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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 17, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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the support is the broadest, today vladimir putin visited the election headquarters, as the co-chairs of the headquarters told him about, a report by roman sobol. a record for housing construction, economic growth and citizens' incomes,
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a crisis and an unapproved budget, sergei kholoshevsky about how the german authorities from washington are ruining their country with their own hands against the economic background. hello, welcome to the information service. ntv television company. this is the program today, its hosts are elmira effendieva and vladimir chernyshov. today vladimir putin, as a presidential candidate visited his campaign headquarters in gostiny dvor. putin talked with the chairmen of the headquarters and with volunteers. they were talking about collecting signatures; they intend to transfer them to the election commission center next week. we also discussed future work. putin said that at the end of the month he intends to hold a meeting with his trusted representatives and substantively discuss with them issues that concern society. novel. more details
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putin's election headquarters, according to an already established tradition, occupies several rooms in the gostiny dvor, conveniently almost next to the walls of the kremlin. today vladimir putin came here to talk with the co-chairs of the headquarters. there are three of them - the head of the donetsk parliament artyom zhoga, the head physician of moscow hospital no. 52 maryana lusenko, the actor and director vladimir mashkov. we are engaging you, you know, vladimirovich, firstly, i -
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working at the election headquarters is a meeting with people, according to mashkov, everyone with whom he communicated supports putin’s candidacy. the president addressed maryana lysenko, noting that doctors are already busy, they work 24x7, so her participation in the election campaign is part of the headquarters.
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in the offices where volunteers work, they are now processing signature sheets collected throughout the country in support of putin’s candidacy in the upcoming elections, and vladimir vladimirovich, we are now next to the wish board, in which people left some kind words for you, me
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i would really like you to leave some wishes here too for volunteers from all over the country, for the staff of the headquarters, in general for everyone, for everyone, thank you, first of all i want to thank you for this... joint work, perhaps so i will write for this help, for support, all the people here are young, but different, of course, and have different fates and everyone came here in different ways, the guys from the front even got here practically, but we all have a common task - to strengthen the fatherland, and i am very pleased that in in your face i see such powerful, powerful support for these young generations. thank you very much to you and all the volunteers, to everyone who works for this common goal, especially to those guys who are now on the front line or helping next to it, our fighters, thank you very much, volunteers are busy from morning to late evening;
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according to the latest data, more than 2.5 million signatures have already been collected in support of vladimir putin across the country. roman sobol, ntv television company. an absolute record has been set for the commissioning of new housing in russia, vladimir putin announced this today at his first meeting with the government this year. it was not just about construction, but about the situation as a whole. putin noted that at the end of the year, according to updated data, economic growth may be higher than previously thought. real citizens' incomes increased by almost 8%. but there are problems that remain to be solved, including, of course, inflation. well, one of the main topics was the recent trip to... the president demanded to open new checkpoints on the border with china as soon as possible, they also discussed additional payments for the birth of a third child, repair of airfields, subsidizing the transportation of fish to the european part of russia. inna osipova reports. according to the results
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of last year, the gdp growth of our country, with detailed calculations, may turn out to be even higher than 3.5%. this was reported by vladimir putin at his first meeting with the government this year. fundamentals of growth - said the president - domestic demand. industrial production, construction, agriculture, tourism showed good indicators, cargo turnover increased, but as for construction, we returned to this issue several times, 110 million square meters, we completed housing, this is of course an absolute record, nothing like it in there was no history of russia yet.
