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tv   Politseiskoe bratstvo  NTV  January 16, 2024 6:05am-7:01am MSK

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kots, no, no, no, no , god, no, i, no, don’t, don’t , no, no, no, no, no, no, this is a stamp, number seven, well, it’s needed here, so that well, you did it, my dear fool, i didn’t do anything, pure bitter tears, mixing with blood, flowed down.
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“let me write in the evening, see you, uh-huh, won’t see you, why, forgive me, you’re already killed as if to death,
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so, sobolev, who exactly gave you direct instructions, major general boris arkadvich shilov, he ordered me to bring in garin and tarasov to carry out seizure of a truck with drugs, which was not there. i am nurturing you, i fed you and raised you with these hands.
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well, continue. egor tarasov served time for taking a bribe, and, as far as i know, it was boris arkadyevich shilov who arranged for tarasov to receive this very bribe. for what purpose? to take the place for which tarasov also applied for, took, and received the position of head of department. wanted, yes i 'll give it to you now, give it to me, come here, come here, creature, give it to me, boss, yes, i 'll strangle you with my own hands, creature, come here, come here, creature, lord, is it really all over, yes, because nezabutkin meets all the deadlines, nizabutkin. because nezabudkin is a brilliant
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author and the pride of russian literature , in a word, pushkin is unfinished, so khodiev , so the manuscript, yeah. and who are you? hello, this is your new district police officer, i’m doing my rounds, i would like, so to speak, to get acquainted with the supervised contingent, hello, hello , by the way, i’m the pearl of your contingent , well, a writer, writer stepan nezabudkin, that is... my pseudonym is andrey kutuzov, well
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public favorite, you know, no, you don’t know, yes, okay. well, i’ll give you my book, me against the district police officer, come in, great, fedorovich, well, you’re still digging around for your wreck, great, it’s you and me.
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no, here i am, by the way, by the way, where can i get you a normal job, all my life, he worked as a cop, caught all sorts of freaks, and besides, i almost don’t know how to do anything else, hello, hello, whose garage is this? , well, let’s say, mine, what’s the matter, great, and the car? also yours, yes, well, let’s say, mine, great, what’s the question, but you see, how you yegor fedorovich, yegor fedorovich, look, i ’m the lokeysh of the film crew, we
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’re shooting a movie not far from here, slackers, they ’re shooting movies, we need just such a car, just like yours, he knows, what’s the benefit for us from this? wait, don’t worry, it’s not just like that, it’s an absolutely official rental, we’ll pay you great money, how much, wait, well, that’s of course a different conversation, just you know, she doesn’t run very fast, yegorich, we don’t need it fast, what do we have here, texture for the protagonist, background for the image. what is this? well, don’t go into it, in general , look, we need a perfectly clean machine tomorrow morning on the move, i’ll send you the address, do it, good and excellent, that means this is an agreement, it’s absolutely standard, sign it, you
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should read it first before signing , i 'm here. why read it, well, a standard contract, the lawyers probably did their best, of course, of course, yes, it’s there on the last page, yeah, but the money, it’s money , right there on the last page, yeah, yeah, great, thank you, yeah , pen, please look, it means here is a quarter of the amount, you'll get the rest tomorrow at the site, okay, did you see it? and you say, we got lucky , yesterday, wait, a second , dictate your phone number, yes, yes, yeah, i’m writing it down, great, workers, great that you wrote everything down, oh, nikita, look
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what’s going on, and they burst in to the apartment of a famous writer, they beat him, robbed him, hid the safe, took everything out, jewelry, watches.
