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tv   Za granyu  NTV  January 18, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, turn it, turn it only after confirming the payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one rub. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. what is the cause of hemorrhoids? could the problem be in the veins? venarus helps to increase the tone of the veins. osvechi wineproctalium have local effects. venarus and vinoproctalium together against hemorrhoids. beyond . an ordinary apartment has become a snake paradise. father and children are forced to share square meters with snakes, in which the mother of the family does not care for the soul. in the studio alexander schultz. alexander, hello, good afternoon. how much in total? snakes 18, 18 and nine are still on the way,
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that is, one snake has already given birth, but how many people live in this apartment? me, my wife and four children, the eldest is 17 years old, the second is george, he is 12, then our daughter eva is seven, and yana is five, it turns out that this is about three snakes for each person, yes, well, there will probably be even more, are we talking about some small decorative snakes? well, of course there are big ones that reach 4 m. 4 m is huge snake, what snake? yes, this is a python, olga, can you imagine, i’m in shock, a four-meter python, how can he live in an apartment with children? i don’t know, the question just arises: where does everyone else fit? who is more important, people or snakes? and how many meters is the apartment, i don’t know how many rooms there are in the apartment, we have a four-room apartment of 80. it’s more than square meters, in any
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case, it’s just how? well, we had to have one room according to my wife’s wishes, that is, to allocate one room for terrariums, i made good terrariums, spent everything there necessary heating, heating for them, set the temperature they need, and there is also ventilation and general heating of the entire room. alexander, snakes are constantly in terrariums or they can move freely around the apartment, well, basically...
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she calmly walks around with a robot vacuum cleaner, vacuuming the apartment. aren't you scared for the children? it’s scary, there have been moments when they themselves sometimes drag them by the tail, they can, in principle, open the terrarium and run away. i have a 7-year-old daughter, and now i’m putting myself in my place father and i know that my daughter can open a terrarium where there are snakes, well, i don’t know, there will be blood in my veins, i constantly worry every day, i hope that the snakes are not poisonous, no, they are not poisonous. well, she already had plans to buy a poisonous snake, seriously? yes, but i’m already categorically against it, and who did she want to buy, either a viper, or something exotic, well, i’m against it, i already said that it would be too much, we’ve already gone too far with these snakes , but it seems to me that the search began a very long time ago from my point i don’t know, olga, how do you like your desire to have a mother? attention, a mother of many
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children, the desire to have a poisonous snake, a woman in front of her children voluntarily wants this, some kind of additional stress, danger, why, a person lacks adrenaline or what, i just don’t understand, a poisonous snake, and your wife somehow explained why, or she says i just like it, i love it, i just like it, you want something new, but i said that these are no longer toys, this is already dangerous, these are one or two snakes, although this is even difficult for me imagine, but 18 and so on is really too much, and you somehow tried to slow her down, we argued many times , there were scandals, we even slept in different rooms, but this does not help, and who does your wife devote more time to, you and children or snakes, i think that snakes don’t offend you, of course they do, and children don’t complain that they don’t have enough mother, it happened that mother is again with snakes, mother... with snakes there, sometimes
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it comes up that - they ask her, wait, i’m busy, i’m shooting a video, let’s say, like this, of course my mother doesn’t have enough children, who cleans the house after snakes, spouse cleans if? i need to clean up behind the largest one, so i help, pull out the snake, take it into the bathtub, close it with the bathtub, my wife at this time cleans up everything that she has done there, lays out everything new, and at this time i wash my largest snake and i bring it back, well, probably because, as you said, the snake created an unpleasant smell, and of course there is an unpleasant smell - that’s why we ventilate, but you still know - ldsp is such a material that it absorbs.
