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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  January 18, 2024 4:50am-5:16am MSK

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cameras, it means your daughter disappeared yesterday , i haven’t been in touch with you since then, yes, it ’s all my fault, i constantly nagged her, scolded her, god, if only everything was okay with her, why did you quarrel with your daughter, yes you know how they are growing up now, they are all dependent, spoiled, they are used to having everything handed to them on a silver platter, and my ira is the same, i tried to talk to her, to somehow set her up for life, she took everything with hostility, you i have no idea where she could have gone, i don’t know, i’ve already called all her friends, no one has seen her, maybe to her boyfriend, but what kind of guy is roman, 2 years older than her, but i don’t have an address, i don’t have him... or a phone number, i didn’t
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want her to meet him at all, why? yes, it’s clear right away that he’s empty -handed, he’s busy doing who knows what, he’s not really studying, he’s not working, last time my daughter and i quarreled because of him, when that was, well , about a week ago, she got together with roman to go out of town with this, but i didn’t let her in and generally forbade her to see him, but aren’t you and your daughter taking risks? yes, i'm on my own i’m sorry, but who knew that this would happen? couldn't ira go to some relatives? no, we don’t have anyone, my husband and i divorced a long time ago, my parents have already died, and i haven’t communicated with his relatives since then. okay, tell me, is your daughter’s phone box at your house? yes, but why? there is a serial number there, you take a photo of it and...
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send us if the phone is turned on, even with a new sim card, we will detect it, okay, yes, i will do it, you say, but you know the name of this novel, unfortunately, i don’t know, for starters enough information, if we find out anything, we'll let you know right away, okay, i'll be waiting, thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye. pavlik, aren't you bored there without work? yes, i didn’t have time for something, but in a couple of days, get enough, then i’ll definitely start a cyst. pasha, are you tired of our society? well, it will begin now. pasha, download, pasha, connect. no romance. listen, you are also a psychic, so you very precisely defined your task for the near future. so, we need to find out everything about irina pryakhina. and find some kind of novel. they often called each other.
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in general, bring up all her correspondence on social networks , time has passed, good morning, boss, hello, would you like some fresh cakes, no, thank you, i’ll refrain, well, i’m just a flint, not a person, i can’t live without sweets, please eat, yes, romana on social networks, now trying to determine where he is, romana, graduated from school, doesn’t really work anywhere, 20 years old, nothing remarkable, michal ilyich, i found him, excellent to the point, i follow him on my mobile, moving along the botanical , that's it it’s very close, we’re moving forward, i’ll put a mark on your map. i see, well, let's go get acquainted?
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well, that’s not all, i hacked a page on social networks, the novel just fell asleep with threats, with threats, did the lovers quarrel, or maybe she left him for another, i don’t know why all the fuss, but the novel is very angry, what he just doesn’t promise to do as soon as he finds her is that it turns out , maybe
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, oh my, here i am after him, where, wait, olya, come back! what are you going to do with it? that he is afraid that she will catch up with him and tear him apart, you i’m just dying, boss, i lost him, pash, dial this novel, i want to talk to him, yeah. we'll do everything , don't slow down, let's hurry up, that's it, the call came, hello, who is it, you just robbed a girl, i have a video recording, who are you , what are you driving, didn't rob anyone, don't make me angry, in 15 minutes this recording along
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with the girl’s testimony will be in the police, how do you like the prospect, what do you need, stay where you are, i’ll come to you, if you politely answer all the questions, you’ll go home, no, you’ll go to prison, understand? ok, i understand well, hello, roma, who are you, how did you find me? you don’t need to know this, you will have to, we’ll find what you need again, when was the last time you saw irina pryakhina, what do you care? the conversation is wrong, apparently, you want to go to the police, so just say it, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, let's talk, let's talk, i repeat the question, when was the last time i saw irina pryakhina, 3-4 days ago, and why so, she your girlfriend, i think you see each other every day, how she’s not mine, we had a fight
