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tv   Pervii paren na derevne  NTV  January 14, 2024 1:20am-5:01am MSK

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russia has joy to drink; it cannot exist without it. if you had listened to your mother. you
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wouldn’t be exiled to siberia, this is not siberia, so mom , well, this is unnecessary, yes, this is unnecessary, god, is it really difficult to be like everyone else and live in moscow, mom, like everyone else, take bribes and drink from morning to evening , and the last district police officer , we were gone, gone, there was only one wet spot left on the floor, in the form of a puddle, they still can’t wash it off, that there was absolutely nothing left of it, all that was left were shoes nailed to the ceiling.
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and then these strange traces appear, witches, no, human, but huge, and this is like bigfoot, who is it? well, such a shaggy man, 2 meters tall. exactly, it’s not he who’s lying, ours is much larger, you have to talk about it in a whisper, otherwise you’ll call it out, there is a weapon, there is one, only against your three-meter monster, it will be rather weak.
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jump to this side, there is less dirt here, the main thing is not to agree to sleep in the attic and stay away from the barn. eat the junk in the back, thank you.
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eh, wait, stand, ugh, come on in, well, what are you doing, we’re fooling, come, oh, i’m with empty buckets, how... so what, i always let women go first, then you’re screwed, hunter, no, policeman, of course, poor nastya.
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sorry, can you tell me where to find a local police officer, thank you, yes.
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well, dear, if you don’t want to take a ride to the police station, i want to sit down, no tricks, just sit down already, sit down. you are under arrest, you are also under arrest, let's go to
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the police station, let's go, this is your car, he just stole ours, then call the local police officer. you are aiming a pistol at him, district police officer grishchenko, and who are you? i am your new boss, senior lieutenant mikhail ermakov, welcome, thank you, you just stole a car, investigative experiment, i had an argument with these gavriks. that i can steal a car with any anti-theft system in 5 minutes and win, by the way, and that in your village cars are often stolen, they don’t steal at all, we don’t have crime in our village, hold on for
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a second, let’s pass. excuse me, please, i thought it was grishchenko who came out, let’s have lunch, uh-huh, please, rural amateur performance. the club burned down, you know, you can live with us, there’s plenty of space, be careful, she doesn’t bite, but somehow i don’t very convenient, try the way my wife cooks, you’ll lick your fingers, you
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won’t be swept out of here with a broom, it seemed to you, oh, why so early? and we have unexpected joy. they sent us a new boss. senior lieutenant mikhail ermakov. mikhail ermakov, it’s very nice, we’ll go through now, my dear, if grishchenko offers to sleep in the attic, don’t agree, don’t go near the barn, it’ll be a mess.
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lunch, i suggest you have a drink, relieve, so to speak, fatigue, it’s not worth it, i’m not tired, well, then for introducing me, thank you, i don’t drink. me too i don’t drink much, so it’s possible to increase my appetite, so, no, no, no, you don’t understand, i don’t drink at all, not a drop, not a drop, not a drop, not a drop, not a drop, not a drop, at all, strange,
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the previous boss was clingy , got me into a fever, oh well, well, they sent you here for this, but no, they kicked me out of moscow because i didn’t want to take bribes, and didn’t let others do it. it’s clear, therefore, it won’t be possible to live in our house, as i previously suggested, and the reason is true. i didn’t come up with it, but i think i’ll come up with it later, it’s okay, i heard there’s a service
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there is an apartment, a service apartment, but it is occupied for now, i think you will live with nastya for now, a young mother of two... children was sitting with a friend, when her husband arrived home, they asked me to leave, asked who her husband was, i went out to street, how long were you not in the apartment, about 20-15 minutes, when the friend returned, the owner of the house was dead, and the three-month-old child was choking on the blood of his own son, he wanted to pierce his heart, i ran away, i was very scared, he hurt her 19 stab wounds, a witness to the brutal massacre of... her three-year-old daughter became murdered, whom her stepfather simply did not notice, she says: uncle, mother,
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oh, uncle, lalya, oh, that’s it, that’s it, that’s why she showed us everything, why a loving husband attacked his wife and son with a knife, do you think that she could provoke her husband to murder, the social network posted a photo, this is beyond the bounds, on monday at 16:45 on ntv. the issue is unification. in germany , it’s up to us, and not the germans who lost the war, but they lived so well, why this perestroika, your gorbachev will boil our country, stop reading these lights, in berlin is now in chaos, we need someone with unique experience, my legend, your favorite, photographer tas, photo, we need access to buy an archive in the state, the archive of markus wolf, we know that...
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the main premiere of the year. in our business there cannot be half friends. a half friend is an enemy. gdr, coming soon. on ntv, i have a good attitude towards these guys, and these are all your things, the rest are in the lorry, and where is the lorry, it left, my things were stolen by some two people in an old truck, but they lost their youth, they lost them, but these are not ours, these are strays , these are yours
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urban, there is no crime in our village, so what? let's go to nasya, nastya is, wow, our first beauty, but a girl with character, before all the men were killed for her, she could marry anyone, but she only once and that's okay, and now no one is killed for her, no, she is killed , more. than before, a week ago one of them died like that, they barely pumped it out, excuse me, i thought you were grishika, sorry.
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who is our kuribin, a summer resident, he once came here for a week, i’ve been vacationing for 10 years now, and what is he doing here, he’s a simichek, he’s doing fucking fuel, really, yes you tried, of course , well, how can a car see better, what kind of car, well , it’s biofuel, yes, it burns, it burns, it flies, maybe... you might say, it blows the roof off, but what’s the truth without harmless exhaust? absolutely, and he doesn’t happen to make moonshine? yes, no, what are you talking about, brewing moonshine is a crime, but in our village there is no crime, so, let’s go to nastya? the place is good, the house is cozy. come on,
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go away, saka, maybe you should knock, but in our village it’s not customary to knock or lock doors, yes, so don’t be afraid, let’s go away, hello, sorry, i thought it was grishchenko. i warned you, she is a girl with character, but don’t be afraid, she is good.
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she tore off petka’s ear, as if completely, although they later sewed it on to him, it looks like a real one, but he doesn’t hear a damn thing, so it’s a member of sabotage, but no, she only tore off his ear, but everything is fine.
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let's drink for getting to know each other, i don't drink, and in our village no one drinks, i mean drink tea, get to know each other.
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i’ve never been to the village, i even have a muscovite grandmother, it’s strange, at first it thunders, but then an outbreak, usually the other way around, in our village it’s always like this. why were you going to hand over grishchenko with a frying pan? well,
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just cook here, i mean, get to know each other better, and i’ll go straight away and break it up. so, the toilet is in the yard, the shower is there, you can sleep while in the attic. or maybe not in the attic, then in the yard, don’t go near the barn , and i advise you not to put on your head, oh , you son of a bitch, so you’re taking photographs, that’s me, landscape sketches, stills, get out of here, otherwise i’ll punch you in the face now. .. i’ll turn it into a prison, i understand, listen, grishchenko, who was it with you, but listen, he’s married, he’ll live with nastya, listen, if he pesters her and kills her, i told you, get out of here, otherwise
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now i’ll tell nastya, it’s your fault the second ear will pull on your easel, got it, huh?
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damn it! you're crazy, you can't remember the unclean by nightfall, call me again, sorry.
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why are you making noise, excuse me, my bed is broken, so there’s no need to jump on it, not even in the city. do you have maniacs in your village? all the maniacs in the city, most of them serve in the police. are you hinting that i brought with me a couple. so, if you are afraid to sleep outside, go to the attic. i'm not afraid of anything. but if you started this show so that i would let you into the house and do nothing, it won’t work.
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oh, sorry, if you peek again, i’ll scratch out your eyes, i just wanted to take a shower, go to the river for a swim,
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there’s no point in you running around naked here, not in the city, i understand! sorry, a unique country with a unique destiny, a unique culture, unique people, original and full of mysteries. with a wide soul
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and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel, friend, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked, who sings like that, guys? this is the last century, suddenly, like in a fairy tale, you screamed, everything became clear to me , the street will drive you crazy, protect us, protect us from the sun,
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and maybe in the evening we’ll go somewhere for dinner? i want to celebrate my first day at work. and you mark it by solving some crime, then we’ll talk.