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some kind of framework, or maybe there wasn’t one these eighteen snakes and so on and so forth, you allowed her, now she will manipulate you with your attention, your love, so that it increases, increases, increases, well, yes, but just see, she buys them very often, sometimes she will call me, come here, i’m driving up, why did i come for a new snake, snakes can be aggressive, yes they can be, there was a case when she rushed at me, a yellow python, while feeding, they are like blind people - and they don’t see food, so when you open the terrarium, you put it there - well food, in our case a mouse, and he tries to find it, but he doesn’t see it with his eyes, he
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seems to find it by smell, and i think that for a long time he can’t and can’t find it, well, in the end i take it i give him the mouse in his hands, as if i were giving it to a cat. and he grabs me by the place of the mouse, because where he bit, show me, well, in this place he is not visible, well, after a bite, you know, it’s like cutting with a thin razor, blood comes out, no matter how much of it happens, even on the floor there was a little blood, let's see, because we have a video of that i don’t see the most unpleasant moment, mom, i got it. the video is not for the faint of heart, even for adult men, it’s a shock, honestly, yes, especially if you have some kind of internal fear for this type of animal, it’s very difficult to perceive, to imagine that you live in the same apartment, but for me this is, well, abroad olga,
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you also looked at this video with horror, i almost didn’t even watch it, i have enough imagination, i can’t stand something like this, it’s unpredictable. in fact, this is not a situation that would seem it will go away on its own, given that snakes are fanged and the degree of penetration of the fangs depends on the layers, how deep it can penetrate, that is, it can touch both the subcutaneous layer and the muscular layer, right down to the blood vessels, you were in pain at that time during the bite, and
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during the bite, no, after the bite, if timely measures are not taken, then in any case this can lead to swelling, therefore, and swelling can be not only... at the site of the lesion, it can spread if the bite is on the extremities , for the entire limb, on the whole body, he should have taken measures to seek medical help and he should have been hospitalized, in such cases there is always anti-tetanus serum, as if protected, if warned, so my advice in such situations is not to ignore and no matter what the bite is, but still seek medical help. alexander, how did it all start, remember? 3 years ago she was given a snake for her birthday, a small one, a friend, did you think it would all end with one snake? yes, i thought i would just play it, say fu-fu-fu, and get rid of it from her, then she called me and said: i need to go pick up tiralium with a snake, i
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say, which one? she says: well, with a boa constrictor, i say, so we already have one, well , here’s another one, that’s all. how did she persuade you to do the third? she didn’t persuade me to do the third one, i had to go to... to the railway station to pick her up, well, how did i have to, well, how was they confronted with a fact, or what? yes, i just need to pick it up, i went to pick it up, and you tried to refuse, so she says, come, and you say. i’ll come, i tried, it doesn’t work, but what happens next when do you refuse? well, insults, not talking to me, but did it happen that your wife gave you, well, some kind of ultimatum, or something, or conditions? yes, this happened, after i asked myself for an american stafford dog, she said, well, since you gave it to you, i gave it to you, accordingly, i already gave myself a gift, she had already planned it all in advance, that is, she gave me a dog and i’m already giving myself a snake at the same time. alexander, would you like to come with her? promise, yes, i would like her to at least get rid of it on the first stage from half, and then from all of them, and did you
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tell your wife about this? yes, he said, until he said everything to himself in the mirror, i didn’t understand any answer, well, she’s just ignoring you, well, she’s not ignoring you, she just made it clear that no, you’re absolutely right, because your wife doesn’t plan to reduce in the plans of a mother with many children , it is essential to teach her snake population a snake den. in the studio of valentina korol. hello everybody. hello. we in the studio will say for everyone, we are simply amazed by what he told us alexander. do you really think that there are so many snakes, that these snakes belong in an apartment with young children? well, what's wrong with that? do you think you are putting children in danger? in general, as if for 3 years they never climbed into them , didn’t open terrariums, nothing like that happened,
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we have a rule, that is, they don’t climb on their own, but do you have snakes in your terrarium all the time, so i let them out , of course, you let them out, in what cases do you let them out, when someone needs to warm up, and children too spend time with snakes, so you released the snake, god forbid at that moment the child reached for it, took it in the wrong way, pressed it in the wrong place. how much does styopa weigh? styopa probably weighs 7 kilograms. the
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youngest child weighs 22 kilograms, the largest snake, how much does yours weigh? 26 , 26, there are no associations with danger, no, it’s just dangerous, you understand, or it’s not dangerous, i can still understand, for example, in poisonous snakes, what can bite and which ones you want to have there, i want, but this illegal, sort of we need to find a way for this to all be legal, they are very beautiful, not yet, but we saw how a snake bit your husband, it’s his own fault, he climbed towards him
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when it was lying next to him, there was food lying next to him, you were bitten, the imperial one bit me boa when moving, that is, it was an entrance , we went down, i didn’t even understand how she bit me, what’s the name, nogaina, it’s a big snake, big, how 2 meters it was, when it bit you, this two-meter snake , i didn’t feel it, i didn’t feel it at all, i just felt it. something from me it came off, i looked, i just got red here, dots, this is the same bite we are talking about, yes, you see, just red dots, no scar, no nothing, you still need to take into account this risk factor and the fact that you now you call it red spots , in the future it will just be something i take into account , but i will prepare for this, for what, for the fact that there will be tissue necrosis and some part of the body will have to be amputated just because of a bite, there are many ways of communicating or this bite, bite?
