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tv   Politseiskoe bratstvo  NTV  January 17, 2024 6:05am-7:01am MSK

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so, on wednesdays, i go to the bathhouse , sit there in the steam room, meditate, which means no one bothers me, i don’t bother anyone, and so, in short, nikita egoryvich, in our work, like in a bathhouse, haste is contraindicated , go, go, that’s when she ’ll be kidnapped. this is who they are going to kidnap, two men, they were discussing that they were going to kidnap a woman and hide her in the gardening. what kind of men, what kind of woman? so the fact of the matter is that anyone can be a woman, but in our state the third person is a woman, some men, some woman, right? this
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petrovich, this is not information , this is bullshit, but what bullshit, verified information, all you have to do is close your eyes, go into an operational investigative trance relying on once again you will pull me out of such nonsense, i will arrange for you 15 days of an operational investigative trance with a clear mind , got it, well, well, i'm recording you on wednesday, hello, hello, let's make it up.
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here to the sanatorium, take a walk, breathe, wow, what a sanatorium, what a sanatorium, i have a daughter, i serve every day, i cook her breakfast, lunch, dinner, but somehow we survived, prepare for 3 days in advance , a weekend trip, a healthy weekend, no, i definitely can’t have a weekend, for pensioners the weekend is from monday to wednesday, yes, yes, you need to think about this, there’s nothing to think about, it’s free, listen, but you can’t do this arrange a weekend for tarasov, well, he ’s going to be rehabilitated one of these days, that’s good, that’s very good, i need to think about how to get him through the documents, there’s nothing to think about, vova, discharge him, rest, larisochka. “hello,
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who are you visiting, where is she? what is actually happening, what do you need? where is she, well, they are making a mask, where? on your face, they ask you for nothing, but where? speak, fool, where are they making the mask, upstairs , here, don’t move, ki, don’t rock the boat, sit down, let’s take it,
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andrei ivanovich, and the heroes of your books obey your will or at some point they begin to act on their own. good question, vlada, deep. well, often my novels contain, of course, real stories and real people. that is, if you write about some bandit, does it mean that you met him in life? and in general, all these crimes, blood, all this horror - this not a fictional world? well, as tsvitaeva wrote. when you knew from what rubbish my elements grow, this is akhmatova, it’s not important , the essence is important, but it must be communicating with bandits, it’s very scary, well, this is part of my work, and you can say that my mission is in literature, thank you very much, thank you , it turned out to be a very good ending, i was a little worried, yes, you know, this is the first time i’ve seen such a well-read, educated journalist, thank you very much, yes... maybe with
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coffee, but i won’t refuse, with meringue, yes, and you know, i i'll go to see you this evening one of the monsters, well, take material for my new book, and take it? me with you, please, well, i don’t know, but it may be somewhat dangerous, well, i’ll be with you, i’m not afraid of anything with you, well, maybe without you at first? what does she need, give me some water, get me out
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of the way, what are you doing, idiots, shut up, otherwise i’ll interject again, you know who my husband is anyway, we don’t know, you’re screwed, be dead now, shut your mouth, we were warned, what are you... your whole head is in a state of disarray, don’t twitch, otherwise it will be worse, it’s me, the corporal we hear, really madly, yes, hello, we have your wife, behave correctly and she won’t get hurt, who is this, who is this, hello?
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they heard the shots, they ran away, who called the police? they called, by the way , well done peps, 2 minutes later they rushed in, but there was no point, no cars, no criminals , yes, of course you let everyone go of the witnesses, of course not, visitors, employees, everyone is in place, waiting for you, please, yes, i know that he is at home, yes, i know, yes, let me go, i... i tell you, let me go, i told you, garin, kolya, kolya, let him go, what’s going on, i have no idea, don’t yell , you’ll yell in your government at meetings, i tell you, where is my wife, where is my wife, normal presentation, you’re not sick,
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nikolai andreevich, they just called me on the phone and said, that your wife is with us, well, in the sense that they have my wife, so that i behave correctly. they told me, they said that they would call , they said that they would tell me what to do, what to do, i’ll tell my people, let them connect, let
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them connect, they took her from home, not from a beauty salon, she went to a beauty salon, kolya, gather people. “i told you, we’ll fight , it’s great, egor, oh, it’s great, yes, in the winter, come on, it’s cold, yeah, ta-da-da-dam, read, so, what is this, well, to the sanatorium?”
