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tv   Segodnya  NTV  January 18, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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3,000 objects in half a century and this is not the limit, the head of the group of the bamtunel stroy most company told vladimir putin about how the largest enterprise in russia for the construction of bridges and tunnels is developing. read more about strategic projects edmund shalbunov. members of the european parliament are trying to punish hungary, and the united states fears that eu countries will follow their example, all this due to reluctance to finance ukraine. sergei kholoshevsky about how beggars from kiev became a burden. expanding cooperation with countries who have not lost their dignity, respect their own independence and strive for multipolarity. one of the achievements of the russian foreign ministry in the era of confrontation with the collective west. what else are they proud of on smolenskaya square? the missile duel between pakistan
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and iran is expanding the geography of strikes in the middle east, the houthis continue their duel with the american fleet, how this will affect the global economy, vladimir kobyakov is monitoring this. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its host is ilmira ikhendieva and vladimir chernyshov. today the kremlin discussed large-scale infrastructure projects for the construction of a metro in krasnoyarsk, the development of a transport hub in novorossiysk, a bridge in kaliningrad, and a railway crossing over the amur river to china. all this is handled by the bam tunnel stroy company group. vladimir putin met with its leader ruslan baysarov. discussed what has already been done and what
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is yet to come, there are many objects, they are all very different in the far east, for example , the bam-tunnel construction site is building a large art museum where they will store about 17,000 works of art. edmund zhalbunov will continue. freight and passenger transportation in the world's largest country is unthinkable without railways, and railways cannot be imagined without bridges and tunnels, take, for example, the severomuysk bama tunnel, which, by the way, is the longest in russia. 15 km directly through tolshcha gory instead of 60 km detour along the serpentine road, minus 2 hours on the road, and this is convenient not only for passengers, because the extra time is well converted into economic benefits. about how development helps others develop. stroymost, the largest in a russian enterprise specializing in the construction of tunnels, bridges and even runway piers was told to vladimir today by the head of the group of companies ruslan baysarov. unique
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infrastructure facilities in the country, including 200 km of tunnels, 45 km of them are severomoisky, that is, severomoisky 15-300 m 15 km, and adits and vertical adits are a total of 45 km, imagine, bam the tunnelstroy bridge is a strategic enterprise for russia , which literally builds bridges between countries, including completed projects, the first cross-border...
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management for the construction of all tunnels of the future bama. over time, the scope of work, as well as the geography of objects, expanded significantly. as a result, the specialists of this particular enterprise now have thousands of projects across the country and even abroad. these are railway air towers in serbia, updated railway infrastructure on sakhalin, new stations for the capital’s metro, as well as unique bridges for the m12 moscow-kazan highway. we have completed construction of the only cable-stayed bridge on site here.
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for the first time in history, our specialists, bridge builders, used sliding opalization when constructing pylons in the region, yes, absolutely, and they just opened it. studying the presentation of the objects of the new route. novorossiysk transport hub, coastal structures in the amur region and bridges in kaliningrad. the stroymost bam tunnel still operates in dozens of russian regions and in all time zones. concluding his report, ruslan baysarov invited vladimir putin to visit the khabarovsk territory and take part in the installation of the second duseali nabami tunnel, which is currently
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being actively updated. the president thanked the tunnel builders for the invitation and once again noted their hard work, especially in permafrost conditions, where they can’t even cope. sinking abacus. edmund zhelbanov, alina sumina and dmitry ananyev, ntv television company. today, video footage has emerged of the consequences of a russian strike against foreign mercenaries, most of whom were french. in kharkov. as you can see, the building in which the temporary deployment point was located foreigners were seriously injured, as the russian ministry of defense reported, the attack was carried out with precision weapons, more than sixty militants were killed. and more than twenty were injured, as it became known, against the backdrop of this event, the minister of defense of ukraine postponed his visit to france, which was planned for today. the head of the ukrainian ministry of defense was going to hold negotiations with his french colleague, and today the russian ministry of foreign affairs
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summoned the french ambassador. as stated by tas agency, official representative of mida maria zakharov, the reason for the destruction by the russian military of a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries. in kharkov, among whom were several dozen french. the blow to the mercenaries, which drew the attention of the french press, was struck immediately after french president emmanuel macron promised to supply ukraine with a new batch of cruise missiles and air bombs. and already today the french minister of defense boasted that from now on paris will send 3.00 shells of nato 155 mm self-propelled artillery mounts to kiev every month.