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i was robbed, they took everything away, i said, i also have force majeure, your novel was supposed to go through proofreading yesterday and go into typesetting, if i can’t meet the deadlines, they’ll impose a penalty on me too sanctions, they will rip off three skins from me, you hear me, valera, i’m ending the conversation, i ’m waiting, you’re a genius, styopa, here are the lines, damn publisher, well, you’ll find these freaks, huh? who knows, this is how it will go, how it will go, well, why fuss, they didn’t kill
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anyone, even you, he’s fine, well, in a relative sense, i forgot, i’m not forgetting, that is, i’m kutuzov, that is he’s busy, they don’t let me in, but hello, what are you, such people, the cream of society, the creative elite. great, styopa, hello, what's wrong with your head, well, glory has caught up, or the elephant couldn't restrain himself again, they'll lick you you? no, thank you, lyosha, i have a headache, how come? you’re a creative intelligentsia, just give it to you, well, styopa, you’re not the same coat anymore, i need your help, what happened? the book doesn’t work, or the new beauty didn’t give it to me, styopa, i would like your
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problems, please help me, again, again , yes, but how are you going to pay me, mokulai again, the fact of the matter is that there will be no more waste paper , you see, they hit me on the head, robbed me, and most importantly , they stole my computer along with a new book, in my memory. let me splash you for peace, listen, well, i have no time for your jokes, please help me find the robbers, styopa, i’m not at that age to get involved with such a naughty person, not to respect myself, i understand everything, just wait , the hope of russian literature, thank you, lyusha, not for what, contact tarasov. he ’ll definitely help you, he’ll come up with something, i’m still, you’ll ask me
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for something else, comrade general, well , i brought it, yes, you have a minute, just let’s hurry up, you know what i want for this it will happen, nothing will happen to you for this, yes, karaganda, vitya, how long have you been sharing? oh, comrade general, what do we owe? you seem to be restless? how do you know that? i am vitya-pitersky, and peter is a small city. do you remember my fosterling, colonel ivan sobolev? well, i remember, he was so inquisitive. so, vetyunya has done a lot of things, it is necessary, vetyunya, for you
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to silence him, as quickly as possible forever, as they say, less freaks, more oxygen, okay, boris arkaevich, i’ll take care of your colonel, yes, only you, keep your word, don’t say too much, we’ll solve the problem, we’ll get it, evening in the house, prisoner, sitka, be healthy, comrade general, and you will lead me to the monastery, you will continue to speak out here for me, so dumb, listen here, a businessman has arrived, one little man needs to be removed. find me a bard, urgently, i understand, i understand, life, no,
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rain, it saves and forgives, suddenly it passes, you can’t return it, and it doesn’t promise anything, and nothing. does not promise, life, no, rain, life, no, rain. that's it, it's too late, the kids are going to bed, no, dad, come on, that's it, let's kiss daddy in the tent, march, that's it, princess, bye, rich , let's clean up here, yes, where are you going, so i'll leave nastya i'll choose, just not for long, ok, good.
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no, not up to that, yes, old mop, but do you remember, once upon a time, my head is pounding, what are you thinking about my business, i think that finding these gopniks will be quite difficult, why, well, most likely they are tourers , mother, trawlers, but they come from another city. carries out the apartment , comes back, you have such a plot in one of your books , what did you read, i was the one running this business then, but i don’t remember something, by the way, where is my percentage, don’t get distracted, of course, now i
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’ll tell him everything, yes, styopa, i warned you, khan to you, well, it’s clear, i’ll shake everything out of you, you’re in figs, well, valerochka, dear, if not a manuscript, then money, you’ll be with me, you ’ll go to my literary blacks, you’ll work like a slave for the glerg, thank you , i ’ll call you back, well, styopa, just wait, god, how i hate him, you asshole, listen, are you somehow nervous? yes, i’m not nervous, okay, okay, my publisher is asking me for a book, okay, let’s get down to business, tell me, you often have strangers in your apartment, i often have strange girls, then they become strangers, and then i put them on the black list, here it is, you want to call everyone, come
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on, are you crazy, they’re all idiots, yes, so you and i won’t go far, good afternoon, major, please give me the documents, what’s the matter? , you say, yes, nothing, a simple check, strengthening, strengthening, but something happened, i was alone tonight... a businessman was killed, right in his own cottage, wow, and we thought this only happens in the movies, he’s not mine tearing me away from the tv, not getting someone for dinner, and i’m generally silent about homework, there’s really a problem with this tv, i understand that it’s the same, but it’s harmful
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to watch this tv for a long time, you need to study, you heard what comrade major said, okay, hold on! drive by, thank you, dad, m, look what you brought, show me, oh, here, the sketch is all. written, one might say , from life, or rather compiled from the words of the greatest writer of our time, these are not witticisms, stepan, a really good writer, let’s get to the point, go ahead. uh-huh, printouts from cctv cameras are also attached, uh-huh, you see the suspect’s face is almost invisible, that means
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he knew where the cameras were hanging, he was prepared, but according to the witnesses, the testimonies of the witnesses indicate that the suspect was not working alone, a man also dressed in a police uniform helped him carry out the bags , and he also did not show up on the cameras, what do you think? but what do i think, well, i think that this is not a random crime, it looks like an organized group was working, we need to look at the city reports and look at similar crimes, thanks dad. america has just discovered that this is not a random crime, somehow i got through without you, not the first day in this business, not be insolent, nikita, you are insolent to your father, don’t be insolent
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to your father, the reports have long been raised, similar crimes, they really exist, but specifically in the case of stepan ivanovich nezabudkin, the doorbell rang as if a local police officer, but in other cases, as if a doctor, as if as if a fireman, as if an employee of the gas service... as if they were enough, yes , this is another matter, as if a version emerges, somehow it emerges, where the criminals took the uniform, well, as if a policeman, as if an employee of the gas service , it's clear. well it is more like yes, valera, hello, listen, you fucking writer
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, this is a total mess, why do you turn off the phone when i’m talking to you, who are you without me, what are you going to eat if i don’t pay you, you’re completely crazy, not a zabudkin, drive away grandmas, why did you turn your back on me, and do you understand that you set me up? create, i’m also a genius of a local spill, yes, i’ll give you, yes, i ’ll give you a counter, clear, great, counter, that’s the milk, mahler, meet me, this is my lawyer, now we will conduct all our negotiations in the presence of a competent specialist, hello, in a separate room. please, i understood, please, only after you, styopa,
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i have a new proposal, styopa, i propose, very good. “it’s a special day ahead, that you’re sitting there, as if all the criminals have already been caught, but this is a surprise, thank you for your service, well done, good afternoon, captain klimov, makar sergeevich, criminal investigation, dog and boy, such acorns, that’s just i thought it’s good for you, i got there.” bim the new season today at 20:00 , beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. which one is here?
