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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 15, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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gas, refuel at gazprom stations. what support measures are already in place for the participants in the special operation, as well as their loved ones, and how this assistance needs to be supplemented. they are talking about this today at the forum, let's win together. anton talpa visited the park. i talked to veterans; to take a position, work on the enemy, and retreat to a safe place, it takes no more than 10 minutes, and the difficult work of tank crews firing from indirect firing positions. omar magomedov. what israel has achieved and what remains from the gas sector, who else, following yemin , will be drawn into the palestinian-israeli confrontation. nikita korzun is monitoring developments in the middle east. while
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in a hostel, but soon in a service apartment, russian pensioner expelled from latvia, boris katkov in kaliningrad spoke about his vision of the situation and plans for the future. alexey chebtarev, and forced return to his homeland. we're fed up, german farmers are staging their biggest protest in berlin. and his government. hello, welcome to the information service television company ntv. this is the program today, its presenter is elmira efendieva and vladimir chernyshov. comprehensive support for the participant.
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special operations of their family members was today the main topic of the forum, let's win together, it takes place in the patriot park near moscow. more than 400 representatives of 89 russian regions came there. a demobilized serviceman, a government representative , and social coordinators share their work experience and discuss what else needs to be done. but the talk was about expanding health insurance about patriotic education, which could to do by soldiers returning from the front line. sent greetings to the forum participants.
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you are not only real heroes who stood up to defend your country, but today, having returned from the front, you are contributing to another component of the struggle. there are more than 400 participants in patriot park today.
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even before the start of an open discussion , they are discussing the topic of educational activities, both participants in the special operation, orlov, an english school teacher from the tver region, volunteered, stormed the marina, was wounded and returned. smolikov, chechen veteran, called up for mobilization, served in the sapper company in the svatovo-kremennaya direction. the social program for combat veterans is spreading and does not stand still, as i understand it, it will expand, then we will now... at this forum we will gather with the guys, we will make some other proposals that will improve the life of a veteran who are in the zone of freshness and ready to return. vitaly kornev is also preparing to present his proposals on how to improve support for the participants in the special operation, in in particular, he believes that it is necessary to expand health insurance. kornev has been defending donbass since 2014, he served in sparta, in 2022 he was in the kharkov direction, and carried three commanders from the battlefield. i was seriously
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wounded several times, traumatized, wounded many times, still in 1922, i took part in a special operation, yes, i went, i thought maybe i could be useful to the guys, and well, that’s what happened. i am proud of my son that i raised a real man, a worthy defender of the fatherland, who defended not only his country, his friends, me, everyone, everyone knew, took care of young soldiers, proud of my
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son, roza argebaeva’s son died in may 2022, timur was a marine, served in syria, then signed a contract and went to a special operation zone, died with... take part in the discussion. the forum is an opportunity to take stock, outline plans for the future, and after this meeting, support for veterans will continue. already now it is necessary to take into account all the wishes of the participants in the special operation, as well as their loved ones, in order to continue to provide them with all the necessary assistance. anton talopa, roman kulazhenkov, svetlana kostyunina and andrey beldyanov. in the special military operation zone, russian units launched powerful attacks on enemy positions using the iskander operational-tactical missile system. it belongs to precision weapons. the launcher was on combat duty in the kupinsky direction, after the command to
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strike was received, the crew promptly brought the installation into full readiness and, as the ministry of defense reported, the launch went as usual. the target - military infrastructure facilities - was hit. russian military is active. strikes with missiles. the enemy's fuel base, artillery units in firing positions, manpower and military equipment were hit by artillery rocket forces. five ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down by air defense systems in the area of ​​the village of spornoye, donetsk people's republic. and kostroma paratroopers in the artyomovsk direction destroyed a ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle from carnet. at a record distance of almost 8 km. is it? discovered a column of two armored combat vehicles, they advanced towards russian positions, the coordinates were promptly transmitted to the control point, after which the paratroopers carried out an accurate launch of a guided missile from the karnet atgm. the second infantry fighting vehicle was later hit by
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airborne artillery crews. and here is footage of a video duel between a russian military man and a drone fighter, a fighter of the donetsk first army corps, who lured himself into an enemy fpv drone, then managed to dodge the blow. as a result, the device exploded on the ground. in the northern military district zone, the russian military is increasingly using the tank carousel, a special tactic involving three crews: one is firing, the second is already in a combat position, and the third is loading ammunition. as a result, the enemy finds himself under constant, accurate fire. omar magomedov visited the front line in the southern donetsk direction and saw our tankers in action. during a special military operation, russian tank crews were partially replaced. cube, now they are firing from closed positions, and all this happens in conjunction with drone operators, right now the crew is supporting the infantry advance on enemy positions. yuzhno-donetsk direction using reconnaissance drones corrects the actions of assault troops.
