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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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snowfalls paralyzed traffic on federal highways in several regions. there is no unity. none of this works. let's find some other method to solve this problem. while biden plans to convince congressmen, he still needs to highlight. there is another military tranche in ukraine, some european politicians are counting the money. give 50 billion euros from the eu budget. this is a violation of the sovereignty of the eu's national interests. turkish banks began to massively refuse to work with russian ones. we'll find out what caused it in business news. 100 years into the future, the kovykhtinskoye gas condensate field is gaining power, just as just one gazprom infrastructure project is changing life throughout the entire east. siberia and gives strength
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to the russian economy, having made a difficult journey through the taiga, alexey prokin saw. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. so, snow storms are sweeping several russian regions at once. tatarstan was covered by a black blizzard, as they call a storm with almost zero visibility. in the ulyanovsk region, blocked in the middle drivers spent the night in a snow trap on the road. petersburg, lower. novgorod, samara and noticed traffic jams such that walking is faster. but our correspondent, mikhail chernov, still got to work. many sections of the highway in the volga region are still blocked. the reason is a blizzard and snowstorms, when snow from the roadsides sweeps onto the roadway. congestion in the samara, saratov, orenburg, penza regions, as well as in chuvash and tatarstan. this is how special equipment cleared the road from snow drifts all night in the samara region. on many sections of the m5 highway traffic had to be blocked. drivers
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were stuck in traffic jams on the border with the orenburg and saratov regions in neighboring tatarstan , the road was also completely covered in snow from standing for many hours, the cars were running out of gas, and the authorities organized the delivery of fuel to the drivers stuck on the highway. in the same tatarstan, in the mamadyshsky district , 10 cars collided on the m-7-volga federal highway due to bad weather, which is why traffic also had to be limited. in the ulyanovsk region, a multi-kilometer traffic jam was caused by a truck whose driver lost control of the vehicle due to bad weather and blocked the road. a rescuer from the ministry of emergency situations of russia and the civil protection fire safety service of the ulyanovsk region drive around the area on snowmobiles and provide the necessary assistance. a mobile heating station will be deployed on site. now special equipment is clearing the road between kazan and ulyanovsk, as well as a section of the highway towards samara. area
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has ceased, traffic restrictions have been lifted in some places, but on many sections of the route trucks still have difficulty moving. mikhail chernov, sergey skvortsov, vladimir khazov, ekaterina kostyukevich. tv component. well, in chicago , due to the cold weather, dead robots appeared on the streets, this is what they say about stalled tesla electric cars. in the city it is almost 20 degrees below zero and the batteries cannot be recharged. due to low temperatures , charging stations stopped working. this is how cars drive, not on electricity, on manual traction. nothing happens, the charge is still at zero, i’ve been here for 3 hours, yesterday i spent 8 hours at the charger. you need to come here, stand in line to charge 2 hours. they say charging is fast, but it takes a full 2 ​​hours. car owners complain about other problems that have arisen due to frost, for example, it is not always possible to open the doors, the system does not work in the cold. russia's gdp growth over the past year, with
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a more careful recalculation, may turn out to be even more than 3.5% of the figure that the authorities are now focusing on; it is important that this growth is ensured mainly due to domestic, consumer and investment demand. vladimir putin spoke about this at a meeting with the government. the topic of the meeting will be the president’s recent trip to chukutka in the khabarovsk territory. the head of state intends to discuss with the cabinet.
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an absolute record, nothing like this has happened in the history of russia yet, i want to congratulate the builders on this, for 10 years the president noted that there are also challenges, this is inflation of more than 7%, according to...
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massive refusal to work with russians for fear of american sanctions , newspaperkommert writes about this on sources. according to them , turkish banks are breaking correspondent relations with russian ones, and they simply stop processing payments without even formally closing the contract. participants in the logistics market say that the problems began a long time ago, but the situation worsened sharply at the end of december, after us president joe biden signed a decree on secondary sanctions against banks assisting russian ones. the version about the refusal of turkish banks to cooperate with russia precisely because of us pressure was confirmed at the assembly of exporters of turkey. and turkish president recep ardogan recently stated that exports to russia grew by 17% last year. the day before bloomberg reported that
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chinese banks also began to tighten restrictions for russian clients after the us warned about secondary sanctions. on a positive note, the businessman recalls that in march last year, turkey already seriously limited the export of sanctioned goods. to russia, and then, albeit with reservations, transit was restored. now the head of the board of the financial innovation association, roman prokhorov, calls the current problems with turkish banks some kind of another game. today sber announced that its net profit at the end of last year reached almost one and a half trillion rubles. this is five times more than in 2020 and it is not surprising that this is a new record for sberbank. previously, the experts of the acro rating agency...
