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tv   Za granyu  NTV  January 15, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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does it seem like something has changed? no, everything is as we like. kfc is now rostix, and the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken you love so much. yes, exactly, everything we like. yes. petelenka - pure products without harmful additives. rbt. reduces prices to make comfort affordable, so a berus refrigerator with a volume of 180 liters for only 19,990 rubles. to make comfort affordable, rbtru reduces prices. celebrate the new year of the dragon 2024 with wiildberries. choose skin care products for any skin type. beauty to the ends fingers. favorite brands at competitive prices on wildberries. beyond. the husband wanted
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to apologize to his wife, but instead he stabbed her 19 times and slit the throat of their three-month-old son. in the studio are the parents of the murdered woman , andrei and maria vorobyov. andrey, maria, the most. sincere condolences - this is a terrible tragedy, a year has passed since my daughter passed away, three weeks she did not live to see her birthday, when she would have turned 23 years old, i look at you, and i understand that you still can’t believe it, that she doesn’t exist, not even to believe, not even, not even that, what to get used to, yes, even thinking such that she is no longer there, this is very difficult for us.
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worries, we think that right now, that he’ll call, you’ll say, mom, i ’m coming to you, i’ll leave this building, now i ’ll come to you, well, as they say, it’s simply hard, we really mean it with all our hearts we sympathize with you, this is the worst thing a parent can experience, the death of their child, it ’s terrible, your little grandson also died, no, our danya s... saved, saved, yes, we have danyusha with us now, his policeman saved him, he gave him first aid, how did you even find out about your daughter’s death, who told you, at that time christina was there, well , nastya’s girlfriend, she called us, called her son and said, nastya is gone, her husband killed her, we’re like we were at home, we managed to put on our jackets, my husband and son went there to the apartment. we drove up to the house, we saw
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that there were a lot of police officers standing there, my husband wanted to go there, i wanted to go through, they didn’t let us in, they didn’t let us into the apartment, no, when my son yurki, he ran into the apartment through these policemen once, but you it worked out later to get into this apartment, yes, i got into the apartment, when what did you see there, i saw a terrible tragedy, the policeman said, don’t go there, it’s very terrible there, i say, how terrible it can be, i say, i have a child lying there, i say , i went into the apartment when i had a child lying between the bathroom and toilet , all bloody, the left side, the cheek was cut, the arms, legs were stabbed, the head was pierced in the blood, he pierced one lung, the second lung, he inflicted 19 stab wounds on her and nine blows we blunt and before that he just he took her and kicked her. arms, legs
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, our grandson was in this in the hall, was in this, lying in the crib, oh, he was lying in the stroller, our grandson, and he approached his own son, this is their common child, three months old, he approached him, he wanted to pierce his heart, but he was above his heart, he gave him two blows, above his heart, he thought that if he pierced his heart and the child died, he... didn’t succeed, he took it, just slashed his throat, he he was slashed, he turns out to be taller than three, he hit him, he has a 7 cm scar on his chest, well, on his neck, i just when i hear this, i just need some kind of pause to digest it, i don’t know, i’m the only one, ksenia, you also get chills from what we hear. it’s not
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just frost here, here, i think, we are all sitting, barely restraining ourselves so as not to burst into tears, because it seems to me that it will never be possible to understand and survive the death of a child. this will forever be in their lives, forever this shock, i don’t know, it seems to me, it’s still , as if from the outside i can’t believe it a little that this is all happening, it seems like now you’ll wake up like a bad dream, i agree, yes , i really want to always wake up from some terrible things, i’m just looking, svetlana, you also have tears in your eyes, it’s impossible to listen to this, when i heard about what they did. dany, well, i, i, i don’t understand, this is some kind of monster that lived in your house, how could you do this to a baby, not only did he destroy your daughter, and so cruelly, but also, here, here this is a baby,
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my own son, my own son, little, farhad, i’m also trying to understand how it’s possible, but it seems to me that it’s beyond human understanding as possible. this , this is just beyond the bounds, yes, how you can destroy your own wife and try to kill your three-month-old child, this is beyond human understanding, because a simple person by nature is not capable of such a thing, we certainly love our children, but here i don’t understand this, that is , the killer went against the nature of nature, anatoly, that’s how you can even call this, this is not a person, an animal, a monster?