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you are now driving like a kamaz truck ice, and you stand and say, it’s not dangerous, i’m sure it’s dangerous, i’m sure it won’t bite, we’re sure that a snake, a wild animal, won’t do it, when you live with snakes, that is... i i see in which cases a snake can get nervous, feel danger and can bite someone, by the way, they each have a different character, but in reality, like a tiger python, they are the same breed. all four are all different styopa, the first of the tiger pythons appeared, he is generally gentle, honestly, he has never even been so tender, is it like a gentle snake, well , just like this, it will immediately lie down and lie calmly, that is, it doesn’t twitch, doesn’t hiss, nothing, we have one of the tiger pythons, it’s a fusser, it twitches, hisses, but never ,
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by the way, he didn’t throw himself, and there are small ones, that is , small ones - this is because the largest one, after all, you have many children. snakes, you know, and 18 snakes is not too much, it’s still not enough, it’s not enough, but as many as you want , let’s say i have a female and a male now, and they all succeed in mating, i hope that she will give me a lot of boas they will be of a completely different morph, let’s say, when my snake gave birth to 20 boas, i only left three for myself, you sell them,
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but to be honest, i sell some, i keep some for myself, what is the number of snakes for you, do you understand that this is enough? damn, i can’t even say, it’s difficult, maybe 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, oh, why are there so many snakes, they’re all different, i’m interested in snakes, i want to develop in them, i want to see what it’s like to develop in them , can you go into more detail, look, that’s when you mate one morph there on the other hand, and you are waiting for this surprise, what will be there, there are hidden genes, that is , grandmothers, grandfathers of these snakes with some genes, to me this is just like some kind of lottery, what will be there? what do you feed the snakes, by the way? we feed the little ones with mice , runners, i feed the adults with adult rats, it all comes frozen, it’s all cleaned of all parasites, that’s the only little one we have, she eats a rabbit, store frozen mice and rats somewhere in the refrigerator at home, yes in my husband comes home from work, there are rats and mice in the freezer
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dumplings, in the next room, which was the kitchen, there are rats on the bottom shelf, on the second shelf, which... now the rats are already eating dogs, disgusting, and also a dog, excuse me, yes, there is still room for you to eat in the cold, of course, we always have four, five, six types of meat there for us, and how often should snakes eat in what quantity ? , adult boa constrictors eat 250-300 g of a large rat once a month, pythons. twice a day month also a rat 250-300 g, well, small times every one and a half times a month, let's take a look at this process, okay, this is a small boa, eats a frozen runner, this is wildlife, so in nature, you can accuse me of subanerism and so on, but i wouldn’t want to see it, and i’m not sure that i
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would want my daughter to see it, for example, ol, it’s also unpleasant for you to look at it, i can’t, i can’t. well, it seems to me that for children, no, it’s clear that this is wildlife, but you don’t live in the jungle and you don’t hunt over them there, they live in an apartment, it seems to me that for a child a rabbit is something fluffy, alive, yes, then suddenly a snake devours a rabbit, my picture of the world is collapsing, in what conditions does valentina keep her loved ones pets? is keeping such animals in such conditions bullying? no, i’ll argue, and as a friend... the women treat her home serpentarium, the children are in danger, this is a viper, this is a real viper, the child is all scared, the most interesting thing is, in a few minutes, he makes the whole country laugh , the staff came, she took off her wig , unfastened her eyelashes, washed off her makeup, he looked at her and hung himself, what jokes does
