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tv   Bim-3  NTV  January 12, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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we pay or i call the police, but call me, i have a husband, the head of the department, i myself will bring you in for deceiving clients, you ruined all my hair, burned everything, but you had tow there, not hair, volumes, you saw, tell me, there was some kind of obscene tangle there, she doesn’t like my ombre, and she can’t breathe from such an ombre, hala, she came drunk and made a scandal that i’m drunk, no, i’m like that, honey, 6.500, from here, all the best, come to us again, look, you understand, yes, you’re a swindler, well, i didn’t understand, it’s a working day.
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katerina, don’t anger god, they didn’t want to give anything at all, i begged you for it, that’s it, homicide department, senior lieutenant shanin, with authority, first corpse killer, well, slow down, please, they killed the scuba diver, igor the mole. a large developer, build by the alliance company, it’s accepted, you have to go to the yacht club, it’s a shame that you’re stuck on this road, you can’t go along the highway, or something, the locals said, in short, oh, shook your soul, but you yourself wanted a television station, but i have to go to work. “it’s okay, your job will wait, you
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spend all day at your job anyway, well, you can’t see your family, with this stop your head is completely spinning, and even she ’s hungry, keep an eye on the road, yeah, hello, something happened that help, yes, help, please, my car has stalled, now!” and that we need to help people, once again, hello, i don’t know what to do, i can’t get a connection at all, of course , i can’t fix it, but we’ll tow it, we’ll tow it, there’s a cable, i don’t... i
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rented a car, yeah, it’s clear, but you mean , you also eat from utrish, yes, the locals suggested that in short, for such advice in general, you know, their tongues should be torn out, that we are standing, we take the cable, we hook it to the car and let’s go, well, uh, this is the cable, so that means this is my end, this is yours, thank you very much, otherwise cars don’t drive here at all, by the way, i’m yana, yazhora, maybe goga , maybe just igor, or maybe georgy ivanovich , girl, we’ll take you to the service center, then we’ll do it ourselves, okay, well, igor swam to the goleon, it’s half an hour one way, you have to go around the rocks there, he has oxygen in the tank it was 2 hours later, he didn’t return after 2 hours, yulia and i started to worry, we called the rescuers, divers found him. with a cut hose
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, yeah, where did he swim to, to the spanish goleon a month ago they found it, then the divers went crazy, igor also got carried away, started diving every weekend, well... that he found gold, no, of course, all these tanks, but whose is this? and this is mine, mine, i also dived, but i’m like that, i didn’t last long at all, and who are you related to the one who was killed? fiancée, i’m a partner, we’re a construction company, well, get ready, let’s go to the department, why?
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thousands of years ago there was a basporan kingdom here, napa was called gorgypia, and novorossiysk bata, they say it was a very rich state, there was trade with all of europe, golleons appeared in the 15th century, and here is the basporan kingdom, here were the genoa trading posts, the capital of the kaf, now feodosia is there, so skivian gold is skivian, fairy tales are all fairy tales , not a fairy tale, but they found a goleon, i don’t see the point in arguing, scientists will come and figure it out. what difference does it make, there is gold, gold, money, of course, klimov, this is a suspect, so is also a colonel, and the girl is a witness, but good, this one is in the interrogation room, uh-huh, not a lumbar, so kludge, shanin,
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take care of the girl, and you’ll be in your place. there is, well, my version is this, you decided to wrest the company from your friend, and at the same time the girl, uh, don’t deny it, i noticed that you are in a relationship, so what happened , don’t mean that i’m a murderer, yes, with yulia i have a connection, but i didn’t promise her anything, i have a wife, a daughter to the deputy mayor, igor and i place all orders through her, divorce is easy, and yulia, yulia decided to marry... meekly just to be next to me legally, yes , i dived with him, dived for about 20 minutes, and then he returned, well, so that with yulia, you already understand how long you were gone, about 20 minutes, no more, and half an hour, i would
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n’t have time to turn around, yes, well, let’s say, let’s say, but you only have one witness, yulia , and she has a face... interested, yes, yes , i understand, i’ll come in now, the time of death of krotoy was from 9 to 10 in the morning, the cause of death, water entering the lungs, drowning, according to the rescuer and the killer, an experienced scuba diver, he cut the hose of the middle pressure, while the air comes out with...
