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tv   Bim-3  NTV  January 15, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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me, come out, yes, shut up already, i’m tired of yelling, katya, this is all for me, what a question, why so much, i’m still a lady, i have two half-rupees for my eyes, your eyes. worthy of the best drunk in the world, we found a kidnapper, let's drive up, serebryakov is alone, i, of course, apologize for disturbing your idyll, but i'm afraid that the great binge is cancelled, who are you, you are arrested for robbing a cafe. run, fedya, fedya, better not
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run, fedya, what are you doing, come on, go, take fedya, fedya, take it, come on, lick it, guys, take it off, come on, put this daredevil down, describe it all, okay, come to me, let's go. wow, wait, wait, how beautiful, well , wait, wait, wait, come here, come here, let 's get acquainted, hello, he's shy , okay, we're in the park every morning, come, okay, we'll definitely come, come, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, why are you confused, i understand everything, everything is fine, but not now, let's go, you and i still have to write a report.
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my friends are all going abroad, but i’ll probably stay, laugh, get drunk, if anyone knows nothing, i’m getting married, my friends write to me saying how you are, but i’m fine.
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you see, colleague, and friendship is a compromise, a compromise between two persons, i , for example, do everything for our friendship, and you, who did you see there, and old acquaintances, and what’s scary, like pulling the blanket off me in the morning, you’re not afraid to approach a girl, so you’re not our hero right away, right? okay, let's go, i'll hold you, let's go, let's go, good morning, and will you allow me to sit down, of course, sit down, thank you, good morning, oh, well,
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i already have an assistant, granddaughter maybe you need help, thank you, but i came, you know, how glad i am, i thought that was my daughter’s name, she died of cancer, maybe i won’t see her again, we last saw each other when anechka was years old five, i’ve been here for 20 years... every day i keep only one
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thing, i ask that my granddaughter forgive me, i’m very guilty before her, but it’s time for us. and you, young man, if you come an hour earlier, then you will have more time, but now we have no choice, nice to meet you, come, well, let's go, that's all good luck to you, see you later, this is romeo and juliet bobrov, the moscow theater, lord , what is there to see there, well, the teenagers couldn’t cope with their raging hormones, they killed themselves, by the way, there was a similar case in the oktyabrsky district, but the truth is he only broke his legs , climbed up to her through a drainpipe , drunk, but wanted to see that she was there, who was there with, when he was registered, that’s what they called romeo, i bought tickets a month in advance, i
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bought you a new shirt, i bought myself a dress and sat there for a month on vegetables to fit into it, but why buy a dress for who needs to lose weight, they will be there... and if you don’t come, you will have a hormonal imbalance from a drainpipe in one place, i understand, there’s a cultural program tonight, where are you going so early, a woman needs to get ready to look good in the evening in the morning, i realized that today is a day of beauty. we took the corn, and now
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we’ll go get your latins for the dance, i just remembered, but i want turquoise ones, i saw them over there, let’s go, listen, well, what kind of turquoise ones, they said black, black means black, i want a tablet, you have a tablet already have it, why do you need another one? shopping, where are you going, and i’m going to the salon, i need to get myself in order, which salon, i thought you were already from the salon, so beautiful, you need to do even better, in the evening we’re going to the show, it ’s romeo gillette coming, yes, yeah, i’m jealous, well, i was glad to see you, mutually,
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children, listen to your mother, behave well, beautiful aunt. uh-huh, beautiful, maybe i would be beautiful too if i had more free time and money, zhura, i need a day off, what kind of day off, what is the day off from, wait, olya, but from family?
