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tv   Politseiskoe bratstvo  NTV  January 16, 2024 7:00am-8:01am MSK

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what is it? what's this? what is this? eh, if something is about me, come here, explaining what it is? egor fich, we still have an agreement, you signed it yourself, everything is legally correct. it states that you provide a car with the possibility of destruction, the amount, the number, the signature, everything is according to the contract, why are you making such a noise, fireman, we are getting ready, what is it, i don’t understand, lyokha, this contract, what? purely concrete, but no, i read, yes, such a spectacle costs a lot of money, people of art are like children, let’s go, let’s remember, fuck you, lyosha!
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good morning, great, great, great, great, hi, yes. great , great, how is it, normal, where are you going so suddenly, and our detention is according to the old orientation, so let’s go, what ’s the point of wasting time, no, no, no, no, i’ll figure it out myself, but in the department someone has to stay. “yes
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, a person will come to me, yeah, he’ll bring papers, you throw them in the safe, good, good, that’s it, come on, i’m sure you can handle it yourself, i’ll figure it out, come on, go, hello, hello, i brought documents, what documents? i understand, throw it, everything is as agreed, uh-huh, goodbye, bye-bye.
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lieutenant yanvarev, who are you guys, are you filming a series, your own security department, major zemin, not very nice, nikita egorovich, you are suspected of taking a bribe, me? interesting movie , january, in your own interests, to assist the investigation, give me the keys to the safe, there is no key to this one, the lock has been broken for six months, so open it or help you, i’m afraid you won’t be able to handle it.
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please note that marked bills were seized from the suspect's safe, so, listen, this is not my envelope, a colleague's courier i brought it, i just took the save, i threw everything away , we’ll figure it out, hands, sit down.
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daughter , what is this, well, i made breakfast, you’re taking bites , i’ll come running, you’re swearing at me, dad, i’m late, and because there’s no point sitting half the night with your papers, and in general, you ’re working very hard, very hard, uh-huh, who would say, remember yourself, dad, now, we only saw you and mom on holidays, and not always, well, it was like that, but that’s what service is, and now my service means that, just be sure to win, be sure to have hot soup, because an ulcer is an occupational disease, my mother tells me about it all the time, everything ran, bye-bye, bye-bye, wait, nast, at least you,
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wow, yes, what, hello, i’m your neighbor, ivan vasilyevich shavirin , well, you see, i live
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on the floor below, exactly below you, and excuse me, what’s your name? kolya, huh? by patronymic, excuse me, blue bluekov, nikolai vladimirovich, here is nikolai vladimirovich, the fact is that i have dripping from the ceiling, well , nikolai vladimirovich, your apartment is located just above mine, i have dripping from the ceiling, what conclusions can be drawn from this, it’s raining, it’s not the right answer, apparently in your apartment, that’s about... a first aid kit, well, yes, bro , well, forgive me, my mistake, well, well, the hut is shabby, the house is old, my boys they were working , apparently, they touched a pipe, it burst, i ’ll fix everything today, don’t even worry, i hope everything is all right, bro, but neighbors should be friends, right, yes, where, nikita,
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now? “hello, egor, the committee will be interrogated as a suspect, you’re just talking about it, egor, i ask you, control yourself , okay, even though you’re an ex, but still employee, so you know the procedures , exactly what the ex is, that’s why you have formalities, i don’t care, leave my pencils alone.” they are to blame for something in front of you , it’s a complicated matter, the guy was taken for bribes, everything is against him, there was no bribe , he was set up, well, it’s obvious, egor, no signals were received from nikita before, but anyone can say that let
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’s confirm that egor, you know him well, he’s you, uncle vasya, call him, egor, i think the investigation will figure everything out, but he knows, how... will your funds be sorted out, they just locked me up at one time, they put me on time , well, remember, i won’t give nikita to them, i understand, egor, wait, stop, where did you go, you’ll only make things worse, i’m telling you , the investigation will completely figure it out, you go, egor, bara. stubborn, hello, hello, it’s my business that they told you, it’s true, i’m talking about a bribe, i’m crazy, nastiness, what are you
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saying, i would never do this, do you think you were set up, but i don’t know who needs me - then, why? okay, i understand, nastya, wait, open the interrogation. what is this? good afternoon, are there any problems? there is such a moment. let's look at the documents. the reason for petition. what, what? i say the reason for the appeal. now i can find at least 100. let's try it. well, for example,