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it depends only on your readings, we’ll let you go are we yuri at all or not? try to remember what you were doing while yura and igor went under the water, what were you doing? maybe you saw something suspicious in the sea, a ship, a boat, a boat, but you didn’t see anything when yura and igor sailed away and called. natasha's friends and we chatted until yurka returned. well, you see, alexey, please check the phone call, call at 8:50 am, duration 28
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minutes, what can you talk about so much? natasha, the police are bothering you, senior lieutenant shanin. a friend confirms that they were talking until krapivin arrived, she heard his voice on the phone, yulia said to wrap it up because he had sailed, the time of death was from 9 to 10, half an hour there, the same amount back, he would not have had time to return, please .
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hold on, we will all really miss igor, what are you worth, well, you have one suspect or something , there are a lot of divers in the city, well, go to the davin club, i’ll ask around there, i need to teach you everything.
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yes, vlip, man, unlucky, well, it was his choice, but i have news, this was it fastened tamed to the belt, guess what. there was a gold-diamond babau mm inside, a fragment of a children's german railway, part of a decoration, ancient alloys and works , they also don’t do this now, the gold of the scythians or the basporan kingdom, the examination will seem. listen, friend, weren’t you the one
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who went to the goleon today on call? yes, our guys are over there , ask, yeah, thank you, kind, oh, what a nice song, he can wear a shorma, he hasn’t earned it yet, and this is official, official, official, so which of you went to the goleon today, me and kostya, the orderly, they raised a dead man, and unusual, didn’t notice anything, but no, everything is normal. and lyonka swam a little today, he turned around in the morning before the call, and where can i find this guy, there he is in a red t-shirt, dim, dim, wait, do you hear , take your dog away, i didn’t
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see anyone at the goleon, i rummaged around there in the morning, at 9 o'clock i was already in the service, ask whoever you want , he told you everything, look, okay, let's check, you have cameras at the entrance, yes, well , let's go have a look, go, go, good fight, oh, here it is, i , what is 9:03, well, you have an alibi, but then you wanted to run, well there, well, wait, well, ugh, that's it, that's it, well done, wow, whose is this?
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mine, uh-huh, looker, there’s no gold, as you can see, there are several doctors, uh-huh, and you actually know that all treasures on the territory of the russian federation are the property of the state , if i were you, i’d hand it over, that’s right, because to this.. .. so, come on, come on , tell me, my dear, who in our city can still be engaged in underwater treasure hunting, when they found this ship, they came to us from all over russia, go find it, and where it lies this galleon, in the morning behind the bases, in the morning,
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show me, let's go. oh, lyokha, great, great, gosh, so, well, this is mine, by the method of elimination, and the babe searched you this morning, your feet got caught in margarine, and why, i don’t know, except to get rich, bugs, what a look, yes, well, well, what, timofey arkachnu. i have a move, what kind of children are there olya - my head is spinning, everyone is moving, but no one canceled the service, that’s right, i wanted to fine you, but i have children, timofech, i have olya, okay, here you go, the kid is a little kid , thank you, and
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now i’m blowing into a dry crevice, where, into a dry crevice, say, thank you, not into a wet crevice, look for witnesses there, at the bases, that’s right, fir-trees and sticks, lyokha, the brevan sailed to the waterfall, i just came out of this dry crevice, the bright taste of instant coffee jardin gold and jardin deep dark, the pleasure to feel, vlad stashevsky, i will not eat you anymore. igor nadzhi, alisa mont, these scenes are great anastasia makarevich, viktor saltykov. zhan milimerov, khaimetov. felix tserikati, olga zarubina.