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ordinary household chores, payback is inevitable, and what to do, prepare for suffering, lesh, i ask you, beg, but don’t, don’t force it, hello, i wish, where is makar, you gave him the uncoupling, and i... gave it, yeah, and he took it , but he might not have taken it, there was no one to work in the department, you know, and he took advantage of the momentary weakness of his superiors, so he solved two cases, opened a criminal chain, he himself went to arrest, otherwise oh well, and those, the reporting, where is yours, they’re standing here,
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waiting for you, be so kind, that’s it, the mosquito won’t hurt your nose, that’s it... you know, that’s it, that’s it that’s all, everything that happened, uh, timofey arkadyevich, and i have a question here - hmm, i thought, i thought, well, i didn’t think, my wife thought, you know, ollie needs a day off, so from household chores, uh, ah so that she has a day off, that means i need to take a day off from you, oh, yes, well, and if makar goes out tomorrow, then i don’t have to go out, yes, georgy ivanovich, look at me carefully, carefully now. “i understand everything, yes i understand, i understand, well, great, but i still
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have to go to the department with your scribbles, ilin, ilin, wait, yeah, i’m completely arrogant, veronica, i, and what, you were at the salon , getting ready for the evening, right, good, you also had plastic surgery, what are you saying, it’s all diet, sports and be healthy, okay, don’t tell me about the diet, veronique , don’t be tormented, tell me what you did to your face, this is a visiting procedure, the last one, where, thank you, is everyone at the performance? yes, yes, come on, come on, damn, where did you come from, turn on the flashing lights,
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give in, otherwise there will be a murder, police colonel, since mother, you, you are here, my god, forgive me, i was detained at the department. that's it, i'm done the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, trendy for you!
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she decided to punish me, yes, well, okay, i’m better off. bim, we agreed on an hour earlier, you came an hour and a half, okay, okay, okay, okay, let's go, let's go, let's go, romeo, oh, my god, amazing! aroma: perfection and harmony of taste, the classic collection
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of greenfield loose leaf tea. greenfield tea, finding harmony. the information about the gang of killers is being confirmed, we don’t care. aren't you scared, viktor sergeevich? it’s very scary, kostya, it’s scary what can happen here. nothing will work out. give evidence, tell the truth, raise the specialists, sergei sergeevich, that there are no other bandits left in the city, their turn will come too, chief, today at 22:15 on ntv. beyond, new season with timur eremeev, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against there are situations
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when only a big tender burger with chicken can save you, a big chicken burger with a large tender chicken breast fillet, crispy breading, tomatoes, lettuce and special sauce, also try the new big chicken mushroom burger at a delicious point, national lottery. now we have more than a thousand millionaires, i’m bursting with pride, the chance to become next on national lottery, download the magnit application, if you want more advantages, discounts, promotions of bonuses for purchases with the magnit card, profitable, as you like, pain and the discomfort of sitting down is impossible to endure. try urinal f, it is capable of action 20 minutes after application, so that you do not were distracted from what was most important. urinalgin f. do not tolerate pain during testing. does it seem like
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something has changed? no, everything is the way we love it, kfc, now rostix, but the legendary taste is still the same, whole chicken meat that you love so much, yes, exactly, everything is the way we love it, yeah, beyond the bounds of the new season with timur eremeev, tomorrow in 16:45 on ntv. hi, great, why are you so happy? oh, yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i already i started to forget, as it happens, i might also buy it, what is called the atrium growing there,
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i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times. what do you think works? what , i don’t think so, i know, you’re dark, of course, i’m now my wife, you know, how and what’s there, how to take it, call, it’s all simple, when you order , they’ll explain everything to you in detail, just a second, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it for yourself, try it, then again. you’ll say, okay, i’ll think about it , i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better try once than think 100 times , come on, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market,
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men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men, hurry up ! women, hurry up and try prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women order it for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold. well, maybe they haven’t arrived yet, let’s wait.
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i agree, i agree, not everyone , you’ll see tomorrow, tomorrow, if you want tomorrow, well, we’ll come , if you want 2 hours earlier, if you want, well, okay , but if you want even three hours, but if we come 3 hours earlier, then the whole next month we get up an hour later than usual, okay, okay, we get up half a month earlier. well, everything ’s agreed, everything’s fine, let’s go, let’s go home tomorrow. we’ll come, where are you going, wait, wait, show me the body, anna
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petrovna, do you know each other? like, what happened? massive heart attack, who reported? granddaughter, she is now with the investigator, thank you. hello, how are you, thank you, i’m hanging in there, this is our authorized makar, anna nikolaevna streltsova, it’s a pleasure for me, too. why are you here, i don’t think i reported a crime, no, yes, i’m on
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a personal matter, well, i mean, i knew anna petrovna, and bim is here on a personal matter, and you allow me, of course. old man, well, that means it’s necessary, oh, excuse me, please, what about asya? when san petrovna and her grandmother became ill, asya became so worried, she couldn’t find a place for herself, she kept trying to run away after the doctors. bim is just very worried about asya, tell me, could we join you for an evening walk today, of course, yes, excuse me, yes, so what,
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you can’t live without me for 5 minutes or something, i’ll be there now, that’s it, let’s hang up, well then at 7 o'clock. on the embankment, all the best, agreed, bam, great, but it’s true that i’m with him, it seems, guys, he fell in love, huh?