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lion izmailov himself laugh at, artyom dzyuva showed the whole country that football... does not satisfy him , as a satirist wrote a fateful monologue for gennady khazanov, i was not famous at all, i could write three monologues a day. what did vovk confess to angelina? you once told me that if you didn’t love your wife, well, i’m not a living person, or what? and what not shared with larisa rubalskaya? if you don't keep your secrets, why should i keep them? why leon izmailov married the same woman twice. how did she forgive you? well , i don’t know, i probably loved her. what is the secret of his family happiness? i recently gave her a cup and saucer, yes, and the receipt was from the tv. lion izmailov and his million-dollar secret, on saturday. at 21:20 on ntv. mask: new season february 11 at 20:20 on ntv. what is the pin code here? so it looks like you don't remember
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ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. the lover of thirty-two-year-old alexander schultz from tyumen keeps 18 snakes in their apartment. the largest of them weighs 25 kg and is almost 3.5 m in length. the man is worried about the safety of their four children, who live with creeping creatures under the same roof. and dreams of being the chosen one. got rid of at least half their cold-blooded pets, i’m already shocked by the fact that there was such a number, there were three, i ’m in shock, four in shock, five in shock, seven in shock, 10 in shock, here’s 16 i’m in shock, all this is already the limit, that is, there is nowhere else to go, because the space for the terrarium has already run out, there is nowhere to go, however, the mistress of the snake kingdom herself, the thirty-seven-year-old valentina the king,
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is reducing the number. doesn’t plan, quite the opposite, her dream is 200 clinging to each other, there is no danger at all for children with snakes if they sit in terrariums, closed, there is no danger at all, especially since they they are non-venomous, they have no fangs, all the snakes are under lock and key, and my children treat it like interior decoration in fact, tell me, valentin, how much time does it take you to take care of snakes? in general, it’s not enough, to clean everyone’s place at once is to do everything in an hour, during the link you go up and spray them with water, it even takes less than a minute, but what do you do with the skin? i give it to my mother at the dacha or to my friends at the dacha, the mice will drown in the dacha right away, and the skin repels the mice, and , by the way, they apparently have some kind of smell that repels, and it really helps, snakes have to be bathed during the link, i bathe, or, uh, i bathe when they are tired in
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theirs... and this happens, yes, it happens, with a fusser this often happens, we bathe in the bathroom , in a shared bathroom, where you are, where the children are, in that , which all your children go to, and you, but after that you clean them, clean it, with cleaning products, there is such a thing as a bacterial infection, just like dogs and snakes, they can infect, but in any case, what if it is possible to separate zones, where snakes will be cared for, and where there will be...