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homewrecker, separation. alexey glyzin. million dollar secret tomorrow 19:25 on ntv. bank for every day, what is it? what do you think? what will the younger generation say? cool! vtb is your bank for every day. what are men silent about? about life
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getting out of control. what about pain? fears to cease to be. men are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langitaza against prostatitis. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? can. connect for a maximum of 399 rubles. and get a superbox as a gift. can. iota. it's easy to work on avito find your place. you'll be home soon. soon. i don't stay late now. mom, guess who started a new job today? granny, what a hat, 10 minutes to a new job, many new vacancies every day, avida work, you will find not just a job, but your place. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu: fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment
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of a sore throat, maxicol spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. to stop with cold symptoms, what are you planning or have already done? no, honest pioneer mom, wow, what a beautiful beard, who are you like, bah, maybe it’s like you, the new season of the series manyunya, already in the okka subscription, i wish i could have lunch now for 200 rubles. only at kfcc. hello, great, why are you so happy? oh, yes, i spent the whole night again today, how i got to the hall, i don’t remember, i thought i wouldn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you
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do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, maybe i’ll also buy that that's what the rostatricum is called, i remember, remember, it's better to try once than 100 times once you hear what you think, it works, what are you, i don’t think, i know, you’re dark, of course, i now... you know your wife, how and what’s there, how to take it, call, everything is simple, when ordering they’ll explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand , i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call, be sure to order, and remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times. meet the new golden prostatricum. prostatricum gold. prostatricum gold is a modern
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complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women order it for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatric gold. nobody should be disappointed. when ordering by phone on the screen. you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeiting and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatric gold. disco superstar tomorrow at 21:30 on ntv. welcome to funnypolis. i need a fireman who will live. in my home, i’m constantly on fire, a city where no one gets sick, you’re a psychopath, i’m a psychologist, because the best medicine is laughter, i was sleeping, they
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were coming at me, it turned out that they were native muscovites, urutyun and chambula, laughterpolis, well, a very funny premiere, barbecue, shashli, kochikuri, today at 23:05, we work on ntv. how did you come to be an artist? it was a long and unconscious thing, since about five years ago i i knew that my life was connected with the world of art and graphic arts, but of course i searched for myself for a long time, tried in different genres.
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so what, where? over there behind the rocks and a little to the right in the depths, yeah, good afternoon, you’ve been here for a long time
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, the fifth day, sit, sit, sit, but tell me, this morning from 9 to 10. have you seen anything suspicious in the sea or on the shore? no, nothing, there was a yacht, over there , yeah, and a yacht, and boats, a boat, no, yes, and no stranger passed along the shore, few people go here at all, that’s why we like to relax here, well, yes, yes, ok, good luck to you, ego, let's go, guys, whose boats are local from the base, you can rent them, yeah, where is the administrator?
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ask , i understand, that’s it, thank you, the krasnodar people took it from the eighteenth house, they came for a week and chartered it for all the days, paid immediately in advance, the fishermen, what kind of treasure are they looking for, they swim twice a day on a geleon, from morning to early and in the evening that we swam today, of course, we returned by 10 o’clock, we barely had time for breakfast. so maybe you can tell me the last names, but how do we scan all passports, here is sergei volgin and vyacheslav penkin, here are the photos, thank you, hello!
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there are different cases, of course, timofey, i’m calling you and you’re not picking up the phone, ilinochka, well, what is this, but i don’t know, now we’ll see. oh, the phone is dead, the phone is dead, sit down, my dear, sit down, now we’ll put it on the charger, you’ll have some water, yes, fill it up, please, this is not a city, some kind of nightmare, i came to this exhibition, colonel bobrov, you got me in general , you’re listening, that’s right, yeah, we’re working, we’re working, we’ll make every effort, that’s exactly how...
