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tv   Zhena politseiskogo  NTV  January 18, 2024 4:05am-4:51am MSK

4:05 am
what is going on? where are you? i, i completely forgot to tell you, i went first to my aunt, to zenaidi semyonovna, remember, i told you about her, she was sick, and i went today on the six o’clock train, you were sleeping, i didn’t wake you up, but i don’t remember i’m no aunt, my car disappeared, like it disappeared, like that. no, when i went out, she was still there, of course , but in the evening you will, well, don’t worry, honey, she will be there, okay, come on, yeah, come on, i kiss you, motherfucker, five lemons, you weren’t hurt , glev, glev, can you imagine?
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victor has already found out about the missing cars, you didn’t tell him? no, i, i couldn’t, but this, especially since it was his second car that caught fire recently, i promised him not to get involved in different stories. so, well, i don’t know, let’s, let’s come up with something, let’s come up with something, we need to get out of here, have breakfast. gleb, what? or maybe, really, we’re leaving. well, okay, let's go, yes, let's go, there is, there is, oh , what's that on your neck, that's a dog, and what, mom knows that you're dating girls, whitewash, look at your feet, i've never not i lied to my husband, but this is the second car that burned down in a week, he just bought it, i... understand you, and he never
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deceived me, it’s terrible, terrible, what about the boy we’re looking for, he has photographs , of course, of course, there is, he sent an sms to his mother saying that he, look how small he is, someone is threatening him, and he ’s hiding, he’s hiding, she’s crying, she doesn’t find any, wait, he’s tall, short . that he was dressed, short, he was wearing a gray jacket and jeans, so his mother says, his name is nurdin khadzhaev, okay, she has guess where he could go, no, she doesn’t have any guesses, he kept saying it all the time, like the word barracks, she says, yeah, he was talking about some kind of barracks, but is there a military unit in the city, if someone are you interested? opinion, well, of course
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, if it’s interesting, uh, barracks, well, in our area, yeah, this is a market on gagarinskaya, well , they also sell all kinds of living creatures there, a bird market, well, yes, yuri, what a great guy you are, but what’s up, children must be saved, gleb, every square centimeter must be built up, you me i got it, uh-huh, that’s it, come on, uh-huh, yes, i know that the traffic cops don’t like me, tell me it ’s your mother-in-law’s car or something else, there was a leather bag with documents that were important to me, yes gennadich, thank you, i’m waiting, why i called, you see, but you hate your job for the last 15 years, and why do you want to change anything, retire? how i haven’t made anything,
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i can’t do anything else, no, i understand that i deprived you of income from your sponsored shopkeepers, well, something more interesting has opened up, let’s go, i’ll show you, i’m telling you, almost oil, after all, you and i will soon be muscovites, moscow did not give up to me, whether it wants it or not, it will come to you on its own
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, because you forgot or something, just because you are 45 does not mean that you are an important uncle, answer for yourself, you think they’ll let you warm up, here you go, you drive it, it’s big business. moscow uncles, moscow boas will come , they will squeeze everything out and eat you without a side dish, but they are already here, you see, and i am their authorized representative, in short, you are responsible for the security service, otherwise how will you convince the junkie to write complaints, here you are you'll come in handy, you know, something hasn't worked out for us lately, guys, i fixed everything, guys. and now there will be more money, it seems, there will be a lot of money, but i have one condition, you give me the meaning of the word, either he is really so smart, or he is lucky, he will soon get to the bottom of everything,
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it will be worse for you and me, you couldn’t do this, and now everything is vila, let him do it to himself, options, don’t touch my people, i won’t repeat it again, he’s your man, and he’ll hand you over at the first opportunity, vit, you see the perspective, great, yeah, so, let’s split up, i mean, yuri, you ’ll come with me. and you, gleb, on the other side, wait, why did you leave, we should be together, but what is this? what, who is this crunch? i
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bought it, they immediately returned it, it will die on you, you generally know how to forget yourself, i can do everything.
