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tv   Ded Moroz  NTV  January 15, 2024 2:55am-4:46am MSK

2:55 am
a prize for the winner, cheers, and the queen's flowers, thank you, what happened to you, everything is fine, the garland caught fire, everything was put out, oh, carrot, he came out with his head again, march? i wrote a letter to santa claus, a letter, oh, i forgot, it’s not really known who he was, he ran away from home as a young man, he wandered all his life, they say, in every picture he himself is hiding somewhere, among these cheerful people, his life
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became colorful, disappeared in time, van mailer is not a copy, this is a real painting, remember, you dreamed of opening an art school, that should be enough, i did the math. and what is it happening, sasha? i must go. and for a long time, maybe forever, but i will try to return.
2:57 am
buy champagne on the way back. santa claus, i want a chloe doll, and also mermaid skates.
2:58 am
my little flames, chimeras, dark spirits of the universe, i will give you this planet to be torn to pieces, but i need someone who will give to open the way for you, dad, that again, yes, marus. that's it, no more horror movies, uh-huh, don't waste time, everything will be fine, let's still turn to traditional medicine, i have very good friends, neighbors, another participant in the battle of psychics , you need to do something, the psychologist said that these visions prevent you from socializing,
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soon you will overeat on carrot cake, anyway, no one eats it except you, i agree that i’m not a very good cook, but you hear, i’m still good . really, you think , i don’t know who this is for, arcade pie is our family tradition, what’s the point of waiting for it for so many years, you’d better socialize with someone yourself, i would n’t mind at all, otherwise you’re like a pinelope , listen to how you talk to me, eh pinelope is the wife of odysseus, she waited for her husband for 20 years, and what did she wait for, well, this is a myth of ancient greece, mom, and here we are too. not life, a fairy tale.
3:00 am
are you jealous, petrova? that's it, guys, the new year is just around the corner, there's absolutely no time left, let 's go in pairs, let's, let's all get up, petrova, where are you going, but no one wants to dance with her, so who else is without a partner? kovalev, come on, right away, the main thing is to keep your distance.
3:01 am
dear friends, sorry, the exit to the square is closed, the second exit is also closed, we have the show is rehearsing, i live here, okay , come on in, really, come tomorrow, it will be cool, fun, you really won’t regret it.
3:02 am
“i’m announcing the christmas tree guard, come on guys , get ready, it’s started again, there are only a few of them left, nikita, ilya, you’re bringing up the rear on the right flank, olga, anton, the left flank, look, buba, so that not a single hellra can get through, here they are! , i have to disappoint you, girls, step forward, the spheres were raised, at my command, we are waiting, let them fly closer, the undead,
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we must snow, the squad, i, the snowflake, razhin, squad, what are you doing, we're out of here, got it, ammo, nikit, get used to it, max is cool here, but... but she's frozen, great shot, lyukh, stay close to the tree, it's safer there, we 'll explain everything to you,
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but you don't be afraid, there's a laser show here, probably based on pushkin's fairy tale. cool yeah guys gather here okay? you left the line, you let two guards through,
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i mean, i was saving a new chimera, you need to save the one who is nearby, you forgot the rules, i know such hares, i decided to sit under the tree, yeah, there is. who yes, two, take them, you stay to open the guard, let's go, let's go, guys, be brave, there is a whole bus of the same newcomers. do you want to be in charge yourself or will you just be there to cover whoever is nearby? who are you? the immortals hide the truth from you behind the mirror, pronunciator. and the black sphere itself will find you. and no one else. knows how to doubt you, no one, a bird will show
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the way, were you at the christmas tree today? we saw what others were not allowed to see, the christmas tree guard, the christmas tree guard, yes, you are the carrier of a special ice gene and today you became one of us, i recently donated blood, there was no carrier, joker, relax, guys, i understand, there is a regular lift at the bottom, instead of glass there is a 3d screen, the graphics are lame, in 2 hours... you will all return home if you want,
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but how did they do it? guys, you'll soon find out everything, let's go, this is definitely a quest, excuse me, what floor are we going to? to the magic one, the show is already starting, let's hurry up, now we'll skip everything.
