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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 15, 2024 8:00am-8:25am MSK

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10 minutes for a successful attack, difficult work for tank crews firing from indirect firing positions. omar magomedov. there will be no peace without russia's participation. conflict regulation in ukraine, what did politicians come to? german farmers are preparing a large-scale protest in berlin, what are they demanding from the local government? the taiwanese elections are fueling the confrontation between the united states and china, what does semiconductors have to do with it and how this will affect the global economy, nikita korabenkov looked into it. hello, welcome to the information service television company ntv, in the studio. and we start with
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the latest reports from the front line: russian units carried out targeted strikes on nationalist settlements in the zaporozhye direction of the special operation. the artillery of the southern military district destroyed powerful enemy fortifications. the fighters fired at the ammunition depot from a large-caliber mstab howitzer . here is 152 mm, 2.65. a sniper rifle in the world of artillery, so it is considered. shoot! every real warrior has three mothers, this is the motherland, the mother who gave birth to you, the mother who gave birth and will give birth to children for you, for this and we are fighting, for our homeland, for our small homeland, for our family , for our future, our children, and this is footage of a combat flight of russian su-25 attack aircraft in the donetsk direction, aviation fired missiles at ukrainian strongholds for...
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the pilots deceived the enemy air defense system with the help heat traps. already on the ground, the aircraft gunner informed the pilots that all the shells had hit the target. the enemy suffered significant losses and also lost several pieces of military equipment. and the most protected objects of the vso become easy targets for our missilemen. one of these fortifications were destroyed in the kupinsky direction with a salvo from the famous iskander missile system. footage of a missile launch that is capable of hitting even... the smallest target from a distance of 300 km was published by the ministry of defense. and all the footage of the confrontation between the russian fighter and the ukrainian kamikaze drone is spreading. as stated in the video, the servicemen selflessly distract the attention of the enemy operator, risking being hit, which happens within a few seconds. however,
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the agility of the russian fighter surpassed maneuverability of the drone, as a result , the ukrainian drone exploded unsuccessfully when it hit the ground. in the southern donetsk direction , tank crews provided powerful support to the russian infantry offensive. in order to successfully complete their tasks, the crews adjusted their combat work and began to more often use a tactic called a tank carousel. omar magomedov found out why it is effective. military operation, russian tank crews partially changed their battle tactics, now they fire from closed positions, and all this happens in conjunction with operators drone, right now the crew is supporting the infantry advance on enemy positions. the south donetsk direction, with the help of reconnaissance drones, is correcting the actions of the assault troops. the footage shows an attack on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces dug in in the forest belt. our fighters are accompanied by tanks, the tasks of the crew firing from them are closed.
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the crew will change their firing position, but we, although we are standing quite far away, also need to leave, because the response could arrive at any minute. while the first tank finishes firing, the second crew takes up new position and awaits command. at this time , the tank crews of the third vehicle are loading ammunition. in military slang, this is called a tank carousel, it is fired at the enemy continuously, and most importantly, aim for fire, one shot every 10 seconds. due to the fact that they currently lack ammunition, artillery, etc., and they also don’t have much anti-tank weapons, as i understand it, they are trying to compensate for all this with fpvs. there was a hit by an fpv drone
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, the shaped charge penetrated the armor, it was the t-86 that dive-bombed the drone once. kamikaze during battle the iron visor was blown apart by explosions, all the optics cracked, the car lost its track, but at least it didn’t care, it’s mystic, at this time you get very serious adrenaline and work on adrenaline, and then when you go out and think how you did all this, the mechanic - the driver with the call sign lala, himself an infantryman, served as a machine gunner, was wounded as part of a tank crew, was treated for a long time, and recently returned. formation, i could not speak to stay in the country when my comrades were fighting tooth and nail. i won’t leave here anywhere, this is my home, my land. this this will be their third trip to a combat mission in the last 24 hours. the crews of armored vehicles participating in the tank carousel, maneuverability have become a real headache
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for the ukrainian armed forces. in the southern donetsk direction, the enemy snaps back, but suffers losses and retreats. omar magomedov, rabatam bagomedov, ntv television company. to the donetsk direction of the special military operation. kiev does not have enough soldiers, the situation with personnel is critical. local media write about this with reference to the commander of the assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. according to him according to him, there are especially few young fighters at the front; on the front line there are mainly older men who have health problems. the average age of a soldier is more than 40 years. the officer noted that many troops are urgently awaiting reinforcements, but the mobilization process is being hampered by bureaucratic delays.