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the footage shows an attack on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces dug in in the forest belt. our fighters are accompanied by tanks; the task of the crew firing from closed positions is to be proactive. the target is infantry dugouts. and equipment, everything went well , there was a hit, the package was delivered to the recipients , i think they really liked it, it’s not safe to stay in one place for a long time, now the tank crew will change their firing position, but for us, although we are standing quite far away, you also need to leave, because the response can arrive at any minute, while the first tank finishes firing, the second crew takes up, a new position is waiting for the command, at this time the tank crews of the third tank are loading ammunition, in military slang this is called a tank carousel, it is fired at the enemy continuously, and the main thing is to aim for fire , one shot every 10 seconds, due to the fact that they now do not have enough ammunition, for
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artillery, etc., they also don’t have much anti-tank weapons, as i understand it, they compensate for all this with fpvh, they are trying to compensate, there was a cumulative hit by an fpv drone, the charge penetrated the armor, it was the t-806 that kamikaze drones dived once, during the battle the iron visor was blown apart by explosions.
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vladimir putin today had a telephone conversation with the prime minister of india narendra mode, as reported in the kremlin, the conversation emphasized the nature of a particularly privileged strategic partnership between the two countries, the leaders noted the achievements of interaction in trade and economic scientific and technical cooperation, in energy, transport and other areas. a number of international topics, including the situation around ukraine vladimir putin. success in
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the upcoming elections, presidential in russia and parliamentary in india. and today , russian defense minister sergei shaigu spoke on the phone with the head of the iranian ministry of defense, muhammad ashti. they discussed bilateral military cooperation and regional security. shaigu also noted that moscow and tehran are actively working on the creation. the ministers agreed to continue to build russian-iranian relations on unconditional respect for sovereignty and territorial the truth of an equal, multipolar world. integrity of the two countries. this principle must be confirmed in the large interstate agreement between russia and iran that is being prepared for signing. as the ministry of defense emphasized, the conversation took place in a friendly atmosphere. another attempt by the western allies to promote the proposed kiev.
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in ukraine they said that this is a quote: talking is for the sake of talking, and this process is not aimed
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at achieving a specific result. press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov also recalled that the kiev the authorities themselves had previously officially forbidden themselves to negotiate with russia; all this only emphasizes the absurdity of the situation. the goal of the work of american military biologists is to create artificially controlled epidemics. the head of the radiation chemistry troops stated this today during a briefing. american military specialists. we are talking about the assessment of the smallpox virus and monkeys
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as a potential damaging biological agent and the search for agent imitators of the smallpox virus. let me remind you that working with this virus are allowed only in two institutions: the center for disease control in the usa and the state research center vector in russia. at the same time, despite the ban of the world health assembly, employees of the us army research institutes of infectious diseases were carried out. aerobiological experiments using two strains of the natural osmivirus. thousands of cases. according to him, the united states pays special attention to the implementation of its biological programs.