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didn’t lead to this, it’s impossible, ilina, what does so many cuts on telestasia, little son, there were a large number, as i understand it, not only cuts, not only some sharp injuries, but blunt injuries were inflicted, that is , the damage lasted for a long time, this was not some kind of one-time outburst of rage, there were many, a lot of damage was done, a lot of actions, then i had to go to the child, he was in another room, that’s right, that is, this is also conscious. some action took place, consciously go to the child, consciously inflict damage on the child, and he didn’t just chaotically applied, applied them precisely to the area, as we say, of vital organs, yes, precisely with the goal of killing. grigory, do you agree that
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there can be no state of effect here, no, of course, timur, there was no state of effect here, because in the effect a person can really do something extra and then stop, but 19 profit, then he’s in another room for your own child. is trying to kill, there was no effect here, andrei, by the way, do you think anastasia’s husband decided to kill spontaneously or he had a goal, he had a knife in his pocket, he himself told the investigator that i had brought a knife with me, and i thought that he had it, look, at that moment he just seemed to say that i had come to talk to the child, therefore when he told, he says, i wanted to talk to nastya about how we could resume some kind of relationship again, live together. he told me, he wanted to make peace, because today we know that he came with a knife, that is, he, as an investigator , wanted to apologize, that i was wrong, that it was in vain that you left me, but what do you think? why did it eventually turn into a terrible
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murder, because nasya told him that no, i won’t live with you anymore, maria, and why did your daughter want to get a divorce, because he was a tyrant, in what way did he shut her out. .. losses for three days, she was pregnant, she was pregnant from the first, so anyuta, he locked them at home for three days, when he closed her, for three days, what did she eat, well, that’s when she told us that she had a piece of bread and like disposable noodles, that’s all he gave her left her, yes, and he beat your daughter, yes he beat her, how many times we saw all the bruises on her, we told her, nastya, go away, i say, we will help, i say, the building... everyone told her, she’s just like this pilina stands before my eyes, she has everything. julia, how could you explain such stubbornness? this is not stubbornness , this is fear, this is wild fear at the level of animal fear, and her inner instinct of self-preservation said that if she
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left, it could be even worse, much worse, much worse, but she didn’t look at the prospect, anyway we are all, we humans are all designed this way, that we don't care. for the best to the last, but why was she afraid that he would get to her parents, children, but she was afraid for her own, for the lives of her children, for the lives of her parents, if he was a tyrant, you know?
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i say, i know that this is not a fall, because i also understand in these matters, myself, yes, i understand that this is from a hand grab, she didn’t want to talk, i say, she just stood up for anechka, i went and talked to him the same day and i say, so i say, you can’t do it, i say, firstly, you offend the child, that’s it, secondly, you beat my daughter, he confessed or denied, he confessed, yes, i say, i say, in the heat of the moment, he says, he didn’t mean to, he says, this is to beat to offend, i told him, i say, if this happens again, i’ll see, i say that... i say, i’ll go to the police, he promised that now we understand that we shouldn’t have been given a second chance, yes, that
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is, if we saw it once, then we should immediately run to the police. , declare then report to the police, very often people here think that this is fixable, the person will improve, the person will change, there will be torment and so on, we don’t interfere , you’re already married and live, you can’t do that when... you go to the police, they call him, they talked about fear, he starts to be afraid, this tyrant, they’ll call him to the police, the local police officer will come, will have a conversation, he is already starting to think, so i already have to a little maria, on that fateful day, who called the police, he called the police, he said, i killed my wife, and he did not try to escape, no, ian, how can you explain that the criminal surrendered himself, in such situations, if the person commits cleanly.
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it's disgusting. andrey, what about the accusation against you? has it already been announced to the former? no, it hasn't been announced yet. and the investigation took a year. he's the one we suspect for now. he admitted his guilt. he told the investigator that i fully admit my guilt, that i killed my wife. i wanted to kill the child. we have an official comment from the investigative committee. let's get a look. november 17, 2022 in the city.