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"fools in the fresh air, let's take a walk, relax , your swallow will get to sisterretsk , you'll offend me when we get there, now, sit down, today. bim, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. discomfort and turbidity, poisoning and spinning, everything is seething and diarrhea, you need a filter quickly. the msti filter is a sorbent in a convenient tablet form that helps eliminate the symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea. at an average price - 115 rub. for 10 tablets. take revenge on the filter to restore order in your stomach. once encountered. with isitis, i am in two states, i experience pain and frequent urges or fear that it will return again. unique phytalizin
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digestive problems, i offer something more: the production of your own enzymes, i fistal and available on the yandex market. what is the pin code here? so it looks like you don't remember the correct answer. if a simple question turns into a quiz, can help on...
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and in the summer my mother goes somewhere, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. man, i'm sorry, engagement is actually not allowed, it's not like that, that's where you are, i didn't let you go anywhere, am i detained, formally no, then stir it up, larisa, finally , kolya, figure it out, so, i understand, you refuse to cooperate with the investigation,
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yes, i was stressed, forgive me, please introduce yourself, lieutenant... vice-governor kapralov, my wife and i will go home now, if you have any questions, call with a subpoena, all conversations in the presence of a lawyer, clear, clear, but what, but, don’t call your superiors and no but, everything is in order, yes, hang up, and tell alexey yuryevich my words of gratitude, i will. this is a timber dacha, please, theophilus stevenson, a boxer , the swedish consul, and now an elephant lives here, yes, please, be careful, it’s slippery, where are we going, dear ones, and hello, and we are waiting for us at alexander pavlovich’s, alexander pavlovich is sick, and lies, moves away, uh-huh, a little, my arrival was celebrated yesterday, i sent him back
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to my loved ones, it’s very nice, misha’s life. that means mikhail pavlovich, and i’m stepan , andrey kutuzov, a writer, okay , what’s real and what’s not nelson, while i’m blinking, yes, and what kind of pink rabbit is this with you, vlada blogger, german, or something, no, blogger - this is a journalist on the internet, hello, yes, yes, mikhail pavlovich, if alexandrich is sick, we’ll go, everything’s fine, i ’m already here for a beer. hello, do you have the strength to work, brother, he knows more stories than me, i’m a young boy compared to him, why did you get up, you should lie down some more, but they mixed it, yesterday it torments me in the air somehow it’s easier. alexander pavlovich, this is a journalist, she writes about famous people, it’s very nice, vlada
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is a blogger, she’s german, or something , she at least talks in russian, i say, you see, i’m writing right now ... i see, in the house, go, vlada, you find a kitchen there, figure it out, coffee, this and that, otherwise angelica isn’t at home, and i’m a waterfall in making coffee, come on, come on, come on, egor is tired, i can’t take it anymore, it’ll start, where will she go, well, it’s gone almost, then instead of going to the sanatorium i’ll have to get a shave straightaway. that’s it, your swallow has died, listen , maybe we’ll leave it, we’ll get there on foot , but it’s not far away past the cemetery and to the right , what are you talking about, vasily, i suggested this as an option,
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well, if you want to go, go, i understand you, go ahead. come on, come on, come on, molar , nalemi, something, i need to somehow relieve stress, it’s not too early, i beg you, don’t start, please, but i’m not starting, you’re just inventing some kind of stress for yourself every day, please, it seems that you just don’t give a damn about me, but i don’t give a damn at you, when was the last time you and i had sex, huh? well, you know how tired i am at work, no, i don’t need much, but at least flowers, excuse me, yes, i’m listening, listen here, corporals, you have to be responsible for your words, so you’ve got a lemon of bucks, you won’t choke on it lemon, i’ll digest it, in short, if you want
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to see your woman, prepare money, your woman, it’s up to you. first they will cut off one of her fingers, my wife is next to me, you cut off your wife’s finger, i understand, and admire what you cut off, i’m sorry, larisochka, i love you very much, with flowers i can handle it, but it’s time for me to run, please don’t go heavy on the cognac, come on, come on! that's it, come, hold on, oh, don't slam the door , i wonder if there's a spare parts store here somewhere, but of course there is, what kind of
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sanatorium would be without an auto parts store, thank you, let's go, has she visited you often? yes, all of our clients are mostly regulars. don't you know who an elephant is? no, it’s just that anzhelika ivanovna most often communicated with the elephant. it wouldn't hurt for us to talk to him either. yeah. thank you very much for your cooperation. yes. take my business card. if you remember anything new, please call. fine. yes, of course, dear , come, zinochka, when something didn’t work out for me, yes, i’m still waiting, hugging, listening to you,
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hello, hello, hello, angelina lvovna, hello, surname shavirin, your direction, good, thank you. uh-huh, now check in, and then for inspection , as you say, you are in command here, you noticed this correctly, i am in command, it’s really me here, i ask you to carefully read the memo, the rules of conduct in our sanatorium, 3d systems, 3d printer, i know, i don’t recommend joking, i don’t have a sense of humor, you know i’m not joking, and neither do others. no, no alcohol, no tobacco, lights out only according to a schedule, just like in prison, still, what is 3d?