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we're working, yeah, ring my wife's phone, find out where she last made contact, and video from the cameras, track the movement of the car, by the evening i should know where she went, what it is, what it is, it smacks of a violation of civil rights, you’ll go stand outside, in the heat. you'll be tormented to swallow the sack, i'm doing it, we're working, we're working, we're working, we're working, lyokha, well, in our department
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the news of the century, what, elina left the beaver, you... get ready, completely, well, not at all, not really, but i didn’t spend the night at home , oh, yezhkin, at least there’s an end to everything, yeah, boom, quiet, you, i remember, i remember, i remember about your date, that you’re on in fact, cops, we need cover. listen, i can’t believe it, have we really been cheated, or maybe they need our help? bang, bang, where to go?
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no, vim, where are you going, well, it must be so. stop, everything is fine, i’ll call for reinforcements now, put your hands down. lord let's go.
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and the duty officer, this is klimov, urgent order - address, serebryakov alone, yeah, that's it, i'm waiting for what happened here, oh, i have no idea, they broke out, tied them up, started turning everything over, dismantling
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the furniture. you will still live, you saved my life, then you saved me, oh, here come the reinforcements it arrived, where were you, and where was asya, and they got vaccinated and left for quarantine, oh, what happened here? robbery of the century. anh, we will now need to go to the department to remember everything in detail and write it down. it is not advisable to return to the apartment now. i can offer you my modest home. i have a great sofa. thank you. well
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, i’ll stay at home, i need to prepare for the funeral , i can give you a ride, i’ll be very pleased, come on, go to the department, i’ll come soon, and don’t argue with me, they tell you to go, go, what a shame, but they asked, so what? , asked, how often is this it happens, no one saw anything, well... and the cctv cameras, but i’m telling you, no one saw anything, what are you looking at, why are you up, go, i’ll be right there, it’s clear, you’re still working hard, well done, i’ll give you more i’ll give you some work, now i’ll send you video from surveillance cameras, you need to
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check it. thank you, well , you have my phone number, call me if anything happens, just call me, maybe coffee, coffee with pleasure, tomorrow, i’ll call you, okay, thank you very much. yes, well, they identified it, okay, i’ll be right there, come on, there were two criminals, this one was identified, a loader was passing through at the port. witness in the
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smuggling case, the second is still unknown. makar, have you submitted your report on the poisoning yet? no, it's on the table, what's wrong with you? were you at the hospital as usual? no, what? well, the bandage was professionally applied, it was for his love, what kind of love? out of love, and the whole gang is assembled, what’s wrong with you? as usual, i wasn’t in the hospital, well, that’s normal, so sit down, better, sit down, sit down, sit down. “well, what about the phone, the cameras, the last time your wife got in touch was at the clinic smile
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youth, there she spent 100,000, then turned off the phone, how much, wow , a smile came out, i wonder what she was doing there, yes, then she went to the bus station, left there..." the car and took the bus, ilina on bus , but it can’t be, it can’t be, but look, she gets out of the car and gets on the bus, and why are you all wrapped up, like she’s hiding from someone or something, maybe from you, i’m quieter, i followed the route bus, she didn’t get off at any stop, maybe she stayed on the bus, yes? timofey arkaevich , you really messed up, yes , yes, i was late, that’s it, the department was delayed, yeah, she, however, bought tickets for this performance a month in advance, she also bought herself a new dress, two sizes
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smaller, she lost weight all month for a woman to miss an event for which she was losing weight, there can only be two reasons for this, death. everyone goes home, but no, to the port.