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gas military operation in the palestinian enclave it’s been 100 days now, and according to the palestinian ministry of health, more than 24,000 people have become victims of israeli shelling, and almost 61 thousand have been wounded. nikita korzin is following this ongoing conflict. sun, white sand and the mediterranean sea are not always the promise of paradise. for those who remained in the gas sector , just a little flour is enough; the crowds flee as soon as they hear the beep of a truck with humanitarian food, he claims. the author of these shots is photographer shanobi. according to palestinian authorities, more than 24,000 gazans have been killed since october 7. more than 60% of the enclave was destroyed residential buildings, more than half of hospitals and schools. israel has already thought about the future of these places. a house by the sea is not a dream, says an advertisement for one construction company. in turn
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, the idf reports that it eliminated about 9,000 militants in the sector, including two kambrig and 19 hamass battalion commanders. people are running back to their basements without getting food, israeli aircraft strike near the coast, and now you just have to try to survive. palestinians ask rhetorical questions about how our children are to blame, but exactly the same wopol stood in israel after the hamas attack on october 7, when extremists killed everyone in their path, including children. then about one and a half thousand israeli civilians died, plus the extremists took 200 hostages, a video of three of them was released by hamas on sunday and tel aviv came out. in october, prime minister netanyahu openly warned that he would turn gaza into ruins and advised palestinian civilians to flee quickly, but now the israeli leader himself has to think about what to do next. yesterday in haifa there was an anti-war rally of many thousands, angry
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israelis tried to march to caesarea, where the residence of the head of state is located, to demand his resignation. but the police did not allow these plans to come true. did the country's leadership know about hamas' plans to attack israel on october 7? a question that still remains without a clear answer. netanyahu tried to drown it in blood, but the daily destruction of the gas did not bring any comfort to the people of israel. the understanding that the extermination of the palestinians only worsens everything, and on a global scale, does not come only to the inhabitants of the promised land. the leader of one of the nato countries, recep erdogan, expressed his position regarding netanyahu’s policy very clearly. even the inhabitants of the white house, which first threw all its strength into helping israel, changed their record. we are actively discussing with them the transition to less intensive operations and believe that now is the right time for this. strategic communications coordinator john kirby
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clarified: the united states is not demanding that the pedal be completely taken off the gas in the pursuit of hamas militants, but there is a nuance. known for access to washington insiders, the american publication axius claims that president biden and his administration officials are becoming disillusioned with netanyahu because he refuses to follow us recommendations to reduce the intensity of gas attacks. the situation is bad and we are stuck, taxes quotes his sources in the white house, the president’s patience is running out, the middle east is burning, but the whole world is being burned. everyone today is concerned about the answer to the question of when this will end; benjamin netanyahu again outlined the horizon, not earlier than israel. will take control border of the gaza strip with egypt, we will destroy hamas, demilitarize gaza, but military equipment and other deadly weapons will continue to flow through this southern passage, so of course we need to close it, but while israel is getting closer to the goal, more and more countries are sliding into the crater arab-israeli confrontation. yemen, in support of palestine, attacked israeli ships in
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the babil-mandep strait and is now experiencing a series of airstrikes by the united states and great britain. the last one was struck. case clarified: resistance forces in the region, including yemen act independently solely within the framework of their interests. iran is not giving them any orders. the peaceful
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resolution of the conflict is still in line with the creation of a separate independent palestinian state; the un agreements are opposed by israel and the united states. but russia and china tirelessly remind us of this position. beijing, in particular , is calling for a larger , authoritative peace conference to be convened . the implementation of the two- state solution is. lebanese authorities announced a high-alert regime in case of a direct conflict with israel, although the idf is constantly attacking the positions of the hezbollah movement. and iraqi islamic resistance fighters today attacked us bases in iraq and syria in response to what they say is washington's policy. in general, much on this planet smells of blood, sulfur of gunpowder, the result of this. the development
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of education was discussed in the kremlin today; first of all, the president inquired about the condition of school buildings. i propose to start with a program that concerns so many people in our country, and it’s hard to overestimate, it’s a major overhaul. in general, the renovation of school buildings and structures, we have allocated quite a decent amount of money for these purposes, the work is going on, how is it going? yes, dear, thanks to your support, the school overhaul program, and the construction of new schools is going according to plan, without failures, no sanctions can interfere with this, we overhaul 1,500 schools annually, your instructions for repairs 7.
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re-equipment of airline enterprises, increasing their power, as well as the creation of new domestic materials and electronic components. over the next 6 years, a total
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of over 600 entirely domestic airliners should be built. the basis of the fleet of russian airlines will be superjet and flagship mc21. this line will be complemented by the regional il-114, the ultra-reliable tu-214 for medium-range flights, and also wide-body aircraft such as the l-96-300. under sanctions, our own modern air fleet is of utmost importance for the connectivity of the regions of our large country. another topic of the meeting was the development of the automotive industry, as the prime minister noted, the russian automobile industry faces large-scale tasks; in the next few years it is necessary to ensure an increase in the production of domestic cars. buses, including through the relaunch of the sites of departed foreign companies. as deputy prime minister denis mantorov noted in his report, despite western sanctions, auto production
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was preserved; there was a total in the domestic market for almost every site that foreign companies left, we selected a russian investor, determined the gender technology partners and consistently launch new models, in particular this concerns.