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it looks like you are someone especially dangerous, so don’t run into trouble. you want to meet in the prosecutor's office. so i 'll call you now. and we’ll take pens out of our pockets, it’s not allowed. in short, there is still an investigative committee here, so there is no need to shine a light here, either one way or the other. i ’ll explain clearly, i’m waiting for a person, i’ll wait, i’ll leave, i hope, allow me, comrade colonel, i recuse myself from the yanvarev case, this is not a conversation, if everyone comes to recuse himself, who will work, i have good reasons, can you acquaint me with them? here is my report, everything is stated in it, it’s just that nikitos nikita
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egorovich and i have known each other for a long time. how long ago? you could say we grew up in the same sandbox, and now imagine what lawyers will make of this, do we need it? yes, you are right, we need objectivity and impartiality. yes. fine. i'll hand this matter over to the tee. or maybe are free to call him to me right now, hello, uncle yegor, so what , to be honest, nikita’s prospects are not very good, he was caught red-handed, everything was formalized, as it should be, with witnesses, i abandoned the case. he was transferred to another investigator, what is his name? maybe i knew? troinyakov, and this
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is bad, he doesn’t have a very good reputation, he works hard, he doesn’t let anyone off the hook, clearly, i think, in about two hours they will go to court with an arrest. okay, let's resolve this issue, uncle yegor, everything is in order, we'll break through. anton senovich, for one just a minute, the working day is over, all legal consultations tomorrow are by appointment. listen to me carefully, lawyer. i would ask you to tell your client that if he framed my son, he shouldn’t be happy. i 'll take him to the isolation ward. which client? i have a lot of them. shillov. and... “boris arkadyevich , listen, i don’t understand anything, you don’t need
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to understand, thank you to the general, tell him, and he’ll understand everything, i found it, thank you, oh, damn it, i took on defending this idiot, no problem.” from him". who's there? this is zinaida pavlovna. what do i owe? so maybe you'll open the door first? hello, ivan vasilievich. hello, zinadia pavlovna. sorry, not the right moment. cleaning, something happened to you
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, something happened to you and me, and what is it that happened to you and me, ask, something in common could have happened, but you don’t guess, no, and also a policeman, policeman, ex, neighbor you and i have one boner in common, you 'll excuse me, of course, but from morning to night it keeps hammering, hammering, hammering and hammering, hammering and hammering, my boner is going to burst... this is all a migraine, it also seems to me that he started a redevelopment, but there is nothing illegal in this, there is no dalda itself. then yes, but it seems to me that he is moving the load-bearing walls, and of course you don’t realize, yes, that these are offenses, well , he’s the one who violates, and i have something to do with it, well, you should help, you’re an employee, a former one, you tell me you have already been reminded about this, you took an oath, but what does the oath have to do with it, well, how can it be guarded,
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defended, or whatever you have, and i ask you, you must help me, you must... talk to him like a man, otherwise he just sent me over there, and i have my last hope for you, please, but help, i can’t, why, i need to be friends with the neighbors, excuse me , i have a hard-on there too, egor, i’m done i understand, but what you are asking is impossible. “this is my son, and i cannot leave him in such a situation, because you, this is also not a stranger to me, yes, yes, then you don’t even know whether to remember these days with joy, or with tears, if i “i offended you, don’t, stop,
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you’re fine, everything’s fine, it’s my fault.” it was necessary to understand with whom i’m starting a relationship, it’s super , which is what i was counting on only then, but you ’re not able to think about anything other than your work, help, nikita, i beg you, well, you know what the attitudes are now, if the police are involved in the case, he it is necessary to arrest, and there is no one else... to rely on, i am sure that you will make the right decision, having examined the investigation materials in the case of police lieutenant nikita egorovich yanvarev, the court decided to refuse to arrest the suspect, to elect nikita egorovich lenyvarev as a judge
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suppression in the form of house arrest, well, at least something, a solution. thank you everyone, the court is closed , it’s too early to rejoice, i’ll close you anyway, listen, do you feel some kind of personal animosity towards me, you can’t eat at night, werewolves have no place in the organs, like you in january belong in prison. you yourself are a turn, let’s go, nikita egorovich, i have to take you to your place of registration, with pleasure, dad, i’ll explain everything to you, it’s not my fault, but i know what we’re telling you,
