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tv   Politseiskoe bratstvo  NTV  January 18, 2024 5:15am-6:11am MSK

5:15 am
well, how is ira, what do the doctors say? thank you very much, everything is fine, thank god that this freak didn’t do anything to her, but she ’s still in shock, well, until the last moment she thought that she was going with her own father, she didn’t tell you why that was did you trust bobrov easily? yes, this bastard told a couple of details from our life, so ira fell for it, well, in fact, it seems to me that she just really wanted to believe in a rich dad, like... who would make her life a fairy tale, yes, i almost paid for it, i just need one thing is not clear why bobrov needs all this , that’s why it was ira, he had conflicts in the zone with your ex-husband, after his release bobrov decided to take revenge on him through his daughter, wow, they got divorced so many years ago, i thought everything, but he continues to break we have life, well, i hope that now your troubles are behind you, i, too, you know, have changed a lot, she
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listens to me, takes advice, maybe everything will really work out, thank you very much, again, thank you very much, thank you, goodbye, daughters say hello, goodbye, phew, well, the case is over, everyone is saved, you can rest, i suggest you spend the evening culturally, pavel, you 're scaring me. what are you planning? today in the center of gamayun there is an evening of learning to play the bagpipes, you are invited, and after that a master class on cooking from margin fat, what? are you still a pervert? would you understand, this is an alternative culture? well, i don’t know, i have another alternative for tonight, i ’m going to take a ride through the streets of moscow to calm music.
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why did it take so long, general, you know very well, i’m not just here, shut up you, too, are already a victim of circumstances, you brought it, come on, return the phone, right? so, whoever needs it, i’ve already called, it’s your job to take and pass this note, you understood me, yes, i understand, i understand, look at me. come on, no
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nonsense, the thing here is that there is no need for extra witnesses, so i’ll carry my nose and take care of my skin, just like that, it’s clear. who to call? there’s the last number on the phone , you call, you make an agreement , that’s it, go ahead, get it, money, what kind of money, what are you talking about, okay, so that’s it, you’ll do the job, you’ll get it, that’s it, okay. stop and don't turn around i brought a letter, yes, show me, sit on the bench, put the letter next to me, wait, they told me
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that they will pay, not in church, they won’t deceive you, put the letter down, no, wait, first the money, then sit on... mick and put the letter down, you were told not to turn around, but what’s wrong, nothing.
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man, why are you fussing? tarasov, well, yes, you were released, how are you? take the car away. why are you so unfriendly? why don’t i understand you? it’s clear how stubborn he was, he stayed that way. tarasov, my advice to you! next time you get behind the wheel, turn your head more, otherwise you’ll run into the wrong person, you’re lucky to
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have met me, but i’m actually lucky, put away the car like a drowned man! hello, hello, you know , i was told that in this section i can buy a raccoon, a raccoon, yes, you know, ladies, and the last raccoon was taken away yesterday, what a shame, and there is some kind of rush demand for non-raccoons, you know, what? let’s do this, you leave me your phone number, and i’ll try to look, and you think it’s real, but nothing in life is unreal, it’s just a matter of money, tell me, approximately how much it will cost, well no less than a thousand, more like one and a half, inexpensive,
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dollars, what, one thousand and a half us dollars, raccoon is an imported animal. so what are you dictating? yes, yes, please, thank you, look, golya, what a beauty, oil painting, sea! a bay, a strip of sand, an embankment, how beautiful, a stall, but where is the bay? here is the bay , there was an embankment right behind it, there was a bay, i’ll go and have a beer
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, please don’t get poisoned, kolya, you don’t understand anything, neither about beer, nor in the sea, nor in the bay, they passed by this stall. the best years of my life, everything is like tolstoy’s, childhood, boyhood, youth, i'll go! good afternoon , good, pour a mug, we’ll do it now, and where is nina, i feel a deep knowledge of the history of the issue, my mother hasn’t worked for five years, her health doesn’t allow it, but what happened , nothing, legs, it’s hard to stand all day, but you would i put a bar stool for her, believe me, i just didn’t come up with this, it’s nina, she was like... people came to watch the stage, that ’s for sure, those were golden times, but don’t say
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, well, now how business is going, but how, like a suitcase without a handle, compared to what it happened before, there are no emissions at all, people have also stopped liking beer, there are no romance novels?