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bonuses of 550,000 in the government have already worked on this issue. according to your we have worked through the instructions given in chukotka together with the ministry of finance and the ministry of labor and are ready. promptly make changes to the rules of the program and extend its actions not only to chukotka, but to other regions of the far east, where the birth rate in large families is below the district average. this is in addition to primorye and chukotka, also the khabarovsk territory, the amur region, the jewish autonomous region, kamchatka and magadan. funds for the twenty-fifth-twenty-seventh necessary for the dissemination of the program will be provided for in the state development program far east. payments will be made for families where the third or subsequent child
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is born from january 1, twenty-four. another measure of support for large families was proposed after a request to consider using maternity capital funds to purchase a car. as vladimir putin said, maternity capital should not be used for this, but the government is ready to provide benefits to large families when buying a car. the government has already promptly fulfilled your instructions. from monday january 15, we expanded the preferential program car loans for families with children from the far eastern federal district, such a support mechanism works well on a nationwide scale; it provides people with disabilities for svo participants, as well as workers in the medical and educational spheres , with a twenty percent discount. when buying cars, in the regions of the far east, for all these categories, and now for large
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families, it is 25%. in this case, we are talking only about cars produced in our country. funds in the budget have already been provided for, many questions were received from entrepreneurs, this concerns, for example, benefits for the construction of socially significant and tourist facilities, the topic of transport was discussed separately, and we were talking about new checkpoints. and about the modernization of airfields. the ministry of transport proposed creating a special fund from which it will finance the reconstruction of all airports in the country. the president also inquired about how he plans to resolve the issue of crossing residents across the onadar estuary in the off-season, when there is still no traffic and the ice has not yet settled. in during his trip, vladimir putin traveled to anadori across the ice in an all-terrain vehicle, noting that it would be much more reliable to use hovercraft. we worked, from the administration of anandar with chukotka we came to
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a proposal to purchase four northerns, this is an amphibian and a phantom, how much does it cost? about 120 million rubles, all these five cars will cost, we’ll find the money, we’ll solve the problem. well, how long approximately, by august should we try to deliver directly, the president asked about state support fish transportation, prices for the same salmon are still high, fishermen from the far east have noticed, mainly due to expensive transportation. now we subsidize the transportation of some types of fish, but we don’t subsidize some, it’s difficult for fishermen to supply them to the european part, we only subsidize mentae for now, but the most massive production that... we have, and there was your instruction, we are now working on issues with the ministry of finance we also
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extend support measures at losasevo to sardinova and vasya, we are also extracting quite a large volume, so far, unfortunately, well we are faced with an issue related to limited funding; if we find funds, then of course we would like to be able to extend the appropriate measure of support to these types of activities; this will require about another billion rubles.
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should be at the highest level, i know that the department is working on this, please tell us how the department carries out this work in new regions, we are almost fully staffed.
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russia and the east, which connects moscow and the routes, belarus, don, which leads to the south kazan, by the way, one of its sections of the two regions of tatarstan and chuvashia is now completely closed to traffic. employees of the ministry of emergency situations provide assistance to motorists stuck in the snow; they have organized the delivery of gasoline products. about the situation on the country's snow-covered roads. mikhail chernov. around
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dimitrovgrad - this is in the ulyanovsk region. today there are continuous traffic jams. trucks are standing towards the regional center. our nerves don’t give in, we always stick to it, there’s nothing you can do, the weather conditions here are like this, i’m traveling to ufa from mordovia, you’ve been standing for a long time since the night, well, it’s winter winter, yes, yeah, be understanding, so what, where to go. ulyanovsk, samara , saratov, penza and orenburg regions, as well as tatarstan and chuvashia, the reason for blocked highways in the volga region is the same, blizzards and snowstorms, when snow sweeps from the roadsides, i have to call the ministry of emergency situations, i have arrived, drivers only have to get calm and wait, there’s no need to freak out or anyone to shout, this is because this is nature, this is how the work works, we are constantly
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standing in the urals, in the far east as well we’re standing, yeah, collapses are normal, it’s... snow, it’s just that last year there was no snow until the month of december was dry, this year a lot of snow fell, like this near chistopol, this is already in tatarstan, the wind literally blew away trucks , this truck with sausage and seafood did not reach the store, the body of the refrigerator was folded so that the boxes of food ended up on the road, in a massive accident on the m7 volga federal highway, 10 cars, both trucks and cars were damaged. during the night the roads in tatarstan were completely covered with snow. the lucky ones are those who left with full tank, the rest had to freeze. employees of the ministry of emergency situations began delivering fuel to the drivers who were worried; in the ulyanovsk region this was done on snowmobiles; here, on the road to kazan, a massive traffic jam also occurred due to an accident in difficult weather conditions ; the truck driver lost control and blocked
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the road. rescuer of the ministry of emergency situations of russia and the civil protection fire safety service of the ulyanovsk region. snowmobiles drive around the site to provide the necessary assistance, and a mobile heating station is deployed on site. hundreds of pieces of equipment have been clearing roads since evening, but the clearing itself saved the situation only for a while; soon the roads were swept up again. towards evening, the snowstorm subsided, and traffic jams began to dissipate, although in many areas, including federal highways, trucks still have difficulty moving. mikhail chernov, sergetsov, ekaterina kostyukevich, vladimir khazov, tv component. and now urgent news, a few minutes ago the russian ministry of defense announced that the russian military carried out a high-precision strike on the temporary deployment point of foreign fighters in kharkov. mostly these were french mercenaries, the building in which they were located was now completely destroyed, more than sixty militants were killed, more than twenty were
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injured. also, the russian military destroyed a military fuel base within 24 hours. enemy firing points and clear the way for assault groups. at the same time, they remain unnoticed by ssu reconnaissance drones, alexey ivliev found out how they manage to do this. gun, shot! nowhere do they monitor
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the weather forecast as much as here on the front line; lives often depend on it. in count fallen or melted snow, gun commanders decide on the color of the net for camouflage howitzers, gray or white. there are so many enemy fpv drones in the sky that this...