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fluffy, not affectionate, who do not show the beauty of pets, who have no affection, cannot make you laugh, just try to captivate me with a love for snakes, if possible, they crawl on your body and, to be honest, it’s nice, just like some kind of sedative, then then there are small, say
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, 17 snakes of different species, the owners have allocated a separate room for them in the apartment, here we have the imperial ludavi, here we have them sitting, it turns out, a male female, with eggs - this is my first experience, in general, i don’t know even alive, whether there will be something there or not, once every 3 days valentina changes the water of those who are close to her, puts fresh diapers on them,
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the woman maintains the optimal temperature in the terrariums. humidity, we spray it like this, of course they get a little scared, but it’s okay , well, she’s a big girl with us, she needs more, here we have her rug, on the rug somewhere... 30 dash 33°, in in a cold corner we have somewhere around 26. valentina feeds her pets once every 10 days. feed the small tiger python exclusively fresh rabbit, says the hostess. for the rest of us , there is always a rat mouse in the freezer. here it is soft, it is already warm, i touched it, it is warm, that is, it is already at room temperature. we take it with tweezers, not with our hands, because they might grab you. and we begin. safety comes first, valentina assures, to prevent snakes from escaping, there are locks on the terrariums, everything is on the locks, nothing opens because the children
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are at home, but the children don’t open them without me, but her beloved pets get bored in captivity, she says a woman, so she regularly walks them right on the bed in her bedroom, she has many children... the mother insists, her son and daughters are not afraid of snakes, and her husband even falls asleep with them in his arms. sasha was sleeping, with a leg, he will lie down, she will crawl, she will stop, she will always stop on her chest, that’s all, and he doesn’t seem to move, and he closes his eyes like that , i go into the room, and he’s sleeping, i say, what are you saying? , you are sleeping, you have a snake, you need to keep an eye on it, he is sleeping, the woman admits, snakes have long become full-fledged members. i watched it with difficulty this plot, alexander, you yourself put a snake on a child, how is it, it was a long time ago , no, of course, when it went too far, where did it go, i looked at the child’s face, he had no delight, no
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it seems to me that he doesn’t share your ecstasy, when the child is all frightened, he’s not very pleased, you generally have some kind of infantile, forgive me, for god’s sake, position, you’re like a child yourself. you didn’t play enough in childhood, and now you continue to play it, everyone should support this game, maria, valentina so zealously protects her snakes , it is clear that these are favorites, but don’t you think that there is a little excess here, this is not even from the point of view of people, but of animals, because keeping such animals in such conditions is a mockery, even the video shows that the animals are kept in small rooms that are poorly ventilated, they do not have the natural soil that they need, they do not have large swimsuits, which they must lie with heated water, the water must be changed every day, spraying may lead to that they will develop fungi, bacteria
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that will live on their, well, skin, they must have natural soil in which they can hide, houses in which they can hide, well, that is, there is a lot of things needed there, in in this case, a person is engaged in business, that is, a person breeds these animals. accordingly , there is no talk of any love or any kind of competent maintenance of these animals, well, plus salmanes, which is actually transmitted from reptiles to people, this is the only zoonotropan disease, from which a person can also die, this is not a business, as you say, this is really for me from the very beginning, i love them all, but there are those whom i actually now buy for a divorce, don’t be offended, but this is what i observe, you’re like like you don't notice.
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he doesn't like it, he wants to at least reduce the number of snakes, you know what he's doing? so to me, to me, i, i, my husband and wife say the same thing is satan, well, that’s also wrong, but everyone has their own interests, even your friends think that you traded your children for creeping reptiles. in studios alexander kashub and oksana kutsa, hello, hello, dear studio, alexander, i understand that you do not approve of your friend’s passion for snakes, no, i ’ve known valentina for a long time. and you know, i ’m just shocked how much time she
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spends on these snakes, the children are in danger, it’s just a viper, this is a real viper, when you found out that your friend got a snake, at first one, how did you react to this, then she lived in another apartment, it was a one-room apartment, a friend gave her for my birthday, such a small snake, in general, she showed it to me, well, i... that it was just a gift, she would take it and sell it later, but no, i told her, you’re crazy, where are you going, valentina recently had one birthday, and accordingly they give gifts of money, yes , and her mother says to her: valentina, what will you spend it on, to which she immediately said, i’ll buy a new snake, there was even a message, on the contrary, my mother said that valya, please spend this money on yourself, she she told us all this, i say, so myself, no, i’ll buy it from dava. alexandra, can your friend leave
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snakes and children unattended? maybe she can walk two snakes, or she can watch tv with them, she can cook with them, that is, she hangs a snake on her neck, supposedly she does some kind of massage there, i don’t know what kind, and accordingly, she watches tv series there, he also lays out one second. alexandra, do you have children yourself? i have three children, do they like to visit valentin, alexander? my children are afraid of snakes; they won’t go into the apartment. oksana, and you? do you often visit valentina? over the past year, after she got two large snakes, no, i was there once, someone takes it calmly, i can’t, just before that, the nagaina had dined on a rabbit there, and she couldn’t be disturbed , i'm on it. looked, quietly left, and no matter how we
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failed to get acquainted with snakes, that is, you also think that such pets for a mother with many grandfathers is irresponsible, there are still dogs in the house, whatever one may say, that is, when she also lets them out google a snake, a dog is also an animal, it as unpredictable as it is unaddressable, it is unknown what the reaction will be, they are uncontrollable, is valentina’s eldest daughter happy with life under the same roof with eighteen snakes, the eldest daughter only loves...
