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tv   DNK  NTV  January 16, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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one photograph, this is a photograph of your beloved mother, you can take a photograph of your mother right now, here in our studio, as a souvenir, yes i can, well, what, where do you tell me to turn, now let’s see, the lighting, that’s why my mother’s. it’s that mom doesn’t like it like that, well, he’s just particularly scrupulous about approaching mom, this is a photo of mom after all, that’s it, let me evaluate the photo, well, you can , it’s beautiful, great, i wish everything worked out, thank you, if you are not like everyone else, you need help, write and call our editorial office, we will continue tomorrow, right now there is a new dna test watch tomorrow in
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the program behind the crap, a man announced the kidnapping of his own grandmother. my cousin, vladislav, took my grandmother out of her own apartment under false pretenses, using force. his cousin assures that he did not kidnap, but saved his grandmother from terrible conditions. there was dirt, there was a smell very similar to the smell of gas. the year he looked after his grandmother. she did not see doctors, but who cares more: the health of an elderly woman or her multimillion-dollar inheritance, taking advantage of her grandmother’s condition, he pursued his mercantile interests, what kind of real estate census, the question really is how much of her own free will she is there, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. "a father of many
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children intends to abandon his official children if they turn out to be not related to him by blood. vitaly gruzden is in our studio. hello, vitaly, hello, how many children do you have? according to your passport, four, but at the moment, three, one, we have one child." there was a medical error due to the error of the top officials, tell us about your children in order of seniority, who is the eldest, yulia is the most the eldest, she is 6 years old, dominic is 4 years old and bogdan is eight years old, our youngest, all the children were born in marriage, yes, all the children were born in marriage, you wanted everyone, no, we have yulia , we did not plan her, with us we only planned... dominika and bogdan
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also appeared suddenly with us, but everyone was happy, and why were you only now thinking about giving up children, well, because my wife left us and it’s hard for me alone, she told me she repeatedly said that the children are not mine, not from me, but why did my wife leave then? from the family? she wanted a free life, left her three children with me, and wanted to go for walks. then, by court decision, she was deprived of parental rights, how long ago did this happen? it's been almost a year now, and you got divorced? i filed a lawsuit and went to court with a statement of claim for divorce, but she was not present at any court, we were not developed without in her absence, that is, you are officially married, but your spouse was deprived of parental rights? she was deprived of her parents.
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so she was given a chance at the trial to improve, but she did not take advantage of it. a your parental rights were also under threat, they were also under threat, but i achieved my goal, i proved that i was not guilty of anything, so that there was nothing to deprive me of. how do you cope now alone with three children? i’m depressed, i live, as it were, on child benefits for now, because i can’t. get a job, with so many children they practically don’t hire me anywhere , but no one can help with the children, grandparents, i’m dedomov’s, and is it really possible now, vitaly, you want the same fate for the children, it’s better, let them will orphanage, how will she raise them, i can’t do it alone, well, if all three turn out to be yours, i will raise them. i will
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do everything so that they have everything, but i’m ready to give up step-relatives, yes, but i’m ready to give up step-children, which of the children are related to you, yulia, on me... no way, but did they make a claim against my wife? yes , i presented it, she said that he was better than me, at that time you already had children, this was before the birth of dominic, that’s just the planned child, do you have
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any similar arguments regarding other children? yes, let’s take bogdan, at the time when she became pregnant, i was stuffed with my second child... in the hospital the timing doesn’t match, that is, she couldn’t have gotten pregnant from you at that time, but what about the eldest yulia? the eldest, she looks like me, and not like me, but if your wife constantly repeated to you that the children are not yours, if you saw with your own eyes, your timelines did not coincide, why didn’t you break off the relationship, why more than once? i loved her very much, was everything forgiven? didn't try, maybe in that case talk? i tried, she won’t contact me at all. who are you more upset about? for yourself or for the children? for the children, do they miss their mother? julia of the majority, julia is the eldest, but the boys are not particularly drawn to her,
