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tv   Zhena politseiskogo  NTV  January 19, 2024 3:35am-4:26am MSK

3:35 am
what's the point, teenage courage, who is taller, who is stronger? you know, from the outside it seems that the worst thing in this game is when you climb up you are pushed from all sides, but no, you experience real fear at the very top, when you have already won, but more and more new players are climbing from below, precisely at this moment you begin to be afraid most of all, of slipping and flying down. where they won’t just break your ribs, but where they’ll simply trample you. why are you telling me this? i didn’t want it myself, i rose so high that now i’m afraid of falling down. this whole situation with your exterior, as you understand?
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made a lot of noise, someone has to answer for this, and they chose me, i have no other choice, a decree for your release. will be published in 2 days, general novozhilov will act as head of the main headquarters, i’m very sorry, vitya.
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yes, because, hello, dash, hello, i want to say that i’ll be there early today, i have news for you, okay, you know, i also have something to tell you, i’ll be there soon, bye, bye.
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in accordance with my conscience, i signed up for hamikaze in full. i'm flying with a bomb load, in tanks fuel to the target, well, the target, it’s in sight, and i want to take it today, my nerves are torn to the limit, i’m dying for an idea, i’m entering my last turn, and those... who
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are looking at the target, numb, know , they know what my aerobatics threatens them with, they won’t get to the port, that ’s all, i touch the side , it’s reflected in the dilated pupils, my whole long journey to the goal, the one that... i’m in sight, i have a reason to explode for others , there is a reason, with your flight, to take the soul out of someone, to put your soul into someone, there is a reason to reach the goal, the one that is in sight, yes, because the rest need... to live, there is a reason to reach
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the goal, the one that is in sight, yes, because the rest need to live. watch it now. what do you think, you are god to decide who lives and who dies, huh? maybe it's not him, let's turn him over. it's him, i lost the key you gave me. is this item familiar? no, there's one problem. because of whom else, because of a whore? next stop is chisinau, don’t go to your parents. what, are you looking for a job? look, come and see what kind of lady came to us as a cook get settled. what is this? this? she cut somewhere nearby, maybe gas, no, it’s a trap , maybe you can help gleb, in my opinion, he’s a very smart guy, i won’t let you, you understand, well, tell me i’m wrong, daddy,
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meet me , this is my boyfriend gleb, what do you want from me, i wanted you to talk to him, i’m the worst, the city, he interfered with you, because you are covering for likhovo. i decided to give it to you, let the seven do everything normally and cleanly.
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well, okay, let’s say semyonov was ordered to kill
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you, but why did he start strangling you? there was a pistol, i don’t know who ordered it, likhov, why? why exactly you, i don’t know, you know, the captain and... must tell you, comrade investigator, the doctor put me in a state of shock, be careful, otherwise it will happen to me, we can’t control the outburst of aggression, get well soon, report to my desk, the crow's hand, she cooked porridge, fed the children, gave to this, gave to this, gave to this, gave to this, fed everyone. why didn’t you save her, it’s my fault, it was she
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who saved me, i’m very guilty, i wish it were you. this is my fault, wait, what is this that means, go away, where are you going, go away, i said , you have to explain everything to me, which means it’s not my fault, that you know, that is, you knew everything, you knew that likhov ordered semyonov to kill me, and you’re with it agreed, why did you tell me about this, you yourself asked, lord, you have sentenced me, you have sentenced me, you talk about it so calmly, how should i react to this? stop talking about yourself, my daughter is dying, someone has to answer for this. you will not kill, i will kill in front of your eyes, and you will be an accomplice, and this will be fair. no,
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that's enough, i also have the right to decide, i'm not your doll, it's clear, you decide to kill me first, now the dashing one, that's enough, do you think i can forgive myself if she... then, yes, i lived for them, they the main thing i have is that i did all this for them, so that my family would be happy, but they shouldn’t have known that i know that this world is evil, that there is no way out. yes, i will do everything so that they don’t find out , so that they are happy, and i will kill anyone for this and won’t think twice about it, we’re done, can you even hear yourself, who do you think you are, and you what do you think, god decides who lives, who dies, and this, i killed a man today, i killed him, and i won’t allow you to do it again, you hear me, i won’t allow it, now let’s go there and arrest him, you
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recorded a conversation with him, don’t tell me that you didn’t do it, i won’t believe you, you’ll go to jail for transporting drugs, that’s at least better than murder, forgive me that this happened to semyonov, it happens. do you think she will forgive me? i don’t know, then shut up, let’s go, let’s go arrest him, why the gate are open, he doesn’t have security, maybe it’s not him, let’s turn him over, it’s him.