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could pull the entire russian stock market into a slight plus, the ruble is getting cheaper after the growth of the last week, the dollar at these minutes is 88.41, the euro is 9625. the national welfare fund has decreased by one and a half rubles over the month. today menfin reported that as of january 1 , the national welfare fund had 11.965 billion, which is approximately 8% of gdp. this noticeable reduction is explained by the fact that at the end of the twenty-third year. allocated 2.9 trillion rubles from the national welfare fund to cover the budget deficit, at the same time, in december, the ministry of finance replenished the national welfare fund with additional oil and gas revenues that it received in august-december, so the reduction in the fund was partially compensated. at the same time, during the process
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when the deficit was covered from the national welfare fund, the ministry of finance sold all the euros remaining in the fund, and now it only contains rubles, gold and yuan. even earlier, in the twenty-first year, russia stopped storing facilities. since the beginning of the year, gazprom has several times updated the historical maximum for gas exports to china through the sila siberian pipeline. the first ever pipeline supplies of russian fuel to china began 4 years ago, precisely through this gas pipeline. at that time, gas came from the cheredidinskoye field in yakutia. in 2022 , kavytkinskaya in the irkutsk region also joined. this project is called a landmark project for the entire russian economy. alexey prokin will tell you why. on 313., drilling is underway in a cluster of gas wells, and an inquisitive patrol also lives. generally
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dogs have little work to do in winter. gas workers are sensitive, they try not to disturb the local fauna, the environmental component of production is one of the main priorities for gazprom. meanwhile , a fifty-six-meter uralmash drilling rig, here they call it a christmas tree, is slowly moving through the taiga. why do we call this object a bush? because from one point we have. the network of wells is scattering, and even if we turn the projection over, it turns out that from one point we have a well diverging, and it kind of resembles a bush. from well to well the drilling rig moves on rails, now the sixth well is being drilled at pad 313, there will be seven in total, natural gas lies here at a depth of about 3 km, but the shafts are longer, drilling goes deeper and at an angle to extract... gas from underground is needed advanced technologies in the middle space are real professionals in their field. the kavyktinskoye
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field is one of the largest in the country. there are 3,800 billion cubic meters of gas in the depths. nine gas storage clusters and a gas collection system were built. the installation itself for complex gas treatment in cng-2 is a very large installation, its area is more than 800,000 km. here. gas prepared. installations began to arrive in siberia - in december last year, this means that a new irkutsk gas production and treatment center has appeared on the map of our country. in addition to methane, kovykta gas is rich in ethane, propane, butane and helium, this is the most expensive and valuable gas, gels are produced at the amur gas processing plant, almost 300 km from here, the zero kilometer of the power of siberia gas pipeline is located here, in kavykta, at a complex treatment facility .
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the total volume of production in these snow -capped hills will be 27 billion cubic meters per year, and in the depths of kovykt there are 66 million tons of gas condensate, it is needed for the production of motor fuel and the production of plastics , when the taiga was just beginning to sprout steel pipes, construction was timid at first, but then they loudly compared it with the construction of bam, which runs nearby here, and here ’s why: take, for example, these columnar condensate stabilization, they are not local dominants... scrapers in a deep taiga forest, each weighs 152 tons, and so that to deliver them here, we had to develop
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a separate logistics strategy, just like now, when it’s -40° in taiga, it’s even difficult to say what is more inspiring, engineering or a miracle, the professionalism of the gas workers or the resilience of their characters, the answer , however, is obvious, all together. without exaggeration, almost the entire country works at the field. workers came from 50 regions. roman arzemanov. local from bratsk, his wife has three children waiting at home, prospects are waiting for him at work, by position roman, senior foreman for integrated automation, by an innovator by vocation , he constantly thinks about how to improve the production process, there is always something that can be improved, implemented, and most importantly , it is safe in terms of safety, a lot of things have been implemented here, among gas workers, among construction workers, the shift lasts 28 days, in harsh it’s not easy to work in taiga conditions, however, the conditions would be... and the working conditions here are thought out to the smallest detail, special attention to safety precautions, on
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the forest floor, for example, you can’t wear rings , there are no people for 100 km around, but quote - that’s not a lost world, rather a specific uasis , where right now, while construction work is going on, up to 10 thousand people are working in shifts, and where there is everything for a full life in the dining room for breakfast, throwing out one and a half dozen dishes in a large quattro, they are trying to create the comfort of a big city, talking about quote... vladimir putin noted that such projects are extremely necessary for the country's economy, for russia, for strengthening its social and economic well-being, well-being, which ultimately develops, among other things. from what comes after during the shift, everyone here can find something to their liking. in the dormitories, in addition to laundries and food blocks, there are gyms, and control rooms for gas and gas condensate production are similar to mission control centers. alexander pascal has been working on shifts since he graduated from the tyumen oil and gas industry, and has been getting used to his new position for several days.