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russia's interests, and china's participation in switzerland, declared the need to take into account the discussions and completely refused. the germans are frightened by a possible armed conflict with russia. a new conspiracy theory was published by bilt. journalists said they found some secret document, according to which our military will inflict destruction in the spring.
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the authorities claim that this measure will save the budget almost 500 million euros a year , including the use of money to support the kiev regime of ukrainian refugees, but at the same time , german agriculture will be bankrupt. the german authorities are planning to discuss the budget today; in addition to assistance to ukraine, the financial document contains plans for assistance to other distant states. for example, millions of euros will go towards clean energy in vietnam and philippines, as well as to expand cycling. debts in lima and for the purchase of refrigerators for colombia. mass protests by farmers and truckers also spread to romania. there, protesters are blocking roads with equipment. people are dissatisfied with high prices for insurance, fuel and fertilizer, as well as the fact that
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cheap ukrainian grain has poured into the country. as a result, local producers were on the verge of bankruptcy. they even tried to block the checkpoint on the border with ukraine in order to enter the country. did not import agricultural products, the rumanian ministry of finance tried to regulate situation the day before, he held negotiations with the demonstrators, but the three-hour meeting was not crowned with results, the department said that if... vladimir putin congratulated the employees and departments of the department on the day of veterans of the investigative committee. the telegram was published on the kremlin website. the president emphasized that the investigative committee is one of the key links in the country's law enforcement system. service employees fight crime and corruption, firmly defend the interests of the state, and protect the rights and
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freedoms of citizens. separately, vladimir putin noted the work of investigators in new regions of russia. specialists investigate crimes of neo-nazis against civilians and ensure law and order in the returned territories. the president noted the professionalism, courage and dedication of the committee staff and wished them further success. the investigative committee of russia was formed as an independent government agency in 2001. their main global production is located in taiwan.
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nikita korabenko studied the political and trade situation. presidential elections are rare on a small island attract attention all over the world, but taiwan is a special case. for at least the next 4 years , the president here will be light, an ardent supporter of independence and a generally pro-american politician. under the scrutiny of the whole world, in this election taiwan chose between democracy and authoritarianism, and we chose. side of democracy, this is the main meaning of our vote for the rest of the world. in the future, taiwan and china will follow the path of democracy and international relations. this means that the series game of beijing and washington thrones is extended for another season, and taiwan will add spice to it, because it is a key player in the chip market, or rather their company, tsmc. today , almost everything that has an on/ off button has at least one, and often dozens or hundreds of chips inside. this. the refrigerator, the dishwasher is your coffee maker, almost everything that electricity runs through has a bunch of chips inside it and this
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makes the entire economy dependent on chips, most of these chips are made by only a small number of companies. tsmc produces 90% of the world's most advanced chips, and china spends a lot of money to buy chips from taiwan. taiwan's leading position in this market did not appear on its own, but thanks to western investments. chips are not developed on the island, but they are excellent... recruited; the best equipment and advanced installations for the production of semiconductors have been brought here for years. as a result, taiwan supplies almost the entire world, including china, with chips. however, the pace of supplies to beijing depends on western partners, and attempts china's efforts to establish its own production are met with fierce resistance. we want to slow down china and we will do this in two ways: first, to prevent them from getting the technology, which is what we have been doing for the last couple of years, they say that we have the equipment necessary to make chips, we are not going to give it to you...