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they do not remember her, that is, she does not visit the children? at the beginning of december, and at my request , i asked her to come. once a year, yes, three children, each child should have a birthday, it was july, it was, she gave the gift only in the month of october, and there was a birthday when, on august 15, dominic had birthday, she took advantage of the chance and she still passed it on, this is surprising, but the younger bogdan, she did nothing. i didn’t give it to him at all for bogdan’s birthday , she wasn’t there, she has a negligent attitude, well, destovipelno, and you consider yourself a good father, i do everything i can in my power, and your wife, vitaly, thinks that you
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you can’t trust raising children, it’s hard in marina’s studio. "hello, hello, tell me why you think your spouse is a bad father, and because he beat me, yulechka constantly says that yulia , go to bogdan, change the diaper, yulia, wash the dishes, yulia has to do everything, and he is constantly on the phone, but how could you then leave three children to leave the family, i don’t want to to live with him in general, so you not only left him, you also left your own. their children, yes , well, because he also, how can i explain to you, he, well, i always cooked food at home , the house was always clean, the children were neat, it was always all there, well, sometimes it was like, well, after all, women, well, there is a husband , wife, yes, hunting there
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let’s say the girl goes to rest, yes, well, let’s say, well, well, let’s say, the man took it, let the woman go, she went and rested, that’s all. then you sit at home, do all this, well, cook , wash, clean, all this, and he, that is, you always sat at home, yes, i was always with the children, remember, marina, when you left matvey alone two months old, when the entire police department was looking for you, i was on duty, i picked you up, i called the pdn to find you, i was looking, they were looking for you and... where were you, you went to college, left the children, said , i’ll be right back, they couldn’t find her for a day, for a day, many people were looking for her, her uncle was looking for her, the pdn employees were looking for her, the opera agents
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were looking for her, they couldn’t find her for a day, in the end i found her then service, i was called in the morning... the pdm inspector called and said she had exactly half an hour to show up at home, or i’ll take the children, in the end she didn’t show up, the children were bullied, she didn’t want to. she personally brought him to my house, without even being shy, i’m lying, i’m not lying, when i left,
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what kind of relationship are you, i flew out, oh, i left service, she herself, she decided to bring someone home, this didn’t happen, it’s not necessary, there’s no need to take it, it’s not necessary, it was when i left with yulia, when you said that dominic wouldn’t go anywhere, when i came back when you... said what i left, and although i went with yuli to my grandmother, well, because you know
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how long you went, no need, for two weeks, when you returned, when dominic had already started walking , don’t take it, marina, how did you allow that you were deprived of parental rights for three children, because i went on a spree, yes and to vitaly, why did you say that the children are not his, well... because he made me angry, when he offended me, he made me angry, i already freaked out and said that the children are not yours, that i wanted to leave him together with children, initially in general, but in the end you left, leaving children who were not vitaly’s own, vitaly, why did i leave him, i was deprived of parental rights, when i left, you left marina even before the deprivation of parental rights, which is no, no , no, you left in september. no, yes, they helped her a lot, they tried to help her somehow, she didn’t
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i took advantage of this moment, at the court hearing i tried to get her out, at least so that she would be limited, but the judge gave her a chance more than once, she did not take advantage of it, marina, you tried to restore parental rights, not yet, but i found a job. well, i’ll rent an apartment, i’ll do everything for the children, to pick them up, but for a year you’ve already been happy with everything, your children are being raised somewhere, you live a free life , i come whenever possible, whenever possible, you’re the only time and that’s it, i called you marina asked that come, i need to go on business, pay my way, i’ll come, it turns out you
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... i came, i came to my mother, we came with my mother, i gave the children gifts, then my mother asked him and me to we took the dressing table to her house, grandma looked in the refrigerator, but he had nothing at all at home, i brought treats and gifts for the children, okay, marina. that is, you visited your children twice in a year, and vitaly looks after them poorly, have you noticed this, well, he is very bad, vitaly, a bad father or a bad husband? a bad father is a bad husband, because madina, you went everywhere, then you had one boyfriend, then you had another boyfriend, then a third boyfriend. how can you think that the children are really spoiled, look at yourself,