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alexander headed the production workshop. those who are not afraid of responsibility and difficult tasks have a career at the kavyktinskoye field. when an object starts, some kind of sadness, because this stage of construction is all ending, and you understand that this is already the end, this is the beginning of another, another stage, the stage of operation, and joy, of course, that all this, in principle, this construction is coming to an end, because well , that’s what i’m saying, not everyone can endure this, well, it’s a big load at the very least. both moral and physical. soviet geological explorers discovered gas in these protected areas in the late eighties. having started its production, in 2022 gazprom not only implemented a large-scale project, but breathed new life into the economy of the irkutsk region. this is, first of all, work for a decade, because the design
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life of the kavykinskoye field is 99 years, which means that there will be enough work for current workers and... children and even grandchildren, so we support labor dynasties in every possible way, we already have such examples, and we will develop it. a new settlement appeared on the map of the region, the rotational village of nyuchekan, which received its name from the nyucha river. when the construction of all production facilities is completed, and drilling rigs will no longer tower over the taiga, life here will be a little more measured. about a thousand people will remain working at vakhta, almost all production processes in gazprom. automated, for example, 209 cluster of gas wells, the very first cluster that produced kavykta gas, seems to have been lost in the taiga. hus is really growing on its own, all because hundreds of sensors every second inform workshop operators that everything is under control, all domestic equipment is reliable, as they say here, with siberian character. alexey prokin and artemy chinkov,
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ntv television company, kovyktinskaya gas condensate field, irkutsk region. in russia last year, more than 180 domestic films were released , and almost a quarter of them were family or children's films. minister of culture olga lyubimova said that the indicators of the film industry in the country have grown noticeably ; today she summed up the results for the year, so , for example, the box office receipts of our films have doubled, the release of family content is gaining momentum, the project is working on this, for which the cinema fund launched a competition for children's films. as for russian museums, 43 million people visited them in a year, and if pyatergov is already traditionally the leader in terms of attendance, then the battle of stalingrad museum-reserve unexpectedly took second place, ahead of the hermitage and tretovka. a lot of work to update museums is going on in new regions, there are now 77 of them, all of them have received modern multimedia equipment,
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and in some places they have managed to expand their exhibitions. the most important thing is how the internal work is structured in general. the creation of so-called model libraries is something between a reading room and an internet cafe, their popularity is growing, another one hundred and fifty will be opened this year, ntv capital viewers will continue to watch the release today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia . 10 people
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were injured in a fire at a synthetic fiber production plant in the city of shakhty, rostov region. the victims suffered burns, fractures and contusions. it all started with an explosion in one of the workshops, this moment was caught on video. a drone strike was reported however, local authorities denied this information. the fire spread hundreds of square meters, but was brought under control in about an hour. the plant opened last summer and is russia's first enterprise for the production of polyester staple fiber. it is used, for example, in the production of wet wipes, threads, and pillow fillings. aviation and artillery hit the mechanized, airborne mountain assault brigades, as well as the defense forces, the national guard and the marine corps. on the kupinsky, krasnolimansky and donetsk directions
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russian units repelled 10 enemy attacks. in addition, warehouses with ammunition and fuel, two radar stations and a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries were hit. the total number of soldiers in the ssoo exceeded 600 military personnel. air defense systems shot down 21 drones, as well as one of... joe biden today will try to personally persuade congressmen to allocate additional assistance to ukraine. he called the council leaders, the house senate leaders , to a meeting at the white house. before this, the administration of the american president was never able to reach an agreement with congress on financing kiev. the resistance is primarily given by the republicans, who demand that their conditions be met. and so far there is no agreement in washington. biden decided to look for money for kiev in europe, but not everyone there is ready to sacrifice their own interests. mikhail chibanenko, more details. there is no unity in europe;