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what are you doing? we must report the death of likhov, wait, for... god the crow cooked porridge , fed the child, gave it to this, gave it to this, gave it to this, gave it to this, gave it to this, they ate the cat noisily, flew on its head, sat down, sat down, sat down, then continued. girls, something happened to the device, girls, you can’t just
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leave, we have to report, i’m the police myself, and i already know what i need, for some time you decided to act like an honest person, here turn back, likhov has been punished, he’s dead, what else do you want from me, i want us to figure out who killed him, what are you, a maniac, well, let’s get in the car, if you don’t want there to be a can, that’s a bitch, i pinned the murder on you.
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viktorovich, get out, he said, everything is fine , you can go there... let's go, i ca n't, they shouldn't treat me like that, but it's normal, it 's stress, everything's fine, right, let's go, give me a napkin, come on, okay, what? even you were scared,
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shut up.
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yeah, don’t think about anything, i’m with you, you’re with me, be quiet. good, do you know about this? no, i know, irment, well, you’re not that kind of cop, no, you’re not like jack, you can even be loved, you’re good, his wife loves him too,
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that means he’s not that bad, you see. to create something in it, a soul there or something in the soul, i don’t know, really, what is it with you, with whom? with valetsky’s wife, with lera, nothing , well, i mean, she’s a good person, okay, it’s clear that i did the wrong thing again, i’m almost in love with you...
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lera, let’s go home, no, i’m not going anywhere, i ’m not i’ll leave her no longer, i made such a mistake that i let her go to moscow, i will never leave her again, kitten, go, i will sit with her, because i will never interfere in your work again, i promise you, i will only take care of the house, you were right, i abandoned our children, destroyed our family , you are our family, stupid, dad , she’s better, quiet, quiet, she’s sleeping, for the company downstairs in the reception, vovka is waiting for you, and you’re alone, bandy-legged, it’s impossible to watch, in general
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you’re more for them, my boy, hello, little girl, how are you? you’ve lost weight, it’s okay, everything’s fine. vova, come to us, please, dad will be very happy, he ’s very happy with you, let’s not now, the doctors here are normal, i pay for everything, they do everything, there’s no need to transport her mascot, and i’m not talking about the hospital, i’m talking about lera collecting things, took vasilisa and went back home, remember what you told me when after the army i went to police school, i remember that you told me that i belonged there, because i’m stupid, i don’t read books, you said, that you will protect her and her children, i did everything, no one laid a finger on them for 25 years, even in the lousiest years, more than one of my friends my granddaughter was almost killed, because of you, i swear,
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she will divorce you and leave, i will achieve this. i endured for a long time, but now that’s it, listen, in general, i need 100 thousand, what? no, you, you didn’t think about that, this is for studying, i need a good camera, but it’s expensive, you know, are you like a father? how do you want to communicate if you don’t believe me? now there is just 100,000, take it, where did you take so much with you, this is for vasilisa, for the hospital, well, we will have more, sort it out, everything is in order, okay, vova, we have to go, you’ll be late
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to your classes, dad, come visit us, please, if you want to see us, come yourself, bye, bye. the rest did you good, you are refreshed, you have acquired a human appearance, thank you, tell me, this is the first time you have killed a man, i did not kill a dashing man, but i am semyonov, you have already forgotten, well, what is it like to take a man’s life, you have only wounded rubles, i didn’t think about it, this is an interrogation, what are you...
