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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 14, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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at the same time, the victory is the defeat of the ruling party, the reaction in beijing and in the world to the election results in taiwan. rallies from tel aviv. to washington, how the hundredth day of escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict is going, and also the rules are simple, the technologies are complex, masters of drone control are preparing for the games of the future, this is the program today in the studio dmitry zaboistoy, hello, a delegation will go to taiwan for the inauguration of the new head of the island’s administration us congressmen. this was officially announced by the speaker of the house representatives. the independent supporter won the elections that took place the day before. from
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china. a sharp response immediately followed from beijing. the chinese people's republic of china expressed hope that washington will stop, i quote. send false signals to separatist forces. along with the election of the head of the island administration in taiwan, they voted for members of parliament. the situation there was not in favor of those who wanted independence. what the changes might lead to and whether we can expect a new round of escalation around taiwan. ksenia nekrasova sorted it out. your victory in the election as a candidate. the ruling democratic party celebrated on a grand scale, but speaking on stage in front of supporters, the newly elected head of taiwan's administration addressed beijing, declaring that he was determined to defend taiwan; for this rhetoric, laizendei was nicknamed the war candidate. taiwanese residents watched the vote count live; the gap between the victorious laiznde and the opposition candidate houyou was less than 7%.
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may lead to the independence of the island and china will respond to any calls for separatism respond, including with the use of force, if it concerns the protection of the country’s sovereignty. beijing demonstrated what the chinese army is capable of during nancypilosi’s visit to taiwan. now, according to the financial times, immediately after the elections, biden plans to send a new high-ranking delegation to the island, thereby, according to experts, risking provoking another aggravation between them. usa and china. the taiwan issue is china's internal matter, and elections in the taiwan region are china's local affairs, which cannot be tolerated no external interference. we hope that the american country will strictly abide by its obligations and stop sending false signals to the separatist forces. however, now they must advance their laws, increase the already record military budget for the island, and increase purchases of american weapons. dem party will be more difficult, despite. to win the race for
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the post of head of the island's administration, she lost her majority in parliament. 52 seats for the gamindan party, which opposes the arms race with mainland china, which taiwan cannot win in any way, and that is why they consider it necessary to restore dialogue with beijing and make a choice in favor of peace. ksenia nikrasova, polina timofeeva and alexander gusev, especially for ntv. and in israel , passions around the current authorities are heating up. resignations and early elections are demanded by tens of thousands of activists who gathered for rallies across the country. today marks 100 days since the unprecedented attack by hamas militants. until now, despite the actions of the idf government, it has not been possible to release all prisoners managed. in tel aviv , 120,000 people took part in the rally, among them relatives of israelis captured on october 7. protests are also taking place in jerusalem and haifa. the demonstrations will last 24 hours, the organizers promised. and in london there is a rally in defense. he gathered
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200,000 residents of the gaza strip, activists marched to trafalgar square, unfurling a giant palestinian flag along the way. the authorities brought thousands more to the capital. stop supporting israel stop genocide in gaza, those gathered personally accuse president biden in the deaths of civilians in the palestinian enclave. 12 thousand children are dead, biden has blood on his hands. according to the ministry of health
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of the gaza strip, since the beginning of the arab-israeli aggravation in the enclave, more than 23 thousand people have been killed, 60,000 have been injured, and almost 2 million have become refugees. the un middle east agency has described the displacement of palestinians as the largest in history since 1948. despite the ongoing protests around the world in israel itself, official tel aviv intends to continue the military operation. premier netanyahu confirmed that one of the idf's goals is to take control of the gas border with egypt in the rafah area. now this is the only way from the enclave to the outside world. latvian authorities can deport twice as many. than originally planned, this was stated by the head of the ministry of internal affairs of the republic. it was previously reported that over a thousand of our compatriots want to be expelled from the country. the final list will be formed by april 4, and according to media reports, those who do not provide documents for obtaining a residence permit and do not pass the latvian exam will be included there.