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not all countries want to support the kiev regime. prime minister of slovakia fica and head of the hungarian government orban, who met in budapest, did not hide their emotions when discussing the next plans of europe and america, to pump kiev with money and weapons. give 50 billion euros from the budget. the european union for 4 years ahead is a violation of the sovereignty of the national interests of the eu. we don't even know what will happen in a quarter of the year. the head of the slovak government at this meeting stated that, as a slovak , he was saddened to see that the slavs were destroying each other because of the geopolitical interests of some forces in the west. these forces, according to fitz, twice prohibited the kiev authorities from concluding a truce, which led to thousands of dead. let us, we will give more tanks, more planes, more weapons, and in 3 years we will stand here also declaring that 50 billion euros have been spent, from
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each country there are 1000 more dead soldiers, and no one will move forward, let's call a spade a spade, none of this works, let's find some other method to solve this problem. the thoughts of the heads of slovakia and hungary are supported more and more loudly in the european parliament. the war in ukraine is a problem. usa, we must start peace negotiations, but without the americans. we have to stop these murders. writing generous checks to ukraine and europe has already backfired. germany has been hit by a wave of strikes against farmers who risk being left without subsidies due to the financing of the kiev regime. over the entire last year, berlin spent 24 billion euros on kiev, while ignoring its own problems. but judging by... why is it more important for scholz what they will say overseas, after biden’s call, the german chancellor decided to allocate 7 billion euros to ukraine after the expected four in the states themselves
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they are trying to beg money from the zelensky regime congress by any means, including intimidation with horror stories about the threat to nato from russia. most of the money we ask for to protect ukraine will be spent here in the united states. these are american jobs, and if we let our guard down, we will open up. pandora's box, putin will not stop in ukraine, then it will be the turn of the nato countries. joe biden, as the main ideologist of assistance to ukraine, has not lost hope of forcing congress to issue new checks to support the zelensky regime. republicans are outright refusing to provide aid without solving america's internal problems, such as the migration crisis on the border with mexico. today the us president will gather in the white house the leaders of both chambers, as well as the heads of key congressional committees and...
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the author of the initiative also came to the rally and said that he considers alyosha almost a symbol of the occupation in bulgaria, but the demonstrators will denounce him. this is a betrayal of the memory of millions of people who gave their lives in the fight against the fascist plague. stop rewriting history already. this monument is a symbol of plovdiv. we are city residents we have known him since childhood. at the steps of the monument, we met with friends and brought guests here. orphaned. the city council removed the issue of dismantling the monument from today’s agenda, and the mayor of plovdev eventually stated that in general it was first necessary to study how much the decision to move alyosha to sofia would cost the city. france, following great britain, intends to conclude a bilateral agreement with ukraine on security guarantees. according to emmanuel macron, for the sake of new arms supplies to kiev, french industry is switching to military rails. the french leader made this statement at a press conference, which...
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in 7 years of his presidency, macron communicates with the people in this format for only the third time. the need for lengthy speeches did not arise because of ukraine, as a result of the accumulated acute internal problems that the french leader tried to sweep under the rug for a long time. as a result, i had to fend off questions from reporters, on all fronts. what did macron promise to the french and the whole world? elizaveta gerson talks about this.
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impossible, i don't forget about moldova either caucasian states. macron went to a big press conference to justify his government. macron enters the new year with new ministers, they demand justification from the first days of work. thus, the new minister of education, amelie udea castera, said that her children study in a private school, since there are not enough teachers in public schools. and the new minister of culture, rashida dati , was charged with corruption. and between the new minister of foreign affairs sejournet and the new prime minister attal there is an old romance, and this is already reminiscent of the era of favorites, with such a young and perky cabinet, macron wants to strengthen his popularity, with which there are problems. the problem has a name: macron, darmanen, atal. these people say that they are an obstacle on the path to fascism, but on the contrary, they are paving the way for real fascism.
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macron had problems because of his pension. threaten to send refugees to africa, and their own here the french are chasing the british, who send the foreign ministers of both england and france to kiev as a rite of passage, and also macron there, following promises to ukraine by the british.
