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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  January 18, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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today in our program, we are not abandoning our own people, latvia is preparing to deport more than a thousand russian citizens, how russia will respond to this chaos, russian people are being thrown out of the cordon, these are very serious things, it’s time to go home. the state duma is calling for simplifying the repatriation process, but who is really being considered? compatriots and how to weed out those who are not close to us in spirit? it’s hard to lose all your relatives in one day. where does the threat to peace come from? in the west they are afraid of the mysterious virus x. can experiments with deadly diseases lead humanity to a new pandemic? will the virus appear? the question is not what if, when? watch it now.
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hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we are working live, i am ivan trushkin, andrei norkin is absent for a good reason, i would even say for an extremely good reason, we warned you about this the day before, don’t worry it’s necessary, in the next broadcast everything will be as usual, but today i’ll be alone for now, which means that as for the news, the news with which we start for the next day, they sad to say the least, because...
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the pilot tried to attack the capital, moscow mayor sergei sobyanin, as he usually does in such cases, reported this on his telegram channel. the drone, which was heading towards moscow, was discovered destroyed by air defense systems at a distance of about 60 km from the capital, here you see a map, this is in the podolsk area, footage presumably filmed at the time of destruction at the scene of the incident, in the middle of the night in one of the city a loud bang is heard in the courtyards, car alarms start to sound the explosion itself. it is not visible, according
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to operational services, there are no casualties at the site where the debris fell, there is no damage, but the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glatkov, announced today the destruction of ten missiles that were launched towards the region from ukraine, the attack was successfully repelled, but there is unfortunately, one victim, this woman, has shrapnel wounds, she is now hospitalized, the scale of the destruction has some consequences, it is now being clarified, 10 missiles in our direction.
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return of compatriots to their homeland, why hasn’t this happened yet, let’s talk about it, first these baltic stories. the day before, vladimir putin instructed the government, together with the foreign ministry and the human rights council, to prepare a proposal for the repatriation of compatriots from unfriendly countries if they are illegally expelled from there. the deadline for execution of the order is july 1. a day earlier , the president said that such situations directly affect the security of our country. in latvia there are these. in other baltic
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republics, when russian people are thrown out just outside the border, you know, these are very serious things that directly affect the security of our country. at the beginning of this year, the latvian ministry of internal affairs reported that more than a thousand russian citizens who did not comply with the conditions of the immigration law, in particular, did not pass the latvian language test, were facing deportation from the country. a few days ago , eighty-two-year-old russian military pensioner boris katkov was deported to russia, banning him from entering latvia for life. early in the morning, border guards burst into the house of an elderly man and gave him exactly one hour fees, threatened to break down the door and take me away by force. at the same time, the local ministry of internal affairs called the man a threat. security in latvia , kotkov is survived by his wife, children and grandchildren. i believe that latvia is not allowed to allow the same events, a repetition of events, as in ukraine. solve the russian language, do not speak russian. next in line for
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deportation from latvia is another russian pensioner, a seventy-two-year-old woman living in the city of liepaja, who faces deportation because she did not score the required number of points in the latvian exam. at the same time, the pensioner is visually impaired since childhood, she practically cannot see, but the latvian authorities did not stop this either. the visually impaired russian woman, for obvious reasons, did not score the required number of points in such aspects as reading and writing. due to the cancellation of a permanent residence permit, the russian citizen lost the opportunity to receive a well-deserved pension assigned to her for her work experience in ladvia and medical care. there may soon... be many more such people. latvian authorities say that elderly russians are massively cannot pass the latvian language exam required to renew their residence permit. among those who tried to pass the exam between the ages of 66 and 74, more than half of the participants failed the tests; those who were older had even less success. so, ivan ivanovich,
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as soon as we have such baltic stories of a similar nature against russians, our people are oppressed, we immediately have armchair troops in our telegram channels saying that ours will instantly sit down in riga, it is necessary. turned out to be deported, there is another example, for example, citizen filimonov, he was a little younger, but also 60 years old, who ended up here, visiting, and then tried to return to his apartment in riga, a three-room apartment, a house, he has lived there for 40 years since soviet times, but at the border he found out that his
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residence permit canceled, now he is here with friends and is waiting for a visa as a russian citizen. to latvia, he will get it, he won’t get it, all this can last for months, in the end it’s good that he has such friends, again he is separated there with his family now, like this pensioner, uh, here the question is, people are here and left to their own devices, it seems to me that what vladimir vladimirovich instructed the government is systematic work and proposals will only be made, in my opinion, by july, yes, by june 1.
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how can i say this, we are coercing them like this, well, when there are thousands or tens of thousands of such pensioners at the border, we will still be forced to urgently help them, set up some temporary accommodation centers and so on, let’s help them now , see what you need first of all, to reduce transport costs, people some drive their cars, here we can accept them for a while and...
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there is another one, our country is called russia, i’m just saying that this is a fact, but it’s a fact and we are obliged by default, they love us, they don’t love us , and to take care of our compatriots who, one way or another , due to the fault of dubious characters in the late eighties and early nineties , found themselves outside their historical homeland, this is the responsibility we are talking about citizens of russia, moreover, citizens. if this person does not have a passport, he is a military pensioner, which, he is still our compatriot,
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but this aspect, this issue, yes, on the repatriation of compatriots, has one more point, with the baltic states everything is clear there, it was absolutely correctly said here, we cannot protect them there, ensure their rights there we can’t, all we can do is give the opportunity to return here, so that they do not lose in their standard of living, this is our responsibility, but if we take other countries of the post-soviet space, it is more difficult here. in my opinion, the program for the repatriation of compatriots should not stimulate their departure from the countries of the post-soviet space, should provide opportunities, roughly speaking, if you want to return to russia for some reason, i don’t understand, what does it mean it should not stimulate, but when we talk to them about repatriation, we tell them here, okay, that means we we must create only opportunities for them, if you want to come back , here is an opportunity for you, a job,
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we will provide a home and... we are ready to hug them, caress them, emergency that we are people who have been completely squeezed, here are the measures and so on, and if you are where it's not up to they are still pressing the end , you seem to be fine, then you are not very welcome here, no , once again, you didn’t hear me, i will repeat, we are creating equal opportunities for everyone, a person wants to move, he moves, he doesn’t want to, he stays, this his personal matter. everyone will have equal rights who wants to move to russia, i’ll just explain, if you think it’s very easy to get up from the place
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where you lived for 40 years and move to russia - it’s very difficult, and i’m kind of convinced this in their own way, sorry to the court in tashkent, people they were forced to move to russia, to other countries, they tore everything they had, this is a very complex process, so everything here seems to be not so simple, bogdan anatolyevich, well , here we have a question about repatriation, why doesn’t it work, really , why repatriation? doesn’t work because we haven’t created anything for this, we don’t have a law on the concept of repatriation, we don’t have bodies that should deal with repatriation, we don’t have, strictly speaking, a concept of who we want to repatriate, all these laws, carriers russian language, sootically, they are absolutely not working, i’m asking here first , because we ’ll talk about the law separately now, about some urgent measures for people who need our support, right now, or they they will be abandoned as the most fun thing in general, this is the mentality for a thousand years, probably.