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20% on top for preserving cultural heritage, no, is it serious, well, if you’re ready, let’s go to the notary and call your mom and say hi? from lyokha the engineer, good , and i’m also not paying for beer, let’s assume that this is all mine, no question, hello, well, hello, hello, niza budkin, how young life is, listen, i’m very busy writing now, so if you want to say something, say it, better tell me, master detective, who did you name after agatha
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christie, what kind of idiotic question, our daughter agatha, well, could congratulate her on birthday, and what, oh, barbarian , i'm sorry, i wrapped myself in, i had a black man, i did not sleep for several nights i'm in complete lockdown for work, friend. i didn’t expect such an answer, oh, what a good one, thank you, it’s not me, hello, ivan vasilyevich, and you go for a walk, yes, can i go with you, well, as you wish, oh, i mean, what’s his name? , armageddon, yes, yes. and before they called mukhtar, but now it’s like this, you see, yeah, yes.
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now let's go for a walk, come to my place, why else, i’ll take measurements, we’ll knit, why, well, new gloves from macher, oh, in my opinion, the man is feeling bad, man, man, oh, and kotinil has already died, he’s dead, no
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, i think they killed him, oh, what’s wrong with me? it’s not good, right , zinaet pavlovna, control yourself, i’m asking you, it’s you, you’re holding me in your hands, calmly, i don’t have the strength, breathe deeper, oh, i’m breathing , oh, hello, colonel shavrin, oh, no look, i’m not looking, call the duty officer on the phone. the same thing, guys, hi, great, yeah, and i tell him, the same thing, you every day, here, you again, that’s it, come on, please.
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will be standing, with permission, comrade colonel , hello, hello, i’m reporting, the victim is a man , 30-35, yeah, killed by two shots, the body was discovered by your dad, and he’s from here, and he...
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since you and i have the same last name, so then there were no unnecessary questions, the first corpse was discovered by a citizen of mishkovogo, from nay palovna, and i was walking past, walking a raccoon, if there are no questions, i can be free, not yet, and don’t leave the city, why, go and look, this is interesting, we found it in a trouser pocket, now we have it.
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well, you understand, really , old man, i’m sorry, okay, let’s go, i understand everything, tach colonel, listen, out of old friendship, if i’m not urgent, it’s better to rush, he’s in a bad mood today, even our generals are afraid of him, one thing word, shell-shocked, and not figuratively speaking, naturally shell-shocked, and health, well , okay, please, i warned you. well, how do you imagine this, in order to make room for you, someone needs to be removed, so remove it, your proposal, who, excuse me,
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ask me a question. "well, let's remove your comrade, colonel strunin, you served together, strenen is not my comrade, for a long time, but it doesn’t matter to me, that means you are refusing me, okay, then write a refusal so that i can file a complaint, will you scare me with complaints?" "there is no conversation at all it turns out, there is a court order, it must be executed, well, let’s say, even it will be executed, yegor fedorovich, why do you need this, i need it so much, how do you feel, thank you
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ivan vasilyevich. friends, like this, so excuse me, you’re not that old, ivan vasilyevich, i rang, yes his.
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they arranged a quiet hour, well, tell me, on the recording from another video surveillance camera you can see the license plate of the car he was filling up. the car is registered to denis sergeevich byurlev and that’s it, let’s have lunch? no, go back to the crime scene, find the car, he probably drove it, there should be clues when he was found, he didn’t have the car key on him, that means the key. find it ahead, so lunch, lunch,
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is postponed, petrovich, you and the trailer, ah-ah-ah, citizen, comrade garin, it’s not a shame to ask such provocative questions, a normal question, this is for juniors. leagues are normal, but we are professionals, another league, that is, you still have to warm up, of course, warm up with a trailer, but for such a topic that i adjusted with this cooker, you should give me a lifetime pass to this cooker, well, lifelong allowance, two more playing, great, petrovich, great, great, great, and you bought this,
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a strange place, from an engineering point of view, a very good place, but why do you need this, alexey yuryevich has an old recipe for this, please come to the table, thanks, yes. here it is, closed.
