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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 18, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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russian alligators destroyed enemy targets in the lugansk people's republic, what targets does the msta hit?
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and for orthodox believers, epiphany eve arrived. solemn services began in churches. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. russian units carried out massive attacks on targets of kiev militants in the krasno-limansky direction of the special operation. the ministry of defense reported that the artillerymen of the central group suppressed more than forty in a day. the armored vehicle of the gun was destroyed.
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in the same area, in the area of ​​the strategically important tor ledge, our tankers defeated ukrainian units that were hiding in trenches in the middle of the forest. the tank platoon worked from. closed firing positions, the accuracy of the strikes was adjusted by the drone operator. the scout hovered directly above the enemy trenches and transmitted information to headquarters in real time. as a result of the national formation, we lost a stronghold with personnel. in addition, a field warehouse where the militants stored ammunition detonated. meanwhile in lugansk people's republic on the svatovo-kremennaya line, k-52 helicopters destroyed enemy armored vehicles and infantry. famous alligators.
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even the vaunted nato vehicles did not protect against accurate hits. the ukrainian command arrested more than 150 kiev murp infantry for refusing to land on the left bank of the dnieper and attack russian positions, riyavosti reports. the leadership sent the military to storm without providing any food or ammunition. and what could... give the nationalists on the approaches to russian positions were shown by artillerymen in the south-donetsk direction. there, the volleys of large-caliber mstab guns do not subside. pavel rybalchenko saw them in action. the objective control cameras show that the projectile hits the target exactly. the position of the ukrainian armed forces fighters entrenched in the forest belt is broken, and the russian crew of the gaubitsemstab is already reloading the gun and preparing for a new shot. we hit targets,
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mostly artillery, self-propelled, sometimes infantry, but everything is always different, on our side the work is going on on their side, now there is a lull for now, and counter-battery fighting is frequent it happens to you, no, not often, when something goes, the interview is interrupted in the middle, the gun commander is given new coordinates of the fighters’ target, we caught the vostok group right in the process of completing the task. as the highlander said, there is almost no return fire, the enemy is weak, but there is a possibility of an attack on the positions, at least cluster munitions are still left in the enemy’s arsenal. the most important thing in a position is shelter in the immediate vicinity of the gun; the response arrives almost instantly; the fighters have only a few seconds to hide. in the southern donetsk direction , crews consisting of fighters of all ages are working. most are young, but there are some older volunteers. for me, they are children
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, as it were, i have children older than they are at home , you look after them here, but how can you look after them, they themselves are already real fighters at the age of 20, many even already have orders, so i give them no... i’m not a decree for them, well, just vitally , i can suggest something in everyday life, but in military affairs i myself am a beginner, my job is to load, well , put a projectile into the barrel, well, bring it up and load it, digging everything else is a lot of work. the artillerymen really have a lot of work to do, targets come almost one after another, and the sounds of howitzers can be heard here day and night. pavel rybalchenko, stanislav skripnik, ntv television company from donetsk. people's republic. the russian military stopped an attempted terrorist attack by the kiev regime. the nationalists planned to attack targets on the territory of our country. according to the ministry of defense , air defense systems intercepted missiles in the bryansk and belgorod regions. in addition, drones were shot down in the sky over moskovskaya and
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leningrad regions. the department also reported details of the destruction of foreign mercenaries in kharkov. a total of more than 60 legionnaires were liquidated. it is known that many of them are french citizens. the attack on the building in which the militants were stationed was carried out using precision weapons. the building was almost completely destroyed, although neighboring houses and city infrastructure were not damaged. in addition, as our ministry of defense noted, after the strikes, more than twenty mercenaries were taken to a medical facility. in the states again we did not agree on money for ukraine. joe biden discussed the request for a multibillion-dollar tranche for kiev with congressional leaders, but the country's leading politicians did not listen to him. the us president told the already well-known theory that delays in supporting the kiev regime threaten the security of america itself, nato and the entire free world in general; it is necessary
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to agree on a payment as quickly as possible in order to demonstrate us resolve in the ukrainian issue. the opinions of congressmen following the meeting were divided. democratic leader chuck schumer stated that the likelihood of the allocation of money.
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leave to ukraine, there will definitely be other countries that will want to follow suit, without our leadership. american leadership is very important here. bulgaria is also asking for money. at the end of the year, the country's parliament, without the approval of the president, allocated about a hundred old armored personnel carriers for neo-nazis, but funds were never found to deliver the equipment to ukraine. and now the deputies are inviting all nato members to chip in for the transportation of weapons. stop giving generously.