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there’s a city in me, but i have to watch my step, yes, i agree, it’s an unfamiliar environment, i need to be more attentive to details, yeah. thank you, i understood your metaphor, no, i didn’t mean the amphara, but the cow pat that you just stepped into, thank you, please, he’s serving, yeah, the rga
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has instructed him again. what's going on here? yes, grishka can’t break down the door, but why? jackdaw, his wife has barricaded herself and won’t let him in, yeah, but what does she want from her? what he wants, he wants to kill her, yeah, that is, how to kill her, the husband beats his wife, not someone else’s, he has the right, iceman! are you okay? no, i’m a weak woman, i need to be protected day and night, especially at night, yes, don’t be afraid, i’m here now, commander, i
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’ll lock this wanker in a cell now, and i ’m not afraid of him, i’m afraid of loneliness, maybe you can come by in the evening while my husband is in prison. why, well, of course, you saved me, i have to thank you, i ’ll tell you a city guy about village life, but i need service. someone is coming, nigga, hide , let's hide, i don't want to hide, but i haven't signed the document yet, come here, whoever is there, whoever is there, your wife is worse, and my husband is worse, come on, everyone who
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can be worse, city cop, tell me why... i wish you good health, there is no one there, and where is the cell to put this, this cuckold, or something, this violator, i think, we will make him a hostage and everything like this is a hostage, wait, you can’t take hostages, i meant, let’s take money from him as collateral and ask kedryani for a damn from here, no, we can’t, he wanted to kill his wife. whose, his , what kind of crime is this, you see, the prison is temporarily occupied, i think, let
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him sit in the cellar for now, like in a cellar, why are you keeping criminals in the cellar, with potatoes and pickles, so first of all, you don’t need to feed him, and secondly, tomorrow pashka will come and this...
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we need to sit on the path, which is the local custom, okay, just quickly, sit down, as it should be, we sit and remain silent.
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there’s no one there, we sit and remain silent, that’s it, it’s time to work. oh, it’s time for lunch , it’s only 10 in the morning, in your city they’re having breakfast now, but in our village they’re already having lunch with all their might, no, well then i’ll do it myself, no, well, i understand, no, no, i’m just alone . eh, i’m not used to drinking alone, but if that’s the case, then, no, i didn’t understand something,
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shouldn’t i drink either, well, of course, it’s impossible, we’re at work, but how is it, let’s go start our rounds, you can’t not drink in the village. hello ladies, hello, in our village, for example, updb, what is this, everyone here treats, bribes, gives gifts and thanks, the second p, what’s the second p b, well, that’s whatever you want, they celebrate, you can’t, drink - in a village, you go into any house, yard,
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barn, cellar, they pour everything, everything, but you have to refuse, refusing to drink is like treason, well, they will think that we are breaking away from the team, we are disdainful, they will not understand, they cannot curse us. from this day on, everything will be here differently. i’ll show you now, no, i ’ll prove to you, how you can do the rounds and not hum. who lives in this house? witch, grishchenko. solokha. but it’s better not to go to her. i warned you. hello, oh,
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what kind of guests, come in, come in, wipe your feet, and sit down, thank you, sit down, so, yeah, thank you, what is this, moonshine? yes, what are you talking about, what kind of moonshine? this is a revolution potion, i have moonshine there, and this is so, come on, dear guests, let’s drink to the acquaintance, no, thank you, i was just telling grishchenko that it’s impossible, it’s impossible refuse solok, offend a person, she’s a witch, a witch, i’m going to run for some snacks now. will curse you, so drink up, krischenko, i
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’m not afraid of all this village devilry of yours, don’t be afraid, and i don’t believe it, don’t believe it , so once she had one lover, very similar to you, he also promised to marry her , and didn’t get married, so she spit over her left shoulder, he immediately fell off the bridge, bam , and got hit by a car, so do you believe it? these fairy tales, of course, i was sitting as a passenger in this car, so come on, drink, otherwise he’ll spit, it won’t seem like enough, come on, here’s some snacks, let’s have one more each , he’ll curse, it’s a lady’s liqueur, sweet, we add this kind of liqueur to sweets, even a child can drink it, the whole village drinks it. thank you, well, i see you don’t have any crimes here,
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yeah, it’s time for us, what is this, you can refuse me, drink, drink, have a snack. let's do one more. it exists in our village. an ancient tradition, not to work after lunch, no, from this day on everything will be different, yes, i suggest, uh-huh, go back to
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the office, uh-huh, warm up the computer. so send it fax someone, culturally, so to speak, relax, grishchenko, yes, from this day on, not a second of rest, i don’t have a drop of alcohol, there is.
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let's check, but don't, open up, police, no one is home, no, we heard, no one is home, but these won't lie. it seemed, it seemed, but who lives here, grandfather pythagoras, a strange man,
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reads books, yes, yes, they say he has a higher education, but... what does unreal mean? in the sense, not technical, but hemonoid. wow, he’s a philosopher, but he doesn’t drink just like that, only with deep meaning. let's go, let's go. this is a professorial jacket, full cambridge style, and my dad also had a similar jacket, however, the elbow pads were without
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bicycle tires, this is our new boss, also an intellectual. yes, let me ask you what brought you from the capital to this godforsaken wilderness, duty, stubbornness, pride, what should we drink to get acquainted, pure vodka for pleasure or? tincture for health, i thought when a person has so many books, he doesn’t drink, you know, pushkin loved wine, dostoevsky drank vodka, and this hemingway was generally an alcoholic, comrade
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new, policeman, doesn’t drink, doesn’t allow others, can i have some compote? compote, this is mogato, then kvass, kvass, upon meeting, it ’s already awesome, okay, you have green tea, that’s a different conversation, so please, green, red, sulfur-boralin, for every taste, and this is definitely tea, you are you insulting me? i’m not sure about mine, yes, but i don’t add infusion to my tea so as not to spoil the taste,
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well, how do you like him, who? don’t be a fool, city policeman, but i’m not interested in the tenant, i’m incurious, oh, but in vain, they already everyone is wondering who? or are you ... talking to yourself, galka, for example , invited him to visit, yes, aninka and sveta, they’re already doing each other’s hair, they smelled the groom, well, for good measure, by the way, they say he doesn’t drink, i don’t believe this the healing tincture was brought to me from the vatican.
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well, they are there in the vatican, and the catholics, comrade city, city, he is probably a little strong, yes, it’s you and me, intellectual, familiar people, come on. “fear of god, here, take this, what is this, a tincture
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on teas, like this, this is injera, but can i have a glass, a glass, would you like a glass?” i respect divine drink, can i wash it down with something, no way, only masons kill.
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it’s very scary, kostya, it’s scary that we might not succeed, give evidence , tell the truth, raise the specialists, sergei sergeevich, that there are no other bandits left in the city, their turn will come too. chef from monday at 22:15 on ntv. nastya! oh!
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nastya! hello, hello, what are you here for, we decided to go visit a friend and see what we suddenly remembered, they brought you a pie, and what is this, we thought we’d drink tea by candlelight, friendly besan and thoughts, but what did you dress up from, well, you washed the dress, but while it was drying, you had to put on an elegant one, and you washed it too, uh-huh, interesting, and you also did your hair by accident. they did it to each other, it’s clear that you’re interested in my tenant, but no , of course, but how is he, nothing, that’s it, girls , i think it’s time for you to go, so screw us, we’ll just take a look at everything with one eye, and i ’ll send you a photo, so, well the main thing you found out is that he
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is married, no, are you hunting for suitors? so i have a nature reserve here, photography, so photography, it turns out, you can do it hunting and not getting drunk, who lives there, alik pori, and these are these forest orderlies, orderly. we need to check everything here carefully, it’s not our method, well then we need to
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drink everything here carefully, this is our method. cops, cops, hide, cops, cops, cops, they won’t find us there, wait, it’s the cops, it ’s a mouse, and the mouse, it’s the cops,
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what? well, what do we have in the bags here? and you said that they are orderlies. well, that’s right, in their free time from work, they are orderlies of our village, collecting, so to speak, folklore, folklore, a funny word, congratulate me, grishchenko, i solved the first case. this one won't last long, you're waiting for your lodger, but , but, dinner by candlelight, everything, i know, i saw it in the movies, yeah, what do you care, i
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came with serious intentions, this... he's like everyone else, he has there’s only one thing on my mind , i’ll figure it out without you, but it’s simply indecent, he needs to move away from you, god forbid people start saying that you’re like a jackdaw, you know, i’ll probably come back another time.