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now it’s open, so come on, i’m going to the salon, and you have something in the trunk, there’s a first aid kit, a spare tire, nothing else, but i have something. look, do you see what they wrote?
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hello, congratulations on the birth of your daughter. thank you. agatha, dad came, she’s at home, no, she’s already 19, and you’re still with plush toys, you screwed up, nezabutkin, but, as always, listen, i want to see her, what’s the point? the point is that i missed my birthday and i want to congratulate her. after all, you missed your whole life, you missed how your daughter grew up while writing her idiotic books, so away we go, and she loved you, no matter
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what. “you know what, because you want to drink, parvara, where is she, the drunken cherry club, you know, what is she doing in this club at such a time, forget-me-not, she’s already an adult, so i’m looking at you, lyukha, you have a great fur coat , rich, it was so, so, i decided to buy a fur coat for my wife, but i don’t have a wife, and so we have guests, hello, nikolai andreevich, hello, well, glad to see, maybe a little bit at a time, so what , you're having fun, alekseevich, go, drink beer, remember your youth, look,
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what a beauty! what a beauty, we’ll have to remove it, the stall will have to be removed , a decree was signed in the morning on small territories, we will build a new microdistrict, well done cookies, what does my stall have to do with it, and here there will be a highway to residential areas, comrades, a highway will pass here, it’s a shame, but we own the land, we own the property, and we have the documents, so nothing will work out for them if we start a nationwide uprising, well, you hear what the electorate is saying, the electorate, of course, well done, well... he's a smart man, well so you don’t have fools working for you, let them come up with something, listen, let them build a tunnel under the kiosk, or at worst , build a duct above the kiosk, an air duct tunnel, what are you drinking here?
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“well, well, i’m not a monster , you helped me and my wife, she has become a different person for me, she takes care of the house, attends a club, what a club, alcoholics anonymous , well done, what a family happiness, it’s generally priceless, your golden words , ordered"? well, what
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about the expert with the notebook, they say they are still working, you asked me, we are good evening, comrade major, lieutenant yanvarev, lieutenant of justice shavirina, went home early. i’m listening to you, berilyov jumped, you have a strange reaction , comrade major, your subordinate was killed, and you jumped, let’s go to my office, an official check was carried out against the ensign berilyov, there was no evidence, but there were suspicions, what he was suspected of, that he provided assistance to the sedel residents, including general shillov, but which one? help,
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what kind of help, a letter to be sent to freedom, a parcel, a phone number, could give, call, jumped in, come on, come on, come on, don't know. congratulations, thank you, i'm wearing makeup , oh girl, sorry, i thought you were, i know, i was thinking something, maybe as an apology i could treat you to me, yes, let's have what you will, vodka , but the right
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choice. that i wanted to congratulate you, i would like to congratulate you, i would have congratulated you yesterday, today, happy birthday to you, don’t you see , my hands are full, i have no time, don’t worry, i’ll wait, i’m working until the morning, i’ll be working until the morning, dad , i told me once, goodbye. happy birthday, thank you, that means guys,
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tomorrow i’m waiting for you at the pickle party at exactly noon, and why is it so late, after all, the shops open at 11, firstly, this is not a shop, sorry, and secondly, in... another glass, what about the land? i am ready to meet you halfway, thank you, i am waiting for a convincing
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offer, how convincing? how many dollars, but the tunnel will still cost more. here i am at home, look what he did, okay, shoes, he
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ate my id, how am i going to work now? egor fedorovich, in connection with newly discovered circumstances, taking into account your old merits, in short, they recommended me from above, in a word, the issue was resolved positively, i am very glad that at least someone remembers my merits. congratulations. with my return to the post of deputy head of the criminal investigation department, although it was my choice, i would have acted differently, something is wrong,
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it’s clear. “that’s it, i’ve just been waiting for this moment for a very long time , you can start performing your duties tomorrow, but while the previous owner of the office is packing his things, i ’ll introduce you to the staff , hello, good afternoon, you know, yes, you are not there. you see, they gave it to me , i congratulate you, but i would like to return it back, listen, this is not a washing machine, it is alive, generally speaking, i understand, but