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and the german government admitted that due to support for ukraine, the country's economy found itself in a deplorable state. the minister of finance said that his assistance was too expensive for berlin. however, despite this, the german authorities plan to send more than 7 billion euros to the needs of the militants. to close the hole in the budget, the government intends to cut social benefits and raise taxes. german tranches were studied by sergei khlashevsky.
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germany, as anthony blinken put it the day before, the white house does not have a magic pot of money to support ukraine without the consent of congress. apparently the same pot. bloomberg asks: why is
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germany rich, but the germans are so poor and angry? all our problems are in our own arrogance , german economics minister robert habeck said yesterday at the forum, but one can add that this list is not exhausted by arrogance alone; the current german political elite clearly lacks honesty. in relation to its citizens, this causes the greatest indignation among ordinary germans. marginalize protesting farmers during recent protests near german the authorities failed. finance minister christian linder was booed and told to get out after he arrogantly declared that there was no money for farmers and there never would be. in general, the german authorities are terribly far from the people, while the people themselves, judging by the statistics of the european central bank, are sliding down in the ranking of the welfare of european households. as bild writes, germany was in fifteenth place out of twenty, higher on the list are slovenia, slovakia and
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portugal. only greece, hungary and the baltic states that joined them are poorer than the germans giants. at the same time, scholz’s traffic light coalition continues to play with green energy and send billions to ukraine. sergey khaloshevsky, maxim zainchenko, vladimirsky, boris filchikov, european bureau, ntv. today is the day of breaking the blockade of leningrad. 81 years ago. as a result of operation iskra, the soviet army restored the city's land connection with the country. it was a turning point battle, it inspired soldiers on all fronts and gave people hope for victory. it was possible to completely liberate leningrad from the fascist invaders only a year later. for 872 more than a million civilians died during the siege , mostly from starvation. recently , the court recognized the actions of nazi germany in leningrad as genocide. today in memory of the heroism of leningrad. funeral events will be held in st. petersburg. a few minutes ago, the torches on the raster columns were lit,
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a fire that will rise to a height of 4 and will burn until lunch. the ceremony will be repeated at 7:00 pm. at noon , a shot will traditionally be fired from the cannon of the peter and paul fortress, then honors will be paid to the climbers who camouflaged the city from bombings. in the afternoon , the all-russian blockade bread campaign will begin at the leningrad bakery plant. its symbol is a piece of black bread weighing 125 g. this was the daily food requirement for city residents during the days of the blockade. and at the pekarevskoye cemetery, where residents and defenders of the city are buried, a memorial plaque will be unveiled. estonia is ready to change the constitution in order to oppress russians who live in this country. another restrictive measure could be deprivation of the right to vote. the ministry of justice has already prepared the corresponding.
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finland intends to further isolate itself from russia; after closing all checkpoints on the border, they decided to install additional barriers, as reported by the border service. and in latvia they decided to get rid of russians altogether; they are sent letters threatening them with deportation. vet residence is now canceled if knowledge is not confirmed. language, only young people under 15 years of age are exempt from the exam; the elderly, over 75. everyone
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else, literally the forces are sent for testing on social networks, a lot of videos with pensioners, whom social workers bring and they even bring it to the exam. mikhail plokhotnik, more details. in the modern world, especially the european one, nationalism is an unacceptable thing in theory, in theory, in practice, for example, in latvia. very much what is happening now in latvia, there in these other baltic republics, when russian people are simply thrown out beyond the cordon, you know, this is it. very serious things that directly affect the security of our country, the president instructed the government to submit a proposal by july 1 on issues of ensuring the rights of compatriots, constantly living abroad and their repatriation in the event of illegal deportation, we are talking in particular about this, about what in latvia they write only on social networks, a disabled russian woman is literally dragged to an exam in the latvian
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language, they promise not to pass, they deport who can go himself, like this sixty... state, the rest will not even notice, according to latvian ideological social activists , the lawlessness that the head of our inspirers sees. when there is a war between hamas and israel, when we see tension in the united states of america, when there is genocide against the ukrainian people. absolutely no one in the world will be interested in the fate of thousands of russian citizens expelled from latvia. other heroes of latvian editorials think that deportation will not be enough, although they are still afraid of what else needs to be specifically proposed. i want to say that this is a very soft step, because in latvia there are people who have sworn allegiance to the russian federation, who do not want and cannot understand that is happening in latvia, what are we thinking about, what problems do we have, what are we experiencing, they are experiencing so much that they are already expelling
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now, although there are no legal grounds for this yet, such a right has not yet been written in the constitution, the courts are going to sue.