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well, yes, in 2 hours we’ll reveal everything, to the top report, yeah, yeah, what have you got here? so i have two from krasnodar, the administrator kindly provided it, so, in the morning they were wandering around on the goleon and back at ten, yeah, look for bim, well, the krasnodar city
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of krasnodar, but everything seems to be fine, hold on, yeah, oh, bim, where are you, let's go, i'm going, i'm going, bim, bim , well, what, what, ah, wow, well, everything is clear, they left for the city, well, then bim and i will go to the hot spots and look for them, and you, come on stay here, and yes, it’s clear, why don’t you want to move here, handsome city, more opportunities, this is not a matter of opportunity, what’s the matter, it’s me, this is where all men are the same, if they come, it means the woman should drop everything and rush after him, we’ve heard enough about the decembrists, but by the way, i’m there too work, apartment, friends, customers, why should i
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change all this now, that is, do you want to break up with me? damn, there’s no question, well, i can come to you for the weekend, or you can come to me, it’s only 200 km, carrying at a distance, what kind of life is this, well, at least it’s some kind of decision, i’m not happy with this decision, customers, okay, you go, take a table, and i ’ll talk and come over, yes, hello. hello, today we have a very tasty fish soup made from three types of fish, it’s called kuban soup, please bring some water with just lemon, mint, just cold water, and you’re relaxing here, i just haven’t seen you before, no, i work here. yes, i understand,
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i’ll have it done by friday, okay, i added lemon and mint, it tastes better, thank you, who do you work for? nothing interesting, at... department, how interesting, but i’m studying law, then i also think about going to the police, but they take girls from you, they take them, and who, for example, well, for example, a criminologist, right now we have a girl who is also a criminologist, her name is katerina, she could be an investigator, inspector for juvenile affairs, what district do you serve in? a new branch has opened nearby, are you looking for someone? yes, sorry. oh , lyokha, inga, and you are here, and i’m waiting, waiting, for something , i also wanted to call you, you didn’t notice me, you won’t believe me, no, and you didn’t
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hear my voice, but i’m on the phone, something is a customer i loaded it, i don’t see anything around, i don’t hear anything, you never cease to amaze me, girl, can i have a menu? unfortunately, this is not my table, i ’ll call your waitress now, there are so many beautiful girls here, yes, yeah, what are you doing, but i only need you, really, yes. eh, well, what do you think, where are they, and in a restaurant or pub like this? there are so many
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hot spots here that we’ll be going around it for a week, i agree, i agree, because it doesn’t bother us to have a drink, great, let’s go, let’s go. let's go, good morning, hello, make us a sea buckthorn chip, but there’s something to snack on, but there are donuts, croissants, french dogs, or there’s shawarma further away, oh, shawarma, now there’s a snack , where are you off to, you’re hungry, make some tea , i’ll be right back,
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lie down, lie down, mordefol, so where? we’re running, but someone else’s shawarma has laid down like ballast, lie down, penkin, you’ve been detained, for what? now we’ll find out where your friend, volgin , stayed at the base, i don’t have the key, they both
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took it, but somehow, well, the administration should always have a spare key, but we don’t, here we have no i won't let you to conduct this illegal search, no one is going to do this illegal search. i just want to listen to what’s going on there , it can be done, that’s right, you can , well, there’s definitely no spare key, no, okay, oh, what are you doing, well, what, did you see, i slipped, fell accidentally, citizens, please, please be understood, this will not take much time. changes, come in, come in, don’t be shy, look, two scuba gear, two snorkels, two masks, a wetsuit, so what do we have here, nothing, so they dive here and the whole base has arrived
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knows about this, it’s clear what we have here, nothing, but what we have here, here we see a bag, so... we look at the contents, so there’s a suspicious package, we look. come closer, look, it’s gold, it’s real , we’ll find out, look, it looks like it ’s part of one whole, yes, in this place they just broke it, it’s still fresh, yes, in this place it even shines differently, i’ll send it to makar now ,
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listen, stop breaking down, let’s file a confession, the court got a good sentence off for this, i didn’t kill anyone, okay, well, that means it’s not you, that means your friend, and you are an accomplice in any way, you understand, but we didn’t see anyone near the ship, what are you talking about, then how can you explain that the part of the mosaic tablet that was found on you... coincides like a native one with the one that was found on the dead man, and the scrap was fresh, and how do i know , it’s a coincidence, i don’t believe in coincidence, i think it was like this, you didn’t divide the coal, you broke this mosaic sign in half, well, they just killed the mole, yes, well, why then didn’t they take the second part of the mosaic from him, but i was ready? to this question, you were scared away,
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who? shall we find out? yes, don’t waste your time, captain , it’s definitely not us, i advise you to think, think very carefully, because the evidence against you is very serious, what kind of day is this, and today is it just some kind? you will , thank you, friend, of course i will, today it’s like a sovraz all day, i’m just racing , racing, racing, racing, i don’t even have anywhere to eat, and i still have to sort out these things, what are you doing, i’ve been reprimanded all day because of you, i'll fire you to hell, but why, timofey arkadyevich, we found the hoots, detained them, makar is already interrogating them, detained them.