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what do you want? cop? whoa, who's showing up? well, boulder, get your hands ready, we’ll hide the handcuff, let’s go!
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thank you, i have one more question for you, about the rest, about money, about our affairs with you, tell me. where do you get the costumes for all this disgrace? for filming, well , there are different options, there are all sorts of offices, workshops, studios, but we go with others way, we cooperate with one of the city theaters, well, it’s just more reliable and cheaper, you know, the budget is not rubber, business is business, well, of course, business, yes. well, hello, bart, you sing everything,
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you work professionally, your handwriting is clean, the song is good, in short, there’s a point, well, this is more interesting, he called me. this is not the last man here, we need to remove the colonel who has led astray on the shores, if you do, drink some good whiskey, the guarantee of our future successful employee. you know, i don’t leech, but we’ll agree on money, i have be it a colonel, or a general, or even
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the commander-in-chief himself. iron, that means, listen, here, as soon as the bar does its job, remove it too, clearly,
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clearly, sable is an important witness, he can hide the awl for a long time, the cops need him, we’ll crush him, they ’ll dig the ground, they’ll look for who did it, they’ll come out on the bardo, but... we need a truncated truncated, truncated, i noticed that he has become somewhat burzy and the price tag has gone up wildly, the concert is over, like a classic, you sang everything, so go and get bald. you understand what’s the matter here, styopa, i thought, well, we thought, children take from moruska costumes, well, maybe in the theater, you often go to the theater, but what does the theater have to do with it
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, we have a version, yeah, well, recently i was in the theater with a girl, the premiere, the performance, i didn’t understand anything, well... modernism , some kind of performance, like bullshit, in short, well, okay, where were you sitting with your girlfriend, well, what do you think, the best, most expensive places, everything fits, all our victims were sitting in the best and most expensive places, uh-huh, well, there’s an idea, if they’re these bandits. just take it, you’ll be tormented to prove it, yes, so we’ll carry out my plan, well done, yeah, and you give us will you help, no, you don’t, well, you want
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your laptop back, does he? alexander pavlovich, hello, he’s a great writer, and how’s that crazy publisher of yours, and that’s exactly what i came to talk about, that they’re still crushing the loaf of bread on you, i haven’t had much trouble with him, no, no, i wanted you to personally thank you for your help, for your hospitality, you’re tormenting pushkin, i want to give you a gift, listen, writer, you haven’t confused anything, have you? give me an envelope, no, this is not the content that you
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had in mind, this is highly spiritual, that the roma gilita in the theaters are the best places, stepan ivanovich, you are just my hero, but i just haven’t been to the theater for a long time, literally going out, i need to dress up, i need to dress up chicken, and you tell me that i’m in this theater of yours i will do it. so, so, in the buffet there is a milkshake with a straw, like in childhood, cognac, like in childhood, oops, catch it, yeah, well done, okay.