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what kind of young man you kissed, i actually didn’t kiss, i didn’t kiss him, but we just stood there talking, and i i didn’t see her, she even spent the night with him once, she left in the evening, she says: i’ll go for a walk, literally there on the bay, she says, well, in an hour, i’ll be back, in the end she told me wrote at 7:00 in the morning, i said, i’m going home, and then i find out that he spent the night with me, i didn’t spend the night there, in fact, i spent the night with a friend. that's it, you had all the correspondence marina, i saw all the correspondence marina, no need, but what was in these correspondences? the fact that before she came home, she wrote to him and said, if anything happens, you didn’t have me , don’t say that, but i didn’t, it wasn’t like that, you, marina, still could
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afford not to be at home at night, having three children, not three children, when... we lived in murmonsk, we had two children, and that is, it’s normal to leave two children, okay, marina, let’s be honest, they cheated on her husband, no, she also had evgeniy like that, when she returned home to her mother from him without panties and he says, mom, do you have panties, that you are lying, that it’s okay, that i ’m not lying to you, i’m telling you the truth, who told you this, you vitalia? mom said that she came to her and began to lower her panties, that she arrived without without tourbuses, no, that didn’t happen, it happened, no, it happened, no, yes, no, mom is against marina’s behavior, against it, she didn’t do it more than once, not only did her mother talk to her, marina, settle down
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, you have three children, she doesn’t hear anyone at all, she... they helped her more than once, even guardianship helped her many times, but she wanted to go for walks. marina, where do you live now? from a young man in the city of ukhta. how did he come to you if you are still the wife, vitaly’s legal wife? and because he said in november that he filed for divorce, i asked him, he says: we were divorced, i asked him, i say, please send it to me. a copy of the divorce certificate , he said: but they haven’t sent it to me yet, and then i called, it turns out to the bailiff in troitsk, i asked him, i said, here, well, vitalik filed for divorce, he says, no, he didn’t, he just took it and deceived him, no, why don’t you file for divorce yourself, maina , well, now i’ll file for divorce, why didn’t you file before, well, i didn’t want to, well, you said
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that you plan to restore your rights, take it away children, where will you take them? i'm off to the city, i'm working, i have a young man works, but he won’t mind? no, that three more children will suddenly appear in your family, he agrees, marina, well, you understand what’s the matter, vitaly believes that the children will be better off in the orphanage, it will be much better in the orphanage, indeed, than with such a mother, i will be a good mother, and so i am a good mother, i love my children, and do you really think that the children will be better off with you than with sviatar? yes, yulya is afraid of him, because when i was leaving home, well , it turns out, to the city of ukhta, so i had to go to work, yulya came up to me and started cry, i say, yulechka, why are you crying , why are you afraid, i say, you, i say, dad is hurting you, she says, yes, i say, yule, everything is fine, i say, well, i say, i can’t stay, i have to work, well
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, go to work, all that, i say , i’ll come back later, but she cried, she cried because... you were leaving, and the children can say anything at such a moment, if only mom was there , that day she arranged yes, she started crying because she begged her to stay at least one more night to be close with her mother, she misses her mother, girl, but she’s the only one, well, that’s who misses her very much, very much, doesn’t it break marina’s heart? because of this, well, i don’t want, for example, to live there in this military district where he lives. marina, vitaly’s friend believes that you cannot become a good mother for your children. our guest is irina solenova. hello
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irina. hello. how long have you known vitaly and marina’s family? well, i’ve known the family for about 10 years. what can you tell us about vitaly? well, a responsible dad who tries somehow take care of your children, somehow achieve something, well, strive for the best, and to marina, what can you say? marina is an irresponsible mother who leads an immoral lifestyle, uh-huh, did you see it with your own eyes? yes, marina was absent for a very long time, abandoning her children, well, to vitaly, and vitaly quit his job and looked after the children. and vitaly and marina often quarreled among themselves, well , recently, when i came to visit them, well, marina tried to provoke him, the last scandal was when to me when i was. uh, what marina said , that when she was pregnant, she said that this child was not his, well, the very last one, it turns out that he was hooked, well, against the background of this, they had a scandal, and