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state support, several large banks already took such a step in january, here we have business news denis lololaev, denis, and what the central bank doesn’t like is that in his opinion everything could again end with apartments going up in price. today, the central bank commented on the behavior of russian banks, which began to charge developers commissions for issuing preferential mortgages. this practice, says tsv, creates risks and reduces transparency and reduces competition. for home buyers, the risk is that these commissions that banks require from developers will ultimately be passed on to prices, which means that the difference in prices for new secondary housing buildings will become even greater. in addition, the central bank pointedly reminds banks that despite changes in conditions, preferential mortgages remain profitable for them. in december, the authorities tightened the conditions for issuing preferential mortgages; among other things, they reduced the subsidies banks receive for
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, for example, issuing mortgages at 8%. instead of market 16.5%. the banks responded to this by beginning to approve preferential mortgages only to those clients who buy housing from developers, partners of banks; from january 11 , sberbank does this; from january 12th, vtb and alfabank; and in order to become such a partner, as they said in sberbank, the developer will be obliged to pay the same commissions to the bank for each preferential mortgage loan. in turn , developers began to simply refuse to work with some banks under the new conditions. is the central bank ready to apply any measures of influence to banks in today’s the statement does not specify, but invites the state bank domf to consider expanding the limit on issuing preferential mortgages for those banks that do not introduce commissions. as the central bank puts it, all this is to level out the situation. the finnish ministry of defense plans to completely prohibit russians from real estate transactions in the country by spring of this year. this was stated by finnish defense minister anti
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hakenin. he is quoted. mass media. in addition, he promised an investigation into the real estate that the russians had already bought. as it reminds the opinion of the finnish minister of defense differs from the recent conclusion of a government commission, which did not recommend a complete ban on real estate transactions for russians. according to finnish laws, in order to purchase certain types of real estate in the country, foreigners not from eu countries need to obtain the same permit from the ministry of defense. most often, by the way, the answer is positive, for example, in november last year it became known that the ministry of defense from...
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all experts say that there is a redistribution in the russian transport industry, in november last year the owner changed from the first freight company, in december from another railway transportation operator, oil transport service. the russian stock market today, following the old tradition, tried to grow on monday, but falling oil prices and the rising ruble by the end of trading turned attempts to grow into standing still. on the russian foreign exchange market there are still more foreign currency sellers than
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buyers. therefore, the ruble continues to rise in price: the dollar at the end of the day is 87.60, the euro is 9601. based on the results of last year, the russian economy can grow by 3.5%, and after recalculations it will already grow by about 4%. about it maxim reshetnikov, head of the ministry of economic development and trade, said today. he recalled that rosstat gives five estimates of gdp. for example, at the end of last year he once again revised the statistics for the twenty-first year, it turned out that then. the russian economy did not grow by 4.7%, as the first estimate said, but by 5.9. according to maxim reshetnikov, this happens because information on some sectors of the economy comes later, and the role of these sectors, according to maxim reshetnikov, has been increasing in the russian economy in recent years: services, tourism, public administration. in december, rosstat revised its statistics for the twenty-second year towards a sharp improvement. according to a new estimate, the economy then fell not by 2.1%, but by 1 and... last week, at
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a meeting with entrepreneurs of the far east , vladimir putin recalled that in terms of purchasing power parity, the russian economy in 2022 became fifth in the world. that's it, thank you, denis, thank you, denis talolaev with the economic review. the first all-russian municipal forum “small motherland strength” started today at vdnkh in moscow russia." today is an official technical day for visitors, but the expositions and halls are not empty. more than 7,500 representatives from 89 regions of the country came to the exhibition. the program included a panel discussion, a round strategic session with the participation of representatives of line ministries and departments, business and non-profit organizations. the key goal of the forum is to unite municipal authorities and improve the efficiency of employees. it was organized on behalf of vladimir putin. moscow said goodbye to the people's artist of the ussr
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yuri solomin. the funeral ceremony took place on the historical stage of the small theater, to which he devoted his entire creative life. and for the last 35 years he was the artistic director of the stage, it wouldn’t be enough. who said that when leaving the stage, you must definitely leave a piece of your heart, so i think that yuri mifolyovich every day left here, in this theater, a particle of his huge, big, kind, loving