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probably give way to the fool , you noticed this correctly, we really have a lot of fools here, discipline, discipline, once again, discipline, please, if something doesn’t suit you, we won’t detain you, we have a whole line of people here who want to, we can go home, but what about tanya, accept the new ones, like she does, you check out how she does it , she’ll cure your head better than any beer, as if anzhelika ivanovna, that’s a different story, well, that’s another story, in short, when i lived in kamchatka, all the bears were afraid of me, once on the river
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i went out to raise a brood, there are about five of them, just like that , nose-nose, eye-eye, what to do , well, i turned the head off of the first one who was closer, tore off the mouth of the second one, the rest ran away, as i understand the rest of the bears, i hope it’s angelica ivanovna has arrived, angelika ivanovna. it’s their main one, isn’t it? even worse? you are alexander pavlovich lonin? in the house, alexander pavlovich is sick, lying with a towel on his head. and you, excuse me, but i’m mikhail pavlych, my dear brother. yes. well, we are police lieutenant yanvarev and justice lieutenant shavlina. we would like to talk about the wife of alexander pavlovich. can we come in? well, yes, i'll try you. let me come to you, bro, oh, what kind of people, nastya, nikita , hello, hello, i don’t understand, do you know them, and this is the hero of my last book,
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hello, be quiet, you don’t understand, what about my wife, when did you meet her or they said the last time, which means the last, this morning the beauty salon left, uh-huh, there was an armed attack on the beauty salon ... an armed attack and anzhelika ivanovna was kidnapped, this is zyusha’s father, yes, shame on you, who did it, she’s alive, well, unfortunately, we don’t have information yet , let’s hope so, you can give us a photo, anzhelika ivanovna, we’ll give you an orientation, what do you want the whole city to know that you kidnapped slana’s wife, and i rushed to you , for help, believe me, it makes sense. you write a statement, authority more important than the meaning, there will be no statement, and no dialogue with you either, goodbye. calm down,
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bro, let’s clear it out, yes, who dared, and this and that, that’s it, i’m tired of this, we have to go, wait, we don’t need any directions, we’ll find it ourselves, wine. we need to find out what kind of thugs these are and whose ears are sticking out behind them, and what is it, what is it, luka, the bear, angelica was kidnapped, you can find out who these freaks are, got it, well, let's go, well, if you have to go, yeah, i, i’ll probably stay, this is the right decision, but the elephant needs help, and you leave, i can handle this myself, this is the right decision, so don’t you
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offend the guys here? i ’ll try, i’ll tell her a couple of stories now, it’s a long time ago, but it’s interesting , well, just imagine, she says to me, yes , hello, nikita egorovich, this is masha, administrators of the beauty salon, i remembered when these two burst in, they are not angela they were looking for ivanovna, so, from this place, let’s be more specific, and who were they looking for, copravo, larisa. wife of the vice-governor, or what? yes, they showed me her photograph even before that, and she was also at the cosmetologist’s mask on his face, i wonder, thank you, is this what petrovich told me about, who petrovich is? we’ll go and introduce you, but first to see varisa vadimovna, and there’s an address, otherwise, oh, phone numbers, last names, addresses, everyone who was in
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the salon, everything is in the notebook. yes, here's a moron, hello, what's your name? larisa vadimovna, what about your last name? kapralova. this is for you, he knows that i hate roses, but sign it, please, okay, find it or think of something, what?
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young people, we are from the police, show us your documents! sola, yeah, let's drive behind them, quickly, stop, i'll shoot.
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stop! well, you're a turtle! where's the car? i can't drive, how can you not? not at all. nastya, why didn’t you say something? well, you ran away , it hurts, it’s tolerable, but okay, sit still, i’ll do everything, maybe not now, i’m still wounded, i’ll give it to you now, this is a tempting offer, but in january, you’ll agree, give it carefully, but be patient, ah, listen, ah... let
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’s better go to the car, i have everything there, first aid kits, you need to see a doctor, your head is spinning. the soup was, of course, so-so, yes, it looked like the fish had just been rinsed, hello, please wait, so you want to say that there is 150 g of meat here? men, your table is diet number three, so call polvara, why in the eyes?