3:08 am
a long time ago , my father, the great wizard eleazar, flew from a distant icy galaxy, he fought for centuries. so this is our strength, listen, it’s good to drive, and you also tell me, is it a great mission or something
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it’s a no brainer, everyone wants to be cooler than others, someone just admits it, someone, i don’t know, he rarely comes to our confectionery shop, well, in my opinion, the good guy is a normal guy, the first thing you have to remember is everything people are magicians, they just don’t know about it, when they say to each other, i congratulate you, i wish you, i love you, they emit magical silver threads. oh yes, it's 5d, cool special effects. eleazar collected these threads into his magical tool. built a protective dome around the earth, people
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call it, sky, sky, yes, that's right, and the sky protects us from chimeras. eleazar left the earth, but before that he broke his magic. christmas trees, yes, that's right, christmas trees, we gather happy people around christmas trees, and the trees send silver threads into space, we call this tradition new year, you knew, yes, but if people stop gathering around
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christmas trees and giving each other silver threads, then there will be a protective dome. sooner or later it will crack under the onslaught of chimeras, each magician has his own piece of the sky, his own magic sphere, take it. there are tens of thousands of magicians on seven continents are working to ensure that good does not give up,
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today you must become one of them, i am santa claus, i call on you. stand up for the christmas trees, i need you, yes or no, go nuts, maybe you ’ll stay, well, it’s not too much to knock out these chimeras, but there’s no other way with them. but if you are not interested in our mission, go through the climbs, hand over the spheres, the good walker will save you from the manifestation of the ice gene, you will simply forget about our meeting and return to normal life, the rest, i will show you our
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possessions, follow me, the most courageous will end up in christmas tree fear, the most cheerful in separate mugs, similar, the fastest wanted delivery, delivery, pano, listen, who can give their sphere, you don’t know, it’s definitely no one, this is a deduction to the machine, yes, why do you need it, none of ours, oh, here he is, look, nikitos, nikitos, wait, ah... mr. golden mop 2017, listen, guys, it’s really not quite the time, sorry, i have to go, well , in fact, we understand you perfectly well, we were all cleaners both ilya and i, but honestly, no one worked as well as you, yes, fantastic, very funny, straight, oh,
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lina, so funny, hello guys, maybe we should go after all, great idea. let's go, of course, lin, listen, let's go to the roof , everyone turned to me, hello, i found out , nikita, we saw each other at the christmas tree, masha, listen, this is the story, please give me the sphere, i'm sending the elevator, but then how will i get out of here, and you ’re already leaving, oh, it’s a pity, i thought each other was better,
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now, well, actually there’s a second exit, so wait here, there’ll be something for later, but how do such long corridors fit here? am i already changing my mind about leaving? why did it happen? so stop, give me the sphere, why,
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this is the way out, move away. are mine here too? i think so, can they be found? what address? nostalgia? well something like that?
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the whole family decorated the tree, made garlands, hung it all over the apartment, dad came from the store with these bags, mom made all sorts of goodies, then everyone sat down at the table, counted the seconds until the new year, then hurray! and let’s look for gifts under the tree, but santa claus brought everything, didn’t forget anything, but i didn’t have any of this, why? mom was sick for a long time, then she passed away, and my father was a drunk long ago, i also grew up without a father. we must forget childhood and move on, why letter, that's it, i'm not
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interfering, variarinditrione. porerendi tryon.
3:19 am
tova, it’s you here, i flew to my brothers, what are you doing there, are all the letters in progress? nikita, what are you doing? why can't you be here? why not? it's possible, but not for everyone. mash, please remove the stairs there. oh, yes, of course. i removed it. oh, what about me? hide, magic house. this is such a magical technique. sit on your haunches, fold your arms above your head, no one will see you, and then you take it and leave, so you can see me, where are you, where are you going
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disappeared, that means it’s working, of course it’s working, just keep the right angle, if something happens don’t give me away, we agreed, what if something happens? saw, saw, saw, saw, saw, saw,
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saw, saw. i saw you in the house, but you can see me, how did you get here, i became dense. it went in one ear and out the other.