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language. the day before , boris katkov was forced to leave the country. official riga considered the eighty-two-year-old pensioner a threat to national security. he is banned forever. to return to latvia, where he lived for 57 years and where he left behind his wife, children and grandchildren. crossing the border, the man could not hold back his tears. our diplomats called the verdict absolutely inhumane and violating the principle of non-separation of families. foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova said that katkov’s deportation is provocative and political in nature. these actions, according to her, are aimed at intimidating russian-speaking residents of latvia, who become victims of neo-nazi manifestations. and russophobia. today it is in our power to help eight-year-old maxim from the ryazan region get back on his feet, literally . due to a severe diagnosis of cerebral palsy, the child cannot walk, but he tries very hard, he will definitely succeed. you just need to undergo a special rehabilitation course. its cost is
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430,000 rubles. for a family this is a huge amount. anton talpa found out how to help. maxim, what shall we draw with you? give me the tree. the tenacity with which he draws the crown of his tree with a felt-tip pen on paper speaks of the strong character of this man, and even if the landscape doesn’t turn out perfect, maxim zhukov doesn’t even think about stopping, his tree will grow strong, and he will definitely become just as strong, that’s just he needs to cope with a complex illness, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and already somewhere around a year, a little, a little later than a year, he had cerebral palsy, spastic tetrapores, due to a lesion in his body. certain impulses are blocked, which receives a spinal cord, so maxim cannot yet walk or stand without the help of adults, however, daily exercises on simulators help strengthen his muscles, no matter what, maxim is moving towards his goal, he wants to learn to walk, maybe he
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can increase his speed a little, add more, he likes it , and you too, he was in a hurry for the light to appear, he was born earlier than expected, the doctors diagnosed hypoxia. but he can do quite a lot on his own, that is, he washes himself, he eats himself, he talks, he can even button up buttons, which suggests that he has fine motor skills, and it is possible that he really enjoys learning. that is, he learns letters, he learns to read, and this is very cool. maxim is eight, he goes to school, and also loves to play the piano for his little sister. after several rehabilitation courses, his speech and movement improved, but his parents are not going to stop there. now maxim needs
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new rehabilitation courses; he definitely won’t be able to cope without the help of philanthropists. maxim, he is a child, he seems so smart, in general, he is making progress. well, we have a chance to basically get up and go, but of course this requires a lot of work. in order for maxim to get back on his feet, he will continue to need rehabilitation, but for parents paying for the courses is a rather difficult task, and all their savings have already been spent, special exercise machines and medical equipment have been purchased ; only dad works in the family, mom spends time with maxim and she is also looking after her daughter, the new course costs 430 thousand rubles. for the parents of this for a strong person, the amount is huge, the dream of this family will become closer if we all help together,
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this is our common dream, so that maxim can still go, this is what we strive for above all, we work on it every day. anton talpa and aleksandzinov, ntv. about a month remains before the start of the first games of the future in kazan. the competition will be held in the “fidgital” format, that is, they will compete in virtual in real spaces, for example, for... a special track is being created on drones right now. the tournament will feature competitors of the highest level, including from france and south korea. mikhail chibanenk observed how our copter control masters prepare. drone racing. lightning-fast reaction, exorbitant speed, a track full of surprises. a young sport that is rapidly gaining popularity around the world. copter racing or drone racing. few people know that drones are also air cars. it’s a breathtaking spectacle even for those who
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have never encountered this sport before; you can’t even tear yourself away from the training process. now we're spinning the propellers in order for the drone to take off, there were old ones that were already damaged, that is, even the slightest chips can greatly affect the flight. kazan schoolchildren are a russian team that will perform on... on the site for 4-5 hours. 3, 2, 1, and the drone
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took off. a rented hangar, an impromptu obstacle course that is moved at random. complicated conditions. at the games of the future, the track will be spacious, but here there are restrictions all around, narrow space, any wrong movement, and the drone can stumble upon an obstacle, but racing the devices are more fragile than those we are used to seeing. every training session with us we try to change the route as much as possible so that... every flight it’s as if you don’t get used to this route, and so that in different conditions at competitions you won’t be able to fly the route in advance, the speed is no less than 100 km/h , the racers control drones using a remote control, controller and virtual reality glasses; from a distance it is important to feel the size of the drone in order to squeeze it between obstacles without slowing down the flight, and the pilots themselves they try to pay equal attention to virtual training. parts of the site, the krasnoyarsk team is honing its movements, sitting at computers, its pilots are from
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different cities, good, come closer here, maxim is in novokuznetsk, the virtual part allows you to train at a distance, for me this will probably be the most difficult part, this flying in a simulator, because i don’t train in a simulator very often, i’m kind of more of a pilot who goes out into the street and somehow prepares on a drone, his teammate alexander. already a world champion, at the games of the future they will perform in tandem, i tried to find a trajectory now to increase the pace, i tried to slowly increase the pace directly, increase the speed. preparation is not only a computer playground; they discuss tactics, study the performance of potential opponents, just as they practice individual elements in football, hockey or basketball. the guys, let's say, are already experienced, and have, as they say, gone through more than one competition. two whole seasons together, i think we have special ones here there will be no problems, nevertheless
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, we still have planned training camps, the rules are simple, first a virtual stage, then the teams move to the track, the continuation of the competition taking into account the points earned on the obstacle course, one athlete for the pilot will fly 25 laps, the second technician, like a pit stop in formula 1, then they change places, in such large-scale competitions russian teams are new, but the diligence with which the guys prepare for the games will be... and see you, the children will open a portal to the past, finally some conclusions will be found, who are you? not children's problems, my grandmother will definitely kill me, where is it, danya, you opened
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a portal, alexander golovin, kaygetss. olga prokofieva, you messed up, this is not a children's movie, watch navink, hello! i myself, myself! dad, zone lokpis, la.
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a condition: only turkey, it’s low-fat. muscle mass, hypoallergenic, good for children, what can you cook from turkey? that's it, indian pava-pava - from the ecologically clean region of russia, from pava-pava you can prepare any dish that will always be tasty and healthy, all this pava-pava is our mother, mother! indian pava-pava, recommended for children! biam - new episodes, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. clean your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. cleanse your liver with folk remedies means. try replacing them with ovisol. only it contains oats with milky ripeness, enhanced with herbs and turmeric. ovisol and volar are number
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one for cleansing the liver. and now about the weather for tomorrow, in this issue the european territory of russia, i don’t get tired. how quickly the weather situation changes. if today in the middle zone it is 8 to 12, 12 degrees colder than expected, this is closer to the volga, then tomorrow this arctic superiority will almost disappear, while in the south-west of the country everyone there is also in outright cold, now it will immediately be warmer than expected. in the central region throughout the entire territory the temperature will rise to -1-6, in volgovyadsky, after a strong night frost it will warm up to -12, in the middle volga to 4-9 below zero. naturally, warming is accompanied by snow from light to. already in the north-west, as the threshold of the next cold snap in the daytime, no higher than -5-10, in the arkhangelsk region, in kareli, in the koma republic it will be five degrees colder than today.


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