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what is this, this is your new district police officer, mikhail, i forgot my last name, he doesn’t drink, you say, no, my last name, somehow. i need to take a bath i don't actually drink, i see, when you leave, i
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'm not going anywhere, here's my post, get a rooster at 6:30, oh, what a soft grass, it's nettle, that's good, that's it, you can go back to the city, i i’ll help you pack your things,
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they sent me to help you, i’m drunk. a brute like everyone else is worse, let me help you, and i’ve already tidied everything up, but that’s not what i meant, let me take the lodger in, that’s what you’re talking about, assistant, i’ve already helped many in the village, but why do you need this city guy, he’s useless in the village, give him to me. go to hell, you can't get away from hell to remember by night, otherwise he will appear right away, and that’s right, go to your husband.
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if i fall asleep and wake up in 100 years, and they ask me what is happening in russia now, i will answer, they drink and steal, it’s all slander, it
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’s all foreigners, they’ll come here, get drunk and lie in puddles like pigs, and then they’ll slander us.
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add a plantain, yeah, do you know what a plantain is? i know, but how is it easier? yeah, a lot! strange, actually it’s nettle.
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it’s cold, but i’m starting to like it in the village, die! it seems they wanted to kill me, many including me number, no need.
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krischenko gave you his old uniform for temporary use. well, what did you do with him? did she kill you right away or did she torture you for a long time?
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can i have another knife with my fork? maybe i can give you a gun too? no need, i have it. would you leave here? i just arrived. i did everything as grishchenko advised me. well, of course. this one can advise, he said that such folk customs, traditions that are passed down from grandfathers to great-grandfathers, local traditions are theft, drunkenness, i don’t drink at all.
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you, oh, no, no, no, now your new boss will come running again, okay, don’t worry, you should have seen how i brought her home in a black cart, no way, today he will sleep until lunch, he said that he doesn’t drink, but everyone says that, today let's give him a hangover, we'll give him one glass and off we go, tygdyn, tygydyn, in a week he'll run home
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, let's go, i don't want you to push me into the closet again, but i won't push you into the closet, hide quickly, where, where, where, what is it? well, what about the new management? yes, the new boss is just a beast, from this day on there will be no bribes to the police, okay? so the police don’t take those taken? did i
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say something unclear? i say, now there are no bribes to the police, from this day on you bring all bribes to my house. clear, clear, there should be no crimes in our village until this city meth leaves, and moonshine is now a crime, now it is punishable heavily, 25% for me, so there were 10, and now 25, dissenting informers, and those whom he tracks down will face the highest punishment, 50. so now soon it will be impossible to poach in the fields it will not be possible to steal anything, i will not tolerate any unorganized crime, all crimes from this day forward are agreed only with me, back, quickly, nix, come on, come on,
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quickly, in the closet, in the closet, first you, come on you! so, yes, it’s normal , just try it, i understand, i’ll tell you more, look at it today, i’ll wait , no, that’s good, otherwise the tomatoes are withering, just like at home, tell your husband hello, be sure, i came here for this, hello, comrade grishchenko, hello, comrade, new, comrade chief, hello, what you look at me like that, i’m surprised that
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you’re on your feet so early, ah-ay, ah-ah, you don’t hurt yourself. it seemed to you there, maybe we could get some fresh air, otherwise it’s not fresh here, let’s go, let’s go, by the way, krischenko, do you even remember what happened yesterday? i don’t remember, but i promise that this won’t happen again, just a snowflake. snow, not snow yet, just a little rain! the best new year's show is back on ntv, i wish that we are all healthy, and that the smile just never goes away over you,
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mandrill, or maybe don’t rush the night and... repeat everything all over again, the snow is spinning, flying, flies, let's see our favorite mask again, a christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest, new year's mask, tomorrow at 19:35 on ntv. i feel kind of strange, and it’s good that you don’t feel well, you need to get better. in what sense directly in the army or police, how do people greet
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each other, i wish you good health, and why? and why? because they offer to immediately improve your health, so let’s not put it off for a long time, i suggest you get over your hangover, let’s assume, i didn’t see this, neither did i. that's it, that's it, that's it, i need to start going around, i think i'm on my own i can handle it, i do this every day, i’ll go, i’ll walk, i’ll collect all the moonshines, i’ll collect evidence, then i’ll stay with lyubka until the evening, i mean i’ll interrogate the witness, i’m with you. and i also want to interrogate a witness, one witness,
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together, somehow in our village this is not customary, it’s better to go home, get over your hangover, let’s go , let’s assume i didn’t hear this word, but let ’s assume that i didn’t say it , just a minute. this is our prudvey, now we 're going to our church, these are our ladies, hello ladies, new boss ours, and this is our new boss mitrofanna, oh, can we have a sip of spring water, i’ll hold it, great!
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hello, police, come to me.
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only a city policeman can find your grishka, ah, of course, but i’ll go, naturally, and don’t you want to look at my methods of work? i think i’ll go finish the rounds, collect evidence, interrogate witnesses!
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no need for bread, i don’t drink, it’s obvious, so what happened, grishka disappeared, uh-huh. i ’ll write down later, i have a good memory, who
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the missing boars are. remind me, i forgot, the boar is the husband's brother, the husband's brother is brother-in-law, i’d better write it down, hey, you’re kind of strange, to be honest , i feel kind of strange, maybe you should lie down, rest, you need it, i see, i ’m on duty, and there are special signs, a boar,
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what kind of hair, eyes, red hair, so sparse, brown eyes, height, weight, height, well , you will be 150 kg, gone, wow, a plump man than a wild boar, i say a boar, i understand, there is a photograph, and why are you crazy? who keeps a photo of a boar at home, okay, where was yours last seen, well, he was lying there in the mud, drinking like everyone else?
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krischenko, i checked everything, there is no evidence, but this it seemed to you, it’s not her, who is she anyway,
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she’s nobody to me at all, it’s all a lie, but she has an alibi, what alibi? ironically, i check this alibi twice a day, but by chance she didn’t have anything with the missing boar, what do you mean, we never had anything like this in our village, we didn’t even see this on tv, somehow i ’m thinking about myself again i feel strange, i told you, i should have a hangover, i should have a hangover , by the way, it’s a good idea, so i instantly, i mean... i mean, it’s a good version, the boar grishka wanted to get a hangover, but he didn’t really go to the store, but well yes, i went where, to the store, go, it’s over there, go, and i’ll probably sit here in
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ambush. hello, i'm your new district police officer, yes i know. in the village everyone knows each other, mefodievna’s grishka has disappeared, who is this? but they said, you know everyone, this is her boar, he didn’t come here, why, i have a pigsty here or something, well, he drinks at her place, he probably wanted to get a hangover, you need to get a hangover urgently.
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who's hiding in the store? this is either mefudevna's hog or your lover.
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what was it, what was it? no wonder my grandmother said, a pig is a dirty business. it is you about me? no, i congratulate you, even though you are from the city, you quickly found him, who? but grishka, you were looking for him, he got drunk and is lying here. congratulations, mikhail. the second case was solved in the last 2 days. this is exactly twice as much as we have uncovered over the past 4 years, we swam for a dolphin,
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that’s it, your grishka, it’s not him, he, of course, got a little dirty on the way, what am i doing? just as i don’t recognize him, but this is grishka, but not mine, this is grishka the cuckold, you arrested his davich, but i didn’t take a good
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look at him then, now i found out, it’s not yours grishka, no... oh, i wish you good health, comrade city, no, i don’t, i don’t drink. so maybe to the bathhouse, i was just getting ready myself, by the way , he brought your husband, but what kind of husband he is, so there’s only one stamp, maybe it’s better
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to put him in bed, no, let him lie here, in bed, he doesn’t care there’s no point, okay, that’s it, i’ll go , i won’t interfere with your family happiness, so he never interferes with my family happiness, he won’t wake up until the evening, maybe he’ll come in... i’ll come in when there’s some crime or some evidence, so we're quick let’s organize it, you know what evidence there is in my bedroom, don’t you want to look, i need to go to nastya, or rather, i need to go to work, grishchenko is calling me, are you crazy, i need the entire supply of moonshine.