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the circumstances have developed, listen, animals cannot be returned for exchange, let 's to another, i don’t know how much it cost, but i’m ready... it’s just like that for free, oh, if it were a puppy, for example, i would take it without hesitation, but this is
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, excuse me, he showed up, well, come in, come in, don’t be shy, this is your office now, it’s good that i waited for you, at least i’ll tell you to your face all i think about you, all morning i was wondering what kind of omen it was to run into you twice during the morning, and then i realized, you’re like a woman with an empty bucket, a strange association. your car, your bucket, and you, like that woman, are taking revenge on me, you think, i don’t know why you’re taking revenge on me, because i didn’t stand up for you then, it’s stupid to take revenge for betrayal, you understand, it wasn’t betrayal, you would have been imprisoned anyway without any options, if i had stood up for you, i would have gone to jail too, well, you made your choice? what do you think, i'm holding on i’ll cross you for this, but i don’t care, i wanted it,
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i’ll do without him, and you sit down, settle down, so that he can become a stake in this chair for you, egor, motherfucker, fedorovich. is it closed or what? as they say, a new broom sweeps in a new way, but what about the new owner? well, yes, the guy is intelligent, now the restaurant opens with the sound of a cannon, they would live in... i would have been happy for a long time,
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the happy ones live in vladik, they are already performing there for the third time, oh well, i’ll go to the store, here’s a hangover at the store moviton , it’s because of the woman’s hangover, moviton, that’s all the rest didn't work, good afternoon, musician or what? balalaishnik, ivan vasilyevich, i ’m waiting for you, well, let me keep you company, excuse me, on a walk with a pet, alas, but the pet is no longer there, what are you saying, horror, what happened? and he
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, he ran away, oh, well, don’t worry so much, we will definitely find him, oh, well, where will you find him, now i’ve been walking all morning, looking, looking for everything, you know, my classmate, not the last person in ministry of emergency situations, we are organizing a rescue operation, thank you, no need, i don’t need anything, i’m just with this you have to somehow get used to the thought. “i can help you, i’m sorry, but i need to be alone , forgive me, i remind you, for those who have forgotten, belov, that the meaning of our work is not in the process, as a result of this very process of january, but there is a result”? i ask you not to interrupt me, if there was a result, they wouldn’t call me
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from above, all and sundry, an employee has been killed , the case is under control, and you are marking time, what the hell, we are marking time, the identity has been established, the car has been found, yes we we don’t have lunch at all every day, whoever doesn’t work is he’s not eating, let me, yes, yes, come in, anastasia ivanovna, maybe you can please us with something, the experts managed to restore the text from a sheet torn from a notebook, and what is there, to whom and for whom? warrant officer beryulev was delivering the note, it’s unknown, it’s clear , it’s clear that nothing is clear. anastasia ivanovna, maybe you can read the texts to us, huh? you need to sing a swan song to gagarin, sing it beautifully, as best you can. i'm the only one who thinks this looks like an order. everyone thinks so, bilov. please note that the word to gagarin is written with line break. well, it’s clear that this is not
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accidental. then garin could be in danger. beryulyov, then, gave the note to the killer. yes, and the first thing i did was clear out berilev himself, right? then garin, maybe? yanvarev, belov, why are we standing, and you sit down, it’s great, i’ve been here for a long time, i haven’t lifted my eyes all night. everything is calm, calm, it will only be in the cemetery, don’t croak, listen, oh, i sense you’ve entered into a dangerous business, you’re the one who signed me in, well, it’s already five minutes to go, and i told you, they serve it here after 12, wait until bang, that's when i served in
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the cosmonaut training center, where we waited seconds for the boom, but here in civilian life. minus this and that, so open the door, we’ll do what we’re looking for, nikita, the position is not a shooter, there’s no need to warn us at the kiosk, no. “if the shooter is already working on the spot, we don’t care at all about the stall, look at the roof, which is to the right , that’s it, i’m off, you’ll follow me in a minute , just don’t fuss, i understand, hello, that’s how it was, as
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agreed, a thousand”? “x, sorry, dear, i’ll have to add another 200, your raccoon arrived on the morning flight from canada, i had to resolve issues more difficultly, and you know, i’m not very good with dollars, you’ll take rubles, i’ll take rubles, i’ll get caught up in the difference in exchange rates, which you can’t do for the sake of a beautiful woman, and 200 is how much 14600, oh, by the way, on one flight "? with yours came a mexican desert tarantula , a very popular animal, it will suit you , are you kidding me, look, they are being taken apart very quickly, well, almost 12 already.