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i don’t understand anything, well done, i’m happy, so what, and how it works, how can that be? the holidays are over, such an information bomb has arrived, such an insight,
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the meeting place is returning. batman returns to his place, i fan the flames a little, this is annoying everyone, here it goes, listen , don’t bother me here, no, i don’t want to continue this conversation with these heartless blockheads, he has a chainsaw, the meeting place, the place where everything becomes clear, tomorrow 14:00 on ntv, question the unification of germany is up to us, not the germans who lost the war, but is that good? why this perestroika, your gorbachev will ruin our country, stop reading these lights already, berlin is now in chaos, we need someone with unique experience, my legend, your beloved, photographer tas, kgb comrade, photo, top building, ingrid glue, we need access to the spear of the archive in the state, the marcus wolf archive, we know that you know where it is, we must
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be the first, so what? we'll make a movie about spies, about love, you russians are such romantics, i just want to know what's wrong with my husband, he's on a mission, today they tried to blow up the minister's parasite, and tomorrow they 'll blow up the wall, sasha ustazi, he's seriously in trouble, maybe from someone leaked the embassy to sasha, we have an informer, the main premiere of the year. there can't be half friends in our business, friend half is the enemy. gdr, soon on ntv. i feel good about these guys.
3:25 am
“hello, yes, mom, hi, where are you? i’m in a children ’s store, and what are you doing there? i don’t know, in what sense? i mean, i decided to buy it as a gift, the cool one is a year old, well then i’m waiting at home, yes, come on, i’ll be there soon, come on, vitali semyonovich, it’s time to take off.”
3:26 am
they trained such perches, satitrom, forget about the enese, come on in the summer, hovered with me, well, you’re not a poacher, after all, for the fact that the korachyun tasted. there are no fish, but let's see, yes, the ice sword is locked in this lortz, the keys are kept by five invisible ones,
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korochun will not be able to take possession of the sword again and cut the sky, but just like you, i am not eager to see my older brother, yes, i remember our motto, and the most annoying, sometimes we will stand up for a brother, but not for such a brother , like korachun, let him sit a little longer. we weren’t waiting for our beloved older brother,
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i have good news for you, now i will see the keys in any daughter in the world, the magic of our father has disappeared, what a pity! here is the first one, soon i will have all five, and my broken sword, have fun with glory, and billions of hemeras will be burned your world, you won't have enough emily this time. lenok mend his frail sky, hey, brother, you’re in a hurry to see your grandfathers for the christmas tree,
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you haven’t changed at all, time doesn’t heal, i liked moscow so much. i’ll have to start with her, it’s scary, i’m afraid, who will stand in my way?
3:30 am
how painful, brasik, you hit me in the sui, but is this what eleazar taught? we must find the keepers to pick up the keys before karachun does it. in principle, this is a good idea, but the guardians will never give up the keys, this is their immortality, but he already has the first key. fake, who do you believe? father eleazar, this is the guardian. you saw that he has a black sphere. no guardian can
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handle him now. we have to hurry, he won't stop at anything. this is yog. he sits in one place all the time. and four more keys. are you scared of korochun? yes, he ’s been in nervan for a whole century, come and take it while it’s warm, he definitely won’t find the rest of the korachyuns, then they’re waiting for us at home, we have yonks, who will fight off the chimeras? enermune, we would be glad, but father said, you are the chosen one.
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chosen one you say, mom, you know, i have this feeling as if i forgot something, but something very important, my beloved girl, everything will be fine, especially since everything will come and help you, what kind of woman is lyuba, youth, youth, the internet? they came up with it, but they somehow forgot about the roots, the herbs , the foamy ones, a remedy that has been tested more than once, over and over again , oh, now your memory will come back , now you’ll remember everything, i’m already better, that’s right, that’s how it should be, i’m really feeling really good now , all the best, good only for...
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"karachun cuts the sky? where have you seen this?
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nowhere, i'm just fantasizing. our brother kruchuna was a lunar sword that he got from his mother luna. so one day he decided to cut through the sky with them so that the chimera orns would conquer the earth. you saw himmer on tverskaya. we saw everything, we saw the moon sword and we know your koravchuk very well. and you on...
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you drew this 7 years ago, this, this i photographed yesterday, it can’t be, remember what else you saw, recently, i don’t remember, i see it in a dream and immediately draw it.
3:36 am
at least remember where it is, when it is? no, no , it’s hard for me to return to these masha, but without your help i won’t be able to solve these puzzles. you know what? every new year i made one single wish. you even read these letters, so i don’t believe you, santa claus. masha. i’ll pick it up, one day , maybe you’ll change your mind until he freezes us all, they found a frozen man, it’s hard to say who it is yet, but there is an opinion
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that it’s the famous businessman miran morozov, well , as we see, rescuers have already started work on extracting him, i hope we will be able to communicate with him very soon. what's wrong happened to you? how many views are there on all channels? almost 5 million is not enough.
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lateral surface area of ​​a cone.