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anastasia vishnyakova, ntv television company. the united states launched new attacks on houthi targets in yemen. this was reported by the central command of the us armed forces. the targets of the american military were the locations of missile launchers. as washington emphasized, this way the houthis will have less opportunity to fire at international ships in the red sea. the houthis , in turn, said the day before that attacked another american ship in the gulf of adana. as reported in yemen, several missiles were fired at the ship and a direct hit was recorded. the ship was damaged, but there were no casualties. representatives of the movement also stated that they would continue to attack israeli ships, despite us attempts to prevent this. meanwhile, the states themselves claim that they are not in a state of war with the houthis.
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the pentagon said that they do not want the confrontation to intensify, while in our country it has already been noted that america, together with its allies. its actions only expand the zone of the middle east conflict. this statement was made by our permanent representative to the un, vasily nebendya, when the united states launched strikes on yemen. moscow regarded this step as a gross violation of international law. according to media reports, mutual attacks by the united states and the houthis did not affect maritime supplies of russian oil. as bloomberg writes, all volumes of raw materials intended for asian buyers continue to pass through the red sea. journalists note. that tankers transporting oil from russia may come under fire from yemen is less likely. rosstat reported that chicken eggs in russia have fallen in price for the first time since june last year. more business news with us marina piminova marin, what helped this? the ministry of agriculture says that demand for them has fallen. in russia, for the first time since
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june last year, prices for eggs fell, from january 10 to 15, they... clarified that for 3 weeks eggs have been falling in price from producers, which is reflected in retail. in addition, the ministry talks about the traditional drop in demand after the new year holidays and the fact that additional volumes of products come to the market. over the past year, eggs in russia have risen in price by 60%. the authorities tried to solve the problem using a variety of methods. since the beginning of this year, duties on egg imports have been eliminated. at the same time, the federal antimonopoly service began to open cases against domestic egg producers, suspecting them of cartel conspiracies. general director of the russian poultry union galina bobeleva explained the demand for eggs by the fact that in the context of rising prices for other products, eggs and... chicken is one of the few sources of protein, available to the public on an ongoing basis. deputy chairman of the board of the association rusprodsoyuz dmitry leonov, commenting on prices, added that the cost of eggs is also growing. due to the
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exchange rate, logistics, packaging, spare parts, vaccines become more expensive, and there is also a shortage of labor . the russian stock market begins trading with growth along with oil prices. they support new opec forecasts that oil demand will increase significantly this year and next. the ruble after yesterday's fall. while the dollar is still standing at 88.89, the euro is 96.94. in january of this year car inventories at russian dealers have reached a two-year record, this will lead to them making discounts for buyers, reports write about this, citing market participants. rolf says that there will definitely be discounts, and already in december twenty-third cherry, xsit and havale improved the conditions for buyers, realizing that the market would not be enough for everyone. chapter. of the board of directors of the ben motors dealer, alexey podchikoldin, estimated that the palada vesta already has enough inventory for a month of sales, for chinese brands, inventory for two or more months, and this is already considered excessive.
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alexey podchekoldin adds that purchasing activity began to gradually decline since october last year after another increase in the key rate, and dealers are now accepting cars that they ordered before. also, as the interlocutors add, the client does not really want to part with the money, preferring to profitably keep the money on... but as for european brands, as they say in rolfe, there is a shortage of some of them, which means growth is possible prices yuli, that’s all for me. yes, marina, thank you, it was marina pimenova with an economic review. today is epiphany eve for orthodox believers. solemn services are being held in churches; in the cathedral of christ the savior, patriarch kirill will perform the liturgy and the sacrament of lighting the water. it is believed that after this she bestows. with special power. in the evening, many russians will traditionally swim in ice holes. throughout the country , more than 3,000 special places have been equipped for epiphany bathing. everyone
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had a safe descent to the water and tents were set up for changing clothes and heating. on rescue doctors will be on duty in places. but in moscow, methyl may interfere with the process. it is forecast to begin in the afternoon and last for two days. winds of up to 20 m per second are expected. snow drifts are likely on the roads, motorists are asked to switch to public transport, while city residents will face another temperature drop: by thursday morning it will warm up by about 10°, and by the evening the thermometers will drop sharply. the first us attempt in 50 years to get to the moon failed, today module perigrine will return from space, it will burn up in the atmosphere.
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has not been announced yet, and now we’ll take a break for a short advertisement, that’s what we’ll talk about next, don’t switch. a certificate for a quiet life, what residents of the front-line areas of the kherson region remember and dream about , who found a new home thanks to housing certificates, rostislav skidan learned. the legendary alfabank credit card free forever has become even more profitable.