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don’t touch fuel prices, which is what he ultimately did, just like that, without vests and uniforms, without screaming and setting cars on fire in the street, with his own and other journalists, with his people, to meet and discuss a wide range of issues and do this regularly, and never a roast rooster will peck, the french president doesn’t know how to do that. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, alexander... ntv television company. in a few minutes we will find out the weather forecast and more. volcanic forecast. about how the residents kamchatka experienced a powerful eruption from polina last year and how the fire-breathing hills will behave in the year of the dragon. report by sergei antsigin. this is moscow. this is moscow.
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45 on ntv. we will continue on the main broadcast. the accident rate on all types of transport in russia has noticeably decreased, the head of rostransnadzor, viktor bosargin, reported this to the prime minister. he also informed the head government on digital transformation in the department. thus, according to bosargin, the time required to complete documents for a business has been reduced from 5 to 2 days. information systems have been created that track.
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they specifically relied on the fact that these were local personnel, connected with information ones. according to bosargin, 175 licenses for the transportation of passengers have already been issued in the new regions, including a railway license.
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the saying, how you celebrate the new year is how you spend it, makes the residents of the village of keys in the north of kamchatka tremble. on january during the holidays, the klyuchevskaya sopka again took up its old ways, exhaled hotly to match the dragon and dusted the surroundings with volcanic ash, and although this is a mere trifle, compared to what happened here last year, the local population is haunted by the main question: was it really in the twenty-fourth year that the northern a group of volcanoes will not allow them to live in peace? a solid wall, ashes, a mudflow is already descending here, what it was like on the morning of april 11 in the keys they still remember, people never saw dawn, next door to klyuchevskaya hills, a powerful eruption of the shiveluch volcano began and the entire sky was covered with a giant black cloud. a little later, darkness covered the village of kozyrevsk, when the veil cleared, the consequences of the disaster were striking in scale. the layer of ash that covered everything around exceeded 8 cm. according to experts, such... an amount of volcanic precipitation has not been seen here since the year sixty-four, when
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the shiveluch eruption of comparable power occurred. regional authorities have imposed a flight ban on small aircraft, and residents of northern villages were recommended to wear bandages and respirators, as during the coronavirus pandemic. volcanic ash is primarily foamed glass, dust, glass dust. and when it gets into the respiratory tract, it can cause silicosis, this is pulmonary edema, this. a very unpleasant phenomenon, a few days before the stir , another fire-breathing mountain raged in the same area - a nameless volcano; for the residents of the uskomchatsky region, the wind rose turned out to be favorable then, the ash cloud floated away in the opposite direction from the populated areas points. however, those who at that moment were only 8 km from the crater felt what real luck was. video footage that kamchatka travelers peter and christina managed to film.
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volcanologists do not expect major events like the april eruption of sheveluch and the heavy fall of people, the consequences of which had to be eliminated for several months in a row; there are only three dozen active volcanoes on the peninsula, each with its own periodicity of eruptions, it is of course conditional, this is still not a train schedule, but along with the seismic monitoring system, the statistics of underground exacerbations allows specialists to predict eruptions and rescue services to be ready. sergey antsigin, maxim mintsev, ekaterina zenina and anton zaitsev, ntv far eastern bureau. well, now we have
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the unenuron weather forecast time. the weather swing is swinging more and more, there is a cold snap ahead, then a thaw, all this with snowfalls. details after a short pause. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? try replacing them with avisol. avisol - a modern natural remedy promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. valar. cleanse your liver with folk remedies. try replacing them with ovisol. only it contains oats of milky ripeness, enhanced with herbs and turmeric. avisol ivalar is number one for cleansing the liver. the european territory of russia has been favored by cyclones; the weather is changing at the speed of a kaleidoscope. more or less stable in the north, there is moderate frost, light snow, but a new wave of snowfalls awaits the northwest. at the same time, in the pskov, novgorod, and leningrad regions it will warm up by five degrees. in the center the snowfall will begin in the morning, the roads will literally be swept away. it's better to leave the car at home and use it. by public transport, after a frosty night in smolensk it will suddenly
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warm up to zero, but in tver it’s still -5, east of moscow up to 10° below zero, snowfalls will reach here in the evening, it’s getting warmer in the south, in sevastopol +10 light rain, in sochi almost 15 , and about the weather in the capitals a little later. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take orevmaflex. it helps relieve joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalize uric acid levels. rheumoflex evola. movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes urinary acid levels.
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