3:39 am
nikita! masha, what's wrong with you? it's completely on... and two more keys. the guardians, for some reason, are losing eleazar’s protective magic. one has already died. karachun got his black sphere and now it’s difficult to stop him. but it is not all that bad.
3:40 am
we are trying to warn the guardians. there are four of them left. if we have at least one key, clarentz will not open. everything you have there? let's display it on the screen, here behind this piano a frozen in ice canadian pianist alex morris, unlike the russian businessman morozov, mr. morris could not be saved, the motives for the crime, and so...
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what will happen next? i know what will happen next. masha, finally, i had only one vision, there were several people there, they were fighting, one of them had some kind of key in his hands, and where? it was, i don’t know, the roof of some skyscraper, around, you, what, what did you see around, can you remember?
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i can draw, but in general hong kong, yeah, snowy hong kong. the last floors of krillering, here is the emirate state, here is the rockfer center, here is briy park, you understand everything, you should know everything,
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masha, and did you elitsa remember them? yes, we need to know them so that everything happens exactly as you saw, but why exactly, if we do something differently, a different future will happen. in which we don’t take the key from the keeper, so you were in the costume of snow white, snow white, uh-huh, i saw you two too, and santa claus and the reindeer, okay, the reindeer is cool, captain reindeer, which of the guys took the key?
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you can still remember who it was indian? okay, thanks for coming, i took the black sphere, why? a man approached me on the square, it was probably koracun. he said that the black sphere would make me stronger. where did you find it? in the room?
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you can’t say this word, you will let the evil one in and one day it will become stronger than you , you will suddenly see an enemy, which means one of those standing in front of the wall will give the sword to the korochun, and you don’t know who it is, masha or nikita, he brought him a black sphere on a platter, nikita is already serving korochun, this is not true, he needs deprive of magic, immediately. you are right?
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it was nikita, dressed as an indian. i hope you won't believe masha's worlds. nikita is on the team. i... in fact, she told me everything, there in my vision some pieces of ice stuck into you, here and here, forewarned means forearmed, i’ll put protection on my chest, that’s it, that’s it, of course, we continue training, the sphere transforms your emotions are in a stream of snow and ice, you stretch your hand like this. so, hold your elbow higher, hold your elbow higher, imagine that you have an energy string here, like an arrow, you know, you pull it, yeah, well, try it.
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look, you saw a chimera, you’re scared, put this fear on the string, pull it and shoot, why doesn’t this thing appear for me, mash, you need any strong emotion, get angry at me behind the house, well, there in the mirror room, oh well, i don’t offend, as one might believe, i just always wanted to hide. in such a small house, and so that no one would find it, i hid it in you, seriously, of course, you are now the most valuable magician in the corporation, nothing, nothing, tomorrow let's practice and it won't help, masha, tell me, do you
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believe that one of us is this word? it's not me, it's not you, it's me, you're kidding, nikit, run, run, masha!
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but she said it wouldn’t work, so it all worked out, mash, mash, what are you doing, you don’t seem to be touchy, little knee.
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3:51 am
guys, it seems that i’ll save us a whole fight, yes, i’ll guess, it’s already poured on you, yes , beauty saves the world again, if anything happens, call me, okay, call me, deer, girls, don’t fight, who’s the deer, captain deer , you are in an ambush, march, check, it’s him, i’m on the right, near the stage, champagne. thank you, just not right away look, behind me it’s him, a burgundy tuxedo, as you said, nickal isn’t there, but this one or
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that one? or this one or this one? they are all wearing burgundy tuxedos. but the guardian is immortal, yeah, wait a minute, that is, if you declare the christmas tree guard, brilliant, and how we gather them around the tree, it’s easy, hey, buddy, let’s go dance. do you want to dance? i don't dance, sorry, but that doesn't mean you don't want to.