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how can i move to russia? he already has a passport, there are a lot of other difficulties, you know that, for example, in latvia, young people were given citizenship at 18-20 years old, these people already have it.
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appeared back in 2006, then it was expanded, now both russians living abroad and people belonging to peoples historically living on our territory, as well as those whose relatives... previously lived in russia or the ussr, can become repatriates. there are our soots who live abroad; there have been various attempts to count their number. some say 20 million, some 30 million, some 40 million. repatriates are entitled to benefits and so -called lifting payments. they can import property into russia duty-free, including a car, migrants are also compensated for moving expenses.
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about 80 regions participate in the program, and there is a list of so-called priority regions where the repatriates are. receive the maximum level of government support. by 2022 , more than a million people had benefited from the resettlement program, but challenges remain. i think it is very important to emphasize repatriation from unfriendly countries. they are ready to move to russia, but they are faced with a large, serious tangle of problems. last november , vladimir putin signed a decree on the creation of russian institute of repatriation. the initiative previously came from the ministry of internal affairs. the point is for those who want to move. exam in russian, to whom such bonuses may concern former citizens of russia and the soviet union, as well as relatives of those who were born or permanently resided in the territory of russia, the rsfsr, the soviet union and even the russian empire, however, not everyone is sure that repatriation at the mercy of the law enforcement agencies - this is correct, it is impossible
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to solve a single problem if there is no body that is responsible for it, this is obvious, where are all the questions? immigration. in the budget today, in the first reading, we are voting for the budget, you know, where are the expenses for the entire migration process, for repatriation, for the compatriots state program, in the budget section, the fight against crime. zatulin himself believes that the situation will not improve until a full-fledged law on repatriation appears. the project was submitted to the state duma a couple of years ago, but was never accepted, and while repatriates are still facing difficulties, for example, in early december, the ministry of internal affairs accepted an application from northern military district veteran alexander bobkova on provision of temporary asylum. a man, a native of uzbekistan, could not obtain a russian passport, in his homeland he was threatened with prison for participating in a special operation, the matter moved forward only after a resonance in the press, when i was in the northern military district, they asked who wanted to receive citizenship, i said that i wanted , submitted the documents, but then due to the fact that it was in combat conditions, the documents were apparently lost somewhere
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, it turned out that they called me a deputy, igor sergeevich, explain to me, i’m not very good here i understand that there is an institute of repatriation. understand clearly and clearly that these people did not emigrate from our country, they settled on their own land, in their own state. settled in riga was the same as settled in vladivostok or pension, i agree, yes, they settled on their own land, and they didn’t leave russia, the state left them. the second
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point, which is also very important to understand, is that in the nineties russia, but now we cannot help them.
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for the russian language, then, when you talked about repatriation, you mentioned the law on resettlement of compatriots, so this law has nothing to do with repatriation , but it was such a pseudo, as far as i understand, this law was created exclusively to solve economic problems within russia, to recruit labor to certain regions, you can move to that particular region, where there is a shortage of workers. but he officially moved to kaliningrad, once a month he rushed there in order to somehow register or come to some work there, where he had a work book, to check in, he honestly told me that the money
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they asked him, everyone didn’t give it to anyone, because everyone, because everyone understood perfectly well, so it didn’t work, you say, they treated it so-so, mr. zatulin, in my opinion, he was sitting in your place, yes, yes, in our studio, he said that now the main obstacle to the law on repatriation. this is the position of the ministry of internal affairs, which says that for some reason it cannot do this, do i understand correctly, the ministry of internal affairs and not only the ministry of internal affairs is very strongly opposed, because such an idea has emerged, by the way, it it was very widely spread that everyone who wanted to return returned in the nineties, at the beginning of the 2000s, and those who stayed there, this means that they did not want to come to russia at one time, this is the very thesis. that while they were happy there, they didn’t see russia point-blank, and this argument was made when the same zatulin repeatedly tried to push through this law on repatriation, this same topic has been promoted
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a long time ago, 2 years ago this bill was introduced, itself the topic has been raised by tulin for at least 10 years, every time either in the government or in the presidential administration, they put a veto on this and said that there is no such topic, there is a topic - migration in general, we cannot single out some russians who are returning, this is fascism and so on, so on, now, glory god , the president uttered this phrase: repatriation is repatriation in germany, a german who comes to germany and receives citizenship not with the same rights as an ethiopian, a jew who comes to israel receives it, respectively, too, hungarians returning to hungary, same thing, pole. so on, yes , absolutely right, russians returning to russia, that you are fascism, fascism, then here we need to turn to oleg vladimirovich
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to explain to me why repatriation in our country is carried out under the article migration, and migration is something that our ministry of internal affairs deals with , it turns out that our ministry of internal affairs essentially determines who should be and who should not be, everything comes down to one point, i don’t just think that the ministry of internal affairs is not the body that is responsible for this.
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deports a russian person from russia, so i represent the samara region in parliament, yes, before the new year, the ministry of internal affairs detained elena maltseva, who lived in
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russia for 20 years and tried. deport her to uzbekistan, now we are talking, anzhelika petrenka is sitting in a detention center in samara, who was detained before the new year, that she missed the deadline, which means 90 days in russia, yes, she paid a fine for this, then she was brought to justice once, and now they want to bring her to justice a second time, that is, according to the law, not according to the law, in violation of the regulations. because a person cannot be twice charged for the same offence. what am i talking about? our bodies of the ministry of internal affairs, they do not make any difference, meanwhile, russian, not russian, there and so on, and the system works in such a way that russians who do not yet have russian citizenship, who are trying to get it here by hook or by crook, are their own homeland ready at any moment to expel a state in which they have nothing left, which
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binds nothing.