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why did a loving husband attack his wife and son with a knife? do you think that she could provoke her husband to murder, she posted a photo on the social network, this is beyond the bounds, on monday at 16:45 on ntv. great guys, i
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came to get used to it, i'm tired of being a fool, fuck you, stronger than an oath, the boy is with us, we are the streets, we are alone in this city, people, do you think your boys will save you when you are drowning, stronger than fear, who is the eldest, what am i, immortal or something? it’s scary when your son is in more pain, but what are we going to do when the batch starts, then you ’re like, yes, more than tears, you’re crying, you ’re crying, you’ve driven your mother crazy, i’m sorry, guys, they don’t apologize, what the hell are you doing,
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are they all in the ground? stop boy's word, blood on the asphalt, let's boys , let's give the word, boy's word, boy's word, boy 's word, boy's word, boy's word, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, coming soon on ntv. oh, oh, what an unexpected meeting. where are you going? there, there, you don’t need to go there, where i need to go, i would say where you need to go, but you won’t go there, i think you need to go there, let’s go there, here, here, here, let’s go, here, i’ll leave it, carefully, carefully, walk, just be careful, don’t lose your balance, where are you, hey, hey, where, oh, you fell again.
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help you, i can’t help you now , come on, i’ll help, lord, there’s a pig there, a huge one, it’s not a pig, it’s a boar, who ’s grishka, why didn’t you drag him away, didn’t methodius, that’s the brother of methodievna’s brother-in-law, well yes, why didn’t you tell me right away that a boar is a pig, i was embarrassed. loves urban people.
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why are you in the nettle, and what do you like about him, but i don’t need him as a fiancé for me to like him, he’s a lodger, let me be your lodger, and he’ll live with me , and i don’t need lodgers at all, you know, i ’m actually not jealous, but when i see him here it just makes me hot, chill out.
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from nausea from indigestion from headaches. oh, never again, oh, sorry, i didn’t know you were at home. and what is it? does it smell like garlic, dill? what is this, green borscht? brine! no, this is for alcoholics, i don’t drink that. can you still have a drink?
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no. delicious, where i got so dirty , rolled around in the mud with pigs, how do you know, i guessed, well, i like it in the village, i came to collect my things, no, i came for lunch, it’s time, i just need to clean my uniform, you have a dry cleaner in your village, of course, understandable.
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what did nastya have, right? well, actually, i live here, now you’ll live with me, okay? well, actually, i’m not like that, but what kind? i recognize nastya’s hand, disappear, henna? well who was it that was so wet suspicious? yes, this is petka , he’s not suspicious, he’s a fool, he’s in love with nastya , and hopelessly, let’s go, i
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’ll tell you about him, one night he climbed into nastya ’s house to propose to her, wow, and how he did it, yes i didn’t have time, nastya woke up, nastya is a girl with character, that’s why she’s not married, i definitely have her. she hates, yes, she hates everyone, even me, and when i saw her for the first time, a flash illuminated her, as if lightning had struck her, it was a frying pan, yes, well , i don’t know what we’ll do. what do you usually are you doing at this time? well, you refuse to do what we usually do, i don’t drink, well , how can you live in the village and not drink? and so, from this day on everything will be different, but
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how could it be different? i don’t know yet, but it’s different. this is a crime, but in our village there is no crime, he makes jam, in the sense he cooks it from grain, well, yes, this is, so to speak, a local recipe, make jam from wheat, try it, pump it up, so last time he ran out of fuel. well, there’s a crisis, the price of oil fell on the berger markets, it became unprofitable, so we came to the jam jam, you want to try it, but i can, you
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need it. but this is definitely not moonshine , no, this is varenets, stand there in the cart, drive the moonshine, don’t drive it, hide it, and grishchenko told us this, and i hold it, we shoot at the wheels, now i don’t have a gun, stand, stand! police
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, we need a shovel, “sorry, we didn’t see the cart here, no , where could it have gone, maybe it just seemed to you, listen, maybe you need a hangover, i don’t drink, it’s okay, i’ll catch them yet, no, the police. police, police , what, what
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happened to you again, the milk ran away from you, or the rooster peska went to another hen, but no, the rooster seems to be in place, the duck drowned in the pond, should i run for scuba gear, but no, i... wanted to say that i’m throwing your honor a banquet, the whole village will gather in mine, yes , but you have to drink, yes yura, legally, you are not obliged to drink, but de facto, practically, they may not understand, well, i don’t know, nastya will be there...
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is there anyone at home? what about you? why did you kill the city guy? was for what? all the men are cable men, and this city guy is no exception, an alcoholic, a womanizer, a freak, in short, just like everyone else, yeah, monster! exactly, give this monster to me, you already have one, i will divorce my husband, and i will leave my lover both, and why did you come for me to bless, give it, i would give it to another, i won’t give it to you, you already have almost everyone in the village i spoiled the men, listen, give it back kindly, i’ll take it anyway. i warned you.
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“i picked some flowers for you here, i don’t know what they’re called, but it’s definitely not nettle , i already know nettle, it’s thistle, thistle, funny name, you like it, who doesn’t like thistle, here’s mefodeevna is throwing a banquet in my honor, the whole village is invited, and..." no, no, no, i don't drink, i promise i won't even touch the vodka, then
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okay, but i don't know, but what's your custom? well you need to dress up somehow, all you have to do is shave, i demand a fair fight with hands and feet. why, come on, come on, come here, attack, come on, why, or is this some kind of folk custom, uh-huh, we have such an ancient tradition of beating city impudent people, come on, come here, come here, don't be afraid, come on, ah, well, what should i
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do, i don't know, you're a guest, hit first. normal, normal, normal, each of us holds something dear to us, honor, memory, present and future, dear sincerely, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we do not throw words to the wind. and we don’t abandon our own, join our own, the information about the gang of killers is confirmed, we are in any case, you’re not scared, very scared, kostya, scared that we might
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not succeed, give testimony, tell the truth, raise the specialists, sergeevich, what? here, maybe you shouldn’t come, when i drink, i become so easily trampled, go to me, lyobka, come to me, now
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i'll run away, oh, lord, i thought, this is my wife, oh, i was thinking, i thought, i'll leave you, go to the new boss, he 'll run away from here in a week, like everyone else the old ones, i understood, uh-huh , he won’t run away, he’s not a drinker, you got all of them drunk, that’s it, she went to him and the hatch, why lie? i went to bed, so what, i’ll come and talk soon,
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okay. i haven’t taken anyone yet, and i haven’t hit anyone, yeah, well, well, well, let’s wait! so, today's banquet is not just a drinking party, it's an epic battle, it's the struggle between good and evil that surrounds us, what is it, come on
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simpler, okay, so a moscow cop came to us. so, either we defend our right to live as we want, that is, according to the laws of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, or the city will ban this. in the bright side to make one of us, so
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he doesn’t drink, no way, that’s the problem , so i declare, whoever gets the cop drunk first gets a gift, my confiscated motorcycle, you have to make a hard choice, right? either a motorcycle, or our men marry each other, a motorcycle, well done, a penalty for the latecomer, come on, it’s due so, i didn’t understand how it’s not necessary, that i ’ve never seen a person resist so much. yes, you don’t even have a license to drive a motorcycle, calm down, having given him a fine, i came up with a toast for our dear
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kostya, thank you, thank you, but they said a toast for you, you must... drink, thank you, i don’t drink, a full glass you can’t put it on the table again, you are grossly violating the traditions of your ancestors, excuse me, but i don’t drink, we wanted to convey to you the centuries-old rituals and carefully preserved customs of our ancestors? and nastya didn’t come, well, how do i
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look, as always, like boredom, thank you, this is exactly what i wanted, all men like it, it’s interesting, and what kind of men can like this, yes, everyone, that’s why i have such a rich and varied personal life. have a good hunt, and mikhail has already gone to the banquet, and your grishka has already gone to the banquet, but why do you need my husband? why do you need mikhail? i have big plans for him, i hope you don’t mind, dear, come on, well, at least a little light, for starters, to accelerate, then later... from the side, from one side, already at home, come on, no , leave
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the guest alone, don't listen to these alcoholics, how are you getting out of here, give him something hot to eat first, yes, thank you, oh, well done, oh, well done, come on, what is it, spicy, yes, poor thing, poor thing, maybe give him something to wash it down, yes, so as not it was so spicy, but beer, cold beer, to put out the fire, i won’t tell anyone, no one has ever been taken intoxicated by one glass of beer. come on, come on, there is no water, there is no water, or pim or nothing, well, well done, well done, well done, well,
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now it’s increasing, come on!