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no, no, it’s still a long way off, now, well, i said that we’ll find it, apparently some schoolboy went for a ride, well, here we go. there is a background, bring the background,
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help. can you check if the documents are intact? i'll check, i'll check, but i only want these you will catch the assholes, i really, really beg you! “please tell me what happened , tell me, let me talk to her, yes, but i
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know that you are afraid, but you cannot run all the time, we were looking for you all day today, you are from the police, yes, yes, why are you afraid, you don’t..." you are against others, well, against people like you, who they are, listen, i’m not protecting the police, but the people, you understand? i stole his wallet, he caught me, he said that i owe him three times more, he beat you, what’s his name, he was in uniform, no, he was in jacket, i don’t know his name, but he said that he would find me, when that other one came, i realized that he could guess that i complained, and you ran away, nordin... you’re in complete security, now nothing threatens you, everything will be fine, now
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we’ll draw up a statement, make an identikit, do n’t be sour, sit down, keep it up, write, you also need to call your mother so that she signs everything, nordin, otherwise it’s pointless, you won’t adult. meanings, give directions on semyon to the boss, let him approve, i won’t write anything, why? ok, i left, it was him, the idiot, you blackmailed him, this is what you intimidated and beat you about, he’s 14 years old, who wants to talk to me like that, but you’re no one here from vatia , okay?
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well, they both stopped and went into the office, alive. damn, boss, this puppy stole my wallet, okay, so what do you want, you want him fired, yes boss, i want him not to feel unpunished, so that, i understand, i understand, come here , hit him, boss, comrade major, both shut up, you have to answer, yeah, well done!
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and jeff, it hurts, but what have we already directions to semyonovo, well done, promptly, chief, what are you doing, ah, ah, nurdin, nurdin. i’m sorry, don’t want to, i didn’t mean to, i thought it was your friend, this is not my friend, and he
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won’t touch you again, i promise you, do you hear, just please do n’t tell your mom about this, and lera too, okay, veselisa came, wants to meet this evening, okay, well, how is the car, it’s completely burned out, yes, no, just the wheels, ler, of course, completely, i just can’t understand how she could have disappeared from our yard, maybe we can put cameras, what do you think, probably, i don’t know you know better? you want coffee, maybe not tea, no, thank you, i’ll go, otherwise
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i’ll be late, come on, vitya, i wanted to tell you, look at the zucchini, hello, farida, oh, hello, hello, nordin, or maybe you, multi you need to spread it, let him spread it, sit with the good ones. what is missing is unknown where, but while i’m busy with the flowers, it’s a great idea, of course, stay, go start, take it.
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close, very close, but calm down, he forgot here, i don’t know what he should do here, maybe someone lives here, here you go maybe he doesn’t live here anymore, he was on his way to moscow, who, well who,
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you’re scaring me, aren’t you afraid yourself? i ’m too old to be afraid, and you’re too stupid, that is, yes, yeah, you want to leave everything as it was, you won’t negotiate, you’ll leave everything as it was, or kick yourself, this is no one, just pathetic, grandfather , are you old, are you stupid, or something, crazy, get out, we’ll talk to you later, you asshole, damn, why are you, answer me?