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he handed over all the documents to the administration, but was a little late, sometimes the warrant needs to be issued before, and not after, even the children know about this, yeah, simofech, be it, i don’t want anything, the director of the base wants to write a complaint against us, have i mean proshkin, i ’ll deduct this door from your salary, but the director of the base is a redneck, a redneck, you should have seen this door, well , they put it in the toilet in the garden even more reputably , but this director will deduct it, probably like a safe made of mahogany, really, yes just a minute.
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colonel bobrov, just don’t yell at me, i’m on duty, i also pray that present it, and the warrant, by the way , was sent to you via the internet, the door, and what about the door, we’ll now take the door for examination, well, for what kind of examination, for examination, we want to find out its real value, right? did the forest port allocate money to you for major repairs? highlighted, so let them look at the conditions in which you keep the vacationers, what a waste, a waste, i got you off, thank you, timofey arkavich, i haven’t forgotten the century, but thank you, you won’t buy a hat, you owe me a favor, proshkin, i think, no less than cop, and change your clothes in the end, i have moving, well...
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well, who are you? my name is yana, niece igor. sergeevich, didn’t he tell you anything, but uncle igor is at home, he’s not there, when will he be? not at all, he was killed, how can this not happen, who? you are asking me, maybe you will let me into the house, and we will discuss everything, i have nothing
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to discuss with you, and what kind of niece you are, i have no idea, some kind of rogue. hello. elbow zone.
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“information about a gang of killers is being confirmed, we love the region, you’re not scared, very scared, kostya, it’s scary that nothing may work out for us, give evidence, tell the truth, raise the specialists, sergei sergeevich, that there are no other bandits left in the city, and their turn will come too, chief, from monday at 22:15 on ntv. disco superstar tomorrow at 21:30 on ntv. four components against the main symptoms of colds and flu, fever, runny nose, headache, and for the treatment of a sore throat , maxiclor spray not only helps relieve a sore throat, but fights its causes. to
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you have a dog, i’m afraid, don’t be afraid, bim, he won’t hurt anyone, he’s affectionate, i was just
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attacked by dogs in a vacant lot when i was a child, ah-ah-ah, and we’ve almost finished your uncle’s case, yes, yes, it’s true, you’ve already caught the kill so quickly, well, you’ll catch it soon, the guest is a professional, yes, then can you... tell me what to do next? i’m my uncle’s only relative , i need to organize a funeral, i don’t know where to start, i need some paper from you, we’ll give you the paper now, and so i’ll explain, okay, can i have you, yes, yana, yes, and my name is makar, sit down, and if you'll excuse me, where are you staying at the hotel? well, actually... you now need to go to the tax office before they close, get your uncle's death certificate,
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goodbye, georgy ivanovich, georgy ivanovich, come on, zhora, how do you know her, and i, road acquaintance, my car broke down, i... we’ll take it to the service station, you understand that this is not your option, why is this? well, a good house, a good family, what else is needed to live peacefully until old age, oh, you know how to ruin the mood, bam, let's go, let's go, come in, i'm preparing dinner. wow, those smells are from childhood. hungarian
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goulash pie with cabbage, and a bottle of wine to celebrate the housewarming. takaisky, how did you know that when i was little i lived in hungary, and intuition. okay, in short, katya , listen, i have a matter here, i came to an agreement with the little man, in general, i need to meet urgently, and there, well, there will be a place, in general, you will have an evening, okay, well, okay you'll be here for a long time, i can wait, but no, don't wait for me, you're going to bed, so it might drag on until the morning , that's it, come on, have a nice evening , good night, bye-bye, bam, roll off today, okay, okay, bimulya, you won’t refuse goulash, let’s go, let’s go.
