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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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blizzards and snowfalls have paralyzed traffic on federal highways in several regions, there is no unity, none of this is working, let's find some. another method to solve this problem. while biden plans to convince congressmen to allocate another military tranche to ukraine, some european politicians are counting the money. giving away 50 billion euros from the eu budget is a violation of the sovereignty of the eu's national interests. nomadic calculations: quickly practice rolling from one position. how on in the southern donetsk direction, this tactic helps the mortar men avoid attacks.
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turkish banks began to massively refuse to work with russian ones, which was the reason, we learn in business news. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kolovanov studio. the january blizzard is ringing in a number of russian regions in the ulyanovsk region, the consequences of this ringing were felt by dozens of drivers who spent the whole night on one of the highways. the cause of the traffic jam was a truck whose driver failed to control the traffic. frost, and people began to freeze, in some there were children in the cars, including a six-month -old baby, emergency situations ministry employees came to the rescue, a heating point was set up, now traffic on the highway is limited, the road is gradually being cleared, and the local
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press calls the situation in... the building a snowpocalypse, a blizzard has been swirling for several days in the forecast new precipitation, in some areas almost 130% of the monthly norm fell, all federal highways were partially or completely closed. 6 hours have already passed towards kazan, we still stand as we stand . and in chicago because of the cold on the streets dead robots appeared, that's what they say about the dead robots. about stalled tesla cars. in the city it is almost twenty degrees below zero and the batteries cannot be recharged; due to the low temperature, charging stations have stopped working. this is how cars drive, not on electricity, but on manual traction. nothing happens, the charge is still at zero, i’ve been here for 3 hours, yesterday i spent 8 hours at the charger. you have to come here and stand in line to charge for 2 hours. they say that charging is fast, but... it takes as long as 2 hours,
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car owners complain about other problems, caused by frost, for example, it is not always possible to open the doors, the system does not work in the cold. the ministry of defense reported that tonight the air defense destroyed seven alha rockets and four ukrainian drones over the belgorod region, and early in the morning four missiles from the rocket system were intercepted in the skies over the region. fire vampire and two ukrainian aircraft -type drones. in the northern military district zone in the donetsk direction, artillery crews of geocent self-propelled guns and southern groupings of troops destroyed military installations and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the guns worked on enemy positions in the forest belt, which will soon be stormed by our motorized rifle unit. on the same section of the front , the crew of k-52 attack helicopters destroyed the enemy command post. moving at
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a minimum altitude, the helicopter pilots brought the vehicles to the line, struck the fortifications, the fortified dugouts of the vso, with unguided aircraft missiles, then the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver, releasing heat traps and returned to the home airfield. they play a special role on the front line russian mortarmen, they move between firing points on vehicles in close proximity to the enemy. positions, this makes it possible to deliver surprise attacks on the enemy with fragmentation mines, but at the same time, the risks of falling under return fire increase significantly. pavel rybalchenko knows how nomadic crews avoid retaliatory strikes: quickly work from one position, roll either to another, or for now to the waiting area. in the cab of the truck there is a mortar crew in the back, a gun and shells. this crew of the vostok group is called pumping, task. not just to hit
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the enemy, but not to become a target yourself. they left, worked for 50 minutes, turned up, left, well, so that there was as little chance of the opposite as possible, well, the answers. it’s flying , well, it’s still quieter than before , it’s now, well, today it’s sunny, it’s like the birds are in the air and we have the enemy, that is, they see everything everywhere, they shoot everywhere, accordingly. the mortar crew is deployed in an already targeted position, there is such a plate here, dynamic, it was reliably camouflaged. installing a mortar is not difficult; the main actions of the crew begin after the fighters are given the coordinates of the target; pointing accuracy is important. and speed, the gun commander gives us an interview right in the process of work. the main difficulty here is to place parallel bubbles here, which need to be aligned when they give the coordinates of the targets, set the target and align the bubbles,
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and for this we need to rotate these mechanisms. with mines, even without delay, you still have to tinker, white bags are powder charges, the more of them, the the projectile will fly further. when preparing for a shot , the main thing is not to be distracted and not to think that the answer can arrive almost instantly, over time the stupor ceased to arise at all, immediately all this already happens automatically, all the actions, before, one might say, everyone was guys, now everyone have already become men, the enemy infantry target has been hit , the ukrainian armed forces manpower failed to hide in the forest belt, the fighters from the storm...
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what is now going on will continue, what is now taking place, now it is completely obvious, not only their counter-offensive failed, but the initiative is completely in the hands of the russian armed forces, if this continues, an irreparable, very serious blow may be dealt to ukrainian statehood, but this is their area of ​​​​responsibility, this will then be the result of their...
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peacefully, it is necessary troops to withdraw from kiev, they intend to go to resolve these issues , they withdrew, a day later they threw all the agreements into the trash, they have now said publicly, including the head of this very negotiating group, and he, by the way, the head of the ruling party in parliament, in the rada, said, yes, we were ready, we missed it because the then prime minister arrived.
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they are trying to show that they can also do something, but instead of solving military problems, they act in such a barbaric way, they simply strike peaceful settlements, and not with selective weapons, the multiple launch rocket system simply hits everything in areas. well, joe biden today will try to personally persuade congressmen to allocate additional aid to ukraine, he called house senate leaders to a meeting in white. before this, the administration of the american president was unable to reach an agreement with congress on financing kiev, the resistance is primarily given by the republicans, who demand that their conditions be fulfilled, well , so far there is no agreement in washington, biden decided to look for money for kiev in europe, but
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not everyone there is ready sacrifice one's own interests. mikhail chibanenko, more details. there is no unity in europe; not all countries want to support the kiev regime. fitz and the head of the hungarian government, orban, who met in budapest, did not hide their emotions, discussing the next plans of europe and america to pump kiev with money and weapons, even if they finance the regime.