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gifts. the main prize is an apartment. download. application, spin the ball for prizes , complete tasks to get more gifts. meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv. this is the program today, we are continuing the release. most of the refugees from the kherson region moved to the southern regions of the country. it is estimated that almost half of all housing the certificates issued by the state were spent. for real estate in the stavropol region in the crimea, krasnodar region. people chose these regions, in particular, because of the affordable prices for apartment houses. according to the settlers themselves, the warm climate played an important role in obtaining registration. the housing issue was studied by rostislav skidan. natalya zakharchenko is not yet used to the kitchen in the new house, although she has been in charge here since the end of summer. the woman embarrassedly asks the guests to forgive them for the mess; renovations are in full swing. there is a
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lot to do, we have no doors. we need to install doors, tidy up the stairs. in october last year, natalia left kherson with her disabled husband. where to go next? there was only one option, to visit my relatives in sevastopol. i lived here until i was 6 years old, and then, when i went to school, i came every summer for 3 months, and so until the tenth grade i vacationed here. this is why i love sevastopol very much, it is my hometown, my second. here natalya decided to get her own housing. thanks to the so-called kherson certificate. this measure of state support allows russian citizens kherson and parts of the region buy a house or apartment in any region of the country. many people come to us for permanent residence in sevastopol with their families. and a trend is emerging when several families and relatives combine certificates to buy residential buildings. this is what the zakharchenko family did. three certificates, natalia’s son also invested, were enough for a two-story house in the namysifiolent gardening partnership. i want
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to plant. roses, i won’t plant anything like that again, but most importantly roses, i love roses very much, i had roses growing at my dacha in kherson, there was a plantation, something like this i want to move what was here, on tatyana vatutina’s plot there is a lot of snow, the owner is glad the moisture is good for the apple trees, which means the harvest will be good, this year there were a few apples, we also grabbed them, i think that these buds will be apples next year there will already be... apples, the pensioner has not yet had time to manage this garden, in the stavropol region in the village of novozavedennoye together with her husband, they moved in the fall from aleshki, this is a left-bank suburb of kherson, our houses are scattered there, oh-oh-oh, they scattered and next to us, my friends, completely , and with cassettes, by the way, with cassettes , they shot with cassettes, because everything is a fence, everything, everything, everything, it’s like a fishnet, only after the ukrainian military blew up the kokhov dam, when the dnieper overflowed its banks hundreds of
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meters, pensioners. decided to move. we spent the summer with relatives in the stavropol territory, and in september we got our own housing, thanks to the certificate. from here to the now ownerless house in aleshki it is only 900 km in a straight line, but the distance, the couple say, is not great. doesn't matter, don't come back they were going, where it was more important to settle down on the river bank, they miss the dnieper, and the family is a fisherman, my wife and i go fishing there every day, or every other day we always went , my wife’s relatives suggested we go to krim, but why didn’t we go when we asked , and there’s a reservoir near the lake, there’s a river there , they say they blew up the kokhovskaya hydroelectric station, they had a river, it was flowing, but it apparently existed because there was water through the canals, and then that
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’s it... in the fourteenth year, under the influence of this propaganda of nazi ideologies, i was tired, even if, perhaps, i remained a soviet person in my soul, and these are the principles of life for me from that period, i would like to stay with them like this. there is no official data on internal migration of residents of the kherson region yet, but according to information from open sources, the southern regions of the country have become the most popular for relocation, this is more than 20 thousand certificates out of 50%. already implemented. rastislav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezentsev and olek shalya. ntv television company. and that's all by this time. stay on ntv. cleanse your liver with folk remedies
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means. try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. do you cleanse your liver with folk remedies? give it a try. replace them with ovisol, only it contains oats of milky ripeness, enhanced with herbs and turmeric. avisol and volar are number one for cleansing the liver. good morning, about the weather for tomorrow. cyclones pass through the north of european territory one after another, this is their favorite route, but they cause trouble not only in the northern regions. the next stormy guest will spread a web atmospheric fronts up to the northern black sea coast, and will also bring significant warming in the south to the center. in the central region, precipitation will reach heavy levels in some places. will take place in a mixed phase, in kursk in voronezh tomorrow it will be +3 sleet with rain, well, in the westernmost regions, for example, in smolensk in tver up to minus five there will be no precipitation. difficult weather in the south, in the rostov region there is snow with rain, in some places with freezing rain, in the ozovo
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region there is light rain, on the black sea coast, it will be heavy in the mountains with sleet, it will be rainy and windy in crimea. there will be light snow in the north-west, there will be no thaws, in st. petersburg -4 snow in some places, in moscow about. from one, but by the evening the frosts will harden, the weather will be windy and snowy. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels.
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no shame, yap.


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