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what do you think, it is really possible that the father did not live, well, with this immoral lifestyle, with this leaving children in danger, yes, leaving children without adults, partying, well, the fact that she had many partners. i think yes. irina, after marina and vitaly broke up, has life gotten better for vitaly? things have improved, yes, he bought an apartment with good repairs, the children are clean, well-fed, fed, somewhere i, well, sometimes i help him there, well, with things there. you really, vitaly, bought an apartment, used 150 thousand for 200,000, took advantage of the regional capital that was given to bogdan. i added 50 from my pocket and took a one-room apartment, a three-room apartment, that is, you now live alone with three children in a three-room
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apartment, in one and in a three-room apartment, this is our second apartment, one i have a three-room apartment in the same city, which was bought together with modina, the second one is already without her in her absence, let's see how dad lives about their children? vitaly gruzdev shows that he has all the conditions for children, a living room with a soft corner at the disposal of his eldest son and daughter, a small mess, because the children recently woke up, as if we had not yet had time to clean up, most of my children sleep here, they have them here tv, they sleep, relax, have fun, play, they have light music here yes, everything like that. here is a video player and disks with children’s favorite cartoons, we have a decent collection here, most of us, of course, already have
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, yes, yulia, give back what you give, most of us are of course a little confused, since we have children , uh, they like to leave everything, the youngest son’s bedroom is also not tidy, there is a clothes dryer and a computer. a table littered with children's clothes, here in this room indeed, since our wallpaper is coming off a little, there are plans to renovate this room, it will be done in comparison with our previous housing, where we have an apartment in troetsko-pechovsk, this, well, this is just a masterpiece, vitaly invites you into the kitchen, today the children have cutlets for lunch, which he is used to serving. without heating, they like it cold, just like i always cook, or fish there, yes i can fry fish for them there, they are always dad, i
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leave them, they are dad, let him say let it cool, then we will eat, pasta for a side dish , there is no other food yet, the refrigerator is under repair, so vitaly goes for groceries as needed, does not buy anything for future use, will disappear, there is pasta, which ... will now be cooked, like sugar, salt, there is something, tea, we always have the main one, now he is only thinking about how to save money, vitaly complains, there is nothing from his wife help, but a fortune is spent on food, diapers and children's clothes, literally 20 thousand are spent on things, 15-20 thousand are spent on things,
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my mother says, i say, and she says to me, the kindergartens gave me a copybook, i say, i can’t write i can, yeah, julia brought it to her for kindergarten from the assignment for... just bogdan, she sat down,
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she took a pencil and sat with me, she wrote out these numbers, and this task was transferred to the kindergarten, to educate, that is, you helped, but i don’t believe it, the guardianship authorities are coming to me, since they are monitoring me. there are no questions at all, they even speak to me in kindergarten, that’s how it speaks to us, it’s a rare case when children are so organized in kindergarten, uh-huh, these are the words of the teachers, shouldn’t you take them when he’s
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at home? well, i haven't come for a long time. why don’t you believe, marina, that teachers can praise your father? well, let’s say it’s the other way around they complained about him, that julia walks around there with shaggy hair, that she wears more socks than she should wear, that her tights are dirty, yes, i don’t argue, i don’t know how to braid hair.
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a person not only becomes part of the community, but also receives additional parents, godparents. catherine had not seen her godmother for many years. when i was 11 years old, i ended up in an orphanage. one day a woman, a teacher, comes up to me, asking if you want to be baptized. i said, of course i want to. i thought i didn’t have such a mother, i would have a godmother. let's go to the temple, she bashed me, every weekend she took me in. you felt her warmth and care, right? yes, sure. and he dreams of
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meeting her. one day my mother came for me, she was allowed to pick me up from the orphanage, in the morning i wake up, i’m alone in the house, she went to st. petersburg, abandoned all the younger children there, and why is it so important for your godfather to find them, a complete stranger, i decided take part in my destiny, i want to thank such a person, wait for me on friday at 17:55 on ntv. bim, new season, today at 20:00 on... tv. pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints, it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation. and a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel is designed to combat pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. convenient packaging at an affordable price. once your processes are in place, you have time to think about how to grow your business. you are creating it here now. and tink of business creates a tool.