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in other words, all this leads to the depletion of the arsenal of the fifth republic, but this does not seem to bother the head of the elysee palace. russian defense minister sergei shaigu today inspected the work of one of the enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the state machine-building design bureau raduga in the moscow region. the purpose of the trip was to check the implementation of the state defense order. the head of the ministry of defense inspected the workshop, where he was shown the process of development and production of guided missiles. including ground-to-air class anti-radar and anti-ship shaigu demanded that the range of one of the products be increased from 250 to at least 300 km. the minister was informed that since the beginning of the special operation , the volume of production of high-precision weapons
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has increased by some indicators by eight times. the head of the investigative committee , alexander bastrykin, held an operational meeting of the investigation headquarters in lugansk. to identify the perpetrators, in particular, new data made it possible to bring charges in absentia against several more former members of the council national security of ukraine, they were involved in the decision to send ukrainian troops to donbass in 2014, but in addition they brought charges in absentia against another 68 foreign mercenaries. from seven states. it was also announced at the meeting that electronic media hidden for ukrainian officers had been discovered on the territory of the azov steel plant in mariupol. they contain important information for the investigation of cases of crimes of ukrainian nationalists.
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us president joe biden made another attempt to personally persuade congressional leaders approve $61 billion in military aid to ukraine. but the meeting at the white house ended in failure. the republicans said that... they are not ready to sponsor the kiev regime while the americans still have a bunch of their own internal problems. well, in washington they are now afraid that the allies, seeing this situation, will also stop helping. kiev, especially since there are already at least two countries among those who oppose the allocation of money to ukrainians - hungary and slovakia. the first is blocking the eu tranche of 50 billion euros, the second promises not to allow the hungarian decision to be blocked in the future gatherings of eu leaders. the topic will be continued by sergei kholoshevsky. today the european parliament adopted a resolution condemning hungary's policies, which, quote, undermine the fundamental values ​​of the eu. although everyone already understands it. that this has nothing to do with values, the stubborn hungarian prime minister has long been labeled by western politicians as a dictator and
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a trojan horse, putin, because he defends national interests and does not want to send billions of euros to ukraine. hungary has long been a difficult case for everyone in european parliament, but so far our leaders have not found the courage to discuss the hungarian issue. we must think about what to do with hungary and how we can convince our american friends and the imf. maybe you are going to repeat this, because orban can again use
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his veto on the allocation of 50 billion euros that ukraine needs so much, if this happens, then you will have problems here in parliament. anti-hungarian hysteria is being fanned in the european parliament just on the eve of the eu summit, which will be held on february 1, at which a €50 billion aid package for ukraine is being discussed. orban is desperately bargaining on this matter, saying that the package should not be allocated once, but divided into parts. europe is not tired of it, like the eternal begging of the kiev authorities, well
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, the americans, who stirred up this whole mess, are now technically shifting responsibility for ukraine to their european partners. the day before, in washington, joe biden held a closed meeting with congressional leaders, trying to convince speaker mike johnson to soften his position on ukraine. this is about package of $106 billion for ukraine, israel and taiwan. most of the funds are intended for kiev, but the opposition in the house of representatives is blocking it. the bill has been in the works for several months, linking it to the migrant crisis in the united states. i think the meeting was productive, the president was very frank. we understand that there are concerns about the safety, security and sovereignty of ukraine, but the american people have the same concerns about our domestic sovereignty and security. if we don't come to assistance to ukraine, the consequences for america and throughout the world will be simply devastating. in the room.