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will meet, one day my mother came for me, she was allowed to me pick up from the shelter , in the morning i wake up, i’m alone in the house, she went to st. petersburg, abandoned all the younger children there, and why is it so important for you to find a godfather, a complete stranger, decided to take part in my destiny, i want to thank such man, wait for me, tomorrow at 17:55 on ntv. chief, back from monday at 20:00!
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their pets are beautiful and safe, but experts say differently, this is polo, as far as i understand, valentin, you have such snakes, of course. maria, please tell us about these snakes? well, this is the most harmless type of snake; in fact, they get used to a person and recognize their owner. this snake
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was bred in the usa to catch rats and mice in corn fields. this is an artificially bred breed. how long do they live? 20-25 years. these snakes are somehow dangerous for children? well, my child comes into contact with this snake, but it was a conscious choice. we go to a circle, we study. how to keep this snake, accordingly, we contact him maximum during feeding at the time of cleaning in the terrarium, the rest of the time he is in the terrarium, we do not touch him, because first of all it is stress for him, we do not play, we don’t walk around the apartment with him, we don’t watch tv under any circumstances, he’s not a cat, not a dog, he’s not human-oriented, so his life should be comfortable, now there are nine eggs, if honestly, i didn’t think about breeding them, you still have udaf, by the way, we have it too. this snake can be dangerous for a person if it wraps itself around, as it is doing now around you, around me,
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it will squeeze, and if it wraps itself around the neck, then it can also strangle a person, this boa constrictor is fatal for a child danger, am i right? yes, he can bite, he can choke, but why will he choke, well , because we are victims for him, lilya, what do you think, this is dangerous, it should be either a zoo, or in the jungle, let them grow there, live with them... it’s its own environment somewhere, but not in an apartment, not in an apartment, not in your own house, in my opinion this is a python, yes, this is a python , he can also choke, bite and cause injury. valentin, do you have such a python? yes, we have more, well, it’s heavy enough, how long is it? 3 m, mare, what is the compression force of the python’s muscles? if it wraps around your neck twice, you will have difficulty removing it, even an adult, even an adult, especially a child. that is, i have a full the impression that our heroine keeps them like toys, these are not toys, these are serious animals that require a careful
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approach, and at least knowledge of their maintenance, let's take the python, let it go, stanislav, you should have such pets at home, at least i wouldn’t talk to my neighbors if i found out that they had a snake, i just, to be honest, well, what about a python like that, i wouldn’t hang it around a child’s neck, like you, well, look, i understand perfectly well who i can hang, who i can’t, and this is next to me, then i control the whole situation, they live, they get used to the smells, and for them this smell becomes safe, they don’t have an owner, they just get used to the smells, and i ’m sure that it’s safe, that is, there is no danger at all in my , but in fairness it should be noted that you have friends who think that yes... poisonous snakes are a completely normal campaign for minor children. in the studio yulia nalivaeva and igor buzrin. hello,
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hello everyone. igor, do you seriously think that poisonous snakes are a joy for a family with children? yes, why not? do you have children? there are two, a year and four and a month. have you gotten yourself a poisonous snake? she doesn’t exist, i would get myself a panther, because i love more active, active animals, so that i can actively relax with them, a panther, well, a panther is illegal, calm me down, even a warm-up, snakes are also poisonous now and pythons in length, in length up to 4 m. igor, what are you going to do with the panther, but you want to have it in the apartment, not in the house, why in the apartment, in the house, and what to do with it, and what to do with dogs at home, well dogs are a pet , well, why can’t a panther be a pet? well, i understand, dogs, when we became pets, they were also wild, they were also tamed, huskies are elementary, why do you condemn animals and animals to torment like that?