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heart, i am absolutely sure that all these particles will continue live in all of us, all-union glory came to the artist after release of the film adjutant. january, at the eighty-ninth year of his life , according to solomin’s last will, he was buried in the troekurovsky cemetery next to his wife. now a short advertisement. next in our issue. while in a hostel, but soon in a service apartment , russian pensioner expelled from latvia, boris katkov in kaliningrad spoke about his vision of the situation and plans for the future, alexey chabatarev, about his forced return to
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his homeland. we're fed up, german farmers are staging their biggest protest in berlin. about how olaf scholz and his government ... became everyone. apartment in moscow count five. only five purchases from 1.0 rub. with any sberbank credit card until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in the country. energy of ocean water aqualor with a new rotary nozzle duo. shower mode for moisturizing protection against viruses. rotate the nozzle to change spray pattern. the jet mode helps treat severe nasmak. aqualor: breathe energy
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a guarantee of the authenticity of the goods, thick walls, high floor, signal at the interference, in order to have good mobile communications in the house, you must first start the cat, with technology in wifi, use mobile communications even where there is a mark on the signal. beline is on your side, weather sensitivity, dizziness, sleep disturbance, weakness, increased anxiety, all these may be signs of vsd. eltacin is an assistant in the fight against vsd. indian pava-pava from the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children. results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. today , vladimir putin congratulated the staff of the investigative committee on the thirteenth anniversary of the establishment of the department. in an address to employees, the president noted that they are at the forefront of the fight. against crime and corruption, firmly defend
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the interests of the state, protect the rights and freedom of citizens. at the same time, putin emphasized that now more than ever, the professionalism, courage and dedication of forensic investigators are in demand in solving problems aimed at maintaining law and order in the donbass, novorusiya, where it is necessary to investigate the crimes of neo-nazis against civilians. today the kremlin commented on the scandal with the expulsion from latvia of 822. pensioner boris katkov. the latvian authorities considered that he posed a threat to national security and, as stated by the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, for any state such a practice of forced expulsions is an absolute disgrace. but judging by the attitude of official riga, hundreds, even thousands of people may be expelled from the country. meanwhile, boris katkov himself spoke with russian journalists today and expressed his opinion about what happened. alexey chebataryov reports.
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boris kotkov arrives at an impromptu briefing within the walls of the baltic federal university every minute, energetic in a suit, a neatly tied tie, even with a smile, as if the two days of forced movement to kaliningrad through pskov and st. petersburg after the expulsion of his own home in riga had never happened. the latvian special services, probably , can write down this atypical energy for his eighty-two as a threat to national security, they say , russian pensioners are now in some kind of mythical order, but he is just a man who... was severely kicked out of the house where he had lived for almost six decades. the most painful issue for him was the marriage of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who remained in riga. hard in one day, lose all your relatives. only boris katkov has 13 close relatives in riga, half have latvian citizenship, and in the house from which the pensioner was taken by special forces last week, the younger generations of the family also live with him and his wife. one day, all the relatives of the pensioner cannot sell their property ; they cannot break with life in latvia. and he had to readjust himself in just a weekend, i will continue
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to work here, so i hope to use my experience that i have accumulated over 25 years of work in a public organization, over 15 years of work at the representative office. 25 years at the helm of the russian-latvian cooperation association; 15 years at the representative office of the baltic federal university in latvia. boris kotkov, being a russian pensioner in riga after the collapse of the soviet union, helped establish normal human relations between latvians and russians. established humanitarian connections, sent those wishing to study at russian universities to a university in kaliningrad, organized celebrations of victory day and published a magazine for compatriots. that's enough today to receive charges from the latvian intelligence services. in a threat to national security and the hour of training. i found myself arrested for going to the toilet, which means with the convoy, that means having a drink with the convoy , until 4 o’clock, until 16 o’clock, from 8 o’clock they kept me, showed me a document stating that i had been arrested, a second document was presented at the border