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as for orban, the western media write that the hungarian is a cunning and tough pragmatist, and will certainly act in the interests of his native hungary. ursula fondelien, for her part, just in case, reminded orban about the suspended 20 billion euros for budapest, which were frozen by eu bureaucrats, allegedly due to violations of the rights of representatives of the lgbt community by the hungarian government. the ukrainian
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crisis has become one of the main topics of today's press conference of our foreign minister sergei lavrov. he summed up the work of russian diplomacy over the past year and emphasized that the west does not want a constructive solution to ukraine, which suits moscow; moreover, it strives for further escalation of the conflict. in completely different words, the minister described relations with states that do not belong to the collective west and... pursue an independent policy, in particular , russian-chinese relations are now experiencing the best period in history, interaction with india, the most influential powers of the middle east region, a steep... rise in relations with the countries of the african continent, nikita korzun, about russia’s prospects in the foreign policy field. everything that is happening now in international relations is the result of the revolt of the former unipolar world order, which seeks to preserve washington and its satellites. sergei lavrov immediately made it clear: we are on the verge of big changes. life, it is still moving forward,
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new centers of economic growth are already emerging and have become stronger. financial power, political influence, centers that, well significantly ahead in their development, the same united states and other western countries, with them these new centers moscow is increasing cooperation, especially privileged, the minister emphasized, strategic partnership with india, unprecedented heights have been taken in relations with china, not without reason, immediately after re-election , the leader of the prc visited moscow, one word cannot describe this alliance, how...
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how to talk to such people, especially since his decree prohibiting negotiations with russia has not yet been canceled. the president putin commented on this topic a couple of times and said: let him first cancel the decree, and then we’ll see. the west, lavrov is sure , clearly understood the futility of the idea of ​​inflicting a strategic defeat on russia with the help of ukraine, so it is now working to escalate the crisis. former.
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in this regard , it is becoming less and less when the poles and the british are seriously talking about the need to train some nato units so that they enter ukraine, take certain positions there, these are people who are in power, the american
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correspondent, yes, they were in the room, like 170 other foreign journalists, tried to find out from lavov... whether relations between moscow and washington would change after the us presidential elections, apparently, he also tried to find a reason to resume the dialogue. this is a question for those who will be elected by the american people with the understanding that the elections will be fair. a representative of a broadcasting company in germany inquired about the opinion of the russian minister regarding the fact that in the un international court, germany decided to support israel, the lawsuit against which.
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germany, italy and japan were against the adoption of the inadmissible resolution.
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the power of negotiations, you can’t take a photo together. and yet, this year turned out to be very fruitful for the diplomatic department. a new foreign policy concept has been approved,
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defining current regional priorities, and the circle of allies understands what exactly russia is fighting for. domestic diplomats managed to keep the western anti-russian coalition from expanding; it did not grow with any country and expand cooperation with the world majority. this relatively new term is worth remembering. it includes the prevailing part of the planet: china , india, the state of latin america, africa, asia, self-respecting countries that will never betray national interests and strive to build a more just world order, not based on the rules invented by washington, on the un charter. nikita korzun, vladimir famin, sergei dronov, ntv. hot spots in the greater middle east every day is getting bigger. israel is mercilessly destroying the gas sector, shelling neighboring lebanon, the western coalition led by the united states is attacking yemen, pakistan and iran are also exchanging missile and bomb
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attacks, well, the degree of violence in the region is really growing, all this threatens to escalate into a big war, which has long been feared we are the experts. the fuse, well, figuratively speaking, has already been set on fire, it is unclear how soon this barrel of flutter will explode or not. the situation was analyzed by vladimir kobyakov. yes, volodya, well, what are the forecasts in general? optimistic, not very much, what do they even say about this, and most importantly , who benefits from all this chaos, here you need to read some signals, well, yes, in general, if you look through the news feed, even a regular one on your phone, there are middle eastern media accounts on social networks, then only in recent days there will be such a mixture of air strikes and missile attacks, let’s see,
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the houthis’ ballistic missiles, ready for four anti-ship launches, were destroyed. this was another wave of attacks on the houthis against the backdrop of ongoing november ship attacks in the red sea and the gulf of adon. this is a video from last night, a new entity in the middle east, which launched an air attack on the territory of a neighboring state. pakistan struck back at iran. pakistani planes fired missiles at the outskirts of the iranian city of siravan. now let’s see on the map what it all looks like: iran in the previous 2 days launched combined strikes, missiles and drones, on the territory of three states. according to erbil, this is iraq, the kurdish region, iran. explained this by the presence at the affected sites of people associated with the israeli intelligence services. in syrian idlib, against a group that tehran considers a threat to pro-iranian forces in
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syria, this is the third strike against the group. on the territory of pakistan, iran considers this group terrorist, separatist and accuses it of attacks on iran’s security forces. pakistan, a day later , retaliated against the group in iran and explained that their target was also a group that the pakistani authorities consider terrorist. at the same time, iran stated that it respects the territorial integrity of both iraq and pakistan, and pakistan, in a mirror image after this strike, repeated that it respects the territorial integrity of iran. why is this aggravation dangerous, next to...