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yes son, dad, hi, when are you coming, i just wanted to ask, what is it, baby? well, in short, my math skills are so stupid that i can’t solve anything, mom swears, but don’t worry, of course, everything has been resolved. dad, when will you be there, will you help me? tell mom i'll be there soon. i swear to you by the sacred moon that silvers the flowering trees. oh, do not swear by the moon, fickle one, the moon that changes its appearance so often that your love does not change. so what should you swear by? don’t swear at all, or if you want, swear by yourself, by yourself, the idol of my soul. i will believe if the feeling of the heart, no, don’t swear, well, you
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’ve seen me, you’re mine, but our agreement, oh dear, i ’m not organizing anything at all, it’s thoughtless, like lightning that disappears before we say, well, here’s lightning, oh dear, what they didn’t share there, good night, what kind of clothes are they wearing, let the sprout of love bloom. the more i give you, the more remains,
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intelligentsia, dear, let's not ruin the evening, i love you so much, i love you so much, but leave me alone, please, juliet, juliet, romeo, juliet, romeo, juliet, oh, hello, working class, hello, lesh, egor, i have great respect. to your pride, to your independence, but
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i have a business proposal for you. i want to offer you a job. no, no, this is for 3 kopecks. he moved the bags, but normal, good work. well, you are a serious man, egor. with destiny. lyoshenka. i have a job, well, something else. and why, now i also work part-time in the cinema, as a night guard? no, i do background work. to the protagonist, that is , before we had one writer, and now we also have a filmmaker, it turns out, so, will you work or will you be a slacker in
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the end? yes of course. who are you? hello, we represent the bailiff service, what do you need? and you have a debt for a traffic police fine, well , i would like to somehow resolve the issue out of court. okay, let's go, okay.
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the whole yard was horrified by the disappearance of the neighbors, they knew that piglet, you were feeling well, and you cleaned everything, almost everything, so i
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’ll open it, oh, oh, lord, who’s there? stepan ivanovich, it’s me, lieutenant january. no, great, come in, yeah, well, well, hello, hello, well, go where, to the bedroom, good books, read, good, little piglet. piglet, you don’t like something, go where, to the bedroom, there , what’s the news, first of all, here’s your novel,
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lord, thank you, otherwise i’ve already started to reconstruct it from memory. everything is intact until the last paragraph, oh, i read it, well, i liked it, strongly, which means i didn’t like it, secondly, uh, the criminals confessed to everything, they are actively cooperating with the investigation, they give confessions, you will get a full sentence there , we will try, well, thirdly, stepan ivanovich, the management is very grateful to you for yours... break the theater, oh well, thank you, little pig, and this is a good book, i don’t know, i haven’t read it, but you, i’m actually a fan of it , would you like me to introduce you, goodbye, and hello,
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boss, close it, yeah, valera, this is not zabudkin, catch the novel, i voiced your capabilities to you, information about your husband’s affairs will be required from you, the man wanted me to spy on you, then i’ll figure it out myself , i must admit, this scares me, he’s a burden to the cops i passed and i don’t forgive this, you’re not scared, viktor sergeevich, it’s scary, very scary, kostya, boss, today at 22:15 on ntv. bim new season today at 20:00 on ntv. renost helps fight the runny nose at
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bore him three children, but he doesn’t know from whom. julia, she is 6 years old, dominic is 4 years old and bogdan is one and eight years old. she repeatedly told me that the children are not mine. and then her wives left him and their children. now the man is ready to abandon those who are not his own. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. in addition, the major general was ready to give general
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nikodimov the dummy car that he had the day before. confiscated in a legal way, but for me it was ordered to monitor the substitution of registration plates, and you carried out this order, what an ungrateful creature you are, vanya, i understand, i learn from the best, boris arkadyevich, gomanite, seba, sobolev, you carried out the order, of course you did, boris arkadyevich was my immediate superior. i couldn’t let him down, boss, give me water, it’s bad, shilov, give me water, i ask you, shilov, stop pretending, we have half of us like you in pre-trial detention, although you have reasons, soon you will be charged under new articles, sobolev, sign it, yes
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attention, get ready. we started, great, the path seemed smooth, time is on you, hello to the engineers of human souls, great, so, well, what is it, i don’t understand. silence on the set, why are you yelling , can’t see, people are working, silence on the set, sorry, sorry, we didn’t know the rules, hello, you’re filming, i don’t remember daring to dare such a car, in what scene, i came to yegor fedorovich, we are former colleagues, this is out of frame, yeah, great, yegor fedorovich, before
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... i forgot, so where, these are the rest of the amount, uh-huh, a little, no, no, no, no, no, everything is fair with us, everything is according to a conspiracy, okay, i ran further, yeah, you see, now i will earn money in the cinema, my swallow, the textures suit the image of the main thing hero, you know, i understand. so, well, i have everything ready, come on, time, time, time, everything, everything, started, yeah, everyone is ready, attention, camera, motor, motor is running, started, what
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is it, here. what is this, what is this, and if you somehow talk about me, come here and explain what this is, after all, we have an agreement, you yourself signed everything, it’s legally correct there it is indicated that you provide a car with the possibility of destruction amount number signature everything according to the contract why are you making noise fireman getting ready what is this i don’t understand lech this contract was purely specific and no i didn’t read it. yes, such a spectacle costs a lot of money, people of art are like children, let’s go, let’s remember, and go, lyosha!


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