank credit card within 120 days without percent, win with the best credit card in the country, it would always be profitable like this, but with us it’s like this every day, it’s profitable on the price tag, which means a low price, chocolate cookies 109,999, five, help out! this is the program today, we continue our release. the russian real estate market is developing.
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as the newspaper kommersant writes, developers began to reconsider the terms of work with banks. according to tsang magazine, pik, one of the largest developers in russia, refused to work with a preferential mortgage from sberbank. the developers of the central distribution center reported that suspended work with five banks. other developers are still giving comments in the spirit of “we are assessing the situation.” the fact is that russian banks have begun to move to issuing preferential mortgages only to their partner developers. since yesterday , sberbank has been doing this, and since today, vtb has been doing this. and alfabank, and in order to become such a partner, as sberbank said earlier, the developer will be required to pay a commission to the bank for each preferential mortgage loan. banks explain this by the fact that the authorities in december reduced their subsidies for preferential mortgages. in government they didn’t hide it, they want to cool the market. the federal antimonopoly service reported that it has received complaints about the actions of banks and will
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consider them, the president of the national union of builders, anton glushkov, says that the decrease in profitability is by 6-7%, that is, by the amount of the commission. which banks demand, this could be fatal for most regional development companies. some experts from the kommersant newspaper interviewed say that a solution to this situation is not yet in sight, and sales of new buildings may collapse. world oil prices slowed down in the evening; during the day, the brand mark generally rose above eighty, for the first time since the end of december. night strikes by the united states and great britain on the territories of yemen, which is controlled by the houthis, mean that the situation in the region continues to escalate, and through the red. 12% of all seaborne oil supplies come from the sea. the russian stock market, thanks to oil, is, of course, in positive territory today at the end of the day, although market growth is being held back by the fact that the ruble has been rising in price for 4 days in a row, although today’s rise in price we see that this is quite small. but, again, during trading today the dollar went below 88
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for the first time since november 23. the ministry of finance reported the day before that oil and gas revenues of the russian budget in december amounted to 200 billion rubles. less than forecast, which means that the central bank will sell more chinese yuan by the end of january than analysts expected, and of course, this should further strengthen the domestic currency; according to economist dmitry polevoy, the dollar is now moving to the level of 85-87. russia has already begun to prepare measures in case the united states and european countries confiscate frozen assets of the russian central bank amounting to $300 billion in favor of ukraine. bloomberg writes about this. according to the agency, the russian central bank is close to concluding an agreement with international law firms that will represent russia in court if it comes to that. according to bloomberg's sources, russian authorities also commissioned expert reports analyzing foreign legislation and precedents, and concluded that the chances of russian assets
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actually being confiscated are low. according to sergei glandin, partner of bgp litigation, an attempt to seize assets will lead to... a long-term legal dispute. this week it became known that the joe biden administration has supported a bill that would allow it to confiscate some russian assets. bloomberg adds: the white house wants to coordinate the move with g7 allies, especially in europe, where about 23 frozen russian funds are held and where the idea of ​​confiscation has not met unanimous support. banana exports to russia will not be affected by unrest in ecuador, but it may be affected by politics. russian ambassador to ecuador vladimir sprinchan told the newspaper about this news. according to him, ecuadorian bananas have been sailing to russian ports for two weeks and one or two days of unrest are unlikely to seriously affect the situation. although, depending on ecuadorian bananas, russia has almost complete supply. last year, according to vladimir sprinchan, ecuador accounted for 97%
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of russian imports. previously, the banana marketing and export association of ecuador also reassured that the shipment would not be carried out, despite the mafia rebellion in the country. it's coming. normally, although the russian association of importers of fruit products reported to rbc that russian companies began to receive warnings from counterparties about possible interruptions in the supply of bananas from ecuador. in the meantime, another reason has arisen that may affect the supply of ecuadorian bananas to russia. russian ambassador to ecuador vladimir sprinchan, in the same interview with the news, said that supplies could suffer, quote: due to the situation with weapons. the other day it became known that ecuador wants to transfer it to the united states. old weapon he has russian-made in exchange for new, american, according to vladimir sprinchan, this will be considered an unfriendly act towards russia. quote: with all that it implies: igor, that’s it. yes, denis, thank you. denis talolaev presented an economic overview of the day. more than one and a half thousand socially
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oriented projects will receive presidential grants in february. today in moscow the results of the first competition among non-profit organizations in 2024 were summed up. in total, about 11 thousand applications were submitted. among the winners is the special project people's a style that introduces youth to folklore. the number of winners from new russian regions in the competition is also growing, for example, thanks to state support, the dpr will now have created conditions for the creative growth of youth; for this purpose , interactive events are being organized in public spaces of six cities. today the foundation announced its largest grant. 49 million rub.