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you don’t keep your secrets, why should i keep them, why leon izmailov married the same woman twice, how she forgave you, i don’t know, she loved you, probably what is the secret of his family happiness, i recently gave her a cup and saucer. yes, but the receipt was from the tv. leon izmailov and his million-dollar secret. saturday at 2120 on ntv. this is dna. father of many children, vitaly gruzdev, intends to send his official children to an orphanage if they turn out to be strangers by blood. if you help with there is no one to care for the children, you cannot work because there is no one to look after the children. why? demand alimony from marina, he demanded, she already has a debt of more than 12,000, she does not pay alimony, in january she will have a court hearing regarding alimony,
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the court will issue subscriptions to her, marina, why don’t you pay alimony, no you list the children, because i didn’t work initially, i will pay her in full. she receives other details of her boyfriend, with whom she lives now, no, yes, timur, explain what threatens marina for not paying the debt for alimony, you will have criminal liability, the first time you will be given either a fine or a suspended sentence, the second time you will be given one more chance, that is, if you continue to not pay alimony, this will again be criminal liability, but the third time you you can already go to a colony, naturally, as a criminal who has already committed more than three crimes? i know everything, i actually wanted to open accounts for the children, they are here, well, add up child support, but the accounts cannot be opened and transferred to him, he will drink it all away,
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and what not, or what? vitaly, your friend marine considers you an unworthy father. in our studio polina stefanov. what are you doing to yourself that i don’t understand? what’s wrong with us, mother , i’m not making any sense, i don’t understand, we just came here, what’s your condition, and then they all took you away, mother, did you hear?
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tell us how marina and vitaly lived, he
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constantly brought her up. as a result , a scandal begins, everything outgrows from this scandal, he simply finds a topic to just offend her, a fight begins when she left him, we have already ensured that she leaves him, finally, because he beat her, she called me and said: pauline, he beat me again, i was in another city, can i live in your apartment with the children, i i say, live, of course, i went from another city to give her the keys to my apartment, she moved. yes, they lived with me for six months, the very next day she gave me bogdana and bogdan, she gave it to you for the weekend because you asked, when you came he began to apologize, yes of course, that you yourself, marina, i when you got there, you said, take it, it’s not necessary, you asked bogddan for the weekend then in general, in general then yulya at their apartment yulya. for 2 days the child sat hungry
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, a neighbor called, no need to lie, no need to lie, to her mother, the pdn inspector went there together with her mother, they called polina from another village to open the door, marina, that is, in your opinion this did not happen, yes, you understand, he is trying to bring her back, so that they stop communicating with her, so that everyone abandons her, and she has nowhere to go, to return home, he is every god day he calls her and asks her to come home, and he said that he will give up the elements only when she returns back to him, that ’s right, vitaly, i told her, marina, come back to your family, live with the children, don’t live with me , i say, live with the children, i will work, she still doesn’t, polina, what do you know about marina’s cheating on her husband, she didn’t cheat on him, marina is such a person that she is very difficult. an accessible person, not only
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to sleep with her, to find communication with her, well, for starters, well, to sleep with her, it’s very difficult, do you know anything about anton, which anton? anton is a young boyfriend who met with her when we lived in the city of kandalax, when did she have time, if she was pregnant, he even i somehow. came to the bots, he put civets on the door, and what does she have to do with it, if he was courting her, and i personally, literally 20 meters away, i see a picture when they are standing near the entrance under the windows and kissing, no, i so i’m not sure, she was married to him and met with another guy and more than one, moreover, take roman. denied that she was with i met him when i was already, well, married
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, we actually didn’t meet , you and i were standing on the porch, you didn’t meet me, don’t, and even that guy himself doesn’t deny it, no, it’s unlikely, this can’t happen, that it’s unlikely, well, that they could have something, well, if after all, your friend marina had cheated on her husband, you would have known about it, she said, yes, he remembers how he kissed marina when you, vitaly, we were leaving the house in our... studio dmitry salamatov, hello, dmitry, hello, where are you from? do you know marina? i’ve known marina since, well, from the moment a friend called me, invited me to relax in company on the bay, i arrived, we met there, and then it went, it went, as if after the bay marina invited me to visit, how we four of us went, we came to their house, as if accordingly,
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i met vitaly there, and accordingly vitaly was against it, well , the fact that they came without warning, well, you... immediately realized that it was the husband, yes, and marina, as if on the way, said that her husband was at home sits with the children, well, if you knew that the woman was married, that’s why you started spending time with her, you liked how your relationship developed, well, initially we started corresponding with her on social networks, then we called each other, agreed to go for a walk, we went for a walk, on the very first walk they immediately kissed, there they hugged all this, this lasted for us...