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in order to prove that a murder has been committed, it is necessary to collect evidence, despite the fact that
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a lot of there are investigative actions , examinations are carried out and so on, plus, after all , the criminal procedural code of the criminal code regulates the clear actions necessary to transfer the case material to the court, as we have now seen the materials, the cases were transferred, what is the maximum punishment the murderer can face, life imprisonment , timur, i wanted to draw one more aspect. second, here is the child who has been damaged, in order to understand the degree of damage caused, that is, what consequences they have for the child, here time must pass, so while the doctors were figuring out this issue, because the child is very small, by the way, if we remember about the child that he attacked his own three-month-old son, this is an obvious circumstance, of course, of course, murder
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by attempted murder, obviously for the person they are in a helpless state, obviously, that is, what does this actually have to do with it. i have no words, this is a lack of community, well, at the same time, the fact that he himself gave up and admitted the wine is a mitigating circumstance, a mitigating circumstance, certainly, but this mitigating circumstance will not soften this horror that he has done, so i also agree with my colleague here, here it’s a life sentence, i think that, thank god, such a person will be isolated from society, anatoly, do you believe in his repentance, you understand, the fact that the man came with a knife, the fact that he was the one or his child from... at that moment when he already realized that a murder had already been committed here, and the child began to cry, squealed there, he went and oh, also dealt three blows, three blows, that is, that was all consciously, then calmly took his wife’s phone number, called from it and repented that i killed, come, i killed a man, the calculation
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is completely settled, andrey, did you manage to talk to your son-in-law after what he did? no, but tell me honestly, if you had caught him there at the crime scene, what would you have done? i think that he would not have stayed there, i, as a father, understand you perfectly, i sympathize with you immensely, because it’s good that i didn’t get caught, and the friend who was with your daughter that day, she gives you some she told me the details, she just told me, she came in and said, i saw that nastya was lying bloodied on the floor, that’s all, but she doesn’t know what happened before? to no, no, she doesn’t know anything before this, the girl who told you about the death of your daughter also came to us today, our studio kristina lavrentieva and her mother, dasha, hello kristina, tell us about the day when your friend passed away, how did you meet, what were you doing,
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i came to visit her, we went to pick up the child in kindergarten, then we came home. maybe it wasn’t, it wasn’t, we were sitting , relaxing in the kitchen, drinking tea, then she tells me, she comes up, she says, now my husband will arrive, then this husband of hers arrived, they talked, did you hear about what, no, well, at least from the outside, can you somehow characterize this conversation, it was in a raised voice, it was a quarrel, it was in a raised voice, you didn’t understand the reason for the conflict? no, and they didn’t know, no, what happened next, they asked me to go out there, they asked who her husband was, i went outside, how long were you not in the apartment, minutes 20-15, somewhere like that, i wasn’t there when i sensed that something was going to happen, now, i quickly ran to the fourth floor,
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knocked and no one opened it, but they heard something behind the door, yes, i heard there was a child crying there... while i was knocking there for 15 minutes, no one opened the door for me, the child was crying and after that the child stopped crying, did you feel that something terrible was happening? yes, yes, i felt that if the child were crying, nastya would also calm him down, and also at that moment the police officers came out of the elevator, they knocked they said that it was the police officers , open it, he opened it and held out his hands like this , he said, i killed my... wife, how a three-year-old girl managed to survive in the most brutal, bloody massacre, she saw how it all happened, she said, she there was a hall, she showed, her hands were covered in blood, a house without blood , god, what horror, i can’t even find a word, i can’t put it down, it’s beyond the bounds , we’ll continue after a short pause, information about
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a gang of killers is being confirmed, we need to... anyone? region, you’re not scared, viktor sergeevich, it’s very scary, kostya, it’s scary that we may not succeed, give evidence, tell the truth, raise the specialists, sergei sergeevich, that there are no other bandits left in the city, their turn will come too, chief, today at 22:15 on ntv. bim, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints, it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation and a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pintelgen extragel was created to combat pain and inflammation in muscles and joints, convenient packaging at an affordable price! go out it’s profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank.