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main territory of settlement, which is located within the borders of the russian federation, period, you understand, that is, these are the peoples who historically lived here, and based on this list, it is clearly clear who belongs to the nationalities of the russian federation, and who has their own national state with the main territory of settlement outside russia, therefore state policy should be built on the principle what is state, the state that forms the russian people of the nationality of the russian federation. separating a person in spirit from his nationality , we’ll talk about this in the second part. skip
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cancellation of the planned visit of the minister of defense of ukraine, rustem umerov, agence francepress writes about this with reference to the french ministry of defense, so they write that umerov told the french that he was not going to paris almost shortly before the actual start. visit, as stated for the reason, it could be completely different, a few hours before the visit was for security reasons, but in reality this was cancelled, the french minister of defense, mr. likarnu, with whom umerov himself should was meeting, gave an interview to the parisian publication, there he stated that ukraine had not lived up to the hopes placed on it by the west, meaning a summer counter-offensive, while licarniu himself promised to continue to support kiev with weapons, announced his intention... paris already in the first half this year to supply 40 long-range scalp missiles to ukraine. the minister's fighting spirit was spoiled in the french senate. they reported that france cannot fully support kiev, because paris, under current conditions, will need a year to
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produce the volume of ammunition that ukraine spends at the front within 3-4 days. the white house started talking about the depletion of certain types of weapons. the message is this: if the west does not find a way to increase supplies, ukraine will be left without. makes a decision on its scale, but they will look at us, catch signals from the united states. if we just fold, we can't get funding. there will definitely be other countries that want to follow our example. american leadership is very important here. however, ukraine itself continues do everything to ensure that as few countries as possible have a desire to talk to her. here the terrorist zelensky publicly announced that he did not meet with the chinese in davos. the prime minister, because he does not correspond to his level,
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they say just give terrorist zelensky a shijinpin, although the politician’s publication reports that everything was exactly the opposite, it was the chinese side, the chinese delegation refused the meeting, allegedly after diplomatic requests from moscow. well, let’s now return to our topic of discussion, let’s return to repatriation, we settled on how to distinguish, in fact, a person who seeks us by passport or, after all, by spirit, because in his head, who should be considered a compatriot, that’s about it. at the end of october, a new law on russian citizenship came into force, according to which foreigners permanently residing in russia and who have blood ties in our country can receive a passport of our country in an accelerated format, but the state duma believes that this is not enough. according to deputy chairman of the state duma committee on cis affairs konstantin zatulina, the law on citizenship needs to clearly decipher the term compatriots and make it as easy as possible for such people to obtain a residence permit. if you don't simplify them. then there are years and years, certificates, certificates, transition from the stage of a
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temporary residence permit, a residence permit, then only a claim for citizenship. there is still debate about who exactly should be considered compatriots abroad. the concept itself is spelled out in federal law: compatriots are considered to be people belonging to historically living peoples on the territory of russia and the soviet union or their descendants. true, there are those who do not fall under this definition, but at the same time consider themselves russian in spirit. experts say the law is simply not keeping up with changing realities. a compatriot is someone who considers himself such, why should we reject him? a descendant of leo tolstoy, an outstanding russian slavist, nikita ilvich tolstoy, said that we blamed our fathers for depriving us of our homeland. he was born in serbia and eventually the serbian fat ones came back home, to the soviet union. but there is another country. 2 years ago, in the same state duma they proposed to remove it from the list. those whose descendants were citizens of the soviet union, because for more than 30 years in post-soviet countries
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a generation has grown up that has little in common with russia, at the end of december, deputy mikhail matveev completely stated that, first of all , a compatriot must know the russian language, otherwise all migrants from central asia fit this definition. a compatriot should not represent the people who formed the outside of russia there was their own independent national state, in addition to the ukrainians and... those moving through it to russia were the slavs, but now it’s the other way around. the question of language really matters. last july , samara was shocked by the cold-blooded murder of a girl. the criminal turned out to be a native of tajikistan, who received a russian passport several years ago. during court hearings, he demanded an interpreter. later it turned out that... since you were mentioned in
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the plot then then let’s get everything in our wonderful material and then let’s get it from you let's start, here's your neighbor, armenians can conditionally fall under this definition under the concept of compatriots i answer for the question asked i answer under the concept of compatriots no this does not mean that. an armenian cannot obtain russian citizenship but within the framework of other mechanisms, we are now talking about compatriots, why am i talking about the russian language, i’ll answer for a second, if the family doesn’t speak russian, they don’t speak it, they don’t consider it necessary to teach their children russian , this means that they do not have that same spiritual connection with russia, on which the federal legislation, the same mirzayan, he is much more russian in spirit.
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i am not against armenians becoming citizens of russia, but russians, tatars, buryats and representatives should receive it under preferential treatment, that he is a little bit of a person, not that... i’m not talking about the variety, i’m saying it again, i’m talking about the application programs of compatriots , if in the family they speak russian , so as not to repeat themselves, yes, yes, yes, what if in the family they speak... it means, firstly, yes, we teach history and machas, a whole number of peoples who there is a nation state behind territory of the russian federation, historically live on the territory of the russian federation, these are armenians, greeks, germans and many others. this is history, this is fact. further, compatriots include all those who
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were born and raised within the framework of the big soviet union, within the framework of the big russian culture, because the soviet union was big russia, and soviet people. these are, in principle, the same russians in tashkent, where i was born and raised, to this day even my relatives who live there don’t there is no point in learning the uzbek language, they know russian, everyone communicates in russian, everyone thinks in russian, if we take your definition, everyone who was born in this space, then this is the guy we just showed, he has everything, he of compatriots, these are not those who consider themselves compatriots, but those people who speak russian, think in russian, who. in russian, think russian these are people who speak russian, think in categories, live within the framework of russian culture, they are all compatriots
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and they should all have priority access on the territory of the russian federation, naturally with strict control, checks and filtering, yes, yours. now about filtration still exists, that’s what’s in the minds of everyone who lives in our russian world, i don’t know, this is how you check, you live in the russian world, they ask themselves to consider only the sootic, it is necessary that russia, russian society also you considered a compatriot, the conditions are important, i explain that look, a man came with some kind of corruption schemes, passed the russian language, these are all. the governor of the kauga region comes to hand over the keys to large families of new citizens there, criminals, or probably saw a story where they couldn’t answer his question, they took the russian language exam, how ? it’s unclear, you understand what’s the matter, compatriots, these are russians and other indigenous peoples who have no other homeland
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except russia, the example of the armenians, greeks and others that george spoke about, they have armenia, greece.