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then we slavs will unite as brothers, and i believe that we will unite and raze western
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europe to the ground. i'm sure no one here wants this. the war in ukraine is a problem for the united states, a problem for its interests. the european union is a simple vassal of the united states. we must start peace negotiations, but without the americans. we must stop these killings. writing out generous checks to ukraine and europe have already failed. germany has been hit by a wave of strikes by farmers who risk being left without. subsidies due to the financing of the kiev regime. over the entire last year, berlin spent 24 billion euros on kiev, while ignoring its own problems. but, apparently, it is more important for scholz what they will say overseas. after biden’s call, the german chancellor decided to allocate 7 billion euros to ukraine after the expected four in the states themselves , they are trying to get money from the zelensky regime from congress by any means, including intimidation with horror stories about the threat nato from the outside. look, there is no magic pot of money, if we don't get
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the money, it will be a real problem, it's a real problem for ukraine, it's a problem for us too, but look what the matter, most of the money we ask for to protect ukraine will be spent here in the usa, these are american jobs, and if we let our guard down, we will open pandora's box, putin will not stop in ukraine, then it will be the turn of the nato countries. joe biden as the main ideologist of assistance. ukraine is not losing hope of getting congress to write new checks for support for the zelensky regime. republicans are outright refusing to provide aid without solving america's internal problems, such as the migration crisis on the border with mexico. today, the us president will gather at the white house the leaders of both chambers, as well as the heads of key congressional committees , to beg for several more billions for zelensky. president biden is absolutely focused on this. we strive to achieve.
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turkish banks began to refuse to work with russian ones due to fears of american
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sanctions, as the merchant writes, referring to the source, are about the suspension of payment processing and the severance of correspondent relations. at the same time, as the interlocutors clarify, there is an exception for publications for subsidiaries of foreign banks in russia. sources say that the problems began a long time ago, but the situation worsened sharply at the end of december , affecting almost all turkish banks. version about refusal to cooperate with russia under us pressure. approved in the assembly of exporters of turkey, they say that after the december decree of us president joe biden on secondary sanctions against banks assisting russian ones, turkish banks were among the first. a record, while exports to russia increased by almost 17%. today sber announced that its net profit at the end of last year reached almost one and a half trillion rubles, this is five times more than in the twenty-second
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year, and it is not surprising that this is a new record for sber, the bank's shares are now growing by a percentage, as expected, they ... were able to pull the entire domestic stock market into a slight plus, the ruble is getting cheaper after the growth of the last week, the dollar now costs 88.34, euro 96.07. the digital maturity of key sectors of the russian economy over the past 5 years has increased from 32 to 75% and thus exceeded the plan. deputy prime minister dmitry chernoshenko spoke about these and other achievements today at the digitalization day at the exhibition at the russia forum. teleportal of government services, although it seemed that it was close to saturation, almost doubled, reached 109 million rubles, 109 million people, on behalf of the president, this was at the forum of future technologies, we are now really taking a very important step from digital
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economy, to the data economy, this is a new cross-cutting national project. the day before , the russian financial system embarked on a slippery slope; it did this, although in full view of many, but on its own initiative and under the control of professionals. finance minister anton selanov, in the company of world champions victoria senitsina and nikita kotsalapova, went to the skating rink at vdnkh. this event concluded the day of finance at the russian exhibition. everyone is talking about physical education, today we looked at the issues of financial culture, financial culture, no less important than physical education, therefore combination.
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the accident rate on all types of transport in russia has noticeably decreased, the head of rostransnadzor, viktor bosargin, reported this to the prime minister. he also informed the head of government about digital transformation in the department. thus, according to bosargin, the time required to complete documents for a business has been reduced from 5 to 2 days. information systems have been created that track vehicles in real time. the prime minister drew attention to the fact that russian standards should be applied in new ones.
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farm, the building was dilapidated, there was no gas, and 12 children worked at the local utility , it is possible that the old wiring just couldn’t withstand the load in the cold, when the house caught fire, there was only one woman at home with the children, the flames cut off the path to the exit and they had to jump out of the windows, this woman saved two kids , unfortunately i didn’t have time. thank you, pe, next, let me remind you that
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you can also follow the news on the website in the mobile application. and i say goodbye to you, until the next newscast on ntv at 16:00, see you, vitafer helps maintain normal iron levels, vitafer everything will come true with iron, it tastes better on fire, burger king, burger king, when the processes are established, you have time. think about how to grow your business, you create it here now, and think of business creates tools to solve your problems. tiikov is a business and the job is done. it’s as if cats are scratching on the throat, the pain in the throat does not give rest, pain when swallowing, soreness, there is a treatment. lorathricin acts on the cause
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forget it, oh, forget it, forget it, dingya, during the initial investigative actions of operational search activities , the identity of a seventeen-year-old local resident, who is an azerbaijani, was identified and involved in these illegal acts. operational support in a criminal case is provided by employees regional departments of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs. the alleged leader of the group, a seventeen-year-old native of azerbaijan. i was in a hurry to apologize, but it is unlikely that they will somehow affect the course of the case. now law enforcement officers continue to search for all victims at the hands of hooligans.


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