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did she forgive you? well, i don’t know, she probably loved him, what is the secret of his family happiness. i recently gave her a cup and saucer, yes, eh i deposited the receipt from the tv. leon izmailov and his million-dollar secret. on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. good afternoon. hello. captain klimov. criminal investigation, captain proshkin, but you haven’t seen this comrade, it’s vovka glass, and where can you find him, he ’s digging around, georgy ivanovich, forgive me about the second one, yeah, well, what are we playing at, fool, vladimir? steklov, what do you need, you need to drive
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with me, okay, in the other direction. well, you couldn’t find another way, or what? yes, lesh, the credit card showed up, in which hotel?
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got it, i'm leaving. ay, well done, bi, well done, well done, take the dog away, yes, first tell me why you hit my head, so you know what... it happens for an attack on a policeman, but it’s not me, yes, who, it’s the antique dealer teryakovsky , he asked for help, and you know, how much does such help cost, and that the antique dealer was digging through grandma’s furniture, but i don’t know, he was looking for something there, but i don’t know, i didn’t find it before , take the dog away, i’ll tell you to
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bite off something, but i won’t fight, i answer, take the dog away, okay, ugh, georgy ivanovich, yes i here, come on, take this one to the department. and we ’re visiting the anti-war dealer, come in, owners, what ’s there, oh, boom, bang, wait, wait, wait, you can take it away, well, what do you say? it looks like a heart attack, but there are some suspicious details, i will tell you more after the autopsy. okay, overall. as i
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suspected, the heart attack was caused by karnetisin, sorry, extremely karnetisin, what kind of drug? it is used exclusively during heart surgery; it is absolutely impossible to buy it in a pharmacy, even with a prescription. oh, what does it mean to be murder? definitely, definitely, the killer is a doctor, or someone who has access to the operating room or to the drug, i agree, go ahead, do an examination.
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olya, you actually didn’t understand everything as well as this, hello, it’s me, i’ll go and do an examination, it’s really a stupid situation, and what i didn’t understand is that you ’re drawing hearts in the air for a chemical guy, but i’m not a chemical guy, well , what are you talking about, well, i’ll give this makar, makar, in short, this is for you. and i have a day off, what do you mean a day off? ol, well, i’m at work, ol, so what, well, okay, a day off is a day off, it’s not scary at all, damn it, well, i suggest buying some ice cream first, oh, well,
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that’s another matter, let’s go, let’s go, ah, they wanted to kill me, for what? they were looking for something in your house, something very valuable, mine is valuable, you saw the apartment, yes you did, this confuses me, excuse me, yes, katya. yes, i’m listening, so it’s still a double murder, okay. i understand, they just confirmed that your
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grandmother was also killed, how she was killed, who, why, this is what we have to find out, but until the killer is found, i still recommend that you move in with me, you stay alone unsafe. yes bim, please come in, oh, we need more. i have to go to work, well, you can find everything here, please , go outside without me, okay, bim,
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what are you doing, but hold on, hold on, i just have asthma, bim, well, first of all, this is not brotherly, usually at such moments he delicately leaves, usually, no, not like usual, in general, here are the keys, lock up, okay, let's go, bark, let's go to work, come on, they'll be waiting for you, and you too, shut up.