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historical people for whom russia is their only homeland, the following mechanism must be developed, that those people whom, i repeat, where i started, it is not enough for you to be considered sootic, you must be considered sootic by the country, those whom our state defines as our sootic, it doesn’t matter what kind of blood do they have,
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where are they from and so on, ermek taychebek in kazakhstan, who is in prison for supporting russia, he is our corresponding. here he is, accordingly, those organizations of compatriots that exist in the same kazakhstan recognize him as such, he should to recognize the foreign ministry as such for his services to russia, which he considers his fatherland, that’s what’s important, they’re all in a row. so those 400,000 tajiks who received citizenship in 5 years, most of them, unfortunately, received it on a different principle, material, social benefits and so on.
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where i repeat once again that a state worker, a guest worker from uzbekistan, who does not know the russian language, is equated with a person who lives somewhere in latvia, who ended up there not of his own free will, who is russian, who wants to go to russia, let me remind you, more than 90 percent of the people who live here have received citizenship, are natives of central asia, they refuse to register for military service, they will not defend our homeland, and these people are ready to repatriate, their homeland is important to them, and not a place of work,
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we have a very difficult situation in this regard, because all these states are formed, where did they originate? they arose in territories that were torn away from a single state, which was the russian empire, then the soviet union, the same big russia, respectively, here is the same example, when an armenian moved from armenia to central asia, he moved around his country and settled in his country, big russia.
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once, and secondly, people have already appeared who are directly connected with these states, checks and filtering are needed , here the question arose that the repatriation of russians and other indigenous peoples of the russian federation should be done as a matter of priority: if you are russian, if you you belong to the loyal people of russia, tatar, mordvin, and so on and so forth, you you come based on your origin , you get a preferential treatment - the green line, along the green corridor,
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the main thing is that the person must go along what is called, yes, among them, by the way, they can be recruited, there can also be traitors among the russians, vlasov was, krasnov there was, we know that, but that’s what the fsb and others should be for.
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well, it happened, he speaks, thinks, sings, recites poetry in russian, there’s nothing to relate to him at all, he’s a compatriot, if he considers himself a compatriot of russia, if he participates in communications, we consider him compatriot, listen, if he is not preparing drones there, but is participating in
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measures to protect, for example, russian monuments there.
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will help avoid the dependence of taxi companies on the supply of parts from abroad, in addition, this will help stimulate demand for domestic cars. the project of such localization specifically for taxis has already been supported
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by avtovaz; the head of avtovaz, maxim sokolov , noted in december that the proposed law does not prohibits foreign cars, but will definitely help the domestic auto industry, this is what appeared behind me, this is a new logo for registration, which avtovaz is now trying to make, in the form of a letter: well, it seems to me that it is in the form of the letter ha. an application to rospatent was submitted by a subsidiary of avtovaz , the st. petersburg automobile plant, the new emblem is presented in two versions, all in the same style, the letter x, which is placed in such an oval, one version is color, the other is completely black and white, under this new logo they are collecting release electric cars, caravans , vans, spare parts, as well as toy models and even christmas tree decorations, so let's now move on to... h this is a virus that, as they promise, in some or x, as you like, we'll move on, which means soon , should someday cover most of the world's population , what kind of virus it will be, no one knows yet how
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exactly it will be transmitted, how one can become infected with it, no one knows either, but at the same time, the possibility of a new pandemic is already being discussed on the pre-development forum , a separate section is dedicated to him discussion, let's try to talk today about how afraid we all really should be, or maybe... at least be afraid of some new disease, or is this still some kind of political project that they are trying to sell to us? the meeting in davos, dedicated to the threat of a new global pandemic, was attended by heads of pharmaceutical companies and the director of the world health organization. experts from this particular organization predicted that the new x virus could be 20 times more deadly than covid. the head of voz himself called countries to unite and even enter into some kind of pandemic agreement. pact to collectively prepare to combat future threats. we can call covid the first disease x, it may happen again. for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, i think we must take everything
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we have learned about this pandemic and prepare the world for the future, because it is a shared global interest. and although no one yet knows what the new virus will be, the british have already begun developing a vaccine. according to skynews , as many as 200 scientists in the laboratory are working on it. strictly gated government complex porten down. it was from there, by the way, that the world was told several times about the russian combat substance novichok. against this background , american billionaire bill gates announced in davos that he would allocate almost... $9 billion for vaccination programs around the world, while gates himself, along with boc experts and the chief epidemiologist of the united states, has long been scaring the world with new, terrible epidemics, which, according to him, will happen sooner or later. global disease surveillance is what we need to organize now. it will be it doesn't cost that much, about a billion a year. it will be much better if we are able to recognize a new virus before it covers the entire planet with another pandemic. from the pandemic. the world has not yet recovered from covid,
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according to the imf, the losses of the global economy from 20 to 23 amounted to almost 4 trillion dollars. coronavirus cost russia more than 3.5 trillion rubles. this includes medical expenses and economic losses. the us is the only major economy where output has returned to pre-pandemic levels. in the rest of the world the situation continues to lag behind trend, with low- income countries suffering the most. but they made money from the pandemic. international pharmaceutical giants. vaccine manufacturer biontech increased revenue 127 times in just one quarter of the twenty-first year. the moderna company has enriched itself by almost $40 billion from sales of the covid vaccine. due to the demand for vaccines, fizer increased its net profit by almost 2 and a half times, and the twenty-second year brought record revenue to the concern - more than $100 billion. wherein, as soon as covid cases went downhill, fizer's shares fell in price by more than half. andrey nikolaevich. i can see right
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now, i’m looking at you, that you’re sitting and afraid of a new disease x, very, yes, i’m actually shaking, it feels like these gentlemen who are gathering there, they’ve completely wet themselves , they’re not even trying to do anything, no, no one does not argue with this statement, you know, i can do that too, i can say that we will all die, i can say that we will probably last 50-60 years , but the judges present may not last, and you know, i most likely will not i’ll be wrong, you know, here are the predictions at the level when the head of the vos says that there will be... an epidemic, of course, there will be, this from the development, strictly speaking, of humanity suggests that it will happen, perhaps it will even be large-scale, but when you propose to me to highlight money for illness x, without even understanding from what side this is what we are talking about, this is some kind of world-class infocygism that is starting, why is this infocyganism, look, there was a coronavirus pandemic, i’ll explain the logic, as i see from afar, there was some kind of pandemic coronavirus, which it scared us all very much, brought a lot of losses and now... the powers
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that be are going to somehow talk about what we will do if another similar pandemic hits us, maybe we should somehow postpone it in a separate a bag of money , ask some specialists to work on universal methods that can be used at any time so that we don’t end up in the same mess we found ourselves in in the twentieth, let’s also fight about allocating billions to fight asteroids, he can suddenly fly to any moment, we don’t control the whole sky.