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your tsorno, with a strapess, the neighbors are horrified, how could they entrust vitaly with their sons and daughter? he is inadequate, why is he inadequate,
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why, because he is going crazy completely, he does not understand who is standing in front of him, a police officer. a neighbor, there is a wife , children, this is a person that i would not allow him to take a dog, let alone children, the neighbor knows vitaly’s wife very well , she thinks that marina is far from the best mother, she walks completely according to the full program, there is no 100%, there is 1.000%, as she told us, she has generic depression, that she didn’t have enough time not for... them, so this is all one of not raising children, b - not caring about
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the reasons for going out like minimum from restriction of parental rights, whether you understand it or not, that is, the next step is restriction, followed by deprivation. you understand what you are doing, yes, this video was filmed in the spring, when at that time the children were in the orphanage, i took them for a while, then on march 13th they were then taken away, after this video, and what at that time they still lived in the parish; they lived there for about two months in march, april, may. 3 months and i did everything to pick them up, for some reason i believe vitaly based on one video, well, yes, it happens, unfortunately, so i believe. what can he do maybe he will pull himself together and not do this, because i see how he treats children in another video, i hear what he says there, and
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it seems to me that he and i feel sincerity in his words. natalya, do you think it would be better for the children to live with someone, with mom, with dad, or is it really safer in an orphanage? i’m looking at this situation now, and it actually seems to me that the children will still be better off in a boarding school, because they can’t be with their dad. he still does the best he can with his father's abilities, but in in the future, when the children grow up, it will be even more difficult for him and the children will be in a really difficult, difficult situation, and the mother does nothing to become a real mother, marina, if you don’t decide right now that you are something... then you do, you will be left without children, if they are taken to an orphanage, it will be more difficult for you to get them out of there and it will be even more difficult to restore parental rights; they will confirm or... dna tests will confirm vitaly’s relationship with his three children, whether his wife cheated on him or kept him loyalty, we’ll find out very soon, don’t
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marina gruzdeva. intends to take away three children from her husband vitaly, since she considers him an unworthy father, although she herself has already been deprived of parental rights to two sons and a daughter. marina, others are already laying claim to your children parents. our guests are the spouses, olga pershino and vyacheslav strebul. olga vyacheslavna, hello! vyacheslav, i understand that you are aware of the situation that is happening in this family, well, i think they are both wrong in this situation, since the parents are like the mother, the father, well, here the larger situation is all assigned to the mother, because that is, the mother does not look after the children completely, what can you tell us about vitaly, as if i knew the person more from the age when he just left home and moved into an apartment at the station
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nibel, where i lived, we... got to know each other so closely, and then he went to work, met a girl, and well, his life there, according to this acquaintance, went downhill, because of marina, well, it turns out this way, i think so, well, they began to have children, yes, then after that they had them, well, we began to hear firsthand some results of their life activities, and then he himself came to our village, well , how did he come to the village , accordingly, he... we met and just talked, we he liked the children, how we would raise our children, he liked his children, they often came to us, but we provided some kind of purely human help. olga , do you think vitaly copes with raising children, well, he seems to be able to, he’s trying so hard, it seems to look after them, educate them, of course, everything doesn’t work out as
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it should be, well, it seems like he’s trying to do something. oh, this is a question, of course, this is a strong question, but it seems to me, like this is my personal opinion, that he is not the youngest, bogdan. how do you look at what vitaly wants? give the orphanage to those children who turn out to be not his own? no, we, in general, in general, we, if such a question arises, then we are ready to take, we will be glad to take this child for ourselves. what if we are talking about more than one child? means to take everyone so as not to separate them, well, this is even desirable for everyone, because it’s already bad for them to separate them, but we can raise them, i won’t allow it, marina, you have been deprived of parental rights, your children may have other parents, and your children one step away from this, what marina intends to do to to fix this situation, well, move