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with their missile strikes, well, look, the iranians used this missile for adjacent attacks, its name translates as winner, it was used before, for example, for attacks on the american base in iraq in 2020 in response to kill the general of sulaymaniyah, but to strike idleb in syria for long-range strike, they used another missile, its name is fortress destroyer with a range of under 1500 km, and this was the first combat use of this iranian missile, the radius from the launch point in iran to idlib...
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these days in the middle east, well, except for let's take a broader look, what happens in iran's three-pronged strikes and pakistan's response. look, near the red sea the yemeni houthis hit the second ship the day before, which they claim is connected with the united states, and this night the american fleet hit the fourth a missile strike on houthi territory, but we’ll come back to that later. iraqi shiite groups previously announced that one of the strikes would hit... israeli haifa, and they are also ready to continue shelling american bases in iraq and syria. one of the american bases, information is received, has begun evacuation. against this background , air attacks from turkey against the forces of the kurds in northern syria and iraq have faded into second place in the world information space. well, without much change in the area of ​​israel and palestine. exchange blows for borders of lebanon and israel, syria and israel , the idf operation in gaza continues, but this week islamic groups
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launched 50 rockets from the gaza strip. regarding israel, while, for example, the general staff of the israeli army says that the risk of a full-scale war in the north of the country with hezbollah or ivan is increasing, there have been such statements, the news of the last day is the houthis exchanging blows with the americans, that is, freezing the situation by force by the united states it’s not working out yet, well, yes, now let’s really go back to the situation in krasnoe sea ​​with the yemeni houthis and the us and british fleets, look, the houthis attacked an american merchant ship, the americans attacked the launchers.
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no one is running yet, yes, approximately 15% of world maritime trade goes through the red sea, prices are already affected, but in a panic on the exchanges on the way from asia to europe, the alternative to the red sea is to go around africa from the south, but
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this... increases travel time by about one and a half to 3 weeks, depending on what you sail on at what speed, accordingly you need to spend more fuel, and at least this may ultimately end up in the prices of goods, but if we take for example... oil prices, then in october the brand cost 90 dollars, now 78, the saudi oil company saudi aramka believes that the conflict in the red sea could lead to a shortage of ships, again, due to the fact that it now takes longer to sail to your destination, the cost of delivery on some routes has already quadrupled, but still, most of the gloomy forecasts contain a remark in the event of an escalation of the situation in the red sea, for example, head of the roschai association. coffee ramaz chinturi recalled today that 70% of tea comes to russia from india, sri lanka and kenya, that is , just through the red sea. and ramaz chinturya also says that we can see a change in prices, but only if the aggravation in the red sea does not resolve in the next month.
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in general, while sea carriers calmly say that during covid, for children, yes, it was a storm in logistics chains, now we are rocking on the waves. by the way, i’ve already read it. cents, although it seems to be in russian in the long term it will cost 5 dollars and 15 for deliveries to russia, because there , for example, chinese batteries are transported to us by land, the red sea factor should not affect them, well, that’s all true, but the red
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sea can affect them there the cost of even those goods that are made in russia, for example , you are prepared, i am also prepared, here is an egg, a jewel, the main thing is not to break it now, in its... price there are costs for european equipment that russian poultry farms use, in this equipment there is asian electronics, and of course, there are other industries that depend on european equipment, now new ones may be added to the problems of sanctions, which europe may feel, and then russia along the chain, that is, from the red sea factor, if it really becomes strong, it will be difficult to hide even with goods in russia, well, denis, you carry a chicken egg in your pocket, i always do.