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oh, hi, oh, hi, nastya, your city guy came and beat me up, and for no reason, yes it can't be, uh-huh, he's not like that. but take it, i’m just very sorry, tell me who will pay for the delivery, everything is going according to plan, either i him, or he
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decided to get me drunk, oh well, this is a backup option, it will be suspicious if there is a fifth district police officer in a row in our village he gets drunk, they’ll say that drunkenness is rampant here, or god forbid he gets drunk himself, let him leave, that’s why i moved him in with you, only you in our village can deal with men dashingly, nowhere else in the world. except for one russian state, such a vile thing is not visible drunkenness, the sight of a drunken person lying in a puddle, is a common phenomenon here. the threshold for drunkenness is equally common between men and women, ecclesiastical and secular.
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blatant lies, they envy the russians.
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can i have some tea with lemon, please? the water has run out. drink from a barrel.
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you see how my hands are shaking, it’s not from drunkenness, i don’t drink, thank you, you’ll leave, no
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, no need to help, i was sent to help you. can i have a glass of milk, but go to the barn and feed yourself.
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nettle, mm, you can already distinguish it, well, i like it life. village, no, will you leave , no, would you like anything else for breakfast, no , that’s enough for today, i have to go to work
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, come in, citizen, boss, please come in, thank you, wow, how you scared me, they brought it, yes here, come on, come on in, come here, so maybe you don’t hide it right away, and maybe we’ll have a hangover after yesterday, right? what happened yesterday? don’t you remember what happened yesterday? i remember everything. so, everything that happened yesterday was done by the new boss. it's clear?
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well, yes, now it’s clear. with lyubka on the roof, shut up, popandopola, i'm a nickel, between by the way, a nickel, now it’s like a nickel, i’ll give you, i understand , i also did everything that happened with lyubka, the new boss, of course. what do you have? this? this is how we fight against illegal self-honing, right ? maybe this is grishchenko for you,
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if you say the word hangover out loud, i’ll shoot you with a stable weapon, but here... there was always such a floor, yes, there was a floor made of alkha, and you said that alkha makes very good coals for kebab, so what? well, after listening to you, we made kebabs, and they turned out very tasty. yes. what is the use of nailed shoes,
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for what? well, you ordered what was stolen from me? it's a mess, why aren't they polished to a shine? so you can't get it? there is no ladder , how did you nail it then, well, you yourself whitened it, i personally, can i work in your office for now, of course, you can’t go there, you can’t go there, you can’t go there, why is this there, and there that, yes, there this, it would be necessary... and do a detour,
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the time has come, now, well, yes, let's go, what we need, damn, my socks are sore, well, i think we should start the detour, on the other side. there it seemed to you, yes, these are our pinatas, and also, when i was walking here, it seemed to me that there was a bathtub on the roof, so i brought it there with my own hands, uh-huh, on your order, why, you yourself said that your job title is entitled to a jacuzzi, that’s true, water there..
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... it’s inconvenient to give, but an order is an order , they don’t discuss it, and the toilet is also on the roof, no , the toilet is on the ground, but if you order, we can be next to the jacuzzi, no, no, no , no, if you wish, i wish, yes, why is there a motorcycle in the toilet? well, you said it yourself, you said that official vehicles should not rot on the street under rain, so we made a garage out of a toilet, how did you squeeze it in here? so, first they disassembled it, brought it in parts, and then assembled it, at least it will work after that, i don’t know.
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it didn’t work before, but there is an order, an order, it will work, if necessary, we will continue the bypass, which side will we start the bypass from, i think, from there. he’s a drunkard, no, a romantic, well, yes, you ’ll quickly sing like that, but through. let's get him
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out of here to his damn grandmother, oh god, where am i going. it's hot, hello, citizen, boss, i didn't drink, you don't have to make excuses, you're the boss, the boss, everything that he doesn’t do, he always does correctly, clearly, like this. the door creaked in a fairy tale, who sings like that, guys, this is the last century, suddenly the braid broke, everything became clear to me, it’s going crazy, the street of roses, the bunch is in trouble.
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protect, protect us from the sun, we can give anything for this, ntv apartment building at margulis’s, most importantly, new year’s housewarming, tomorrow immediately after the new year’s mask on ntv. the consequences of the war, the germans destroyed, what are there and this, no, no, this is not you, this is up to you, the germans, these germans have a quiet tank, this is all of us
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how are you feeling, comrade city manager, great, thank you. i had a wonderful sleep in the fresh air and feel great, well, i think i’ve had enough work for today, it’s time to rest, however, aunt motya is complaining that her bottle of liqueur and some pickles were stolen there, but i’ll sort it out myself, and you rest , so i saw how he was spinning near the mushroom, this papandopula, so, listen to me carefully,
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first you, motya, must write a statement as a victim, i must register it, draw up a protocol, then. “we have to examine the crime scene, and only then i have to find witnesses and interrogate them, and only then i have to record everything , register everything, you can’t handle things like that, everything must be according to the law, i’m saying it right, comrade chief, you’re right. stole, it was him, that's it, the case was solved, i went home, well, now
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comes the most interesting part. how do i love my job? are you coming to me? once again near the house with a camera i will see the lenses and pull out the lenses. yes, i wanted to show you your tenant , and he, he is a pathetic,
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insignificant person, look at yourself, i’m not i wanted to tell you, i didn’t want to, but he promised to get married at the gala, she asked him to move in with her, i did it myself. and i heard that you invited him to live with you, so maybe you want to marry him yourself, listen, nastya, what did you think, maybe this? i’ll drop by in the evening, well , what are you doing, of course, drop by, you’re tired of living like this.
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come on in, boss, classic, yes, godfather, a good conversation is the best medicine. well, let's have a drink? i understand, it sounds unconvincing, but i don’t drink, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, it really heals mental wounds, well really, it’s ruining the stove, let’s take a look, you don’t have wounds, you have scratches, look, what is it? american writer and alcoholic,
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an intelligent person must sometimes get drunk in order to withstand communicating with fools? you know about the folk tradition of having a hangover, grishchenko talked to me about it all day today, but i won’t. i don’t drink, don’t underestimate grishchi, it’s not as simple as it seems, nachikhambili.
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hello, well, i’ll go where, i’ll buy meat, come on, come on, go, what do you think, she won’t guess us, what are you, you fool, he doesn’t even suspects nothing, yours doesn’t guess , mine is stupid, like all men, he’s stupid, he’s stupid , but his ax is sharp, he finds out, chops us into chekhombili, come to my place today , she’ll fall asleep, i’ll turn on the lamp, come
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tonight on the sinus, but what about grishchenko, and grishchenko, when he falls asleep, you can’t even wake him up with a gun, come, i’ll be waiting for you at midnight. whose bouquet, my bouquet, why did you put the townie up with nasty, why, why, so that she could break off his horns? lived out the light, ate the bald patch so that it created the right conditions, it’s clear, that’s it
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why, conditions for what, well, to get rid of him, that’s what, wait, listen, move him to me, i’ll drive him crazy in a week, i know how, you know how to deliver stew to your husband, that’s what you know, yes i’m from i’ll make him a man in a month, why the hell should i make a man out of him, i need him to leave here quickly, nasya... for this the best specimen, of course, come on, i’m going, i’m going. are you still here? i worked, i defeated crime, that’s it, it’s time to leave. oh, and we still need to drink on the way back to the city. today i worked like a horse all day. all day on legs i saw it, everyone saw it. i came
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to relax after a hard day at work, and your room smells delicious, can i have this tea? thank you.