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, the reason is that she had a bik, forever, let's leave here, let's leave, that's all , i'm tired of it, damn it, where did irina want to go, i don't know, but somewhere abroad, i wonder, and what was she going to do there? she didn’t really know herself, but she said there was some guy who would help her get settled in a new place, but i sent her to hell, i said i wouldn’t go anywhere, but what if i went abroad with my girlfriend, but why am i okay here, i don’t believe in all this, boss, i think he’s lying to us, listen, maybe it’s because of you that i disappeared, irina, and you’re telling us fairy tales here, yes you've gone crazy, or something, you 're planning to hang something on me, goodbye, you threatened irina with violence, we saw your letters on her page. damn, this is not the same at all, irka put me out for money, it’s like how, she didn’t borrow money from my friends, like she screwed everything up for me, now i have to give it back, so i ’m spinning as hard as i can, boss, he’s lying, i agree, in my opinion, the young man decided that he would be better off in prison, let’s go, he’s already good, oh
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well, well, she didn’t borrow money, she and i just wanted to leave together, and she was alone she screwed me up, she dumped me, with whom, where , i don’t know, but she called and said, that’s it, now a new life is starting for me, she doesn’t need me anymore, the skin was wasted, hold your tongue, okay, the bag where you threw it, where, let's go, i'll show you, it's great, leave it, remember, we're watching you, some kind of chaos. that’s it, she gave the bag, the girl is sincerely grateful to us, she had everything there, her license and passport, well, in general, it’s so nice to do good deeds, what we live for, okay , we’re done with charity, let’s go
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do some work, and what’s the news, yes, peacock spotted irina’s phone on the network, again with a sim card and... did he track where the phone was? did you doubt my abilities? well, no, pasha, of course, had no doubt, so where is irina now? where is irina? i don’t know, but phones are at the center of the alternative gomain culture. gomain, what is this? are you human or what? gomain is a center of alternative cultures, a treasure trove of spiritual practices and knowledge, oh! raft and plow, don’t you know what it is? so they stopped the bolt and didn’t arrive, olya, let’s explore, there’s mine general, there are only comedians around, it
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’s more fun to work this way, so uh, quickly find out who owns the sim card? from irina’s phone, i ’m waiting for a video from the center, i give it to you, pavlik, i don’t know where the sound is, it’ll be there soon. switch to olga’s camera, but they don’t go there, i don’t know, that’s it , the sound is no longer needed, it happened by accident, now i’ll fix everything, then you’ll make excuses, i need a video from the club, work, well, they didn’t let you in, no, it’s closed the event is only for regular members of the club, is this somehow suspicious? so mikhail ilyevich,
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there are no cameras inside the center, so there will be no video. it’s bad, pavlik, very bad. i don’t understand what kind of secret place this is. maybe this is a brothel or something similar, maybe marina is being held forcibly, maybe so. but so far we cannot find out. even our avlik turned up. but pavlik found out who owns the sim card from irina’s phone, and i’m sending the dossier. so, rita agafonova, 22 years old, student at the institute of culture. outgoing call from iri's phone, turn on speakerphone. let's. natusik, hello, you can congratulate me, did you win? yes, tomorrow i’m flying to osla for the festival of the peoples of the north, i’ll show kostya carving techniques. i am so glad. congratulations, okay, thank you, i ran right for a second, i called to brag , i just need to run, i’m waiting for you to
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visit in the evening, we agreed on what a rich, interesting life people have, but we ’re wasting our time, okay, sufferer, connect me with this rita, do you think she’ll tell you where she got her phone number from, do you want to argue, pasha, i ’m waiting, hello? rita, hello, you have a problem, your trip to oslo may not take place. how? wait, how do you even know about the trip? all questions have a decent meeting, i’ll meet you in 5 minutes at the entrance to the center and don’t be late. cool, you and her, do you think they’ll come? if it has nothing to do with this matter, then he will definitely come. well done, great job. oh, here's our rita. early, i went, study, pavlik, this is how to work,
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margarita agafonova, hello , i called you, i don’t understand what the problem is, what ’s wrong with my trip, the fact is that you are using a stolen phone, for this it is quite possible to prosecute you responsibility, damn, i knew it, i shouldn’t have taken it, understand, i didn’t steal it, i found it on the grass, and what’s more, it’s completely new and expensive, but you didn’t want to return it to the old owner? yes, i understand, it’s my fault , i’m sorry, take the phone, i don’t need any problems, i just hope you won’t report it to the police, well, for the first time you can do without it, you can indicate the exact place where you found it, yes, but not now, let's draw it better for you, let's.