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the neighbors next to whom this panther will live, how these animals treat their neighbors, whether they will run away or just feel uncomfortable, so you go and walk with a panther, i don’t know whether it’s on a leash or not, but i wouldn’t want to meet such a person in the park or on i wouldn't like to be in the neighborhood, i understand i agree, well, it’s a little scary , no, well, you won’t walk the pontera on a leash, since, that is, well, she needs to be held for this, because she’s quite an animal, by the way, you suggested this, this is yours idea, so this is how children will feel with such animals next to them, if the snake is reliably protected, i have known valentina for a very long time, she is not far from a fool, she will, will protect herself and her children, listen, what do you think? in general , it occurred to me to make such an offer to valentina, she already has a house full of snakes, and you took it in a friendly way, they said, here ’s an idea for you, many people keep snakes, everyone has pythons and boas, but no one decides to buy a cobra,
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then i’ll bring it home to you, don’t recommend this again, yul, and you... do you also think that a poisonous snake belongs near children? i know that valentina is a very responsible person, and we often visit valentina, and my child is generally adequate, quite calm, will you get your children a poisonous snake? i'm probably not, because i'm lazy, a little bit, and that's the best i can now allowing a child is a hamster for now, but if valentina does get a poisonous snake, will you go visit? yes, i will support her 100%, yes, i think she is all worlds. safety will be observed, that is , she will simply strengthen them, but it seems to me, yul, when your friend wastes time on snakes, she is depriving her children of a mother. valentina is a very good mother, we have been communicating very closely for 3 years, we see each other very often, and children and husband always come first for her, yes, snakes are her hobby, but she loves children much more more devotes as much time as possible to them,
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so i don't think she devotes much less time to them than the snakes. look, let’s say we have a schedule: weekdays, children from first grade to fifth grade go to school, the youngest goes to kindergarten, before lunch i have quiet time, where i can, i have time to cook, i also have time to clean up the snakes and more. dogs, dogs, feed, clean, run laundry somewhere else, we visited you and saw how your day is going, four children valentina and the king live right behind wall from the snake kingdom, however, he assures... the woman, her son and daughters are not at all embarrassed by such a neighborhood, no, i’m not afraid, on the contrary, when everyone sits on my neck, i stroke her, all that, she, well, it’s like massage for the neck, for the hair, and she breathes, breathes, no , she wheezes, i’m like this, it’s hard, she manages to take care of everyone, valentina tells
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first-grader eva, mom helps with homework every day, ev, let’s show how we we write, no, no, now it’s like this, we’ve already made some pages here, like the letter t, and the letter p, right away, let's start with this line, the youngest yana strives to be an adult beyond her years, so she follows her older sister in everything, the mother admits, she tries to fulfill all the whims of the baby, yanya. she, too, is everything, so if eva has a copybook, she also needs a copybook, she actually does it in the same way as eva, although eva is seven, i’m not five. valentina's only son, eleven-year-old georgy, is growing up to be a real man and his mother is proud of him. the boy practices martial arts and likes to read books in his free time. now this is how they read. which one did you start? and i, i read this whole one, this one only up to
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the fiftieth page, this whole one. i have. such a question arose: it would be nice to give that room to the boy, but in more than one, the little daughters have their own room, the son has his own separate room, that’s where he showed the books, this is his personal room, sasha and i have also has its own private room. valentina, does your seventeen-year-old daughter have her own room? vika lives in two houses, how did she go to college, college is located next to the grandmother, the grandmother has a three-room apartment, it turns out both there and... weekends are a must with us, valentina, just answer honestly, your children have never told you that they don’t want so many snakes, the eldest daughter only likes individual snakes , and others, she says: mom, why, why so much? your eldest daughter dreams of you reducing your snake kingdom. in vika lishan's studio. hello vic. honestly, despite the fact that your mother is sitting opposite you,