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these are the prints of taisiya belyakova , born in the nineties, a citizen of moldova, twice prosecuted for prostitution, once for theft, you know this woman, lies, she was in brothels, once wounded rublev, she and some blonde, and now her fingers were found near the corpse, and likhov, and rubev, and letvinenko were connected, they were drug dealers. "but for some reason in this investigation, wherever i go, i bump into you, why not, and
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you are involved, you are your boss, valetsky, and i don’t know how, but i will find out, get lost, go sign the protocol for me , go away. you were there too, oh you bastard, you got into trouble, you, because of someone else, because of a whore, and how
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vasilisa could fall in love with you, you idiot, something needs to be done, they will find, tasya, so what, what will she say, who will believe her, she needs to be protected, if you don’t help me, i’ll go to lubankova, i’ll confess everything to her, fuck everything, here she is, what? did you fall in love with a prostitute? wow, have you already forbidden her to work, or will you be her pimp? don’t you dare, don’t you dare, you think everything is serious with you, okay, what do you want from me? mom, i look like you. well, of course she looks like , but it seems to me more like dad, the nose
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is just as terrible, vasya, and in general the whole face, vasya, what are you, well, you’re beautiful, why is it terrible , dad has a beautiful nose, uh-huh, it reminds me of a leg, yes. yes, i understood, okay , dad won’t come for us, who would doubt it, on vasya, well, when he came, on my birthday, on graduation, when, you yourself told me that even your grandfather took you from the maternity hospital with vova, well, it’s unfair to him, but he’ll make money, he’s trying for us, it’s okay, we’ll take a taxi, and dad, by the way, didn’t sleep for three nights, he was sitting in intensive care with you now. “i’m also trying not to make peace, mom, but it’s always very difficult with him, he’s either not there, or he’s always telling me how to live, he’s got me at least once asked what i was thinking
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about, he doesn’t know anything about me at all, basya, he loves you..." he loves you very much, very much, yeah, he loves you so much that sometimes it even hurts him, i can see, especially when you say all sorts of things to him nasty things, he just doesn’t know how to express his love, you know , there are people like that, he doesn’t know how, it’s so beautiful, well , you, yes, yes, sign your bill, what are you doing, mom? uh-huh, nothing, yes, let’s get together, not for long , i promise, and i’ll come as soon as it’s all over, you went into fornication, yes, yes no, of course, you said that you
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mafia? is pursuing, likhov died, i saw on the news, look what’s happening, it’s just reinsurance, i don’t want to put you in danger, that’s all, well, swear then, tasya , let’s swear to your mother, tasya, can you believe me that you’re lying? we'll see you soon, soon, i promise you, yeah, well, what about when you're free, what about in two? that's it, next stop is chisinau.
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don’t go to your parents, yes, i have a brother in transnistria, great, and most importantly, you ’ve never seen him or me, you understand what it’s like, you understand what you should do there, go, take a taxi entrance, let me run, i'm coming now. yesterday , sidorov’s operational group was assigned to likhov’s case. we are detached. apparently because of you. so that you don’t dare not call your girl, don’t come, understand? forget about her altogether. i 'll try this. you told her why she was leaving. you lied. i thought i would remain
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good in front of her and lied. vasya, you liked the bear, that’s fine, she hates me, she fell in love with muslo and thinks that i forbid seeing each other, so he didn’t come to the hospital, but you didn’t forbid, but
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he doesn’t love her. you just need to go tell her that you are hers you love, ler, well, ler, i know that you love me, although you never talk about it, she doesn’t know, okay, she ’ll calm down, i’ll talk to her, you paid for the hospital, i’ll pay tomorrow, tomorrow is the fifteenth, tomorrow the interest from the industrial community will come, i will go to the bank and pay the bill right away, i gave you 1000, where is it?
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he is my son, what do you mean, who is he? he will lose everything on the bets, that’s it, it’s as if you forgot everything, it’s impossible, you can’t trust a person like that, you need to give him a chance, he asked me for money on the camera, he wants to start a new life , he didn’t lie to me, lera, we gave him his whole life, everything he wants, he went crazy, he’s sick, lera, we agreed, please, let’s not talk about our son , how hopeless, please, where will we get the money now, well, interest will come tomorrow. at the bank, they always came, why are you so worried, but nothing, of course they will come , this can’t happen at all, look again, there must be an arrival, i’m very sorry, but
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there are no receipts in your account, well, listen, well, maybe somehow... you can contact him, find out with the industrial community, well, yes, there is a telephone there, uh-huh, yes, i’ll try now, in general this cannot be, i received money every month for 20 years, this is the first if this happens, they don’t answer , i’m sorry, maybe something can be done somehow? contact them somehow differently, sorry, i can’t help you anymore, right?