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the miner from the lpr with the call sign red who is loading this weapon says that as a child he dreamed of becoming a paratrooper, when he watched soviet films about winged infantry, unexpectedly for himself, in adulthood he became one, when the time came to defend our homeland, in peaceful life i was a miner, i have 15 years of underground experience, on february 22 of the twenty- second year of mobilization, like all ours guys from the mines gathered from all over and went here
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to the front. having liberated almost the entire territory of the lugansk republic, ryzhiy and his comrades moved to positions in the dpr to help their neighbors liberate these lands from ukrainian nationalists. she admits that it was very warming to think that the kids from their hometown took care of them. on the front line, almost every network and... came from specific people, it was this white thread that stakhanov’s guys wove in schools, and so they help, depending on how we weave it in different ways, for example, they came to us massiti, both from kostroma and from koluga , people came as if they were helping, for that i thank them very much, shot! the most difficult situation is for rocket artillerymen; usually the cities are reliably hidden in the forest, but to carry out an attack the crew has to work in the open. terrain, while they are waiting for target designation, the driver is ready to leave and his foot is on the gas pedal. according to ukrainian nationalists, our paratroopers and artillery are working with all
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types of weapons, hail has just rolled out , and now the guys are waiting for the target near kazan in order to deliver a salvo strike. artillery paratroopers say that their work is going on around the clock, in all directions. assault troops bite into the enemy's strongholds, and before each such approach to enemy positions, dozens of shells fly. shot! alexey ivliev, valery kozhin, anna ivanova, dmitry pisarev, ntv television company, solidarskaya and artyomovskaya direction, donetsk people's republic. france will transfer dozens of cruise missiles and bombs to ukraine, president emmanuel macron promised. but he said that he would personally come to kiev in february to sign. doesn't lag behind germany, after a call from washington, the german government took the lead, almost
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doubled the volume of military assistance to the kiev regime to 7 billion euros, while they cannot find money in the treasury to support their own citizens, which is why farmers, carriers and railway workers are already preparing a new large-scale protest action. more details. tried to figure out why the scholz government was playing with its favorite toys, for example, green energy, making one mistake after another, plunging the country into an economic crisis, playing for everyone economy minister robert habeck , you justify the abolition of preferential prices for diesel fuel for farmers to protect the environment, you talk about harmful emissions to the environment, although it is clear that your actions harm not only farmers, but also the environment that you are trying to protect. the situation in the world is difficult, every day we are faced with surprises, but i would like to remind you that we are a strong country that can solve many problems
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democratically. elite germany is no longer the same. if earlier the germans were proud of helmunt kohl and angela merkel, now in order to bend berlin, one phone call from the ocean is enough, which biden took advantage of today, forcibly persuading germany to make regular payments in favor of ukraine. the chancellor and the president confirmed their readiness to continue to support ukraine financially, militarily and humanitarianly. in the twenty-fourth year , germany will send a military aid package to ukraine amounting to more than 7 billion euros. washington. is surprisingly cynical, shifting the burden of supporting ukraine onto the european union and its a battered locomotive to germany. as anthony blinken put it yesterday, the white house does not have a magic pot of money to support ukraine without the consent of congress. apparently, the americans found such a pot from their economic competitors. well , german politicians have long lost the will to resist and are doing what they are told. nobody remembers scholz’s words that germany will supply
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only helmets and body armor to ukraine. our problems are in our own arrogance - the german minister of economics said at the forum yesterday robert habik. but we can add that this list is not exhausted by arrogance alone. the current german political elite clearly lacks integrity towards its citizens. this causes the greatest indignation among ordinary germans. the german authorities were unable to make the protesting farmers seem marginalized during the recent protests , nor did they manage to speak humanely to finance minister christian lindner. they whistled and advised him to get out after he arrogantly declared that there was no and never would be money for farmers, and that he himself compared to the north korean leader kimchenun. that the finance minister of the traffic light coalition is unpopular with workers and that demonstrators shouted get out or get out is hardly surprising. this also includes his inglorious departure. the motorcade was accompanied by police on foot, who ran next to the limousine. and all this against the backdrop of the economic crisis and