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you don’t like her hobby? yes. in principle, i somehow don’t like it, and i’m against it this, but what number of snakes would suit you? no more than five exactly, where to put the rest, who would you leave? let's start with this? well, i would leave stepan yellow, because well, he doesn’t pose any threat to me, i would also leave lyusya, this is the very first snake my mother gave her, yes, because she is the calmest, and also, in principle, no threat to anyone she can't bring it. i would also have left it for the gain, but after her pregnancy and childbirth she somehow became aggressive, this is somehow frightening and alarming, and there are snakes that you are you afraid? yes, this is a fussologist, because he , well, he threatens, but does not bite, and she scares small ones only with her size, and your mother never asked you to help sit with the snakes while she cleaned the terrarium, for example, well, she
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asked to keep an eye on when, for example the snake eats, so that when you just... you have to see that they eat, but can you get the snake out of the terrarium? no, i ’m afraid, because after all, it’s their territory to interfere, to somehow invade their space. i don’t really want to, but have you ever encountered the aggressiveness of snakes? they they hissed when mom, for example, wanted to take a photo of the little ones for sale, do you remember, when the first snake appeared in the house, they bring the box, the parents turn up, and there is a snake lying there, they put the box, i’m standing there, shooting a video, mom opens the terrarium and scares me, i didn’t scream out of fear, i screamed, but now there is no fear towards this snake. besides, i’ve already grown up, in principle, soon it seems to me that i won’t have to see this picture, could valentina really lose her children because of the snakes? guardianship authorities may be interested in this
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family? they certainly can! is a woman ready to sacrifice exotic pets for the sake of her own family? i want to ask you to save your snakes a little, we’ll find out right after the advertisement! she gave birth to her beloved four children, believing that he had never been married and that he had no other children. she looked at his passport, there was a blank page for the family, but his ex- wife showed her a divorce certificate and demanded alimony for her official daughter. alexey, are you sure you weren’t married? no, maybe she and her mother forged the document? the man owes his ex almost 4,000, and is not going to pay it. we support him ourselves... four children, so how many children does a father with many children have? in march we got married, i gave birth to my first son, he restored paternity to my second daughter, too, i ’m shocked, he never told me anything,
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do you want to put three children on me, or what? krytsa, why didn’t my son’s new chosen one ever talk about this, that his son had a family, as it was not necessary, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50, on ntv. sormat premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. there's a cold pathogen around. orwe took the family prisoner. quickly get to work ismigen. ismigen activates the immune system with just one tablet a day. i will quickly treat my cold. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? you need halva, take credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with halva. olled,
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to buy an archive in the state. archive of markus wolf. we know that you know, we must be the first. are we going to make a movie? your russians are such romantics. i just want to know what's wrong with me. he's on a mission. today they tried to blow up my deputy minister. and tomorrow they will blow up the wall. sasha is already in trouble seriously. maybe someone from the embassy leaked sasha, we have an informer, the main premiere of the year, in our business there cannot be half friends, a half friend is an enemy. gdr, soon on ntv. i feel good about these guys. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. the mother
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of four children, thirty-seven-year-old valentina korol from tyumen, turned her apartment into a snake den. now i have 18 snakes, four tiger pythons, three corn snakes, the rest are all imperial daredevils. that is, i have four adults, two females, two males. and the rest is all baby. snakes unpredictable, they don’t belong in the same house with children, they worry. but his beloved ignores all his words: i want my wife to get rid of at least half of her snakes, and better yet to get rid of them altogether, so that there are no snakes at all, the main thing is that there are no children, i wouldn’t care, i i would even bring an alligator home, but when there are kids, i worry. artyom, the fact that four minor children live in an apartment where there is a real home serpentarium,


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