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closer to the children and be close to them. who is the father of your children? vitalik, all the children are from vitaly , yes, i’m sure, i’m not so taken away, ready to find out how many children you have from marina, yes, i invite professor doctor of biological sciences, sergei kiselyov, to the studio. over to you. today , vitaly gruzdev, a thirty-year-old father with many children, came to our studio for a genetic examination. the man is raising three children of his wife marina, but doubts that they are all born from him, since he has repeatedly caught his wife in his arms
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young people. marina does not participate in raising children. and child support is not paid for them, so vitaly alone raises two sons and a daughter, due to the absence in his life. a man cannot get a job and earn the necessary funds to support his family. he decided to abandon his step-children, but the man does not know which of them his wife spoiled, which one she gave birth to, and wants to find out with a dna test. vitaly, are you ready to find out if there is? you have a six-year-old daughter, julia. yes. attention, i am opening the envelope. official father, vitaly
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gruzdev. official daughter, yulia gruzdeva. it is likely that you, vitaly, have a six-year-old daughter, yulia. composes. how is it with marina or or or with me, you think, not yours, i think so. marina, what is the result in the next envelope? 100%. please, sergei
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legovich, continue. in december 2019, marina gruzdeva gave her husband vitaly an heir with the unusual name dominic. the man dreamed of a son and was happy about his wife’s pregnancy, but over time. vitaly began to notice that his son was not like him. in addition, he always knew about marina’s weakness for the stronger sex. however, marina has no doubt that genetic testing will confirm her son’s relationship with his official father. vitaly, we are ready to find out if you have a son , dominic. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the official father, vitaly gruzdev, on the other, his official son, dominic gruzdev. vitaly, the probability
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that 4 years ago your wife gave you an heir is 99.9%. "vitali, surprised? yes, happy or bitter, glad. what do you think the result will be in the third envelope with bogdan, what is the result? i hope for better. are you ready to find out if you have a son, bogdan? yes, will vitaly really give his youngest official heir to be raised in someone else's family, because his wife gave birth to him from someone else, we will know the result of the dna test any minute. look, today at 19:00, the head of the north korean foreign ministry, who arrived on a three-day visit, met with
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bim new season today at 20:00. in the studio of the dna program, vitaly gruzyev, a father with many children, is trying to find out how many of his official children his wife has cheated on. third envelope, please, sergei legoevich. in march last year, the spouses marina and vitaly had another son, bogdan. his official father vitaly does not console himself. hopes for
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fatherhood, because the boy is completely different from him. later, the man calculated the dates and determined that marina could not have become pregnant with bogdan from him, because at that time he was in the hospital with their eldest son domenik and did not have close contact with his wife. now he decided to confirm his guesses using a dna test. vitaly, are you ready to find out if you have a younger son, bogdan? yes, attention, i i open the envelope. on the one side.
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vitaly, you are a father of many children, i will do everything for their sake, so that they have a much better life than me, but it’s still not easy for you alone, do you think marina will start helping you? but deep down i hope for this , but i doubt it, she can now say, yes, i will do everything to recover, but
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when she leaves the studio she may change her mind, i will do everything and, well, i will recover and will educate them, help deal with ... if you want to confirm your relationship with your children, call or write to our editorial office, tomorrow there will be a new dna test on mtv. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature. but it's not only that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the throwing engine works great. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project. i also converted my car to run on methane without any investment. being practical is good for nature and good for you. choose ecogas, refuel at
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gazprom stations. the meaning of serving the homeland is to achieve the common good, to participate in the fate of the fatherland and to be ready to unite in moments of historical challenges. vladimir putin celebrated the first all-russian service award for municipal workers. more details, nikita korzun. in the donetsk direction of the front, artillery of the russian army is launching massive attacks on enemy positions. on a return visit , alexey prokin followed the negotiations between sergei lavrov and the minister of foreign affairs of north korea, which took place in moscow. mikhail mishustin.


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