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but how beautifully we made them. it’s too early to save for that, stop, police, this is the first time this has happened, i’ve become like this, drop your weapon!
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our firearms are in serious condition.
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i decided to check on you, come on in, well, are you settling in, settling in, what is it, please persuade me of your own free will today. passed , to hurl, what are you, tarasov, you are generally friends with your head, can you even imagine how everyone here had to spin around on their navel to put you back in this chair, i understand, you understand, then why the hell did you organize this whole circus, that’s how it should be . garina shshilov ordered 100%. they have long-standing scores to settle. and warrant officer biryulyov? what is beryulev?
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an accomplice or an accidental victim. just how prove it? it’s elementary, nastya, we need to find the shooter and extract a confession from him . indeed, it is elementary. mom, well, i lost too much blood. well, nothing, belov, a strong guy, nikita, we did everything we could, how could this be, i promised him that everything would be fine, nikita, you did everything you could. nikita,
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everything, he had time, he had time, well, nezabutskin said, nezabutskin did, for sure. okay, let's go home to sleep and work later, on the metro, metro, gulkin, we
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'll do so much more with you, hello? mom, is it your phone ringing, no, but whose? not i know, but somewhere here.
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dad, uh, well, you see , he loves you, i’ll go here, then here and ... ivan vasilyevich, i want to give you a surprise, he looks like yours, like where are the drops of water, what is this, why is this, i just saw how you are worried, you wanted to make up for the loss, how sweet that is, ivan vasilyevich, in my opinion, all the raccoons like you. thank you, dinaya pavlovna, very much.
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do you understand that testifying against him is like signing your own death sentence? vladimir vasilyevich, for our part we guarantee you full support, well defense, of course, don't make me laugh, bart, one of the best killers, bart, no one for sure. doesn’t know his name, bart urged. vladimir vasilyevich, you are probably the only one who knows what he looks like, and he also knows about it, i think it’s unlikely that you will be arranged like this for the rest of your life, afraid to approach the cockpit, but i will have it, that’s
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life, yes, some kind of life, i invite you to come with us and continue the conversation. under the protocol, here is vladimir vasilyevich, put it on , don’t be afraid, why, well, it will be calmer for us and for you, i have a personal relationship with this bard account, so now i’ll take care of you, even if i don’t care about myself. nastya, come to me, quickly, quickly, quickly , listen, egor, a nice apartment,
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a beautiful view, we... i like it, yeah, it’s fine, as they say, come and live, yeah, by the way, when do you sign up for a new lease? you'll be in a hurry , where are you in a hurry, well, just let him stick the wallpaper, a team of them, they'll do everything for you in one day, but you have to pay the team , you know, not without it, like they've been gluing it all their lives, and nothing, but nikita promised to help , it’s more fun together, you know, igor, u... you after all, with these mansions now i’m a hot suitor , so now you can think about your personal life , who needs me, even with the mansions, even without, by the way, no one needs me either, even my neighbor, as young people say, ignores me -
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almost still necessary look in your passport, all the answers are there, and i need to remind you about this less often, to help you, i told you, i can handle it myself, well, you know, if you need anything, call, come on, vanya, you haven’t seen your neighbor for a long time , a few days that you’re okay, well, don’t you think it’s strange. then she bothers you all day long, and then neither hear nor spirit, no questions arise, oh, just come on, don’t push it, okay, these are women, you’re imagining something, so of course i checked, i have nothing else to do, that’s it, be it, be it.


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