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we will now see a map, this is the entire territory of yemen. the houthis or the ansaral organization controls this part, it is highlighted in a red tint, right here is the coast of the red sea, their allies are iran, and iran can really influence the actions of the houthis. there is a territory in yemen, highlighted in green, it is controlled by the so-called presidential council, this part of the yemenites is greatly influenced by the extreme saudi arabia, and the saudis, by the way, are against it in every possible way. escalation, they say, let’s not scatter all this, don’t expand it, and there is also a coast, the southern one, it’s blue, the southern transitional council rules there, it is in many ways relies on the resources and forces of the arab emirates, so the representatives of these yemenis
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are just suggesting that the us let the middle eastern countries help oust the houthis, that is , they think here in southern yemen that a general anti-houthi operation may be needed, possibly on the ground, but for these. .. so far no one has responded to the proposal, so the situation even in the entire territory of yemen is so multidirectional, different regional players have their own interests here. volodya, by the way, i also have a question about yemen, now the most sophisticated travelers choose for trips, including the island of sacotra, and there are incredibly beautiful landscapes, truly unique nature, this island just belongs to yemen, right now, considering who controls what in yemen. who does it belong to ? actually, due to the current situation, do tourists have any chance of getting there in the future? well, this island, or most likely this archipelago should be called, occupies a truly strategic position, it is in the indian ocean, if you place military bases there, then
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you can control the gulf of ada, then there is a passage to the red sea itself, now the yemenites from the southern transitional council, which relies on the forces of the united arab emirates, control it, it seems that you can even find trips here. they seem to be selling, but first of all, of course, the main thing for the united arab emirates is to maintain such indirect control of this place, this archipelago, so in the middle east, everything was not easy before, here are the new... famous names of the new year's day holders
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billion, which were played on ntv. who are these lucky people and what do they plan to spend on? astronomical amount? rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to look at it once, turn it around, turn it around!
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and for you, choose ecogas, refuel and it works perfectly, installation of equipment as part of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature at gazprom stations, you will be jogging today, iron, vitofer helps maintain iron levels is normal, vitofer is easily digestible, reinforced with vitamins and folic acid, vitofer everything will come true, rather than looking at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once. rotate, twist only after confirming
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payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and after confirming payment, touch the burger kings rock star, it tastes better on fire! it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners , a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, to please yourself more often. cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself. discount on a loan to buy something you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank. online. change your looks to suit any
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mood, winter sale of clothes and beauty products on ozone. results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. it's just space. the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizovo’s own farms, enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo, in the sportsmaster application there is a drawing of cool gifts, the main prize is an apartment, download the application, spin the ball for prizes , complete tasks to get more gifts, every morning i start by taking aquadrim, seal and joy from every day. aquadetrim is absorbed better than other forms of vitamin
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d. aquadetrim. we'll repeat it tomorrow. this winter , repeat to your advantage. aquadetrim drops three for the price of two. in pitelinka, all the crusts are perfectionists. they eat only grain feed and never use harmful growth hormone additives. yes, these are high standards for buttonholes. petelinka - pure products without harmful additives. premiere format. today we continue our program in st. petersburg to celebrate its 81st anniversary. feat of the defenders and residents of the city. on in the peskorey cemetery, according to tradition, they laid
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flowers at the monument to the mother of the motherland, unveiled a slab on which it was written that the actions of the nazis who held the city under siege were recognized as a war crime and genocide. students and cadets gathered near the house where tanya savicheva, who wrote the famous blockade diary, lived, they brought flowers, candles, read poetry, and shared family stories related to the great patriotic war. let us recall that the siege of leningrad lasted 872 days; more than million people, but the city did not give up; enterprises, schools, hospitals, even theaters and a conservatory continued to operate there. the soldiers of the leningrad front did everything possible.