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it smells somehow wrong, of course, it’s laboda, a poisonous weed, so what now? and now you need to urgently go to the hospital, to the city, choose, or go back to the city, or that’s it, you’re screwed, pour me some more loboda. are you going to marry nastya? yes, he left the sailors, we don’t need sailors, we don’t have a sea, do you want poison? i
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think i know why you're looking at me... um, it's interesting to listen, of course i'm not everything i remember, but i, as an honest person, if there was something between us, i’m ready to get married, marry me. married, what, this is where the infection has taken you, seduced my wife, and you are making another proposal, yes, who is it, i didn’t find out , your gal’s husband, yes, i’ve never seen him in consciousness, now you’ll see, uh, i’ll kill you, wow , just once,
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i’ll save you from this maniac, what was that, right? not the one where this city guy is, i’m talking about you , how do you treat men, yeah, i know, it hurts, a lot, you’ll leave here, no, you’ll leave, there are so many opportunities in russia that even the new year can be whatever you want, digital. trendy, brutal, dear, unknown, awesome, unstoppable, come to the russia forum exhibition, happy new year, with new opportunities. i can’t
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sleep, i think about him all the time. so, i’ll go and sleep on the street, and then i’ll think, this is not for me, i didn’t call anyone, what happened, it’ll take a long time to explain, i can spend the night with you. you can’t, everything is busy, under no circumstances, so i can do it in the yard, i won’t bother anyone. okay, you can spend the night in the gomak, thank you, don’t turn on the lights, they’ll attack
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like mosquitoes, okay. “you’ve been waiting for me for a long time, your pussy , i’m not waiting for anyone at all, i’m sorry, i thought it was grishchenko, maybe
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he’s broadcasting something, you didn’t hear anything, no , i didn’t hear anything either.
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it’s you, my cat, who do you think i am for? accept? excuse me, i thought you were krischenka's wife.
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you're here, oh, cat, yes, i moved here to escape the rain and mosquitoes. oh, who's here? me, lord, and you, it's you, who i've been waiting for, waiting for you , you, that you are naked in boots, so i am, wait, and that you are wearing makeup, and where were you, male? is it you, where was the boredom?
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hey, where are you, i’m in the attic, oh, what are you doing there, it takes a long time to explain, some citizen came to see you, so i thought... no, no, no, it’s for work, but my wife didn’t notice, i don’t know, and then some man came , asked his wife, obana, this is her husband, your wife’s husband, no, a husband who is at work, but i’m screwed, don’t worry, he asked your wife, yes, that
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means she . damn it, but not grishchenko! at night there was some noise in the yard, i didn’t hear anything, and the mosquitoes didn’t bother me, no, really there was one mosquito, well it immediately flew away, i moved to the attic, and that’s it
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ok, it’s better in the attic, really, the cats, what cats, the cats got in the way, and then everything was fine, so they didn’t hear anything, no, nothing, very good, good, very, yeah. grishchenko, what do they say, nastya drove away the new policeman? who's talking? yes, everyone says, so now they have nowhere to live? well, why nowhere? i'm doing great in the attic, that's it, so maybe he can move in with me? i'm afraid he'll like it, but if he's better off, let him live with me, that's right, i say, but your house is full, day and
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night, but what? you will talk a lot, i will tell you i’ll tell my hubby something like that, just think about it, it’s better to be friends with me than to fight, listen, how they do it like this, i still won’t understand. where is mikhail? at home, but he no longer sleeps in the yard, but in the house, which means you are already sleeping together, right? come on, admit it. who spreads
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gossip that we sleep together? nastya, i love you, this one is here, nastya, marry me, well... nastya, oh, where have you disappeared to, and i ’m looking for you everywhere, looking for you, but what are you doing here? i, yes, i’m so okay, i’m so, kryushchenko, why, look, blood, blood, here, here, and in, here, maybe
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murder. but no, this is vaska, a ham, he ’s a butcher, a butcher is naturally blood. we need to check, no need, let's better check somewhere, wait, where is the blood, and what, let's go check, no need, let's go, i'm afraid, krischenko, okay, i'll check it myself, but i'm in an ambush? i’ll sit here, like this
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, open up, police, oh, excuse me, i thought it was grishchenko, but i’m not grishchenko, grishchenko here, and i’m your new district police officer, yes, who doesn’t know that, but for you... i have i have another gift, thank you, i don’t need any more, here i am i sewed it, thank you, i like it, and i recognized your voice, it was you who were with grishchenko at night , why are you shouting, he actually has an alibi, alibi, i told you why i would have been grishchenko at night, that’s it. and now in more detail, well, someone needs to call the police,
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which means my wife was at grishchenko’s at night. i went to pick some flowers for my wife, who came at night, grishchenko, and... what did you call me? i recognized your smell. they howled, came at night to sinoval to grishchenko, looking for his wife, grishchenko. now let's
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take a closer look at this point. come on, give me the ax here, come on i gave her the axe, and what i told you, what i told you, was when you told him, at night or something, oh, you wipe it off, masa, but i won’t give you the axe, but i still need it myself, but where am i from, well i’ll show you now, well, now where are you going, “i’d like a mirror, i want to try on a new tie, no, why are you lying down, but they stole our
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cart, what’s the cart with, what’s with the horse, what’s in the cart, what kind of cart was stolen , we are cutting, it is she, she, i will catch up with her, this is not your body, this is our job, let everyone go home, stand, stand, stand, stand, oh, stop, you're under arrest, stop, go ahead, let go, i can't, go ahead. i'm confused, little girl, shoot at the wheels, stop, i'll shoot, how i love my
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job, stand, stop, stop! eat! oh, look how stubborn he is! now he won't come off!
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gather our people, our homeland needs us. i suggest we let this matter go, then i ’ll figure it out myself. a couple of calls from me and you 'll turn to dust. why do you need all this? he put me on a chain. 22:15 on ntv. well, another boss sent from the city has left us forever. a how courageously did mikhail rush in pursuit? behind this innocent horse, and how
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courageously he, i hope, died in action, i, as an honest man, am simply obliged to begin my direct duties, to become again. chief of police. i didn’t even have time to get married, and i’m already a widow,
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your orca died while on duty, what are you talking about, oh, look, they’re bringing you, again, and this time it’s a sober bastard. and where is he , over there, milkweed, over there, bastard, alive, alive, he’s only unconscious, the bastard, and what did he do this time, this time he’s a hero, the bastard.
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“yes, i didn’t drink, i know how you feel, to be honest, it’s unusual, no one swears, no one really confuses me, and that’s because you didn’t drink, have a drink!” “no, no, drink it, it ’s not poison, this time it’s medicine, petka, you checked the flash, it works, we have to share, what do you mean?”
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divide, quarrel, this is the first thing, and then divide, city , for you, nastya, for me, this is right, oh, i completely forgot, i brought this for you, thank you, i ’m here... i was dragging behind the cart, i need to sew it up somehow , don't move, maybe don't, don't be afraid, i'm kind today, yes, thank you. now i understand who ruins my ties, not me, yes, who needs to make tea with mint, so who ruins my ties, and forgive me for the electric shock, well , you said that there was something between us and i
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didn’t want to offend you, i was told something like this, i don’t know, i’ve already found out who was spreading this gossip, i hope these people are still alive, and it turns out that you, a noble one, offered to marry me, really, you did, to what did you respond? sleep, we'll talk in the morning. sleep, well now i definitely won’t sleep, i’ll be talking about this all night think,
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an intelligent person is sometimes forced to get drunk in order to endure. not with fools.
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nastya. nastya, nastya, and you, where are you? i secretly married my lover and left forever, you can live with ninka or svetka, you must choose one of them.
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hey, city authorities, nastya, where, i don’t know, she’s been nowhere in the morning, so what? it’s okay, i had a bad dream about her today, if only they’d put her in a bag, hid her somewhere in a barn, and you know. they tied the bag with such red twine, this is how my dream came true, aside, aside, petka, if it’s you, i won’t help you
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just your ears, i’ll tear off everything else for you, but it’s quiet there, so you’re not petka, who are you, that’s what i told you, well, they quickly untied me, and there was no need to hide the city guy, now i’d be sitting at home, everyone should have a chance to the groom, oh, and i’ll get to you, first you untie yourself, and then how will you recognize me, by the smell of your blanket? i will find you underground too. aw!
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oh, oh, what, are you looking for a drink? no, i, i ’ll just take a quick look at your barn, come, i ’ll pour you a drink, no, i don’t drink. tell me, you have another shed, your neighbor has it, look, yeah. there, there, there, thank you, whose barn, and this is not mine, no, there are keys, no, it’s open, this, this is not mine, they planted everything on me , i’ll come back, confiscate it, hello, ivan, hello, how are you nastya, otherwise i haven’t seen her,
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great, thank you, how are you, it’s hard, the village, you know, there’s no one to even talk to, like an intellectual, you can see your barn, but why a barn? it was you who slept in nastya’s yard, and here a luxurious bedroom awaits you. still, the main thing for me is which barn, well, is it more convenient in the bedroom? thanks, good suggestion, but i have to consider others options.