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the christmas tree is burning, he is not here, no, he is here. hid among them, the cunning one, here he is, here he is,
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stop, masha, stay, john, open the door, ok, what if something happens? hey you , geleazar's magic is ending, three guardians have already died at the hands of korochun, the same fate awaits you, give the key back, you'll be safe, he won't be able to take the key from me, i'm not like the others, believe us, we're on your side, he uses you, immortality is on my side, i don’t need anyone else. a young mother of two children was sitting with a friend, when her husband arrived home, they asked me to go out, they asked who her husband was, i went outside, how long were you not in the apartment, for about 20-15 minutes, when the friend returned, the mistress of the house
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was dead, a three-month-old child was choking on blood, his own son, he wanted to pierce his heart, i ran away, i was very scared, he inflicted 19 stab wounds on her, a witness from... you are under arrest, an old friend, she pulls me off like a blanket in the morning , you’re not afraid, like a girl to approach, so you’re with us right away,
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stand, elina left bobrov, the end of everything, the question is, no, why did you hit my head, my face is corrupt, that’s all. i say bim, new season, tomorrow at 20:00, okay, okay, your business, i hope you’re not
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you’ll regret it, he’s breathing, now he’ll come to his senses, well, who ’s the coolest now, everyone’s cool, guys, you can hear it, look what’s in your hands, guys, we’ll do
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it, masha, hold the table, where is it, what do you see? you see him, where he came from, he flew away, but promised to return, but how could it be, masha, masha, masha, i saw it, it was some kind of forest. and
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we were all there, and i gave the key to who? moroz, ugh, why was he so drawn to it, only he was wearing a mask, for some reason, wearing a mask. yes, in a carnival like this, draw it, you can, suddenly a karuchun appeared out of nowhere, knocked me off my feet, took me away the key and disappeared, as if he knew that we would be there, well, the prediction came true, nikita took the key and this is good news, but there is still bad news, as soon as... the guard parted with
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the key, korochyun sees this and immediately appears nearby. thank you, styopa, we have deciphered your vision. masha. the day after tomorrow an auction of italian paintings will take place in an estate near moscow. according to the conditions , the participants will be dressed like this. as for the horse, there will be two horse-drawn carts at the entrance. shall we take him there? no, we'll make him sit down. cart to hide in the forest, and then we’ll take the key, this time we’ll manage, because i’ll be with you, thank you, do you still doubt that nikita is a traitor, or do you believe that he just dropped the key? well, my brother somehow managed to cope with the three guardians without nikita’s help, the wall is not mistaken, miran. it
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was cut at the same time, the key was in my hands, it was my fault. i didn’t see him shooting at me, nikit, it was me , why, it was i who knocked you down for no reason, masha, why, i was just scared for you, you understand that we lost the key for you, you, you understand that, someone asked you for this do, they asked you to die, i think i told you, please stay in the country, it was so difficult, is it possible to do this?
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you had no protection, but i’m a small child , or something, there was no protection, or maybe you ’re a word, a traitor, i’m sorry, where are you going, but i have chemistry tomorrow, and i wasn’t prepared, i was saving one idiot. well, let's think about it for another hour, andrei petrovich,
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what am i doing? well, i remembered. write, petrova, write, and she has a cheat sheet on the window, on the window, a cheat sheet, yes, i don’t see anything. i think glitches are contagious, get out of class, silence, well, i saw it, or i’m right, i had
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a splatter on the window, and what’s not on the ceiling, yeah, bullfinches with their paws on... believe the example with petrova, just before your eyes, sacrificing herself, she defended her classmate, sit down petrova , two, wow, you saw it, yes, bad luck, guy, doesn’t know who he got in touch with, now she ’s going to have a seizure again, but leave her alone, we’ve become attached. well, an a, yeah, how did you manage to write it backwards, supreme magic, you google it and turn it around, interesting, mash, thank
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you, of course, you just understand, i grew up on the street, and there the situation is simple, you can only rely on yourself. do you want a cat? now. and i don’t trust anyone either. you do it right. singles are stronger. but that is until we meet someone we can really trust. who are you in the car with in the water? in the carriage into the water? well, it’s unlikely, you’ll hope , you’ll relax and get a stab in the back, no, but if you trust yourself, then you’ll become stronger, two is more than ones,
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mathematics, rather chemistry, look! you see the christmas trees, you look through the sphere, you see, yeah, and now look a little higher, wow, how beautiful, these are the silver threads, yeah, and so on every tree, yes, oh, beautiful, will they teach us how to fly on an owl? and what? come on, i’ll teach you right now, seriously? of course, take a running start and jump, just don’t forget the sphere, what do
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you mean? i'm not kidding, if the sphere is with you, the owl will pick you up, and if it doesn't, it usually picks you up, usually. no, well, too, i can’t trust my life, it’s generally dangerous to trust, here you are right, as you say, into the fire... come on , relax, you’re doing everything right, you can’t trust people.
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and little ones, cool, cool! it worked out, masha , it worked out, i flew on mine, i flew on mine , why did you do it, and you said it yourself, okay, i ’ll tell you, i don’t know what to jump from the roof, yes, and you also said that i this, well this, this word, what’s his name, and what kind of ramul are you, rum?