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when they said , there’s russia, and a document stating that i was released as a gift, boris katkov crossed the border on foot, but fortunately in the pskov region. already knew about the expulsion of the pensioner. the motherland met a compatriot warmth promises to provide everything you need in the future. boris kotkov visited kaliningrad more than once during the soviet years, served here in the missile forces, and recently regularly came to the baltic federal university on business. the representative office, which he heads in riga, helps boris kotkov solve everyday problems and intends to cooperate with him in the future. i think that his experience, especially his experience in recruiting applicants from the baltic countries to the baltic federal. university, it will be very good for us useful, the representative office, of course, worked for many years, it was opened in 2008, and quite serious activities were carried out within its walls, and there were and were events dedicated to the promotion of the russian language and russian culture, perhaps it is the promotion of the russian language and culture that is now assessed in the baltic states as many years
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of systematic work in the interests of russia, and this is the only way the latvian special services explained what the threat to national security is from boris kotkov. for the matter that the pensioner never passed the exam on knowledge of latvian or failed humiliating interviews about the events of recent history, then questions about whose crimea is, do you support the operation there, well , there are a lot of questions, there are such tricky questions in order to preserve citizens there who know the language well, so we said, write crimea in ukrainian, like this, so don't think that all those faces are. they will now boast, here are all the citizens of russia, who, here, they wrote that crimea is ukrainian, that they are against putin there, and so on. no, it's all vomit. while boris katkov settled in the hostel baltic federal university, but in the coming days they promise that the university will find him a comfortable office apartment. the governor
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of the kaliningrad region is also scheduled to meet with him this week to discuss other issues of settling the pensioner in the region. but will there be a forced move home? it is just as simple for our other fellow citizens, not citizens of the baltic republics, because the latvian ministry of internal affairs stated that it is undesirable for the 1,350 people living in latvia to stay in the country for decades. alexey chaptarev, dmitry sitnikov, ntv, kaliningrad. russian presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov arrived today on a three-day working visit to the khabarovsk territory. at the airport he was solemnly greeted with a loaf of bread. salt, the candidate thanked the residents for the warm welcome and promised that the state will continue to work on the development of the region. together with a delegation from the party, kharitonov met with employees of the krasnorechenskoye farm, and tomorrow he will take part in the far east development forum. he also has a meeting planned with residents, university students and representatives
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of public organizations in the region. now a short advertisement. and that’s what we’ll talk about after it. we're fed up, german farmers are staging their biggest protest in berlin. sergei kholoshevsky about how olaf scholz and his government got everyone. it is profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank. free sbercard for pensioners. favorable deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, loan discount to buy something you have long dreamed of, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions.
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or in a branch. this is the program today. we continue our release. the center of berlin today found itself in complete siege. street traffic paralyzed thousands of tractors, combines, trucks. thus, german farmers and the carriers who have joined them are protesting against the economic policy of the government of olaf scholz; the authorities’ plans to cancel benefits and reduce subsidies for manufacturers and truck drivers risk literally ruining several sectors of germany at once, including vital agriculture. and today's speech is the culmination of the protests that have engulfed germany over the past week, a worrying trend for chancellor scholz and his ministers, given the overwhelming majority of the latest polls.
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very disrespectful. the day before, farmers lined up tractors in the form of the inscription: “we are fed up, hoping that at least this way they will convey to
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the authorities the full extent of their indignation.” our goal is simple - remove the traffic light, olaf scholz must leave, all his supporters must leave, otherwise everything will remain as it is. we have all been humiliated, both farmers and ordinary citizens, everything is becoming more expensive, the middle class is facing bankruptcy, and the rich are getting even richer. these people really have no other choice. now it just doesn't. the federal government , led by scholz, due to its own made mistakes and decided to take it out on farmers and cut subsidies for diesel fuel. this threatens bankruptcy for most of them. in a similar situation, truckers who drove almost 3.00 trucks to berlin today. scholz doubled the fare for them, and this against the backdrop of crazy prices for diesel fuel. the farmers obstructed the minister of finance christian lindner, who came out today as a demonstrator. the crowd was screaming. get out of here! at first , the authorities tried to portray the farmers as some kind of
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marginalized people, but they soon realized that they could not ignore the protests. too much there's a lot of support for these simple guys in overalls. the rating of scholz's coalition is now, as they say, below the plinth. his team led the country to an energy crisis and severed ties with russia. now everyone is talking about the imminent deindustrialization of germany. the gap between the german political elite and ordinary people is truly enormous. according to the federal bureau of statistics, in the twenty-third year the german economy showed a decline of 0.3%. she never could.