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historian, don’t you see that there really could be some kind of terrible disease for which we must be prepared, you know something that andrei nikolaevich and i apparently don’t know, well, in general, we know, this x is something common to public, in fact , this is a whole probabilistic list, where we know that with such and such a probability this virus is with such and such a probability, is it possible to go into more detail so that we understand what is behind this, the main main suspect is a new pandemic flu, like the spanish flu, it's new coronavirus and this is a new paramyxovirus. that is, it is either something similar to measles, or something similar to the hendra and nipa viruses, there are some with a mortality rate of 50% in the ocean in australia, a mortality rate of 50% is every second person infected, every second person infected dies, yes, moreover, it is transmitted from person to person, it is not yet effective, rarely every year there are several dozen sick people all over the earth, but it exists, and what you just named, in my absolutely profane opinion, are different diseases that are not from one groups and are not very similar to each other, right. how
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can all these smart and rich people prepare for this after the pandemic, because digging a kilometer north or digging a kilometer south are two different events, but again we have a completely clear list of measures that are needed to prepare, we have by the way, the country has had a sanitary shield program for several years now, which has been doing exactly this, it just doesn’t call it disease, it’s preparing platforms for vaccines, when you have everything, you just have to insert a piece from a new virus. and after a few weeks, months, you get a new vaccine, this is a diagnostic platform, when you found out what kind of virus it was, you quickly turned on the equipment, which was already all ready, and after a few days you started producing. diagnostics, let’s say , the goal that the president set is that in 4 days we will have a diagnostic kit, at this moment people who, even after the coronavirus, did not really trust pharmaceutical companies, i am not one of them, but i am a lot of such people , unfortunately, i know they will stop even more trust them, because they see
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that the pharmaceutical companies really liked it, as it was in the twentieth, twenty-first year, we just now showed numbers, amazing income, everyone looked in their mouth, if you want it , please bring it to us, no, we will no luck and so on and so on. it turns out that pharmaceutical companies are interested here, i’ll say carefully, they are interested, but look, there’s a fire alarm and a fire extinguishing system, i don’t see it, but it should be hanging, it should be hanging, and we’re not saying that the fire department is interested in these systems, they interested, interested, of course , you know, i understand perfectly why media people have been pumping up this topic for days now, because everything came together in general bingo, on the one hand, delivery to the world government, on the other hand, transportation. whose reputational place, especially in russia, is somewhere between reptilians and means agents of big capital, who has done quite a lot to obtain such a reputation among people who don’t want to delve into his work particularly, it’s not ideal, but nothing other than, in
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fact, some platform that unfortunately, we don’t have any medical communities that unite, so we have the cart that we actually have, which not only does bad things, but also does a lot of good things. it’s not customary to talk about this, which means that i would actually consider this event in two planes, on the practical, professional plane, and what colleagues are talking about, of course, to any new pandemic epidemic, just like a hypothetical war , just like for the threat of asteroids, we need to prepare so that it doesn’t turn out the way it happened with the coronavirus pandemic, when at first it was generally unclear what to do, they rushed in all directions, which means from the frying pan into the fire, and so on and so forth, in the end... well, laughter, laughter, but actually we lost 7 million people, only those who confirmed, 1 million , additional mortality in russia, i’m not talking about russia, i’m talking about 7 in the world - okay, you have different numbers, they are larger, which means they are still painful, which means they further confirm what i am saying, it is not a fundamental difference
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that there will be a pandemic or an epidemic someday, maybe not in 10 years, maybe in 100 years, but this is 100%, well, that’s how nature works, how many viruses do people even understand?
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is that? well, alexander has already spoken about this, we are ready to prepare, how can it be that we have a sanitary shield, it was not developed by chance, then do not forget that back in soviet times , the ussr prevention system, it was recognized as the best even by the united states of america . and, by the way, cart, cart - it’s not he, it’s she, it’s the organization, the world health organization, on the one hand, on the other on the other hand, it’s probably impossible to prepare for everything, because we, we can only model and predict, although on the other hand, if we remember when sars appeared, this is the first year, yes, it was 2002,
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real events were held in russia in clinics in health care facilities to identify atypical pneumonia, and it was so... serious that institutions, clinics were blocked, doctors ran out in anti-plague suits, and this was without warning the people there, and this caused, here this begs the question, if we have been preparing since 2002, then somehow we have not prepared for 2020, when when i really can’t agree with you, who, excuse me, prepared for 2020, can you name the country that prepared best, i can then , then wait, then... it turns out that all this preparation, teaching, people in white coats and, therefore, dressed in all these anti-biological suits, it turns out that this is all teaching for the sake of teaching, but if this, if this, wait , has been since 2002.