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are you like a prince on a white horse heading straight to the zacks? yes, indeed, strange, here is the choice of a place for a first date. are we on a date? well, to be honest, i wanted you. go for dinner, because i suspect that you haven’t eaten anything all day. you guessed it, me too, by the way. about! where are my slippers? i finally got
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home, what's decent? heat. well, at least you could have returned earlier on the first day, i ’m spinning like a squirrel in a wheel with this move, and you ’re chilling, i’m chilling, i’m generally caught criminals , well, who did you catch there, a murderer who cut a diver’s hose underwater, the heat - “ i’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time that you shouldn’t risk it in vain, but we have children after all, oh well, imagine, this dead man turned out to be the uncle of the girl we were towing in tow, well, before the service, yana , remember, i remember, but how do you know, i mean, where from, she came to our department, she
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also came to your department, no to me"? don’t eat, oh, picturesque, i warmed it up three times, by the way, oh well, uh-huh, okay, i understand, murderers, seasoned ones, one even a repeat offender,
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they showed resistance during arrest, did you arrest both of them? no, so far only one , the other is wanted, he admitted, not yet either, the evidence against them is such that you can’t get away with it, what evidence, why did they kill their uncle, gold, not far here, at the bottom lies an old golleon, and they say that there is a real treasure there, well , the divers are all grazing there, your uncle and the criminals didn’t share the ancient golden mosaic, they tore it into pieces, well, so that your uncle doesn’t resist, there’s also a hose the oxygen line was cut, a person could be killed because of a piece of metal, the animals were simple, excitement, the pursuit of a knife, for treasures, yang, you won’t see anything, the piece won’t go down your throat, when i remember about my uncle, he was a good man, good, but
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we rarely saw each other . mostly they called back, after my father’s death he took over me, helped my mother and me, i owe him a lot, when my mother died, he supported me so much, i don’t know what i would do without him , you’re an orphan, yes, uncle was, but now there’s absolutely no one in the world,
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8:57 pm
yulia, stop, don’t be dramatic, it’ll be like, as it was, listen to me, please, no , you listen to me, i have a condition, either you divorce your fif and marry me, or, or what, you understand, i’ll say, you’re crazy , or you get a divorce, or you will go to jail for
8:58 pm
the murder of igor, choose, that’s the creature, so. one more second, here’s another second, here’s another, well, what’s there, well, what, everything, everything, yes, hold the unnecessary one, listen, zhor, yes, go to work, oh, no, i can now, in the evening , in the evening. no, well, i can do it now, i’m just afraid to go to work, yeah, yeah, that’s it, hold on, bye, come on, i'm off to work,
8:59 pm
here it is, hello, it's me, first, first, we need a plan to intercept the horny state numberton 24, khariton olga.
9:00 pm
and he left, damn it, wow, where are you going? with you, i’m wondering how your investigation is going? yes, there’s nothing interesting there, usually. routine, is it necessary for the killers to confess? well, preferably, but there is so much evidence in this case that i can take the case to the prosecutor’s office in court tomorrow. please tell me as soon as possible, i really want them to be imprisoned. yes, how did you miss it? which one? plan to intercept, well of course, come on, come on, come on, lively, what?


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