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punched her. head with a knife, cut up the whole body , stabbed it, completely cut the left cheek, the pain of loss, it’s impossible to convey it , it’s just hard , kristina lavrentyeva told the woman that her daughter anastasia was no longer alive. she and nastya were friends, that evening the girl came to visit her. that's when he arrived and they started talking. and aggression, he had some kind of aggression, so she then told me, i was asked to leave, christina, what did you see when you entered the apartment? i looked into the corridor where anastasia was lying, i looked for 5 minutes and also ran away, i was very scared, then the police asked me to dress my little
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daughter anya. wait, anya was there all this time, yes, in this apartment, she is safe , nothing happened to her, but how is this possible, how old is she, four years old, a year old at that time, the girl was in the apartment in which they cut her mother and little brother, how is it possible that she was not hurt, where she was there at that moment, she could have hid , this wasn’t the first time, he beat her this time, and she just hid in the hearing closet as if out of habit... police officers entered the house, so we went into the house, saw the fact that he was already sitting with his hands covered in blood, the house was carrying blood, and anastasia was also lying in the corridor, no longer alive, i had such a feeling that i
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cannot express in words. your granddaughter, this little girl, saw all this horror, yes, she saw how it all happened, she spoke, she was in the hall, she showed, she can see hid under the table, she then looks out from the hall like this, she says, uncle, shows, uncle, mom, uh, mom, uh, ah, ah, then she, it’s clear when she saw that he was going into the hall to dana, because danya was in the stroller, and she said, mom, lalya, and uncle, lalya, oh, that’s it, this, she showed us everything, god, what a horror, she’s making us bleed, after that she began to be afraid of it all the time, but about all this, well,
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now it’s not often anymore.
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thank you very much, christina , was the girl immediately taken away from this terrible place? yes i did this, but did you see your little son, nastya? yes, i saw him, i heard him, how he was choking on his own blood, i wanted to take him in my arms, i asked a police officer, i said, can i take danka, i’ll take him. but i didn’t know about this, that he also cut him, and the police officers told me, he also hurt him, don’t touch him, the police officers asked just to give them the whole blanket, and you don’t blame yourself for what then left this apartment, of course, i still dream about it, yes, if i were the same there it turned out that there would not have been... not just one corpse
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lying there, but two, also three, if danka had not survived. rastislav, how did the doctors even manage to save the baby? in fact, yes, this explanation is a miracle from... thank you, deep bow to those doctors who took on such a difficult case, speaking about the nature of the injury, a knife wound was inflicted in the neck, that is, there is a large vascular nerve bundle, there is a thyroid gland , there we have the larynx, there is the esophagus, that is, a rather large pool of organs that could have been damaged, but i repeat once again, thanks to those doctors who took on this case and truly pulled the baby out of the other world. maria, does your grandson have any left now? scars, yes, strong, well, on the neck there are not so many scars , above the heart, there is still a ball there, oh, this is horror, and this was done, i emphasize, by my own father, markhad, well, how can i explain this, i don’t
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i’m putting it down, this is worse than an atrocity, that’s what i’m saying , i can’t even find words, i can’t put it down, god, god, oh, god, it’s a nightmare, how he survived, it’s not clear at all, with a voice, yes, because they could have been hit vocal cords, i would also like to add, given that there was a large loss of blood, since there were such injuries, there could also be hepoxic damage to the brain, that is, how the child’s further development will occur, this also needs to be monitored, because there was clearly it was normal for blood loss to occur with such injuries. well, how does the dialect react, he hears , sees, understands, this is what the grandson’s condition is now, tell me, he plays it all very normally, but as the doctors told us, if he was a little lower, we would have hurt, we would have had a child