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you bastards, they put this bullshit on me, no nothing to do, calm down, nikita, it’s easy for you reassure me, you’ve already completed your sentence, but i still have to do it in the process, take it from someone else, you’re not guilty of anything, remember, yes, you dad wasn’t guilty either, so what? calm down, let's figure it out, yeah, it's very interesting how i'm going to deal with this garbage on my leg from here, it would be worse in a cell, believe my experience, this is not a solution. hello, mom
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, hello, look, this one is here, well, i’m glad, i achieved my goal, how can you even have the conscience to sit here, i also brought their bottle, this is my bottle. nikita, let mom talk, but you haven’t changed at all, you are not a person, you are a robot, you could drive a roller over you, but you won’t break. “okay, he ruined my life, but what do you have to do with your son? yes, if it weren’t for you, he wouldn’t have joined that filthy police of yours, and he wouldn’t have given up medicine
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, he would have become a doctor, like me, maybe he would have achieved something - in life, mom, i’ve already achieved something, i love my job, yes , by the way, i have two thanks in my order, oh, listen, shut up, nikita, two thanks, we got thanks, but what? now, now it’s a big stain on your reputation, why bother they let me out, i would have sat there and sat , i still didn’t make money from the mat, but this is already too much, i ’m tired of being silent, why, why did you come here, egor, and to further ruin our lives? where did you go, i
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haven’t said everything yet, dad, wait, dad, he’s gone. yes, yegor fedorovich, the investigative committee is bothering you, i’m waiting for you tomorrow morning for a conversation, at exactly 10, you understand what i’m going to talk about, i ask you not to be late.
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that's it, that's enough. oh, why are you making noise, neighbor? me, how is life? you know, somehow, somehow i can’t sleep, you, you know what time it is, you are you hinting at something now? i’m hinting , nikolai vladimirovich, that it’s already one o’clock in the morning, and you’re violating the current legislation, i’m telling you, as a former investigator, former, former, abdullah, what do you think, good night? and what will happen, you know who and what you’re scared of now, but no , well, later you’ll make it worse, i’m fine,
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yegor fedorovich. in the process of working on the case of major general shilov, new circumstances were hidden, a decision was made to review your sentence, i am sure that you will soon be rehabilitated, as you wish, with me it doesn’t matter anymore, well, it doesn’t matter, but honor, reputation, everyone knew from the very beginning that i didn’t... and reputation is of no use to it, and maybe you
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will somehow return those years that i spent in the colony, you can’t, well, i’m not the lord god, nevertheless, yegor fedorovich, if the outcome is successful, you will be entitled to financial compensation, well, from a black sheep, and... what else? i invited you today for a reason. we need to have a serious conversation. egor fedorovich, internal security department, major zemin. did you take my son? yes, the service is like that tasks. i’m explaining everything to you, you yourself understand everything perfectly, i understand, moyer, i generally understand everything well, okay, then
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let’s leave it out. perhaps, but what does this have to do with it? egor? you served with shilov for a long time, were you partners, friends, relatives, friends? no, they weren’t, in any case, you know him better than anyone. help us find his cache, and we, in turn, will not remain in debt. how is that? you
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leave my son alone, well, the last word will remain, of course, with the investigation, but i think we can resolve this issue, the main thing is, so that you meet us halfway, come to an agreement, i ’ll think about it. delicious aroma, perfection and harmony of taste, the classic collection of greenfield loose leaf tea. greenfield tea finding harmony. a woman adopted a child without arms after she miraculously survived. i suffered from purulent meningitis, everyone said, i returned from the other world. god
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probably forced me to live for some reason, from the first days. in your life, you were brought up and grew up in an orphanage, first in the malyutka house, yes, and then in an orphanage. i saw roma on television and just screamed, my husband i was stunned that you were screaming, i said, this is my child, i dissuaded her and said why she needed this, with his adoptive mother he learned to do everything himself, he doesn’t have a shoulder from his own hands, there is only a hand, they taught him for six months, figured out how to teach him to dress like a guy... from the hands he became a professional photographer, and what else does he want to achieve from life, prosthetics are not needed, since i can do almost everything on my own, i’m planning my photo exhibition in the impressionism genre, this is for brink, today at 16:45 on ntv, the viruses retreat when