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but these were rather organizational the measures that the state took
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to raise people up, they went in the right direction, but here, as i understand it, pharmaceutical companies are involved, i immediately begin the development of immunobiological drugs, they are carried out on an ongoing basis, so if they are carried out on an ongoing basis, well , carry out, there is no need to gather under the podium, illness x, now we have saved you all, well , please send your recommendations to everyone so that they do not gather, as well as transportation from your program and from you personally. we'll write in sports lotto. alexey nikolaevich, look, are you afraid of a new disease? no i'm not afraid. i wasn’t afraid of covid and didn’t get vaccinated, i managed to weave through and not get caught, although they asked me to. i was bitten by a tick in time and, under the pretext of treatment for the tick, refused vaccination. but this is true. so, as far as virus x is concerned, are you a covid dissident, sorry. i am a dissident in its purest form, yes. even without covid, i understand, without covid. ah. as for disease x, this is a hypothesis, which means it is some kind of
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mathematical, demographic medical hypothesis, the model for which was this bird flu virus, which is n5, h1, i think it was called h5n1, h5n1, exactly , yes, it became a model, this is a high mortality rate, there is about 50-60%, this is the ability to rapid spread and so on, and the cart is training... today they are demonstrating that they are training to cope with such dangers, is russia ready? in russia there is this medical and biological agency that is engaged in the fight against epidemics, thanks to which, well, russia somehow managed to become one of the leaders in vaccines in the fight against covid, and probably those people who work in this agency listen carefully to the people who sit there, actually not in the medical and biological sphere, it concerns the pre-vos, it is clear that this is pr, attracting money, and what is very important, it
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has a political component. dovos and the west are suffering from the loss, well, as a western platform, they are suffering from the loss of political influence. and now the statement about this new threat, for which we are preparing, is a way to raise the reputation of the west, and the argument and those the government that gathered at it, but if we discard this political media component, it has... treat it with a rational grain, is there any illogicality here, if you, if you didn’t trust them in their history with covid, why do you trust the pharmaceutical companies now, mr. lukashenko, when covid began, suggested that everyone should be treated with something like vodka and this themselves , but then no one understood.
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the number of people they saved, and if they are not completely useless, that is , some other number of people will save them when the next epidemic comes, bird flu or something else like that, it will be good, so let's give them money. geborevich, i have a feeling that this topic with disease x, you know, is replacing the topic of global warming, so all the people are gathering, asking for money for something that will really bother you, well, someday in the future, but you need money give now. something needs to be discussed now, and those who are given money, their shares immediately grow, everyone reports on their successes and
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so on, that is, this is such a wonderful an agenda for the future that will never be verified, and they are already asking for money... now it’s not quite like that, you know, this is a classic case when personal wool gets tangled with the state one, and this is inevitable, that is , of course, there is all this hysteria around disease x, which is being promoted , it brings specific benefits to specific people , pharmaceutical companies that will make money from it, businesses that will receive funding, and the people who talk about it will receive media coverage, journalists who will write about it will all make money from it, but this does not mean that the whole... history is some kind of filkin literacy there are those very green technologies on which money is stupidly cut, no, diseases, unfortunately, epidemics in our globalized, narrow, small society are inevitable, the experience of covid has really shown that the lion's the share of the losses that we suffered, primarily material, but also human, was due to the unpreparedness
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of the infrastructure for this kind of epidemic, unpreparedness psychological, managerial , and so on, and if now... really give money, let people earn money, yes, but where to go, in order to develop mechanisms, develop sites, develop platforms, develop response measures, in the end, so that respected people from different countries, and imprison their fifth points, write off some then common papers that will coordinate the activities of different countries, not so that each one closes separately and solves its own problems according to its activities, but coordinates joint work to combat epidemics, that’s if if...
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our response to the afghan envoy vanga. i i understand that this is a very risky forecast. the eminent russian scientist who calculated the exact date of the great war made a bunch of enemies with this forecast. calculated the consequences of the confrontation with western russia. i want us to settle on the end date of the war. indicated the date of the defeat of the kiev regime. for ukraine. warned that things were very, very, very, very bad, and now he can reveal what awaits everyone in this leap year? twenty-four, it’s like forty-four, the first new russian sensation of the year, i’m on this forecast insist, sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv. sarmat premieres on sunday at 20:20 on
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’s not all, everyone who orders a set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax, purchases with a plus. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes. okay, we keep talking about the pandemic of the virus x, a pandemic that is not clear when it will come, the virus x is not clear what kind of disease, but in fact , inflamed by the previous coronavirus pandemic, people are now ready to take this disease x, some new one and of course much more deadly, for any unknown disease, just give a reason. at the end of last year, the attention of the whole world was again focused on china; in october , an outbreak of mycoplasma pneumonia began there, a disease before... but known, at first it was mainly children who were sick, and the chinese leadership reacted quickly, returned the total mask regime, and immediately demanded that beijing provide complete information about the outbreak
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of the disease, while the world press spread images of overcrowded chinese hospitals, western journalists immediately began to trumpet about a new mysterious disease that was covering the country. in china, where the covid-19 pandemic began about 4 years ago, there is now a new surge in respiratory infections. it is an animal-to-human pathogen with a high mortality rate that is not there are vaccines, and although the virus itself has been known for more than 20 years, and this is not the first such outbreak, the news horrified western journalists. the guardian was concerned that a new mutated virus could have appeared amid the outbreak, and the agency called what was happening an important lesson for...
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wondering what this unknown virus is, how dangerous it is. later , the country's authorities stated that the illness was allegedly caused by the usual stress of schoolchildren before an exam. wow, stress, of course, georgy khristovich, but if we do this for every incomprehensible or even it’s clear how we react in the case of this mycoplasma pneumonia, maybe we are already ready for a new pandemic, everyone is so tense that any extra sneeze is perceived as a new pandemic and we are ready. some month no? we can be ready, yes, we can think that we are ready or be sure of it, but it’s just worth paying attention to the following: in the world, of
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the existing representatives of the kingdom of viruses, microcosms, bacteria, let’s say, pathogens, only about 4 have been deciphered % of those who inhabit the planet, that is, potential 4% of those that cause disease in humans, that is, the potential... that live in the seas and their role in interaction with humans is still unknown, about this, and there are also relevant studies regarding disease x, you see, they told you this today, colleagues of potential pathogens, yes, which may appear , but i will tell you the following, that there is a disease of a non-infectious nature that has been known for a long time, x-metabolic syndrome, for some reason they forget about this, that this
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deadly triad, it...