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well, it depends on what variety, you know , everything is very complicated here, but eggs, although they have fallen in price, they are still three-digit, so i recently saw them at 115, normal, yeah, in russia for the first time since june last year, prices for eggs have fallen, from from january 10 to january 15, according to rosstat estimates, they decreased by 2%. the ministry of agriculture clarified that it has been 3 weeks already. eggs are getting cheaper manufacturers, which is reflected in retail. in addition, the ministry talks about the traditional drop in demand after the new year holidays, and that additional volumes of products come to the market. over the past year, eggs in russia were imitated by 60%. the authorities attempted to solve the problems using a variety of methods. since the beginning of this year , duties on egg imports have been zeroed out, and at the same time
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, the federal antimonopoly service has begun to open cases against domestic producers, suspecting them of cartel conspiracies. general director. from the galina poultry union bobuleva explained the demand for eggs by the fact that in conditions of rising prices for other products, eggs and chicken are one of the few sources of protein available to the population on an ongoing basis. and the deputy head of the rosprotsoyuz association , dmitry leonov, comments on prices, adding that the cost of eggs is growing, because of exchange rates, logistics, packaging, spare parts, vaccines are becoming more expensive, and there is also a shortage of workers. russian dealers accumulated the maximum inventories of cars in 2 years in january, which means that buyers may receive discounts, about the newspaper writes this in its statement, citing market participants. dealer rolf assures that there will definitely be discounts, and adds that already in december last year, the cherry, exit and havaill brands improved conditions for buyers, realizing that there would not be enough market for everyone. the situation with european brands is different, they
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are traveling through parallel imports; there is a shortage of some brands, so they conclude in rolf that prices may rise. the head of the board of directors is a dealer. ben motors alexey podchekoldin calculated that for lada vesta his company already has enough reserves for a month of sales, and for chinese brands have two or more months of inventory, which is already considered excessive. according to the russian auto dealers association, over the past year, russian cars have risen by an average of 44%, and chinese cars by 30%. the russian stock market is in the red at the end of the day; investors don’t have very many ideas. the us treasury announced in the evening that it was imposing sanctions against the shipping company. georgia leads by a wide margin in the list
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of countries where russians most often opened businesses last year. in the twenty-third year , russians registered 13,000 in georgia companies. for comparison, during the period from january 95 to february 22, that is, over 27 years, russians created less than 800 legal entities in georgia. forbes cites finion's account of the company. popularity of georgia. they also explain the influx of active russian citizens into the country, the convenient conditions for registering a business in the tax system, for example, income tax for individual entrepreneurs in georgia can be only 1%. kazakhstan is in second place in the ranking, where russians opened 6,100 companies last year, third place in popularity was shared by armenia and montenegro, there, russians created 3,400 legal entities over the past year; in finion they explain that in montenegro, by opening a company, you can also get a residence permit. all about the economy, thank you, denis, denis talalaev with an economic review,
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today the famous names of the owners of the new year's billion, who were played in the russian lotto holiday lottery on ntv, became known. svetlana and yuri semenova from tyumen will receive a huge amount after paying taxes. they have been living together for 40 years and are planning to celebrate their ruby wedding. i work as a speech therapist, and i freezer turner we’ll continue after a short advertisement, a cheeseburger
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or chickenburger for only 45 rubles at a delicious point, the beginning of the year is the time to make new plans, a tenki loan will help you not to put it off. for later, apply for a loan in the tenki app with a decision in one minute, deferment of the first payment for up to 90 days. tinkov, change your looks to suit any mood, winter sale of clothes and beauty products on ozone. pay less, butter sticks sharli 1990. delivery with a 25% discount. minutes using the code in the pyaterochka application, pyaterochka helps out, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, great blow, now i’ll post it
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into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with holva, what men are silent about, that life is out of control, about pain, fears cease to exist in men, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and... apply for free gas supply to the border of your property. for details call: 8800 101 0004. the call is free. winter sale of clothing and beauty products on ozone. sweatshirts for men and women are yours up to 799. it seems that something has changed, but no, everything is as we love and everything
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now, but the legendary taste is still the same, whole. any business starts with a person, at first i cooked it myself, then the team began to expand, but when there are more clients, you don’t always keep up with demand, with support for development. national project for small and medium-sized enterprises by decision of the president. our job is to support yours. this is the program today. we continue our release. self-nominated candidates for the post of president of russia are now continuing to collect signatures.