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specific questions, soup, one water, salad, one cabbage, it says, butter , but there is no oil, instead of meat there is some kind of meatball, that’s it, well, everything is correct, dietary food, number three, so what if we don’t like it this is a diet, well, if you don’t like it, don’t eat it. deliver your compote, bon appetit everyone, tanechka, yes, ask valentin to make us something dietary,
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we hope, yes, what is it, that’s it, that ’s it, the rest is gone, mine is definitely on... and where to get spare parts, i don’t know, so listen, what are we going to do first, you have a head, so think about it , well, we can’t leave her like that, she saw us, do you think, we’ll go down, either she or we, that is, it wasn’t your wife who was kidnapped that time? yes, they should have mine, but they stole it, not mine, this one was definitely mine, who did it? asian, what asian? well, the one to whom i
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promised the tram park is a problem, so he came, but why an asian? you said magnitogorsk, they have a river there. city ​​in half divides, the right one is in europe, and the left one is asia, that’s why the asian, the ural river, cool, i always thought the ural were mountains, but i had a c in geography at school, can you help me solve the problem, nikolai andreevich, i for a very long time, a law-abiding businessman. and unlike government officials, i don’t use gangster methods. listen, well, well, well, help me, i won’t be in debt.
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here. kolya, i'm going to the elephant. nikita, be careful, you’re almost losing consciousness, everything’s fine, hello, hello, nikita egorovich, what’s the rush, another it was impossible to choose a place, petrovich, meet shavirina anastasia ivanovna , investigator, lieutenant of justice, hello , yes, a well-known surname, a dynasty, which means i ’m...
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metal, i needed pills to improve brain activity, and you what else did they say, where to find them? but how will i remember, i missed the time to take the pills? give him 2.0 from your pocket. 3.0. tablets, now expensive, special edition for airborne veterans. i’m a paratrooper, i, oh-oh-oh, oh, this is all for me, to be friends with you. nikita egorovich, a pleasure. friendly, what? i say, gardening is friendly, where they rented a dacha. lesnaya street two. yes lesnaya
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two, yeah, well, we're going to a friendly, no friendly, january, we're going to the hospital without talking, be careful, vlada, you're an angel, maybe some kind of pill for the head, no need, well, you just talk for now, and i i’ll go watch tv, nothing, yes, that’s good, here you are, damn it, okay, screw, what’s the news, so the chasochak the other day lost... two pretzels from magnitogorsk.
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i guess these are the ones we need. did you take volyn? and the bag, and the hut, friendly satisfaction. friendly, friendly, this is where it is in toksovo. go? well, right now, or what? and when? damn, vint, but now this is not the topic at all. en, you're not crazy. the kidnappers have not yet shown up. no demands were made. they ’ll call, we’ll talk and we’ll go, i got it, that’s right, brother, it’s logical, let’s have a drink , we won’t be late for the store , we’ll make it in time, don’t worry, i’ll make it, it’s coming, yes, problems, yes, big problems, why is it beeping, we don’t see, whether? uh, we’re pushing the car away, well
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, excuse me, it stalled, you know, it started, and then once that’s it, well, it stalled, push away, i i’m not going to start here until the morning, but we don’t have the strength to push, where is number three, so we need to light a cigarette, there are wires, there are, come on, give it to me, well, you couldn’t look in advance, but how do you like me? the same thing from cutlets, oh, oh, good evening
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, police colonel shevrin, please send me an outfit, sistaratsk, sanatorium prosvet, central entrance, mm, that’s it, we’re waiting, uh, what are you doing, what are you doing, we want to see in your eyes, you , valya, italy, yes, beauty! "great, jumbo elephant, what's wrong with the head, we mix beer with vodka, yeah, if only with beer and you miss your wife, i see, but how do you know, i’m supposed to know everything, this is kolya. hello, hello, kolya’s wife was also
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stolen by the same people, do you know who this is? vint, the day before yesterday two volyns were bought from a watchmaker from magnitogorsk, and they rented a hut for a week in gardening, where in gardening, and... that is, do you know where they are? yes, well, if you know that you are not coming, they found out a minute before you. charge the boys and the girl , roll them into concrete, i mean, it’s a joke, take them wherever they say, goodbye, micha, so you
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’ll make him stutter, so he’ll survive, what kind of people are you? in your opinion, the horse could just take it, look for vadik, captain, you’re something sad, you’re astute, didn’t tell your fortune, bim , what are you running in, how did you go bim, the new season is today at... 0:00 on ntv. beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. anxiety can be treated. new. afabazole retard. gradual release of the active substance. just one tablet per day. afobazole - anxiety can and should be treated. we take loans. easy to arrange. we are at