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telaron the northern star appears. telaron northern star, stay healthy, we take out loans , it’s easy to apply for them, we are at the soviet bank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we are at the soviet bank up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, you won’t get drunk again, vylimidin, actually this is mine , but i’ll drop it for you, i dropped it with valerian, motherwort, hawthorn. and a mint drop of volimedine, calmness, only calmness, maybe co-seson, appetite anywhere, daddy, only daddy will tame it, daddy can, beastly appetite, a snack won't hurt, i have a beastly appetite, sausages, dad maybe, i love accuracy, so i choose the and, and,
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been caught, and this is a surprise, thank you for your service, well done, good afternoon, captain klimov, makar sergeevich, criminal investigation department, dog and boy, such stingy ones. i just thought about you well, ran to save you, bim, new season, today at 20:00, hello, hello, who else are you, sinebryukov nikolai vladimirovich, yes, he is the one, lieutenant of justice shavorino, anastasia ivanovna, shavyrino, yeah, and so it turns out, daughter monta, or something, here’s the entrance, then they’re alone. who are the others? i want you say that you are violating several points at once with your repairs. first of all, should i call the prosecutor's office? for what? yes, so that they can find justice for you? come in the morning, make noise, make threats, and how do you use your official
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position for personal gain? i, yes, i have a whole house of witnesses. what witnesses are your workers? yes, with registration, with a work permit and citizenship of the russian federation. yes, were you crazy? ok, he's surrounded, here, so disappear! you don’t have any methods against sinebryukov’s stake, your jacket is dirty. yes, where should we look for this general's money, what do you think, nikita? and you, dad, go ask, maybe comrade general is already climbing the wall out of boredom, will take everything and tell you, i would ask, but someone will let him in, or maybe a pre-trial assault? let's take it, it's not funny , it's not funny, turn your head on, i didn't turn it off, shell
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is a complex man, greedy and cunning, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten into the general, he probably hid the money so securely that no one will ever find it, but who- the same should have access to them? i have known him since childhood, he has two passions, money and billiards, yes, but neither one nor the other house was found during the search, which means there must be another house where there is both, well, someone close to...
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and why not are you sleeping? well, yes, a stupid question, neighbor, so that the ceiling collapses on his head, and you’re working again, violating the regime, oh!
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dad, i was thinking, maybe we should invite uncle lyosha to visit us, garin, but why? sit, chat, i ’ll cook something delicious, have a snack! have a drink, how do you like the idea, dubious idea, mildly saying, yes, well then, good night, comrade general! comrade general,
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i received a letter for you by e-mail, i printed it out, here it is, dear borya, nothing happens just like that, thank you for everything, now everything is fine with me. what the hell is this? tarasov, you son of a bitch, you bastard, i’m here now , you hear me, let me call, yes, let me call urgently, well, i won’t be in debt, let me call my wife, well, well, let’s hurry up, well, just quickly. dad, i’m with you, nikita, i said no,
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by the way, i’ll take your car, you ’re kidding me, you’re the only one without a weapon, it’s just dangerous, nikita, you want trouble, you’re already under house arrest, and if you sleep out of the apartment, the police will lock you up in a pre-trial detention center, do you want this or something, i ’m worried about you, you’ll figure it out.
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dad, it’s an automatic machine, that’s it, go to the box. yes, i hear, i hear, who?
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senile insomnia, now we’ll fix it, i don’t know, with your amendments. well, let's remember, vanya, who will we remember? check, we always have someone to mention, fuck you, what kind of jokes, lesha, we still don’t smell each other, what is this, this is a new neighbor, renovation
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started, and often does so. and for several days now, and you say, senile insomnia, at night he also hammers, and you say, there is no one to remember, you have a snack, i’ll come now. well, who are you? i didn’t understand, well, there was an investigator , there was already a cop, that reinforcements were sent, also a cop, you want to offend me now, what do you want, which means, listen here, you’re preventing
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normal people from living, sleeping, eating, so fold this whole thing your office. otherwise i ’ll close it, this whole thing will end, fuck you, i don’t understand, why did you send me now, what a long-forgotten feeling, i even i miss you, don't be bored. hello, elephant, do you remember where shavirin lives? come on over!