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reminds me of a movie that came out in the past , this is this, this is this discourse, it ’s a year old, it’s called in my opinion, don’t look up when it flies, it means something that will destroy the earth, at some point politicians everyone else tries not to notice it absolutely, this is roughly the same logic, the doctor sits calmly and calmly says , he’s not calling for any kind of hysterics, nothing, he just says that there is such a danger, we need to prepare for this if possible, he’s throwing this hysteria, no ,
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the doctors are throwing this hysteria, no. they throw a hysteria and this psychosis is formed by our brother journalists, ivan sergeevich , who are looking for a sensation out of all this, because they need a hot headline, and it’s all swinging, swinging, without a reason it doesn’t exist, for example, in china, the video that we they showed you, now this is absolutely fresh footage, they started, they started introducing all sorts of lockdowns, they started putting on masks, it’s obvious that people are starting, but it’s true , there is footage, you can calmly talk about it, but all the hot burning headlines. and so on, that a new pandemic is coming soon, right away because of this, this is what comrade journalists, comrade conspiracy theorists are drawing conclusions from, by the way, here are the shots you showed, you paid attention, where africa is shown, there you can see that some kind of infectious diseases department is shown, without masks, without everything, this is about the question of infrastructure, which, including in those countries, needs to be prepared to teach them how to work normally, and the last point, a lot has been said about this kind of pharma, we have the image of such a pharma of such evil, greedy guys who
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just make money. well , excuse me, this is how it works, if pharma doesn’t make money , they won’t, but new research will be financed, new drugs won’t appear, by and large, ivan sergeevich, in russia now pharma, i mean commercial, works in the same way the very principle, and if it weren’t for politics, we would have entered all markets in exactly the same way, tried to sell our satellite, a good vaccine, this is our pharma, those who made the satellite would earn money, there is nothing wrong with that, yes, this is a business, unfortunately it is true, but in a different way. today , the bulk of research is not funded, and somewhere the state is funding it, but not a single state has budgetary funds to finance everything, due to this , new medicines, new vaccines, that’s all.
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for influenza , there is no such incidence of influenza at the moment, as with covid, since now there is covid many times, i don’t know, dozens of times there are no exact numbers in december, that’s what they were probably sick with in any office here in the studio , they told how colleagues more than our colleagues started coughing there it was who it was covid
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there were a lot of orv covid , including it was covid then why when people sought medical help there were all these covid stories with a smear, not a smear , there was nothing more than those we have again - i know from our colleagues who were sent to do this smear, it didn’t show anything , well, some didn’t show, some didn’t have covid, there was enough covid, although you see, now after the pandemic we’re going to have a wave, here’s mycoplasma in china and other respiratory viruses will come, because what do we have collective immunity has fallen to almost all of our viruses, because we had less contact due to this, we have not been sick for 3 years during the pandemic. we will now have all this return , but we will work it out, i, in continuation of what alexander says, wanted to add, firstly, from most arvi, acute respiratory viral infections, immunity is not formed, or it is not long-term, with the exception of measles,
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there chickenpox, influenza, again, a short-term immune response, for a maximum of 2 year, the second important aspect, when the omicron strain appeared. circulates, on the other hand, there is a susceptible person from the risk group who can become seriously ill, you know that, for example, the non-response to vaccination for covid in people from the risk group reaches from - 20 to 50%, that is, the person
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has been vaccinated, everyone hopes that he has developed immunity, but he is not developing it, because he has disorders in the immune system. georgivich, well , you see, here is the first analogy, which it suggests itself - it’s the flu. because people also die from the flu, unfortunately, but with the flu, i’ll answer you, the flu causes its most dangerous one of its most dangerous manifestations - this is influenza pneumonia, its second name is lethal pneumonia, not because it flies, but because it causes death lethal understanding is caused by the flu, but we have quadrivalent vaccines, which are used highly effectively and are not inferior to the western ones, that is, there is no such hysteria about the flu, because at least we have a vaccine, which continues to work and is updated every year, i understand correctly.
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we will be handing over masks for a long time, there is nothing comforting news here, we need to take a break and come back. hello, beautiful signora, come in, captain klimov, a criminal, just don’t go anywhere, no one here is scared, i ’ll pay you, well... this is after you sat
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there and drank our beer, it’s all him, it’s impossible so, avanovich, end it, then so, boom, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, beyond the new season with timur eremeev, today at 16:45 on ntv, what are they silent about? men, that life is out of control, about pain, fears cease to be a man, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis, langitaza against prostatitis, winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone, rubber boots nordman for 799, electric toothbrush pikam for 1499, a natural cleaner is nature, it
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spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? and what is it possible? can! yota, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive superboxes as a gift, you can yota! i help with liver problems, i use forten essentials tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market! i was told? you will dance with this house of culture, well, everyone will dance, dance, sing together in the renovated house of culture in the city of orekhovo-zuyevo, and another one thousand two hundred renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people.
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i know, you are dark, of course, now i am my wife, you know how and what is there, how to understand, call, everything is simple there, when you order , they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i’m off , keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too. what is there to think? be sure to call and order. and
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remember: it’s better to try once than to think 100 times. meet the new golden prostatricum. prostatricum gold. prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women - hurry up to experience prostatricum gold. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we
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continue, what the covid pandemic certainly hasn’t stopped is all kinds of experiments with all sorts of malicious deadly pathogens, they are carried out, by the way , not only by some individual countries, but even by private entrepreneurs, because of the doubts and that very hysteria of georgy khristovich, and there is more and more of it. let 's look at a couple more examples. in the west , china has long been identified as the main villain. the daily mail, citing its sources, claims that a new coronavirus was recently created in beijing, which became fatal to all the mice on which they were tested. the virus gave birth to bones, lungs and even moscow. moreover, just recently in the united states itself did not hide its connections with chinese scientists. 2 years ago, the american press presented evidence that the laboratory in wuhan conducted research on pathogens under the strict guidance of the americans, and the money for the controversial experiments came from the us national institutes of health, which was headed by the country’s then chief infectious disease specialist anthony fauchin; funding for the laboratory was suspended only in july last year. it remains
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unclear why the united states withdrew from this project; was it some kind of information leak or some kind of laboratory accident at work. recently , deputy speaker of the state duma irina yarovaya said that dangerous viruses are being developed in secret american laboratories, and the cause of new outbreaks of pandemic diseases should be sought in washington. russia has been and will always be against the development of biological weapons. but we understand perfectly well that today these developments on the territory of the united states and those laboratories that created them, they were created precisely by the pentagon, the military department, this is a real dangerous threat. american billionaires are getting active. the press writes that bill gates owns the world's largest mosquito breeding factory in colombia. gates himself says that insects must fight dangerous pathogens such as the zika virus or yellow fever. allegedly , farmed mosquitoes are infected with a special bacterium that makes it impossible for the insect to transmit the dangerous
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virus to humans. and upon contact with other mosquitoes, sick insects become completely harmless. when a bacterium called walbachia enters the body. mosquito, she stops his ability transmit dengue fever. we release mosquitoes infected in albahia, they mate and the bacteria are passed on to the wild mosquito population. evil tongues call gates the architect of a possible future pandemic. last november, bos, together with the billionaire's foundation, conducted an exercise in brussels called catastrophic contagion. participants simulated emergency meetings in the case of a fictitious pandemic, which allegedly spread throughout the entire country. world and exceeds the death rate from coronavirus. the last time such an event was supported by gates took place in october 2019, just before the whole world was overwhelmed by the pandemic. alexander nikolaevich, maybe this new disease x turns out to be the same virus that escaped from the laboratory or someone specially
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showed it the door, or again , hysterics like me are whipping it up, so they’re attacking me from both sides. well, anything can happen, because in the history of derusology there are generally several dozen. in only the described incidents, which may be cool, but in the history of luusology several dozen have been described incidents, this is only where it was proven that they were caught when the virus was removed from the laboratory, so anything is possible, but this is not a reason not to spill the technology, because in the whole story with covid, look, we americans blame the chinese, the chinese blame the americans, you know, what’s offensive , but in fact, you know, it’s a shame that no one blames us, because we are technological , so many people accuse us, so many people blame us.