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deindustrialization, which... the same americans write about while rubbing their hands. bloomberg asks: why is germany rich, but the germans are so poor and angry? almost all of my in post-war history, germany was considered a beacon of prosperity and political stability, but now its economy is stagnant, public harmony has given way to hostility and discord. the european central bank has published statistics on the welfare of european households. according to bild, germany was in fifteenth place out of twenty. higher on the list are slovenia, slovakia and portugal. only greece, hungary and the baltic giants that joined them are poorer than the germans. at the same time, scholz’s traffic light coalition continues to play with green energy and send billions to ukraine. well, okay, we will send another 50 billion euros to ukraine for 4 years, we will give more tanks, we will give other weapons. gentlemen, remember what i tell you. in 3 years, we will also stand here and state that no one
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has budged. the russians will be there. 100 years ahead, the kavykhtinskoye gas condensate field is gaining power, as just one gazprom infrastructure project is changing life throughout eastern siberia and giving strength to the russian economy, having made a difficult journey through the taiga saw alexey prokin. the magic harp, grandfather of the royal and gusli, what other rare instruments are played in moscow music
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schools? convenient sorbent white coal with a 25% discount, hurry up to buy, write benefits in the azor search bar, look for various discounts, apply for free gas supply to the border of your site, call for details at... 8 800 101 000 04 free call at the sportsmaster application is a drawing of cool gifts, the main prize is an apartment, download the application, spin the ball for prizes, complete tasks to get more gifts. every morning i start by taking aquadetrim, with it i feel a surge of strength and joy from every day. aquadetrim is absorbed better than other forms of vitamin d. aquadetrim, we will repeat it tomorrow, this winter repeat it at a profit, three drops of aquadetrim for the price of two.
7:31 pm
rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, rotate it, twist it, only after ... confirm payment before february 4, order savita with delivery from 1 ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, for 37 years, desherak has been preparing broth base using fermentation technology that lasts more than 100 days. dorak, the secret of taste is in the broth. everything tastes better when there are two. coupon, crazy wednesday, two maestros burgers for the price of one. what do you want to do when you get some sleep, go to sports, finish a report, finish repairs.
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no, no way, artyom, it’s a megaphone , everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, cool video, it took off faster than i thought, because with 5g it’s even faster, you tell me you know, this is picador ketchup, like that it’s bright, sharp-tongued and irreplaceable in the kitchen, like me, picador, unexpectedly piquant ketchup, maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes, a sore throat is a minus, of the benefits there is mirestin , it’s logical to have one in the medicine cabinet, choice of millions
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in russia, unikude bed linen with discounts of up to 80% and benefits of up to 55% on hatek cleanex products. results of the week. sunday at 19:00 on ntv. in the sportsmaster app there is a drawing of cool gifts. the main prize is an apartment. download the app, promote it ball for prizes complete tasks to get more gifts. each of us had our own star. we gave it to our children. star. getting sick is not our tradition. apartment in moscow, count five. only five purchases from 1.0 rub. for any sberbank credit card. on january 31, an apartment in moscow can become yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country. weather sensitivity, dizziness, sleep disturbance, weakness,
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increased anxiety, all this can be signs of vsd. eltacin is an assistant in the fight against vsd. pay less. butter sticks sharlis 1990. delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes. this is the program today. we continue our release. russia's opponents are trying to discredit the country's electoral system. this was stated today by the head of the federation council commission for the protection of state sovereignty, andrei klimov.