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amid protests from the economic crisis and the helplessness of the chancellor, the popularity of the opposition is growing, according to stern magazine, in the state elections in brandenburg, thuringia and saxony, which are scheduled for this year, an alternative for germany may win, its chairman alice weidel has already announced her desire to take the post of chancellor. we are observing the historical events that germany is going through. germany from the throat stage. we, the adg party, declare that... we are on the side of farmers who defend their right to work and the right to conduct business as independent entrepreneurs, so that provide us with all the necessary, healthy products, we are proud of them. as for farmers, their protests are unlikely to change the situation with the general financial crisis in germany. the constitutional court banned scholz from spending 60 billion euros from the treasury. saving almost
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half a billion annually at the expense of farmers is now also impossible, so the federal government. you will have to rack your brains about where to get the money in order to approve the budget. sergei khaloshevsky, natalya markevich, mikhail yasneev and boris filchikov, european bureau, ntv. the most powerful volcanic eruption in iceland in half a century threatens to wipe out an entire city. we are talking about the fishing town of grendavik, with a population of 4,000 people. in the flow of lava, having broken through the protective barriers of earth and gravel, they reached the streets last night, judging by... in this shot, the fire has already engulfed residential buildings. residents evacuated to safe areas in advance, so there were no casualties, but many owners will obviously have to say goodbye to their houses. the eruption does not stop, the pressure of hot lava does not weaken. myself the volcano is located only 30 km from the icelandic capital of javik rivers, but so far nothing threatens it, except perhaps precipitation in the form of volcanic ash. but this
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morning a bright light flashed over japan. and a fireball. this moment was caught on surveillance cameras. scientists claim that the speed of the celestial body was more than 40 km/second and suggest that it is a meteorite. it is not known exactly where he fell, but judging by the trajectory of his movements, it was somewhere in the area of ​​nagana prefecture. residents of cities over which the meteorite flew say they heard loud bang, like an explosion. this sound effect appears when an object moves at supersonic speed, and this is exactly what mitya had. well, now it ’s weather forecast time in our weather studio irina polikova. irina, it’s been a week now, sometimes -20, sometimes around zero, when will these weather swings finally end? yes, they are not even going to slow down . the next atlantic cyclone has already begun its journey over the european territory of russia. this means that we are waiting for a wave of heat, a wave of cold and precipitation, which
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are usually clearly emphasized by such turns. at first. warm air that the cyclone drives in front of itself. today it is spreading across the central regions and even at night the temperature will continue to rise. tomorrow the most significant increase in the volga region, volgovyatsky district in the south of the komina republic is 5 to 10°. well, the cold air is already ready to blow away all this and add snow. tomorrow by evening the temperature will drop by 10 degrees in the north-west, in the center by three to four degrees. the main thing on wednesday in the south on wednesday, but the cold front will begin its precipitation there tomorrow, on the coast of krasnodar edges, heavy rain, possibly with thunderstorms. more on the capital cities a little later. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. remoflexalar movement without pain in any weather. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with ovisol. only in it the oats of milky ripeness are enhanced with the herbs turmeric. and the cheerful valar is number one for cleansing
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the liver. cleanse your liver with folk remedies. reducing joint pain without damaging stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. in st. petersburg tomorrow with snow during the day -7, the coldest one will be wednesday night. and in moscow tomorrow there may be about five centimeters of snow, but the pressure of warm air will be enough to keep a maximum of -2 for another day. it won’t be enough further, there’s a sharp cold snap here, but it’s short, that’s a plus. it’s precisely because of these throwings that thursday and friday are very snowy, we need to prepare, at least mentally, oh, strength we all, warned, means prepared, thank you, thank you, irina, irina polyakova with the weather forecast, these are the main news
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for this hour and we elmira and findeeva and vladimir chernashov, we say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the basting engine works perfectly. installation of equipment within the project folk fuel, i converted my car to run on methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas for.
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at gazprom stations, well, how could you forget to put the facility on guard, the seventh day without days off, i was already sleeping for a year, i went, and in the morning... i came out, what happened? so what about the cameras? nothing, he worked in a mask, alone, he came several times, did he have a car? no, on his own two feet, well that means he’s local. well, i call easier so that he can get through the city ones cameras? for what? we have a more qualified specialist, yes, you finish here, and we’ll go, let’s go. i’ll finish, gyatya, this is all for you, forgive me, come out,
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shut up already, i’m tired of yelling, repent, you ’re all for me. what a question? well, why so many? i'm still a lady. i'll get two half rubles for my eyes. your eyes deserve the best drunk in the world. the thief was found. come on, come on, serebryakov is alone. i, of course, apologize for breaking yours. idyll, but i'm afraid that the great binge is cancelled, who are you, you are arrested for robbing a cafe.


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