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we don’t wash, they are rohi, and if the second blow had come a little lower, it would have hit the heart , and he says, his neck says, he has a larynx, he’s not for him, he says we’ll be hoarse for up to 2 years , as they told us, we should watch him, he says, he can’t have hard food, so we’re watching him, so that right now we don’t need any additional help from specialists, just observation, that’s right, observation, we ’re seeing a neuropathologist with him, we wish the baby good health, of course, thank you for giving, and from whom did you learn about happened, christina, my daughter, called me, all in tears, my mother said they killed nastya, i was of course in shock, and you knew nastya before... i knew nastya, she is our relative, my nephew, yes, this is anyuta’s father, he is my nephew, and why didn’t your nephew manage to build a family with her, despite the fact that they have a child together, well, it seems to me
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that he was afraid of responsibility for the child, yes, she gave birth, they lived there for some time that’s it, he was scared, but what did you know about the new chosen one, nastya, well, that’s shit complete, i say, how are you? in general, where did the parents look, this in general , well, no, i wouldn’t let him live, he’s not not a good person, i wouldn’t even sit next to him, farhad, but do you think it’s the parents’ fault that they didn’t insist, so that the daughter leaves this person, that they are not taken away from the family, if this is even possible with a family, it’s easy to say, well, well, this is an adult already, well, like you are already twenty years old... a generally healthy person, already formed, and him, you live with him, you don’t live with him, but well, it’s easy to say, this it’s difficult, it’s just that it rather suggests that the parents didn’t really care about their daughter, well, she’s an adult after all, she
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’s already given birth, they have a big family, they have 12 people, there was already attention to those children , nastya is done, they probably thought that she was an adult, on her own, that she had a child. i think so, maria andrey, and you have 12 children in your family, yes, yes, we have a big friendly family, this is wonderful, but in dari’s words, you didn’t hear anything offensive, she actually says that you didn’t look after daughter, no well, everyone has their own opinion , it’s not our fault, it’s not our fault, because we were told it repeatedly when she met us with her husband, i told her right away, i say, this is not your person, with whom you could throw in your lot, how to come take her, as it were, by force, and it will work out, well, as we all say, it won’t work out, i’m wondering what to do, because evgenia , what should parents do when they obviously sense danger from the person with whom their
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daughter is, what levers can be, well , communicate more, of course yes, even if it’s a child doesn’t accept parents on such topics, then you can do this through someone, that is, research who it could be, maybe it could be this. friend, yes, maybe it ’s a friend there, in any case, it’s still important to create this communication in order to protect the child’s life, the key point is to communicate more often. have you and your daughter often called each other and talked? yes , she came to us, we talked to her, everything, i say, nastya, well, we can’t accept him, she says, mom, nothing worked out with anina’s dad, she says, it didn’t work out, but with this i say, what he says, here danya says, soon, well, soon, he says, the child will be born, that’s it, i ’ll live, and how did he even look at the fact that you often communicate, he set up black lists for us so that we wouldn’t we talked, how many times did he break her phone, did he block you? yes, he blocked us all
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, if we called her, or she came to us, he immediately called a taxi, if you now say you don’t come home, you ’ll get it, nastya, he says, that’s it, he says, mom, i’m going, he says , that is, he took his daughter away from her parents with threats, like elin, but what is this about? he says, this kind of behavior , he really is a tyrant, he really is such an abuser, yes, he really is a person who is capable of causing damage, there is another very important point, these are tyrants...
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otherwise, otherwise, if this starts, it’s not in family life , these guys, let’s go home , we’re talking about second chances, we’re talking about safety here, we’re talking about life and death, run away, maria, andrey, and how did they even bless them for their marriage, for their union, you were at the wedding, no, no, we were against, that is, you were not present at the wedding, but there was no wedding, it was just he made me sign everything, but we only found out later, we were generally against it...