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the main thing is that, as the great zhirinovsky taught, we reach every family, every person. our propaganda buses, our all-russian population survey. this is the most important mechanics of communication with people, and today campaign headquarters of a single presidential candidate from the new people party and the rostov party vladislav opened in four cities of russia. the main one is in moscow, three more in tomsk, rostov, nadon and st. petersburg. all information about the progress of the elections and proposals from residents of the region will be processed in the capital.
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there are plans to continue collecting in other cities.
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turkish banks began to massively refuse to work with russian ones. more business news. denis talolaev is with us. denis, what is the reason? well, apparently, that's how they work the most secondary american sanctions. turkish banks began to massively refuse to work with russian ones for fear of american sanctions. the kommersant newspaper writes about this, citing sources. according to them, turkish banks break correspondent relations with russian ones and simply stop processing payments, without even formally closing the agreement. participants in the logistics market say that the problems began a long time ago, but the situation worsened sharply at the end of december, after us president joe biden signed a decree on secondary sanctions against banks promoting russian ones, and this despite the fact that exports from turkey to russia, according to turkish statistics, grew by 17% last year. the day before. the blueberg agency reported that
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chinese banks also began to tighten restrictions for russian clients after the us warned of secondary sanctions. on the positive side: the kommersant newspaper recalls that in march last year, turkey already seriously limited the export of sanctioned goods to russia, and then, albeit with reservations, transit was restored. today the ministry of finance announced that there are no more euros left in the russian sovereign wealth fund. on january 1, the national welfare fund had 11 rubles. in december, the fund decreased by 15 trillion. this is explained by the fact that at the end of the twenty-third, the ministry of finance allocated 2.9 trillion from the national welfare fund to cover the budget deficit. during this process, the ministry of finance sold all the euros remaining in the fund, now it only contains rubles, gold and yuan. at the same time, in december, the ministry of finance replenished the national welfare fund with additional oil and gas revenues, so the reduction in the fund was partially compensated. get rid. from assets in foreign currencies , the ministry of finance began even before russia declared
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some countries with their currencies unfriendly; for example, back in the twenty-first year, the national welfare fund stopped storing funds in dollars. china's population has declined for the second year in a row and is doing so at an ever-accelerating rate. at the end of last year , there were 1.409 million people in china, and this is 2 million less than in the twenty-second year. then the population, by the way, also decreased, but by 850,000. a... before that, the last time china's population decreased was only during the great chinese famine in 1961. what is happening now is explained by the fact that the authorities lifted covid restrictions last year so as not to strangle the economy, hence the increase in mortality. in addition, strict covid measures in previous years led to many couples postponing having children, but the rapid urbanization of the country is still cited as the fundamental reason for the demographic decline. previously , south korea and japan, for example, went the same way. in cities, raising children is much more expensive, well, birth control policies,
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which i practiced in china from 1980 to 2015 also had an impact. in general, demographics, along with the real estate crisis , are now called one of the most serious challenges for the chinese economy. today sber announced that its net profit at the end of last year reached almost one and a half trillion rubles. this is five times more than in 2020, and it is not surprising that this is new for sberbank. sberbank shares rose in price today by half a percent and pulled the entire market into a slight plus, the ruble fell in price, the dollar results of the day 88.95, euro 96.75. the central bank reported today that in december russians bought foreign currency worth 179 billion rubles. there was not so much in any other month of last year, and russians bought mainly dollars and euros. avtovas decided to register a new logo. applications to rospatent were submitted by its subsidiary
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, the st. petersburg automobile plant. the logo is the letter x inscribed in an oval. in one application it is voluminous, in another it is flat. as the publication notes. lada xc5 is almost complete in appearance a copy of the chinese car faw best tune t77. everything about economics. thank you, denis. denis talalaev with an economic review. at one of the largest gas condensate fields