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between the characters' remarks, and the performance for the blind begins after the first bell, they are told about what the theater, hall and stage look like? i always try in my floc comments to describe the hall and the theater, well, the big theater can be described for an infinitely long time, so i write some basic moments, well, this will most likely be during intermission, and before the start of the performance it is important to convey information about what the scenery looks like , what the actors and actresses look like, and of course, it is necessary to convey... the essence of the arias, because the blind listener does not see the captions of the russian translation, the women retreat to the tsuniga, speak to the interruption, manuelita said, repeated,
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so that everyone can hear that she will get anyone donkey, which she likes, then carmine sita, mocking, as usual, says: why are you osyo, you’ve had enough of a broom. the arts, science and sports charity helps hear what others see. over 5 years, about 100 russian theaters, including the big one, received grant support. and for this money. the theater can pay for the work of a audio commentator, pay for the performance, and attract an administrator who will work with the target audience to get to the performance with audio commentary, theatergoers with visual impairments, you need to leave a request; 14 free tickets and 12 discounted tickets of 500 rubles each are planned for each show. currently , audio commentary is available on three operas, the most popular are the tsar's bride, carmen and la traviata, but soon people with special needs are promising more... new weather
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tests await, meteorologists report. temperature changes will range from -30° to 0°. irina polyakova joins us. irin, how will everything be? well, while the frost is still heating up, and throughout the entire european territory with a large success. the cold snap is so powerful that the arctic front will even cross the caucasus. and this happens very rarely. on sunday it will freeze in tbilisi, yerevan, and northern turkey. and next night we will have no places left with positive temperatures. even on the black sea coast. in the caucasus in our masis winter heat will reach -5, but during the day in sochi there is still a slight plus, and not the weather because of this arctic surge, which is raging in the south today, will hit the republic of the north caucasus tomorrow, saturday will be the most cold during the day, in the middle zone the daily maximum is about twenty degrees below zero, and at night below 30, in the koma republic, in the kirov region below 40, and in general the further east you go, the colder it gets, and as expected it will start to warm up from the west, and warmer
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air will rush in on sunday right away up to the middle volga. and monday will be the warmest, and in the capitals after a pause, cleanse the liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol, only in it the milky ripeness oats are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. avisol and volar - number one for cleansing liver. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. so, the capital in st. petersburg is... cold during the day -11-13 without precipitation, in moscow it is much more solid, at night 26-28 frost, during the day a maximum of -18 and the old new year's eve is twenty-five degrees, then the wind will turn to the south and will cause the frost to subside sharply, well at least for a while. igor. well, sherin, thank you, this was the weather forecast from irina polyakova. these are the main news for this o'clock. watch the detective series beam right now. igor politaev was with you.
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thank you for your attention. see you. see you later, well, bimka, how
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are things going for you, the hero city of novorossiysk? i think so too , oh, good , my friends are all going abroad, but i’ll probably stay, laugh, get drunk, if there’s nothing to do, i’ll get married, my friends write to me how are you here, but i’m fine, super good, super, super, super year, i'm fine, super good, super, super, super year, i'm fine, super year, super, super, super gu, i'm fine, super gu,
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super, super, supergu, okay, supergu , right, dimka, somewhere here, we need to get through , but somehow everything here is blocked, look, we’re not the only ones moving, you see, okay, guys, maybe we can get through, it’s 10 minutes now , wow, hello, hello, hello, bimulechka, and you’re over there to the right, one block away, we’ll be with the neighbors, you have a maniac there, and i ’m here, well, that’s also very impressive , okay, we’re off, see you, let's
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see you, well, you've arrived, well, how do you like it, and why don't you even look, well, i see that i like it, of course. and the beaver's hut, the sea is far away, but look, there are predators all around, there is air, and i think so.
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that i like the new place of work, but not bad, oh, here comes lieutenant shani. great, great, how do you like the city? yes, bimka and i went for a ride, the city is beautiful, but i don’t understand that the whole department transferred us here? well, as i understand it, the city is growing,
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the vineyards have been demolished, houses have been built, well, yes, the beaches are crowded with people, tourists are flocking in droves, well, they are expanding, the city is bigger, it’s easier to hide, what? i speak, bigger city, more opportunities , bigger city, more problems, oh, pessimist, let's go to work, lyokha, what is this, my hair is like a washcloth, you dyed me with something, i asked for an ombre, as asked , i did it, go to cash desk, no, i won’t pay for such crap, no matter what gateway they taught me, they’ll recruit villagers based on an advertisement, lady, there’s no need to make a fuss, we pay or i’ll call the police, but call me, i have a husband, the head of the department, i’ll do it for you i'll attract you for deceiving clients, you're all my hair
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they ruined it, they burned it all out, but you had tow there, not hair, you saw the volumes, tell me, but there was some kind of obscene tangle there, i don’t like my ombre, but the ombre itself makes it impossible to breathe, ala, came drunk. it’s scandalous that i, no, i, so, dear, 6.500 get out of here, all the best, come to us again, look, you understand, yes, a swindler. so, i, i didn’t understand, the working day is in full swing.


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