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yes, vasily, did you promise to call? i'm a little busy right now, but why did i tell you then? could tell me right away that you don’t want to see me? listen, i really can’t say, fuck you, you’re following me, not you, but zalikhov, but now i have a question for you. “this is my grandfather’s dacha, he was the deputy people’s commissar, well, you don’t like them, well, go, go , there was no factory here yet, in 1937 he suddenly fell ill and came here, here he escaped arrest, i’m
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here. .." all his life, what he wanted from you, yegorka, but he forgot, everything he does is petty greed, he was the most cowardly of this gang, that you are talking my teeth into not answering the question, but you better sit down, please sit down, and don’t twitch, like that, but how should i understand you, are you honest? he asked me to give him something, but i don’t want to give it to him, and that this something is my house, why does likhov need your house, he buys all the land in
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the area for pennies. having heard that the city can be annexed to moscow, he threatens everyone who does not sell, that’s it, shops, shopping arcades, libraries, he is carrying out raider takeovers, we can stop him from raiding, you're an officer, not an investigator, don't mind your own business, they've misled the deletants, i don't understand why you say that, because i know... what i'm talking about, it's none of your business, not yours, there won't be a wet spot for you, okay , what will you do, i will? drink tea with jam look out the window, if this one appears, i’ll shoot him, i’ll go to prison, are you kidding, no,
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what kind of jokes, tell me, what’s going on with you and valetsky, you’re in a mess, you’re giving me a headache, it’s a terrible thing. stop, take care of yourself, idiot, nurtin, brought it, you, are you here for long? but not, soon, nurdin, nurdin,
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please come, where are you going, nowhere, and what did that boy give you? why are you silent, do you want me to get into your pocket? nordine, you know i trusted you all this time. i’ve always protected you, but if you don’t start talking to me now, i ’ll stop believing you, do you hear me? ok, then i'll just call my husband, i didn't want to do anything bad, i just wanted to sell a few, what is it i know these pills, these are drugs, where, where from they? danka's brother puts one of them. murdin, you should call the police. viktor vladimirovich, viktor vladimirovich, there was a call , we would have left, but there is an order, if drugs
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are not sent, personnel should wait for your order or investigator labankova. which drugs? yes , some guy called, he said, there in the industrial zone, where a new passage is being built with a class with drugs. nonsense, what a 50 kilogram, he says, of tablets. let's get two cars ready, there are some. kopenka is leaving with me, but where is lysak? what happened? nothing, possibly a false call. i am needed? no, you are not needed, but where is lysak? i have no idea, excuse me, i ’ll go too. you are not needed, i said. valetsky, why don’t you ever report anything? i wanted to check if it was a false call. are you crazy? call amon, now. amon will arrive in about three hours. okay, to hell with amon, let's go out, let's go. excuse me, will you also wear heels? major, i’m the head of the task force, i’m trying to push the guy out of myself, you’ll be in another place, i’m already tired of you, move, captain, personal for you
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an invitation is necessary, to go out, alive, look around here, hurry up! stop, he would kill you. i'll go call the corpse cleaner,
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let's follow, there are mobile phones here, damn it. we'll need to understand the loading, will you? if father is as usual, then i will leave, okay? uh-huh, yes, of course, mom, what's wrong with you? what about me? no, everything is fine, yes, we will wait for you, as agreed in the restaurant, in the evening, dad really wants to make peace with you, mom, listen, ah... you know this guy, he works in dad’s department, kleb meaning, huh how do you know him? i just heard, and you
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communicate with him, right? “i saw it a couple of times, but what, nothing, nordin, nordin, there was a whole operation, and there was a shootout, a man was killed, konstantin vinogradov, who was liquidated during the operation, worked in your establishment.” yes, he worked, you knew about the warehouse , that drugs were stored there, what do you mean, i have no idea, you had illegal dealings with grapes, my client will not answer this question, well, what do you say about this , my client, what do you want to hear?
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i was then acquitted on all counts , show me your right forearms, my client , i’ll show you, he went to the sauna with friends, accidentally fell on a stone, it was very painful, the marriage partner came, i have all the certificates, thank you, i have everything, but come to me at club, i have the best club in our outback, at my expense, they ordered something, they’re expecting us,
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daddy, meet me. my boyfriend gleb , that you have repeatedly told me, oh, i’m sorry, but you won’t shoot at him in a restaurant, besides, he’s also armed, and you’re a mommy, it’s okay if i take your boyfriend away from you, and vasya, well and what, what he runs away from my bed to you, but daddy knows him well, yes daddy, come on, come on, deal with everyone already, come on, shit everyone, come on as you love it, come on, come on, i hate you all, god,
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i asked her to help find this boy , that is, that means you lied to me, that you don’t know anything, you ran with him all over the area, and she told me that you were at your aunt’s, well, forgive me, well, that’s really not it , what are you thinking about, and what should i be thinking about, you don’t believe me, well, how can you not believe me, you i just collected it, if i didn’t really believe you, i wouldn’t be here right now, vitya, i took your car, what? i
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really didn’t know what to do, i didn’t want the boy to disappear through our fault, but he ran away after talking with you. you were sleeping, i knew perfectly well how you would react to this, and i decided not to wake you up, are you crazy, and then there was this accident, you see, well, i love you very much, forgive me, please, well, please, i should have told you about this right away, sorry, more
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don’t ever do that, don’t lie to me ever again, yes, i won’t, i won’t, i’m very ashamed, it really hurts. i’m very ashamed, you would never do this to me, why, nothing, but i’ll talk to vasya, she’s offended, you’re the villager of her shelter, you locked her up, it ’s better for her, it’s necessary.