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crazy, mash, you know, i understand. “i’m tired of the war, to hell with the guardians, to hell with the moon sword, let ’s get together, like in the good old days, but do you think the brothers will be able to forgive me, i don’t know, we need to ask them, for sure, let’s ask the brothers. santa , santa, you can do it
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forgive me? offended? and here they read poems about friendship. and sometimes even in the most inclement weather, we will stand up for our brother like a mountain. they will stand up for their brother. handsome guys, in general, come , in 2 hours they are unlikely to wake up, brother, he wants you not to be at the auction, this is a trap, then the prophecy will not come true. there are my brothers, brothers,
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they betrayed you, all as one, you know what, go with them, max, listen here, in short, to put everyone there on pause, just like in new york. let's take the christmas tree with us. elyukh, they’re unlikely to let you in. max, yes, in short, you just you're jealous that it wasn't you who came up with it. this would never even have occurred to me. i’m walking like this, i have a christmas tree on my shoulder, well, like a bazooka, understand? yeah, yeah, just now i imagined it, cool guy, this will be a quality, me, level. young man, you’ll have to leave the christmas tree behind. unfortunately, entry with plants and animals is prohibited.
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they are not here, vitaly semyonovich, i just sent you a screenshot, please look for a church with such windows, this is very important. in the heat of a quarrel, the mother shouted to her daughter that she was not her
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own, there was a quarrel, she said that i was not dear. that a woman has 10 children, seven of them are living, seven children, i myself am small, my mother said, olya, she gave it herself, yes, she gave it her name, they were told that she died, i knew that she was somewhere that someone adopted her, i open the envelope, dna, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv, information about the gang of killers
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is confirmed, we are in any corner, you are not afraid. it’s very scary, kostya, it’s scary that nothing might work out for us, give evidence, tell the truth, raise the specialists, sergei sergeevich, that there are no other bandits left in the city, until it’s their turn too, boss, tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv. watch carefully, he must prove himself. in front of you is the central canal of venice, the canal grande, on a holiday. look at these smooth lines , charming curves, alluring spadins , they seduce the viewer, as if they are telling him, touch me, enter this disgusting place, the place will close, but only one of you will get this thing today, starting sinolota 9 million rubles. why are you giving away so clearly? 9 million times, my situation
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is hopeless, these bandits are following me all over they are chasing the city, give them the key 10 million stars? you always came out with more. i remember how we were lying on the grass, feeling very proud of you, when your father said that the forest was thick, he fell to the ground and closed his eyes. how my younger brother was born, i ran away to the very same place, i have a brother, my brother, and i’m not alone anymore, and then there were eight brothers, how happy our family could have been, but you didn’t love me, why , miran, because
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i am from another mother. this is my crime, you cut the sky and called chimeras to earth, yes, i was young and unrestrained, because of this, they doomed me to eternal cold loneliness, we were afraid that you would not change, and i wanted you to be afraid of me, this is at least some kind of thing. god, how did you free yourself from the icy mountains? one day eliazar came to me and told me about his plans for you, a criminal, yeah, he gave you 10,000 years,
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10,000 roads, but they passed.
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ladies and gentlemen, coffee. i saw him, he knows the language of the immortals, no, here it is, let's go. "hello, tangmin haralala, sorry, i don’t understand english, return the key, no, we
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will keep it, you will soon run out of protection, listen, i beg you, don’t touch my lawyers, they are ordinary people, short guy, he doesn’t understand jokes, he will turn you into an ice block, dear collectors. “we ’re not in the nineties, why soldering irons, irons, scissors, why, we agreed that the issue of the keys to my apartment would be closed when i return the money to you without interest, it went in one ear and out the other, this is not he, it's not me, but where's the black horse? let's go, quickly,
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let's go! oops, there he is, but let's go, wait, wait, come on, well, shoot, that's it. it's shaking, it's closer now let's come, yes, yes, where is he?
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i'll stop him, run! the younger generation craves more carnage, commendable, i'm
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here, what a shot, no, he's clearly my hero. nikita, who is she, say it out loud, dear, but us, handsome, my daughter,
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i woke up, you, no, forgive me. “i won’t let you go anywhere else, you hear , my little one, i won’t go anywhere, i’ll be with you, don’t move, you needed the key, it’s easy to become a hero, you just need to see the enemy in a friend and you did it, i’ll make you my stone new empire,
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get well. see you there, give it to me, i will keep it, i will cope with korochun and return the key to you, i will not go anywhere, i will be here, i have the key, run! masha, where is the guardian? he escaped, i will still find him.