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fire, water and copper pipes, what is it? this is my moonshine still, new management, all the barns are being searched! how we got it here, we, we dragged it in pieces, well, yes, then we assembled it here, we’ll have to take it apart,
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hello, what’s that smell, did you teach? i prepared a light breakfast. smells tasty. tell me, do you know where nastya is? what's nastya like with scrambled eggs? for breakfast i have veal cutlets, zrazy, with cabbage, and parashki. not bad for a light breakfast. and yet you don’t know where i can find nastya? so what about nastya she left. how did you leave? unexpectedly, she asked me to look after you and feed you. today for my first breakfast i have a fish rod baked with apples, you know, it sounds very tempting, but
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still i have to check if you have enough supplies for the winter? i'll check, nastya, nastya! forgiving weapons, goodbye, the new boss, it turns out, is not looking for moonshine stills, i will never have one. there’s no way to assemble it anymore, what? i, i say, is not looking for moonshine stills, but what?
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he destroys the crops, rips them apart? the grain is scattered, why, in order to brew new moonshine? there was no reason, yes, the barbarian, the barbarian, the saint cut down, yes, the grain, take it out, bring it in, i’m about to knock on someone, city comrade, don’t get me wrong, but i have to inspect your barn, i should have done this a long time ago, let’s go,
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that's it. that’s it, now you definitely won’t leave me, and no, galya, who’s here, and here is the brownie, grisha, this is not what you think, i understand, it sounds unconvincing, but i’m looking for nastya. yes, it’s going to take a long time to explain, well, that’s okay, you’re stagnant, now you won’t leave here alive, okay, just a minute, one second,
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we need to call the police, the police are already there, he it’s just killing him, yes, but you can’t see a damn thing in the barn.
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why was he trying to put out the fire with such a small mug, but who? hooligan , how much does he need, a glass in the morning to extinguish the pipes, apparently he was poisoned by smoke, if he had been poisoned by smoke, he would have been a little white, but he ’s as red as blue, moonshiners, moonshiners, yes, what kind of moonshiners, so in every yard , it’s just driving me, it ’s a crime,
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but i’ve broken my whole head, assembling this fucking unit, but i don’t have time to disassemble it, sledgehammer, hit me, come on, ah... well, did you find nastya? no, i didn’t find it, i ran all over the barn, searched everything, she’s not there anywhere, so then trust your sons, it’s the men who are hiding where it’s hard to find them, and the women
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are hiding where you wouldn’t think of looking. yes, i looked in all the yards of the barn, think, think, everything except her yard. nastya! oh, no need to thank me, you look beaten, disheveled, you also stink of perfume,
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you burst into the barn with a jackdaw, right? no, not with galka, with galka’s husband, he still stinks of smoke, he drank again, again with grishchenko, but i don’t drink, by the way. where is grishchenko? enough already! now no one will guess that it was a moonshine still! don't worry, it looks like the motorcycle was carrying a refrigerator; both of them got hit by a tractor.
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i was not looking for moonshine, good, thank you. and what very good news, and what very good news is that the city man said that he would leave the village, yes, yes, a nickel, give me a nickel. this is the news, this is the news, this is the news, all the news is news, and so, give him a hug, let me, at the same
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time i’ll rub your hands on you, well, he said that he’ll leave if he gets drunk one more time, well, this of course spoils it a little first impression, but we have a chance, uh-huh, come here, “mikhail, he’s a decent man, yes, and we need to take advantage of this, but how, how, how, very simple, we need to give him a drink, at least a glass, at least take a sip, and then it will roll, roll, roll, roll, you can’t get drunk instead, i’m ready to sacrifice myself, i would do it myself, but it’s not the time, comrade.” it's not time, we need to develop a plan. so, our goal is to get the city cop drunk, either by cunning or by force,
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in war, as in war, all means are good, the winner of the competition will receive a prize. which? i give you permission to take the motorcycle away from methodievna. kid, i propose, i write it down , there is one idea, but it’s idiotic, nothing, offer the most daring solutions, we’ll write everything down first, then we’ll discuss it, invite him to dinner? so mix moonshine into his food, well, in compote, in borscht, the idea is really idiotic, i write it down, it’s powerful, yes, but i suggest spiking watermelons or apples
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with moonshine, but it’s good that i reminded you, we did this in the army, i write it down, but you can dress up as a doctor and give him an enema. with moonshine, well, of course i’ll write it down, but okay, okay, then in private, we’ll discuss it, i’ll write it down. well, you didn’t manage to seduce the city guy, your vaunted booze didn’t have much of an effect, you also didn’t manage to seduce him with your odds and ends, so he’s mine, let ’s split him up, he lives with you for a week, with me for a week, then let him choose, what should we do with nastya? we will, she won’t
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be able to sit there all her life, she will have to be fed, well, whatever he chooses, we’ll let her go right away, do you think she didn’t recognize us, well, we’ll find out soon, if your house burns down at night, it means you found out, well, hello, friend, treat me to a scent, otherwise i was hungry in the morning, nastya, hello, and we were just remembering you, yeah , you look good, and you smell good, and i have nothing to do with it, ninka came up with all this, and nastya wanted to cut your hair, and of course i was against it, yeah, i believe it, and both, well, about three, three.
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well, friends, open it yourself or we’ll set it on fire, today we’re having a feast, i’ll treat you, what’s the reason for a banquet with burnt eggs? and i promised everyone that i would never drink again, and what’s more, i’m thinking declare prohibition in the village, and i thought on the occasion of a housewarming, they say you are moving, where, why, jackdaws, she said, you will marry her, promised, beat her off, so to speak, from her husband in a fair fight, well, i fought with my husband, it’s me i remember, but the promise to marry? i don’t
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remember that, but no, it can’t be, go, open it, your fiancee has probably come, what else, i don’t drink, it’s good that you don’t drink. we need an examination to find out if it’s moonshine or not, you ’re the only one who doesn’t drink, so to speak, let’s take our piece of paper, come on, what?
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it turned out that it’s all nastika’s fault, she’s the one who influences him so badly, she, he’s a dangerous person, he’s an honest, honest city cop, it’s a fairy tale. a fairy tale about little red riding hood , about a squirrel, about koschey the immortal, you have to bribe him, it’s dangerous, dangerous, he’s afraid, he’s afraid, i’m not afraid of anything at all, it’s clear, what is this, husband, love, or what? it's time to go to work, and
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don't be upset, galya will come soon, i don't quite understand about the bride, who told you that, galya, galya, she came to pack her things, she said that you were moving, this is the first time this has happened i hear, but i feel good here too, so i’m not going anywhere, why do we quarrel all the time, but because there is nothing in common between us, i don’t drink, i don’t like drunkards, so i don’t drink drunkards either. we have a lot in common, for example, i also love dogs, and i love cats, i also love movies, and i love tv, and this means we have a complete mismatch of character, so that’s good, we should be different. in the end, you are a woman, i am a man, you are not a man, you are a male, i don’t understand at all why you are needed here, grishchenko could drink and take without you bribes, but i don’t drink, why does he always come to you with offers to drink , but no one comes to me with any offers, so, this is the offer, every
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week 10 liters of moonshine, and you don’t bother us, “so, so, i’m not leaving here anywhere , i really like it here, of course i like it, every day there’s drinking, jackdaws, mistresses, you ’ve already become worse here for a week now than grishchenko, well , firstly, i don’t drink, and secondly, i’m talking about you there are also a lot of interesting things to tell, it’s interesting that they told you such a thing, i don’t believe it, but i i believe, and the women say that you have three wives in your city? three wives, how many? yes, and the jackdaw told me that you and grishchenko were having an affair, and galli told me that you slept with her yesterday, do you understand? why me i don’t know anything about this, it’s only been 4 days, the whole village has already been destroyed, chases, fires, women are stealing, it’s like a dog’s wedding every day,
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well, excuse me, i thought that ’s how it was in your village, no, but there’s always drunkenness , i’m generally silent, what’s next, and how do i know what’s next here at this time, gathering harvest, wedding season? nastya, nastya , come out, officially, in front of all the people, i propose you to be my wife, nastya, and you say that it’s me who arranges a wedding here every day, i didn’t invite him, so i should send him away, just try, i’ll tear you apart, guys , beat him, i’m paying in cash, pour me out of town , after all, i tore off your ears, now i’ll tear off everything else, so nastya, i love you, i ’m ready for anything, for any sacrifice, let’s sacrifice mikhail, wow, wedding, don't
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pay attention, cute ones only book amuse yourself. come on, come on, guys, i’m crying, in cash, guys, so, grab nastya, tie her up, take her away, it’s not like the weight is at the wedding, we’re working on a reduced program, but there won’t be any wedding, and this bandit is killing the city, so it’s petka who’s marrying her, the city guy is interfering, the concept is changing, we need help, the connection between the lovers’ hearts, the city guy wanted to, but to jam on toya? this is a family fight, or everyone can take part in the fight, hold it
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strong, and we’ll pour the vodka lightly, well, everyone go home! a is your home even in moscow? oh, ear, not mine, fool.