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more than 2.5 million people have already come out in support of vladimir putin. about this. to him reported the day before during a visit to the headquarters in gostiny dvor in the capital, where putin met with the co-chairs of the headquarters and, according to the law on presidential elections, self-propelled activists need to collect 300,000 signatures, this is what other contenders for the post of head of state were doing today in st. petersburg, for example, a beauty blogger from yekaterinburg , the russian rada, gave an interview at her headquarters, where raska spoke about the election program. 3,000 signatures must be collected and...
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his team in the elections also included the leader of the communist party gennady zyuganov. he thanked the entire headquarters for the work done and wished good luck to kharitonov. the candidate himself emphasized in his speech that the main task of the upcoming elections is, first of all , the unification of everything russian. based on the team, this year's election campaign must be conducted in such a way as to, firstly, consolidate the country's population. firstly, whoever wins the election must count every vote, every vote. program of each candidate, only then can we consolidate the population later, the presidential elections in russia will take place from march 15 to 17 this year, remote electronic voting will take place in 29 regions, and as reported by the central election commission , 33 applicants have already submitted applications. a few hours remain until one of the main christian holidays,
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the baptism of the lord. orthodox believers celebrate it on january 19 in memory.
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this afternoon, evgenia neronskaya joins us now. yes, this snowfall has been in moscow for a long time. yes, for the whole coming night. and the snowdrifts could have grown by 10 centimeters, if not coming warming. during the day , another snowy mess awaits us, as temperatures will soar to zero or even slightly above zero. all this with a steamy wind, which by the next evening will bring a new cold snap. as you can see, the weather pendulum is swinging faster and faster. from minus to plus and back are now limited to just a day. in the north-west tomorrow the frost will begin to get stronger, and the zone of heavy snowfall will cover karelia, arkhangelsk and murmansk regions. it is still getting warmer in the south, and this will also be accompanied by increasing winds and precipitation, especially riyan, will lead to bad weather in the crimea, in the ozovo region and on the don. about the weather in the capitals in a few seconds. if
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your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain. without damaging the stomach, and also normalize the level of uric acid. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. clean your liver with folk remedies, try replacing them with oviso. only in it the oats of milky ripeness are enhanced with herbs and turmeric. ovesol evalar is number one for cleansing the liver. clean liver using folk remedies? try replacing them with avisol. avisol is a modern natural remedy that promotes gentle cleansing of the liver. valar. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joint. so, in st. petersburg tomorrow it will snow in places and -5, and in a day it will reach -13. in moscow, everything important has already begun.
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epiphany night will also be snowy, snowy, during the day the snow will weaken and warm up to almost zero, and already at night and saturday the temperature will go downhill again. night hours can reach -20, the pressure from abnormally low will rush to abnormally high values. yes, the only good thing is that someday this will definitely end. thank you, evgenia ronskaya with the weather forecast. this is the main news for this hour and we, elmira iendeeva and vladimir chernushov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye. around me. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they they are talking about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer
7:59 pm
, the throwing engine works perfectly, equipment was installed as part of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at gazprom stations. wow, today you were on a roll, you should have seen you, professor... i love you my sweetie and i love you my zucchini,
8:00 pm
my friends are all going abroad, but i probably i'm staying. i laugh, i'll get drunk, if there's nothing to know, i'll get married, my friends write to me, how are you here , and i'm fine, super good , super super super year, i'm fine, super good, super, super, super good, i'm fine, super year, super, super, super year, i'm fine, super good, super, super, super year, i'm fine, super gut,


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