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leon izmailov married the same woman twice, how did she forgive you, well, i don’t know,
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she loved you, probably what is the secret of his family happiness . i recently gave her a cup and saucer, yes, and the receipt was from the tv. leon izmailov and his secret million, saturday at 21:20 on ntv. bim, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. what is the cause of hemorrhoids? the problem may be a vein. vinarus helps to increase the tone of the veins, vinoproctalium suppositories have local effects, vinarus and vinoproctalium together against hemorrhoids, in the new year of the dragon 2024 with wiildberries, always be irresistible in elegant, warm, comfortable shoes from betsy, buy betsi at competitive prices with discounts on wildberries, a cold knocks you out of your usual rhythm. mom, are we going already? contact, the active ingredient is active within 10
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man brutally killed his twenty-two-year-old wife and cut the throat of their three-month-old son. and all this before our eyes three-year-old stepdaughter. the accused , who was in a state of alcoholic stupor, had a domestic conflict with his wife, during which the man inflicted at least nineteen stab wounds on her and multiple punches and kicks in the area of ​​vital organs, which caused the death of the victim. the defendant then inflicted at least three stab wounds on his three-month-old son. the parents of the deceased, andrei and maria vorobyov, before... and you didn’t try to somehow talk to nastya, you also understood what kind of person he was,
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to convey that she doesn’t need this man, that she has someone. couple, she didn’t answer, to her daughter, by the way, how did he treat her, as nastya said, he humiliated her, he doesn’t eat her, he forces her to sit down so that she finishes eating, what happened if she didn’t finish eating, he put it on her a cup on your head, oh, this is just a moral monster, i think so, maria andrey , forgive me, i’m trying not to blame you for anything, but how did you not stop this, why didn’t you save your granddaughter, on november 4, exactly twenty-two... she was taken from her they told my husband that no, you won’t live with him anymore, because we found out how he acted, there was a situation a little before this, well, this is already with us, but what kind of situation, tell me?
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no, no, there were bells , that is, there were bells, there were bells, these are ringing bells, i just left at that moment with my son, with a friend, we left, my wife was calling, nastya’s husband came to pick up anechka, i arrived, accordingly , i saw that my husband started, wall of a scandal at home there, i said, get dressed and go outside, and we went outside with him talk, everything with nastya’s husband, he was armored , well, with swear words, everything, he began to do everything to me,
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with a knife, i say, this is the knife with which he rushed at me, that’s it, everything is fine, we’ll go to the department, i’m in the department, accordingly i wrote a statement, i say, his wife left him, now she will live separately, please protect her from this man, the police did not respond to my statement, the initiation of a case to refuse the paper was definitely negligence.
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do you think your daughter made a fatal mistake by letting her husband in? yes, yes, you know our next guests believe that your daughter herself could provoke her husband to murder, in the studio angelina firsova, hello, hello, angelina, how long have you known nastya, you knew, nastya and i were friends from the first grade, what a friend she was, she was kind ... good, open, she had a big minus, she was naive, and despite all these good qualities, you think that
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she could provoke her husband to murder, why? yes, because she posted a photo on social media, which one? and there was ex-boyfriend, ex-boyfriend - this is anya’s father, yes, yes, so what’s next? and he was holding this husband's son when she posted this photo, right? tragedy, yes, and you think that this photograph, yes, provoked jealousy, this is an excuse, just to come and show once again that here i am, that i am the master of the house, the master, this is just, well i got caught at the moment, well, this is the excuse. angelina, how did it happen that a former young man appeared in the life of a married woman? nastya wanted to somehow stay on two chairs. maria, andrey, did you know that your daughter?
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he was also jealous, it’s unlikely , he’s aggressive towards strangers, he’s aggressive towards his wife’s parents , he’s aggressive towards his wife, he’s aggressive towards his little child, his daughter, yes, not even his own, even if you don’t take your own, to your daughter, who was putting plates on her head, this is a small child, and the aggression of any adult towards a small child is in the normal way, but not in the head of a normal person fits in, andrey, your grandchildren now live with you, i understand correctly, you have become?
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a court decision that he is deprived of parental rights. andrey, do the children miss their mother? anya, of course, when she sees, yes, she can see that she is bored. do your children miss their sister? yes, yes, everyone misses you, they miss you very much. the murdered brother cannot come to terms with his sister's death. our guest is pavel vorobyov. hello, pavel. hello. i understand that this is a year. the pain of the loss has not subsided, no, it has not subsided as you remember your sister? kind, cheerful, responsive, understanding. a friend, nastina, says that she herself could provoke her husband to murder, was it even in her character to provoke? no, well, it’s in her character, she’s a calm girl, well, she was good, well, she couldn’t provoke in any way. the picture
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that you saw on the day of nastya ’s death is still standing before your eyes, we got into the apartment, yes, the first one got there, on november 17 we arrived, as it were, my father, well, the police stopped him near the entrance, as it were, and i, well found an approach , ran up to the floor, as if, i’m looking at everything, nastya is lying there, well, all cut up, as if , well, the body, the head, well, everything is cut up, clothes , even clothes, i even saw it, well, just... i was alive , i didn’t even see the clothes she was wearing when they said , even, well, danya , he stabbed him to death, then they are already saying, well , he probably won’t survive, pavel, but how do your parents cope with this loss, mother and father, well, they seem to remember, well, no, no, until this mother sometimes cries, because it’s hard to lose
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a daughter.