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sorry, but there are no waiters here, you need a menu, here it is, go and look, do you
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really need a puvar, that you have so many appetizers and eyeliner. no alcohol? no alcohol none, you need vodka and diction, but we don’t have a license. can i talk to the owner? i'm the hostess, will you order? maybe you should retrain? what to do? would it be great to have some kind of pastry coffee shop here? what coffee shop? but sweets sell, of course, worse than vodka, but better than eyeliner snacks. without an extract , it’s true, but you don’t need to spend a lot of money , well, of course, the design is a little different, but i’m all about inspections, we don’t have alcohol, no, i can cook, what are you looking for a job or something,
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vit, go see what kind fries came to us in i can get a job as a cook, but we don’t have much money, i need a lot. but i will make sure that your cafe will make a profit, but you want there to be at least some visitors here, right? oh, my husband drove up, vitya, he doesn’t work on the next street at the police department, he came for me, yes, we know, you know, those, this is your proposal, very interesting, for sure, just... some kind, i told them i’ll call and talk, they’ll send me where to go, you see, i was thinking, this is all wrong, what? well, the way i live is that i sit on your neck,
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ler, i already told you, they will definitely send this money, we cannot depend on this money, you know why, because we don’t earn it, it’s some kind of interest on some shares, they will stop holding it at some point ... that's it, ler, i'll get some money, you know, i want to try to earn money myself, you, i, i want this cafe to be profitable. ler, you see, there are people who know how to make money, and there are those who just, no, i’m not saying that you don’t know how to work, i remember how you killed yourself at school, then, and what you do at home is not work, and you yourself wanted everything to be as before, and you wanted to devote more time, vasilisa, i’m just wasting money, i don’t earn money at all, and vasilisa will just help me, well that you don’t believe in me at all, right? “i
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believe, i believe, of course, you will make a lot of money, and i will finally retire, we agreed, by the way, it would be great, yes, that is , you believe, i believe, wow, and the test is on the lips, come on quickly , quickly, quickly!" “ prokapenko and i finished at gagarinsky, what are our actions? got it, we’re going back to the department, be careful, are you doing this on purpose? okay, let's talk, you hate me, yes, i know, but this is no longer possible, we have to work together somehow. work, and you know
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, i don’t like you either, i beat this boy, extorted money from him, you’re otherwise a normal person, how can this get along in you, i don’t understand, do you think i betrayed you, yes, no, this not like that, i defended him because he was weaker, it’s none of your business, i realized that you are meddling in everything, this is our department, our land, not yours, go back to your moscow. watch the road, screw you, your mother, grandfather , you're completely crazy , why are you throwing yourself in front of a car, why, let's get up quickly, there's no pedestrian crossing here,
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"i'm very embarrassed, but maybe some of
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you know me , i grew up in our factory district on the second collective farm, so i really care, yes, i left this city, worked in moscow, founded a construction company, but i never for a second forgot what i have to do for you, right , right".
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it smells delicious, what is it, cinnamon, ginger, secret, yeah, pretty, okay, let's try. but you know what, do whatever you want here, this is likhov’s money, this is my money, and i urgently need to sell it, about me in the bank, well, at least those that are half burned, i won’t go to the bank with dirty gangster money,
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then it’s still 10% gangster money, what you keep here in the department is none of your business. 20 to me and i still don’t know how much the intermediary will take, you’re my friend, so 20, you know, i’m ready to take a bullet for you, but these are just pieces of paper, money, and you’re behaving like redneck, okay, give it all here, i’ll do everything, just garlic, okay, in 2 days he can do what he could do in 2 days, tomorrow my wife will go to the bank, and i’ll find out that the account is zero, what are you zeros, lysyk, when was the last time you and i received anything... other than a salary, yes, yes, and you transferred all the leftover money to your wife, as you explained? in the nineties we invested a large sum in a pyramid, it was called the industrial commonwealth, some kind of metallurgy, that ’s all we had, it burst within
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a week, i didn’t tell lera, i didn’t want her to i was upset, the next day, well, remember , i was hanging out with fur coats, so that our first 500 bucks, i began to transfer money to her through on behalf of this community every month for all these 20 years, smart, i broke my head, how did you explain to her where the money came from? what did you say? he knows mine, well, not about everything, well, he guesses and knows about the girls, knows about natasha, how do you snow? like three children, and she...