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china don’t bother with production, buy ready-made chips from the american company nvidia. they have prepared an exclusive offer for the chinese: chips with limited performance, although they are unlikely to china will need someone. the thing is that in washington they are very afraid of the development of artificial intelligence in china, because it is unlikely that this technology will be used in the production of smart ones in the middle kingdom. artificial intelligence is the most important technology of the future, and these technologies will affect every industry in the world without exception, which is why the united states will seek to limit china's access to certain types of chips, especially those that serve as the basis for the development and training of artificial intelligence. after all, in china everything is civilian and everything is military. is part of the overall system. china does not sit around complaining about the machinations of the americans. huawei already produces its own chips , is already releasing a smartphone on its chip, things are going
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so well that in the coming year the companies predict revenue growth of 9%, and the english giant british telecom, despite the demands of its prime minister, has not been able to leave for the second year from equipment from huawei, so there is no end in sight to this semiconductor confrontation, and the taiwanese elections have brought it to another round. nikita korabenkov, anastasia medvedev, ntv. a powerful cycle hit sakhalin. there is snow on the island, wind gusts up to 25 m/s. very poor visibility. about thirty flights were delayed at the airport; airlines caught chiylai in flight and turned back to khabarovsk. and the rest postponed their flights for a day. roads in the south of sakhalin are blocked, more than 500 people are left without electricity. schoolchildren were temporarily transferred to distance learning. the new year's tree could not withstand the wind either; the tree that decorated the central square of the village of troetskaya near yuzhno-sakhalinsk collapsed under another impulse. hundreds of russians are faced
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with an unexpected problem. money was written off from their accounts, they were banned from traveling abroad and they were denied loans. well and.
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i tried to contact the person , but i didn’t succeed, but in the end i managed to find out that he had a bad history, my double was deprived of his driver’s license the first time for alcohol, the second time he was deprived of it for narcotic substances, apioids, now he is being treated in dispensary in the city. while dmitry viktorovich from pushkin is recovering his health, dmitry viktorovich from bryansk the region has to restore justice and explain to traffic police officers that it is not he, but his mother-in-law who has been deprived of a driver’s license. a year and a half ago , amendments to the federal law came into force, obliging all executive documents to indicate not only the last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth of the debtor, but also an additional
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personal identifier, cnils innn, passport data or driver's license number. thereby. review of such an appeal will take 2 days. tatiana did not turn to the bailiffs times, but the problem is still not solved. her complete mother from the sverlovsk region has accumulated more than a million in debt. 2,000 rubles were written off from tatyana’s bank deposit. a year later they returned it, but the bank refused to pay interest. then the cards start being blocked, and this is very unpleasant when you come to the store, all the cards are blocked, and
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unexpectedly, and i don’t understand why. i contact the marina, they will unblock me, but this has been happening constantly for many years. they block everything from deposits and withdraw funds, even the yandex wallet was blocked. lawyers in such situations, they are advised to be patient and prove in every way that you are not involved in your double’s debts, go to court and the prosecutor’s office, but under no circumstances let everything take its course. in any case , you will have to restore your good name yourself and not hope that your debtor double will do it. dmitry from the biansk region, who has gone through this many times already, hopes that he no longer hears about his namesake from pushkin... the necessary changes have been made to the traffic police database, but the most expensive time spent on all proceedings has already not return. alexander kaneevich, irina prochakovskaya, ilya khristinin, denis shuisky, sergey ratnikov and dmitry smirnov, ntv television company. with this we say goodbye to the viewers of central russia, see you later.
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polyoxidonium treatment and prevention of viral infections good morning in the studio evgeniya neronskaya and i will tell you about the weather for today. the cyclones of siberia will still be able to make their way to yakutia and will weaken the frosts. in the western regions , but for the cold pole there are no concessions, voymikone is stable at -50 without precipitation, in the south there are also no changes from ulanude to khabarovsk, sunny and -15:20, the worst weather on the coast, the sakhalin cyclone will hit the kuril islands today with snowfalls, kamchatka is next. bad weather continues to rage in siberia, a cold front with charges snow is moving inexorably to the east. in tomsk, novosibirsk, barnaul the temperature will drop sharply to -20 within 24 hours. tyumen and omsk have already survived the cold invasion; it is simply sunny and frosty here. and in yekaterinburg the sky is overcast and today it’s -13. the european
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territory is greeting the middle of the calendar winter with warming. in the center, after the traditional weekend frosts , temperatures begin to rise. and from tver to bryansk -1-2, accompanied by snow. but in the middle of the week frosts will come here again. and the atmospheric pressure either falls or rises. monitor your well-being. volga region. the cold will linger for another day, in kazan and samara tomorrow it will be -7, in the south the temperature is rising, it will warm up to a slight plus in stavropol, nalchik, vladikavkaz, in the kuban region of the crimea it will begin to rain, in the lower reaches of the don with sleet. in st. petersburg -9 and light snow, in moscow there is also snow, during the day it will be -1, -3 tomorrow as well.


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