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2020, something became clearer, is it man-made, or is it still a rogue mouse there, the city of wuhan, in principle it is clear that this is not the virus that was collected was developed from a blank sheet of paper, but was it a laboratory incident or was it not, or is it a natural way in general, that is, you continue to doubt, and i continue to doubt, because to prove this at the level of analyzing the virus, at at the level of virology it’s unrealistic, in other cases there it is...
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let’s say, including for health, there will be such things as coronavirus, so this is normal, this is a quality of human nature, and the fact that some so-called journalists are profiting from this, but that too, sorry, so that alexey nikolaevich , alexey nikolaevich have time, but will we ever find out to what extent this coronavirus, with which we have all been sick in one way or another or not, is man-made or not man-made, most likely not, i agree with my colleagues, from the fact that i know , it was not possible to prove man-made, not man-made, all this is from the field of conspiracy theories, two more words about... hysteria and fact, yes, what is the difference between coronavirus hysteria, any viral one, and fact, whether our mortality rate is increasing or not,
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today, if we talk about today situation in our country, mortality from various diseases in russia is not growing, it is increasing, but only slightly, these are rather the consequences of emerging from the covid hole in terms of mortality, so far there are no serious concerns about what will appear... and people who have weak immunity , those who have weak immunity need support for immunity in the form of a vaccine, there are people with stronger immunity who do not
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need it, i hope that i belong to this group, and will we still have time anton valetich or will we stop, no, now then take a break and we will be back, this is fundamentally wrong for the audience, a mother with many children has turned her apartment into a real viper, they crawl all over the body and it’s nice. somehow some kind of sedative , i’m interested in snakes, i want to develop in them, 18 snakes up to 4 m long live with children, children are in danger, this is a viper, this is a real viper, you seriously want to have a cobra at home with presence of children, she will be in a terrarium in which she will be locked, the father of the family is horrified by his beloved’s hobby, because snakes have already showed the character of attacking. there was a case when she rushed at me, a yellow python, who will stop a snake lover? this
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is a mortal danger for a child, yes, he can bite, he can choke, the guardianship authorities may become interested in this family, this may result in the deprivation of a driver’s license, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. bim - new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. winter sale of clothing and... beauty products on ozone, sweatshirts for men and women yours up to 799 ozone, what men are silent about, what life is out of control, about pain, fears of ceasing to be a man, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis, ongitase against prostatitis, when the processes are established, you have time to think about how to grow your business, you create it here now, as of business creates tools to solve your
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problems. tiikov is a business and the job is done. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order with avita delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment. polyoxidonium treatment and prevention of viral infections. beyond the new season. today at 16:45 on ntv. hello. great, are you so happy? oh, yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got out of the hall, i didn’t think about getting out of bed at all. listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, well, what should i buy, what’s it called? prostatricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times, what do you think works? what,
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i don’t think, i know, you’re dark. of course i am now your wife, you know how? what is there, how to take it? call , everything is simple, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying , that’s it, i’m off, keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think? ? don’t have to order remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum
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gold, no one should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men , hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostate gold. sarmat premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. cutting down a tree - it's a duty. exhausting and difficult, especially if you are far from home. the world of honest prices brings you a cordless chainsaw forever, trimming boards, trimming branches, clearing bushes, this is not a complete list of the jobs that it is capable of. the century minisaw is an indispensable assistant in construction, repairs, work on personal plots, and caring for trees and shrubs. the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time
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without feeling tired or uncomfortable. distance cover provides additional protection when work in hard-to-reach places and limited space. the electric motor with copper winding has quite high power for such a small thing. this saw's chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order a cordless chainsaw forever. and get a reliable and faithful assistant. on ntv, the meeting place and the final question is: how, in connection with all these near-pandemic conversations, can we distinguish real concern for health from the pursuit of health? exceptional benefit. georgiy kristochich. if there are medical indications for intervention, if there are medical technologies that prevent, diagnose and treat serious diseases that can be fatal,
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this is a definite concern. we must not forget that. these technologies require certain funding, and this is all within the framework of the health care economy of any country, not very well, i understand, andrey nikola, this is a matter of trust, my family trusted soviet medicine, and there it really was about health, not about money, but today find yourself a trusted, proven doctor , rely on his opinion and you know that he definitely won’t get much from you, so gegor valevich, alas, today concern for health is not separable from profit, your health will be taken care of if it brings money to the person taking care of it.
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it was a concern for our health, but if after that they told us, in order to save yourself from all this, you need to buy a pill like this, go here, here it probably already smacks of some kind of benefit, it was a meeting place that
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cannot be changed, the next broadcast is already the usual with andrei norkin, stay on ntv. dozens of killed militants have become aware of the details of the destruction of foreign mercenaries in kharkov. priority to parity. new centers of economic growth are emerging and have already become stronger. sergei lavrov, about whom russia plans to closely cooperate with in the political and economic spheres in the coming years. are they worried about ukraine or... there will definitely be other countries that will want to follow suit, without our leadership, american leadership is very important here, which is how biden’s next attempt ended.


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