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hello, nastya drove me away, no, i left with my head held high, i’m not offering you a drink, did you also hear about my promise? and what do you think
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, i’m on your side, thank you, but you’d better leave, and you’re against me, you’re an honest person, but people like that don’t live long here, grishchenko can’t beat you anymore, that’s why, because he knows how to lie, intrigue, you you can not. you are without a weapon, so what should i do, i need to go to the city, i don’t want to leave, i like it here, nastya, well, nastya, and in general leaving means admitting that grishchenko won, that drunkenness in russia is ineradicable. now,
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uh, the slavs are very devoted to wine, drinking it day and night. soltykov 19th century, if i fall asleep and wake up in 100 years, and they ask me what is happening in russia now, i will answer, they drink and steal, i understand, this is all our history, it’s stupid to fight it, but it doesn’t even mean that with drunkenness no need to fight. ivan the terrible created the russian state. he conquered siberia, but could not overcome drunkenness. peter
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the great made the country a great empire, i couldn’t overcome drunkenness, i couldn’t. what is your last name, what can you do? well, what should we do? how to always do nothing? i have. magic remedy, you should drink krischenko. “but i don’t know how to drink, i’m afraid i can’t handle it, you can handle it, after
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this remedy you drink as much as you want, you don’t sing, one glass is enough for 2 hours, because the effects of the elixir end, and you won’t just get drunk, you ’ll turn into a fairy tale about cinderella into a pumpkin, yeah, we were very close to the goal, but this petka with his matchmaking spoiled everything, spoiled everything, and what now, the last plan left is to play doctor, no, it won’t work, oh, the most idiotic plan is to invite mikhail to visit us, so why, why, why, look, this is
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so, we’ll supposedly invite him to dinner , or for a friendly dinner, before that you add selected pervak ​​or alcohol to the food, he just needs a whew, a glass, he drinks it and gets drunk, i’ll warn everyone before that, as soon as he gets drunk, i’ll melon-melon-melon , i ring the bell, everyone comes running and will witness all this horror, drunk. there will be anyone with a camera? do i even know who? he's chick-chick-chick-chick, that's all. and he is a conscientious man, he will run away to his moscow, covered in stumps and covered in tar.
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okay, handsome, handsome, what are you talking about, one such tomato with alcohol is equal to a glass of vodka, so that’s... what, now the most important thing is, somehow we need to drag mikhail to visit us, after what happened, it will be possible to lure him very hard, very hard, hello, i decided to come see you this evening for a little chat, are you against it,
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no, not against it, even for it, for it, after all. bacchus in the sky, what? we were going to have dinner, have dinner with us, with pleasure , yeah, thank you, you, you sit down at the table, i am now, you know, we have something prepared there, rock up, rock up, sit down, here, here, this. we should celebrate the day of victory over the moonshiners, yes, of course, it’s a nice little thing, you can , don’t, that’s for later, -
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oh, i don’t offer you a drink, or no, no , thank you, i promised not to drink a drop, otherwise i’ll have to leave, i just this is what i'm waiting for, uh, we can't imagine how we'll live without you in our village, already, this is such a cold borscht, very tasty. in the summer, yes, you love okroshka, i love everything, we have a special taste of okroshka,
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it’s delicious, can i have more? the okraska is not too strong, everything is very tasty, thank you. thank you, more can be done.
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yes, and give me the whole pan, and give me what to do, well, he ate it, but didn’t notice anything, that’s it, that’s it, it’s strange, i thought that after the first spoon he would grunt under the table, but he eats at least henna, but that i didn’t add enough self-cone or something, but no, it seems normal, i... tried 40° delicious, but he didn’t even winced, listen, what? let's take the strongest liqueur, throw in a couple of cherries, let's say compote, good, good, while i go and bring him soaked tomatoes with alcohol,
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don't eat it yourself, that's good. i suggest incrementally, after the cucumbers. tomatoes, uh-huh, hey!
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i suggest you pour some red ones, thank you, and do you mind if i’m thirsty straight from the jug after salted tomatoes, thank you. come on,
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it’s delicious, now, come on, bear, just a minute i’ll... drink too much, no one has ever had too much to drink in my life, but this bastard has already gobbled me up, burned me a whole saucepan in a forty-degree environment,
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a whole bunch of tomatoes spiked with alcohol, and no matter who, nothing is taken, but you’ve already taken it, drink less, eat more, your leg is sober, you’re holding up well, here you go. grishchenko’s legs are already sore, but i will never die from such a dose, like you, horses generally die from such a dose, but you don’t, the main thing is to remember, at midnight you must disappear, otherwise the pumpkin, of course, go, my mother, go, oh well done, yes hey, the second round continues, i mean, dinner, i mean, chicken with apples,
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excuse me, what is going on here, a duel, a city cop and grishchenko finding out who is the alpha samet, what is finding out who has the bigger male? pervak ​​with gas, this is my family recipe, one glass is guaranteed to knock a horse off its feet, drink it, go ahead, thank you. the glass smells something, they probably drank moonshine from it, no, not
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yet. more. to yourself,
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to yourself! test, come on, it seems like i'm drunk, you're giving up, no, russian, you're giving up, or maybe it's enough, no, it's quiet here, the table is sweet, this city cop lost, he got drunk. he has to leave, but i stay behind
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the main thing is, hurray, what’s going on, that’s it. there is no more moonshine in the village, which means against fathers, grandfathers, and no drunkenness in the city, i am passing a dry law. first
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he got my husband drunk, and now it’s prohibition. nastya,
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are you not leaving? and you want me to leave? really, do you want to stay? yes, really, i want to give you thistles every day, but you won’t drink it? aren't you going to hit me with a rake and torture me with an electric lighter? stay. “i’ll stay, but now i need to run, otherwise i’ll turn soon!” so, after 500 years after ivan krosny, 300 years after peter i, 28 years after gorbachev, the fight against drunkenness in russia began, although so far only in
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one... small piece of a very large, even great russia. look tomorrow, it's time to take off, who are you? the immortals hide the truth from you behind the mirror. how does it work? how is it possible, who will guide me?
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it smelled like kerosene, but it was impossible not to do it, they decided, got it, and secretly placed an unsightly one in the back room. they dressed it up in pieces of paper, three pizzas of agarka, the meager savings of their grandfather’s life, and covered it up. january 1936, information report of the leningrad komsomol committee. in orphanage number three, smolninsky district, children, secretly from the management, arranged a small christmas tree in one of the rooms. i found a christmas tree behind the children’s house, it smelled like kerosene, so i forced the tree. burn and held an explanatory conversation about the dangers of the christmas tree. the tree that appeared in the house on the eve of christmas, on christmas eve, when the first stars were waiting in silence, this christmas tree was repressed by the revolution
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under two headings at once, religious and bourgeois, a pastime of the rich. what we are with we celebrate with you, our favorite holiday, the new year, the only one, as we think , that has survived, in fact, the same as all the others, november 7 and... march, soviet. christmas is now red, like everything else for the bolsheviks. komsomol members are trying to make fun of the holiday, running around with torches in the dark without being able to see anything, putting on clumsy scenes with the clergy endowing themselves, and reading. a week of six days, instead of color names from the calendar, it flashes in the eyes, where are the old holidays, where is christmas, it wasn’t even banned, it’s hidden.


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