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let's finish with miran, you and me , brothers, yes, in short, what are you talking about, bro , of course, we are with you, tryamiran went against the elder, he himself is to blame, how, how, himself is to blame, where, yes, what, you promised, it doesn’t bother us. do you hear, miran, who did you want to save?
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how are you on time, miran, i thought that’s it, he has all the keys, there will be a big battle, you. with me, of course, we are all indebted to you, of course, miran, we are brothers, what are you talking about, bro, of course, we are with you.
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everything is fine with him, the guy is absolutely healthy, but he has a lot of cupidosis, blood vessels have collapsed due to the difference in temperature, and what will happen to him now, soon he will wake up and go home. leave, and i’ll stay with him, i can only tell you, it was my dad, my keeper, i haven’t seen him for 10 years. you know, usually for
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girls the main thing in a person’s life is their mother, i always had a dad, and even as a child i was always tormented by these nightmares, i woke up and called dad, and dad always came, me i reassured you, one day you didn’t come, and then i took these letters to santa claus to the post office, santa claus, please return them. dad, give me back my dad, i don’t need anything else, please give me back my dad, santa claus, give me back my dad, please. it’s probably good that he’s immortal,
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he’ll love someone else, but he’ll worry about us. i brought the key. the main rule of guardians is to never start a family. there was a korachun on that tree. you walked small, with your hand raised, holding my hand, invisible. he understood everything. then i was very scared for you, for mom, i had no other choice, i had to disappear from your life, let him be
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in good hands, but what about immortality? mom's carrot cake, dad, came back, you put out a thread, so i came back. i bought champagne,
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daleen forgot to buy it, but i can go, no need.
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ah, my dear, young, wizards , your time has begun, now it will depend only on you who... light or darkness, your strength is not at all in ancient magic, your strength is in your hearts, love does not believe in miracles, it is doing,
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it’s very difficult for nikita now, only with your
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with help he can cope, let's go, why are you doing this, you are not worthy, you can deceive the frost. but i see right through such people, i just wanted to be one of you, it went in one ear and out the other, hello.
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nikita stole the key, we need to freeze the salts, you two, northern corridor, counter guard.
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mother moon, give me strength, this is a crucian carp, this is the fish of my dreams, i need to get close, accepted,
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macuna, give me the power of your light! wait, semyonich, there’s protection there! tarmaza, they said! we have no chance while the sword is in the sky if the fissure will become greater, we will not be able to contain the himmer. max, ilya, lina, you need to grab the sword and jump down, there is no other way to pull it out. nikita. don’t be sorry, he’s an enemy, i’m with them, no
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, give me the sphere, i have a strong gene, there’s a kind of magic that young girls can’t handle, do it, as long as the brothers and their squads arrive, we can’t cope without them, but wait we will not let anyone, hold on, hug, hug!
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the most unnamed, sometimes, freeze, we will rise, king, you are the most different, "zavort we will rise to the king, you have always loved them, how you abandoned all of them to save them, forgetting about the keeper, the last key, i didn’t get
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such love, but it’s so dishonest, miran, so dishonest.” they will pay for everything, nikit, what are you doing, stop, i don’t deserve to be one of you, i deserve more, don't shoot. masha, no, i'll talk to him, where are you going, mash, he's going to kill you now, mash, suddenly we catch you, i'm shooting, i'm in the fire, you're with me, goodbye, stand,
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what are you ? she is at the same time with him, the good man was right, masha, there is no time, masha, move away, he is approaching the sword, masha, to the side, quickly, masha, put it down skeru, we need to take the sword and jump down, no matter what side you choose, dark or light, i always. on yours, two is more than one, you did not accept my love, and sometimes the most rude one, take it, accept
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deliverance, wait, he is our brother.
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the brothers arrived, i wanted them. a good wizard for you, but i turned out to be, i know, i dragged you right away, you take too much of yourself, i decided so myself, why, but you don’t know?
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do not regret love, if the snow ends one day, love will never,
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in the new year we gather around the trees to remember, we are one whole, one small planet flying through cold space, let's snuggle up to each other, happy new year, guys, yes! watch tomorrow.


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