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elina, elinochka, ilin, what's going on, ilina? so what we have, we have a dead old lady, this. we also have slide number two: a dead antique dealer, beaten in an absolutely identical way, we have a loader, we also have a victim, and how these people are connected to each other, we don’t know yet, but the victim? good. alyosha, have you looked at the old lady’s things? yes, they
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do not represent any artistic or material value. for what? why then would an antique dealer take such a risk? there must be something that caused the old lady to be killed, and then the antique dealer himself. anna could not have known him; she had just arrived. so he knew the old lady, why? couldn't have known? anya came into the antique salon on the day the old lady died, oh well, and you’ve known about this for a long time, about 20 minutes, amazing, something else, after anna’s visit the antique dealer began to fuss, he started... he started calling auction houses, then to our friend to the loader, then together with them they fell into the old woman’s house, where they tied up anna,
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coincidence, open it immediately! who are you with, and i will shoot, in general, your anya, of course, is very pretty, and if i were in other circumstances, close, i would just hit this blonde to the nines, just oh, olechka, how good you look, no, this is not the investigation department, this is the pestilence department. decomposition of some kind of betrayal, olya, you misunderstood me, honestly, i heard this already today, ivan, vasilisa,
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say goodbye to your father, that means say goodbye to your father. “if she’s not real, and she’s just pretending, then at least she should be real, anna, it’s all over, katyusha, well-deserved vacation, daddy, how did i miss you?” well, you won’t die,
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but how could they find me, it’s impossible, the department now faces another task, my wife was killed, my daughter was wounded, what other task, what kind of bullshit? entered the training base, killed all my fighters, burned all the buildings, these people will not leave us alone, so i will find every scum, for the barrel of the earth, i will kill her. destroy sarma premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. beyond the new season with timur eremeev tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. anxiety can be treated. new. afabazole retard. gradual release of the active substance. just one tablet per day. afabazol. anxiety can and should be treated. at avito work it’s easy to find your place. dad,
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available on yandex market. omega 3,000 is wild inside, they brought us squirrels, omega 3 straight to kamchatka. take omega 3 from wild kamchatka salmon from the tynlot fish factory. open number twenty-nine. it's against the rules. there's a criminal there my wife. your wife, the criminal, or criminals, your wife. open it immediately, i’m a real colonel, i can call you to the row. katya, katya, the medicine that causes a heart attack, it’s done right. inject, or you can inject , you can through the respiratory tract, it comes in the form of an aerosol, yeah, thank you, pim, come on, let's go, get on with it, don't
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come, yulinochka, what's happening, you have to tell me, you'll stop loving me, i'll stop loving you never, but... you were tortured, who did it? calm down, it's me, how am i doing? for what? this nervous, huh? and critical days, i knew it, i love you, anyone, i was just afraid that you would leave me, that you would leave me? yes, because you are younger, because i am older, and this is all nonsense? yes, yes, but i was scared.
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we haven’t communicated since then, she traded her daughter’s life for some thing, albeit a very expensive one, and you can switch to video call mode, good afternoon, yes, of course, tell me, anyone else could know about this cameo, i don’t think so , but our nurse knew, she then helped us take care of our mother and was in the know, but how her name, don’t remember, i remember, irina stryki. do you happen to have any photographs? i don’t have it, but you can find it on the website of our ankocenter. lyosh, thank you very much , you’re welcome, but i really wouldn’t like to have
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anything to do with my grandmother’s affairs, but forgive me, you still have to come, i found it, but it’s mine, by... what happened? what happened? bim, come on, let's go, sergich, maybe i can go with you? no, i'm on my own. i found out, yes, the dogs were vaccinated for
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transportation abroad, a ticket to istanbulul was purchased under strikin’s name. but what about quarantine? and there was no quarantine. strykina herself paid for the dog to be kept in the clinic for a couple of days. i understand. wait, wait, wait, irina strykina, you have been arrested on suspicion of double murder. you have no proof. did you want to take cameo out of the country on a dog? makar. “i didn’t want to, it’s just that the old woman saw through me, and i had to, when i showed the cameo to the antique dealer, he wanted to keep it, yes, but you already attached the cameo to the dog, and left the dog
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in the hotel, at the clinic, very smart, the antique dealer got confused all your plans and you are his i decided, i had no choice, it happened by chance, you planned everything in advance , you were exposed." it’s worth it, we have enough together for the rest of our lives, i see how you look at me, don’t you dare, don’t even think, you want they've devoured you here now , boom, you're under arrest. you still decided
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to come, yes, i had to close this page in order to move on with my life, and i also wanted to see this and remember what awaits me if i ever even think about it about the choice between a person and some thing, well, i have to go to the station, i’ll give you a lift. when is this will a hundred thousand beauty appear? well, you said that you love me, anyone , i love, love, love, love, love, love, you were really scared that i left you, very much, well, you ’re my little beaver, well, i’ll never let you go from my clutches , ah, ah, ah, ah, oh, oh, anya, this
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thing belonged and belongs to your family, you should have it, please give it to the museum, it belongs there, okay, thank you, all the best, goodbye, let's go, let's go, let's go, yes, what are you like children? little ones, that you can’t live without me or something, but where? ok, i'll be there now that's all, well, okay, don't be sad, but what didn't happen, the service is calling, oh, great, hell, bin, where are they taking you, huh? okay,
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oh, sergeech, great!


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