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i told you to sit quietly and not interfere anywhere . two weeks have not passed since likhov’s death, and they have already started construction, but just wait, here they are all listed objects that are not going to be built, you understand what i mean, they were beaten hard for this land, and this person is involved, you need to check him, his company, and it’s also interesting what lobankova thinks about this, and you ask, call, inquire , how the investigation is progressing there, we’ll find out later, maybe... they didn’t find the owner of the keys, i hope i didn’t call, no, look at me, what is it, it’s an explosion , somewhere nearby there’s a banula, maybe gas, no, it’s taquil , wait.
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stop, stand, stop, stand, police, numbers matched, covered in dirt, well done, otherwise because i didn’t see it, call, come on, yes , robbery, call me at 12. atm explosion, didn’t you hear the explosion, let ’s announce the interception quickly, dark green minivan, license plates can’t be read, no distinctive cognitive signs, driving towards a forest park, woman, did you see the numbers on the front of the car,
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there’s someone there, it looks like there isn’t, the bank is closed, it’s all sunday, the alarm went off, i don’t know. wednesday, broad daylight, the department nearby is absolutely crazy, full of snatchers, and the ministry of emergency situations is not enough, it looks like it exploded, no, not everything, i heard about the bomb and came closer, well done, cretin he calls for the bombers, i say, i didn’t call, yes , we scared them away, it could explode, shut up, slowly move away and call, what are you doing? “i want to cut a wire , how do you know which one, in case you cut the wrong one, i
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was a pyrotechnician in the army, while you were watching american films as a schoolboy, in order to defuse a wasted bomb with one detonator, you just need to cut any one, either positive or negative, or both, and what are you doing, so what is this?” "it's a timer, why did they put a timer on the explosives? so, this is serious, it can explode at any moment, you won’t even have time to cut it, it won’t explode, although it did explode. yes, i know, you said, they set
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a timer for this time, idiots, they thought they would be allowed to play with the bomb all day, they didn’t report the explosives, lovers of worthless things, did you want it to explode, you really wanted it, they would have taken the jackpot , they would blame everything on them, very funny, they’re good. they did all this on purpose, they didn’t want to blow up the second atm, they wanted to make fun of them, but they placed a small charge, what bastards? really they wanted to take money from an old atm, how did you get me, the cases of arson of several objects in the city disappeared, i personally... put them aside, that i took out the cases without permission? well, excuse me, olga konstantin
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, you can’t take them out, i looked through them, put them on the fifth cabinet, now they are not there, i have the numbers written out, so maybe they took them to the investigative committee, who took them? investigator lobankova, is she leading... the murder case of likhov? well, yes, well, how did she find them there, she took the files, but not the right ones, well, i was convinced, the gestapo man, lobankova took everything from the archive cases related to likhov, let's get lost, she stole them, she just stole them and that's it, she didn't even register them, i did them separately. i folded them separately, now they are gone, there was no one except lobankov to take them, there’s some little thing there, a little thing, yes, but it’s all about likhov’s unproven raider attacks, even if so,
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why are you so upset, and it’s not her who is killing him, yes, and this is not strange, she seems to be covering her tracks, but what if she is at the same time with them, with whom, with those who killed likhov, dubrovinsky, the one i told you about, well, the head of the construction company, you finally shook your head, you yourself said that she is eager to find out who killed likhovo and... conscripts and contract soldiers in the city over the past 3 years, and also find prokopenko, we have a spate of robberies.


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