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in russia, kavyktensky, they began drilling the sixth well. there will be seven of them in total, then gas production there will reach full capacity. it lies in the depths. more than a trillion cubic meters of fuel and the deposit can provide the country with propane, butane, helium for decades to come, how it is already changing the life of eastern siberia and what significance it is acquiring for the national economy, alexey prokin knows. drilling is underway at cluster 313 of gas wells, meanwhile a fifty-six-meter uralmash drilling rig, here they call it a christmas tree, is slowly moving through the taiga. from one point we have. the network of wells is scattering, and if we turn the projection over, it turns out that from one point we have a well diverging and sort of resembles a bush. drilling goes deep and at an angle. to extract gas from the ground, you need advanced technologies akin to space,
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real professionals in their field. the kavyktinskoye field is one of the largest in the country. 3on 800 billion cubic meters lie in the depths. gas were built - nine clusters of gas wells, a gas collection system , the installation itself for complex gas preparation in cng-2, this is a very large installation, its area is more than 800,000 km2, the gas prepared for this installation began to flow into siberia, in addition to methane, kavykten gas is rich ethane, propane, butane and helium, this is the most expensive and valuable gas; helium is isolated at the amur gas processing plant. almost in 300 km from here, the zero kilometer of the power of siberia gas pipeline is located here, on kavykta, the project provides for the construction of four complex gas treatment plants, when everything is launched, the total production volume in these snow-covered sobs will be 27 billion cubic meters per year, and in the bowels of kovykta
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there is also 66 million tons of gas condensate, it is needed to obtain motor fuel and produce plastics, when the taiga was just beginning to sprout... steel pipes, construction was first timid, and then loudly compared with the construction of bam , which runs nearby here, here's why: take , for example, these columnar condensate stabilization, they are local dominants, skyscrapers in a deep taiga forest, each weighs 152 tons, and in order to deliver them here, we had to develop a separate logistics strategy, so like now, when it’s -40° in taiga, it’s even hard to say what is more amazing, inspiring, or an engineering miracle
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about the fact that after the shift everyone here can find something to do to their liking. in the dormitories, in addition to laundries and food blocks, there are gyms
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halls, and the control rooms of the gas and gas condensate production shops are similar to flight control centers. soviet geologist-explorers discovered gas in these protected areas in the late eighties. by starting its production in 2022, gasprom not only implemented a large-scale project, but breathed new life into the economy of irkutsk. region, the design life of the kavykinsky deposit is 99 years, which means that there will be enough work for current workers, their children and even grandchildren, so we support labor dynasties in every possible way, we already have such examples, and we will develop this when the construction of all production facilities is completed, and the drilling rigs no longer tower over the taiga, life here will go a little more measuredly, about a thousand people will remain on duty, almost all production...
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irkutsk region, now there’s a short advertisement, that’s what we’ll talk about after it. magic harp, grandpa. and harp, what other rare instruments are played in moscow music schools? winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. hoodies for men and your women up to 799. ozone. apartment in moscow count five. only five purchases from a thousand. rubles on any sberbank credit card until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free sberbank credit card
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for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country. will it be a new year if everything remains the same? and if you start the year with skillbox, learn the it profession from scratch and find a job like 20 thousand employed people, just learn new things on skillbox.rf. once faced with istitis, i am in two states, i experience pain and frequent urges or fear that he will return again. unique fetolysin capsules with double action against cystitis help relieve pain and urge to reduce the risk of exacerbations. phytalizin capsules - a double blow to cystitis. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool shot, i'll post it now. damn, wrong file, how to cancel. there’s no way, artyom, it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once,
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turn it, turn it, only after confirm payment, order savita with delivery from one ruble before february 4, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, download the magnet application if you want more advantages and discounts. promotions of bonuses for purchases with a magnit card, profitable , as you like, this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about switching transport to methane , about protecting nature, but it’s not only that, methane is cheaper , savings on every kilometer, the throwing engine works perfectly, installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for...