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to the start, attention , and oh, vitya, i wasn’t expecting you, what are you celebrating, but i’m celebrating a happy life, you know, one thing upsets me about it, it ’s me who has a gloomy face all the time, you need to be able to enjoy life, you see, here i am for you gave five lemons. well , look at what you're driving, and what do you have? the wife is taking all the money, take her away, alyuna,
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get out. fuck you, impotent, i decided to give it to you meaningfully, let the seven do everything normally and cleanly, otherwise with these truss control shots he apparently doesn’t know that the nineties are already over, and let him do without a barrel altogether, he understood me, call him right now, got it. great, partner, hi, hi, let me in,
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come in. get out, vasya, it’s me, and you too, baby, i love you very much, and dad loves you too.
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no, 3 minutes on the side, it’s all from here, understand? you all forty year olds have a cuckoo, you buy something these cars for yourself, crush yourself into men so that no one finds out that you’re done, you’re bloated, in fact , come home and cry that life has passed, and you’ve also something like that, huh?
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well, okay, come on, wife, yes, start singing a song to me about how bad you feel as a married man, or let’s start right away, uh, stranger. they’re not pampering you, no, uh-huh, oh, did you take the bag,
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take your hands away, why did you take the passports. you’re not ashamed, wow, the police were ashamed, you’re like a drunken mother, wait.
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i was so scared when you left, you have nothing to be afraid of, kitten. don't you have anything to fear about the phone ringing?
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hello, i just wanted to tell you that i ’m leaving forever, and i want to ask for your forgiveness, yes, i shouldn’t have done this to you, this is my relationship with my parents, i’m just on you. okay, let's meet, where are you? i'll be in the park in 20 minutes, wait for me, lord, why am i doing all this? “i know that you slept with me and it’s a pity,
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but i really like you, i know it’s stupid to talk about it, but i already said, wait, i made another key, so..." don't knock anymore, bye.
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gleb, gleb, what happened, gleb, where are you?
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ira, are you home, help me figure it out, why aren't you answering the phone? i've been calling you for half a day.
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start on your own. life has left home , everything will be fine with me, don’t look for me . ask, hidden camera agency, is engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities, the head of the agency, retired lieutenant colonel trosh. mikhail ilyich, served in the operational search department of the fsb . discharged after being wounded. sirov olga yuryevna, an operational officer of the ask, the daughter of major sirov, troshin’s deceased partner. pavel, a technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases solved by troshin during his service. sovitsky egor pavlovich, senior police lieutenant, full-time employee of the ask agency, hidden cameras agency. this means that your daughter
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disappeared yesterday, and i haven’t been in contact with you since then. “yes, it’s all my fault, i constantly nagged her, scolded her, god, if only everything was okay with her. why did you quarrel with your daughter? yes, you know how they are growing up now, they are all dependent , spoiled, they are used to everything being handed to them on a silver platter, my ira is the same, i tried to talk to her, to somehow set her up for life, she took everything with hostility. do you have any idea where she might have gone? i don’t know, i’ve already called all her friends, no one has seen her, maybe she’s going to see her boyfriend, but what kind of guy? roman, 2 years older than her, but i don’t have his address.


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