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it was a birthday, our nastyusha would have turned 24 years old, a bad person, he took it away from her life, our nastya took us, now the ray of light of life and grandchildren , grandparents are trying to do everything so that the kids do not feel lonely, we are trying to take care of our grandchildren, who now have neither a father nor a mother, we read you good fairy tales, for the fact that we have a lot of good things in life, so that they don’t see all that cruelty, and now their beloved daughter maria and andrei are visiting the cemetery, now she’s lying here, she’s with us, she’s still lying underground, she’s not the one who comes to us on earth, we go to her, we love you, it’s just hard to be without, we
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we can’t yet. it’s because you don’t exist yet , ksenia, it’s impossible to look at this without tears, i’m holding back, it’s useless, i’m also trying to hold back, i really sympathize with you , really from the bottom of my heart, i want to tell favla, pasha, i understand how everything is inside of you, i just torn to pieces, just don’t do something stupid, okay, please, you’re such an adult, already smart, it’s clear how much you were loved. sister, evgenia, and how can mom, dad, brothers, sisters at least a little soften the pain of loss, where to look for consolation, now it is very important to focus your pay attention to the inside of the family , in no case should you forget, but here are some bad moments, on the contrary, accept them, let them go, now a process is also taking place that frees you to continue to fill, fill the family with happiness, pleasant moments, here is
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a photo album, which was just shown, this... and even go beyond, yes, look at what is positive, because now this will be the best medicine, what kind of punishment do the parents want for the killer of their daughter, i will do everything on my part it is possible that this punishment, deserved, as i completely believe, will convince this bastard to receive it, see after the advertisement. in the heat of a quarrel, the mother shouted to her daughter that she was not her own, there was a quarrel, she said that i was not her own, and admitted that the biological mother wrote a waiver for the girl, the mother said that
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they called me olga, the nurses there who delivered the child , but according to the supposed biological mother, her daughter could not survive, since she was born weighing only 800 g . they did not give her to us, he said that the girl died, did the girl really survive, although her mother was informed about her death, when we took manyutka away, they just gave me a notebook, it was written there that the family was not prosperous, that the woman had 10 children, of which seven were living, seven children, i’m little myself, my mother said olya, she gave it to her, and she gave it her name, they were told that she died and i knew that she was somewhere, that someone had adopted her, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. bim new season today at 20:00 on ntv. does it seem like something has changed?
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you can’t always keep up with demand , development doesn’t stop with support, we are expanding further, the national project for small and medium-sized businesses is by decision of the president, our job is to support yours, but everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved, it is solved with the national education projects. in russia , new opportunities to study well appear regularly. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia, according to the decision of the president and concerned people. meeting point, tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. today we’ll talk about male strength, but first about its absence. i mean that sooner or later men start to. when sexual function fades away, this is always the reason for mental experiences of trauma. those who have gone through this know how difficult it is for men in such a situation, it is necessary that it be sweet so that all men live
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maria, did you keep your daughter in a closed coffin? no, we buried in an open coffin, we drove, well, we did makeup, the left side.
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they horked up so that you couldn’t see what injuries there were, there was a face, a neck, a head , there was a lung, the second lung was simple, that’s what you just showed with your hand, it’s just scary, did he turn it all out, the first lung, he just, the second lung, he just twisted it, there were knife wounds, what he... was poking it in her arms, in her legs, that’s not true, he cut her face, this face was cut on the left side, head, pierced , legs, he just poked her, well, some kind of sadist , what timur, what he’s saying now, here’s mom, what’s with the twist, this is it, this speaks exactly about that there was no effect, that is, this sadist deliberately caused torture to another person, he didn’t just poke him anywhere, but knew where and what he was doing.


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