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bye-bye! according to rita, she found the phone somewhere here, and what could irina do, there are no shops, no institutions, there ’s no one here to even ask about her, just a small town. oh, now all hope lies with pavlik. yesterday i asked him to analyze all the information
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from the surrounding cameras, but what is he looking for for so long? well, go back and ask him yourself. by the way, i can hear everything. can you imagine how many hours i have to watch in pidza? do you think it's easy? notice that i didn't rush you. oh, that is, olga sits and thinks that i’m not doing anything here. tell you you know what? am i here a transfer point for you, or what? figure it out among yourselves. yes, here pavlik wants to tell you something, olenka, you look great today, that ’s all, no, i found it on video from the camera. our irina, i’m sending a fragment, pasha, what a great guy you are, wow, who is this? pavlik, urgently, use the car number, find the taxi driver, you need to talk to him, boss, what is this
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, a kidnapping? deliberately threw away the phone so that she could not contact anyone, yes, but it doesn’t look like a kidnapping, the girl is calm, she got into the car herself, so i found it, our taxi driver, oleg yashakov, has a mobile number, great, call him, call a car for olga. “hello, girl, you called a taxi , yes, and you are oleg yashakov, well, yes, what’s the matter, and i need to ask you a couple of questions, will you go or not, no, girl, then don’t fool me, pay the money is a pawn call and i'll leave, but listen, i want to ask you a few questions, you answer me, and i
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'll give you 1. ruble, just a couple of minutes, and you don't have to go anywhere, just give it. money right away, yes, of course, here it is , uh-huh, thanks, but tell me, the day before yesterday you gave a lift to this couple , remember them, well, yes, and you’re like a happy detective, well, yes, something like that, but you can say something about them, but i can’t say anything bad, they’re normal, sober, father, by the way, this girl left me good tips, where did you get the idea that he’s the father, that’s what he, she called him father, that’s already... interesting, blade seemed to say that they don’t communicate, pavlik, send her a photo of this guy, now let's do it, tell me where they were taken, do you remember? no, i don’t remember, but i ’ll look it up in the navigator now. yes, anna, hello, did you receive the photo? yes, but i don’t
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understand who it is? irina called this man father. no, it’s definitely not him, you’re sure. you said, you don’t communicate, maybe ira communicates, you just don’t know, but no, alexey, he’s in prison, i’m just somehow embarrassed to say about it, but he’s been behind bars for 12 years, it certainly looks like him , but, but it’s definitely not him, and that ira is with him now, we’re just finding out, oh, dubna village, lenin street, building 17, great, come back, thank you, yes, nothing, up goodbye, yeah, all the best. christmas trees, how come i didn’t notice right away, boss,
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what are you talking about, then call yegor, urgently, we’re going to dubna. well, this is a house, you can’t really see anything here, the gate is closed, you need to launch the quadropter. there’s no other way, boss, can i handle it, yeah, okay, as i teach, carefully, there’s a boss,
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pavlik, if there’s wi-fi in the house, try to connect, there’s definitely wi-fi, now i’ll do everything that sit down. hello, great, or... in this village, as i understand it, you are with the news, yes, and not alone, so after all, this boborov is more than that?
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vasily vamrov, born in the seventy-first year, retsedist, organization of brothels, distribution of minors. mikhailovich, how did you guess that it was him? yes, i noticed zakovskaya’s tattoo on his arm, somehow everything worked out. oh, intuition? more like experience, attention to detail. oh this. you don’t have anything to do, all that’s left is to get the girl out without any losses, i’ll give it to you, olya , what do you have, everything is ready, i’m launching , well done, you can see everything perfectly, so, there’s no one here, let ’s look at it from the other side, i understand. mikhail alevich, connected to bobrovoy’s laptop, he with someone on a video call, catch the picture.
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great, how are you? yes, it's fine, but i'm happy for you. girl, do you want to see? well , wait, stand up two, how do you like it, good? great! wait a second more , turn around, here, there, oh, good, yes, wait a little longer, get up, get up, ah, you envy me, i would, i envy myself, you know, wait, i’ll show you some more, let’s go, don’t whine , don't whine. let's run there, look, i have a whole breeding ground here, come, the test drive is free, i'll be there in
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half an hour, let's go for now, but irina is not alone there, not enough time, uh-huh, boss, i see bobrov, why did he notice you? to the man, i’m displaying a picture , don’t fucking come, i’m tailed, with the girls, why the hell will i fuck this lackey with these, egor, come on, oh, help has arrived, hello, hello, well, are the cossacks working?
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lyosha hands on the ground, give him the car. girls, come here, everything is fine, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, one, two, check, it’s clean. mikhailoch, yes, everything is fine, the girls are safe, the beaver is captured. yeah, yeah, i'll be there now.
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well, how is ira, what do the doctors say? thank you big, everything is fine. thank god that this freak didn’t do anything to her, but she’s still in shock. well, of course, until the last moment she thought that she was traveling with her own father. did she tell you why she trusted bobrov so easily? yes, that bastard. told a couple of details from our life, so ira fell for it, well, in fact, it seems to me that she just really wanted to believe in a rich dad who would make her life a fairy tale, yes, and she almost paid for it, the only thing i don’t understand is why this is for bobrov, that's why it was ira, he had conflicts in the zone with your ex-husband, after his release bobrov decided to take revenge on him through his daughter, it takes so many years... we got divorced back, i already thought everything, but he continues to ruin our lives, well , i hope that now your troubles are over, so am i, you know


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