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you transfer debts to holva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with holva. rbitru reduces prices to make comfort affordable, convenient white carbon sorbent with a 25% discount, hurry up to buy, write benefits in the azur search bar, look for different discounts. this is the program today. we continue
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our release. in the capital's music schools can be heard more and more often. instruments that were popular hundreds of years ago, but recently have been perceived exclusively as exotic, more and more children want to learn how to play the harp masterfully, the keys don’t ring, or, for example, the harp, well, some instruments are accurately recreated according to ancient patterns, but there are truly unique items with a fascinating history. vera danilide listened to these sounds of the past. crystal sound. unlike any other instrument, it is a piece of music in the 18th century , the french composer françois couperin wrote specifically for the harpsichord; in the 21st century, the rare instrument is taught at the rubenstein children's art school. the teacher says that an aristocratic instrument always raises many questions. after concerts, very often, well, almost always
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, people come up and are interested in the instrument. in fact, how sound is produced here, so we are always very happy to show, yes, we take out the pushers, show the reeds, it was the structure of the harpsichord that interested nine-year-old olya ilyana, when the girl came to moscow school, she knew nothing about the harpsichord, initially she wanted to sing, but the notes worked out in such a way that little olya became a musician who masters a rare musical instrument, now i will play the minuet. what i liked most of all was the way it was designed, there are strings stretched there, when you press a key, there is such a hammer that plucks this string, and that’s how the sound is produced. the harpsichords either belonged to famous people or were made in a single copy. one of these is kept in russian national museum of music, this
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instrument dates back to 1766. in order for the music to continue, each instrument needs its own rehabilitation, this is done in workshops, and here the most difficult patients are precisely ancient musical... instruments, for example, this harp in the greek style is waiting for its complete renovation, it is 150 years old, according to by the standards of this instrument, this is a lot; no one has played it for more than 10 years. to restore such a harp, the master will need at least a year. sergei vatamanyuk compares himself to a doctor, has been finding common ground with harps for 15 years now. a deviation of a millimeter is enough, and this is already
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reflected in the sound. this is lower , put aside, it matches in tone, according to legend , by the way, the harp came from a hunting bow, in general, the instrument has an interesting fate, in moscow music schools they teach how to play it, the arsenal also includes a clavichord, a belfry, a mandalin, gusli. irina and ekaterina magonsky are twins, the sisters' passion. also one for two, gusli. well, i really like what we do at gusli, because few people know what kind of instrument it is, and many are surprised when we talk about it. the music flows under the clear supervision of teacher natalia dyichenko. the woman has been teaching the harp for 35 years, and for her this instrument is the best of all. this has always been a favorite instrument in russia. this instrument has been known since ancient
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times, since... centuries it was noted in the manuscripts of the greek orusichs. the name of the instrument comes from the slavic verb gusti, which means to hum. by her example, natalya inspired the students too. among the students there are those who are ready to continue the work. eight-year-old ivana ivanina now also wants to become a teacher. if i do well on them, then it seems to me that other children will want to too. and dad. they try to practice this instrument, while the musicians play, the craftsmen work, the history of rare instruments in moscow continues, which means that today we can hear music in the same form as our ancestors heard it hundreds of years ago. vera danilide, alexander belyaev, denis nekrevetsky, olga afonina and natalya dudina, ntv television company. we have time now.
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weather forecasts in our weather studio evgenia neronskaya. zhen, of course, nothing will surprise us this winter, but nevertheless, what kind of weather surprises await us this time. there are sharp changes ahead. temperature and atmospheric pressure, all this accompanied by heavy snowfalls, so january continues to surprise, all because of the cyclones that one after another cross the european territory from west to east, more or less stable in the north, there moderate frosts and light snow, and the north-west expects a new wave of snowfalls, with frosts weakening by five degrees. in the center, the snowfall will begin in the morning, the roads will literally be swept away, and after a frosty night in smolensk it will suddenly warm up to zero. but in tver it’s -5, east of moscow it’s still down to ten below zero, snowfalls will reach here in the afternoon. in the south it will feel warm again, in sevastopol +10 light rain, in sochi almost 15. more on the weather in the capitals a little
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later. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. he helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalize uric acid levels. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. clean your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with avesol, only in it milky ripe oats are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. avisol evalar is number one for cleansing the liver. cleanse your liver with folk remedies. try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. avisol ivalar. how to reduce joint pain without harm to the stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce joint pain. without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. in st. petersburg tomorrow
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there will be snow and -7. in moscow, the frost will drop to -18 at night, and -9 during the day. it will begin to snow heavily, the wind will pick up, and the roads will be swept and covered again. on friday there will be almost a thaw, the snow will turn to the wet stage, and then freeze again. until the weekend, traffic jams, snowdrifts, snow drifts, this is winter, yes, we won’t get bored, thank you, evgenia nervanskaya with the weather forecast, these are the main news for this hour and we, elmira efendieva and vladimir chernyshov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer,
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the methane engine works perfectly, installation of equipment as part of the national fuel project, i converted my car to run on methane without investment, be practical, beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at gazprom stations. i thought you would refuse, why did maria take such a sanatorium from under your nose? i wouldn't forgive. and why did you agree? she looks like you too, doesn't she?


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