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is a yandex workshop, start learning for free , keep dreaming, for me cestitis is pain and frequent urge. unique fetolysin capsules help relieve pain and urges and reduce the risk of new exacerbations. capsules are a double blow to cystitis. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order with avito delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints. it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation. and a special component for better penetration into the glasses. created to combat pain and inflammation in muscles and joints, convenient packaging at an affordable price. each of us has something dear to us. honor, memory, present and future, dear,
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sincere, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we do not throw words to the wind and do not abandon our own, join yours, valentin, as right? well, i trusted you, disgrace , comrade, thank you very much, thank you, thank you on my own behalf, on behalf of the entire team, thank you, gentlemen, comrades, vacationers, curfew has not been canceled according to the schedule, please go to the wards immediately, angelina lvovna, yes , we, well, are entitled to extra rations. well , the lights out also applies to you, good night,
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yeah, yeah, yegor, 10 minutes left, hurry up to the store, what are you looking at here, i can’t do this, nena. raise the barrel, do it, bourgeois, well , it’s just a woman, not just a woman who saw us, or have you forgotten who the elephant is , i see, it’s not about... who did you run into, you bastard, me, it’s not me,
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well, the elephant is alive, dear, you came, you made it, darling, me i’ll never say a word against you again, i promise, okay, and i won’t drink your blood at all, like before, maybe then you’ll give up half of my property? no, fuck you, it's all baby, let's go, let's get out of here, larisa, well, it somehow hurts, moron, poles, marisa, dear, oh, oh, red, oops. oh, why so much food, well, you and i have 2 more days of diet, number three, so you'll see,
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there’s nothing left, let’s hurry up, where do you think there’s enough, well, that’s enough, we ’re on a diet, come on, that’s it, catch up, faster, faster, faster, let it be, well, good evening, yes, hello, two bags please, yeah, oh, alcohol is not allowed, why, should i show my passport that i’m 18 years old, look at my watch that i’m already 22, right? so, listen, there is no one here except us, and we won’t tell anyone, yes, suddenly you are cops, this is a test purchase, we, why did you decide, we, we are pensioners, and because of what you have here a whole sanatorium of such pensioners , what is it, tell me, why is the hand on your watch not moving, what, a second, it ’s been standing since the morning, you know, without... 10, let’s, then, we’ll make it in time, with we're starting bottles, come on, load up, yeah, phew, we made it
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, i almost had a heart attack, so change the battery, thank you, yeah, for us , for us, wait for me, just a second , calm down, i'm coming, watch her. alexey yurievich, thank you very much, you helped me out, what questions will there be regarding land at any time, and well of course, the tram park is yours, thank you, but you are not boring, who is the trunk, the elephant’s brother. well, thank you for friendship, and some say there is no such thing as female friendship, well, they are fools, and we
6:57 am
are not friends with fools. "stand , turn around, approach, from where, where, why, we violate, that means we violate the rules of 3d, discipline, discipline, and discipline again, so, we are, we, we went to the store, for spare parts for the car, for.. "
6:58 am
as an exception, i forgive you, but only for today, starting tomorrow, getting up and going out exactly as scheduled, and exercise therapy, therapeutic physical education, so maybe, then for physical education, therapeutic. it’s all over with us, but no, it’s just beginning with us, good evening, please, what do you want, can i come in for literally 5 minutes and ask how i’m feeling, ask tomorrow from 2 to 7 p.m., i’m
6:59 am
an investigator, here’s my id: girl , with a referral to the dentist i can get to the investigative committee, i mean literally, you have your own certificates, we have our own hospitals here, listen, what else is not clear, i just want to make sure that everything is fine with my friend okay, lieutenant yanvarev was wounded while detaining dangerous criminals, to his comrades from 14 to 19, relatives are another matter, but i, i am a relative, a fiancée, we have already submitted an application. there’s a wedding in a week, for sure, well, i’m going to deceive you, the other day it turned out that we’re expecting a baby, understand, i ’m very worried, okay, the third floor, wounded during the arrests, is there, thank you very much, thank you, and the wardrobe is there, yeah , oh, phew,
7:00 am
oh-oh-oh, oksan, and you have living water, there is a gram of 200c2h5oh, the wounds are healing right before your eyes, you can’t have alcohol, glucose oksan, well, don’t be so soulless, my wounded , vulnerable body may not be able to bear this, don’t worry, i’m a future resuscitator, i think i’ll manage somehow, yeah, yeah, but if i lose consciousness now, nh4oh will help us. who ammonium hydroxide solution, no, it won’t work on me, and what will work on you , well, how can you awaken a sleeping princess, only the magical power of a kiss is sung in fairy tales , but what are you saying, but a kiss from a beautiful girl is more effective than resuscitation, but as intensive care please?


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