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oh, what people, i didn’t expect! thank you, yegor fedorovich, for helping the investigation, yeah , that’s it, so, imagine, we really need money, well , greed has never brought anyone to good, just like stupidity, it’s strange that you fell for it, it seems like an experienced opera in the past, older. alas, your time has passed, ours has come, please, before i forget, keep this in mind for the future, major, simple options work best, your combination
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is too complicated, egor fedorovich, but in my opinion, wonderful combination, look, would you ? the general’s money, if i hadn’t framed your son, no, you ’re honest, honest, but poor, but it’s worth it, and what do you think, oh, nikita egorovich, thank you, thanks to you, now i have a full house. the suspect, who violated the chosen measure of restraint, resisted arrest, calmly, calmly, what are you guys
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doing, what’s going on here? department of internal security, major zemin, so what is going on here, major zemin? detention a suspect who violated the chosen measure of restraint, this is not your jurisdiction, don’t listen to him , he’s lying to you, he set me up, i just tried to kill my father, and so did he. if it weren’t for my bracelet, we would all be ruined , we’ll figure it out, just like that, dad, but you
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didn’t want to listen to me, but snok, maybe, yes, someday the current, father will take control of the whole south, and from sochi to rostov, there’s a combat unit in place, they’ve flooded the whole region with drugs, a lot of money, connections at... level, start seizing, damn it, it’ll take a year and a half development, 3 months of implementation, you can’t reveal yourself, i have to finish this matter, we just didn’t have enough war here, living, well, nothing, it won’t last long, until now.
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599, tipal induction frying pan for 2.290. the man dreamed of a big strong family and got married, his wife bore him three children, but from whom he does not know, julia is 6 years old, dominic is 4 bogdan is one year old, she repeatedly told me that the children are not mine, and then his wife left him and the children, now the man is ready to abandon those who are not related to him by blood, i cannot get a job with such... the number of children, it’s better , let there be an orphanage, so a father with many children raises strangers or his own children , i was always with children, i caught you and anton, marin, let’s be honest, they cheated on her husband, no, she was married to him and dated another guy and more than one, on the first walk we immediately went kisses tammashke, i open the envelope, dna,
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today... “bro, i understand everything, let’s get specific, well, i won’t say a word to these cop neighbors again, and i’ll return all the walls back, and no work at night, great, and this , here's another repair you'll do at your own expense, i understand, i understand, well, you can get home on your own,
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yes, well, water, uh, where is he ? what is this, what was this? why are you standing there? let's get him out, he'll drown, let 's run. who's going to do the repairs, that's great, tarasov, where are you going to work, you don't work here anymore, go get a paycheck, i don't understand, so you don’t show up for work, absenteeism
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is systematic, but i have reasons , for good reason... “i don’t care about your reasons, i warned you, either you work or you don’t , you’re free, yes, well, that means it’s not fate , but it’s okay, we’ll break through, he turns back and says , otherwise it’s really the producer, it’s great that the darkness has confused the shores? now you won’t have any shores left at all, i understand, come here, it’s business, stand, excuse your colonel, not when, i’m a yard, uncle vasya, i’ll finish with my friend, come straight to you, what am i to you, uncle vasya, no, that’s not
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department, and a circus with horses, i told you, as soon as you called uncle lyosha, the problem was solved, you need to listen to your daughter, well, yes. it’s just not known what methods your uncle lyosha used there, probably illegal, or he rolled the soldering iron into - okay , or rolled it into concrete, although, although it’s unlikely , this is not the nineties, oh, so what, sometimes it’s not superfluous, nast, is that you, what i hear from the lieutenant of justice, pa, don’t bother me, you’re talking to you in the wrong way, let’s say, well, keep in mind, this neighbor of ours will put everything back together, so why break it, don’t build it, but in our case on the contrary, but there won’t be any noise at night and i ’ll be able to work, but at night i need to sleep,
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the gentleman is such a bore, well, here’s uncle gersh again. what is it? open? zenaid, what? what's going on with you? ivan vasilyevich, excuse me, i’m not ready for your visit, and i can’t host you, as you can see, i’m a mess, but what are you doing? what about
7:59 am
repairs? and what? i am a free woman in all respects, can i afford myself? yes, but you have these migraines. how cute are you, huh? thank you very much for your concern, all the best, oh, ivan vasilyevich, for my sake, excuse me, you won’t help a weak woman carry a bag, i have this one, i have sciatica, all the cops are assholes.
8:00 am
russian artillerymen are delivering powerful attacks on enemy positions, fire! omar magomedov watched the shooting. the active phase of fighting in the north of gaza has come to an end. the future of israel depends on the outcome of this war. what will happen next in the middle east? the most massive protest of local farmers took place in germany, what did it achieve? the strongest storm in mauritius!


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